Newspaper Page Text
ROSEBORG REVIEW 13 ISSUED FIUDAY MORNINGS DY . J, K. X; BELL, - Proprietor. ROSEBURG REVIEW HAS THE JIB OFFICE IN DOUGLAS COUNTY.' CARDS, BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLANKS And other Printing, Including no- 1 ear - - - 2 50 1 25 - - - - - - 1 00 Six Months -Three Months L nd Hsavy Pesters and Showy KacBil! Tin so are Iho terms ol those pm'tcg in advance. Tne ueviifw orfni-s fine inducements to ad venisera. Tenns r&o;mL:c. VOL X. Ke-.;t.'y and EspaJitiuutly executed AT PORTLAND PRICES. HOSEBURG, OREGON. FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1885. NO. 20. .Rosfeburg V.- 'vv -. -.-';. . : ' :. "-'. :..,V : .. ,..., -: -..-;; j ' . GE-KSSAL DIUE0T0SY. Groveu Cleveland. . . . . . President. 1 hoSIAS A. ilKNDUiCKi. . . .Vice Piesilut. Tnos. F. Bayaki. Secretary of State D.VNU'L T. Masmng, Secretary ot Treasury. L. Q. 0. Lam Alt. .Secretary of the In tenor. Wh. C. Esdk'utt Secretary of War W. C 'A HlTNEY .Secretary of Navy. VV. T. VitA3. Post Master General. A. IL Garlanp.. ...... .Attorney General. Morrison R. Waite .... . . .Chief Juatice. STATE OF 0CEG0N. J. N. DoLni U. S. Senator Binuer Mekmann Congressman Z. F. Moody........... .......Governor K. P. Earhart.. . Secretary of State. ; Edward lliascu ...... State Treasurer. E'. B. mcElhoy ....SuL Pub. Instruction. W. H. Byars.... State Printer. J. B Valio, U. J., 1 - Wm. P. Loi:d, ....Supremo Judges. VV, W. Thayer, ) Ib S. .Judge. J. W Hamilton.... Pi oaecn tin?. Attorney. DOUGLAS CO LINT Y; John Em mitt, J. II. Shcpe. ) Wm. Manning, If K.N Ry lloOKK, ii. W, liJOOLE, C. B. V ii cox, .Senators. ..Ilepres ntatives. G. W. Kimball G. A. Taylof, . . , VV. N. Moore,. . F. VV. BEN.S.N... K. C. Sacky. .......Clerk. , Sl.eriiL ..Treasurer. School Superintendent. Assessor. J. Hall, C. A McQee,. Wm. Thikl.. Commissioners. . , . . .Surveyor. Die S. S MARsrtUH. . , . . Coroner. CITY OF ROSEBUKG. J. C. FCLI.LRTON, L. C. WilKl.LHK, J. J. Caci .VI Khl, ............. Trustees. 1H03. Grisdalc, O. L. ILLI3, T. Ford . .. Recorder. G. J." Laneibekj. .Marshal. J. F. Bark Kit .Treasurer. PROFESSIONAL. JOHN LAKE ANi: & LANE. Attorneys st Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J C. FULLEl.TON, Attornt-y at Law. OHice in Mark' brick, up stairs. t ' : . Q A. SLULUmEDE, TTOR.YET J T LA IV, AY. (iv.iprru rnuranco At-nt. , OiJKo a; (y'oiu t Hoasv r. HOTELS AND ESTARUANTS- milE CI-XTIfAL'. HOTEL. Having axsuntd the inan:j:e tnent, f tliis WfU-kl'Owii l!ouse, of which we nr.' il.e owners, wv take i: eth -d of informing, tho' public that, it will !e FliWT-' LASS IX EVEKY P.V !1TICI?LAI! ! Mcalu PD.l Loi1?iii 2'l-iy $1 00 KeIn 25 t Lodging ... 25 SATIi'I'ACMoN GUARANTEED. S. T. di E. GARRISON:. DiILEY'3 HOTEL. Oakland, Oi'con. Board $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, 3TTW house has lately changed hands and w thoroiirhly rtmov.ited and refurnished. The travcl Ing pntlic will find the bet of accommodatious. TV o Cliinasnen lmployetl. SMITH BAILEY. OLUTFLY FIRST CLASS D C. McCLALLFN, . Proprietor of the McCLALLEN HOUSE, Larjre Sample Rooms for Commercial i Ttavelera. Free Couch to and from the house Caxgae delivered freo of charge. DEPOT HOTEL, ; ' Oaklam), orkcox. Tf.i?li;ittl Thomas, I?roj, First Clae SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied vith tha Best thj Market affords Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad. MOOHFAS KESTAUR.1XT. (Prindpaal Eusintss Street.) Rosebiirjr, Oregon MEALS 25 CENTS, LODGING 25 CENTS 2TVe Keep the Best the Market Affords, t ilR3 NELLIL M0KF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Samuel Mapks, Asiier Marks, If ABES Co. -DEALERS It Hi H- h? A I HAVE CONSTANT Cu nifty Provisions, so! P HOfl tor lib: end Prod -fc. U 4 a ''C 11V AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR. THEM. S. 3XY.Xri CO Kosoljiii-s-, Or -SUCCESSOR TO 5 I L-J! i: I Lin', fa ft N! A & & A; n If -DEALERS IN- .4 i IJ 43. X- oseburcrt l OYt uy a ! (23icrai .AiCi'ciiiiiitiii'O anu vv;ii ic :ii)d patrons, as well as new ones, scarcity or money and Uie present depression in business, will ;idxtiieir j'Vf a lntoiD5is l :D3rI Heforo purc'iiising el.-evbere at 'cost, or less 'than cost, -but wili Uat thoy will get tneir roous At Alio lowest Of All Kisidi ivi . josi:i3BsOiSr. ?5T3 !?RS3 ,F5 TS ! SS it i i i i r. i f 9 c r Keojis a full lino of Dress Gowls of oveiy variety and Shade. A full line of Bilks. A full line ot' S.ttiiis, Brocades v.d Velvets. H 0 w. ft 0 3Q 0 b A full Tine of Funcy Dj-kss C A full line A ftiil line A fall 'I ins of Fimushimr; Goods. A full lii'.e of lints and Caps, Coots and Shoes. M A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Tobaccos. A full line cf Crockery n;id Glassware. And jasJ-, but not least, a full 1 ine of Ost-Mch PiumsH and Tips, with all kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and Hat Shapes of latest pattern. M JOSEPHSON. War? War! "War! China and Franco have had their time; Russia and'. Kngland arc still in line; - America with her watching eye, Holds the line of traffic, by The granery of the world. Money is money, and as the blood-saping medium, With its glitter of gold, Has only its equivalent at M elisor's I'm told. His stock is new and his goods are fresh ; And as to selection, he has the best. Give him a call, under Slocum.s N. QORMUTT, Successor io J. D. JOIINSOA1. DEALER IN Ft: DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, - - Cucaper than W. I. Fbiedlander TVT Li' ON HAND- MM 5 Cig-as, Boots and Shoes. crip u 0 Oi'ea'ori . i'.xvza 'imi convnlet nssritn:ent of liis oiJ fric;:ds ieascd to se'j who m consideration of the Vo ori hm. imd examiDing I do not claim to sell goods assure all who patronize mc luivlns: IProfit, i aken At Market Price. Lr A b Pi fe-sa salads isai i oou.s. of Hosiery.' 0 w o d of ClolhiKsr. CO 0 3 Hall. B MQTIQOV BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS - A l tho Cheapest, rvOes mm Tlie Incas of Old. A Lima letter to the Chicago 'Inler Ocean says: No man can see Peru without wondering at the grandeur, the industry and intelligence of the Ineaa, Empire. They had arts which the world has forgotten; knowledge which the world never know; thr;ft which their conquerors could never imitate, and wealth which made them thejiey of every adventurer of the sixteenth century. Their temples and palaces were built of hewed stone from quar ries that the Spanish have not been able to discover, and the means by which they lifted ' blocks of granite weighing hundreds of tons is a rroldm no antiquarian has been able to solve. Thy knew how to harden copper until it Lad an edge as keen arid endur ing as the finest of modern steel; 'they had ornaments of gold and sifVP'' and cut jewels as skillfully as the lapidaries of to-day, and their fabrics of woolen and cotton are spun and woven as smoothly as modern looms, can make. They surpassed modern civilization in many tilings and had a system of gov ernment under which millions of people lived and labored as a single family, with every thing in common, knowing all ai ts but those of war, and worship ing a deity whose attributes were al most pat allel to those of the Christian Gob " Hemmed in on one side by the im passable snows of the Andes, and on the other by a desert, lifted above the rest of the world unknown to them, in spirit as well as fact, 'S peaceful and as elm a the Andean stars, they es tablished a system of civilization in which, for the first time since creation, the equal rights of every human baing wt're recognized by theoi as a symbol of the infinite, the omnipotence, whose force and majesty their simple logic" could not understand; while the sun, 'whose. heat and light made existence possible, was recognized as the source of all good. Hence these two elements the s.m and the ocean, were personified and were the objects of the Incas' wor ship. V .... . Mind Readers- The mind readers aird face readers may find hints of use in' the signs of the lace given oy a clever reaner of plivnicnl exmvssion. Dr. J. Simmons pronounces the tound ev like that of a dove, ai uhf-tilir.ij sign ii :udifnl;.a tachmeniand eo -jngd 1 ,ve. The much admired aliiiond-shped eya is given to roving att ichments and romantic loves. The filial and size ?f the Hvp.iiro-.;.s;g-nUicanJT.of tlw sr-n! imitrQfvV,iD b -jwsliapv'a' lip b a .sign of inien-e affec tion and kindness of nature, ap j i t from amatory qur.liues. A 'roundness of 'tho upjier part of t!is cdu-ek i a sign v great friendliness; a long .npp-r Jip siiovv.-s self esteem, as in the picture of Herbert Spencer and WLii-tier, - the jKtet. Modesty is shown. by - thu deep groove in the npp r lip down from the nose; but says nut! oritv, .modesty is lurge in all those hi whom the bivin and nerve system predominate,-whether this sign be present or tint. Where fore friends, let us all cultivate modesiy as significant of bran s. Boston Gazette. A Good Appcmtment- A Corvalhs exchange says: Rev. Joseph Emery, of this place has l ttely Iveii ajpotnted to the agency ot thg Klamath Indian reservation. The an- p intment was made at the instigation ! of Mr. Nickvrson. the present xirenf. 7 A who has tendered his resignation on account of failing health. Mr Nicker- son will continue to act as asrent until October, when Mr. Emery will take charjre and continue the aood work" uch his predeces-iot leaves for a bet ter climate. The .appointment of Mr. Emery meets with universal satisfac tion but is a sad blow to his many ad mirers in the Stat3 Agricultural college. 1 1 is connection with the college for the last eighteen years as one of the principal educators, has endeared him to a host of friends, who will regret to see him sever his connection wi,h the same, but are confident ho will fill his new position efficiently. "I wish I were a daiy, a daisy; I wish I were a daisy, a daisy, daisv, oh!" sang a young Wall street broker with high tenor voice. "I wish I were a cow, a cow; I wish I were a cow, a cow, moo-oo-o!" bawled a big, fat banker, iiua stentorian tone. "Don't you like mv singing asked the tenor warbler. "Certainly; that's the reason I wish I w ere a cow." "Wlivf "So I could chew your head off if you were a daisy." - It's the little rift within the lute that often makes the music mute. New York Journal. Nurse to fashionable mother: "The baby is very restless, m-i'am. I can't do anything with her." F. M. "She's teething, I suppose?" N. "Yes'm. I think if you were to take her in your arms a little while it might soothe her." F. M. "H Impossible. I haven't the time to spare , I am just making ready to attend a meeting of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Give baby some paregoric." Boston Courier. The yHd of gold in Jackson County excels -S 1 00,000 a nnnall v. In lue greater than the srolits of eithr agri culture or manufacturing in the same county. v " "Was It -a Mistake? The vouncr ai'l at the Thirteenth street crossing, wore a saucy litlle fea ther in her hat that seemed to take the conductor's eye at once as he helped her on his Madison avenue car. All through the tnnml the feather nod ied at him in a jolly way that argued a friendly interest in the new blue uni form he had i:ot yet paid for.' lie glanced at her two or three times out of the corner of his eye ami seemed really hurt when she motioned him to come and take her fare. Willi a care less grace of one accustomed to handle large sums of money, he glanced at the quarter the young Lidy dropped into his hand to see that it was not plugged. Then his hand closed tightly! over it. It was a loz 'iige, not a quarter, lie took it out u posi the platform, where hc cidd read its message .away from the cold eyes of the- other passengers. The candy simply asked: "Will you marry me," in warm, red letters. "Sue" was looking earnestly at him, and ho forgot to stop at Foiticth street for an old lady with a green veil. AH his energies were concentrated in fram ing a proper answer to. the sweet mess age. She beckoned him to come to her, .and as he bent above the friendly feather the soft voice s id;; "I will trouble you for my change." Four nickels came sadly out of the blue pocket and dropped into a white palrn. He was a quarter out that tiip. Tomb3 cf the Presidents- Almost every President has been buried at the place which he consid ered his Lome when his death occur red. Gai iii lJ is buried near his old home at Lake View Cemetery, near Cleveland. Lincoln rests at his old home, Springfield, Illinois. Buchanan lies at Woodward. Hill-. Cemetery, Pennsylvania, near to his last residence. Andrew Jol nscn is buried at .Green-, 'ville, Tennessee, at a spot selected, by himself. Pierce lies in the old cemetery at Concord," New ' Hampshire.'. Fill more rests in Forest Lawn' Cemetery, near Buffalo. Taylor's remain?,' after several reiv.ovdls, now rest permanently neat Louisville, Kentucky. II arris jn's grave is not far away, at North Bend, Oiiio, in the family emietery. Van Duren bleeps in the village cemetery at TCVtv i-w!.- Tiler YiT )mrnr J. O K .Iacko:i rer at their old Lora;-s ncai-Nnshvijle, Tesmosseu. Vir ginia, the 'mother cf Presidents, is also their res'ing place, for her soil contains tlwdttht of no less than five. Tyler s g:U vo i aiid - that of Jlomoj are near i. invtsmlf in JloiJ i agwoGd,- cemetery; M-adison's is n -ar Montnelier: Jeffei- son's at Lis fa-.niiy burying rrT.j'm nil onUcfciSo, and W asumg'oa s at idoant Vernon. Juhn and John Qaincy Adams lie together beneath ' ha Unita rian Church at Quincy, Jlassachusatts. A Lite :rary society. : , Dear Review: I noticed some time sinCH in your valuable journal an ac count of a Massachusetts town that had a socii-:ty of over two-hundred membeiS that w'as organized something on this lui. TLo monthly dues were fifty cents each and as the society had lived for sevt-ral ye ns thoy owned a sroo l hall and a library of several hundred voluuin,' which'' were free at all times to the member:.' Kegu'ar weekly meetings were 'hd let literary exercises . , , , , . " AT music, .-debates, - an l lectures. iow wouldn't this be a delightful - organiza tion for Roseburff. 1 lemember the uood old days of the Philalathean so ciety in Rose burg and suggest that it bo re-o-ganized on the above plan and made a permanent institution. Let it be done at once by calhng a meeting and orginizing.- -September will soon be here and in that month it sliou'd be started as through the winter months it would get a firm hold. Katie. Roseburg; Aug. 15th, 1883.. Things ia General- EniTon Review: Your paper seems to be taking quite an interest in the Josephine County Court House and also in the proposed extra session of the Legislature. The former issue will be settled by the courts and I trust the eonnty officials ' will be upheld as they aie honorable men and accepted Mr. Abraham V offer simply because it was the best one made. ith regard to the extra session the Review has done much to place that question pro perly berore the people. Its keen cut and '.pointed articles are thoroughly endorsed by the people." Allow me to congratulate you on conducting so bold and fearless a journal. Rex. Grants Pans, Aug. 16th. Never givp up old fiiends for new ones. Make newT ones if you like, and when you Lave learned that you can trust them, love them if you will, but remember ihe old one3 still. Do not (ill i iorget iney nave been merry with you in time ot pleasure, and when sorrow came to jou they, sot rowel also. Nc matter if thev have gone down in the social scale, and you up; no matter i poverty and misfortune have come to them, while prosperity came to you are they anv I ss true for that? Are not their hearts as warm and tender they do beat beneath homespun instead cf velvet! Yes, kind reader; they are as true lovitg a id tender. "Don't for get o'd friend-. If compelled to choose between tlie two, always prefer a good teacher to a fine schooIhousQ.-Chicago Inter Ocean, GOOD' v70R Ari&iti-i Gazette. The present administration has had but little opportunity so far of perfect ing any refoiin work, owing to the fact that there has as yet been no session of congress, to bring t its assistance acts and laws necessary to support the mea-L sures looking to the we;tare ot the country. However, a few noticeable acts may be called to tho- attention of the" people as worthy of their ,. indorse ment: The amendment of Teller's order is suing jvatent? to the laud grant of the Backbone railroad, hy which a portion of the lands were saved to tho govern ment. , Tin order restoring to settlement a large body of land in California, claimed without authority, by the Southern Pacific railioad.- - Tne decision that put" air end to the Reavis land grant fraud in Arizona, The action taicea to set paten's for the fraudulent aside the Maxwell r . -it. in "NT -w AFflvin Steps taken to ; prevent frauds in homestead, pre-emption and desert land entries. The order forbidding the fencing of the public domain by lurgcj cattle com panies. Resisting trespasses upon the Indian tciritory. , Making railroad companies select in demnity lands at the nearest point, within their limits, to their tracts.-' The report of Inspector Armstrong saving $105,000 annually appropriated for feeding Aripahoi'S and -Cheyenne. Indians that were not in existence. Opening the cattle trail through the Indian territory, i 'Settling the controveasies in Indian territory. Inaugurating a vigorous and earnest campaign against the Chiricahau In dians. Stepping the frauds and impositions of John Roach upon the government. Protecting American interests and citizens in Panama and elsewhere. Abolishing sinecures in the depart ment at Washington. Preventing the $400,000 grab of the Pacific Mail steamship compauy. , ; Infotcing tho civil servieJ law, and placing faithful an. J efficient men in public places." The acts above mentioned are re called to mind incidentally, and without itfcii tnce to data, and form but a smsll proportion Vf the system ef reform which the present administration hay inaugurated. The showing is not such as to inspire the feeling of alarm which the Re publicans so vigoi"o;:siy predict ed in the last campaign, neither' is it apt to impair the credit of the country. Cleveland is making no mistakes. The Ideal Cabinet officer. From the Washington Poat. etirv Whitney is the ideal Cab- Sec inei onioer. lie uas yontu witn an its vigo;; he ha? experience with its wis dom;he has industry with its projeling ower. He is courteous to everybody; never peevish or prostrated by over work, though always busy; not rendered vai ig'orious by his position, but ap proachable Jjy ail. He has serious convictions, but they do not reliie to the splendor of his personal prominence or to the inferiority of the of the world. He has "aspirations, but they do not contemplate his own apothesis or a corres-pondirig abasement of the masses. Secretary Whitney is, in a Wcrd, an active, intelligent, and modest official, who realizes his obligations to the country, and h;5.s both the disposi tion and ability1 to discharge them. He ncceptod oiace with a full under standing of its responsibilities and with a firm resolve to fulfil them, one and all. There is a wlio'esome and refreshing air surrounding him.. He is zealous without ostentation, busy without fuss. eificent without parade. He is a dis tinct and consjucous success. At Corva'lis there is strong talk of the cxtention of the Oregon Pacific road this season as far as Albany; and w hile the Yaquma Post docs not speak from anv actual knowledge in the mat ter, 3ret says it should not be surprised to hear that Contractor Hunt had com menced work at Corval'is in earnest. It is satisfied that if the management can possibly reach it, the work will be done. Manager Iloag is at present in New Yoik, or was there a few days, in consultation with tlie directors, and if tre finances are in a condition to do it the road will be pusbe 1 as rapid as the coin in sight will allow. This, 3:ys the Post, means ships with railroad supplies to arrive here on the bay, and bushels of money to be expended in the erection of warehouses, etc., and a further scatterment of money among the valley farmers for a vast number of railroad employes. Judge Webster on the Gth inst. re versed a decision in the case of the state vs. T. C. Gaunt, of Linkville, who was indicted at the last term cf the circuit court for Klamath county for selling liquor without a license. This is the first violation of what is known as the Kea ly Jaw, passed by the last legislature, and was intended as a lest case. His honor held that the law was operative and could be enforced. The demurrer being ovcruled. Mr. Gaunt's trial will come up at the next term cf cmut. Jackson ilL Times. Two men in Kentucky killed each other m a quarrel about a dog, but the animal was unhurt, TES STATE. Mountain fires everywheie. Tlie Portland mechanics fair will open on October 8th, The crops throughout the state are not vup to the average yield. It is sid that over a hundred horses will take part in the races at the State lair. Immigrant from the East continue to arrive in Portland, from thirty to fifty daily. Tho Lane County Fair has ching3ci its day of meeting to September 30th, to hold three days. ' Ths canal and Jccks at Oregon city will be closed for repairs from August 13 to September 1. - . The Yamhill County Fair will bo held at JjcMinvi'le from the 15tU to the P8til'f September. J. Dawne, recently appointed chief justice of Alaska will leave for his northern home Oct. 1. The adjutant general of the army reports that the number of men in Ore gon available for military duty is 33. 000. Mrs. A. L. Humphrey, a well-known pioneer resident of Lano county, died at Eugene City, August 13th aged 77 years. ". There is business enough in the Lake view land office to keep two clerks con stantly employed, besides the register and receiver. A party of soldiers from Fort Klam ath, in charge of Capt. Miller, are en gaged in repairing the military tele graph line between Ashland and Lint " vilie, Miss Forey, of Grant's Pass, was poisoned,. by eating ice cream, at Jack sonville cn the lourtli of July, and died from the effects of the sums la3t Saturday week. . Thns. Kay, one of the owners cf tho Brownsville woolen mills, has sold a tenth interest in that concern for $10, 000. From this can be seen something of the value of these mills. : The brick work of the first story of the new University building at Eugene has been completed and the work on the second story has already commenced. The work is being done in first-class hb le. - , Three. thousand pounds of specimens from tlm Pinf! ri,r,nc cluced at the Omah.i works last week with the most astonishing results. They yielded all 'thevay from $30 to ?610 per ton. Alfie.l Guild was fined 1 65 at Hilla-I boro the other day for smearing the ,' seat of P. B. Lewis' buggy with "tar ; whereby the Sunday go to-meeting trousers and Prince Albert coat of the latter were-seriously damaged. Hon. Wm. S. Holman,' of Indiana, Joseph G. Caunoti of Illinois, and Tho. Ryun of Kansas, congressional commit tee to examine the condition of Yellow-, stone park and Indian reservation, will reach Portland sometime between the 20Ui arid . 25th inst. Astorian: From North Beach come stoiies of sharkle's seen by daring bathers. A real live shark wcull be thrilling, though unusual, sight along that sand-strewn coast. But for a real genuine sensation no'hing equals a devil fish. Let fome cf the Clatsop or North bcae-h romancers invent the ap pearance of an octopus and the boats from Portland '.-will bo crowded with passengers coming down. Oi l "Clubfoot," an immense grizzly bear that has destroyed hundreds of dollars worth cf stock, and long been the terror of Siskiyou, says the Shasta Courier, was slain some days ago by three hunters, who -were induced to go alter ium on the strength cf a liberal reward. In Ihe fight the bear made mince meat of a herd of dogs, and only gave up the ghest after a pounel or two of lead had been pumped into him from Winchesters at short range. Very rich gold quartz has been dis covered on the Petch farm near North Yamhill by 'a man naim d John Ross. A company has been formed and have leased the farm or ninety-nine years. Tlie formation of the ground is volcanic and an extinct, crater is to lm' n them.' On Sunday last a very rich vein was discovered, and the ledge has been traced for miles oyer the place. It is thought the mine will prove a bonanza. Some of the ore is so rich as to be al most pure galena. v R. S. Bi lknap, ; an old resident of Jackson county, called upon the Jack sonville Times Tuesday, He had just returned, from the J osepbine county caves, which he had visited in company with L. B. Hall, of Josephine. Mr. B. reports a new Uistovery in the in terior of the cave, being a chamber 364 ; feet long and about 50 feet wide, ita vaulted roof rising to a hight of from 50 to 75 feet. The entraco to this great chamber is so narrow that only one person of medium size can enter at a time, but preparations are being made to widen the passage, so that the new wonder can letvisited by all who desire. Besides this large chamber others of great beauty have been discovered this Reason, und no one can yet tell the ex tent of these -wonderful caves. Mr. Buvch, who resides in the vicinity and acts as guide to sight-seers, is continu ally making new discoveries, and when a good road1 is secured thousands of people will doubtless visit these -won dors of natute every season.