Newspaper Page Text
THE (NULIfi SAZETfL FfclDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1900. Ladies' Silk Waists iood material. Good workman ship. New Sryles. $7 to $10 each. Underskirts Mercenized cotton. Looks like ilk. Wears as well as silk. Pop ular colors. $1.90 ta $2.25 each Taffeline For fine skirt linings and for shirt wait. Twelve shade. M cente per yard. S, E. Young & Son Albany, Oregon. LOCAL NEWS. OHvee in bnlk at ZieroiPs. New Goods weekly at Nolan & Callahan's. Senator J. D. Daly went to Port land, Tuesday. Mrs. VV. Waddle, of Eugene, is visiting in this city. A few days ago Mary Chase transferred to John Haskins 18 acres of land near the mouth of Oak Creek, a mile or so west of town; the consideration was $1. "The Ancient Revival and how it came about," will be the subject at the Methodist Episcopal church next Sunday morning. You will be welcomed. F.-ank L. Moore, pas tor. All Corvallis livery rigs were en gaged for the funeral Wednesday, and it was necessary for Sheriff Burnett to telephone to Albany for a carriage to take Raymond, the insane patient, to the asylum. A death, the cause of which five physicians have pronounced black small-pox, occurred a few days ago at Dallas. No other case has been reported, but it is probable that that city will be quarantined. Relatives in this city recently heard from Arthur Keady, who, at the time of writing was in Aberdeen, Wash. He stated that he had a good prospect for a situ ation there at the printing business. There are few better printers than "Art." Ed Dunn returned recontly from atrip East. While absent he vis ited his eld "stamping grounds" in Illinois and Iowa. He states that in many ways the country has changed. From what Mr. Dunn says he has no desire to reside in the East again. Services at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath as follows: Sabbath school a. 10 a. m.; public worship at 11 a. in. and C. E. at 6:30 p. m. There will le noser- vice in the evening on account of the Y. M. C. A. union meeting at the Methodist church. For the poultry show which is to be held in this city from December 18th to 22nd, George W. Downs, of Portland, has ben secured as judge of the fowls. He is 6poken of as a well-veised authority on the points of a good fowl, also for the honesty of his decision?. The postal department has authorized postmasters to refuse to deliver the mail to school children except on written requert of par ents, in order to remedy the vexa tious habit of eternally calling for mail, which has been formed by children in many towns. Mr. E. T. Colton, international college becretary of the Y. M. C. A., is to address the young men of the O A C next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the college chapel. The subject of his discourse will be, "Student Temptations, the Battle Ground of College Life." Riley Waller, of Albany, expected to return homo yesterday. He is in the employ ol the Oregon Tele phone Co., and makes the improve ments and lepairs for this section of the country. His work in Cor vallis has "been the placing of new lines and making ready for the new line which is soon to connect Kings Valley with this city. There will be a meeting of the Grange Saturdiy afternqon at 1:30 and an open session at 2:00. Prof. Coote will talk on "Rose Culture." This will be a continuation of his remarks or. the saraa subject a month ago, which are said to have been most interesting and valu able. Meeting will be held in the Armory. Arrangements are in progress for a game of football between men of Do. G. National Guard. 4th Regi- mpnt. of Albany and eleven men of this nlace. The home team will be composed of men from the town end the O. A. C. It is to be played in Albany and if possible the date will be Thanksgiving day. This point i not yet settled on account of a game of football that is to he played in Albany on this date, be tween the high schools of Albany nnrl Enrone. It is hoped that a return game can he played in city. this i Brown's in town. Ho arrived toJay. "Belgian" is the. latest fad in hair cutting. Our e.w Fur Trimmings have' arrived. Nolan & Callahan. Prof. V. A. McGhee haa changed his residence from Albany to Cor vallis. Mrs. C. C. Hogue, of Albany, has been visiting with Corvallis friends since Tuesday. Broken line of Men's Wool and Cotton Underwear will be sold very cheap to close out. S. L. Kline. Wm. Huff and family left Tues day for their former home in Galva, 111., after a residence in Corvallis 6ince February last. Victor Hurt lost a valuable oow a few dnys ago. The animal foundered herself on clover, and all of Victor's skill as a physician proved unavailing. Ralph Terrell, son of Judge Ter rell, of Salem, has accepted a posi tion with Wollenberg Bros., in this city. He is an experienced dry goods clerk. Roseburg Review. The regular meetings of Alpha Rebekah Lodge No. 34 have been changed to the second and fourth Mondays of each month. All mem bers will kindly remember the change. Esther J. Reid, N. G. On its way home from California, the U of O football team stopped at Ashland to &lav the eleven of that city. U of O was successful by a score of 21 to 0 in one of the best games ever seen in Southern Oregon. A reception was given in honor of Mrs. Emma Galloway, depart ment officer of the Wo.uen's Relief Corps, by members of the order and the G. A. R. at the latter's hall Tuesday evening. Mrs. Galloway inspected the local order of the W. R. C. Tuesday afternoon. ,. Rev. J. R. N. Bell, a Presbyterian minister of Baker City, was a guest at Pendleton, Thursday. He was a member of the confederate army, and delivered the Declaration day address at Baker City in 1897. That is believed to have been the first time in the state of Oregon where the veterans who wore the blue gathered on such an occasion to listen to one who wore the gray deliyer the oration. Pendle ton E. O. William Toner, the express mes senger on the Corvallis fe East ern train, running between this city and Yaquina, was recently in jured by a wagon overturning. He was returning from a hunting trip and was accompanied by Geo. bimpfon ana Oscar Zeiss, teiinp- son and Zeiss were slightly injured, but it will be some time before Mr. Toner will entirely recover from the numerous bruises sustained. School district No. 62, with Miss Liszie Palmer as teacher, won the banner of attendance for having the best attendance among the schools of the cennty for the month ending November 10th. Miss Car rie Kiger's sohool in Dist. No. 83 came second with an attendance of 97 per oent. The five schools hav ing the next highest attendance are Dist. No. 23, 94 per cent; No. 5, 92 per cent; No. 59, 89 per cent; No. 24, 89 per cent; No. 13, 88 per cent; No. 9, 88 per cent. Fred Obsrer made & trip to Har ris station yesterday, in behalf of the Corvallis Sawmill Co. His business was to make arrange ments, if possible, for a short lease of the Harris sawmill to cut quite a large order of oak lumbef. Should he be able to secure the mill Mr. Oberer will likely be in charge out there. This mill is a water-power concern and it is understood that it is in good repair, with the excep tion of the m-iin wheel, which it is thought will need lining up before it cm be operated. Austin Craig, formerly of Corval lis, -is again in journalism. Togeth er with J. Nat Hudson, Mr. Craig, who has been representing the Port land Telegram for some months, is soon to start a paper at Whitney, Or. The paper will be called the Whit ney Gold News, and will be pub lished by the Whitney Printing Company, an incorporated concern. The plant, which is now stored in Sumpter, having been used in the publication of the Cove Ledger and Granite Boulder, will be shipped to Whitney on the hrst train that runs into that new town, and the publi cation commenced at once. It will be a six-column folio, Mr. Craig ed itor and Mr. Hudson hustler. "The Christian Students' Mis sionary Challenge to the Churches," is to be the subject of Mr. E. T. Colton's address at the M. E. church next Sunday evening. Mr. Colton is one of the international Y. M. C. A. secretaries. During the past three years he has spent his time among the institutions of higher learniag in the United States and Canada, and is able to speak from a wide acquaintance with American student life. Proba bly no other man in A'nerica has more to do with the religious life of students than Mr. Colton, who is devoting the be3t years (o the great work ot uplifting .the coming col lege man. Special music will be provided, and the program will meet your highest favor in every particular. AU are invited. EDISON ON TRIAL. Jalin H. Raymond Gives Evidence Impli eating the Great Inventor in a Con spiracy to take Life. Thos. A. Edison, the great in ventor, was on trial in Judge Woodward's court Tuesday af ternoon. Dr. B. A. Cathey ap peared as prosecuting attorney, with such success, be it said, that Edison may thank his stars that he was no nearer than Or ange, N. J. Sheriff Burnett as sumed the role of Hawkshaw, with Chief Flett as understudy; Attorney E. R. Bryson very ably assisted the prosecution, acting in the oapacity of physi cian as well as lawyer, while Edison was not permitted any representation, whatever. John Henry Raymond, a native of Michigan, aged 43 years, 5 feet, 4 inches in height, and weigh ing 135 pounds, was the prose cuting witness. Mr. Raymond came to Corval lis some four months ago, and found employment iu the Strosg sawmill. Aside from a disposi tion to impress his fellow labor ers with the dangers of imperial ism, he gave no evidence of mental or moral weakness. For a time he stayed at the home of Lee Henkle, but at the instiga tion of Mark Hanna, it is said Mr. Henkle declined to longer shire his home with the strang er. Mr. Raymond indignant ly refused to stay at Mr. Hen kle's after that gentleman re quested him to leave, and took up his abode at the Occidental hotel. Here the emissaries of his old enemy, Edison, began to harass him. He called upon Proprietor Brunk, of that hostel ry, for protection, but according to the evidence, Brunk was in collusion with Edison, and he turned Mr. Raymond over to the authorities, and it was durin the examination which followed that the lacts in tne case were brought out. According to Mr, Raymond's statements during direct examination by Dr. Cath ey and later under cross-examination by Attorney Bryson, he had been stopping at an hotel in Florida. Thos. A. Edison and his daughter were also guests at this hotel. .iiss Edison became enamored of Raymond, and while the latter gave her no en couragement, never going in her presence even, she pressed her suit, assisted by influential friends. But Edison objected to the matoh, all because Raymond wa9 a poor man, and notwith standing the latter's innocence in the matter, had persecuted him from that day to this. The inventor had in his employ two men who have followed Ray mond all over the country, in tent on destroying him with dynamite. Two weeks ago they appeared at the Occidental hotel and secured a room next to Ray mond's. Here they kept their Intended victim awake nights, whispering plots of his undoing, discussing explosives and at tempting to force an entrance into his room. They wore cork soled shoes and were so nimble that Mr. Raymond was unable to catch them, although he chased them through the halls and up and down the stairs of the hotel all Monday night. When he applied to Manager Brnnk for protection that indi vidual turned him Over to the police, showing plainly that he was in league with the conspir ators. Under order from Judge Wood ward, the sheriff placed Mr. Ray mond in the city jail Tuesday night to protect him from his enemies, ana weanesaay atter- noon that officer took Mr. Ray mond to Salem, where he will be protected by the state. Mean time, a sharp eye will be kept on Edison and his accomplices. Alsea Items. Ruble Bros have been work ing with four hired men at their sawmill the past week. D R Tom has had Ben and Johnny Spencer employed on the bridge across the Alsea river in the upper valley. The people of Alsea did some volunteer road work on the mountain last week, and that road can once more be traveled by team and wagon. There will be a turkey shoot ing next week at Oscar Tom's, near Angora. Mountain. Full line of Fancy Parlor Lamps, at Zierolf's . Our Premium Dishes are for Cash Buyers only. Nolan & Callahan. Just received-a fine line of French Haviland fruit bowls, cake plates, pie plates, at Zierolf's. Benton Property Valuable. Last week A. J. Johnson, one of Scio's most prominent citi zens, completed a trade whereby he disposes of his entire interests in Scio, for a stock farm in Polk and Benton counties, comprising 4,250 acres. T. he deal has been 011 for some time past, and last week the owner of the farm, Mr E. P. Cad well, came over here and looked over our city and was so favorably impressed with it that he at once oiosed up the trade. He gets one-half inter est in the Scio roller mills, a controlling interest in the Bank of Scio, and Mr. John son '9 resi dence property in this city in cluding barn lot and garden. The exchange of property will 1 j u r j c I uo inaue insiuc 01 30 aays irom date of trade, and Mr. Cadwell will then take Mr. Johnson's place in Scio business circles Scio News. This stock ranch comprises the L. Goldsmith and Chanoweth properties, purchased during: the past year by Mr. Cadwell. Mention was made of these transfers at the time by the Gazette. The Last Sad Rites. The casket containing all that was mortal of Miss Lucie A. Pernot, who died in New York, November 12th, arrived in Cor vallis Tuesday afternoon. The mother, who had accompanied the body from the East, was met in Portland by her sons, Dr. H. S. and Charles Pernot, and to gether they arrived on the Southern Paeific train at noon. Fnneral services were conducted at the Congregational church, Wednesday at 2 p. m., by Rev. P. S. Knight. Many friends of the deceased attended these ser vices and followed the remains to the Odd Fellows' cemetery to witness the last sad rites of com mitting all that was earthly of Lucie A. Pernot to the earth from whenae it came. The sur viving relatives are the mother, Dr. H. S. Pernot and family, Prof. E. F. Pernot and family, and Charles Pernot, of Corvallis, and Eugene Perno'a and family, of Granger. fSROWM-lA-TWM? "Brown's in Town." "Brown's in Town" and will en tertain at the Opera House tonight The sale of seats has been unusual ly large, indicating that "Brown" will get a warm reception. No one can anord to miss this excellent comedy. There will be everything to please and nothing to offend the most fastidious. The action all takes place in one house, but unlike "What Happened to Jones ' it does not take place in one room. Two seta Will be used in the presenta tion of "Brown" which are sure to le- ceive a cordial welcome at the hands of the theatre-goers o& this city. The caBt is composed of well-known players and a few of them are Chas. Horn, Geo. T. Welch, Emmet Whit ney, Jessie Mae Hall, Maude Knowlton, Edith Weil and others. Reserved seats 50 and 75cts; gener al admission 35cts. Church Notice. Services in the Episcopal church next Sunday, and until further no tice, as follows. Sunday school, Prof- Coote, superintendent, Dr. MaeLean, catechist, at 9:45 a. m.; morning prayer, with sermon, at 10:45 a. m.; Church League at 6:30 p. m.; evening prayer, without ser mon, at 7:30 p. m.; Litany on Wed nesday at 7:30 p. m. Evening prayer and Litany will be conduct ed by Prof. Coote, lay reader. Reg. C. MacLean, Ph. D. Rector. Belgian Hares 50c and $1 apiece if taken before Dec. 1st, at Corvallis Rabbitry in A F Petersen's shop on Ninth St. Bargains in Men s, Boys and Children's Overcoats and Mackin toshes, at Nolan & Callahan's. Our Men's Walk Over Shoes at $3.50 and W. L. Douglas $3.00 ! Shoes are the best values in Amer jca for the & Callahan n I A Tribute to Miss Pernot. When the .soldier is brought home on his shield, with reversed arms and muffled drum, his comrades follow him to his last resting place, and we eulogize his memory. When the statesman and man of affairs passes away, we hasten to pay our tribute ot respect. These are time honored customs we do well to observe. It is no less fit ting that we honor the memory of those who have, been a power for gooa in tneir community, jior "no life can be pure in its purpose and strong in its strife, and all life not be stronger and purer thereby." In the death of Lucie A. Pernot this community has sustained such a loss. When she came to Cor vallis eleven years ago, her fine qualities of heart and brain, soon won for her a place in the hearts and bones of those who were quick to appreciate her worth, and the circle ot her friends steadily in creased. As a business woman she commanded the respect of all those with whom she came in contact. Gifted in the art of fine needle work at the holiday time she made it possible for these who had not the lime to devote to such work, to present to their friends some dainty gift of her creation, and her numerous patrons will long have a kindly remembranceof I he Lad .es. Bazaar, which she conducted for several years. Shortly after hor arrival she be came identified with the W C T U. On a vacancy occurring she was elected secretary, and has never had a successor. Only those who are acquainted with this work can appieciate her effb. Is along this line, and few of us realize that we have in our midst a free reading room, which is maintained by this organization and made possible by the- efforts of a few determined women who recognized in Miss Pernot an efficient leader. A member of the First Congrega tional church, she was ever a faith ful attendant and a zealous worker. In the Sabbath school she was a most successful teacher, and to her "girls" as she always spoke of her class she gave her best thought, and inevitably the result must be far reaching. But nowhere, perhaps, was Miss Pernot more appreciated than in the club work. At one time she was a valued member of The Shakespeare club, but to The Thir teen club she gave her best energy, and to her more than any one per son is due its successful career. When it was organized November 13, 1892, she was one of the char ter members and when a place for meetiog was discussed she offered the freedom of her home, which was accepted, and until her ab senco this fall it has met with her every Monday evening, except dur ing vacation. Upon the removal of the club s first president, Mrs. Washburn, to Eugene, she was elected to that office and has served continuously since, and in all affairs of the club displayed rare taste and sound discretion. Always a stu dent, she possessed' a most versa tile mind. With a keen sense of humor and quick at repartee, 6he was a charming conversationalist, and her loss to the club is irrepara ble. When the Paris exposition was announced she expressed her inten tion of going, and there were few persons who attended who were more able to enjoy a trip to Europe. Eagerly did her friends anticipate her return. She has come, but with sealed Hps, for she has joined "The choir invisible, whose mueic is the gladness of the world." D. W. A. F. Hershner has purchased a bakery at Hood River, and is now engaged in that business. Malt Breakfast Food, at Zierolf's. Iwo good things your money, F. L. Miller's famous shoes. Let's swap. F. L. Miller's Kingsbury hat cures rheumatism, dandrun, lum bago, ingrowing toe nails, punctured tires, ete. Vermont Maple Syrup in bulk; 95 cents a gallon, at Zierolf's. For 50 Years mothers have been giving their children for croup, coughs and colds Shlioh's Consumption Cure Mothers -hsixQyou Shiloh in the housev at all times? Do you know just where you can find it if you need it quickly if your little one is gasping md choking with croup? If you haven't it get a bottle. It will save your child's life. "Shiloh always , cured tny baby of croup, coughs and colds. I would not be without it. MRS. J. B. MARTIN, Huntsville, Ala. Shlloh'g Consumption Cure is gold by all Irnggists at Sc, 50c, Si. OO a bottle. A printed guarantee Roes wltb every bottle, fr yon are not satisfied go to your druggist and get your money back. Write for illustrated book on consumption. Sent without cost to you. S. C. Wells & Co., eRoy, N. Y . Sold b Graham & Wortham. 8 THB RAGLAN iff I WE SHOWaLAKGEUNEofMAKY fabrics IlKIi m 1 mmmmmm&sg i The Corvallis Commission HStore Keeps constantly on hand the oriebrated CORVALLIS AND A. package of Arm & Hammer Soda is given tree itft every Back of the latter Hay, Oats, Grain. Bran, Skert, Potatoes Fish, Egge, Poultry, Etc. JOHN LENGER, Manager e mm store. C. A. Barnhart, Manager. Paints, Oils and Varnishes S WALL PAPERS RAMBLER Bicycles, Ma?estic Lamps, TRY FOR FreshJGroceries FINE TEAS AND COFFEES Sag Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House Pioneer Bakery AN D RESTAURANT. Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of caodie fruits and nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers snppltoe a specialty. H. W. HALL, Job Printing at this PER CENT. OFF Our entire line of Men's, Boy's, Youth's and Little Fel lows' Overcoats and Ulsters. To make a long story short, we don't want to carry a garment over, therefore we start right in the early part of winter to close them out, and you get the benefit of the low prices. Our Overcoats are above the general run of goods. We have produced the largest and hand somestjline that we havejjever shown. It will pay you tobuy here. S. L. KLINE Corvallis, Oragatf MONROE fLOliRS AND IDEAL Mossberg Chime Bells, Etc PRIYISIONS, NITIDIS, NUN J Proprietor. office