Newspaper Page Text
C0RVALLI8 GAZETTE. WEEKLY. UNION Eitnh. July, 18B7. GAZETTE Estab. Dee., 1S02. Consolidated Feb. 18M. CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, WOO. VOL. XXXVII. NO. 43. EVENTS OF THE DAY Epitome of thj Telegraphic News of tf. World. TERSE TICKS FROM JHE WIRES An Interesting Collection of Items Froi ie Two Hemispheres Pro ' iU 1 in a Cor -tensed iV..m. . The United States has answered the French note. Roosevelt denounced the Deomcratic issue of militarism. British ministerialists hold 357 seats and the opposition 205. Horse buyers for German govern ment are in Eastern Oregon. A general uprising is expected in the southern provinces of China. Mgr. Chapel le argues for retention ot church propei ty in the Philippines. An eight-year-old boy cf Roseburg, Or., was kiiled accidentally while play ing with a ride. One man was killed and 12 injured in a riot in the anthracite region at Ilazleton, Pa. Mrs. Ann Jane Darrah, of Liberty, Or., an aged and blind woraau, was burned to death. Thomas Sheridan, 50 years old, a la borer employed in a shingle mill at Fairhaven, Wash., was run over by a train and killed. The American marines from Pekin have arrived at Takn, where they will be joined by the Tion Tsin battalion, and sail on the Iudi mi for Cavite. The wife of a minister at Atchison, Kan., jumped into a cistern with her 8-year-old child and both were drowned. The woman was insane. A cablegram received from Commis- sioner-General Peck, at Paris, contains ! an announcement if final results ob tained at the exposition bv the coun- tries in the way of awards. The Unit ed States received 2,475 awards; Ger many, 1,820; Great Britain, 1,117; Russia, 1.413. The United States leads not only in the urand total, but also in all grades of awards, from grand prizes to merely honorable men tion. Referring to tho mooted purchase of the Danish West Indies by the United States, the Copenhagen, correspondent of the Daily Telegraph says: "Tho re newed negotiations will result, I be lieve, in the purchase. The opposition party in the Danish parliament favors the transaction, but urges the govern ment to obtain a larger price than the United States has previously offered. It is understood that America wishes to use St. Croix as a naval coaling station." Bryan concluded his tour of Illinois. Cecil Rhodes will re-enter politics. The empress dowagor is said to be ill. Huberts wiil name his own sncces- sor. Colville Indian reservation is opened for settlement. Roosevelt spoke to an immense audi ence in St. Louis. Canada will 1 sell clams in Klondike. crown mining General Brooke, urges reorganization of the army on modern lines. Conger has prepared a list of Chinese officials that should be punished. Idaho Soloiera' H.rmo was destroyed by fire. One inmate was suffocated. The American Bible Society fur nishes a list ol missionaries killed by Boxers. General MacArthur reported to the war department that the transport Rosecrans and tho transport Argyle arrived at Manila with Light Batteries C and M, Seventh artillery, Majot G. G. Greeuough. P. H. Gilhooley, counsel for the Elizabeth port, N. J., Banking Com Pny, announced that William Schiie 1 er, a missing clerk of the bank, was a defaulter to the amount of $50,000, and that the bank directors had made good the aomunt of the shortage. Lord George Hamilton, secretary of state for India, has received the lol lowing from Lord Curzou: "The gen eral condition of crops is excellent, and except in a pait of Bombay famine conditions are disappearing The to tal number on the reiief list has fallen to 2,746.000." The American Bridge Company closed a contract to furnish all of the structural steel to be used in the erec tion of a big arsenal at Kure, Japan. The money value of the contract is be tween $250,000 and $300,000. It will require six months to tnrnish the material, aud it must be delivered at Kure within a year. Officials of the North German Lloyd Steamship Company at New York City have awarded a contract for a monu ment to be erected in a plot owned by the company in a cemetery in North Hudson, in memory of the persons who lost their lives in the great fire that destroyed the piers and steamers of the company at Hoboken, on June 30 last. White blackberries and green roses have been propagated in Lousiaoa this year. Seventy-two new coal mines have been opened in Prussia this year, in creasing the output for 1900 by 2,500, 000 tons. What promises to be the best apple .crop in the history of Canada not merely the quantity, but quality ia now fast approaching the harvest season. LATER NEWS. Buller will return to England. Germany accepts France's proposal. Immense field of coal has been dis covered in Alaska. Reformers defeated the imperial rrmy on East river. The Boers are very active in the Kroonstadt district. Russians take the first step on the right bank of the Amur. Lord Alverstone will be the new lord chief justice of England. Mexican troops are having a hard campaign against Indians. Captain Shields and his 51 men were rescued fron the Filipinos. A milk combine has been formed by milkmen of Vancouver, B. C. Roosevelt concluded his Kentucky tour -with a speech in Covington. The rebellion in Southern China is anti-dynastic rather than anti-foreign. Yellow fever is expected to increase in Havana while sewers are being dug. Fire at Herrick, 111., destroyed 1Q business houses, causing a loss of $50," 000. John Oregon cell. P. Adams, a patient at the insane asylum, hanged him- Li Hung Chang expresses regret fox recent occurrences and thanks Ameri cans. Dewet proclaims that burghers who refuse to fight will be made prisoners of war. A case of illness, suspected to be bu bonic plague, is reported at Stepney, a parish suburb of London. Records that fell into the hands of correspondents show that Chinese au thorities supported the Boxer move ment. A dispatch from Port Limon, Colom bia, says that a serious file broke out uu lnal Heveral prominent commercial buildings were destroyed. The sultan of Turkey has leased to Germany for SO rears the island of Uroan, in the Red sea, 40 miles north of Kamaran, for a coaling station. Full returns as to the wine harvest throughout Germany for the year show that it is more abundant and of more excellent quality than for several years previous. Miss Amanda Fairman, a prominent young lady of Philips bora, Mont., was found dead in her room, having been shot with a shotgun. A shotgun was lying on the table. The suicide theory is denied, and it is believed she was murdered. Li Hung Chang is in Pekin. Southern rebels defeated General Ho's army near San Chun. The submarine boat Holland has been placed in. commission. Russia urges that the Chinese in demnity question be arbitrated. Coal miners in the state of Kansas ! have won a strike and gone to work. The members of the Chilean cabinet have resigned, owing to a politica cause. The National League baseball season came to a close with Brooklyn the pen nant winner. Charles Fargo, second vice-president of the American Express Company, is dead at Chicago. The Loraine, O., plant of the Federal Steel Company has been closed, shut ting out 3,000 men. The queen regent of Spain will ar bitrate the differences at present exist ing between Peru and Chili. A clergyman of Blair, Neb., convict ed of bigamy, was sentenced to four years in the penitentiary. Dysentery is raging among the troops at Tien Tsin and the German conting ent will transfer its headquarters to Pekin. The steel plants of the Illinois Steel Works, at South Chicago, were closed down, 2,500 men bei: . thrown out ol employment. A minor official of the Vatican at Rome has been arrested on .the charge of giving the thieves access to the room from which the sum of about 350,000 lire was recently stolen. Striking coal miners will accept the 10 per cent increase in wages offered by the operators if it lasts all winter. However, the men will not resume work until officially ordered by union officer. In northern Panay, October 12, Com pany D, Twenty-sixth United States volunteer infantry, was attacked by a force of Tagals. The enemy lost 20 men killed and 40 wounded, while the Americans had two men wounded. Twenty-two prisoners and 12 rifles and a quantity of ammunition were cap tured. A colony of 500 Sicilians from New Orleans is to leave for Hawaii early in January, under the leadership of Father j Nasca, an Italian priest. The colony , secretary oi war Bernardo Keves, ex will be in the employ of an American pel ling from the army Major Carlos company, which has large sugar inter- j Glass, the grounds for expulsion being ests in the Hawaiian islands. The j that the officer made public statements COmpanv Will build a cnurcn, school and homes for the Sicilians. Road improvements has begun in the Philippines, with . money collected i rom customs at Manila. Lorin Pease, of at the age of 100 be 99, and his six Hadley, Mass., died His father lived to brothers and sisters all passed 70. James Ellis Tucker baa sailed for Honolulu to revive the customs law and service of the Hawaiian islands so as to bring them up to the standard of those at home CANTON IS ALARMED Spreading of the Revolt Southern China. in FEAR OUTBREAK IN THE CITY Six Districts In the Wei Hal Wei Pre' fecture Are Now In the Hands of the Rebels. Hong Kong. Oct. 15. The reformer Sun Yat Sen, according to dispatches j from Canton, has unfurled the reform flag in the important town of Wei i Chou, on East river. This act has 'given rise to considerable excitement in military circles in Canton, as it is believed the object in raising the flag in Wei Chou is to denude Canton of troops, so that they can seize the city. London, Oct. 15. The Times has the following from "Hong Kong: "The situation in the Wei Hai pre fecture is serious. In six districts the cities are in the hands of the rebels. If an outbreak should occur in Canton, its suppression would be difficult. Berlin, Oct. 15. A dispatch received here today from Shanghai says a very serious view is taken at Field Marshal Count von Waldersee's headquarters in Tien Tsin, of the revolutionary movement. At Canton a false alarm October 7 caused the Chinese officials to protest aaginst any occupation of Chinsese territory. The Yangtse vice roys, the dispatch adds, openly affirm that they will oppose any advance of the Gernians into Shan Tung province. CENSUS OF PORTO RICO. Only 25 Per Cent of Population Educa- ; tionally Qualified to Vote. Washington, Oct. 15. The recent census of Porto Rico lias developed the fact that there are 201,071 males of voting age in the island, but that only j 25 per cent aie educationally qualified to vote. The native-born whites of the island number 120,295, and the col- ored natives 73,010. The Spaniards who now live in the island number 5,662, and whites born in other coun tries are 2,104. Of the whites of Porto Rican birth, ' 35,397 were liteiate, forming 29.4 per 1 cent of this class. Of the colored, 12, 576 could read, or 17.2 per cent of the race. Under the educational voting qualification, therefore, the number entitled to vote in the island would be 47,973, or 25 per cent of the native- j born males of voting age, ana 24 per 1 cent of all males of voting age. In the cities of San Juan and Ponce ia concentrated a consderable part of the foreign element of the island, and here, if anywhere, will the restriction of the suffrage to the literates give the ! foreign-born an advantage. It is well, therefore, to examine the conditions in these two cities. In the cities of San I Juan and Ponce the number of persons ; 21 years of age and over, and who can read, are distributed as follows: In San Juan, 1,925 native whites, 1,100 Spanish-born, 592 born in other coun tries, and 1,822 colored. In Ponce there are 2,190 native whites, 409 Spanish-born, 268 born in other coun tries and 1,265 colored. It appears that in the city of Sao Jnan the native whites and the colored each outnumber the foreign element. In Pence this proportion is even great er, the nati .-e whites being more than three times as numerous as the foreign element, while the colored is double its number. Family Burned to Death. Boston, Oct. 15. Three persons, a father and two sons, were burned to death in a shanty in Roxbury at 2:30 this morning. The victims are: Ed ward Tousealin, aged 45; Edward Tousealin, aged 27; James Tousealin, aged 14; Tousealin had lived in the place 10 years. He carried on the bus iness of wood peddling and one side of his abode had a shed where he pre pared the wood for market. The bodies of Tousealin and his sons were almost consumed. Several years ago Tousealin's wife was burned to death in this same place, her clothing hav ing caught fire while she was cooking a meal. Locomotive Blew Up. St. -Louis, Oct. 15. A special tele gram rom Mexico, Mo., to the Post Dispatch says: Engine 105, while hauling the east-bound passenger train on the St. Louis & San Francisco, at the usual speed, exploded at Curiy ville, about 30 miles east of this city, early this morning and was blown al most to atoms. John Mason, colored porter, of Roodhouse, ill., had his head cut off, and several others were in jured. Fifty yards of track was torn up, and trains delayed for several hours. It is not known what caused the explosion. Mexican Major Expelled. Chicago, Oct. 15. A specal to the Record from Monterey, Mex., says: An official order has just been issued by tua presenile, ui ui supenurs ueruga- tory to the institutions of Mexico. Grain Gamblers Arrested. Chicago, Oct. 15. Twelve promi nent speculators in the Chicago Board of Trade were arrested today in the raid made by the police on the open board. Among them were Charles Al bertson, president of the open board. The general charge made is "gambling ingrain." It is stated that 80 more warrants have been issued in conneo tion with the attempt to suppress the alleged gambling in grain and yro visions. LADRONES of LEYTE. Are Plundering and Following si ve Tactics. Manila, Oct. 15. The west coast of the island of Leyte is in a state of tur moil. The rebel ladrones are actively plundering, the disturbers following offensive tactic?, raiding and attack ing and then returning to the garrison ed towns, while the Americans pursue them to the mountains. General Ma jica's officers are surrendering and his soldiers, attempting to escape to Samar in boats, are being captured, and his organization broken up. The captured guerrillas and ladrones, when ques tioned, stated that on the 5tb instant 80 Americans attacked 45 rebels, rifled their stronghold in Camarines province and ranted them, killing' 10. Two Americans were killed and three wonnded. Twenty members of the Thirty-second infantry, in an engage ment on the 10th instant, in Batan province, had one man Killed and four wounded. The Philippine commission, of which Judge Taft is president, today passed eight bills of minoi importance, one providing for a civil increase of salaries of several municipal officials, includ ing school teachers, appropriating $7, 500 in gold for the construction of a garbage crematory at Manila and for the reorganization of the auditor's office. The Wright bill, asking for $1,000, 000 in gold for the completion of Spain's plans for Manila harbor im provements, elicited comment from one representative of Manila's Interna tional Chamber of Commerce to the effect that, as the merchants had long been paying a special impost fund to this end, the merchants should belong to the board controlling the construc tion; and that as the United States had collected $3,000,000 since its occupa tio by imposts for harbor improvements, he failed to see the necessity for the appropriation of insular funds and sug gested the use of a special fund. The discussion was deferred until Friday. AN ANARCHIST'S CONFESSION. Assassin Bressis Accomplice Tells ol the American Plots- New York, Oct. 15. A dispatch to the Journal and Advertiser from Rome, says: The anarchist Bertollani, ar rested at Milan as a suspected accom plice of Bresci, has made a confession about anarchist plots. "I have known about these plots for a long time," he said. "It was I who sent the letter to the crown prosecutor at Naples, warning him in advance that Italian anarchists were coming from America to kill the king, but they paid no attention to my letter. At an an archist meeting in Paterson, N. J., seven men were selected to kill kings and chiefs of states. One ol them was alloted to kill McKinley or Bryan dur ing the presidential campaign. I do ! not know the name of the man who was assigned to this duty. The recent Chicago plot was independent of that hatched at Paterson. I believe ocher plots having the same object, have been organized in the United States. An archists have killed kings and queens, now they should kill a president of a republic to show tho world that for an archists there are neither monarchies Box republics, and that a king is as cheap as a president." Transport Broke Down. Seattle, Oct. 15. Major Ruhlen, assistant quartermaster here, has been notified by the quartermaster-general that the Kanglse, the freighter under charter to carry animals and supplies from Seattle to Manila, has met with an accident off Singapore, and will probably not enter the government service. She broke her shaft and is expected to be laid up for at least five weeks. As a result of the accident to the Kangtse, several additional vessels will probably be at once chartered. The Mogul has alreaady been chartered from Dodwell & Co., and will carry j part of the cargo intended for the : Kangtse. She will be loaded with for- : age and will go under tonnage charter. 1 The Mogul is not expected to arrive here until about November 1. Floods in New Brunswick. St. John, N. B., Oct.. 15. The provinoe of New Brunswick has re- ; ceived a terrible drenching from a rain storm which lasted 108 hours, and which in amount equals 10 inches. Not a train is moving on the Canadian Pacific Railway between St. John and Vanoeboro, or on the branch lines of the road to St. Andrews, St. Stephen, Fredericton or Woodstock. The tie-up is due to washouts. Conditions are the woist which have existed in the Canadian road's history, and thous ands of dollars are represented in the damage already done and in loss of traffic. Burglars Bob the Vatican. Rome. Oct. 15. A number of the papers here publish the extraordinary statement that the securities valued at 857,000 lire, the theft of which from the Vatican was recently reported to the Italian police, had been stolen some time previous to Februaiy last, ! and were sold in that month on the Paris bourse. They were stolen, it is asserted, bv order of an Italian capital- ; iat. If the story be true the more re pent burglary was committed with the object of deceiving the authorities. 1 This theory has produced a great im- ; pression at the Vatican, bat it Is not generally credited. Mains Goes to Nagasaki. London, Oct. 16. The American Ladies' committee has received a dis patch from Wei Hai Wei, dated Wed nesday, October 10, reporting the re turn there of the American hospital nip Maine from Takn with many in valids on board, of whom two officials and 69 men are Americans, and 19 of the latter belong to the Ninth infan try. The Maine will sail for Nagasaki today. CAN'T GET TOGETHER Mineowners Could Not Agree Among Themselves. SO CANNOT MEET THE STRIKERS statement Pro n the Standpoint of the Owners and Operators Knd of Strike Expected Soon. Scranton, -Pa., Oct. 16. In response to a request for a statement as to his views on the answer of the United Mineworkers to the operators' proposi tion, T. H. Watkins, president of the Temple Iron'Company, which company is largely interested in coal mining, to night gave out a somewhat lengthy statement, in which he says in part: "We will give jour men reasonable time to return to work, trusting they will see the mistake of being guided and influenced by men who, however honest and sincere they may be in their efforts to benefit the miners of the an thracite region, are unable to advise them intelligently and for their best good. "Mr. Mitchell apparently thinks that the control of the mining operations rests in the hands of one or two per sons, notably Mr. Morgan, or that there is a trnst of some sort which can de cide the whole question, when, as a matter of fact, there are only three or four of the transportation companies in which any one concerned has any in fluence, and thev do not represent 30 per cent of the whole anthracite ton nage. More than 100 different com panies and individuals are interested in mining the total tonnage, and no one man can control or have the slight est influence over their action. "One thing the companies are ap parently agreed upon is that they will not agree. ' Efforts have been made for years to get some plan to which all could agree to control the tonnage, so that fair prices could be secured for a product which requires so large an investment of money with such great risk to the labor employed, as well as the capital employed, but effort after effort has failed through failure to agree on a plan that would not violate the laws and to which all could agree. "But Mr. Mitchell comes here and says in effe t that no mineworkers shall go to work until every operator does juEt exaclty what the other does aud that the Lehigh and Schuylkill men must have a new basis before the men in the Lackawana and Wyoming regions can go to work. "The United Mineworkers will lay themselves open if they have not al ready done so to the charge of being the largest and most dangerous trust to the public welfare that has ever exist ed and the organization will make the mistake of all others that of going too far and using its power to hurt the public, as well as those directly inter ested. "Our company will be glad to dis cuss the matter with our employes when they are ready to meet us with a view of going back to work, without regard to what Schuylkill operators may do. The strike has already cost us a great deal of money, and the men much more, as well as loss of trade, which we may not recover in years. In the meantime soft coal mines are working night and day filling the place jf anthracite coal." STORMY AT ST. LAWRENCE. Thirty Vessels Driven Ashore Nova Scotia Swept. Halsfax, N. S., Oct. 16. Additional disasters to shipping on this coast are reported. The known list of vessels driven ashore now numbers 30, mostly owned in the province and Newfound land. The loss all over the country and in the neighboring provinces through terrific rainfalls and washouts aud damage to orchards and buildings by heavy winds will be very many thousands of dollars. The Canadian Pacific wires connect ing Cape Breton with the rest of Nova Scotia are completely broken at the straits of Canso, where the cable was fouled by a schooner dragging her an chor in the recent gale. Heavy rain is falling again today throughout Nova Scotia. Rivers and lakes everywhere are overflowing and destroying property. There has been no Canadian Pacific train from Mon treal in four days and a serious wreck of the Sydney express caused by a Washout is reported in Cape Breeton. The Gloucester schooner Mystery, at Canso, reports one man lost at sea. Manila, Oct. 16. Captain Deve reaux Shields, who, with 61 men of Company F, Twenty-ninth reigment. United States volunteer infantry, was captured by the insurgents last month in the island of Marindnque, was les cued yesterday by the American rescue force with all the members of his party. The naval board to examine the old frigate Constitution has reported to the navv department that it will cost about $400,000 to place that vessel in condition, such as is contemplated by the Boston Patriotic Society, which is raising a mnd for the rehabilitation of "Old Ironsides." New Zealand Mail Service. Weilington, N. Z., Oct. 16. The house of representatives today approved the postmaster-general's agreement I ..... ... .. . with Messrs. Spreckels to continue for a year the San Francisco mail servioe. The vessels will run every three weeks instead of monthly, beginning Novem ber 1. The time from San Francisco to Auckland will not exceed 16 days. An amendment favoring a Vancouver &eyice was carried without a division. GOVERNMENT SURVEYS. Hard Work Is Necessary to Secure Con gressional Recognition. Washington, Oct. 16. All the great appropriations of the government are based upon the estimates of the several departments. At this time of the year the various offices are preparing their plans and estimates for the operations of the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 1901, and ending Jane 30, 1902. These estimates will be transmitted to congress and em bodied in the appropriation bills, mos Df which will be considered and passed luring February, as congress adjourns on March 4, it being the short session. The estimates which have peculiar importance to the arid regions are those for the continuance of the measure ments of rivers, the examination of underground waters, and especially the survey of reservoir sites, and reports upon the cost and value of reclamation )f large areas of fertile arid lands. For Surveys. At the last session of congress the National Irrigation Association ener getically endeavoied to have the annual appropriation of the geological survey for this purpose increased from the almost absurdly sum of $50,000 to the a mount of $250,000, this being more in accordance with the needs of the coun try. The increase was made in the senate, , bnt in conference with the bouse of representatives a compromise of $100,000 was reached, the conces sion being made that at the next session the sum of $250,000 would be favorably considered. Organized Effective Work. A lesson that can be learned from the attitude of many of the Eastern states as regards river and harbor improve ments; these improvements are not left to chance or regarded with indifference, bnt the claims of each locality are made known and systematically push ed by organized effort, such as boards of trade or merchants' associations. Eastern interests are or ganized for work, and when an Eastern locality wants a river and harbor appro priation it goes alter it in a thorough, systematic manner, and sooner or later gets it. This is what the West can and should do. Every Western noard of trade, chamber of commerce am commercial organization should bestii itself individually, bring all the influ ence it can to bear upon the senators and congressmen of its state, and act ively co-operate with the National Ir rigation Association to not only insure favorable congressional action on these survey estimates, bnt to otherwise ad vance the interests of the arid region through national channels. Irrigation Congress Meeting. The ninth annual session of the Na tional Irrigation Congress will meet at Chicago Illinois, November 20-23, 1900. PANAMA CANAL GOING AHEAD. Will Be Huilt Kven If United States lakes Nicaragua Knterprise. New York, Oct. 17. M. Hutin, director-general and president of the board of directors ot the Panama Canal Company; General Abbott, chief engi neer, and W. N. Cromwell, counsel for (he canal company, were passengers on the steamship La Lorraine from Havre "The Panama Canal Company," sai General Abbott, "is waiting for thi recommendation of the Walker com mission to congress and for the action of that body. I believe that the decis ion will be in favor of the Panama canal as being more feasible and eco nomical and giving better results. If the decision is against the Panama canal the company will nevertheless go on building it. I believe that if both the Panama and Nicaragua canals are built nine-tent lis of the vessels will choose the Panama canal as being the better. What the Walker commission heard when in Paris was a revelation to it. Already between three and four million cubic yards have been taken out down there and two-fifths of the work has been done. Killed a Postmaster. Chicago, Oct. 17. A dispatch to the Record from Guadalajara, Mexico, says: A band of brigands, under the leadership of the notorious Pedro Flores, has been committing numerous murders and robberies in the Autlan district of this state for several months. News has just reached here that the robbers made a bold raid on the town of Autlan and killed the postmaster. Following this unprovoked murder they looted the place and terrorized the populace. They have a stronghold in the mountans and a detachment of ru rales has gone in pursuit of them. Again Driven From Mansfield. Mansfield, O., Oct. 16. The Dow (eite Deacon Homer Kessler, of Chi cago, made another unsuccessful at tempt to hold services here today. He was taken in charge by the police while Holding services at the home of F. D. Caverand was sent ont of the city on the east-bound Pennsylavma passenger train at noon. New York Cigarmakers' Strike. New York, Oct. 15. Samuel Gom pers, president of the American Federa toin of Labor, is in the city to endeavor to settle the cigarmakers' strike, which has lasted now for more than four months. He had conferences with representatives of firms who formerly employed about 4,000 of the 6,000 cigarmakers who are still out. The Child Was Mutilated. Dayton, O., Oct. body of Ada Lants, 17. The dead the 12-year-old daughter of Charles Lants. a carpenter , j., t k failiav'i ru innnd in the rear of her father s residence last night. A surprise party had been tendered her parents and while the guests were playing cards the little girl left the bouse. Her ab sence was not discovered for half an hour and after a search of the premises her body was found WAR IN SOUTH CHINA Reformers Continue Their Victorious Progress. DEFEAT TROOPS ON EAST RIVEh Sun Tat's Army Is Now Investing Prefectoral City of Hal Chou Activity In Canton. the Hong Kong, Oct. 17. Sun Yat Sea, Recording to reports from Canton, ha taken the town of Kin Shan, on Eastr River. and is now investing the nrafon. toral city of Hui Chou. A force of im perial troops from Canton was defeated by the reformers, 200 being killed. The advices say also that there it great activity in Canton in preparation for dispatching troops to the disturbed districts. Progress of Campbell's Column. Tien Tsin, Oct. 17. The British col umn under Lord Campbell, which forms part ot the expedition against Pao Ting Fu, and is making a detour to the south of the Pao Ting river, reached Tn Liu, on the grand canal, yesterday. Sir Ernest M. Satow, who succeed! Sir Claude McDonald as British minis ter to China, has started for Pekin. M. de Giers, the Russian minister, if likely to return soon. An Appeal to the Czar. Berlin, Oct. 17. The Chinese minis ter to Russia, Yang Yu, who visited Emperor Nicholas at Lividia yester day .strongly appealed tor the interces sion of the emperor in his favor and presented to him a letter from Emperor Kwang Hsu, together with documen tary evidence going to show that the Chinese ruler and court are less to blame for the anti-foreign outbreak than the Russian emperor had been led to believe. Reactionary Edicts. London, Oct. 17. "Since the Chi nese court arrived at the new capital, Sinan Fu," says a special dispatch from Shanghai, dated yesterday, "reaction ary edicts removing the moderates from high offices have been issued, showing that Prince Tuan holds the imperial seal." The Daily Chronicle has the follow ing from Vienna: "None of the pow ers except France and the United States approves the Russian proposal against China to the arbitration tribun al at The Hague." Germany Accepts France's Proposal. Berlin, Oct. 17. The Berlin Neuste Nachrichten says that it understands that Germany's answer to the note of M. Delcasse, French minister of for eign affairs, was dispatched today, and that it is friendly in tone and raises no objections to the principles set forth by M. Delcasse. It does not asrert that the reply deals with all his propo sitions. Warning to White Women. Berlin, Oct. 17. A dispatch re ceived here from Shanghai says the British consul there warns European women against coming north horn Hong Kong in the hope of joining their hnRhftnds. t.h aitnntinn in the Ynnmtp , valley being very serious. BOER WAR NOT ENDED. Unexpected Activity Delays Lord Boberts' Departure. Loudon, Oct. 17. Commenting upon the activity of the Boers and the state ment from Cape Town that Lord Ro berts has postponed his home-coming, the Standard says: "There are certain indications point ing to the conclusion that unexpected difficulties have arisen which Lord Roberts deems grave enough to delay bis return for some time to come. The facts suggest that it is impossible yet to denude South Africa of any substantial portion of the large army now engaged in dominating a sullen and recalcitrant people." The editorial finally calls for the severest measures against irreconcila ble Boers, "prompt and ruthless pun ishment for every insurgent burgher caught in delicto." Marching Resumed. Ilazleton, Fa., Oct. 17. The threat ened march of the strikers to Panther creek valley started from this section tonight. The objective points of the marchers are Lansford, in Carbon county, and Coaldale, in Schuylkill county. These towns are about 20 miles south of ilazleton, and the strik ers expect to reach their destination early tomorrow morning. Most of the collieries in that section are operated by the Lehigh Valley Coal & Naviga tion Company. They have been work ing all through the strike, despite the efforts of numerous organizers sent to that section for the purpose of getting the men to quit. Yellow Fever Will Increase. Havana, Oct. 16. It is generally admitted that yellow fever wil increase in Havana when the streets are opened for the installation of the sewers, a work which will probably require three years. Major Lodge, paymaster for the division of Cuba, is down with the fever. Car Sheds Burned. Cleveland, O., Oct. 17- The car sheds of the Cleveland & Eastern Elec tric Railway Company at Gates Mills, together with a number of oars and othei property, have been destroyed by fire. The loss is f 100,000. - Fire in an Indiana Town. Sullivan, Ind., Oct. 17. Fire to night destroyed the large building ia the nnblic square occupied by Barton Bros.' department store. Loss, $100,- 000. -