Newspaper Page Text
ROSEBURG REVIEW. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2d 1885. THE REVIEW CAN ALWAYS BE FCUXD AT the St. Ciiahls. Pon la ;u. Jl'Rl' LIST. Jury list for the October term 1SS5 of the Circuit Court for the County of Douglas in and for tha State of Oregon. Johnson II. K. Liu r el John Aytch Wm. Larkin W. II. Winston W. C. Anderson E. P. Dunnivan J. S. OleyE. II. Robinson O. W. Brwn II. G. BallZ. Young E. G. Stephens W. R. Ilendrkks G. O. Richards Jas. Wilson H. J. . Thompson D. Anderson Jas. Adams Henry Beane J. II. Carlon W. J. Ambrose N. A. Shclton W. D. Steward L. G. Hickathier A. Applegate Milton Rast John Straight Jno. G. Foster J. G. Rose Jos. Lister John Camas valley Farmer. Calapooia Cow Creek Elkton Deer Dreek t Myrtle Creek Wilbur Myrtle Creek Elkton Canyonville Calapooia Mt. Scott " Yoncolla " Calapooia ' Canyonville " Riddle " Myrtle Creek " '- c Roseburg Liveryman. Yoncolla Farmer. Wilbur '" " ' Myrtle Creek " Pass Creek l'hoto. Yoncolla I )eer Creek Riddle Farmer. Brewer. Farmer, tt it Looking Glass Gardintr --.o Important Meeting. The tax paying Ciluens of Roseburg will hold a meeting at the Court House Saturday evening at 7 o'clock to nominate a ticket for Tnifctees to be submit ted to the Toters next Monday. Those inter ested should attend. Approaching Wcoding. Our local ac knowledges the receipt f an invitation to at tenJ th marriage of Charles L. Mosher and Miss Hattie Lount at Phoenix, Arizona, Mon day evening, October 12th. It would give lis great pleasure to attend but as the rainy season in Oregon is about to set in and tramping is not good we will forego the pleasure. Success, Charles and may your bright dreams of happi " oess be m-re than realized. Indian Veterans. The Veterans of the Indian Wars of the North Pacific was orran ganized at the last Slate Fair by the election .f T. B, Waite Grand Commander, and Judge Kelssy Vice Grand Commander. A post will be organieed'in this county en Saturday Oct. 24th. All interested should not fail to attend as thi is one t f the most important steps taken by our pioneers. : For further particulars ad dress J. D. Burnett Roseburg, W. G. Hiii Wilbur or I. B. Nichols, Riddle. , HOW TO PREPARE GRAPZS FOR WINTER. Cut the ptls fr.m the vine with a sharp knife place the end of the stem when cut in Lot ceiling wax cr common bees wax, wrap each pHl separately in a piece of paper and carefully pack them in boxes and place them in a dry l5arn or out building where they wi'j be kept cool without freezing. Grapes care fully prepared in this way will k ep as fresh ind solid as when taken from the vine, for a graat length of time without losing their flavor. The Rf.foxm;i'. There was an over flow of attendance at the meeting of the " burg Reform Club." After nmic by the Ju venile Band, singing by the choir, reading and approval of the minutes, Rev. J. R. N. Bclj delivered the regular address, showing the universality of the impulse arising from the great question, the discovery of causes by the study of effects, and that in the impulse will be fnuud a means by which the ideal of a peo ple will become a fact. After recess quite an extended programme of entertainment was carried out. Hon. A. C. Jones was chosen to a.ldress the next meeting. Sec. Fine Sheep. Those sheep sold by W. F. Owens for Frank Woolsey, and the large fleeces referred to by us last week, weighing from 17 to 26 lbs, our attention has been called this week to another important item by one of our leading sheepmen, George II. Stephen ion, of Oak Grove that those sheep were sheared last spring, and that the true yield of wool per head was about forty pounds per year. These are certainly the finest sheep ever brought to Douglas county. And while we are speaking on the sheep question, we would call attention to sme extra fine bucks wned by Judge Smith and H. Conn. Per sons will find it to their advantage to see any of those gentlemen refered to above. Doug las county must lead in the wool growing business. - Native Sons of the Golden West. The history of the first year of existence of the California parlors will always be of gTeat in terest to the Native Sons of the Golden West. It was then-weak and struggling for a foothold. It is now strong and is composed of 3,500 members- On "admission day," September 9th, the parlors met at Santa Rosa where a grand re-union took place and the parlors were addressed by Gov. Stoneman and Grand Lec turer, C. L. Wcller Jr. Tne parlors were represented throughout the State, and it was proposed to extend the organization into Ore gon where many members have removed among whom are Alex. S. Stevens, of Portland, and G. V. Boggs, of Drain, who will shortly in stitute steps to organize parlors throughout the State.. Hygienic Phvsology. -Inaccordance with an Act passed by the Legislature and a reso lution passed by the State Board of Education and also in. the consideration of the adoption of a text-book, the subject of hygienic phys iology has ' been incorporated in the list of branches to be taught in all the pub lic schools. The text-book adopted is Steele's Hygienic Physiology. In reference to hygiene instruction in primary, intermediate and mixed schools it is suggested that the teachers supply themselves with the text-book and prepare to teach it orally. With advanced grades in all schools the pupils themselves should use the text book. Instruction in hygienic physiology should be given in all public schools on and after Octooer 1st, 1S85. In order that no m jnstice may bejlone teachers, they will not be required to pass examination in the new branches until September 1SS0. F, W. Benson, I.O CAT, SEWS. City election Monday. Vote for the best men. The Eldorado mineral water. Have your tickets printed at the Review office. Another interesting chapter on the Mounds this week. Send your orders to T. Ford if you want good Trees. Rev. Smick's improvements on his house are booming up. Considerable fire in the hills. North West of Roseburg recently. Go to Mrs. Hoover's and buy some of those new, nice, all taking hats. Get the Eldorado water, drink it and be saved from your maladies. A fine Organ for sale at the Review oSce. Call and see the instrument. Insure in the Traveler's Accident Com. pany, J, R. N. Bell, agent. Mechanics' Fair, Portland, next. Six days allowed on excursion tickets. Mark F. Jones has resigned as instructor of the Yankee Doodle Band. J. C Eubanks went on the south-bound train last Tuesday to Ashland. Rev. J. E. Day, of Wilbur, exchanged com p liments with us last Monday. II. Gates' team took a little trot down street Wednesday. No damage. The Eldorado mineral water at S. Hamil ton's cheers, but dees not incbiiite. The Reform Club have splendid exercises every Tuesday evening at the Grange hall. All trees sold by me are warranted true to name. T. Ford. Hon. C. Ball returned last Saturday from Portland, where he had been on legal business. Mrs. Johu Booth, of Garden valley, who has been ailing for some time, is improving now. No new cases of diphtheria on Clark's Branch, and all thu old cases are about re covered. Lieut. Patterson and wife, of Vancouver, are the guests of her Uncle, E. M. Moore, of this city. Another invoice of new type just received at this office. Come here and get your print ing done. Hon. E. G. Hursh formerly our worthy cotemporary returned from the State fair last Saturday. . . Dr. Sehlbrcde is located in Abraham's brick up stairs. He is a first-class dentist. Give him a call. A fine $200 organ for$iooat this ofee on easy terms. Apply at once and get tiw bar gain offered. The city election promises to be a very spirited contest. It is estimated that the vote will reach loo. Albert Smith is not a candidate but he has the finest candies in the market for sale. We vote it the best. E. M. Mocre earn: bach to Roseburg frm Vancouver lait Saturday. He will remain here indefinite':. Read the rules and regulation for the gov ernment of the district school ia Roseburg passed by the dir. ct is. Another Brother of J. A. Cardwcll the bronze monument man, lias recently come to Oregon from Montana. Dr. Woodruff, this week, sold to C. & R. I'arks, the north part of lot No. 5, block No. 27, consideration $000. District Attorney Hamilton h?.s returned from' Coos county ar.d is busily engaged in pre paring for CircuitCourt. Born, to the wife of Feter junger last Sun day a boy. The mother is getting alo:ig well but Peter's case is hopeless. "We have caused an advance 'of six cents a bushel on wheat by our cut in freight," writes C. C. Hogue. Read his ad. Dr. Pilkington will be at the McClallen House from Friday evening the 9th to Saturday evening the 10th. Read his ad. Two of the finest variety of onions were sent to our nffice this week by our old standby Washington Hughes of Mt. Scott. A large number of our young folks attended the party at Green's station on Friday eve ning last, and report an enjoyable affair. W. G. Woodward will tako grain in xchange for harness, saddlery ate. This i a liberal oJer and our farmers should all accept it. Miss Ida M. Clarke, daughter of Hon. W. B. Clarke, went to the Drain Academy last Saturday to enter that fast growing school. It is rumored that Rudolph Abraham has lKiucht out Alonzo Brown at Oakland If this is true we say success to both gentlemen. Rev. Masters, from Coquille, on his way to the United lircthern Conference now being held at Hopewell, Yamhill county, gave us a call. The Coles valley road is no.- open and ready for travel. The supervisors are deserving of much credit for this accommodation to the public. Revs. J. E. Day, E. T. Lockart and W. A. Smick went to Portland last Tuesday to attend the Synodical meeting bf the Presbyterian Church. Rev. J. R. N. Bell will fill the pulpit for Rev. Mr. Lockard in the Baptist Church in Oakland next Sunday morning and evening by request. Immigrants are by the score to Southern Oregon, the La Camas immigration board's statements to the contrary notwith standing. On the farm of Thos. Hervey last Friday J. H. Whitsett and Thos. Hervey fired eigh teen shots at a large coyote and finally made him capitulate. Judge Moshcr has returned from Empire city whither he went on legal- business lately Inhaling the sodium breezes has rejuvenated him somewhat. Wm., son of our townsman, Rev. John Howard has just completed his course in the isusiness College at Portland and is visiting here at present. Our old friend N. Larout and family have just returned from the Coast at the mouth of the Coquille River, and he reports as having had a good time. At the McClallen House on the registre may be seen the names of nine Clarkcs and it goes on to say, "to be continued." W. B. Clarke heads the list. We have in store a literary puzzle which we will publish as soon as the crowded condition of our columns permit. A Handsome pre mium will go with it. If a legacy left by the father to the child is called patrimony, why is not a legacy left by the mother called matrimony? Who is able to answer this question? . Miss Crump has opened a dress making es tablishment near L. Belhl's jewelry store. She understands the business thoroughly and deserves a liberal patronaee. Uncle Billy Hudson of Myrtle creek one of the old land marks in Southern Oregon called this s week, and says Cleveland holds the reins of Government in first rate order, Mat. Helringer's dog essayed to leap through one of S. Marks & Co's. glass doors last Mon day and failed to get through but the ten dol lar glass was broken all the same. Sol. Abraham's business has . expanded so rapidly since the new regime, that he sent off his old safe, and has put a new one and larger one in its place. The safe is a beauty. Uncle Johny Gildersleve, G. T. Fuller, James Wright and Mr. Harmon returned from their coast trip last Friday. They have been gone three weeks, and had a glorious time. Our new M. T., with the letters reversed, seems to have a longing for the beauties of a town, nestling up close to the fastnesses of Siskiyou at the terminus of the O. &. C. R. R. F. P. Cronemiller; the able foreman and lo cal of the Plaindealer is taking "a niuch needed vacation this week, fishing and hunting. He was headed for the North Umpqua, of course. We tender thanks for two boxes of fine sweet grapes from the vineyard of Mr. Calla han in French settlement, one box for the Review office and one box for the Home olfice. Rev. Jos. Emery's family went South Tues day on their way to Klamath Agency. They will be met with teams at Ashland to take them to their destination. Our best wishes go with tiiem. L. C. Hill of Myrtle Creek, will lecture at the Court House in this city on Friday eve ning October 2d. Subject: Human Progress. It will be worth hearing and our citizens should all attend. There will be services at the Presbyterian Church Sunday, subject of m.rning discourse, "Lessons from E'.im;" subject of evening dis course, "Immortality of the Soul," Rev. J. E. Day officiating. M. T. Light Supt. of Agencies of the Mu tual Self-Endowment Association was in our city last Saturday and adjusted the failures o aiiujsting agents Come to the Review office and get insured. A young man by the name of Geo. Brooks, aged 28 years, died at the house of Mr. Sears, near Oak Grove, last Tueseay. I lis remains were taken to Drains, where the funeral ser vices were held. The International hotel Portland is the best dollar a day house on the coast. Renicmbor this fact when you go to Portland. Especial accommodations during the Mechanic's Fair at the International. The Travelers Accident Insurance Company paid Fred Cronemiller and L. A. Sanctuary their indemnity this week. Do not get hurt but lest you n-.ight call at the Review office and get insured at once. -- - , ; ' Miss Erne Gillette, of Ashland, whom we knew when die was a child, we had the pleas ure of meeting this week, although she had grown cut of our memory. She continues the guest ol Miss Inez Gilliland. George A. Van Horn, a young man well known ana nigmy esteemeu 111 tn;s county, died at Independence, Tuesday. I lis remains were buried t Forest Grove. May he rest in the peace that passeth all understanding. Mr. Hatfield brougnt to the Review office this week one of the largest and most substan tia! cabbage ever brought to Roseburg in our knowledge. The farm upon which this cab batre crew can be buucht at a reasonable price. The rpecial delivery system by which any letter will be immediately delivered in any city of 4,000 inhabitants in the United States went into effect yesterday. The special delivery stamps costing ten cents are for sale at the post office. Rudolph Abraham formerly of this city has jeen on an extended tour through Nevada, California and other places, returned to Rose- urg last Saturday. Greeting we extend, and hope that be will find it to his advantage to remain with us. "My daughter has taken the medicine faithfully, according to directions, and her health and spirits arc now perfect. The humor is all gone from her face, I wiah every anx ious mother might know what a blessing Ayer s Sarsapariila is in such cases." Asher Marks was the recipient of a basket full of the nicest apples that have been brought to town this year from Mrs. W. T. Wright. The Review office attaches, Billy, have a few teeth that they could set in a ftw toothsome apples, and don't you forget it. Owing to the publication of the Rules and Regulations of our Public School; the sermon of Rev. E. T. Lockard, of Oaklaud, is post pontd for a while. Our friends will force us to enlarge shortly. So be it. Look out for continual improvement in the Review. Law rence the Carpenter in the employ of David Linn of Jacksonville suicided last Tues day night, by blowing out his brains with a pistol. The cause is unknown. This is cer tainly a shocking affair. No further particu lars has reached us as we go to press. Sufferers from the effects of quinine, used as a remedy for chills and fever, should try Ayer's Ague Cure, a poweiful tonic bitter, wholly vegetable, without a particle of any noxious drug. It acts promptly, breaking the chill, curing the fever, and expelling the poison, yet leaving no harmful effect upon the patient James P. Duncan on Shakespere Jones ranch killed a large black bear last Friday with his gun"and dogs. Bruin's weight net, was 3Golbs. He had been eating the sheep in that section. But now we ate him and the m at was of fine flavor, and by the old maxim, "the nmof of the Duddintr ia eatinsr it" is how we i know. The Rev. Octavius Parker held divine ser vice in the Episcopal Clfurch, this city, Sun day and Monday evenins. He has made ap- j pointments for Roseburg of the entire week commencing on Monday after the fourth Sun day in October. He is an earnest and eloquent pastor and is laboring hard in the vineyard of the Lord, 1 A gray mare 15 years old belonging to Charles Lapoint of this County had a rock taken from her jaw as large as a small teacup. The formation is peculiar. Mr. Cam Cox showed us the mass yesterday and left the rock at this office to be seen upon inquiry at any time. This mal-formation is a curiosity and should be examined. - Gen. T. G. Reams Grand Master of Masons, stopped a few hours in Ri.sAurg last Saturday on his w ay home. He has been officially visit ing all the lodges on the cOast and in this sec tion for the last three weeks. The Craft has certainly treated him well judging from his looks and listening to his reports. He says peace and harmony prevail. Wm. Ilinkle and wife relatives of Mrs. Sam uel Moore of our town are visiting among us this week. Wm. Ilinkle is of the firm of II inkle & Bell in Corvallis. These friends we knew with much pleasure while we- lived in their city, and we hope they will conclude to live in this section, as they are also travel ing for health, and in mild climate and health ful regions we think we surpass. Hon. Charles Walker recently .Frobate Judge of Miles city Montana, and 33 years ago kept a trading post at Althouse Josephine County in Southern Oregon, stopped over in our city last Saturday to visit his old friend Hon. F.J P. Tlogan of our town, and went South to Jackson County last Monday evening W here he will make his home. He is a man of sterling qualities and undoubted Integrity. There will be a basket picnic at Fall Creek school house on the 10th day of October next at which time and place Dr. E. A. McAllister of Albany Oregon will deliver a temperance lecture and also a lecture on the "Origin of Man." The temperance lecture to be at II o'clock a. M. and the lecture on the "Origin of Man" at 2 o'clock P. M. Every body invi ted. Bring your baskets full of grub and your hearts full of love. B. F. Rider on Roberts mountain died yesterday morning 5 minutes to 1 o'clock of quick consumption. He was born in New York I S30 Married Elizabeth Chase in Illin ois in 1849. Came to Oregon in 1S77. He leaves a devoted wife and 6 living children to mourn his untimely death. Mr. Rider was re spected by all who knew him. The funeral services will be held to-day at the Dillard Cemetery. He died in great peace and many will feel this heavy loss. mm Trunk California. We take the liberty toprint the followinglet ter from our old friend Thos. Burnett, and it explains itself: Rev. J. R. Bei.l, Dear Sir; I have just received from home a copy of the Review, which is the first I knew of your being an editor, so I think I will subscribe. I am al ways glad to hear the news about Douglas county. I am well and happy tQ inform ycu that I am driving one of the lest :six horse teams that leaves this town. I have only thirty miles to drive. I like this country well but times are very dull and we are living in hopes of better days. I. think Oregon is a better country than this, still" I 'suppose it is dull up there. I wLh you were here to take a ride with nicW'Tf would make you think of old .times to sec the six bays swinging Around the curves. . My love to all my old friends and send me the -RkviEW. .. .- ' Clcvcfdalc Cal. A 'Captain's Fortunate liistoi'rry. Capt. " Coleman, schr. Weymouth, plying etween Atlantic City and N. Y., had bem troubled with a cough so that he was unable to sleep, and was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It not only gave him instant relief, but allaved the extreme .soreness in his breast. His children were sim ilarly affected and a single dose had the san e happy effect. Dr. King's New Discovery is now tho standard remedy in the Coleman household and on board the schooner Meetings. Quarterly meetings in Oregon District, M. E. Churchj South, are as fol lows: First round. Or-.-gon City circuit, at Kavanaugh Chapel, Sept. 26 and 27th. La Fayette ct., Pleasant Hill, Oct. 3 and 4. Dallas ct., Dixie, Oct 10 and nth. Coquille ct., Fish Trap, Oct. 17 and iStl Bandon ct., Floies Creek, Oct. 24 and 25th Roseburg ct., Deer Creek, Nov. 7 and 8th. Jacksonville ct., Brcwnsborbugh, Nov. 14 and 15 th. Applegate ct., Williams Creek, Nov. 2lst and 22nd. Junction City ct., Irving, Nov. 28 and 29th. ..Corvallis, Dec. 5 and 6th. Brownsville and Lebis Center,' Dec. 12th and 13th. E. G. Michael, P. E. I'roptr Treatment for Vouffn. That the reader may fully understand what constitutes a good Cough and Lung Syrup, we will say that Tar and Wild Cherry is the basis of the best remedies yet discovered These ingredients with others equally as effica cious, enter largely into Dr. Bosanto's Cough and Lung Syrup, thus making it one of the most reliable now on the market. Price 50 cts and $1.00. Samples free. Sold hffS. Ham ilton. "" '"-'; U "' " 'H . ... II ' tiyrup of i'lfy. Manufactured only by t,he California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco' Cal. is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of Ir S. Hamilton at Ufty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prompt and effective remody known, to oJeause tha 8ytin; to act on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowela gen tly but thoroughly; to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fttvers; to cure Constipation Indigestion and kindred il's. JFarm'rs And Mechanic. Save money and doctor bills. Relieve your Mothers, Wives and Sisters by a timely pur chase of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, best remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Bronchial affections. Relieves Children of Croup in one night, may save you hundreds of dollars. Trice 50 cts. and. $1.00., Samples free. Sold by S. Hamilton. The Habit Cry For It, And the old folks laugh when they find that tha pleasant liquid fruic remedy Syrup of Kigs is more easily taken and more bene ficial in its action than bitter, nauseot a medicines. It strengthens the Liver, Kid neys, Stomach and Bowels whila it arouses them to a healthy activity. Tor sale by Hamilton' j Go to Sol Abraham's for that delicious Sun- J beam tea. Oahlanh Seirs. Weather cool and pleasant. The cleaner resumed work Wednesday. Pet Beckley was in Portland last week. Abraham spent Tuesday with us. Mrs. J C. Hutchinson made a flying visit Monday. John Howard has gone to Scottsburg on business. Mrs. Jack Howard of Kcllc ggs is visiting at this place. Smith Bailey and wife are visiting relatives in Eucene. Samp Sutherlin received a severe kick from a horse Sunday last. There will be a social party at Robt. Smith's near Yoncolla Friday next. The dancegivenat Fair Oaks proved a success. A good crowd in attendance The Bonanza mine will fire up this week then we can look for a boom. Jack Peters has taken a contract to furnish the town with talk and cider. Scott True and a young man named McFar- land left here Tuesday for Texas. Miss Louisa Crouch leaves here Monday to attend the Sisters school at Salem. J. W. Miller of the "Daisy Gallery ' of your town was in town Tuesday on business. Miss S. I Iamblin had charge of the milliner business during Mrs. Hutchinson's absence. Quite a number .of our people visited the State Fair and returned home well pleased. Mr. Turner has his boot and shoe shop in running order he does good work give him a call. Mine host, R. Thomas is having another well dug inorder to supply water to fill' his tank. Ira Howard has moved to tOwn and occu pies the house formerly occupied by Dr. Kold eway. Mr. Lomax representing Goldsmith & Loewenbtrg of Portland was in town Tuesday night. Johnlloward is now our city marshal viee James Batty, resigned. Come John, trim up your lamps. Willie Underwood is assisting Robt. Ste phens in buildtng his house which is now near- mg completion. Our friend Gaddis made a visit to Dimmick's Ferry, Sunday list. Wonder what's the at traction in that direction. James Batty Ins quit Thomas's hotel and is now employed by P. G. Eubank. Dr. Kold- ewey succeeds Jimmy at the hotel. Mrs. Addie Mackey and Mrs. Wade who have been visiting E. C. Sacry'a folks - at this place relumed to their home at Gardiner Mon day. Rev. Lockard aud Chenoweth are in Pert- land attending the Presbyterian Synod being held at that place, and w ill be gone about two weeks. It is rumored that Ilyman Abraham and a nephew of his will shortly occupy the brick at this place where they will put in a full stock in ;meral merchandise. Harry DeGroot the well known Photogra pher of Eugene will visit this piace al out Oct. 6th. Then will be your show to have your picture taken as he docs fine work. Hubbard Wilson and wife will leave here shortly for Mt. Idaho where Mr. Wilson will engage himself in the harness business while Mrs. Wilson will run a milliner's shop. Suc cess be with you both. M. Fickle on his trip went only to Pocatello Idaho at which place he had a position on the Union Pacific R. R. but as waires were small and board and lodging were so very high he concluded to return again to his old stamping ground. Wonder why? The Band of Hope held its centennial cele bration in the Baptist church in Oakland Sat urday evening Sept. 20th, 1S85. The exer cises were quite interesting indeed, and alto gether creditable to the ladies hiving ia charge this institution. Rev. Octavius Parker deliv ered a most excellent address to the children. His remarks were very appropriate, plea- ing and impressive. He spoke a whole volumn of truth when he said "that prohibition must be reached by educating the children un der proper moral influence, and that prjhibj. ticn could not be brought about by fanaticism or by political influence." When a friendly and an advisary criticism is offered it should be kindly accepted and there is no better evi dence of the correctness of a criticism than that of its being received unkindly. Observer. Cure for Vilen. Piles are frequently proceded by a sonse of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup pose ho has affection of the kidneys or neigh boring organs. At times, symptoms of In digestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture, like pers piration, producing a very disagreeable itch ing, after getting warm, is a common attend ant. Ehud, Bleeding and Itcbmg Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosanco's Pile remedy, which acts directly upon the parts effected, absorbing the tu mors, allaying the intense itching, and ef fecting a permanent cure. Price 50 cents. Address, The Dr. Bosanoo Medicine Co.; Piqua, O. Sold by Dr. S. Hamilton. Helena, Mon. Ed. Review: Have, had a splendid time thus far. Passed two fine lakes yesterday. Also, Sprague, Cheney and Spokane; larger cities than I expected to see. Everything denoted thrift. ' This city is a mile from the Railroad. Look like a pretty town. Most of the buildings are brick. All hearty Thursday morning. Sept iS, 18S5. j B. T. Sharp. Tired And languid Women. How many women there are of whom these words are true: ,'they feel languid and tired, hardly able to bear their weight on their feet. the bloom all gone from their cheeks, irrita b'.e and cross without meaning to be.nervs alt upset, worried the-with children, fretted over little things, a burden to themselves. and yet with n acute disease." What pity it is. But a few bottles of Parker's Tonic will drive all this away, and relive the trolles peculiar to their sex. Parties having Eeal Estate for sale or those wishing to purchase w ill find it to their interest to call at my office in Marks build ing, Rewtbarg Or. J, C. FullertoD, in a is it rats. The Doctor suggests that I ought to mention the fact that January has moved into his new and palatial residence. Six new students entered the Normal School this week, among w hom we notice Miss Ida Clark of Umpqua Ferry. The school is rapid ly filling up, aud the outlook is for the most prosperous year the school has ever known. The Commercial College under Trof. Booth is noteworthy from the fact that among its stu dents are found some of the live, wide-awake business men of our town. The faculty of the school are arranging for a lecture course, dur ing the coming winter, for the benefit of the students; among those who are expected to lecture, we find the names of Bro. Bvll of the Review, and Prof. D T. Stanley of Mon mouth, and other prominent platform speakers. Great good is to be derived from theselectures by students, and it is a valuable feature too much neglected by other schools. The chief topic of conversation Tn our vil lage this week, is the campmeeting conducted by the Evangelists, Revs. Sails and Jcnes. A wonderful work in the religious line has been wrought. Many have professed sanclificaticn and many more have been converted. These ministers contemplate the begining of a simi. ar meeting at Cleveland, on the 8th of next month. We bespeak for them a cordial re reception ky Christian people of that neigh borhood, for they are earnest, honest, success ful Christian soldiers and cannot fail to do great good. A. W. Hart is on the street again, -after an absence of several months, and seems as cheerful and neighborly as ever. Will Headrick was obliged to leave school this week, temporarily, on account of illness. We hope to see him back aain soon, wiih re newed health for we miss him. Mrs. Rose is quite ill, at the residence of Mr. Amos. Rev. E. Gittens the methodist Pastor of this circuit has been in attendance at the camp meeting, and has done good work in the pul pit and at the altar. Casaraltan. From Riddle. Riddle's is exceedingly quiet since the dance monday evening which wound up with a gen eral row. Mrs. S, S. Catching is visiting relatives in Grant's Pass." We were pleased to see W. F. Owens in our little town cne day this w eek. Wm . McCurdy Section foreman at this place will move to Alamadan where he will take an other section. Noah Cornutt will ship two car loads of wheat by the next freight to Portland. M. Dean had quite a lot of fence and wood burned one day last week by fire supposed to have caught from some burning brush on Geo. Riddle's place. Noah Cornutt has just ordered a new stock of goods which will make his stock the most complete of any store in Douglas county south of Roseburg. F. Cornutt has been appointed post master at this place T, D. Johnson having resigned. - XXX. Letter Lint. The following is the list of letters remain ing uncalled for in the Roseburg P. O. Sept. 30th 1885. Barrett Mr. George Moore W. S. Ortman W. Sch. Pridgeon Robert Roberts J. D. Rice John S. Story George Stanfield Mr. J. Soward W. B. Smith E. II. 3 Williams Miss N. Williams Miss Nancy Webb Chas. B. Wright II. S. . Williams A. J. Bryan Julian 3 Bernheim Mr. Theo. Burke Mrs. J. J. . Brown Mr. W. G. Cofiy Mr. Carter A. C. 2 Cardwell Wm. W. Douning Mrs. Louise Fitzgerald C. B. 6 Hininan Mrs. "Lizzie Haibrook A. B. Hamblin D. B. Myers Diliion P. V igjirs La Fayette When calling for letters please say adver ted. H. C. Stantou. P. M 1 hut mil Surety 1 It. One's hair begins to fall out from many causes. llie imbortant uestion is: W hat is sure to make it grow in again? Accordiug to the testimony of thousaud, Barker's Hair Balsam willdo it. It quickly covers baldspote restores the original color when the hair is grey or faded eradicates dandruff, and causes the scalp to feel cool and well. It is not a dye, not creasy highly perfumed,, safe. Never disappoints those who require a nice reliable dreesiug. '.NEW THIS WEEK. New Route! CORVALLIS, YAQUINA, SAN F1IANCISCO! Oregon Pacific Railroad. g2JAFTER SEFTEMRER 14tb, 1885. TRAINS Leave CORVALLIS TUESDAY, THURS DAY, SATURDAY, 10 a. M. Leave YAQUINA: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY ERI DAY, 8 a. m. Th's Company is now prepared to transport all freight and iiassenirerj, offering at the lowett rates ever made on this coast. BATES: Corvallis to San Francisco By Train and Al SS. Yaquina. CABIN. I4 GO STEEKACC. H 03 CRAIK, 4 50 PEG TON. X. Accommodations Unsurpassed "51 Capacity of Steamship, Cabin P&ggerirers. 90: Steerage, CO; Freight, l,50o Tons, River Steamers will hereafter connect with trains at Corvallis. Other ocean steamers will be added as required. For further information apply to C. 0. Hogue, Z. J. Hatch, A. 6. P. 4 F. Ager.c, Pacific Doek Corvallis. , Portland, DON'T FORGET THE . ggp" UaiSy PllOtO Gallery Now located cm door North of the Plain- dealer office, where you can get San Francisco work at less than San Francisco price. Now is 'your time to purchase for we will not be with you long. We also do enlarging from any old and faded picture of any kind, and make you a UeautUul rastal rortrait that will last always. Call and examine. ovr work before gcing elsewhere, MILLER & WARD, Photographers. ; i' ' - Y v --v ' A Safeguard. The fatal rapidity with which slight Colds aud Coughs frequently develop into the gravest maladies of the throat and lungs,'is a consideration wkich should impel every prudent ixtjou to keep ; at hand, as a household lfinedv, a bottle of AYER'S CHERltY PECTORAL. Nothing else gives KuchlmtntH Hate relief and works so sure i cure in all nfl'eet ions of this class. That eminent physician. Prof. F. Sweetzer, of the Maine ileBcal . School, Brunswick, Mc, says : "Medical science lias produced no otlser ano dyne expectorant so good as ATEB'a ChebbT ' -Pectoral. It lit Invatuablu for diseases of tho throat aud luugs." ' i :-. ' The same opinion is cSprcsfed by tho '. well-known Dr. L. J. Addfsou, of Chicago, 111., who fiays: "I have never found, In thirty-fire years of continuous study and practice of mt-dicine, any preparation of mo preatvaluens Ater'sChebrT Pectoral, for treatment of diseases.. of tho throat and lungs. It not only breaks up colds . , and cures severe coughs, but is more effcctlva . than anything else in relieving even the most serious bronchial and pulmonary affections." ' AYER'S Cher ry Pectoral la not a new claimant ; for popular con!i-.. dence, but a medicine which is to-day . " 6avin,ar the lives of the third peuerati6ii who have come into being since it was- first offered to the public. , There is not a household: in which this' :; invaluable- remedy has once been in troduecd where its use has ever been. , abandoned, and there is not a iierson who has ever given it a proper trial for any throat or lung disease suscer. tible of cure, who has not been made well bv it. ii is if. AYEIl'S CnERKY TECTORAL lias, , in numberless instances, cured obstinate ' ri cases of chrouie Bronchitis, Laryngitis, . r and even acute Pneumonia, and lias. . saved many patients in the earlier Ktages" of Pulmonary Consumption. It is a-- , medicine that only requires to be taken, in., small doses, is pleasant to the taste, and is" needed in every-house; where there arc children, as Ihere Is nothing, so good as . AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL for treat ment of Croup and Whooping Cough. ' These are all plain facts, which can bo - -verified bv anybody, and should be re-- ., menibered" by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer is Co.', Lowell, Maes. ' - Sold by all Druggists. Administrator's Sale. - N' OTICE IS HEREBY OIVKX THAT THE U!J ticrsitriicd Administrator of the Estat ot Sarah ; Brown, late of Douglas couiity, Orecron. deccasad. has been duly iiceiibed and directed hy th County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, by an order mads and cn'ered of Record 011 tho Tth day of fcpteinber 1&S5, to sell all the riht and interest of the Estate- of said Sarah Urown in the land hcrtunuf tor described - I will, in jiursuanceof paid order and license, on tn 2d dav of November, 1885, at. the hour of 10 t'clotk, ' ' K. M. of said (lav, on the pratuises hi eaid county and state, sell for cash, C S. Co!d Coin, in hand. t . Public Auction to the highest and best bidder, U the right, title and interest of Raid estate in and to sai rt ai roi;ertv uescriusa as loiiows: - C')iiimci!cnr at a iost to sections 3 and 4, 83 and - 34. T. -25 and 24. W, ruiiniusr thence N. decrees, y. 20.13 chains, thence S. 11 ciiHina, tnenca"" K. T.f'U chains, tlience s. tia.oi chains, tnence H. 47 chains, thence E. 14.07 chains, tVeuce 54 decrees; E. " 10 chains, thence N: S. 1 decree and 20 minutes W. -and 7.50 chains to the (dace of bejiinniiifr, all bing i Con A T .IK X3 Af t'haUiM.,n.ul. If. J! in Douglas county, Oregon. - Also Lots 5 and 6 in Bioek 1 in Crow's addition to' the town of old Oakland, inDouxlai comity, Oregon. lJated this 17th day of September 1835. - C. A. Sehlbrede, Administrator. ' " . . KOTIEv - ' : SEALED PLANS, SPECIFICATION', STRAIN" Dl-' -"grams and Dids will be received at the riflce ef . th County Clerk until Tuesday, October Gih, 1025, : at 12 o'cioi:k, m. of raid day for the construction 'of a ' CoUntv Kridg-e over Calipo'oia Creek at the 01dTowj;.j. of Oakland. Bidders to deposit five per cent of their V bi 1. :. I J ,-5 ' .-. c.W The riyht is reserved hy the County . to reject any .-.- orail Bids. ' i . By orJjr of Sjard of County Commissioners. ' G.W. -KIMBALL, Couaty Cli-rk." . Sept. 22d. 1SS". ' ' : Notice for Publication Laud OiBoe at Korean y, "Oregon, August 17th, 1SS5. VT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL JLi lowing named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver at Uosebui-jf Band Office, Wednesday October 7th, 18555, viz: Wui. J. Ochleit, Homestead No. Sim f.r the Lot? 1, 2, 3, and 4 Sec. 2, Township 22 S U 11 WeKt, W. M. He names the following witnesses to pnA his continuous residence upon, and cultivation ot said' land, viz. Charles N. Harvey, of Scottsburp, Ch'.rloa V. Gloss, of Scottsburg, Joseph Butler, of Gardiner, Henry Wade, of Gardiner. . . ' W. F. BENJAMIN, Register. SODIOXS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATB'OF Oregon, in and for the County of Douglas. W. '. Keuley, Plaintiff, vs. ' J. G. Flook, Flook and F. II. Nobis, De fondants. Suit in Equity to foreclose a Mortgage. . To F. II. Nohle the above name! defendant: You are hereby required to appear and answer the ' c iniplaint on file against you in the' abo e entitled Court and cause wnerein"V. T. Kerley is pliintiff and J. (i. Flook, Ellen Flook and F. 11. Noble ara defendants Same being a suit to foreclose a mort gage on reil property, on or before the first day -of the next regular term thereof, towit: On Monday the 19ih day of October 1SS5. And you are licreby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, the said plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in . the aid comp.ainttowit; For a judgement and de cree of foreclosure and 6:ile of the mortgaged premises described in the complaint filed in the suit and the proceeds applied to the payment of th cosls and disbursements and attorney fees of thil suit and the expenses of said sale and toward th payment of said debt mentioned in cmp!aint and that, plaintiff have execution for tho balance of said debt if any there be aud for such other and further relief as the Court mxy deem proper. 'Him summons is puouiihe-t cy an ordcrof lion. R. S. Bean .Indue of sail Coart made on the 2HB1 day of August 1SS5. , . LAHI LAN'S Attorneys for Plaintiffs Notice of Final Prou Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, June Ifl, 133SL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEK THAT TUB FOB losing named settler has filed notice of h'm t" tention to make final proof in support of hi claim, and hat eaid proof wiii be made before the Register or Receiver of U. S. Ijand Offiee, at Rosebury, Orege on Wednesday, October Tth, 18S5, vix: Cnarles H,' Harvey, Homestead AO. 31S1 for the N of N. W. S. E. I of N.- W. and lota 1 and 6, section 6 Tovo ship 22, SR 11 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his to tinuous residence upon, and cultivation ot said land viz: Charles C. Gloss, of Scottsbum, Wm. J. Ochlorl of Gardiner, Henry Wade of Gardiner, Joseph Butler ' of Gardiner, Oregon. Wm. F. BENJA31IK, Register.. Guardian Sale. JTOTICE U hereby given that under and by, virtaSj of an order licensing me as Guardian of the Efe tateof Robert G. and Nancy R. Balderree tosell all tk ' real estate of my eaid wards made and entered iaUbf county eourt of Douglas County and State ot Oregon on Sept. Tth 1585. I will offer for sale on October 21st 1835 at one o'clock P. M. on the promises Ut cash in hand and Bell to the highest bidder therefaa all the right title and interest of my said wards of hi aud to the following described lands tn wit: an n divided two sevenths interest in the follow ing Un -Lots, 4, 5 and 6 and S. E. J of N. W. and N. B. 1 of S. V. J and Lot 3 of S. 31 and N. W. J of V. W. J of S. 36 and an undivided one seventh interest In the following: Lot 1 and E. I of S. W. J of B. J7 an 1 I ot 1 S. 28 all in T. 20 3. R. 10 W. in Douglaa County and State of Oregon. Dated September 18 1S36. G. B. BitlJerree Guardian UOTIOE FOE .PUBLICATION. Land Office at Rosebur,, Oregon, Sept. 24th 1888 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEST THAT THE FOL. lowing named settler has filed notice of big intentioa to make final proof in support of his claim, and thai sald proof wll I be made before the Register or Re ceiver at Rogeburg Lind Otlice on Thursday Kovom. ber pin 18S5, viz: William J. Burchtrd Pre-emption D. S. No. 4?42 for tha Lots 4 & 5 Sec. 14 Tp. 2 . a, 9 West W. M. Ha n vmes tha following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upoi, and cultivation of, said land, viz: C. Hacker, Wm. B.ijeWfcl, Job Hatfiel I, Jay Shepherd, all of S .Uburg, Doulsj County Oregon. W. F. Bjupakix KesUter, '