Newspaper Page Text
SALEM ADVERTISEMENTS. SALEM ADVERTISEMENTS' SALEM ADVERTISEMENTS. SALEM ADVERTISEMENT DLL AS. SATURDAY. AUO 2. TOWri AND COUNY NEWS. Money Market Latest New York Gold Qnotations 11 5 Legal Tender in Portland: Buying..... 85 Selling.........8Si Dallas Produce and Commission Market. Corrected Weekly, by Bolter and Wortley Merchants, Main Street, Dallas.JOregon. Btixo n..'.,v . HEAT 75c bash. OATS 35 Q 40 c. BARLEY 76e FLOUR $5 $5 50 $ bbl. Sks$l 25 . CORN MEAL Io. M lb. BEANS 6c. It. BACON Sides, t lc ft lb. " Shoulders, 10c. tBJtb. HAMS 12o $ lb. PORK Dressed, 67ct Pickled, 8c. to lO.c. lb. BUTTER Cn irkins 20c lb. ." Roh., 30 to 25e. Tji ft. E30S 15e d. LARD Bulk 10c; tins,12, POTATOES From Waijou, 37c bushel. ONIONS $1 50 bushel. APPLES Grcon, 50e l.hl. " Dried, 6o p lb. CHEESE Now Oregon, 20 Q 25c p lb. DRIED TLUMS 16J lb. WOOL 30c, $ lb DALLAS CHURCH IMRCTORY. II. E. Church. Services on the 4th Sabbath in each month at 11 A. and 7 P. M. Sabbath school Tory Sunday at y A. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Kcv. J Jamas. Paitor. M. E. Chcrcu SorTQ. Services en tha 1st Sabbath of each month at 11 A. M. Kev. J. H. Lovell, Pastor. Baptist Chbrch. Services on the 3d Sab. bath of each month at J I A. U- Rev. 1. Eolxoan, pastor. MflCE Therew postwsre law $oesiuto effect on the first o July. Wo desire t jat all our exchange.-! would b kcut io u.i itui.trly ad before, no mat ter what the postage cost us. Fdr the very Dest photograph go to Brad Jey k. Buloffson's Gallery without STAIRS pa ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, 2 4 Montgomery, street, San Friucisco. The aool sleepers are holding regular meet Ingsat the south M. E. Church every evening" thi week, and it issnid their senium or loo -tares, are very interesting. MAKHIKO. At the residenea of S. II. Bernard on th 27 lost, by 8. H. Bernard J. P. Mr. P. T. Johnson, of Independence to Mrs. Olivia V. Hansford of Lcwbville all of Polk county Uro-gon. T Science of Health for August is an ex cellent number ; opening with an illustrate! artiole on tna Caro of the Feet; The Confcs.iur.s of the late Sir Edward Lyttn Bulyor is given; Sins Against iheBody; an excellent article on Green Corn, giving a dozen or more mo lea of preparing this universally used article of food; Causes and Cure of Summer Complaints; Health Resorts in America; Signs of Madne in Dug; and a variety of other rich rerwling, including Answers to Correspondents. Terms 2,00 a year. A new Vol. began with July. Sent ix months on trial, for l.O'J. S. It. Wells, Publisher, .'iS3 Broadway, New York, notice. The Erst term for the Academic year 1873-4 of the La Creole Academy at this place, will continence on 15th cf September. A commer cial department will be organized about the 3d of November. Tho school will be under the control and management of Prof. W. D- Nich ols whom wewe'eome tack to the petition he so long and ably occupied in our Academy. The people of Dallas and vicinity mar rely upon a good school, and may well feci proud that they have secured the services of a teacher so eminently qualified by his learning and long eyperiejice. New Lir. Since the silly excitement abou he effect of th e railroad on the west side has passed airsy, Dallas is improving rapidly and thejonly merchant at Dixie has recently re moved to this place with his entire stock of goods. We refer to Mr. Clark who is now filling up tho new building on tho corner op posite the drug store with groceries and pro Tisions. Mr. Clark is an enterprising gentle man, taciturn but full of buginess, and wo wel come him to Dallas, where wo expect to see him make Jots of cash. We advise the citizens of Dallas and vicinity to give Mr. Clark a call, and try his goods and test his prices. Wo also adtire the old fogy tradors of Dallas to wake .up or Mr. Clark may show you a thing or two .of which they have heretofore boon ignorant, for there is lots of money in Polk county; we ahftll see who gets it. By reference to the communication ot our old friend S. C. it will be seen that some of our Dallasites, who are subject to nervousness, started to tho coast in so much of a hurry that hey forgot to take with thorn any of those ac companiments or perrjusiViS, wliicli makes one happy on such occasions. It seems that in tho .excitement they reached salt creek the first night, five miles from Dallas and supposed they were on salmon river nea the sea const, and on calling at the ncaret house inhabited, tht,y found one of their neighbor?, Mrs. (I, being well acquainted with the bewildered party, and seeing at once their sad condition gave them a nice meal, furnished them with prop r nec essaries, and sent them on their way lejeicinf. If they find friends so kin I all the way round, wo shall look for their safe return to the para lite of the west. WOOD PUMPS! THE BEST AND Most ffjjiprovcil; WOOD PDM P now m use FOR liaising Water for Domestic Purposes, Or for Harn or Stock Wells. A-3rcrj ma" whohashai experience in the different ways of raising water, knows THFE IS NO WAY OF DOING IT SO CHEAPLY and that thera is no pump so durable, conven ient, amt fr e from imparting unhealthy ele ments to th j water as tho Plain WOO 0 Pl'MP manufactured bv ri 2i a; $alb?ti iu.iip co. FISHBK-& HAVS It w fr: March 22 1 v CAP! T. A L S A I. O 0 SALEM JO. BERNARD, PROPRIETOR Has just receivid a large invoice of WINE. LICU0RAN3 CIGRS His brands embrace t.e choicest Varieties. jSHy Be surw'and I , GIVE Eli A CALIi . 1 OPtRA SALOON. In OperrdJuildin. COURT MTIti:i:i SALEM, OG.. O Si. STII151, PROP, The BefcUluality of WINES, LIQUinS & CIGARS 5 ALWAM S' HAND. Itll.M H1) 'ahm:. Of the latest anil nt improveJ Stylo OPEN AlI NKiUT. EXTRA OFFER i AIVA'li AL DlSTnllllTIOA, THE (Mrltoio "CUTE" ELE- l GANTLY rilVMEI) AND A SHARE IN TiE DISTRIBUTION CF S7.0 PR1MIUM3 AMOUNT INGTO$tl,00. ! G iven awn y To To every si.lfcribt the Popular Wbtkly, OUR FIREPE FR Chrornos aredHirpra at once. The distri hntion will POSITIVELY take place on the TWENTIKTII KAY OF AUGUST, EHIH TEEN IIUXDltEl AND SEVENTY THREE. OUlVciIUOMO 'CUTE" is 1(5x20- inche in pize, aeknowlcli"! to be the finest and handsomest picturl ever given with any pa per. OUR FIUESIBtfFIUENDis an eight pae illustrated family atl story weeklv in its third volume, has nowf over SEVENTY-FIVE TAOUSAND Sl3CRIBEP,S, and rapidly increasing, whit-h insures tho snores of tho present distributiog The Publuhera of Our FireFjile Fricnil hse sont to its suhscribers this year O Vt'.il 'SEVENTY THOUSAND copies of the cbfodo "Cute" and are shipping hundreds every f ly. SUIJSCRIPTION PRICE THREE DOLUUU PER YEAR, which gives the subscribers' FIFTY-TWO numbers of h best Family (Veekly, tho chromo "CUTE' finely framed, n la numbered CERTIFICATE entitling the hol ler to ono phare in the distribu tion of prc-DJiuuis fur 1873. SUBSCRIBE now with the aont, or send direct to the Publisher. SPECIMEN COPIES, particulars etc., sent free in every town, at home or travling. Lar;-e cash rav and wiras lor cottii2 up i I I J liberal premi il rl'!!HII clubs. Tho best outfit. Snd a iMiiiuu once for Terms aud particulars WATERS & CO., Pubs., Chicago. WOOL CARDING A NY rEPSON WISHING TO OET THEIR wool carded into rolls or batting can do so by tho machino that is now in operation at IHcMIJViIJLR. HOT 1 Mill 11 II a rrx,i-Ai As all work 1 Guaranteed to give ' S AT IS F ACT t Oi persons coiina rnonx a dis- DlgTANCEIIAS TUB PErERANCi: HENRY REASONER 09- g W S- tH. Hj O a ? to o CD , 4 P M CD 0 CD CD p o p C S3 CO o o Q u tr1 si 11 to C3 CO C3 ' I 1 iSC o S N, m.m o U n en s , Hi C3 m 1X3 1 s C7 H uJ -a is 5 r HH ii H ui Ul h3 Ul H O no m n o ui XJ 5 ppcq o S3 1S73, " SPRING- 1873, THE WILLAMETTE: WOOLEN MFG. CO'S SFRIE UD SITUS AT REDUCED RATES," THROUGH THE AGENTS,S Mar. 873 ly PORITAIVO, ORRCSOIV. DRY GOODS. SOHI if FROM AWS DRY GOODS. HE ill. ItLentl and be Wiwe ! The UNDEUSr 3NED are Biw and always ready twait on theira Custouicrs uul at the I.OU IvST CASH PKICS2 Their -rc"and reii selected ktock ul IGEXSRAL mSRCZXANDISS: o o i r iz i s i iv c IHIY.GUOPS & CLOTHING, BQPTS & SHOES HAT5 &m. CAPS OOOO NEWS, TO THE PEOPLE OF POLK COUNTY ISreymsxri Bros. SALEM OREGON Are Duff peia a Fine and Selected stock of Goods comprising, DRY GOODS OF ALL DESCIPIIONS LADIES CHOICE DRESS GOODS LADIES FANCY GOODS AND ;LADIE'S, MISSES, CHILD- MEN'S HATS. ALSO GEXTS andj B0Y5 CLOTHING OF ALL. DESCRIPTIONS and PRICES to SUIT THE TIMES. also a LA2GE and well ASSORTED STOCK OP CARPETS, , MATTINGS OILCLOTH, WINDOW BLINDS and CURTAINS. ALSO STGRCERIES, QUEEXSWARK is facf.aiir- I .1.: . - n . :.i : j- CnISIM rilllSiS V t. rOC Ial I Having bought our Stock in San Franciscoand ew York in persou we can hold out Superior inducements to purchasers, I . v v i nnT i 1 lAiiii ana r r. n lor yourselves. VND CTIIER ;MlUL'i-fc3 nu merous to Mention. Wo neitherf'ad vertiso nor Givo Bait, Jbut intend to do' the So,uaro thing with JsJl & evervboclv Produce token lor Oootl. COME AND SEE FORiYOURSELF," IHO l& R I R SC E R rev in a ii Rro. Mar J 7.1 3m DRKsS;! oi:rc-S! DRUGS!!! Sale in, Orecor. pain r i. M 73, 22.1y. tr: OILS, CO.n.lIERCIAL IIOTEIi OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, SALEM OREGON. GLASS WEATHERF 0 UD & CO DRUGGISTS. SALEM OREGON. Importers and Dealers .in IFOREIQN and DOMESTIC DRUGS, Druggists Sundries MRS- A. J. RIELY PROP ratent:Medic:nes,aPaint, Oils, iaias.,,Dyes M.nro ttrttr ow wrrr nu VVVT TV X P"t class order, and with attentive and Medicines Compounded and . Prescriptions oblging servants I UllUUl NO CIIINESE COOKS EMPLOYED pUro Wine?Iand.LiquorsJfor Medicinal pur. poses. I am prepared "to furnish good Jaccommo- QOrders attended to wifh accuracy'andprompt .i.iinn n thn triivftlin nnblic. and will US 1 ne88. UHblirun w " - o I w - I .very endeavor to merit the patronage of the YlTE ATHERFORD T& CO. Boarding at very low rate8: , ' iim mi mmi APPLY TO THE OLD " '" PHGENIX OF H ART FORD ; "because First, It has complied rally with the Oregon State Law. Second. Its contracts m Oregon are backed, under a re-insurance contract, by its own and the united assets of the Home Ins, Co. of New York and the North British and Mercantile Ins. Company of London, aggregating $22,564,087 87 offering the best security of any Fire Insurance Company or Association in the world. ' Third. It can carry large risks, as . its poli cies are re-insured .by the above mentioned Com paries, so that the PHOENIX alone can carry the same line that all three companies; would take seperately. .... Fourth, It requires but one set of proofs io case of loss ; thus giving the security of ; three Companies without the trouble of dealing with sepcrate Corporations. Ou these solid merits, viz: Capacity to carry the largest sks, The amplest possible security, The simplest adjustment in cao of lvs, and Tho prompt and equitable payment of all just claims. The Phcenlx Iii&urance Company solicit your patron a gre. C. A. UU,Arn(, SALi. 1, OKEUON. Feb 16;73 ly M. GILBKKT. C. CZAFOVAGK A. IV. GILBERT & CO. 'i Dealers in HOOTS and SHOES, now ffer to the public NEW (J GOVS at NEW PRICES. TIlEIRl STOCK CONSISTS OF A full line of " LADIES' v MISSES' and CHILDREN'S MEIsTS BOY'S and YOUTH'S WAR"l All selected with great"care from tbejjbest Sao Francisco and Eastern Manufactures and with due refference tothe Oregon Trade. WE ALSO KEEP ON HAND A FULL supply of Leather comprising the best French Itrcwlt which we offer to the trade at reasonable figures. We manufacture BOOTS and SITOEH to order, of all Styles Material ; aud IVorkmauship unsurpassed. V gents for the Celebrated SlxOEfi Siwivo M4CUIKK, of which 20,000. more were sold , in 1S"2. than any other machine manufact ured. Sold at San Praocisco prices without, freight, and on monthly installments to make paymert easy . Every machine warranted for five years A. IV. GILBERT A: CO, Comjaerclal Street, Salem, Oregon' k Mar.8, If " """"REAL ESTATE " ORO. H. JOXFS I Real Estate Enker J. M. FATTERSOf Notary Public JOXES & PATTERSON REAL ESTATE MESTS. , iVeotlatc Logins, JlaLc Collections AGENTS FOR umormRE, INSURANCE CO. of San Francisco; and MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, f New fork. - OPERA HOSUE BLOCK SALEM - - - - OREGON. " OUR RULES : Wc buy or sell only on commission cbargin? a per centagofor the amount "which the prop erty is sold or traded lor our semces, due when the contract of sale or trade i made We will introduce purchasers to tbe ow.ts of the property, and leave them, free t-vtualto :ti. best bargan they can, without any intcrtcreucc on our part We pay all advertising expenses,- depondir if on our commission, when a tale or trade i made -! We ihow all property, where within give letters of introductior to reliable parties living near wno wut show it All letters of inquiry promptly and fully an swered " U We have many applications from'geod, prorrf t paying uion.wnu wuipay 12 perceniior mprxj, and give firft class personal or real estate securi ty,and pay all the expenses attending making t iu5(j(nii(oc, .1 nriicB uav iug money v will do well to apply to us before placiwC it els where We charge the lenders nothVg for our erviccs ; xn oorrowen pay us JSne oausiac tion given regarding the securiti Alton tion is eallcd to descrij10 ProPrtj or sale in the Wexklt Statma:i. , Febl5'73 It i , STiVliA J3lK ERY f fa iilv Groceries, - Orxxclccr Mlanixiacii y, Com, Street, S. lean Orejon. t i -1 1 V.. Feb 15,73 ly. rt.- SALBM .ORBOON 1