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GAZETTE CORYALLIS WEEKLY ZEStftS&g&t&Sm. ( Consolidated Feb. 1899, its - mmmma i , . ' T ' ins or nt m From All Parts of the New World and the Old. - OF INTEREST TO OUR MANY READERS Comprehensive Review of the Important Hap penings of the Past Week in a Condensed Form. The powers have agreed to the joint note. The Japanese gave Admiral Beards lee a reception. Chicago police will prevent the Gans JlcGovern fight. Santa Fe strikeis wish their differ ences arbitrated. Five persons were killed in a train wreck in Montana. Fire in Pekin destroyed the quarters of a number of officers. Kitchener rpeorts a running fight be tween Dewf t and Knox. Gompers will be re-elected president of the Federation of Labor. The Santa Fe repudiates its relations with the telegraphers' union. The American fleet in North China waters is reduced to two vessels. i The Irish Nationalist convention de clared for the abolition of landlordism. Washington's centennial anniversary was celebrated with imposing ceremo nies. Full particulars have been received ot the tyboon which recently swept the coast of China, causing a heavy loss to life and shipping. There are more than 40 cases ol smallpox in St. George's hospital, Kan sas Citv. Only one death from the disease has occurred. The city election at Astoiia, resulted in a sweeping victory for the Citizens' ticket, every candidate being elected by large majorities. Jospeph Benoit, a stage carpenter at the Grand Opeia house, Salem, Or , fell from a scaffold, breaking several ribs and bruising his face and body badly. The accident was caused by -the breaking of a board upon which he was standing. The Lakeview and Ager stage wai robbed about two miles from Lake view, Or. A lone highwayman accom plished the job. No passengers were aboard of the stage. Two mail sacks were rifled and a considerable amount of registered mail taken. Officers art now workng on the case. The will of the late Senator Davis, who died November 27. was filed foi probate bv Mrs. Anna M. Davis, the widow. The will, made during the senator's last illness, leaves all his estate to Mrs. Davis. The estate ii valued at $25,000 in personal and $40,000 in real property. Lord Roberts has left the Cape for Enlgand. Holland refuses to intervene in the Boer war. Senator Clay spoke against the ship subsidy bill. French troops -have ceased looting Chinese observatories. Li Bung Chang claims to have abso lute power to negotiate. Chaffee protested to Von Waldersee against German looting. The debate on the war tax reduc tion bill began in the boose. The house of commons voted 16. 000,000 to carry on the Boer war. The Hay-Pauncefote treaty wai again considered in executive session. A congressional committee was ap pointed to investigate the Booz hazing. The Philippine commission gavs merchants a bearing on the traiff bill. A $50,000 irrigation ditch will b constructed at once in Moxee valley, Washington. Oregon delegation decides upon con tinuing contract for Columbia rivei improvement. State Superintendent Ackerman re commends that Oregon schools observe John Marshall day. The matter of developing Lower Nehalem coal is said to have been con sidered in New York. A number of persons suspected ol ploting to murder Lord Roberts during his visit to Cape Colony recently, aban doned their schemes on learning that they were shadowed. In his annual report, Fish Commis sioner Reid says value of fish output for Oregon is over $3,000,000. Outlawry in Kwang Si and Kwang Tnnng is increasing. The officials appear to be losing their hold of the situation and are powerless to restore order. Pirating on the West river it increasing. Owing to a lack of proper facilitiei in the way of telegraph, caused by the strike, a serious collision occurred on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, in which several persons were probably fatally injured. Five editors were ohosen to sit in the Nebraska legislature at the recent election. Joseph Manley has resigned as chair man of the Republican execuitve com mittee of Maine after a service of 18 years. Electric coal-cutting machinery it rapidly displacing hand work and othei varieties of mechanical mining appli ances in the collieries of Gieat Britain and the United States. LATER NEWS. Loot sent to France will be embar goed. American wheat visible shows a de srease. The Monroe doctrine may be applied to France. The Boers were defeated in a battle it Orange river. A third negro was lynched by the Kockport, Ind., mob. In the sinking of the Goeisenau, 136 persons ver s drowned. There is no prospect of passing the subsidy bill this session. The steamer Alpha was wreoked on the Vancouver island coast. Major-General John G. Parke died it his home in Washington. The Porto Rico case is before the United States supreme court. Congressman Boutelle was placed on the retired list of the navy. The military commission begins its investigation in the Booz hazing. Fresh instructions sent to Conger will clear the way ol all obstacles. A cure for strikes was discussed by the arbitration conference at Chicago. Preparations are being made for de velopment of natural gas near Rosalia, Wash. A Washington county farmer was murdered by a shot fired through his window. The official report of the finances of the Paris exposition, shows a loss of 2,000,000 franca. The Oregon supreme court decided that the Portland vehicle license ordi nance was invalid. Five cases of what is believed to be bubonic plague have developed in Tucu man, in the Argentine Republic. A resolution was introduced in the United States senate for an investiga tion uf the conduct of Judge Noyes in Alaska. The officials of the Santa Fe and the officers of the different trainmen's organizations will hold a conference in Chicago. Seven hundred Boers have crossed from Orange River colony into Cape Colony near Aliwal North, and have reached Kaapdal. . President MoKinley expects to ar range his Western trip so as to be in San Francisco to witness the launch ing of the battleship Ohio. Fire in Cleveland, Ohio, destroyed five out of seven buildings of a machine company, causing a property loss of over $500,000, and throwing 1,100 men out of employment. The war revenue bill has been passed by the house. Railway telegraphers threaten to boycott the Santa Fe. Lord Kitchener has called for all available English troops. England has awakened to the new seriousness in South Africa. Colonel Tnllock's expedition failed to find the Chinese treasne. At Rockport, Ind., two negroes, who had murdered a white man were lynched. The German training ship Gneisenan foundered near Gibraltar and 100 were drowned. A large Boxer force is said to be approaching Peking with the intention of attacking it. The senate cannot considered the army and appropriation bills until , after the holidays. John Addison Porter, MoKinley's former private secretary, died at his home in Putnam, Conn. The British admiralty is arranging to test various inventions for steering torpedoes and submarine boats. The Oregon Historical Society pro poses to hold a great fair in 1905, in commemoration of the Lewis and Clark expedition to the Pacific coast 100 years ago. As a result of a mysterious poisoning case at the Forsyth mines, near Mar ietta, Ohio, four persons are dead, four dying and two others serironsly ill. Five unknown men who asked the marshal of Brighton, 111., for shelter, in the calaboose, locked him up anp then broke into a bank and two stores. The building occupied by the con struction department at the Norfolk ! tin w varrl. was destroyed bv fire. It contained all the important papers, models and plans of the construction department. Telephoning without wires was sue cessfully accomplished by transmit ting the voice across the Mississippi river, at Minneapolis, a distance of over 1,000 feet. Advices from Ho Ho report that the American troops have been northward and westward for several days and that detachments of the Sixth, Eigh teenth and Twenty-sixth regiments have been active near their stations. The insurgents losses during the last 10 days there have been five killed, seven wounded and 40 taken prisoners. The Americans nave lost two killed and three wounded. Prairie chickens are said to be more anundant in western Kansas than for years. During the past five years the state of Pennsylvania has purchased more than 100,000 acres of land to be .issued as a forestry reservation. Former Ambasador to Italy W. F. Draper has been decoiated with the order of SS. Maurice and Cazal by the king of Italy, for services during his embassy to Rome. CORVALLIS, BENTON 1 - 1 ' - . Will VII EDM Steyn Is Going North Oom Paul. to Help GENERAL BOTHA MAKES ANNOUNCEMENT Schalkenberger Sworn In as Acting State Presi dentRumor in London of a Serious Defeat to British Arms. New York, Dec. 15. A dispatch to the Journal and Advertiser from Am sterdam says: The following proclamation by Gen eral Louis Botha has been received: "Whereas. I have been informed that the enemv circulates all sorts of ! wwin. and 1 vine rertnrts amonc the " . -J o i - burghers about the government and myself, our officers and officials are charged to communicate the following information to the general public: The executive counril, after consulting the president ot the Orange Free State, has decided in the interests of our cause to give leave of absence to our state president, with orders to go im mediately to Europe in order to assist our deputation there in the work thev have before them. Vice-President Scbalkenberger has been sworn in, ac cording to law, and is now acting as state president. He is now assisted by the state secretary, two members of the executive council. Lucas Meyer and mvelf, and otber officials, in short' our government exists in the same way as before and is now in my imme diate neighborhood and in direct com munication with me. 'Let the blood of our brave dead al ways by a strong voicti induce every burgher to fight for liberty. We have nothing left to lose, but everything to win. The government is most firmly decided to continue the struggle. I am convinced the burghers will ap plaud this decision and act accordingly until the end. Burghers are warned aeainst trie fine words used by the en emy to deceive them and to make them put down tbeir arms, because, accord ing to the proclamation of Roberts, they will all be transported to St. Helena or Ceylon as prisoners of war. Our cause, however, precarious, is not hopeless if every burgher only does his duty. The Lord is sure to give a blessed end in his own time and in his own way." ROBBED THE MAIL CAR. Postal Clerk on the Cotton Belt Railroad Line Was Nearly Killed. Texarkana, Ark., Dec. lo A bold robbery on the Cotton Belt railroad oc- 1 curred today at Bassetts, Tex., 30 j miles south of Texarkana, on the train ' coming north, in which Postal Clerk John H. Denniswas almost killed and mail pouches of the car rifled of their contents. The amount stolen is not known. As the train left the Bassetts water tank at 6 A. M., the express and mail cars were separated from the tiain, but the train crew soon had them coupled again. In the run from there toTexarkana, the coaches were uncoupled twice in a very mysterious manner. Upon the arrival of the train here the United. States transfer clerk went to the door of the mail car and knocked for the poi-tal clerk to open it. No response was given. Officials then forced an entrauce and were astonished to find Clerk Dennis stretched upon the floor, apparently dead. A hurried ex amination showed that the registered pouches had been ripped open "and robbed of their contents, the most valuable of which was the Wayne Memphis pouch, containing a. large number of valuable packages. A phy sician was sent for and it was found that Dennis was alive but unoonscions. An ugly wonnJ on the top of his head told the story. Two hours after he was taken to the hospital he revived enough to give the details of the rob bery. Just as the train parted at "Bassetts tank, Dennis went intq the vestibule of the mail oar to stir npfcbej fire. When he onened the vestibule door he saw two men standing by the stove. One of them dealt him a terrible blow over the bead with a heavy fire shovel, The first blow felled him and he was than quickly beaten into a senseless condition. Word reahced here at noon that two suspects have been arrested at Naples, near the scene of the robbery, but none of the stolen packaegs wa found. - American Arrested in Cape Colony. London, Dec. 15. The Cape Town correspondent of the Daily Mail report! the arrest at Worcester, Cape Colony, of Harold Darringale, alleged to be an American, on a charge of fomenting an Afrikander rebellion. "The arrest," says the dispatch, "has made a great sensation, and startling disclosures are promised." Held Up a Box Office. ' Sioux City, la.. Dec. 16- During the performance of "Shore Acres" in the Grand Opera house in this city to night, two masked- men entered tho box office, assaulted, beat and shot the treasurer, Harley S. Rounds; and escaped without getting any cash. Rumor of British Defeat. London, Deo. 15. The Daily Express publishes a rumor of a serious dis asterto the British arms. According to this report, the Boers attacked the camp of General Clements, in the Bar berton district, capturing the camp, killing a number of British officers, and taking prisoners all the British troops, including four companies of the Northumberland fusiliers. The story is not confirmed in any quarter, and is not generally believed. COUNTY, OREGON, DEWET EVADES KNOX. General Kitchener Reports a Running Fight With the Boers. - London, Deo. 17. Lord Kitchener cables the war office from Pretoria un der date of December 12 that General Knox reports from Helvetia that he is engaged in a running fight with Gen eral Dewet, and that the enemy ia mov ing towards Reddersburg, where . there is a column ready to co-operate -with the other British forces. Lord Kitche ner in another dispatch reports that Boers attaoked the post near Barber ton. The British casualties were three killed, five wounded and 13 taken pris oners. The captured men have since been released. The Boers raided the Riverton road station December 11. They are being. lol lowed up. General Kitchener's message indi cates that Dewet has again evaded Knox. After the latter had foiled the Boer general at Coomassie drift, the Boers seem to have doubled back, crossed the Caledon rivet elsewhere, and turned thence northwest in the direction of Reddersburg, the memor able scene of the British disaster in April, when Dewet captured the Brit ish Rifles. Tragedies on Shipboard. San Francisco, Deo. 17. The Brit ish ship Crown of Scotland, which ar rived today, 130 days from Penarth, Cardiff, bad three tragic entries in her log. November 24 John Warrington tabbed P. C. Hagltind, his shipmate, while the latter was asleep in his bunk. Leaving his sheath-knife in his victim's breast, the murderer ran np on deck, jumped overboard and was drowned, despite efforts to reach him with a lifeboat. No one on board of the ship knows of the motive. The second tragedy occurred August 1. Salvatori Servis fell from the foreyard, struck the deck and fractured his thigh and received internal injuries which caused his death. Correcting an Extradition Treaty. Washington, Dec. 17. A treaty has been concluded between the United States and Great Britain amendatory ot the existing extradition treaty and intended to correct certain imperfec tions in that instrument, developed by recent experiences. The changes do not materially affect the scope or prin ciples of the existing treaty, the obief item in the list being provisions clas sifying as a crime subject to extradi tion the obtaining of monei under false pretenses. At presentptrfc . treatv makes extraditionable the recepjfonof money obtained under false pretenses and omits the principal in the crime, constituting a manifest absurdity. To correct this the amendment is made. Grounding of the Garonne. Seattle, -Dec. 17. Letters have been received in this city announcing the gioundfng of the United States trans port Garonne on the northern coast of Luzon. She struck twice, being res cued both times by the York town. The second time the Yorktown'j cable caught in the Garonne's wheel, cansi a further delay of 13 hours tors also tell about S the American troops u: Hall. The line of marc steep mountains for a dist miles, taking in all six da conclusion, 165 men were cal treatment for several d Search for Hidden G Pekin, Dep. 17 A fej ...ays ago the British troops were n ied of the existence of a large amou treasure? Colonel 20 miles northwest of be, Tullock and 100 men le vestigate the truth of lay to in- e re, orti Colonel Tullock request' ho ver. that 50 extra men be de 5d. Mt is believed that a large am and valuables were buri1 it of goia at that point by persons connected with the Chinese court during the ifeient dight. The information regarding thf treasure was received from a ,'ormer curt offi cial. Trial Trip of the Alabama. Philadelphia, Dec. 17 The Unit ed States battleship Alabama sailed today from League Istfnd navy yard for New York, where ale will await further orders. She will make a trial trip on the run, wVich will begin as soon as she passes out to sea. After the sea trial is completed the vessel's course will be shaped further ot--to sea to avoid shipping, as all of her guns and turrets are to be tested. If the leport is satisfactory, it is probable 'that the battleship will be ordered to Hampton Roads to join the North At lantic squadron. Anti-Foreign Plot In Hong Kong. Hong Kong, Deo. 17. The city was placarded today with statements, incit ing the people and the members of the secret societies to unite and rise during the month of January and- drive out all the foreigners. Crowds gathered about the placards, but no . actual outbreak is reported. ; Wisconsin's Vote. Madison, Wisconsin, Dec. 17, The total vote of Wisconsin, as officially canvassed, was 425,151. McKiniey's plurality was 106,581. ' LaFollette, Republican, for governor, has a plural ity of 103,745. . . - - Oxford Beats Cambridge : London, Dec. 17. The annual Rug by football match between Oxford and Cambridge took place today at the Queen's club. A magnificent game was won by Oxford by two goals to a goal and a try. There was a large and fashionable attendance. Nordenskjold's Expedition. Christiania, Dec. 17. The Antarctic expedition, headed oy Dr. Otto Nor- denksjold, will leave in August. an -rno 1 at rjanSBneral -k , over ssS'Jr FEIDAY, DECEMBEE 21, J Clements' Force Defeated by Boers Under Delearey. f WERE HE A' Y LOSSES ON BOTH SIDES English Forced to Abandon Their Position Oeticral French With Reinforcements Has Gone to the Rescue. Dec. 17. Lord Kitchener after severe fighting at JWmlht bt, General Clements' forces led to retire by Command- larey, with a force of 2,500 men. Five British officers were killed. The other casualties were not- reported. 1 Lord Kitchener's official dispatch to the war office is as follows: Pretoria, Deo. 15. Clements' forco at Nooitgedaoht. on the Magaiies Berg, was attacked at dawn today by Delarey, reinforced by Beyer's com- j mando from Warmbath, making a force estimated at 2,500. Thongh the first attack was repulsed, the Boers managed to get to the top of the Mag- ; alies' Berg, which was held by four companies of the Northumberland fusi Hers, and were thus able to command Clements' camp. He retired on Hek- poort, and took up a position on a hill in the center of the valley. "The casualties have .not been com pletely reported, but the fighting was very severe, and I deeply regret that Colonel Lpgge, of the Twentieth hus sars, and Captains MoBean, Murdoch and Atkinson were killed." Lord Kitchener also reports that the Boers made an attack and were re pulsed at Lyohtenberg, and that Gen eral Lemmer was killed. Attacks npon Bethlehem and Vrede were also repulsed, the Boers losing 10 killed and 14 wounded. Yryheid was attacked December 11." Sniping continued when the message wf dispatched. The scenes at the war "omoe today recall those witnessed in the early stages of the war. A constant stream of excited people filled the lobbies, all seeking details of the disaster. The absence of the names of any of the offi cers of the Northumberland fusiliers in General Kitchener's dispatch leads to the foreboding that the four com panies of the fusiliers mentioned are in the bands of the Boers. The war office officials evidently expect a heavy casualty list, but they are hopeful from the "fact that the dispatch does not mention the capture of the Northum berlands that such a great catastrophe has been escaped. -1 1 .3 A UmmIi' wruera were wuwu at aiuacuui,! Malta and other military centers to dispatch all the available mounted in fantry to South Africa. It is reported that General Knox, co operating with the British colum Reddersberg, has stopped Gener Dewet, and that a battle is proceedin, The report adds that many of G Dewet's followers have been ca tared. The scene of the fight is ominously to Pretoria. Hooitgedacnt is 32 miles northwest of Pretoria. English Loss Heavy. on, Uec. 17. Jjora rutcnener that 18 officers and 555 men issine from General Clements . They consist of four companies the 'Northumberland fusiliers. Judging from the message tbeso were captured by the Boers. Clements' casualties December 15 amounted to five officers and nine men killed and many apparently wonnded. French Goes to the Rescue. Johannesburg, Deo. 17. The battle still continues within a few miles from Krugersdorp. General Clements has asked for reinforcements, acu mounted men under General French have already gone. There have been many casualties on both sides. It is estimated that the Boers number 2,800. Montana Town Shaken, Guthrie, Mont., Dec. 17. The in habitants of the town of Caahion were awakened this morning by a peculiar wave-like motion and trembling of the earth. Many of them rushed into the streets, so badly were they fright ened. No damage was done. Increase in Wages. Calumet, Mich., Deo. 17. Commenc ing January 1, the Calumet & Heola Mining Company will increase the wages of its 4,000 employes 2 M per cent. Last March the company raised the wages of its employes 10 per cent. Paddy Ryan Dead. Albany, N. Y Dec. 17. Paddy Ry an, at one time champion pugilist of the world, who was defeated by John L.Sullivan, in their famous fight in ! Mississippi some years ago, died at his home in Glens Falls, N. Y., this after noon. ' Earthquake In Missouri. Jophn, Mo., Dec. 17. An earth-j quake shock lasting nearly a minute J was experienced in this city at 7:45; o'clock this morning. The motion was from north to south, and of a auivering nature. " - . No Lives Were Lost San Francisco, Deo. 17. One of the severest storms which has ever visited San Francisco broke over tbe city at. an early hour this morning and continued until noon in. fitful gusts, rain and wind sweeping over tbe city with unusual violence, and being ac companied by thunder and lightning, a rather unusual occurrence in this part of the country. At one time rain fell in such torrents that many thought a cloudburst was imminent. RMTim hlClfTFn UK J VDAJILK UI VOL. LYNCHED BY A MOB. Vengeance Dealt Two Negroes In Indiana Authorities Were Overcome. Rockport, Ind., Deo. 19. Two ne groes, Jim Henderson and Bud Row lands, who waylaid, murdered and rob bed Hollie Simons, a white barber, early this morning, were lynched to night in the jail yard by a mob of 1,500. The negioes were arrested soon after the murder occurred, and al though Rowlands' clothing bad blood stains on it they clajmed they were in nocent. In the meantime Sheriff Clemens, of Union county, Kentucky, arrived with a trained bloodhound. When the dog was plaoed on the trail he followed it to the house where Row- ) lands lived, six blocks from the scene of the murder, and went baying to the I bed the negro had occupied. This I was enough for the excited citizens. Within a lew minutes a mob of a thous and howling, bloodthirsty men with sledge hammers, ropes and guns were ! on the way to the jail. Sheriff Anderson and his two depu ! ties made a stand and attem pted to protect the prisoners. The officers were seized by the leaders of the mob and disarmed. The sheriff, although locked in a room and placed under guard, stontly refused to give np the keys or tell where the prisoners were hiding. The mob made a determined but un successful attempt to break in the jail door. Finally they secured a telegraph pole, and using it as a battering ram caved in the side wall of the jail. The door of Rowlands' cell was then quick ly broken in with sledge hammers and he was dragged from the jail to the east side of the court yard, where a noose was placed about his neck. He was given time to make a statement, in which be implicated Jim Henderson and another negro. Rowlands then begged piteonsly for mercy, but the mob quickly swung the confessed mur derer to a tree and riddled bis body with bullets. Leaving the dangling body of Row lands, the mob rushed back to the jail and burst open the cell oconpied by Henderson. Before the bars yielded to the blows ot the sledge some one in the crowd fired upon the terrified negro as be crouched in the far corner. It took But a few moments to get at Hender son, and the negro, more dead than alive, was dragged at the rope's end to the court house yard and swung to the tree beside the body of Rowlands Fir ing a parting volley at the swinging bodies, the mob, eager for another vic tim, hurried away to catch' the otber negro implicated by Rowlands. He was fonnd at a hotel where he was em ployed as a porter. The negro esoaped to the roof of the building, and Mana ger De Bruler succeeded in convincing the mob that the porter had nothing to do with the crime. The mob then dispersed, apparently satisfied with its pwork of vengeance.' Simons was murdered in the most tal manner, one square from the main street of the city, as he was going to his home from his barber shop at 2 o'clock this morning. He car ried the receipts of the day's work, a 'fof rf vxrUinh tlifl npornofl wflTfl aware. ,They attacked him from behind, strik- ing him over the head with a heavy i!ub into which a large nai' had been driven. Aitnougn ternoiy ueaieu, Simons made a desperate fight. His cries attracted two boys. The negroes drove them away and accomplished tbeir original design, securing a bag containing something over $40 from their victim, and made their escape. When others arrived Simons was dead. His skull was crushed in and his head and face beaten to a pulp. The spike on the club had punctured the skull in four places and penetrated bis brain. Walter Evans, one of the young men who attempted to rescue Simons, and who afterwards witnessed the lynch ing, has become a raving maniac. The dead man's wife is prostrated, and it in believed she will die from the shock. Earthquake In Cuba. Santiago de Cuba, Deo. 19. A sharp earthquake shock was felt here about ! mid&ght last night. It was the most severe that has been experienced in several years, and created a panic at i the San Carlqs clnb. where a giand ball was in progress. The shock was preceded by a dull sound like a mine :, explosion. Two shocks followed, the j former being quite severe and the lat ' ter scarcely perceptible. The clnb rooms became scenes of frantic com motion. Several people rushed ..into the streets. At Morro Castle a liberty I ball was in progress. American ladies ! present expressed great interest in ; the earthquake, which was the first they had experienced, but displayed no fear. Fighting In Colombia. Kingston, Jamaica, Dec. 19. Ad vices from Colon, Colombia, today regaiding tbe fighting between the gov ernment troops and the insurgents at Tnmaco, say that the withdrawing in surgent force was not dispersed. On the contrary, fears are entertained that this bodv of rebels will effect a junc tion with tbe force operating around Beuna Ventura. Both sides lost heav ily in the battle of Tumaco. When the government foroes destroyed the rebel steamer Gaitan they also de stroyed a large lot of ammunition. Found Dead In Hb Cabin. Hillsboro, Oregon, Deo. 19. An drew Bahlbera. an inoffensive farmer residing near Reedville, was today found dead in bis cabin. The dead man had a bad contusion on the fore head. He had recently sold some pro duce and was supposed to have consid erable money in the house. It is gen orally beieved that he was killed for his money. The coroner will bold i inquest in tbe morning. 1SOO. NO. 52. Last of The Famous Steamer Alpha. NINE PERSONS WERE LOST WITH HER The Vessel Struck a Rock at the Entrance to Union Bay, on the East Coast of Vancouver Island. Vancouver B. C, Deo. 19. News of the worst marine disaster of the season in British Columbia was brought here tonight by the steamer Czar, from Union bay, on the east side of Vancou ver island. The steamer Alpha was wrecked on a reef near the entrance to Onion bay and not a vestige of tbe 1,000-ton steamer remains. Her man aging owner, captain, purser, three en gineers, two able bodied seamen and a stowaway were drowned, and the rest of the crew of 34 were saved by the pluck of an unkown member of the ship's crew, who swam in a raging sea from the wreck to a lighthouse with a line around his waist. The Alpha was valued at $45,000. Her cargo comprised 750 tons of salt salmon and 350 tons of coal, con isgned to Yokohama, and valued at $80,000. The total insurance on the ship and cargo was $65,000. It is two weeks since the Alpha first started trom Vancouver for Japan. After she had been four days out she returned to Victor'a partly disabled, and accusations of tampering with her engines were made. Some of the crew and several of the officers left tbe steamer declaring that she had been improperly loaded, and one of the offi cers was tried and sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment for desertion. Last Saturday the Alpha left Vic toria for Union to replenish her coal supply. A terrific gale was raging and late Saturday night the steamer ran on a rock at Baynes sound, at the en trance to Union bay. She was quickly dashed to pieces, and all would have perished had not one of the crew maae the desperate and successful effort to swim witn a line to the lighthouse on Yellow island. In the raging sea only part of those on the ill-fated ship managed to reach safety, the officers and owner remaining on board last and failing to reach the rock. The 25 sur vivors remained on Yellow island, which is a rock 200 yards wide, until Sunday night, when tbe sea moderated somewhat and a sloop was able to call and take them to Union. But the storm which had wrecked bo ship had also prostrated the wires, and so no tidings of the shipwreck reached the outside world until the little steamer Czar brought the story to Vancouver tonight. The Alpha gained notoriety last spring when, as a Canadian ship, sne landed freight and passengers, at JNome in defiance of the instructions ot.tBe treasury department, and, it is said, against the advice of the British em bassy at Washington as well. &ne was chased on her return trip from JNome bv a United States revenue cutter, but managed to show her pursuer a clean pair of heels. TROUBLE FOR FRANCE. The United States May Have Occasion to En force tne Monroe Doctrine. New York. Dec. 19. A special to the Times from Washington says: The territory until recently in dispute oe tween Brazil and France, and which ha hn decreed to belong to Brazil, may shortly become the object of a dis pute between France ana tne unuea - ..... . .1 . i Sates, should tne lvionroe uoctriue ue violated. The territory lyiDg south of Frnnnh Guiana in the state of Fara, and containing 100,000 square miles, was claimed by Brazil and France, and Switzerland was made arbitrator. Her decision was in favor of Brazil. It is now reportetd that some French finan ciers, anticipating that the decision would be favorable to France, had already invested thew capital in this territory. They are now, it is said, trying to engineer a deal Dy wnicn tne French government win Duy tnis land from Brazil. Tbe state department has absolutely no know led ee on the subject. Its at tention, however, has been called to the matter, and the attempt of tbe French capitalists to secure government aid in getting their money back will be watched with interest. There is hard ly any question, it is said at the de partment, that such action would be a violation of the Monroe doctrine, and would call forth" a protest from tbe United States. As long as tbe claim was in its orig inal form, France might have main tained that she was Bimply rectifying her boundaries, and that the United States cannot object to that. Even in that case a rectification of boundaries which involved an area of 100,000 square miles would be closely scrutin ized. France has, however, forfeited the right to make that claim by sub mitting the matter to aribtration by Switzerland. The territory baa. been officially decreed by the Swiss tribu nal to be outside of French Guiana. Woman Suffrage in Porto Rico. San Jnan. Porto Rico, Dec. 19. In the house of delegates today, Descarts introduced a bill granting unrestricted suffrage to women on the same terms as met.. Storms in British Columbia. Vancouver, B. C, Dec. 19. Storms of unusual severity have destroyed a portion of the diking in the delta dis trict of British Columbia. The dam age to propel ty is considerable. man on t nr