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CORVALLIS GAZETTE. SEMI-WEEKL.Y. ZZSZSfiiZSmFZi. I Consolidated Feb., 1899. CORVAIXIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1900. YOLi. I. NO. 35. HER CHROMATIC FATHER. She lives in the house with the pillars And portico quaint, Where dwelt, years ago, the Vau TwU lers Dutch blood without taint And to me 'tis a mansion elysian, The fairest in town, For she she's a dream and a vision Her father is Brown. The rooms have the faint, subtle, musty Perfume of old books Queer volumes, thumbed, tattered and dusty, Are piled in their nooks. The lore of the long buried sages Before one is spread; Is the wit and the wisdom of ages Her father is read. But ah! in the practical knowledge Of beauty and youth The learning not taught at a college He's lacking, in truth Mayhap he was once not as stupid In Love's fair demesne, But now, 'mid the wiles of Dan Cupid, Her father is green. He knows not the secrets that hover O'er some old romance The fingers entwined 'neath the cover, The swift, tender glance. He knows not but why undeceive him ? I'll wager 'tis true That, when he is told she would leave him. Her father is blue. Smart Set. AN AUTUMN $ 55 JT? NT during all these months you have been writing, of course?" "Oh, yes." "Then you will take my plot if I bring it, and work It up?" "If you will help me." "And I may bring It soon?" "I wish you would." "Good-by till then." "Good-by," and she looked merrily after him as he strode down the path and was lost beyond the bushes. Then the smile faded. She mounted the steps and rang the bell. The doors opened Into a wide hall, dark with the antique mahogany carv ing. At the opposite end glass doors led to a conservatory, whence came lily odors mingled with the lighter perfume of mignonette. Great drawing-rooms lay on either side of the hall rich with ebony and crimson hangings and filled with the all-pervading odor of the flowers. The girl went slowly up the stairs and en tered her own room. He had come back and perhaps the winter would not be dreary, for they were old friends. She had known him always. As children they had played to gether, and had read and cried over her first stories. Sad little stories they were, that never ended happily. He did not like to cry, and once he said that when he was grown up he would go Into a far-away country and would find a story to write about that had no tears in it The girl now vaguely wondered if this was the story. She did not care so very much. Still, it was good to laugh, and she hardly remembered hav ing done so since she rose suddenly and by force of habit and strength of will brought back the smile to her lips. But a shadow lay in her eyes and an unheard throb hurt her heart He came. She was seated in the great room with the crimson hangings among the golden beams of an October sua, A small tea kettle stood near her and on a crane water was boiling in a brass kettle. The logs on the hearth sent up long lines of light into the wide chimney, and a hush was over every thing. "I am glad you've come," slie said, and her hand was firm and cold. "I wanted to come before, but I was afraid," and the gray eyes looked into hers. "Afraid?" She had seated herself again, and was watching the figures which the wind was making with the sunbeams on the lawn. "I thought perhaps to find you a great author and filled with scorn for mere ordinary mortals." She smiled. "There are other reasons, too. You might guess them if you choose." "I am not good at guessing." She was wondering if she could use his plot; perhaps, after all, he had forgotten to bring it She, rousing herself, pointed to a low chair by the tea table. "I wish you would sit here," she said. "It is much more comfortable than the little chair you have. Try it and then I will make you some tea. Do you like tea?" "Of course. Why do you ask? Every man likes tea. What would become of us If we didn't?" "Oh, but do you really like It? Other wise I would not make it" "Oh, please." "No, I don't like to do things people do not like; would you believe- it? I really care a great deal about people. I have always thought how beautiful It would be to have one person all to myself; just one, whom I could please." His eyes glowed. "But you have every one." "That Is just the trouble. I have every one. It is 'every one' who thinks me cold because I am pleasant to all. Wby girls are brought up to be pleas ant I mean, what would happen If we should snub this one and smile on that one; If we should tell abroad our likes and dislikes just as we feel them. We have to pretend. We" she broke off, suddenly. "It is so unfair," she con tinued, rising, "because we are not cold; we do have feelings. I wish some one would believe me. I wish you would." She had forgotten the plot and was standing against the mantel, looking down into the glowing logs. Her gown fell in long straight lines and the flames leaped crimson over her face and hair. He had risen, too, ana stood watching her. "You may think me cold, don't you? Well, listen!" she hesitated a moment, and clasped and unclasped her fingers, her eyes bent on the yellow fender. "There was once a man there were many but this one came oftener than the others. He was tall and big, and talked to me of foreign countries where he had traveled and of the people he had seen, and read to me histories and stories, and I liked his voice and by and by I liked him. "Just a little at first I hardly knew it but after a while I did know and liked him better a great deal and then he went away across the water somewhere." Her hands were quiet now; her voice steady; her eyes had shone dark and clear as she looked at the man before her. "That was all. Others have come and gone since then, and I have liked them all, only," she caught her breath, "It could not be that again, and so people called me cold. I grow very tired of it sometimes, but" her voice changed. "I think I should like to hear the plot of your story now." She smiled up at him. His face star tled her. Then in an instant It flashed over her. He had read to her, he had gone away and now he had come back and he thought she meant "Margaret!" He had seized her hands and was drawing her to him. A mist rose before her. It was an other face, another form that was bend ing over her, another voice that was whispering to her. "And I loved you, always, always!" The mist grew thicker. The sun was a great yellow ball that shot blinding sparks into her eyes; the brown leaves on the lawn danced about and mocked glances at her. Should she cause him to suffer as she had suffered? She put out her hand to steady herself. No! A thousand times, no! Did she dare thus willfully to break a human heart? With in her a voice cried no. And the girl whom the world thought cold was si lent. And the silence was her answer. Only as the yellow light faded and the crimson coals burned low, as he rose to leave she said, smiling faintly: "But the plot for the story; am I not to have It?" "Dear," he whispered, "Is there need of a new story? Is not the old one best?" He scarcely caught the answer: "Yes, the old, old story." READY TO HUNT. How Indiana Prepared for the Chase in Olden Days. Meat is the main article of diet among the Indians, and their having to hunt it made them excel other nations in the chase, for on their success depended their sustenance. Their arrows, which were sometimes about three feet in iength, and generally winged, were sent with a fleetness and dexterity that fre quently brought down a fleeing baffaio while it was more than 600 feet distant from the archer. And these arrows would not only kill the animal, but would often pierce its body, coming out at the other side, such was the force with which it was sent. The Indian method of preserving food for winter use was a curious one. When the animal was slain the meat was thoroughly dried, and then chopped up very fine. Fruits and berries would be added to this, and the whole reduced to a powder, which was emptied into huge vessels of boiling fat. This mixture was allowed to boil well, and was then poured into a large dried skin, where it would harden into the shape of a loaf. The skin was of raw hide, shaped like a large, bulging envelope, with all the flaps unfastened. Some of them were a yard In length, half a yard In width and about nine inches in depth, and when they were dried they readily kept the shape into which they had been put when green. When the minced meat had been put into the case the four flaps were fas tened together, but not so that It was airtight, and the effect was like a trav eling satchel. Really this was the in tention, for the Indians traveled about so much that everything they had was made to be utilized on their journeys. Elaborate decorations of bead work, or, earlier, of straw, were put upon the outside of these cases, and the ef fects to-day are very beautiful, though perhaps brilliant. But certainly the Indian has an art all his own, and his colorings and designs in his handiwork are full of character and Interest. When the Indian became hungry he opened one of these cases and cut off a slice of the great loaf of meat, and fruits and berries. Just as his civilized brother might cut a slice of ham, only his knife may also have been used for chopping wood, or It may have killed his enemy. The days of the buffalo hunt how ever, are past, so perhaps this mode of preserving meat will pass away, too. For the Indians now frequently receive their supplies at the Government agen cies, having paid for them by the sale of their lands. Railroad Depot Notice. A notice which attracts the attention of many sojourners in a New Hamp shire town Is posted on the wall of the little railway station. The paper on Which It is printed bears evidence of long and honorable service: "Notice Loafing either In or about this room is strictly forbidden and must be ob served." Filling His Order. "Waiter, what's all that noise, like a pile-driving machine at work?" "That's the cook pounding your beef steak. You ordered tenderloin, I believe, sir." Judge. FOR LITTLE FOLKS. A COLUMN OF PARTICULAR IN TEREST TO THEM. Something that Will Interest the Ju venile Members of Every Household Quaint Actions and Bright Sayings of Many Cute and Cunning Children. Jacob's ladder, a game for two, is played on a diagram, such as is here shown. The number at the bottom of the ladder may be 100 or more and denotes the amount which counts a game. One player selects a number. Player No. 2 then asks odd or even, and the other player tells him. Sup pose his reply to be even. Flayer No 2 then places a counter opposite the number which he guesses to be that S str 5 ? 6 a r ? 9 SiO o j 7 a$ chosen by the first player.. If wrong, he guesses until he strikes the right number guessed. When the right num ber Is guessed the marked numbers are added and the sum of them becomes the count of the player No. L Player No. 2 then selects a number and No. 1 takes his turn at guessing, and so on until one of the players wins by ob taining the amount at the bottom of the ladder. Turkish Boys at Pchoo'. The beginning of a Mahomedan boy's school life is always made an occasion for a festival. It occurs on his seventh birthday. The entire school goes to the new scholar's home, leading a rich ly caparisoned and flower bedecked donkey. The new pupil Is placed on this little beast, and, with the hodja or teacher, leading the children, form a double file and escort him to the school house, singing joyous songs. To a stranger the common Turkish school presents a singular scene. The pupils are seated cross-legged on the bare marble pavement in the porch or mosque, forming a semi-circle about the hodja, who is, as a rule, an old fat man. He holds In his hand a stick long enough to reach every student By means of this rod he is enabled not only to preserve order among the mis chievous, but to urge on the boy whose recitation is not satisfactory. But as a rule, hodjas are lazy and often fall asleep. Then It 1 that the pupils en joy what the American boy would style a "picnic." A trick they specially like to play on their sleeping teacher Is to anoint his hair and long gray beard with wax, which is, of course, very difficult to get rid of. You may be sure that when the hodja wakes he makes good use of his lengthy weapon. Some of the answers these little Turks receive to their questions would make an American child open his eyes In amazement A half-grown boy, in the presence of a missionary, who tells the story, asked the hodja: "What makes it rain?" "Up In the clouds," answered this wise teacher, "our prophet, Mahomed, and the one who belongs to Christians went into business together, the prof Its to be divided. One night Mahomed stole all the profits and ran away. In the morning, when the Christian God discovered his loss, he pursued Ma homed In his golden chariot, the rumb ling of whose wheels makes the thun der. The lightning is the bullets of fire which the god shot after his fleeing partner. Mahomed, finding he could not escape in midair, plunged into the sea; the Christian god followed him, and the shock splashed the water out and it fell to the earth in rain. And the young Turks, believing the teachings of their hodja, grow up with out further Investigating the cause of rain, the true source of which Is taught an American child In the kindergarten. Boston Herald. Rules of Young Athletes. Moderation is the keynote of athletic success. A few principles used by well-known athletes may be followed with profit: L Do not try to do too much. 2. Begin with simple and gentle ex ercise. 8. Never attempt work directly after meal. 4. Food should never be taken Im mediately after exercise. At least a half-hour should elapse before eating. 5. Light exercise before breakfast may be taken with advantage, but a dry biscuit or crust of bread should be eaten before beginning. 6. If the muscles become lame or ex hausted give them a good rub down with witchhazel or liniment. 7. Regular and thorough exercise with dumb bells or Indian clubs for ten minutes, morning and evening, will gradually increase the strength and health of the entire body to a surpris ing extent 8. Don't drink water when over heated. How Slate Pencils Are Made. Slate pencils- were formerly all cut from slate just as it is dug from the earth. Pencils so made were objected to on account of the grit which they contained. To overcome this difficulty, says the London Engineer, Colonel D. M. Steward devised an ingenious pro cess by which the slate is ground to a very fine powder, all grit and foreign substances removed and the powder bolted through silk cloth much in the same manner as flour is bolted. The powder is then made into a dough and this dough is subjected to a very heavy hydraulic pressure, which presses the pencils out the required shape and di ameter, but In lengths of about three feet While yet soft the pencils are cut into the desired lengths and set out to dry In the open air. After they are thoroughly dry the pencils are placed in steam baking kilns, where they receive the proper temper. What Becomes of Birds' Nests. Hundreds of thousands of nests are built every year in trees and hedges. What becomes of all tbes homes after the birds have tiCxi. from them at summer's end? Most of them are lined with sheep's wool, with feathers and other materials that bind them togeth er. Now it happens that beetles and moths and other insects devour these things, and by thus destroying them loosen the nests so much that wind and rain soon scatter the rest of the materials. But for this timely help the trees would be clogged up with a mass of old nests, the leaves could not sprout and many trees would perish. A Modest Poet. A well-known editor, who never talks shop unless he has something worth telling, recently told a story at his own expense to a party of friends. "Not long ago," he said, "I received a poem from an unknown contributor. The letter accompanying the manu script was written In that confidential strain which always proves the writer to be an untrained contributor to the press. "After praising my paper and Inform ing me that he had been a reader of It for more years than it had been in ex istence, be had taken the liberty of sending me a little poem for publica tion. "The honor 6f appearing In print was all the remuneration he desired; indeed, he was frank enough to state that he did not consider the verses inclosed had any market value. When I examined the poem I found it was one I had writ ten myself many years before, and for which I had received a handsome sum." Bagging a Peer's Calf. The moors of Yorkshire and Scotland have been alive with shooters. The crack of the gun has been heard on ev ery hand, for grouse shooting has open ed for the year. During the shooting season In Great Britain accidents are comparatively rare, considering the first-class opportunities to blow off a companion's head or drill a hole through his back. . But accidents do happen and the first man to be shot this season was Lord Binning. The noble lord is a bit of a wag, and even when half his leg was perforated with shot from his own gun and he was sitting against a hedge, waiting for a stretcher to be brought his wit did not desert him, for, as the doctor was" binding up his wounds, he remarked. "I came out to kill grouse but'pon my soul I seem to have bagged a calf." Philadelphia Post Weight of Elephants' Tasks. Sir Samuel Baker gives the weights of the largest African elephant tusks he ever saw as 172 and 188 pounds, re spectively. Tiffany & Co., of New York, have now a pair weighing re spectively 224 and 239 pounds. Their corresponding sizes are: Length, 10 ft 34 inch, and 10 feet 3 inches: circumference, 23 inches and 24 inches, me iuskb oi iue extinct Elephas ganesa were sometimes 12 feet 4 inches long, and 2 feet 3 inches around. A mammoth tusk from Alas ka is 12 feet 10 inches long and 22 inches around, but the average tusks of this animal are 7 feet to 9 feet long a s . rx J A. Of - ana oniy ou pouuus io ou poanas in weight The tusks of the mastodon are thicker than those of the mam moth, a large one being 9 feet 4 Inches long and 23 Inches around. The Canals of Britain. Englandhasover3,000milesof canals; Ireland, 600; Scotland, 160. They carry In the year 16,000,000 tons of traffic, yielding over 29.000,000 revenue. Great Britain's African Possessions. Great Britain owns In Africa an area of 2,570,000 square miles, almost equal to the area of the United States. The barber who pinned a newspa per around a customer's neck and gave him a towel to read was just a trifle absent-minded. An old bachelor says the happiest age of woman is marriage. RAM'S HORN BLASTS. Warning Notes Calling the Wicked to Repentance. HE God who up holds a universe can uphold yon. The cheerful gift makes the cheerful giver. God asks for your all because he needs nothing. True courtesies are the flowers on life's dining table. Too many are content to sing of the heights while they walk in the vale. Big game are often killed with little guns. Green branches do not grow on dead roots. The devil often puts garlands on bis victims. He who knows he Is right fears no ridicule. Youth lives In the future and age In the past The natural Is inconceivable without the supernatural. He cannot be brave who does not fear to do wrong. The child of God is never at borne without his Father. Liberty is freedom to do What you ought not what you like. The admission ticket to society often costs the sacrifice of the Savior. The nails of the cross may mortify the flesh, but tlrrf fit fee best tonic for the spirit. The sweetest song you can sing as you work will not atone for sweeping the dust into the corners. When the wicked flourish like a Green Bay tree, the saints get under its shadow and expect to prosper. Application to Ideals accomplishes more than mere appreciation of them. The worldly Christian refuses the bread of life and pretends to rejoice over mud pies. Life Is Growing Longer. From statistics and the result of cer tain changes in the methods of living we can safely affirm that the span of life is steadily lengthening. Three thousand years before the Christian era the average duration of life was said to be three score years and ten. This would make middle age come at 35. Dante considered that year the middle of life's arch and Montaigne, speaking for him self at the same period of life, consid ered his real work practically ended and proved that he thought he was growing old by falling into the remin iscent age. At the present time fifty years Is con sidered as middle age. In the days of the revolutionary war prominent men at that time were looked upon as old at 50 years. We are justified in sup posing that the span of human life will be prolonged In the future because the possibility of living to an older age has been demonstrated by the great ad vances made in medicine and hygiene during the past ten years. We have attained a vast amount of knowledge as to the causes of disease, and new remedies for their successful treatment have been discovered. We have no new diseases, at least, of any serious character, and we are better able to treat the old ones, which, like old foes, appear to us with new faces. Royal Magazine. He Wanted Some. An unsophisticated old deacon of the Methodist Church Is the chief character in this little tale. He came to town from the South, where he lives, and meeting an old friend of his who has developed Into a prosperous banker, was Invited home to dine with the New Yorker. Spaghetti was one of the dish es served, and the good old deacon, who had never seen any before, took to it with great celerity. After despatching two generous platefuls of the Italian paste he ventured to ask his hostess the name of the new dish. "It Is spaghetti, deacon," she replied, "an Italian dish." "Well," said the old man, "It's mighty good, and I wish before I go you'd give me some of the seed. I bet I could raise some down In Georgia." Prizes to Veteran Servants. Prizes to servants who had served their masters a long time were distrib uted In Austria on the occasion of the Emperor's seventieth birthday. Twenty-one prizes of $75 each were given for serving thirty years. Among the recipients were a valet of 71 years of age who had served his master forty six years; a nurse 72 years ago, -who had been forty-two years In one fami ly; a maid of all work, 77 years of age, whose record was forty-one years, and a cook, kltchenmald and a maid of all work, who had each stayed in one place thirty-nine years. The World's Petroleum Supply. Statistics show that the United States and Russia are between them produc ing, in round numbers, 120,000,000 barrels of petroleum per year, and that the production of outside countries has of late Increased so much that they are able to contribute enough now to bring the world's aggregate annual produc tion to about 150,000,000 barrels. It Is well known that the production of Rus sia Is much less now than It might be, owing to the lack of enterprise of the people and to Inadequate transporta tion facilities. It is said that an artist at work on a biblical history undertook to make a sketch of "Rebecca at the well," but he couldn't draw the water. Never judge physicians by the praise undertakers bestow upon them. vy 1M Some Cow Stall Devices. New ideas, says a correspondent of the New York Tribune, have done away with some of the old-fashioned notions about cattle fastening, and have brought much relief to stock. But all dairymen have not yet reached the most KM. 1 FOB KEEPING FLANKS CLEAN. humane and most convenient results. A recent visit to the progressive owner of a dairy farm was productive in se curing several points that were new to the writer, and to many others doubt less. They are shown in various cuts given herewith. Fig. 1 shows the dairy man's plan for keeping the cow from soiling her flanks when she lies down. A strip of joist 2 by 3 inches is nailed across the floor of the stall just behind the hind feet of the cow, when she Is standing as far up In the stall as she possible can. This crosspiece is shown FIG. 2 PLAN FOB CBIB. at A. The cow cannot lie down upon this piece of wood, so she steps ahead and lies down, 'all of the droppings thereafter falling behind A. Only a shallow trench is found at D. Fig. 2 shows an excellent plan for a crib. The hay comes down from the second floor into a slotted receptacle, under which is a place where corn fod der or other material can be placed from the walk in front, the front edge projecting in front of the hay crib to make it more accessible. Here the grain ration can be placed, or a grain bag can be set into this space. Fig. 3 shows how the cows are fast ened at this dairy farm. They are not FIG. 8 HOW COWS ARE FASTENED. fastened at the neck at all. The stalls are 3 feet wide, with a chain or rope stretched across the stall behind- the cow. The sides of the stall must be high enough and extend back far enough so that the cow cannot turn around in the stall. She can only back out, and this the chain prevents. This seems the most humane cattle fasten ing imaginable, and It works very sat isfactory in the barn referred to. Of course, the manure is scraped from the rear end of the platform several times a day, though while eating her hay the cow stands well back, where the ma nure will fall Into the gutter. The shal low trench saves the cows from many a slip and jar. Farm Machinery. The increased use of farm machin ery was at one time thought to be tak ing so much work away from the labor ing class that in some places mobs burned the harvesting machinery when taken into the farming districts be cause it was going to take away the poor man's means of support. To-day it seems to be realized that only by the use of such machinery is the cultiva tion of large areas made profitable and possible, and these large tracts annu ally employ more labor than did the small ones which were grown In the days of hand labor. They have also helped the poor man in another way. They have Increased the amount of food production, and cheapened Its cost so that we are not only obtaining our own food at less cost than thirty years ago, but are selling large amounts of It to the people of other countries, not only to the profit of the farmers, but to the advantage of those who grow It and those who find well paid employment in transporting it Sandy Folia. The Department of Agriculture has not been able to find a soil so sandy and poor that no vegetation will grow upon it The sandy beaches upon the sea shore, and those places where the sand drifts almost like light snow have been planted with what are known as sand binding grasses and sedges which have been found not only to grow there, but to so fill the sand with then roots as to prevent It from blowing by the wind or even being washed away by ordinary waves or tides. Once made to grow, these plants will contribute vegetable matter to the soil, which In time may make them fertile for other plants. The department is introducing sand binding plants from foreign countries which they propose to have tested In climates here like those from which they are brought to see if any of them are su perior to our native sand-growing spe cies. Even If they fail to make the sand fertile, it will be of advantage In preventing Its drifting and covering other land. For some years the Gov ernment has been setting some of the beaches with sedge or grass to prevent the shifting of the coast line, and the formation of sand bars in streams by the blowing or washing of sand from the shore, and they may find some plant which will be more valuable for this purpose than any we now have. Toe-Dressing Fall Grain. We think a fertilizer of 300 pounds of acid phosphate and 100 pounds of muri ate of potash to the acre is better for fall grain than a dressing of stable or barnyard manure, first because It costs less than the manure is worth for other crops, and because while It may not grow as much straw It will grow a suffer straw that will not lodge, and It will make a heavier and plumper grain. When the seed is drilled In It may be drilled in with It without extra labor, but when seed Is sown broadcast we would harrow in the seed first and then sow the fertilizer above it to be carried down by the fall rains. In many sec tions the amount we advise for one acre would be thought enough for two acres, but we think the larger amount would prove most profitable on land which had been long used for growing hay or for pasturage. If the land was very light we would top dress with from 75 to 100 pounds per acre of nitrate of soda after wheat came up, In prefer ence to sowing It when wheat was sown, and In any case unless wheat was very rank In the spring, as 'it may be where clover or other manurial crop was plowed In, we would sow about the above amount of nitrate of soda' early in the spring to stimulate a good growth and early maturity. American Cultivator. Breaking Out Roads in Winter. At a Farmers' Institute in Kennebec County, Maine, Mr. E. C. Buzzel gave his experience for the past five winters in breaking out the 100 miles of road in his town. The average depth of snowfall during a winter for the last twenty years has been ninety-six Inches, or eight feet of snow a year. For the past twelve years they have used rollers, and now have six of them to cover the 110 miles. They have roads from eleven to thirteen feet wide without high ridges at the side, so that heavily loaded teams can pass each other safely, even after the heaviest snowfalls, which usually come in February and March. The average cost for the past five years has been $600 per year, including all expenses of shoveling when necessary to get the first rollers through. This is in the town of Fryeburg, but many towns near there are now using the same sys tem. But there are still many towns in the State that have less than 100 miles of road that spend from $1,700 to $2,000 a year to break out their snow drifts, using road scrapers, snow plows and gangs of shovelers, and yet do not get as good a road as those towns that use the rollers, so says an Eastern ex change. Method of Stacking Fodder. An excellent method of stacking fod der, says the Ohio Farmer, is to con struct a long and narrow platform of rails or anything that will serve to keep theijundles off the ground. This platform can be as wide as the length of two bundles or It can be two or three times that width, if there is a large amount of fodder to be stacked, and as long as necessary. The stack should be quite long In proportion to its width, as the fodder is to be used from the ends. Begin by laying bundles closely lengthwise until the center is from four to eight feet, depending on the, width of the stack, higher than the outside. Then begin laying the bun dles crosswise, close together, butts out. Keep the center higher as the stack advances, that the top bundles may be quite slanting to shed water well. Tie a number of bundles near the top, divide into two equal parts, set half on either side of the top the whole length of the stock, and It will not take water. In using the fodder, begin at the ends; pull out the bottom bundles first, and none need be dam aged by rain, the end only being ex posed. Value of Wheat Bran. That a ton of good wheat bran con tains more protein than a ton of corn meal, and is therefore more valuable as a milk-producing food, or for build ing up the bone and muscle on growing stock, is well known to many farmers. But there is a considerable difference in the quality of bran. Some samples have been found which analyzed over 18 per cent of protein, and others not much over 12 per cent or about two thirds the amount of this most valu able element Spring wheat bran aver ages better than the winter wheat bran, or nearly 16 per cent protein with 4.34 per cent fat and 52.86 per cent of starchy matter. This bran should always be sold on a guaranteed analysis, and at a value very nearly represented by the protein found in i. If that having the. least protein Is sold at $12, it may be more profitable to paj; $16 for the best that can be found. Three things to wish for Health, friends and a cheerful spirit i