SISKSnSiS'SEiiM. I Consolidated Feb., 1899.
VOL. I. NO. 15.
The old times the old times! We sing
'em high au' low;
But the new times air the brightest that
we ever hoie to know!
The old times had the sunshine; but
'twuz all too bright to last;
An' we're facin' of the future with
thanksgivin' for the past!
The old times the old times'. I know the
stars wuz bright,
An' the sun come up the hillside with a
rosy round o' light;
The flowers wuz blooinin' round us, but
they withered jest as fast;
So, we're facin' o' the future with
thanksgivin' fer the past!
The old times the old times! But ain't
the skies as blue?
An' don't the dear stars twinkle down the
blessed dreams to you?
We're thankful fer the joys of aid the
joys too sweet to last
An' we're facin' of the future with
thanksgivin' fer the past!
Atlanta Constitution.
r ENA. do you know what day it
JU isr
"Yes, father; it Is Wednesday."
"Well, you know what to do?"
"Oh, yes; I forgot to sa!t the cattle.
I'll go right now and see to it. How
many are there in the upper pasture?"
"Eight hundred head. Take all you
can carry maybe you. would better
take Hess to pack it for you."
"All right. I will, then. It is hard
work to carry so much."
The sturdy prairie girl went out from
the sod cabin on the claim and started
for the great stretch of grass land that
reached from the ravine between tiie
bluffs to the farther sand creek. Barbed
wire fence surrounded it, and there
was a large cottouwood tree at the cot
ner by the gate. Inside were 800 cat
tle, and they had the run of a dozen
sections of good feeding. It was her
duty to take to them the weekly salt
ration, and she had learned to meet the
herd with the best of courage, though
she was frightened at first. It seemed
so terrible to see that great number of
long-horned beasts come charging over
the plain at the top of their speed she
could not realize that they meant no
harm and that they appreciated her
So she took Bess, the fat pony, and
went cantering across theplain with the
sack of salt balanced in front of her
on the pommel of her saddle. Up hill
and down, with the sun shining clear
from an unclouded sky, she rode, and
the trip was like joy in making her eyes
ehlne and her cheeks glow rosy red.
It was not always May for the little
Bod house girl. At the sod sehoolhouse
there were many annoying things and
the worst was the aggravation of the
big girls on the back seats. The most
aggravating perhaps was Anna Sev
ern, the daughter of the railroad con
tractor who was staying in the county
because her father's work held him
there for many months. Haughty in
her bearing and with the arrogance of
her naturally aristocratic nature, she
made no secret of snubbing the prairie
girls who had never known a better
home than a sod cabin and were not
used to the delights that she had ex
perienced in the Eastern cities.
It was on Tuesday of the following
week that she had a spite against Lena.
The latter had made her lose her place
In the spelling class and Anna resent
ed It.
"Huh; nothing but a cattle girl," she
muttered so loud that Lena coud hear
her. "Herds the stock in summer and
goes to school winters. Who cares?"
Certainly Anna did care for all of her
boasting. She was chagrined at her
failure while Lena bent lower over her
desk and said nothing. She felt that
she had lost a friend while she had
gained a point in her class.
It continued during the day this
feeling of antagonism, and when the
girls went home it was by different
paths, and the word went round the
little circle of schoolmates that there
had been a quarrel between Lena and
It did not require a reprimand from
her father to induce Lena to go out to
see to the cattle the next day. She took
Bess, loaded up the sack of salt and
at noon started for the big pasture.
"Strange they are not here," said
Lena, as she mounted the divide that
led over into the valley of the pasture
and no herd was in sight.
"Can It have been a break in the
She was right in her surmise. There
had been a break. A party of campers
had come along the night before and
had cut the wires in order to drive In
and water their horses. They then
went on, as is the fashion, and the cat
tle found the opening. Out through it
they went and there was soon a spread'
Ing mass of horns and hairy backs
over the plain. On and on they went,
and It was not long before, led by the
attractiveness of the grass, they came
to the valley beyond and were out of
sight of the pasture where they had
spent their summer. So it happened
that they were nut found by the girl
with the salt bag.
But Lena went on and came to the
hills where she could see for miles over
the plain.
"Yes, there is the herd?" she ex
claimed. "I can see the whole lot of
the cattle."
And she could. But she saw some
thing more than that. Ear over the
plain was sauntering the familiar form
of her schoolmate, Anna. On her way
home from the railroad section where
her father was overseeing the men she
was taking her course directly in the
view of the cattle herd.
At first there seemed nothing remark
able in that, but suddenly something
happened that made a difference. On
her shoulders was a red shawl that
was not noticeable while it was worn
partly under her long curls. But the
insistent prairie wind took It in its fin
gers and wound it around the little
form and -Then threw it far out in the
broad sweep of the breeze.
It carried it on and on, and Anna,
running after it, was only the more
prominent a figure in the landscape.
It was when she overtook it and held
it with the ends waving furiously in
the wind that she occupied the larger
portion of the view. Lena saw it and
the cattle herd saw it, too.
Eirst one or two heads were lifted,
then more, and soon there was a little
sea of anxious faces ready for the nov
elty and waiting to see what the lead
ers should decide to do. They seemed
to rest until one big white steer started
on a trot for the front and was appar
ently eager to make a closer investiga
tion. "Look," cried Lena, from her station
of vantage; "look, they are stampeding
on her."
She was right. The cattle were all
getting in motion and were headed for
the defenseless girl, who was over
across the valley. Anna herself seemed
unaware of her danger and did not no
tice the oncoming herd which would
like an avalanche overtake her.
But Lena did not wait. She realized
something though not all of the danger
in which the railroad man's daughter
was. For a moment there came the
thought. "Why should I help her? Did
she help me?"
The answer was not far to seek.
Lena had been injured and snubbed by
the stranger; she owed nothing to her
on that account But there came some
thinganother feeliug overcoming the
first, and with a sharp blow of her
spurs that sent the pony forward with
the greatest speed Bess had ever shown
she was off!
Down the long slope, across the level
plain below, through the tall slough
grass and the sunflowers, then out on
the level buffalo-grassed prairie she
Could she make it In time? The
chances, were against it. She thought
she could ride to Anna and then help
her to the saddle and get out of the
way before the herd was upon them,
but that plan was becoming out of the
question. She simply could not with
all her sharp plunges of the spur make
the patient Bess go any faster. What
could she do?
Suddenly like an inspiration there
came to her a new thought. As she
galloped on she determined to put it
rn operation. Reaching down to the
cord that tied the sack of salt bobbing
before her on the saddle she found that
it was all right. Then she turned Bess
and steered straight across the plain in
front of the oncoming herd. To her
right she could see the frightened girl
enemy; to her left was the rushing tide
of horns and hoofs that meant death if
there was not a change in their path,
for Texas cattle are no respecters of
Nearer and nearer they came togeth
er, and Anna stood waiting the out
come with the quietness of great fear.
She held out her arms to Lena, but
there was no time for an answer Lena
could not reach her and must utilize
every possible opportunity for success
in her desperate undertaking..
Then, as she came near the herd, and
just as she began a dash in front of the
now excited and desperate cattle, she
pulled the string holding the sack
mouth closed, and there trailed behind
her a thin stream of whiteness that
sifted in a long shower upon the short
It flowed like a veil and made a
broad though rather faint mark on the
Easter and faster she went, and just
as the leaders of the herd came to the
stretch of white she rushed away be
yond their reach, the empty sack flap
ping at her saddlebow.
But what of Anna? She stood as one
petrified with fear, watching the on
coming flood that was to engulf her
and which meant instant death if she
was reached.l
She saw the dash of Lena far away
and felt that her schoolmate had de
serted her. Nor could she blame her
much after what had happened.
But wonder of wonders! What was
the herd doing? The first line of steers
went unchecked, but the second had
lowered heads, the third tried to stop
and couldn't, the fourth did stop and
licked the ground; then the' bustling
crowd behind forgot its eagerness to
get ahead, and such a pushing, hooking
and plunging as there was to reach the
appetizing salt!
Lena turned her horse when the dan
ger was past and rode up to Anna.
"Get up here beside me," she invited,
"and I will take you to a place where
it is safe. Never cross a prairie on
foot cattle have no respect for people
on foot. They like and fear a horse."
Then she looked down at the girl
standing on the ground. Anna was
"You were too good to me," the latter
was sobbing; "I didn't deserve It."
But I.eua only reached down her
hand and lifted the other to her side.
Bess carried them over the prairie rap
idly, and after a while the tears were
Lena looked down into the eyes lifted
to hers and in an instant their lips met.
The school children wondered the
next day to see the sod house girl and
the railroad contractor's daughter with
arms around each other, the best of
friends. They dd not understand the
reason for the change nor the spirit
that had transformed both their hearts
but Lena and Anna did. Chicago
Can Drive Home a Few Plain, Kveryday
Truths in a Koughly Witty Manner.
Dr. T. De Witt Talmage drew a great
crowd to the West London Tabernacle
in Nottingham last night.
Age has not withered the man of
many sermons in the least.
He is still the possessor of a strong,
harsh voice, which he uses insistently
and rapidly, and he can still drive
home a few plain every-day truths in
a roughly witty manner.
"As his part is that goeth down into
battle, so shall his part be that tarryeth
by the stuff," gave the doctor a chance
to say a few of those pungent things
that have built up his reputation.
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ous fashion. They were "loathsomely
and indecently drunk;" some were slain
by David "in carousal," others went
"triumphing off the field," and David
himself carried off "the diamonds, the
pearls, the rubies, the amethysts and
the imperial clothes" to divide equally
among the fighters and the wounded
who stayed with the stuff.
"In similar fashion," said Dr. Tal
mage, "the rewards of great philan
thropists and preachers will not be
greater in the end than those of you
people who stay at home and mind
your own business."
"Oh, what rewards there are for you
who are doing unappreciated work
that's nine-tenths of you," he ejacu
lated in his curious, jerky fashion,
raising a laugh.
"I like engineers I like to ride with
them I like to ride on the engine you
get there a bit sooner," was another
Americanism which hit the humor of
the congregation. "You don't know
the name of the engine driver who car
ries you safely, but God does," was the
point of the story.
Talking of a cyclonic passage across
the Atlantic, he said: "All were sol
emnized except two one a German,
the other an American. The German
he was drunk, the American he was a
fool." Then he worked to the same
point. They had thanked the captain
at the end of the voyage, but they had
forgotten the engineer. Still, in the end
the reward of the two would be the
So many people wanted to get into
the Tabernacle and couldn't that Dr.
Talmage addressed a large number in
a lecture hall next door after the ser
vice. London Express.
Twelve Men Charge Six Hundred.
A medal of honor the highest com
pliment which can be given to an
American soldier has been recom
mended for presentation to each of the
ten surviving members of a band of
twelve scouts who performed a brave
feat near San Miguel de Mayume Ori,
in the Philippines, on May 13, 1899.
These scouts were under the lead of
William H. Young, a civilian who had
been a famous scout on the Western
plains in America, and whom General
Lawton made his chief of scouts in the
San Ysidro campaign.
On the day mentioned General Law
ton was advancing on San Miguel. A
small body of Oregon volunteers came
suddenly upon the enemy, drawn up in
au advantageous position in front of
San Miguel, the right flank resting on a
stream, the left on an elevation made
secure by a dense thicket.
It was afterward ascertained that the
Filipino force in this position number
ed about six hundred men.
Without waiting for the re-enforcing
battalion to support them, or to be in
a position to do so, this squad of ten
scouts, led by Mr. Young and by Pri
vate James Harrington of the Oregons,
an old frontiersman twelve men in all
charged the enemy's line, about one
hundred and fifty yards distant.
The line fired, then wavered, and
then completely gave way, to be fol
lowed up by the re-enforclng battalion,
and driven from the city and environ
of San Miguel, a place of great import
ance. Young and Harrington, while shout
ing and cheering and leading the men
up, were shot and killed.
Safely Conducted.
A curious use can be made of th
postofflce express service. A few
months ago a young woman, having
lost her way in London, applied at the
Swiss cottage postotfice, and was safe
ly conducted, for the sum of three
pence, by a special messenger to Hamp
stead, where a receipt for her was duly
Latest Use for Glass.
The latest use for glass is instead oi
gold as a material for stopping decay
ing teeth. It answers splendidly, and
Is far less conspicuous than the yellow
metal. Of course, it is not ordinary
glass, but is prepared by some new pat
ented process which renders it soft and
A Western poet says he has succeed
ed in reducing the cost of living to a
nominal sum, but his greatest difficulty
is in securing the nominal sum.
Boinething that Will Interest the Ju
venile Members of Every Household
Quaint Actions and Bright Sayings
of Many Cute and Cunning Children.
Bert Wallace has a whole row of col
ored glass tumblers which he has made
himself. He didn't blow them, nor
mold them, according to the best
known methods of glassmaking he
simp'y cut them down from old bottles.
And they make very useful and ser
viceable tumblers, too.
Bert didn't own a diamond glass
point nor a steel glass wheel and so he
cut the bottles with a clay pipe stem.
Seems odd, doesn't it. But any boy
who wants to cut glass and where is
the boy who doesn't? can do it with
out the least difficulty. .
Bert learned that if a piece of glass
or a bottle contains ever so small a
crack It can be cut Into any desired
shape by leading the crack along with
some redhot object, suoh as a heated
clay pipe stem or a bit of hot wire.
Having this knowledge, Bert readily
applied it. He started a crack in a
green mineral water bottle by heating
it In the blaze of a gas jet and then
dropping a little water on the heated
spot. Sometimes the heating alone will
form the crack. When the cold water
touches the hot glass a little star is usu
ally formed, with many cracks reach
ing out from it. This star is formed
at some distance away from the place
where the real cutting is to be done.
For instance, if Bert is making a tum
bler from the bottom of an old bottle
he starts the crack near the shoulder at
the top. Then he pastes a strip of pa
per or snaps a rubber band around the
bottle to show exaraly where he wishes
to cut it off. Then he heats the end of
the pipe stem in a gas or coal flame un
til it is very hot. Carefully he presses
the end against the glass near one of
the cracks, as shown In the picture. At
once the crack leaps out and follows
and Bert leads it around as much as
jhe wishes. When the stem cools off he
heats it up again.-
When the bottle is cut off to tumbler
size the rough edges are smoothed
down with a fine file or a grindstone
and Bert has a fine new tumbler.
Besides this, a bottle may be cut into
all manner of odd shapes spirals,
bracelets and lenses with the pipe
stem. Any boy can become expert at
it with very little practice. A pane of
glass may be cut in a similar way.
There is another and older method
of cutting a bottle in two with a string
which may be tried when a pipe stem is
not at hand. Hunters and backwoods
men often use it with great success, al
though it is not as sure and practical
as the pipe-stem method.
Two boys are necessary to do the
work. Take a very stout piece of hand-
woven string and give it a single turn
around the bottle. Each boy should
take hold of the string with one hand
and the bottle with the other. See-saw
the string rapidly back and forth, be
ing careful that it rubs the glass al
ways in one place. Continue this until
the friction of the string has made the
glass hot where it has rubbed and then
plunge the bottle suddenly into a pail
of cold water. The glass will instantly
crack where the string has rubbed it.
Probably not many boys know that
glass can be cut with a pair of shears,
and that almost as easily as If It wert
pasteboard. It seems almost unbeliev
able at first, but any boy can readily
prove its truth by trying it. Provide a
large pail or tub of water. Hold the
pane of glass under the water with one
hand and cut it with the shears held
in the other hand. The pressure of the
water prevents the glass from crack
ing. It is not possible to cut straight
through a piece of glass, as you would
through a piece of paper. It must be
dimmed around the edges, where the
glass will crumble oft easily and rapid
ly. You can thus cut a square pane oft
glass to fit a round or oval frame, on
you can trim down a large piece of
glass to fit a smaller frame. It Is a
simple method, but it wll often b9
found very useful. Try It.
A Bit of Advice.
Children dear, when you hear
Dropping rain upon the pane.
Just be happy, never fear;
Sunshine always follows rain.
Children sweet, when your feet
Make the grown-up people fret
At the noise of girls and boys.
Tell them you'll be sober yet.
Children pray, when the day
Does not go quite right at school,
Think of this, that perfect bliss
Comes of minding every rule.
Youth's Companion.
A Spanking Team.
"How's that for a spanking team?"
asked Tommy Brown of Johnny Jones,
as the mothers of the two boys were
seen coming up the street together.
"Can't be beat in slipper-y weather,"
said Johnny Jones to Tommy Brown.
Artist Must Have Forgotten.
The mother was examining the proof
of her little 4-year-old daughter's pho
tograph. "Why didn't you smile, Nel
lie?" she asked. "I did smile, mam
ma," replied Nellie, "but I 'spect the
man was busy an' forgot to put it in."
Kindness to Dollie.
"Why, Edie," said a mother to her
little daughter, "what have you done
to your dollie's eyes?" "I tooked 'em
out," replied Edie, "so she couldn't see
that she had to sleep in a dark room."
Kingsley's Hidden Pipes.
Charles Kingsley's rectory of Evers
ley was within a fairly easy walk of
Wellington College, where the late
Archbishop Benson was head master.
Benson, we are told by his son in the
biography of the archbishop, saw a
great deal of him. He told that once,
walking with Kingsley at a remote
part of Eversley, on a common, the
rector suddenly saying, "I must smoke
a pipe," went to a furze bush, and felt
about in it for a time, presently pro
ducing a clay churchwarden pipe,
which he lighted and solemnly smoked
as he walked, putting it, when he had
done, into a hole among some tree
roots, and explaining that he had a
"cache" of pipes in several places, in
the parish, to meet the exigencies of a
sudden desire for tobacco.
The friendship between the two en
thusiastic men was very intimate.
"What is Benson's character?" said a
friend to Kingsley, who replied, "Beau
tiful, like his face." On the other hand,
till the end of his life, Benson delighted
in talking of Kingsley, and spoke of
him with tears in his eyes.
An Excellent Medicine.
One of the best features of a sea bath
is the salt water inadvertently swal
lowed by bathers. It is a wonderful
tonic for the liver, stomach and kid
neys. In many cases it will cure bil
iousness when all drug preparations
have failed. It is peculiarly effective
in ordinary cases of indigestion, disor
dered stomach and insomnia, and has
been known to produce excellent re
sults in many cases of dyspepsia. Clean
sea water, such as is to be had at any
of our numerous fashionable seaside
resorts, is full of tonic and sedative
properties. It won't hurt anybody. In
deed, two or three big swallows of it
would be of positive benefit to nine
bathers out of ten. It is not, of course,
a palatable or tempting dose to take,
but neither is quinine or calomel. You
seldom, if ever, see an old sailor who
is bilious or dyspeptic, or a victim to
insomnia, and why? For the reason
that an ocean of good medicine spreads
all about his sky, and he doses himself
copiously with it whenever his mechan
ism becomes the least bit deranged.
Base-Ball in Biblical Times.
A member of the Canton Theological
School, who is interested in the gi'eat
national game, has written a thesis on
"base ball among the ancients." From
this are gleaned the following interest
ing points which help to establish his
The devil was the first coacher he
coached Eve when she stole first
Adam stole second.
When Isaac met Rebecca at the well
she was walking with a pitcher.
Samson struck out a great many
times when he beat the F nilistines.
Moses made his first .vun when he
slew the Egyptian.
Cain made a base hit wlien he killed
Abraham made a sacrifice.
The prodigal son made a home run.
David was a great long-distance
Moses shut out the Egyptians at the
Red Sea. Canton Commercial Adver
tiser. , Mark Twain at the Telephone.
There is a story told of Mark Twaia
by a gentleman who lived near his resi
dence at Hartford. One day Mark an
swered the telephone, and after halloa
ing for some time without an answer,
he used some language not generally
seen in print, but which was certainly
picturesque. While thus engaged he
heard an answer in astonished tones,
and recognized the voice of an eminent
divine whom he knew very well. "Is
that you, doctor?" questioned Mark.
"I didn't hear what you said. My but
ler has been at the telephone, and
said he couldn't understand you."
A Large Painting.
The largest painting In the world, ex
clusive of panoramas and cycloramas,
Is in the grand salon of the Doge's
Palace, at Venice. This painting is
84 feet wide by 34 feet high.
Some people probably agree with you
because it bores them less than your argument
Folding Hay Door.
It has always been a good deal -of
trouble to close the end door to a barn
where hay is taken in with a horse hay
fork. We prefer to drive in the barn
to unload the hay, but will admit that
a barn will hold more when it is taken
In at the end. The cut explains itself.
The upper part of the door is hung to
the lower part and folds in when open
and will open clear back under the cor
nice and can be easily closed by closing
the lower part first and raising the up
per part from the inside. This closes
the opening sufficient to keep out all
storms provided the barn has a hood
to accommodate the hay fork, and all
barns should have a hood to keep the
hay from rubbing against the barn so
hard. The hood is not shown in the
sketch, as it would hide the view of
the door. Ohio Farmer.
Watering Places.
There is need of concerted action or
a State law providing suitable water
ing places for horses along the much
traveled roads. In the olden times the
toadmakers, when the road crossed a
brook or ran along the edge of a pond,
left places where one could drive in to
water the horse, and perhaps swell the
felloes of the wheels if the tires were
loose, but now the brooks are bridged
over to the width of the road, and the
ponds fenced at the roadside to keep
animals out, because the water supply
for some town or village is taken from
it, and it must be kept pure. This is
all right when the town has provided
public watering places where man and
beast can quench their thirst, but
when economy prevails to such an ex
tent that these are not put up, and one
may drive on a much traveled road for
ten or fifteen miles without a chance
for the horse to wash the dust out of
his mouth, it is time that provision
were made, even if we returned to the
village pump and watering trough.
They were very well where no brooks
were available, but the pump some
times would not work well, and some
times the driver would not work the
pump handle, and the poor horse got
lukewarm and filthy water, or none at
all, unless the driver wanted a drink
himself. American Cultivator.
Curing Clover Hay.
Alvah Agee tells in the National
Stockman how he cured five acres of
clover hay this year, in which he goes
farther than we have advised in the
way of curing it In the heap, and we
have been accused of being very radi
cal on that subject. He followed the
advice of T. N. Ralston, as given at the
Farmers' Institute in Armstrong Coun
ty. Pennsylvania. The clover was cut
from June 12 and June 13. In cloudy
weather, and light rains followed near
ly every day until June 18. Most of it
was put in the heaps after about two
hours wilting. One lot was left an hour
longer, and this came out dark. One lot
was racked and bunched before much
wilted, and some of this was moldy.
The bunches were opened out and aired
on the following Monday not more
than Is usually thought necessary In
ordinary handling, and then drawn to
the barn. With the exceptions above
noted, where the clover was wilted not
enough or too much before heaping, the
hay was quite green In color, with all
heads and leaves on and no waste. He
considers the experiment a success.
Care of Greenhouses.
Insects and fungous diseases are bad
enough in the open field, but much
wcrse when they get into the green
house. An occasional scalding of the
benches and shelves, and washing
(hem down with a solution of carbolic
acid or sulphuric acid, will help much
to keep them out, but if this falls It
may be necessary to clean them out,
removing the earth and putting In a
new supply, then close and fumigate
with burning charcoal and sulphur,
taking care not to inhale the fumes, or
let them get into another house where
the plants are. . Remove earth from all
pots, wash them with carbolic acid so
lution, wash off in clear water the
earth from roots of plants, and repot In
fresh earth. Much work It is, but what
Is the use of a greenhouse when plants
will not grow?
Hog Cholera.
I have been raising bogs for eight
years, and have never lost one from
cholera, although the cholera has been
In my neighborhood several times dur
ing that time. Two years ago the chol
era attacked my nearest neighbor's
hogs. I advised him to give them equal
parts of wood ashes, salt, charcoal, sul
phur and soda, in one tablespoonful
doses for each hog, twice a day. He
did so, and of five sick hogs which re
ceived the treatment two died and
three got well. About the same time a
very fine pig of mine became sick and
I gave him the same treatment. He
recovered in two or three days. I gave
the same remedy to my other hogs, and
none of them were sick. A. J. Legg, in
Dairy Dots.
The feed does not affect the richness
of the milk. You cannot tell by the
looks of milk how rich it is.
You cannot afford to run cows on half
To get high grade milk brush the
cows before milking, and it is advised
by many that the udders be clipped.
Manage to have the cows come fresh,
so as to maintain a uniform supply
throughout the year.
It Is claimed that summer silage will
stdp summer shrinkage.
Don't make a strainer do too much
work. Have a fresh one for every ten
or a dozen cows.
Cool the milk and keep it at a given
Care, cleanliness and cold are the
three "c's" of milk production.
Foreign Insect Pests.
Some of the insects brought to this
country from abroad do more damage
to crops than in their native countries.
They are the more destructive here be
cause their natural enemies (such as
parasites) were left behind; hence the
insects are kept in check in their native
localities and have greater opportuni
ties to multiply In America. The cab
bage worm, so destructive here, has a
parasite in Europe which prevents it
from doing great damage. The Hessian
fly parasite, however, has been import
ed to this country, and has done much
to keep the fly in check.
Poultry Specializing.
There is much said about the neces
sity of specializing in the poultry busi
ness, but the fact remains that nearly
all the successful poultrymen are unit
ing the egg and market poultry
branches. The necessity for keeping
up the plant the year around and em
ploying all the time and facilities
seems to make it necessary to raise
broilers and market chickens as well
as layers. Besides, the broiler men
who depend upon others to furnish sat
isfactory eggs for hatching are likely
to be disappointed. Farm and Home.
Pennsylvania Oleo Law.
The Superior Court of Pennsylvania
decided that what Is known as the
color clause of the oleo law is sound.
This means that oleo cannot legally be
sold. Yellow is the standard color of
butter, and it is illegal to counterfeit
other fats by coloring them yellow. In
stead of grieving over this the oleo men
ought to rejoice, for it gives them a
grand chance to prove that people are
eager to buy oleo. Let them put it on
the market for just what It is, uncol
ored and with no attempt to call It
butter. Rural New Yorker.
$290,000,000 Worth of Poultry.
Two hundred and ninety millions of
dollars for poultry, the proceeds of one
year, compared with $186,000,000 for
hogs for the same time, tells with em
phasis the enormous magnitude of the
poultry business. It becomes startling
when it is remembered that we are still
importers of eggs, for we should sup
ply every home demand and be able to
export besides. England Imports 135,
450,111 dozens of eggs' at a cost of $20,
3G5.326, and we furnish ;447,033 of tha
amount, or did In 1897. ,
First in His Class.
This Shorthorn bull was first In his
class at the Birmingham, England,
Shorthorn show.
Marketing Wool.
Thousands of dollars are annually lost
by woolgrowers by reason of the slov
enly manner in which the clips are sent
to the market. Many a clip is discount
ed a full cent or more per pound on ac
count of the bad condition in which it
comes to the market, while nothing Is
gained by the seller either in saving
of time or labor. A clean, well-tied
fleece always meets a warm welcome
among buyers, sorters add millmen.
Sheep Breeder.
Salt for Asnarairns.
In sandy or comparatively dry soil,
salt is an excellent article to apply to
asparagus beds.. It. will not, however,
take the place of strong manure. Its
chief office seems to be 'to encourage
a plentiful supply of moisture: Mee
han's Monthly. .; -
- 'J To Destroy Thistles.
Cut down the plants as low as possi
ble and pour a teaspoonf ul of sulphuric
acid on the crowns of the plants, the
acid to be used only In glass, as it at
tacks all metals and wood and should
be handled with great care. If proper
ly applied it will destroy every thistle.