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GAZETTE. SEMf-WEEKLY. SXinVti-'S.Vi... i Consolidated Feb., 1899. CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1900. VOL. I. NO. 2 CORVALLIS AN INVERTED BRAIN. CHILD SEES, READS AND WRITES UPSIDE DOWN. Seven-Tear-Old California Girl, Who Lives In a World that Seems Bottom aide Up and Backward Her Case a Puzzle. There Is a 7-year-old girl In Alvlso, Cal., who lives in a world all her own. .Nobody would want to share her world with her, because it is a topsy turvy oue so very topsy turvy that it makes the head dizzy just to think about it. Little Mary Terry sees everything bot touiside up and backward. The ex periences that each day brings to this child In real life are more remarkable than those which befell Alice In Won derland, for Alice was fiction and Mary is fact. This sole inhabitant of topsy turvey dom is the daughter of a Portuguese rancher near Alvarado. For two years she has atttended the Alvlso public school. She is a pretty child, shy and graceful, with rosy coloring and black hair. Uer case puzzles the wise men of the West. So far as is known, a sim ilar instance has not been brought to the attention of science. It was nearly a year before her teacher. Miss Carrie Parrish, discov ered the strange peculiarity of Mary. The first sis months' work in the re ceiving class consists mainly of the teaching of English. From the first Mary appeared timid and seemed slower of comprehension than the oth er members of her class. Nobody could understand why she did not learn faster. For a whole year her strange hieroglyphics appeared utterly meaningless to her teacher, who could only wonder at their invariable Incor rectness. One day a certain method in their madness became apparent to Miss Parrish. Then she discovered that her little pupil was not only writing everything upside down, but was re- versing everything that she wrote. If you will take a sheet of paper, write your name on it, turn it upside down, reverse the sheet and hold it up to the light you will see what Mary Terry sees when she has the pleasure of be holding your honorable signature. Since the date of her discovery It has been a perpetual struggle for Miss Par rish to keep pace with her pupil's pe culiar point of view, and after patient effort, most praiseworthy on the part of a teacher who is In constant charge of four and five different grades of pu pils. Miss Parrish has succeeded In making the little girl understand that to be herself understood she must re verse and Invert what she sees. It would seem as If Mary were not less but more gifted than the average child to have been capable of under standing the complex and difficult com mand laid upon her, though the testi mony of experts is all on the other side. This Is, however, reasoning by analogy, as the writer has so far found no identical case in optical annals, Bplegelschrift or mirror-writing, which Is found to be common among half witted children, being the nearest a; proacb to this perversity of vision, lu cases of mirror-writing, unconsciously produced as a correct copy of ordinary writing, paralysis of the right side is often found. A simple inversion of things, without the accompanying reversion, is a fairly common conception, and the attempt to conceive of the various physical and psychical phenomena consequent on living In an upside down world, has been made the subject of practical ex periment in San Francisco, when G. M. Btratton, A. M., professor of psy chology at Berkeley University, made his famous looking-glass experiments. But neither of these reached the unique point of view which Is Mary Terry's peculiarity. The other day at the school. In looking at the words on the blackboard, she seemed to be trying to peer over them to the other side, which Is exactly the mental attitude necessary to the ordinary observer for the conception of the origin of Mary's kind of writing. It is apparently Impossible for her, until she has been over the letters, to understand their meaning. Imagine the mental gymnastics required of that lit tle head. It was amusing to see Mary hold her reader indifferently upside down or rightside up, reading equally well in either case. Doctors express the belief that the THE WAY THE SCHOOL ROOM APPEARS TO MARY TERRY. defect in Mary's make-up is mental, rather than physical. That as an image reflected on the retina is invert ed, and that as It is a mental effort only which enables man to see things right side up, it must be a mental lack In Mary's case which hinders her from seeing as the rest of mankind sees. JUST LIKE TEMPERED COPPER. New Combination of MetaTs Which Is Kxpected to Be Very Useful. By a new process of rolling a Massa chusetts genius has succeeded in at taining results that, so far as sheet metal work is concerned, are almost equal to what he would be able to ac complish If he had rediscovered the secret of tempering copper. The Mas. sachusettts genius has succeeded, ac cording to the Cleveland Leader, in getting Frank Rockefeller, brother of the president of the Standard Oil Com pany, and himself a very rich man, in terested in the matter. The inventor has succeeded in mak ing sheets of seemingly pure copper of wonderful thinness and with the springiness, strength, and capacity for being tempered that steel has. The process consists In rolling a hot steel plate and two heated copper plates at the same time In such a way that the copper forms a skin over the surfaces of the steel and gives it all the weather resistance that pure copper has. On his desk in the standard oil offices In this city Fraud Rockefeller has a small sheet of the new material, no name for which has yet been selected. The sheets were the size of letter pa per, and so thin as not to be much heavier. The steel Itself was several times as thick as the copper, and yet on each surface of the steel there was a perfect skin of copper, so thin that a strong magnifying glass did not ex pose the edges. To all appearances the sheet was all copper, but its springi ness showed that it was not. Although be has had considerable correspondence with the Inventor, Mr. Rockefeller has not yet met him. Last summer the inventor sent some sam ples of bis new sheet metal to Mr. Rockefeller, who had an idea that such plates of greater thickness would be valuable material for making steel lake steamers. He arranged with Captain McDougall to tow a model made of the new material behind one of bis whale- backs for a trip up and down the lakes, to see how it would stand the experi ence. When the model came back the copper skin over the steel plates was as shiny as when it had been put into the water. Whether it is along this line, or in the making of stamped articles of use and ornament such as gas chan deliers, cornices and roofings, that the new materia will be used, will in a measure depend on the cost of produc tion under actual conditions. "I think that the invention Is one of the most remarkable that has come to my notice, and people are all the time trying to get me Into something of that sort," said Mr. Rockefeller. "The cop per and steel are all rolled at the same time, and in the finished plate, no mat ter whether It is thick or thin, the cop per is united with the steel so that It Is impossible to break or strip It off. It is practically a single thickness of metal with a copper surface on either or both sides, whichever way It la made and it can be made either way." NEGROES TAKE TO COCAINE. Evil Common Among the Roustabout and Is Spreading; Fast. The troubles which steamboat men have been having with their negro roustabouts have been increased by the spread of the cocoaine habit among the negroes. When the cocoaine habit found its way among the negroes it is Impossible to say, but is now the favor ite mode by which they seek forgetful ness. It is as yet confined to the city negroes, but some of the planters have expressed the hope that the use of the drug be broken up in New Orleans be fore It reaches the cotton plantations. Whisky is bad enough, they say, but traffic in it can be controlled far more easily than the purchase and sale of cocaine tablets. The tablets are composed of cocaine and pbenacetlne in about equal propor tions. Some chemical genius discover ed that phenacetlne prolongs the ef fects of cocaine, and, as it is a much cheaper drug, it is used as an adulter ant for the cocaine. When a negro roustabout has swallowed one of these tablets he seeks the most secluded part of the boat upon which he has shipped, and, biding himself among the cargo, lies down and enjoys the vision of rest that the drugs cause. The effect Is very like that of opium, only far less violent, more a restful, sleepy feeling. For a little while the cocaine fiend Is as happy as a mortal can be, and he will probably keep on swallowing tablets until the mate comes around and finds him shirking duty and dream ing among the cotton bales, and admin isters a strong and effective antidote with the hickory stick which is his badge of authority. This continues throughout the roustabout's voyage, as long as the box of cocaine tablets holds ouL When the box has run out he will play craps with the other "musters" and buy more cocaine if he wins. The evil has grown steadily of late, and a number of drug stores In the negro district do an Immense business in cocaine. So large is the business that the average negro walks Into a drug store and puts down a quarter or a half-dollar without a word and re ceives a box of cocaine tablets in re turn, the drug clerk knowing by Intui tion what he wants; or if the negro says anything It Is likely to be only "Tabs." The cocaine habit Is most common among the river negroes, nearly all of whom are addicted to It. They take their cocaine in tablets. These are dissolved In a glass of whisky, If whis ky is handy, but If not the tablet Is swallowed. The city negroes, who use the drug less generally, take It In the form of crystals or powder, which is snuffed up the nose. The cocaine habit is fast driving out the morphine habit, which, however, never had much hold among the negroes. The cocaine can be taken so much more easily, and when mixed with phenacetlne is cheaper. Stirling Follows the Sparrow. The English starling has been brought to New York and Is domesti cating Itself rapidly. Although Intro duced only a year or two ago, It has increased considerably in numbers and in many of the uptown streets Its musi cal piping can be heard this spring. In teaching the young, be careful not to deceive (hem: they will catch you at it ; KINtfS AS PRISONERS. RULERS WHO HAVE FALLEN IN. TO ENGLAND'S HANDS. Bow Britain Treats Her Royal Cap tives, of Whom She Has Had Several Within a Very Few Years General Lronje at St. Helena. An Insight may be gained as to treat tnent in store for leaders of the Boer republics who may suffer defeat and fail to escape Into either German or Portuguese territory by comparison with that of princes and kings held captive heretofore by the British gov eminent. In 1849 when the State of Maharajah Dhuleep Singh was finally annexed to the Indian empire, that potentate was "requested" to take up his residence In England the induce ment of a ready compliance being added by the promise of a yearly in come of $240,000, with nothing at all as an alternative. Dhuleep Singh wise ly acquiesced, purchased the fine es tate of Brandon In Norfolk, upon which he resided for many years as a wealthy English country gentleman. . Though during this period the ma harajah frequently expressed the de sire to revisit his native country, pro- fesslng the utmost loyalty to the em press queen, yet he was never permit ted to travel east of the isthmus of Suez. In this case the bond seems to have descended upon the heads of his children, for while bis sons have en tered the British army and one of them, Prince Victor, recently married the daughter of the Earl of Coventry, yet they have never been allowed to set eyes on the land over which their ancestors ruled. Approaching Calcutta on the left bank of the Hujli River at Garden Beach the visitor will have pointed out the fine palace of the late Wajid All, King of Oudh. There from 1856 until a recent date this prince was held In semi-captivity upon an annual allow ance of $600,000, the only proviso as to his freedom of action being that he should not leave the vicinity of Calcut ta. The King of Oudh, true to those prodigal hereditary instincts which brought about his downfall, not only managed to expend this large sum, but In the keeping of snake mounds, menageries and other costly forms of amusement dear to the oriental mind was obliged to draw frequently upon the Imperial treasury for further amounts. The generosity and leniency with which he was thus treated was probably due to the fact that he offered no armed resistance to his own deposi tion. Blazing with jewels and seated in a smart equipage, with servants In royal liveries, the King of Oudh was often a conspicuous figure on the Cal cutta maidan the famous park where the society of the Indian capital takes an outing after the heat of the day has passed. Far different was the fate of the poor old Bahadur Shah, last of the Great Moguls. After the faU of Delhi in 1851 he was tried for high treason and sent as a state prisoner to Rangoon. There, In a small hut, the only lineal descend ant of Shah Jehan and Anrangzeb passed the remainder of his days, un noticed and upon a mere pittance. As, however, both of his sons were slaugh tered and a less culpable rebel leader, Tantia Topi, was executed, he may have thought himself fortunate to es cape with his life. Near Colombo, In Ceylon, England still holds In light durance Arab! Pasha and his colleagues of the Egyp tian rebellion of 1882. While Arab! has not ceased to bemoan his fate and use lessly petition the British government for permission to return to Egypt, yet, considering the nature of his offense, and that he was sentenced to death, his lot cannot be considered burdensome. Provided with an Income sufficient for his wants, a pleasant residence, permis sion accorded him to receive visitors and a considerable measure of freedom within the district, be would undoubt edly have been worse off had his suc cessful enemies been his own race and religion. Of minor potentates England has at present one African, being confined to the limits of that Island in the South Atlantic made famous as the prison of the great Napoleon, and another even the far less desirable residence of Cape Coast Castle. For several years Cete- wayo, king of the Zulus, was held an unreslgned prisoner at Ghowe, near the scene of the present military operations in Natal, where he died before the promise of restoration to his throne was carried into effect St Louis Globe-Democrat MONOPOLY IN CABLE BUILDING. England Alone Can Lay Telegraph Lines Across the Great Oceans. There are no American makers of ocean cable, so the insertion of a clause in the Pacific cable bill by the House Committee on Commerce, providing that "the cable shall be of American make, and that the cable ships shall fly the American flag," is considered by President Scrymser of the Pacific Cable Company to be likely to affect the rapidity and thoroughness of the work. He said to-day: "We in America never have done that work, and the plants, the capital and, above all, the experience, which are required for ocean cable-making cannot be Impro vised under the touch of a government undertaking. A look at the history of cable-making for ocean lines will show why we haven't done the work and why we cannot do it offhand, even if we try. "Practically all ocean cables, from the first transatlantic line In 1857 np to the present day, nave been made In England, and English firms have a practical monopoly of the experience. The first Atlantic cable was made by Glass, Eliot & Co. The failure of this and the loss of the second resulted in the formation of a great company the Telegraph Construction and Mainten ance Company backed by great capi tal, and this company made a success of the third cable and gave impetus to further work of the sort But the nec essary experience had been expensive and England was the first to acquire It Then, in 1870, when England paid $60, 000,000 for the land telegraph lines of the islands, that capital went at once into plants and ships for making and laying ocean cable. Thus England had the lead. To make the cable in Amer ica we would have to have a big plant and a good many men of practical ex perience in such work. "For this, a large Investment, far Into the millions, would be required, and If the cable, when laid, should fail In any way, its makers would suffer a dead loss of all their work and have to replace the cable at their own cost Then there must be some ten ships of at least 4,500 tons specially constructed for the work. Each ship requires a full outfit of apparatus for every branch of the work and to be manned by men of experience. All this equipment Is found only in England. Evidence of this ap pears in the course taken by Germany in the matter of the new German cable to New York, via the Azores. Ger many wanted a cable she could be sure of and wanted it quickly Just the situ atlon at present of the United States. She guarantees about 7 per cent of the whole cost, and then the cable Is made In England. That shows the German appreciation of this need of experience and great equipment" New York Evening Post Would Beg Him to Shoot. This young fellow is engaged to a pretty Detroit girl, but they don't care to publish the bans until after Lent says the Detroit Free Press. This dis turbs an irascible old uncle of hers. who has a daughter of bis own, too much after his own style to be a fa vorite. He took it upon himself to send for the young man the other day. "Are you going to marry that niece of mine?" he asked sternly, when they were alone in the inner office. "Pardon me, sir, but I must decline to answer. She has a father and a mother, and I'm on good terms with them. I fail to see that it is your affair." "There's a whole lot that you fall to see, young man. I'm really the head of our family, and I'll not shirk my duty. Her parents are a couple of chumps. Are you or are you not en gaged V "You force me to say, sir, that It Is none of your infernal business, and that you are just what I thought you were, a sour, cross-grained old cur mudgeon." "See here, sonny, I'll not bandy words with the likes of you, but if you had been going with my daughter as long as you have my niece I wouldn't do a thing but put a revolver to your head, informing you that If you didn't marry her I'd shoot" "And I'd beg of you to shoot" Very Complimentary Advice. Through carelessness on the part of the committee of a well-known London club, and some dexterous wire-pulling by the Individual concerned, an ex ceedingly unpopular man contrived to secure his election; but he soon made himself generally obnoxious to. his fel low-members by continually posing and swaggering on the steps at the en trance. One morning, not long after he had taken up his customary position, a prominent member of the club, whom we will call Major Dash, came up the steps, and in passing him Bald, with quiet sarcasm: "I say, K , I could get subscrip tions to the tune of five hundred pounds for you In the club If you would only take your name off the books." K rushed off In a tremendous rage to a friend of his with the story. "What do you think?" he shouted. I have been outrageously Insulted by that Major Dash. He has just said that If I would take my name off the club books he would get up a subscription of five hundred pounds for me. What would you do?" "Well," replied his friend, "If I were you, I wouldn't take It You stand out a bit and you'll get a thousand." Reverie. "May you take this lesson home with you to-night dear friends," concluded the preacher at the end of a very long and wearisome sermon. "And may Its spiritual truths sink deep into your hearts and lives to the end that your souls may experience salvation. We will now bow our heads in prayer. Deacon White, will you lead?" There was no response. "Deacon White," this time in a loud er voice, "Deacon White, will vou lead?" Still no response. It was evident that the good deacon was slumbering. The preacher made a third appeal and raised his voice to a pitch that succeed ed in waking the drowsy man. "Deacon White, will you please lead?" The deacon rubbed his eyes and opened them wonderingly. "Is It my lead? No I Just dealt" Detroit Free Press. Human Nature. Mr. Tigg I don't see how that Mon treal girl could sleep sixty days. Mrs. Tigg (speaking from observa tion) Probably some one kept calling her to breakfast right along. Balti more American. Some people wear glasses because Viey can't believe their own eye. Fertilizing; for Corn. Crops of corn have been reported ex ceeding 100 bushels of shelled corn per acre. If we remember correctly, but we do not believe that any man can grow corn profitably If he tries to grow one hundred bushels of ears to the acre, unless he Is unusually favored by the season, and we doubt If he would suc ceed one year In ten. The strongest and richest land on the farm is not good corn land. Corn needs a warm soil and a warm season, and while a dry season lessens production because there Is not moisture enough to perfect the crop, a wet season does the same thing because there Is not enough heat to make rapid growth. Heavy manur ing makes a rank growth of leaf and stalk, and that keeps the ground so cool by shading It that ears do not de velop, and possibly the dense foliage also prevents pollen from the tassel from reaching the silk as it falls. We think the man who wants 100 bushels of shelled corn can grow it on three acres with less labor and fertilizer than he can on one, and be more sure of it in an ordinary season, while possibly a favorable season may in crease his crop to 150 bushels on the three acres, but would not be apt to do so on one acre. There are crops In which the yield can be much increased by extra fertility and extra labor on a small plot but not the corn crop, un less some new variety Is found. Am erican Cultivator. Nursing Bottle for Calves. A nursing bottle may be used as a feeder for the calf by. which its wean ing will take place at a much earlier date than by the old method, and by this device the calf absorbs the thin blue substitute fed to it In a way so entirely natural that It remains In ignor ance of the deception being practiced upon it. A bracket or supporting device for the milk receptacle Is first provided. BLISSFULLY IGXORANT OF DKCEPTIOIT. and to this frame a horizontal bar Is attached, carrying at Its extremity a rubber nipple of ample proportions. Connected with the nipple Is a flexible tube extending Into the liquid In the paiL Inside the nipple there is a rub ber tubular re-enforcement having cross-slits in it, which acts as a valve. With this device the calf may be fed liquid nourishment, receiving It slow ly and by natural sucking. Useful on the Farm. A good spray pump Is a useful arti cle in many ways about the farm. It can be used to spray the potatoes. It is used to apply kerosene emulsion to destroy the suctorial insects, such as the aphides, or plant lice, on plums. cherries and young apple trees, and of which I propose to treat in a future chapter. And It can be used to white wash the cellar, the poultry house, the stable and other buildings. It can be used to advantage In applying disin fectants for preventing the spread of contagious diseases, etc. A word or two as to the cost of spray ing, say you nave rour or nve acres of orchard, it will take about five bar rels of mixture for each spraying. Twenty pounds bluestdne, at 7 cents per pound, $1.40; Paris green, 50 cents; lime, 15 cents; total, $2.05 for material. A man and boy with a horse will do it in one day; say $2 for wages, and you have the cost of each spraying, $4.05. If sprayed four times, total cost, $16.20. One good crop of clean, marketable fruit will give a big profit on the invest ment. Farmers' Advocate. Plowlne May Be Too Early. Many farmers are very impatient to start the plow in the spring. As soon as the snow disappears and they find a few dry spots In the highway the plow Is brought out and started. The soil being cold and wet the upturned furrow presents a smooth, glossy ap pearance, and If future freezing does not occur it will bake hard and firm, requiring several harrowlngs to put it Into a proper condition for a seed bed. Not only is this extra labor required, but the soil at plowing Is so soft that the horses at each step sink almost to the bottom of the furrow. This is very injurious, and most of these early plowers would not think of allowing other stock upon the fields when In this condition. The act of plowing obliter ates the foot-marks, and they imagine bo harm Is done, but they are greatly mistaken. No fanner ever gained any thing In the end by plowing his soil when not in a proper condition. Per haps there Is some advantage in mark ing out lands in a field that is natural ly wet and heavy, as the furrows thus made act as surface drains, and if the land be nearly level the water is drawn from the surface soil to a distance of several feet upon each side, and if It can be drained off at the end of fur rows a positive gain will be accom plished. Orange Judd Farmer. Kansas Farmers Salt Their Land. Two farmers living near Iola, Kan., have received a 40,000-pound car of salt from Hutchinson, which they will use on their farms, says the Abilene Chronicle. Both have extensive farm Interests which they look after them selves and they propose to sow the salt with oats, wheat and flax, on the the ory that land so treated Is given the chemicals required by those grains and in the belief that chinch bugs will shun the fields. Some of their unpractical town friends have rather a hankering for the belief that wheat so treated will grow loaves of self-rising bread. At any rate the test Is one which will be watched with interest and the farm ers may reap good returns from the $100 or more Invested by theso gentle men in an experiment. Stone Drains. The accompanying cut shows an ex cellent way of making a drain where there Is plenty of stone available. AA are two flat stones placed as shown, one upright and the other sloping; the rest of the drain, B. Is filled In with GOOD STONE DRAIN. small stones, and on top is laid some brush. A correspondent says he has put In drains for the last sixty years according to this method, and has found them to work well, better than the square stone drains. Cost of Feeding Dairy Cows. An accurate statement of the results of the State Agricultural College herd In Minnesota shows that the average feed cost per cow last- year was 5.4 cents per pound of butter and the aver age price realized by patrons from sales of butter was 17 cents per pound. The average price obtained by patrons of the creamery was nearly 25 cents per pound. There are over 700 cream eries In Minnesota and over 500 of them are operated and owned by farm ers as co-operative creameries. In Meeker County there are fourteen creameries, and the amount realized la t year by patrons was $250,000; in Steele County, with eighteen cream eries, the sum was over $600,000, while In Jefferson County, Wisconsin, the enormous sum of $1,750,000 was real ized by patrons of creameries In that county alone. Inoculation Against Blackleg;. Kansas and the Western States' cat tle are susceptible to blackleg, which cannot be successfully cured, but Im munity is practically secured by inocu lation. The Kansas experiment sta tion, Manhattan, Bulletin 67, treats this subject, after sending out free ma terial sufficient to inoculate 100,000 cattle. Kansas lost 30.000 cattle from blackleg in 1808, worth $600,000. Some cattlemen report a loss of 6 per cent of cattle. Vaccination Is the only suc cessful preventive measure, producing a mild form of blackleg, from which the animals readily recover and are then Immune from further attacks. If properly vaccinated, 99 per cent can be saved. Of Interest to the Farmers. A Kansas City horseman has con tracted to supply the Government 400 cavalry horses at $112.50 a head. The prune growers of Washington, Oregon and Idaho have combined to advance prices, and If the rest of the coast producers join them they promise a raise shortly. Many farmers who have marketed much maple syrup from Vermont have become discouraged on account of the ravages of a forest worm, which is killing the sugar maple. Oleo production In Chicago in Feb ruary was 4,106,000 pounds, compared with 3,987,000 pounds a year ago. Sixty-seven licenses to retail oleo were is sued, against forty-one a year ago. The recent sale of four cars of choice unshorn fed western sheep at Chicago at $6 per 100 pounds meant the highest figure touched since 1893, when $6.75 was paid. The sheep averaged 132 pounds and were sent In from Winona, Minn. The only cereals grown In the Phil ippines are rice and corn. Of these, rice is by far the more Important, be ing the staple food of the native popu lation, as well as the inhabitants of other oriental countries. A scarcity of rice always brings hardship and suf fering to the people. From the Scientific American It Is learned that a horse can draw on the worse kind of road about four times as much as be can carry on his back. On a good macadamized road he can pull ten times as much and on a paved road twenty-five times as much and on a street railway fifty-eight times aa much as he can carry on bis back.