Newspaper Page Text
K ROSEBURG REVIEW IS ISSUED FRIDAY MORNINGS . BY J. il. N, BELL, - Proprietor. ROSEBURG REVIEW HAS THE J FIIIEST JOB OFFICE IN DOUGLAS CQUNTT. f CARDS, BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLANKS ne Year - - - - - - $2 50 SixMontha - - - - - - - 1 25 Three Months - -- -- -- 100 , And other Printing, Including Large and Heavy Posters and Showy Haad BiHa Jfeally and Expeditiously executed AT PORTLAND f RICES. These ars the terms of thoee paV-niC In advance. VOL. X. ROSEBURG, OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 13, 1885. . NO. 32. Th Kktiiw uffers One Inducements to advertisers. Terms reasonable. Roseburg Reviewt GE5EBAL DIBE0T0SY. Grovkr Cleveland. . . ........ .President. Tnniit A. ITKxnHinira Vir.r Prenitlent . Thos . F. Bayard ....... Secretary of State Daniel T. MAJCKlso,SecreUrjr f Treasury. ! O. (J. I.imar . Sortn.rv of the Interior. Wm.- C. Enmcott. Secretary o War W. C. Whithey Secretary of Navy. W. T. Vilas. Post Master General. A. II. Garlasd. .Attorney (ieneraL Morrison It. Waite Chief Justice. STATE OF. OREGON. J. N. DoLPH... .'. .U. S. Senator. Bixjkr Hermans. .Congressman. Z. F. Moody Governor. R. P. Earhart.. Secretars'of State. Edward Hirsch State Treasurer. E. B. McELROY.l..Snpt. Tab. Instruction. W. II. Byaks StaU Printer. J. B. Waldo, C. J., ) Wm. P. Lord, ....Supreme Judges. W. W.Thayet:, ) . , SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. I!. S. Bkas.. ...JuiIro. J. W HamiltoX .... Prosecuting Attorney, DOUGLAS COUNTY. Joaw EMjirrr, 4 J. II. Shupk. ) Wm. Massing, Heurj Rogers, (1. W, Riddle, C, B. VVitx;ox, . . . Senators. , ...Repres ntatives, G. Wr Kimball Clerk. G. A. Taylor, Sheriff. W. N. Moore, Treasurer. F. W. Bexsox School Superintendent. E. C. Sacry. Assessor. J. S. Fitzhugh County Judge. J. Hall, C. A. McGee, . . . .Commissioners Wm. Thikl . ....'. Surveyor, Dr. S. S. Marsters Coroner. CITY OF ROSEBURG. John Rast, T. P. Siikridan. V Trustees. L. C. Wheeler, P. Benedict. T. Ford . .Recorder. r Vr. J. JjANGEnliERf. .... AlarSllAl. John Chase Treasurer. PROFESSIONAL. L F. USE, JOUN LANE JTANE & LANE, Attorneys at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J C. FULLERTON, ' Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' brick, up stairs. Q A. SEULBREDE, A TTOllNET A T LA IV, OAKLAND, OREGON. Notary Public N. MOORE, General Insurance Agent. Office at Court House, Roseburg. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- BAILEY'S HOTEL Oakland, Oregon. Board $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, 3TThls houe has lately changed hands and is thoroughly renovated and refurnished. The travel ing public will find the best of accommodations. No Chlnanicn Emplojed. SM11II BAILEY. ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS DC. McCL ALLEN, Proprietor of tho McCLALLEN HOUSE. Large Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. Free Coach to and from Ike house BaRjraxe delivered free of charge. DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAND, OREGON. Ifieliavl Thomas, l?voi. ITirst ClaNM SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND TIIE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot 'of the Railroad. SIOORE'S UESTAVRANT. (Principaal Business Street.) ltoNolui, Oregon MEALS 25 CENTS, LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Best the Market Affords. Kim BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT B0WEN BROS. Having dissolved the copartnership exist ing between Bunnell & Bowen Bros, and "are now prepared to do all work in their line in a WORKMANLIKE MANiNEK, AXD AT REASONABLE HATE. STATE AGKICLLTIRAL COLLEGE. Corvallis Oregon. Tlio next Session will legin on Septem ber 10th, with same Faculty as last year. B. L, Arnold, PRES. GENERAL MERCHANDISE- Samcel Marks, Asher Makks, S. MARKS & Co. -DEALERS EBAL 1 HAVE CONSTANTLY" ON HAND-- CwmiiG, Dm goods, Grocirii Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Cigars, Boots and Shoes. Wool and Produce of every Descrip tion Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. S. VIAItIH St CO - ItoK1iu-fi, Or. MI. JOSElPI-ISOlSr. II W 01 Keeps a full line of Dress Goods of cveiy variety and Shade. A full line of Silks. A full lino of Satins, Brocades and Velvets. A full line of Fancy Dres3 Goods. A full lino of Hosiery. A full line of Clotliinjr. o CO 0 0 b A fall line of Furnishing Goods. A full line of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. VH A full line of Staple and Fancy - A full line of Crockery And last, but not least, a full line of Ostrich Plumes and Tips, with all kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and Hat Shapes of latest pattern. -G03VEXS jSL3NTX SKX1 MJOSEPHSON. This Space is W.N.MOORE. COUWUTT, ri . successor io DEALER DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, DllUOS nnd PATENT MEDICINES CLeancr tban the Cheapest. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, Roscburg, Oregon, They would announce that they hare just received and now kave on hand one of the largest atockg of " sneral Hairdwaire, etc. Ever Brought to Douglas, and.when added to their Stoves of all Patterns and;Ready-made Tinwar They are prepared to declare they have Southern Oregon, which they propose selling in the shape ot BUILDING MATERIALS, in the way ol Locks, Butts, etc., we can offer superior inducements to purchasers. Try tis. We can give you bargains in the following brands 'of STOVES not equaled elsewhere: BUCK 3 BOXAXZA, FARMER S UTILITY, CLABEXDOjr, occidext, IRON kixc," I EMPIRE qyts And other Sioves And hnVPm Hon hi lnnvn vn Wo have also bargains to oftcr in GUNS, xunee, as wen as ftiiotguns and i'istols. We are also Agents for the White, Peerless and New Rome SEWINU MACHINES, w men we sen at the lowest rates and warrant We can also supply Averill and I ho best in the market, at lowest rates. Give our prices, ana we prom Horse Shoe Restaurant. FRESH OYSTERS. Meals A.t Hours KEPT IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. 'Ye that hotgeb," call at once. WARD & Co. W. I. Friedlaxdeii IN- 0 Ul CD Groceries and Tobaccos. and Glassware. 0 Beserved for -r r rr tt ltsrl u. u. IN BOOTS and SHOES, HATS aud CAPS tie best supply in their lino ofi'any house ia Cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere DEXTER, PACIFIC, WIDE WSST, and Ranges. such as Winchester, Sharp and other as complete in eyery respect. Ruer Paints. us a call, Inspect our stock ; inquire asto to suit you u any one cad. DON'T FORGET TIIE T. Daisy Photo tiallcry Now located one door North of the Main- dealer office, where you can get San Francisco work at less than ban r rancisco price. Now is your time to purchase for we will nnr r rii n inn inTirr . ., y-- "t,. We also do enlarcine from any old and jaueu picture oi any uma, and make you a Beautiful I'astal ltortrait thar will last always. Call and examine ovr work before Peine i eisewnere. iMii.jLt.ri & waku, - rhotograghers. u 9 ft (D o 0 V (D CO o m M 0 g H H H tJ t?o SO cr a & O 13 g Id H 30,000 OVSlilS .AS I"ilcN, IJeotul Ulcerw, FiMHitvois, Xiinitas-wiiij ITiHtulxis in uuo, ETC., ETC., CURED IN 6 YEARS BYTHEBRINKERHQFF SYSTEM Pr. J. B. rilkiugtou 1'ropriettir of the l'ortland r.vr. and bar I.vriitHAKY and Vaxitarian for Nkrtoi s Iini!Asii! has been appointed Acnt and I'liysician for this in Oregon & W. T. No bevkius bckgical oi'KR ATioxs. no pain no Loss of BLOOD. In 2 months, have cured several cases in which severe cutting op erations have failed. Am ennil,ted to refer to Mr- Jag. W. Weatherford, druggist formerly of Salem. llr. Frank Gardiner, machinest, Mr. R. A. Ilampy. Harribburg, and others. If several patients apply, will upend one day in each month in ltojebur. A dd. 'ess for pamphlet etc. J. li. I'lLKlNGTON M. D. PORTLAND OR. t3tTDi Filkinzton will be at the McClallen Houso, Iloscburg from Fri day evening, November Gth to Saturday evening November 7th, 1885. J. C. SHERIDAN, Ta.Successor to t? a j?r t n qttt?t?tt a "M xv. m va; a. w KJXJ.xjxtiJj;i.x . I DEALER IN-- HARDWARE Stoves ami Tinware, Koscburg, Oregon' rflllE undersigned takee pleasure in an- JL uounclng to tho public that he selling everything in hw line at prices that DEFY COMPETITION! IF YOU WANT- STOVES, AGRIOULTUKAX TU0LS IRON, STEEL, NAILS, HORSasaES, TINWARE, OOTLERY Or anything in my line, call and examlue my stock and learn prices before purchasing else- where, as i am sclhng loner than ever. J C. SHERIDAN STANDARD FOWLS. Plymouth Rock, WyamloUcs, Rrown Leghorns. arinjr liccn enajfeil in the business of breeding thoroughbred fowls for the iist eiylit rara. I able to furnish as fine Mwcimoiis of tha ahori named breeds as can be had cither on this coast or m llie I Mil. Plymouth Rooks, "higlo bird, $;,00 t-. .5.00 jairn, t io a; trios S to 12. WvandattflH, oinirlo t ir.l. i-.irs sin- ti-;,. in " ' ' ' ' " 5' f)i il w il ljeirnnmis. Hiniric oiniM. Kit u .r.- r EGGS IN SEASON First and special urcniiirnm awanloH mv ..! at. the last State Kair, and wherever elfHS exhibited. My strains of the above varieties of fowls arc Known m most parts of Oregon and Washington. laaao, cal. and Bntmh Colutnhi.i X'.i ,.nn wants fine birds, and knows what L'ood stock is. will object to the prices gtated, which aro much less Mian nfc ine .ast. - Parties will please state just what they want, and vu luiuiou 11, i will IC1I UlfclU SO iAoII must accomnanr ail onlcrs. SUmwI Hi-ilnn r " luui-micu uai,J"'rue. Dun i wait till sprint; be FOREST GROVE, Oil EG OX. N. B. -Wells, Fargo A Co.'s express make a si? la ion of 20 percent in favor of all mycustomc n reducti J. JASKULEK, Tract leal I VVatcbmaker, Jeweler and Optician. J in wnttK vi?i?iv-rirn Dealer in Watches,. Clock?, Jewelry, Spectacles and Eyeglasses. A FULL LIKE OF CIUARS, TOBiCCJ A FASCY GOODS. rnilE ONLV RELIABLE OPTOMER !l TOWN X for the riicrailjuHtiucnt of Spectacles. Lcjot of the Ueanuie Brazilian Pebble Siwctaciea anj Eye glasses, wince in Hamilton tines uiock. . L. BELFILS, Watchmaker. TJ AVISO HAD 28 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS II Watchmaker in Oretron, I feel confident of giving latisl action in all vorK entrusted to me. I hare the County nateut ritcht fur sale of Concrete i c.ement pipe for conveying water to any place de- I ItrM . I Uti miB APRIZE send x csnts or postage ml receive free, a costly box of eoods iJU which will help all, eithr sex to mort money njfht wy than anything else in the wrld. fortunes await the workers absolutely tore At ooe adlre TRUE nd Co., AurubU, Uaiao, SUGAR Pll MIIJj. Twelve miles from Rosebui, on the Coos Bay Wagon Road. Any amount of Lumber Sugar Pine, , Cdar, Yellow Fir, Flooring, Rustic, Mouldings, etc. W& WILL HOT BE UNDERSOLD. Wo have anointed A. J. BELLOWS and IlKNIU GATES agents f"r Iloseburjr, who ill have lumljer alH'iivs on hand. Will deliver to any part of the c-itjr from the Mill at reaoiutblc rates. TRICES AT MILL; RooKh Lumber CO per M Flooring IS 00 pur M Rustic IS 00 per M HUBBARD GREEK IILU CLARKE & 15AKER, Props. Having purchased the above named mil's of E. Stephens & Co., c are now prepaped to f'.uuish any amount of the bet t quality of J.UMBER ever offered to the public in Douglas County We will furnish at the mill at the following pru cs; o-l ruuL'h lumber $12 M No, 1 flooriujr, C inch - $11 No. 1 flooring. 4 inch I si No. 1 finishiuj,' lumber $20 M No. 1 finishing lumber drcucd on 2 sides 21 M No. 1 finishini;' lumber dressed on 4 Bidcs"2C M CLARKE. Si BAKER. DEALER IN X-mm1t:i, Doors I and 3XonlliiiN OF THE VERY UFST MATERIAL; c lOJIK AND GET TERMS UEFORE PCilCHS in" elsewhere. Office near Depot, Roseburj'. 'Atront for J. Whitsetl's Lumber, Manual n q Tnnntv RnnV fvuw' i tiiTiinimmr i. pttvt l iLuiuriiivii j. u. A JJi A RoBcburK - - m - Oregon TRANSACT A GENERAL BACKING BUSINESS Sight Drafts Drawn cn l'ortland, San Francisco, New York and other noiats. Bills of cxihanffo on the uriucinal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections made on all accossablepoints at reasonable rates. Agee & Hanan. New Butcher Shop We keep all kinds of FllESlt and PICKLED meats. STISFACT10N ASSURED Hides of all kinds boinjhi. THE OLD KELT ABLE T0BSRBHO?, Established in 1SG7. 9:teoi asi zcr II. rAKKY, Mircliii.t Titiior. First riglit-bniid room, up stairs, over Marks' Htoro. Kepaii-s und Alterations nently !one. miilS. S. A. HlITilSIXSO, MILLINERY STORE! Oaltalml, Oresron. T A DIES WILL Fn'D Mr STCK LARGE AND JJ Complete. Prices moderate. ('v M a OalJ. Mi:s. S. A. HirTCiirs.sos. II L IB Df VilXAELE TO ALU wa be nailed ITD 1775- toaU appUeanU rHc.CSn and to enstomen at hut rear wlutotl ordering It It contains Ulustrationt, prlOea, descriptions and directions for planting a Vecetable and Flower E &, BULB8, n lilIliriIUII HWWt Slak. Th BXrSTEHS' GTJTDK i lsracd Murcl wi Sept' teb year. 3318 Vgt Sxll tncle,wltlk oxer tit mfSe iltlaraMaiM.m'' r avaww - - WMl Xltax Ctelleix COVES 'WltoleMtla Price direct to tontumerm m all oocU for penomal or tmMy m Telia 1uw to order, snd (trM enet eoat ef ereryt taUng jron. nee, drtek, wer, r lurre fn WO. XbeM XJS v AXiU AiJ BOOKS Mntaia tnforaaaUoa eleBkedl from. c& taarketi of t3i world l -will ana vpy.FKEK to any aa dreM pom receipt of 10 eta. to defray, expense of mailing. Xctwa hour fjron MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. tZl e 999 WabMh Avcaae, CMca, XUV ROSEBURG SODA WORKS. I "I f AXCFACTURES A SUPERIOR QUALI1T O? I 111. Sotla Water, Sarwparilla and Giitirer Ale. Or- 1 era from abroad filled with promMneBs ib4 at 4Ujablo ratos, FC III M - I THE mEPnONE. DIFFICULTIES WHICH SURROUND LONG-DISTANCE COMMUNICATION. Absolutely Perfect Condition of the Klo meitfs Hequlrod TJio Tolegfapli More KoliaT)Io and loses TroablHme MaUlllty to Crrofv Oor. Cincinnati Oomtuerckvl OaZotte.l tyranung iua; a lonsr-aiatanco tcicpiio win oe lortQcomuig, u win require raa absolutely perfect coaditton of the ele ments along the route over which the wire runs; there must be no rain, no tog, no siect, nor mist; no moisture in tne atmos phere, no electrical Btorms, and, besides, there must be invented a more perfect system of insulation of the wires wherd 7 come in contact with the poles than is used or known pt the present time. A means must alo be devised to entirely overcome induction .(the influence exerted by the current on one wire over another running parallel with and in close prox imity), or, in otner words, overcome itself, for wherever you have a current you have also induction, or ah induced current After all these difficulties have been overcome there still remain many reasons why it will not bo a success. It an inferior means of communication. attempts to supplant a superior one, What must be the result? For l-n2 distances the telosranh is as much superior to the telephone as the "limited" express trains are superior to a canalboat not for a singlo isolated case, but for the volume of business that is daily sent over the telegraph wires. A telephone wire between Cincinnati and New York would be capable of af commouatin? not to exceed sis customers per hour, allowing ten minutes to each, Including the time necessary for calling the exchange hero and for tic exchange to call incw xora, anu ior mat exchange to ring up the party with whom the Cincinnati customer desires communica tion. At this rate a jew liberal allowance only six communications per hour would bo possible, or sevon.ty odd for every twelve hours. The great bulk of com munications between these cities Is of a commercial nature and generally of much importance, nearly an oi them requiring transmission between the hours Of 8 a.- m. and 5 p. m. (nine hours This would ne cessitate one wire for every els persons using the telephone per hour during that cinnatl customers alone there w aid have to be no less than ten direct wires, and then the anxious customers would have to almost constantly face the usual cry of "Wire in use; call a&ain. Now. taking Into consideration all the cities west and south of this place which would look tb Cincinnati f oj their eastern communications, tho number of wires would reach well up into the hundred At Pittsburg (over the middle route), at Cleveland (ovef the northern route), tho number would bo more than doubled; and this, to for wires actually needed to sop- western demand ior connection win iew tortt tT: not laRins into con Tew York city; not taking into cq, siacrauon , tne creav aemano tnai wouia arise for wfres to" aU,the other-nmportant tion of tfife ja-escnt number of .telegraph wires turouguflut tiie tmtea scatea ana Canada ten time's dvcr. sso sir, the telephone wjjl never become a competitor of the tejegrapfor thctrang mission of h(iteleirrJtt5h is cfcickcr. more reliable, less troublesome to the customer. and, besides. It is, or should be; responsi ble tor an rrora. 4 The comma long-distance telephone will bo a Igy thing nothing more. Put a marit on the as: on. Xtel us Magnetlstn. lUJiaa wwtmg..r'' ... - - . ' rTn .Virt ri c11t mtt tmrAvvtifl litr r1rry mind to Che deerce of bdaa lcmDoTaril'9' j legitimate flutes Or pldtOTCS aTgues n unhealthy state ol the mental ft&ri09tftierc. 1110 emotional tendency -io aergc itself in tlio beinff ot another is otic or tne weakest the elemcnts.fcf its own dcfetructioti. M We' part to meet again, " ho Says, "and ba more eacn otner a taan wb" were uyore. because wo nxe eacli more our own, " Tha tendency to dwell' upon thi3 sulijectlto wane of life, amid attractions and aiani tic3and stars, silcnoca and Sunsets, i3 a tcnaenev ta be resisrea by one wno would do any worthy work in Jlio world The need ia to relate ouracTvea to tormclmca rather than to persons, to ideas father than to emotions. A good grip on tne cou crete is a saving grace A Dervish's Rales for Living. Exchange. A recent traveler cives the following as some of the rules for living held by the modern ucrvisnes, wnicn somewnat upsets tne popular idea 01 a aervisn: "lie kind to those below you in life; do not criticize tne.iault8 of otuera: u you see tnem con ceal them, If you cannot do tlris with your hand, do so with your skirts, your tonguo, and your ncaru a day wui come when notniui? win ueneni you; ncitner lamuy nor weaun; noimng except suo missio 4 to Uod witu a pure heart. " A Frozen Fountain. Exchange. There is aJbuntain at Parker's Glen. N. Y.. which throws water to a height of sixty feet. During the cold weather the water has been allowed to run, and has been freezing until a pyramid 6f solid ice fifty fect high has been formed. The pyramid is about 100 feet in diameter at uie oase ana auoui two ai ac apex. ' light from Insects. The lizht emitted by insects, when ex- amincdunder the spectroscope, is very beautiful, but is without bngnt or darfc bands. When the intensity diminishes the red and orange rars disapnear and the spectrum is reduced to yellow and green rays. - British Bravery. The British soldier has lo3t none of the bravery which characterized bis forcfath crs. lie wm neat anyooay ana anytninj at any time, only asking to be cotoiuandci by competent olncers. ' Georee Tarsons Lath'roD: Taln't no use trvin' to drive a woman. It's mighty hko when ye tryin to drive a passul o ncn3 come into the house; and ye chase 'cm up up and say 'bhoor and git3 cm a most 10 tne do , and tney jist run siraigut past i. W. O. Stoddard: An old tree la not a Mi nin. and vou cannot set it usf again but wben it is out 01 tne way tucru t . ' : . .. . . : . ' -Ti r..- i more room for the planting 01 saplings. firnatnfiss ; of intellect has in all ages Seen closely allied to greatness or nose. 3Iany musical instruments aro now made of paper. Backlen's Arnica Salve- The Dest Salve in the world for Cuts, : Bruises, Sores, U icci-s, , bait Rheum, lever Sores, letter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skm Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no; pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, oflnoney efunded. Price 25 ci4 er box, , ' eastern citica, sucn, for instance, as uos ton, rhlladelpbla, Washbn, Baia more. etc It Would rcaUlxe the duplica BILL X TIC'S It VliOKT. Very soon I shall 13 strong , enough on my cyclonic leg to resume my lessons in waltzing. It is needless to say .thai look foward with, great j-leasure to that moment. N ature intended that I should glide in the mazy. Tall, Jithe, bald-headed, genial, limber in the ex treme, suave, sonlf ul, frolicsome at thes, yet dignified a,nd reserved toward strangers, light on the foot on my own foot I gentle as a women at times, yet irresistiblo as a tornado when insulted by smaller men, lam peculiaily fitted to shine in society. Those who have observed hit polished biow when under a stron- electric lishti say they never saw a man shine in so- cietTasIdo - 'V?V - ; ,r .e . , . T u . i Bhc would teack xno on Saturdays and J repair her skirts during the . following ' I week. I told her once that I thought was too brainy to dance. She said she hadn't noticed that, but sho thought seemed to run too much to legs. My wife is not timid about telling mo any thing that she thinks will be for my uogci. i-en i muse a mistake sue isi 1 iiti t i . i r enecuy mnic, witii me, ana comes runn io mc anu tens meauoui n so tuai won j. uo so again. T 1 J i 1 11 . II "afl JU8t ienrnt,u "ow lo rew around n ball-room to a little waltz H ""'k'v ? y a High wind, and broke ono ot my egs which I used in waltzing. When this accident occurcd I had just got where I felt at liberty to choose a glo rious being, with starry eyes, and fluffy lair, and magnificently molded form, to steer 111c around the rink to tho 3 - - e n. r - I ' iamy music 01 otraubs. : young aay, wun wuo.11 1 naa waitzcu agoou Ifial. lirnr!iii tn nrt.pnfl p.vtrr tlnr.mnfri , , n o iarty she could hear of, although she iiaa declined a great many previous to nat. . j asKed ner now sue could ue so giddy and so gay wnue 1 was suuermg. 1 i -r nr I the said she was doing it to drown her sorrow, but her little brother tokl me on the quiet that she was dancing while i ljwassick becauso she telt perfectly safe. A friend of mine says I have a pronounced and distinctly original manner 01 wiuing,-anu mat n neer saw anybody, with one exception, who waiizeti as unu, anu mat was jumoo. He claimed that either one of us would bo a good dancer if he could have the whole ring to bimself. He said he would like to see J umbo and tne waltz togethcr if he were not afraid that I might step on Jumbo and hurt him lou can tee what jealous 'hatred it arouses iu some small minds when a man gets so that he can mingle in good society and enjoy himself.. I could waltz moro easily if the rules did, not require such a constant change of position I am sedentary in my na ture, slow to move about, so that it takes a iadv or great strength 01 iur- pose to pull me around on time. Boston Globe. Han. E. B McElroy State Supt. by special invitation of Prof. Homer and the Adelphian Literary Society to visit our city on Friday Oct. 30th. He spent the day in our public scliocl and in the evening lectured to a large and attentive audience. Prof. -Horner called the house to orJer, then Rev. P. A. .Moses offered prayer after which music by the Junior Band and other instrumental music. The address of welcome was delivered by Miss Dora Lewis in a most impressive and effec- tivo style, Prof. Horner then introduced TT TT T nr. 171 T 5- xxOI1. . xucx,i,ov, i,e maue a xew ; 1... .vi. IBTM' uu UUI Btein and too management ot our schools. vci .ucii uo tu.u t 10 un su.yect subject ho handled well, showing him 10 ue a logical vn.nKer. lie treated ot ir. ' . . 1 x 11. . -..' 1 iiHaiure irom u.e.iirsr, steps m gram- uia me wguer urancues anu gave : t.. .. , iucas-on awaKcning an merest and thint for instructive read- : i ii. .. i . . p 1 um ui aucement 01 sound minds and the great necessity of the ft .n-vooiij stuuy 01 oui motner tongue. L 1 .1 I xi e gave a mcuiou ot teacmng tins T T 1 1 t r . ... branch ot study m our schools, which it adopted we think would be very beneficial. Prof. McElroy deservrs a great dai of credit for the active inter- est be has displayed in the execution of m 1 ... his Uuues in tho ofhec he now holds; alsojhe merits much praise for his work on the revised edition of the school i Iwdi Attache. V flnview of t'ic probability that this country , will be visited y cholera this season or next, the -New York Sun print the following formula of a chol era mixture. "Take equal parts of tincture of cayenne, tincture of opium, tincture of rliularb, essence of pepper mint, and spirits of camphor. Mix well. ; Dose, fifteen to thirty drops in a wne-glass of water,aceording to &S and violence of attack.: Repeat every fifteen 'or'tVntmirntM until relief fifWon 'm-'tTenVtiwentil relief Whoever will point out the way to a reduction of the arerage cost of filing especially the average" cost of food will confer upon mankind a boon of the first importance. Thore can br no question that at present there is a considerable amount of waste which might be pre vented in the consumption of even the most necessary foods. How shall we discover the direction in which .'.this waste goes on and how provide for its prevention! Here is a problem worthy of tlio scientist, the economist and the philanthropist. The way to a fruitful 111 rK kirm firm nf I lin rinl.lani Vi. l.nXn pointed out by that unwearying sfcu 1.1 i - - r -v. -.,. ueui Vl economics, iur. JUiwara Atkin- 8" 111 a iccemiy pnoiisiiea aauress nQU -sppiication of sconce to, the . . . . . production ana consamtion of Mod ; - . 1 . . u rilVt fr mailt n .1.- A . I . ayerage man has to depend to piodtico his food, clothing and shelter is a nar row one: Mr. Atkinson 1 daces it at , 4 from forty to forty-five cents jer day. Iu what can tho revelations of science help man, especially the laboring man, to live within this average incomel ti. ,i i . i i a ov-r-v.vLAict-4 uy-uiua uiu ao naiueu from tho ancieuts wLo i: - the raot ,anh c t. , sili he d ta vh j " and ' O settina in Eastern lands coincide with Li, ,. was given to the forty days between July 3 and August 11. But tho tmia o tLe rising o t!jafc kin;; of suns de. pends on the latitude of the country. Owing to the precession of the equi noxes, it grows later, year by year while lordly Siiius itself has been for many thousands of years receding, and incicasing the distance between hitu- f j ... ratc t - fe . wMcn oar iniagI-nation atld ma,es it . .r . i .. .. one 01 tne raarveia 01 tno universe tiiat hU y u slloulJ 5tiU 8Q Bo2. j 1 , , tL 25,j o ru,y; an(1 j.lst f,;,v davs. The Bcicnlists at St rclersbmg have iublishe.l tho conclusions at which they have arrived, relative to the aug- mentation of Hie earth's niaes bv the meteors which are attracted to it from Space. They assert that a 'bhvb seiver will sec on an average ten mete- Crs every hour; but as such an obser- ver only can review a veiy small por. tiou of the sky above his horizon,, this number must be bat a fraction of 'the entire qn-iiitUy which reach 1 he earth. They place the total number at 450,- 000 per hour, and the weight ai nearly 5,000 pounds. According to this esli- mate the earth is receiving hourly a present of more than two ions of fof- eign material an addition, .Indeed, which, when compared with the mas3 0f the globe itsilf, is quite inappreci i- bltv Tiiaie is nothing in common be- tween tue, mormon liierarcny and a free government. : The Itepublic is or- ganized liberty, ' tlio Hierarchy is organized despotism; the Republic in sihts on the total separation of Church and State; according to the Hierarchy tlu Ohui-ch is tho State; the Republic is founded 011 free schools, the Hier archy on the Nauvoo Temple; the Re public draws its life from the pure home, the Hierarchy its venom from an American harem, liio evil of mor monism is not polygamy; that is only an incident to the system, a symptom of the disease, the evil of Mormonism is the Mormon Hierarchy, and the Hierarchy is itself tnuxson to the Re public: o'mortal remains of the faithful 1 .- Esther and her kinsman, Mordecai, aro i i....... t dan persja Thej are covered each by wooden ark. on which are Kinall meea of paper Hlte labcl3 covcrcd wilh He ; 1rew c!jaractcr Thev ftre l)kce(, thpr(i bv tho 1IeWew .grims. All are un- fur A knu finm ftfi tool ' V Tho blluding is of red bricks, the walls mnn, ;tXA i. nA. t. 1.1.,. 1 J 9 is of liles ThtS3 are ,,eld h .1 in t 1 -i f lyv t!i 1 1 el haw 111 Ffirsia. nrtd : Jinn p. 1 , . ., I O V 1.1a t ns news which indicates that the Turk- ish Empire in Europe it tottering to its fall. Even now the Turk retains his 1 hnA nn nnnafanfinni.lo tnA tl ImtI. 1 m. owv-vv w& wu.n wu m vi.uvrlaw M tv . w l n 4 torv adjacent to the Bosphorus solely through the jealousy of , the power?, who hope to inherit the dominion of tho Saltan. The bloxlless revolution by which the union of Bulgaria and eastern Ronraelia has been cflcclcd is proof positive that Turk ay ban lot the power of self protection. Enghind, influenced by tstlf interest, and the other great powers,' Animated by their boundless jealousy of each other, may conspi re to retain the Knltas in posses sion of Constantinople; but it is beyond the power of diplomacy- to do rccre than temporize pn the Eastern question j , -, . I ud statesmanship cannot ftutl "atcsmansaip cannoc nope to r.-