OCR Interpretation

Liberal Republican. [volume] (Dallas, Or.) 1872-1???, August 02, 1873, Image 2

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"She liberal SjaWta(R,
SAiViiAa, HIrruui)AXt 7vct7i'
llKEcnel Says -If a umTTb
eligoua in his occupation, whatever it
nay be, lie cannot be anywhere; it
C&tts to there or nowhere.
jmjP . ii niririnililvS r'-
Another terrible storm has visited
the northwest. On the fouith of July
and for several days after, a storm of
rain, hale and wind, swept ovrr portions
or the States of 111 inois, Wisconsin,
Iowa,Ohio and Indianafuestroyinggrtui,
uprooting trees, tearing down buil lings,
killing taaoy persons, and leaving
bchi&X , in . .; hs trail, a sad
ptctstre of devastation and sorrow.
Oreoa is, tin 'many respects, a par
' WL,.IMW,rjULIMMK.iim
The Bulletin Says : "Yet there is
HO sense 4H professing to tjespise money
;as a tbtng beneath the dignity of hu
iman 'effort, nor in prating of the ad
anfc4gea of a life of contented poverty
i cottage where love reigns."
Tell us something new Mr. Bulletin
Werybody Snows' that n.oney is the
ruling love of the King, and that as
they have done in the past, so they
expect in the future, accomplish all
theit political schemes by and through
the Uge of money, but the people are
brjglnning to conclude, that there is
FjUQh a thing rs honesty and honorable
Xie unmixed with theft, hypocracy and
jtqhlio plunder, and also that monry,
wsnomers, bigamy, deception, fraud
and continued premeditated rascality,
are not essentials, really necessary to
qualify a'man for a high position of
honor and triut; The actual demonstra
lion of all of which we make no doubt,
the Bulletin will live to see.
. impoutant nixiMoxs.
The Supreme Court of the State of
Oregon now in session, have decided
the1 case of Whitlow vs Keace, 'which
involved the whole townsite of
Lajfayette, in favor of Whitlow; revere
)ng the decison of the Circuit Court,and
giving the whole townnite, containing
one hundred and sixty acres, to
Whitlow and the heirs of Perkins.
The reasoning of the Court is that, a
l'erkins settled upon the laud in 1819,
his title became absolute from that
date bj virtue of the donation law of
1850, and that although after hie
settlement and prior to the passage of
the donation law, ho absolutely
abandoned or dedicated it for the
purpose of a townsitc, yet the act was a
nulity, and that now tho heirs of Per
kins have a right and a good title to
the property held for years undisturb
ed, by the present occupiers, who were
encouraged to purchase and liuprove by
the declarations and conduct of the
ancestor. This may bo good law, but we
utterly fail to sec the equity of the case,
nor are we convinced that such is the
law. The case will go to the the Su
pre me Court of the United States for
what tiil:pi:oii.i; inti;m to
Wc have been in several of the most
important of the valley counties, recent
lyf and to us thfre can be no mistaking
the feelings of the people in respect to
the election of our next Congressman
to fill the vacancy. The evident inten
tion of the people, irrespective of party
ties, w to support the heft man for that
jffice this fall,, and this talk in some
of the party press, about party name
and party usagses, i simply Ptull,wiheh
the people will disregard at the polls
on, election day and vote straight for the
teat man, no matter by what party ho
luay he put forward. We intend to
feud the Libkkal KnrrisLiCAN to
Iwo thousand new subscribers within
forty days. Let the people lock, to
this matter immediately aud .ee to it,
that some roan who is worthy their
support is plrced in nomination and
uent to Congress this fall, put on your
manhood and scorn longer to tamely
submit to the lash of tho party whip,
or the sophistry of the partizan.
The people arc the riyhtul sover
eigns of this conntry, and now in the
State of Oregon, let them prove their
power by rising up in their majesty,
and disregarding that groveling spirit
vhich belongs only to abject si tves, put
on their satin robe of sovereignty, and
discarding scum and political clap
trap and scorning to listen to silly fools
sjmI political demagogues, go to the
olls ou the appointed day, ar.d vote
lir g man, not a thing, not a lick
spittle, not a misnomer or ringite, but
a mM of integrity who will unflinch
ingly stand by their interests. .Let us
eink for once the petty partum in the
tioble patriot, and come up to the stan
dard of men who intend to establish
fcud maintain .popular goverment.
Of tho Republican votes of the two Houses of
Congress ou the back pay proposition,; a ma
jority of eight was against it; of the 'Demo
eratio votes there was a majority of nineteen for
it. -JiulLtin. .
This simply shows clearly what we
have of:en avcred, that both the old
parties have become hopelessly corrupt.
There is one thing connected with this
matter which it might bo veil to bring
to the notice cf the masses of tho. peo
ple, as it' is admitted they, as such,
are honest, and that is this : While
with great unanimity the people and
press denounce the late salf ry bill, ns a
thieving' measure to steal the people's
money, they seem to entirely overlook
the fact, that if the majority nf the
memlKTB of Congress who passed that
bill, are in consequence thereof, a band
of thieves, then Grajii ' 0 criiel of
the bund, and the 'i.gest thief in thu
crowd. Grant. as lV-'dent -eould and
should have vc'.oo 1 tins'" thi eving bill;
tho people gave Grant the power, as
President for the express purpose of
vetoing all bills which were euaeted to
rob the people; they expected and had
a right to expect, that Grant wuuld
veto that 6.,7,but Grant deliberately and
of premeditation and malice afore
thought, committed that larceny
contrary to equity and good
conscience, and against the peace aud
dignity of the good people of this
nation, if indeed larceny it bo at oil
If aity man ahull say, it was wron"
in the members who passed that bill.
aud right per se for the President to
approve it, tie is a fal.-ifur of the tiuth
and a demagogue of the first clas.s
di-void of principle, aud h a whitcd
fcpulehcr filled with lies and unclean
ness. ome people say. it u true tiu
act was robbery, but Grant unexperi
enced as a politieiui ignorautly at.d
ionocent'y signed tiie l-i!l without eon
sidering its real effect, but the bill
doubled hu salary and we think he!
knew what he was domr; but suppose
he did not, then the wh.de thin ta
ken together shows eoncl istvt ly whai
we have often said, (ir:mt i rhher aj
knave or a An 1 or a strange mixture tf
both. Let foine of his ea-ne.-t atd
able worship, undertake the tak if
placing him riphi Ltl'ore thejowpJo on
that m jeci, and let tho hypueritc I
keep silonee until he can do that.or pdaoe j
him siilebv side tha thievinir Congress-!
rjjin he parad,-s so promincutly before
the pnb'ic. A new party must be or
ianied, nnd until then, the Liberal
will vote for the best man irrespective
o ' former aTl L;ion.
Hi: stam3 iiy t;n vr.
Our rea lerj will remember th atrpeirm vn
nf f 0V.i?d t, uiuu (..'i.-'jinii cb;t 'e 1 ....iii.-t
thn r,r.fe,Ierite (':M,?.-,iM Wirr Pr thlj .., ,.
i -
J.. . -.. i -i-i i . i .
iwn ,IU wu iiiui. i no new o: r,n inh. iu ;
on w:m r"eivci i rti rr ut tfi- . ri!i wiiti that
r :it"t-dcti'n whi -h frod f 't when & id. in.
?ter r..t I.h le?.?rts. I!uf U'ljr. l a part
ner. rr rattier a dirftur, in er;)if, wh . re'.nif
is K'ias (iri-wn! I. and wh.
b'l.is Cri-wul I. aod wli. w.ih, at one tiin! j
:ring the war, I'n-vo-r Marhit t T.i.--v,l ...,...,,
abama, in ettare of prisoner., t'f th;i (ir.
Suv anuab ;tia.) A'iim ti-er anl ',(, f,V' '
I ne
1 1
The r.r.turi -ii? Captain Wir th' n a cr
gc.int utukr (jriiiV-dd, and carried ont hi r-
ders", ard we ktmw frutu actual experience of
hit trealmont of Fedor.ilantl l'ni,tn prisoner,
that if Wri. deiorvea haiipinfr, Captain Uri.
wold fheUid have been hun by hi ide. dji
i-rntal order?, and still more brutal treatment
of the eb-k iltfiTve fom other rtiivar tnan
Federal appiiutiie i.; t,. otiire.
IU taptatn it nswold a dm o . .
fl Miij'r Klin tlri.'w,,'.,!. 'iiio httext thin ' ot
iutore.tt that we hear nbotit hitn, :a thath
recently been appointed b.y tho Ire?idout a a
Hpeeial Acnt of tho postoflloe Degiirtnt.-nt in
tlio H,)iith. Of course lie sst:iiot3 by Urant. If
Vfirz could only have n voided punishment Ion ft
enough to have voted tho Republican ticket,
ami possibly to have exerted some litllo per
sonal influonce in !eb!f of tho A duiiotstrtioti;
as Motby ftnd iri?wold aro doio. bo would
hiive eneaped tho bnlterto beto no a furorite
of the Frc;iiKnt, and perhaps a Federal wilice-holder.-
Lven'itj Ac.
If (Jrant could perpetuate him?clf in
power, atul raie himself from Pres
ident to Emperor, he would not only
strike hinds with rebels who have
committed overt acts of treason, but he
would search tho gloomy regions of
the infernal pit to find an ong those
legions one who excelled in wit, to
assist him in tho accomplishment ot
that object.
A decision ot tho Supremo Court
recently made in the case of Whitlow
vs Keahc holds the doctrine, that when
a settler under tho donation law re
siles continuously for four years ami
complies with tho other provisions of
the act, he has an ab.-okto title in fee
UMjualificd. If this be true, then if a
man tlies alter ho has complied with
U hi so as to entitle him to the pa
tent, but before patent actually issues,
as a K'gal preposition, how can his he'rs
be said to take by purchase and rot by
descent? lYrhaps somo out; eovtismt
with tho historv hiii-k if the civil iaw
can inform us.
is tiii: ui:(;om batispiui.
The Oreyonian demanded tho pa
pers for the assertion, that Mat Car-
j penter and IJen liutler had given it as
their opinion, that the law as it now
stands with the late amendments to
the constitution,gave women the right to
vote. The New Norlhwctt has furnished
the papers sufficient to wipo away the
d'jubt which seemed to be linsrerinf in
the mind of thi Oreyonian mm, and
we presume that the Oreyonian would
now desire to be enlightened as to the
the 1 w itnelf which extends that right,
even to the women of Oregon. We
refer, the editor to the New '''Northwest
for the information, and if thV editor
j ?f tl,at .Wer an 'conveniently
produce it, please apply to the oCice of
t lie Lii5F.rc.AL IIepubmcan, Dallas.
Jiead up Profiler Oreyonian, wo fear
you are getting rusty. The only
reason that can be assigned, for refus
ing to allow women to vote in the
United 'States is, the blind prejudice of
an old fogy judiciary.
COltltKSi'ON'DnXC 12.
Salt Creek.
En. Ukpcbucan : I wish to give
you the cropping fur a few day. SnU
urday inst. f took up a team and
with two of my friends started out on a
prospering trip for berries; first night
camped on Xcs Tuck miles west of
Grand Hound fgeuey on the Salt
Chuck road, next day went to long
prairie, next day went as far as
the last croasiuir of Salmon 11 1 v er, and
then returned. Fo;nd b rriea rat li r
-:care, road good, had . a good
time, plenty of fun, and plenty to tnt.
Not so with some of our Pallas friend.-
who started from Pallas se-uc tnn'
on .Monday, gf.t a3 tar a oalt Teek,at
dark and nrHtuok it for the .l." oklim
!... .i. i; .. i ,. 1. . , . ;tt ...J!
f'T convfr.'ence, : t oni of the
waj;wn and says to Juhn, ,ou pirket ont
the aiii'u'ils and we v, ill tret fi h, fh!h
and fu"'i, jreaeiou-5 ;;ir's yi pitch
tent ! uiien the ;irl e ine t-s ii ,k thc
Ind f r-' t tln-ir tnu -k ttn'iok.n!- their
he'dittr and i'rank bad a t".m
tmuur a ! : i t i r j t r i ! , r t
he :y w.. !! o!4 .alt j
(huck .Juhn lives tip b re&j 1 will t
nP ar'd p-t tui. blmlats anl m
""lek, vvh,-n he went la John as he
4urr,iti', hc was informed Mr. Gra-
ham lived there, so be soon fouiA t!u
were pnly live tnibft frim home. Jj.s
(Irihooi koj.jlivtd hoir Wail!.-, a a te
eatables and the next xv. ?rnijo; I h e k
started for Salt Clmek with the e Acn-
at ion of 2etl!n an eullit at Mr
frntn a willow basket t a b in. I of ti- 1
igtratld IS
el-?omt f
a fu i n
will got all thr etc., and go on their j
way r'j th y will find the road.
jood and when they "Ot in pdt of thei'"1' hi,'h know or, fits hint f -r the
" . " ... , ! t Cm: ',, then t here in eiir Mmereeper jim li
'g Waters I' rank Will sav, g( IOlUS j . . , .. . , . , , ' .
U t, ,. . u that wntM he po.no n nhty bad but a.
in paroo epluribus you lct 1 and tli.n
return home all O K. Furthermore
this old alt creekcr saycth not.
fO Till' T l-'Tl )lf Oil SCflt) V.
Ffi.oiw CiMFTf,M: Von ftr respectively
solicited to contribute a Mini II amount, ea-'li ,
for the purp"c of erecting a snifat'le monu
ment over the prnte ot the lato JOHN FLIvM
INtl; the "Pioneer Printer f i Oregon llij
remains now It In tho Maonic Cctntery
near thin city, but thore is no upccial monu
ment t mark tho spot . Wo doeru it uncooPiary
to urge upon the Craft the propriety of thin
af.pcal, orto luniifi.iii the credit that "nball re
sult therefi'. rn, t.uth to hiiu and to ns, liii his
tory is well ktoiwn to the early Printer of ibis
coast, and all who knew him aro unamd. in
express hois of eteem nnd confovleiieo. Ho wr
a triio aud (ithful Craft.-uiau, an honored
citizen, nnd a beloved companion.
.Subscription will ho received by tho follow
ing; named gentlemen aud forwarded to tho
undersigned, at Oregon City, when dno credit
will bo given through tho column of tho
()frj'u C(Vy L'nhiptinr:
V V' ?-8."11' 1-oru.in..;
t-rundall and Win 1 bomposon, alam:
V Brown. Albany; R 1 Head, Crvalli ; P
io. II Iltincfl A Co. and Al Ziel.er, Porllmd;
C 1
C Sullivan, Dalhu; il W Hnvder. McMinvllo ;
J II Upton, J.afaettn, Mr 1'rown, Forest drove,
f) L Ilavie, Comeiiun ; Geo X Huys. lugen
City; j V bane. Uoseburg ; Mr Hull, Jaokiiou
villo; WmM Hand, The Dal is.
Oregon City, Ju'y 26 1S73.
From the Oakland AVinr July 2Jlhl
A certion Front Street (San Fraueieo) com
mission merchant residing in K.ist Oakland
has managed to get hi tb.mo.stie affairs ho
badly mixed up that his neighbors aro enabled
to indulgo in iho luxury of a highly seasencd
dish ofscundal at his expense. His wifo went
to an Franeiseo about three weeks ilg and
did notroturn until Sunday night. Whjn she
arrived shw found a wotum installed as house
keeper, and as this did not suit Madame eho
put tier out of the house and threw hor traps
after bet into tho street. During tho evouinin
'be muster of the houso returned, and the wily
was ordered to leave bis presages, Bho refused
to abide, and the husband ejected hor by
force. It ia reported that an action for di
vorce in to be commenced at once, but by
which party Da mo Rumor naith not
While Protection Company, No. 4, were out
drilling last evening, on tho corner of Madiaon
and Front streets, a man named Burke walk,
ed up to the engine, leaned oyer it forward
put his right hand on the cogs in front of
the pump, and between them tho two fore
fingers were caught and torn out nearly
from the roots. After the injury he was taken
to a surgeon and tho wound wa3 droned.
Burke ik apparently about 4. years of ago, and
we believe unmarried. He was formerly
pattern maker in the Oregon Iron Works,
and was deemed a good workman. Thii acci
dent will bo apt to cripple him for life.
A horie attached to a carriage in which
were seated Messrs Huntington and Odenkirk,
when pnasiug down Fourth street last evening
bociimo Irightoned at a boy who jumped out on
the street rather suddenly and dashed off and
colli led with u picket fence on the corner of
harrixuii treef. This threw the animal down
and hruko Homo of the IcPoes of the wheel and
pulled fi the tiro. But tho men in the cartiagc
were, thrown out, and Mr Hungington wan
rather soriuiKsly injured, but in noway fatal.
II'm companion escaped eouiIicIt-Ksj. Th horse
also eompnritively uninjured, having cscuepd
any damage greator thau being i tunned.
One f tbc fronvieU coiifined in tho Peniten
tiary made hs eteape yi-Mcrday ami is now at
large. He teems to have been a "truety," but
was fruited nice to f'ftcii, for while working in
the field, ho vj iivt!y lifted up Lis feit and
silently tAs awty," He wa?, we believe, Kent
to tho prison fr-.uj Vnmtiill county.
Sujxjririton h nt Watkiud-i h is offered a reward
ufOofor his eapturu and return to prison.
Horo and tattle (dealing U contikrel a
lepiliiuute bunifie ss m t'tah.
Mi,v AMio Crane, thu painter, i in JIarin
county, fastening Tamalaii on .i r.
" 1 ha l inoro muiiey than he l ad to arr
on tLf iiit," sai l a very tnvau individual who
had jut wot: a 5a-.iiit uvc-r a nT neighbor.
"and thatS where I had the advantage t,f
hiur Thv.-n t bed maeh letter euns-el than
he, and there 1 had tho adanUgo of him.
Ai.-4 his family were i k while the a lit was
1 1-e'Ml-r. bj n.a'.dn't a'U-ud t- it, and thu,
t 1 hid tho advanta '(-.f h:ni a .i n. P.ut. th.-u
i-rvn u a vert decent sutod m.iii ntXar ali.!
' V'j'," i i t ix titrner, "nU thofu' wLcn
' e h U thj a JVOiti'e i.,!'y.i."
Auut Si:a t', of tLI city recently Hitrri.- l
a j r u v ,few. i f fov- n'een. nam -d lt'rthj
l'dij!ilt, .. j a pa, not ''.kh-g h'iu.j'
1-jei.fd l r up .i!rcr .k r--i.oti y, and refuted
M let h r go with h r bu-baod unk-. he I t-'-inie
an l-rvlit'". Simon .-ai l b w..uldn'f.
and -.tvtt -r a law V'r, '. c-..-,u, i.tol
iJ'id'i f r;,: "b Hii if ill c i-t. Jsi le
I j'i'r- l, "VVhbdi of tie wi wt'l ym rO wui?
v !:, ra-.-Vw i. " iiuh.tr l. Papa then ad,
"Ail rihl : witii blm, but ciit Uid-wk lb,
r I ;! Yi a." Not served l , jsnon
at hi' Ui.tuJ. t ;ii5 pi. inieetU eattitage vfhU.
!'. ma te a pecu? ar m U o;. &u I ?.M, " 'ig
j .r "rvtraoU w rd out of iui in the u.l
i.wir. euri'ti-v : j
'to t' e '..,vrl .' 'tm: ter at TVaJo-i-T' ti j
Citty itiv I' uro JVnud t h .;a ioj w ;!! not ap-
ua-H-er ut ;htc
re te-'. n i :..in'i
1; 1 1.
rXti.n t-,i o i s;jfp-.-m y- a pKX the
tr.y t'rsu-. t-.rt up !!e--k.;.i't-
.- n t!!" i;Ut I Si.lOl t tt ti!S, !i
in,- t'i:ii r Up
u it Tt t ", ,iiiie lo fuel i dsiit kiiw hard-
, wi, s, u jI. in uw 2t,ri4S ur ,htn 1!lllUr
would 1 j a very jj-od titan only he wa. (irl)
read pod writin nnd tlmtx the trouble Y,tt see
them that watit it dunt how eiiuiT l tend it
and thm Ihcir that doe? dent wurt to take it
m . .wj rat'-l in tl o rountrry and je
come to town lat week atol dont know cnoff
to be postmaster but do n you think b t only
dont apoint me I hain't got time ever your
friend" Ac.
A f ifher, in cor ding bt danghter, who
had loKt her btuband. said: "I don't wonder
ytui grieve for him. my child. You never will
(hid hi cjual." "I don't know as I can," re
sponded tho sobbing widow; "but I'll do my
best!" Tho father went homo comforted.
OmBha, July 2ft. Airs Clark, wife f S H II
Clark, puperindendent of the Union Pacifiie
llai'.road, met with a very serious accident lat
evening, he was bug?y riding, and tho
buggy was overturned and the
was thrown violently to the ground. Ouo
limb was pnralyzcd, and serious injuries to
berspiuoaro feared.
noston, duly 2i. A dispatch from Portland
, mi)TJ). ,,etroyed tho ear
j1,v" ,
paint, tin and repair tdiops, one locomotive
two tenders, and other f Jiall buildings belong.
iug to tho Urand Trunk Uaitway. Tho Ions is
"estimated at $:H)0,(U!0 ; insured for Jl 00,000.
Hamilton, July 21. A llancher
livmed McKuery living about six miles
from this place, on tho I'iocho road,
wan found dead in his room this morn
in-. A post mortem examination
showed that death had been caused by
aneurism of the heart. Deceased was a
single " an j hc has a brother living uear
Truck ee.
Washington, July HI. Mr. Fla,
Fifth' Auditor of the Treasury, receiv
ed a letter to-day from Natick, lassa
chusctt., the homo ot Vico President
Wilson, wherein tho writer says the
Vice President has improved aud is
in better spirits. 1 1 is physician says
that everything h ts worked to his
mind exactly, and ho talks of Mr. Wil
sou's recovery with confidence.
San Diego, July 20. Information from flns
tay valley says a fight occurred between ta
Indias (f the Iacumba tribe, w jo live in Lower
California, and the Mexican 1 ring in Gastay
valley. Thirty ot these Indians and twenty
Mexicans congregated at Pablo Sandoval's
hoose on Saturday evening and . commenced
gambling. Liquor was procured and the ex
citement ran high until daylight, when a row
occurred. Knives wore drawn and frealy UBcd.
Not a single shot was fired. After long
struggle tho Indiana became Masters and the
Mexicans lied, leaving several fatally wounded.
Pablo Sandoval, whode family was there re
fused to leave, lie was taken prisoner anj
pinion. Tho Indians started viih the inten
tion of carrying him off to kill biin, or of tak
ing him down into Lower California, and get
ting a ranson for him. His triends hunted up
tho Indian General who intercepted tho vic
ors and ransomed Sandoval by giving the In
dians some money, two horses aud a number of
James A. Gray, a c itizen of Camp?, in this
county, was murder kd by Charles Wilson and
MeCarty, at (J r:iy' ru!h. Tho murder was
witnessed by one Hunter who lied and gave
the alarm. A party fctarted in pursuit of the
murderers and MeCarty was overtaken at Ju
lian, where ho was urrostetl. Wilion is not yet
Sacramento, July 30, The steamer Sacra
mento gr-unded on the -j in Mghtof tho city
on her way up last night and did not reach
her landing until this forenoon. Water
in the river U getting very low, rendering nav
igatioo exceedingly di!;i ;ult.
Los AngeleK, July .'SO Corn Fpondence of
the ?.in Bernardino -? .Hiji "' ay' that Dr.
K. IS. ll.iIet, a dentist of that plaee, commit
ted iui; i iu I. y lrkiog eh'oral hydrate, en the
evei.i jig of the 2Cth. 1'v.nittiio trouble was
the caorc.
Mr. pjiiifhrey, .h. M frin the Pico
lb. use, ia ea-U r t vti.ing, lutelill in a crit
ical CO'lditi"!).
Vreka. July 3ft. The I.Mri-rt.tio County
(Ynveitlini: tu t to.-day ari l mvle the foihTwing
j ton.iist!!f : " . l'in, r ;;.it.,r, ana J,
McBride and ?. S. Bent ,n, A..-!.iblym'-n.
I Auburn, July 30. The h-d'-ting wcrks of
,he Auburn mine. were tot.v'.ly d-.sr .yed by fire
bl. tu'orning Two u.ttt wtre in the mine at
the tiu-e, but were re? c-ed ai'u-r the f.ru, having
tf ived no .-erious ii-,iry.
Maryivdlo July .: --The Independent Con
ventiot. met to-day aid Lomlnaled the lollow
ing ticket : Seriitor, Judge P. Vr.Ciief; Af
Aemblym.n, L. J. A-b'ord. I. O. Hag-ctt and
fiir.' Fryman ; SL-riT, VTadxke; Tas
oiled :T, A. 1) Cr r : Treaviry, K. Itose ;
r.'erk, C C. L'ul. jit.e, KeeotUt-r. i':d, Schs
f.r; Di-ir'u-t Attrne.'Vm. -T. .M;i-phy; Pub
. . A dt.s:;it.r.itor, amn ; ( ;-niy &ur-
oy.T U. II. P.. -.f. r r Coroner, D. ll.;je;
Ah t, 5. A- -.:e'-.
New York, Inly '.!! even oVlocl
i'.jL tei;5iig Cu-pr .Sehullar anJ bU wist
nnarrh-1 at thvir ;.-idei f, iien hi' yU!ed
t trin the right luag, eausii.jr deatlj in a fe
minuter. FcbuHer etoapei but was arretvu
fimrt'y il t, rvrnr l.
fgioTtfi: 7,x rAYFirror.KCor.N'
P'e:ie tune-r.olirc that on Mon-
-i .y th.-
-nrd ': V ; I'v.uiem iH aitetid at the oTi-'c
t the e . s;.iy !-rk of P.,: county and publi
! ex iaioo t.iu a.vitifln ru f county
1 i'rii' t all ctrory in va'.uatien dcftrip
1 1 mi or ,j alitie! el land loi or other property
as -e-s,-,t in cai 1 county and that said Bward
;!! ceiitinue it setting., ff.on day to day until
the examination a;d ,.rree;t,u of the said as.
.M'-sui'ou r dl i cvu'det d provided tho sam
can't V,-, del e in one Ueik.
Dated thi- July :.uth A. D 1-r.V
II. C. XicTiMHoviis.
An ,d t-w.
AcIcuiaiilratoi'N JVotice.
the undesigned was t the July term 1873,
of the county court for Poilc county Oregon,
duly appointed administrator cf tho ce
estato of Walter J. Matncy deceased. All
person having claims against said tato are
requested to rent the same to me at my
recidnce near Monmouth Oregon for allowance
within ix' months from the d ate hereof, and
all per!"nis indebted to said estate will make
immediate payment to me.
Monmouth July 2S, 1873.
ira F. M. Butler
Aug. S, fw.
3ii:Kerr' sale;
tit of the Circuit Court of the Stato ef
Oreg n for the County of Polk and to me
(Krrctid I have levied voh and will sell nt
Public auction to the highest bidder fr cash
in hand in front of the Court House door in
Dallas Polk County Oregon between tho hour
f l o'cloak A M and 4 o'clock V Men SAT
URDAY Till: :i()th OF AUGUST IHV.l,
All the right title and interest of A D Bab
eock in and to thefollowing describe 1 prinese
to wit: The Donation T,nnd Claim of A D
Babcock claim No 5s in Township 6 South
Range 7 west in Section 8 of f aid Township
except fifty acres sold to (j C Litchfield said
prciu.ses being situated in tho County
of Polk and State of Oregon with all the appur
tenances thereunto belonging to satisfy first
a judgement in favor of L. R. babcock against
A. D. Bacock for the sum of Five hundred and
twenty -four dollars with interest and tho futher
sum of two hundred and tweuty-three and
eighty-five ono hundreds dollars costs and
costs of Execution: and also for a judgement
in favor of S. M. Babcock and against A. I).
Babcock for the sum of fivo hundred dollars
and interest and twenty. three and fifty-five
one hundreds dollars cowts with costs of Exe
cution, and also for a judgement in favor ot S.
M. Babcock and against A. D. Babcock fr
tho sum of four hundred and nine dollar and
interest with thirty-ouo fifteen oud hundredth
dollar with costs of execution.
Dated this July tho 3oth IS.T:i
S. T. Bur.-h
Sheriff of Polk Co, Oregon.
Aug 3d fw
A Family JTourna vf
whicli can bo trusted, and i alwayi fall o"
interest, ia necet sity of the tiiaef. - Bach iy
ono U the
U iSECIII. iVffllEAl,.
Mr. Heecher's brilliant and chaTacteri8tiy
pen in hi3 Kdltorial and Star Paper, aodt
the vtrbatua reports cf bi L,ecture Koomti
Tulktt in the Plymouth Church Prayer Meet
ings, are great attractions. There it ftli a
larc and able editorial staff. .
por tms i ear i
Louisa M Alcolt,
Harriet Deecher Stwve,
Edward Eyyletton,
Robertson Gray,
Grace Greenwood,
The above Serials in book form
would cost more then doulle our
scrip lion prUe.
HIS! C3j
Write for the CnB!i Ain Cjuok, including
many famous authors of England and Ameri-
Given A. -way !
niR.tn oLECJiiAPii
This Picture ia printed in Paris, and is the
i-tarjrot aud handsomest PKI2.ClI OIL
CIIKOMO ever offered by any fe
It was l ublij-Led and is for sale In tbe pietars
store at $12 00.
It makes a most CHARMING, CENTBR
"Wide AWake' and "Fast Asleep, r
Those two pretty French Oil Chromes, now
famous the continent over. We hall continue
to PKKStiM THIS P,1R o ever an-
nual Subscriber who prefers them to tin Ole
graph. Si bjects LIFE-SIZE, and " nno
faile to please all who love art art children.
Or. we will give BO III the Olegrapb. and
the 1AIK cn the terms giveu below. -
Term cl Subscription
One lltonlv 63
l.Every Subscriber, for Thrks Dotxine
shall receive th; CHRISTIAN UNION for one
year, and tho choico b?tween the two picture
premiums vir. : the I'AIK and the OLE.
;TAlII. e ;
2. Anyone sending $5-75, shall receive the
Christian U.hios for Two Years and )oh
tho Picture Premiums: "
S 'm Money by Pottal Onicrt Dra t,or
ttcijhtt Tctt Letter, Currtncy at the ri$k of ti
The earh'f you rcico your Subacripiitn, l
sooHcryoM get the picture ;;.
jSr-Siato plainly which Premium
i-iciure Is desired, or better yet, seud'
S.VX.'s for both, and the Price for Mount
ing; and Mailing I also state whether It
Is a renewal or a new Subscription.-!!
fiooil Aeiifs Wanted' Ev
cry if lie re.
J. IJ. FOllD &CO.
2T Park Place, New Tor

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