Newspaper Page Text
T r -7 ROSEBURG REVIEW IS ISSUED FRIDAY MORNINGS . :v BY ' jj RvN. BELL, -.Proprietor. - V - - - - Six Months - - - - - - - 1 Three Months - - - - - 1 2 SO 25 00 IhtM r. the termt of those rmriuK ' advance. Tht Ritiiw offers flue inducement to advertiser Ttrmi reaionsble. v G rover Clevhxasd Thomas A. Hekdricks, GE5EEALDIRE0T0BY. .President. Vice President. thos. f. batabd. . . . . f re7 ?Tr;. ;;;; Daniel T. Makiw, Secretary of' TrerT- L. Q. C. Lamar. .Secretary i Wm. C. Ekdicott. . . . W. 0. Whitnet. ... VV. T. Vilaj A. H. Oaei.asd.... MoRRISOSK.WAItE. secretary o Vt r ...Secretary of Navy. Muter General . Attorney General. Chief Justice . STATE OF J. N. Dolph. Bisokk Hermann. . . . Z. F. Moody. . n. P. Eariiart Edward Hirsch . . OREGON. . .U. S. Senator. Congressman. ... ....Governor. . ..Secrctaryof State, State Treasnrer. Pub. Instruction State Printer. .Suprent Judges E. B. McELROY....Sui,t. W. H. By aks.'. J. B. Waldo, C.J. ,) Wm. P. Lori, ... VV. W. Thayek, ) ; SECOND JUDICIAL MSTMCT. It. K. BKAN........i-.... ...Jde J. V' Hamilton Prosecuting Attorney DOUGLAS COUNTY. Senators. John Em mitt, J. H. Shite, j Wm. Maksino, HE5Ry ItoUEKS, . W, UlliPLE, C. B. Wilcox, U. W. Kimball. . (i. A. Taylor, ..... W. N. Moore,,... F. W. B.sos K. C. Sacry J. S. FlTZHCOH . . Ros H eour Re view VOL. X. GENERAL MERCHANDISE- ROSEBURG, OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 20, ;1it i Sash kl Marks, Abher Marks, W. I. Friedlasder S. MAEES & Co. -DEALERS IN- -HAVE CONSTANTLY ON If AND- - &umm Br. muds, a 1-1)1 u V IHIlll 111 HIES m o pu trj s CO s 09 .llepres ntatives, .... Clerk Sheriff. , Treasurer. .School Superintendent. . .....Assessor. .County Judge. J. Hall, C. A. McGke Commissioners Wm. TniKL Surveyor. Dr. S. 8. Maroters CITY OF ROSEBURG. John Kast, tP. SlfKKIDAN, . C. Wheeler, 1, I)n.r......T T. Ford Recorder. G. J. IjASGKOBKRU John Chase... . Trustees. .Marshal .Treasurer. PROFESSIONAL- L F. LANE, JOHN LANE J ANE & LANE, Attorneys at Law. Maiu street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. C. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' brick, ..up stairs. Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Cigars, Boots and Shoes. Wool and Produce of every Descrip tion Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. S. MARKS & CO - Howlmi'Ki i J ft 0 t 0 0 0 33 Ul 09 BSB9 H M 0 M N SUOAIt Pii Twelve miles from tlio Coos Bay lioscburg, o:i Road. Wwgon 1835. - Physicians hi tlio Sandwich Islands liuvo come to the conclusion that the only way lo stop the alarming spread of leprosy is to begin vaccinating with leprosy inierjbfH. Tiny think the op oration will bo :i success. NO. 33. M. JOSEFHSON. II W 10 EI CASH - ST0B8. c. A. SEHLBREDE, A TTOILXEY AT LAW, OAKLAND, OREGON. Notary Public- W. N. MOORE, General Insurance Agent. Office at Court House, Bose-burg. 0 w A Ji 0 b Keeps a full line of Dress Goods of cveiy variety and Shade. A full line of Silks. A full line of Satins, Brocades and Velvets. A full line of Fancy Dress Goods. A full line of Hosiery. A full line of Clothing. A fall lino of Furnishing Goods. A full line of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Tobaccos. 1 lull Vl JlJiiVi J ii.i iM t - And last, but not least, a full line of Ostricu flumes and lips, wun an kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and Hat Shapes of latest pattern. 8 -J o w o 30,OOOCASES OF RECTAL OISE ASKS AS "ITiwi'K, Xi'iii-itw-sii, I11iik lioti. ETC., ETC , CURED IN 6 YEARS BY THE BRINKERHOFF SYSTEM Dr. J. B. I'ilkiniftou 1'ri'prictor l Hie l'ortlaiul kvr ami ear ijriKMARY ami Vamtaiuan for Nkbvoi s Dwbasks h'lahcou noiiived Agent and l'liyaician fr.r this in Oregon & Y. T. No sf.vkrk si roical Ol'F.RATI0S, no 1'AIS uo l,oss of BfcooD. In 2 month., hare cureil several cases in which severe cutting op erations have faileil. Am permitted to refer to Mr Jas. W. WcntherforJ, Jruffifist forinerly of Salem. Mr. Frank Oanliner, niauhiiiest, Mr. R. A. Uampy. Harrisburg, and otlierg. If several patients apply, will upend uue day in each month in Hoselmr. A'M ews for pamphlet etc. J. 11. P1LKIXGT0N M. D. .PORTLAND OR. Auy amount of Lmnber Sugar Pine, 0dar, Yellow Fir, Flooring, Rustic, Mouldings, etc. WE WILL HOT BE UNDERSOLD. We have appointed A. J. BELLOWS and IIKNKY GATES agenU for Hoschun;, who will have lumlier always on hand. Will deliver to any part of tiie city from the Mill at rcammalde rates. PRICES AT MILL; Roujjh Lumber." i 00 ir 11 HooriiiK - 13 00 per M H-i.- .. ...... ...-vl3 00 perU HUBBARD GREEK MILLS, CLARK it BAKER, F.ops. llaviii-r lmrL-liaiAMl ti e alxc e named mills of L " e i , Stephens & Co., we ale now prepaptd to fiirnioh any amount of the licit quality of AN AMATEUJt " CABBY." In "my salad days" I was a striking ex amplo ot that class of young men. who are unfortunately weighted with an extra crop . of wild oats to dispose of cro they are transformed into conventional, steady croine. tax-pavinu members of the com munity. Sly personal allowance being considerable, I was able to indulge in all the follies of a man about town. For tunately or unfortunately, I soon probtd to the bottom of things, and speedily tasted the ashea in the cup of pleasure, so that one follv after another was discarded and relegated to the limbo of the past, until, like Ueliogabalus, I eighed for a new delight, and would have paid liberally for a fresh sensation. The turf and its wretched gambling associatsons palled unon me: I was weary of the theatre, both before and behind the curtain. The senseless chatter of my young associates in the club smoking-room rouseu a leci- ROSEBURG REVIEW HAS THE FIIIEST JOB OFFICE IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. CARDS, BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLANKS And other Printing, Including Large and Heavy Posters and Showy Hand-Bill Neatly and Expeditiously executed AT PORTLAND PRICES. J.UMBER ever offered to the public in Douglas County, will furnish at the mill at the Mlowmur prices; No-1 ruush lumber 1- Ni., 1 floorm;;, G inch No. 1 flooring, 4 inch No. 1 finihins lumber -"- No. 1 finishing lumber dresicd on i sides .21 No. 1 finis-hiu; lumber dressed on I sides--"- CLAUSE it BAKER.' We M i M M M M M OOMH AIMXJ SHU iM JOSEFHSON. TDr. Pilkington will be at the McClalleii llouw, Rosebtug from Fri day eveningjNovt'UiberGth loSatuiday evening Novt-inbcr 7lh, 1885. J. C. SHERIDAN fsL'Successor lojr l9 q. mmomm, DEALER IN lirmtoi, sikIi, Doors iiml 3Xoullin OF THE VERA' BEST MATERIAL. COME AND GET. TERMS BEFORE PL" RCH 'S J ing clsewhei-o. Offlco near l)cp"t Kobehurjf. Aent for J. J. Whitsett's Lumber. R. s & J. C SHERIDAN, Douglas County Bank, JIUMPHHEY k FLINT, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS BAILEY'S HOTEL. Oakland, Oregon. Board $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, ; i t3TTri bouse has lately changed bands and Is ! thoroujchly renovated and refurnished. " The travel- i ng public will find the best of accommodations. j IV o Chluameu lmplo'vcl. j SMITH BAILEY. This Space is Reserved for W. N. MOORE. DEALER IN HARDWARE Stoves and Tinvrnrc, KoscIhii'ss, Oregon. rpHE takco pleasure in an- I nouncing to the public that he selling everything in liis liue at prices that DEFY COMPETITION! - IF YOU WANT STOVES, AGRIOULTUKiL TUOLS IRON, ST1ILL, HAILS, H0R3B3H0ES, TIMWARC, (JUTLERY Or anylhinjx in my line, cnll and exatnine isty stock and learn prices before purchasing else where, as I am selling lower than ever. .1 C. SIIKRIDAN Roaoburg - : Oregon- TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKINGJBUSINESS Sight Drafts Drawn on I'ortland, San Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of exchange on the ttrincinal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections made on nil accessablcpoints at reasonable rates. A gee & Ilauan. New Butcher Shop ai id ABSOLUTELY DC. McCLALLEN, Proprietor of the McCLALLEN HOUSE FIRST C LASS Larjre Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. ree Coach to and from the ho line B(.'f!ixe delivered free of chtrge. K CORBJUTTj Successor to J. D. JOlimOK DEALER IN DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLANO, OREGON. Ttlolittrtl ThouuiH, I?roi. SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords MJBBCBMDI&M DRY GOODS, BOOTS ami SHOES, CLOTHING. II ATS and CAIJS OllUttS siiid PATENT MEDICINES ChwiiHir 'than tho Cheapest. i STANDARD FOWLS. PlymouUi Kock, Wyandot (es, ISrown Leglioriis. Having been en:igcd inyibe busiuess of breeding thoroughbred fowls for the past ciht yearn, 1 am able to furnish as fine xpcciuieus of the alnive named breeds as can be Imd either on tlii coast or in the East. We keep all kinds of FltEtfH PICKLED meats. STISFACTI0N ASSURED. Hides of all kinds bo'i'jhl. Til K OLD 11ULIA1JLH Established in 18G7. I:tcol fiifzer Plymouth Rocln, wiintlu bit J, si.n-i t pairs, i to .sS; trios jo t o 1 1. II. PAllilV, M rehu.t lailor. stairs, over Wyandottosi 4i:.. stoylv l-ird, :'int 10; tr'.o FIrnt right-liaiid room, tip Marks' Store llfpaira ami Alter-dioiH neatly tione. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, Hotel at the DeKt of the l'ailroad. MOORE'S KGSTAVRAXT. (Principaul Business Street.) lloolniftf, Oregon MEALS 25 CENTS, LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Best the Market Affords. W . . . i - . i . 1 ... i . - BUCK8MITH AND WHEELWRIGHT BOWEN BROS. Having dissolved the copartnership exist ing between Bunnell & Bowen Bros, and are now prepared to do all work in their liue in a WORKMANLIKE MANS ER, AND AT REASONABLE RATES. Roscbttrg, Oregon, o-O o They would announce that they have just received and now have on ; hand one of the largest stocks of General Hardware, etc. Ever Brought to Douglas, nl,whcn added to their Stoves of all Patterns and Ready-made Tinwar They are prepared to declare they have tie best supply in their line of.any house in j Southern Orecon. which they propose selling Cheaper than can bo purchased elsewhere t k h.o f nmi.lUNn MATEHTALS. in the wav of Locks, Butts, etc., we can All ll J V v -r V mm .m. , -t - - J - offer superior indncements to purchasers. Try ns.- We can givo you bargains in the following brands of STO ES not equaled elsewhere: BUCK'S BONANZA, FARMER'S UTILITY, DEXTER, PACIFIC, WIDE WEST, rr .un-nnv OPftrtEST. IRON KING. EMPIRE CITY i,..vJ...., , - And other Sioves and Ranges. -,vt The best of workmen are constantly employed in the manufacture of our TIN WAR and lkS1A0 Call -kll Is? Ia11l mil nMAAQ w;ua w.n.tnirir ;.. i:i!NrS. snr.h as Winchester, bharp and other IT v im v a3vr kmuo w 'hji -w -- BiHee, as well as Shotguns and Pistols. pirivinuimtvn! We are also Aeents for the White. Peerless and New Home bE AlALIilM, which we sell at the lowest rates and warrant as complete in eyery respect. We can also supply AveriU and Rubber Paints. The best in the market, at lowest rates. Give us a call, inspect ottr stocR; impure as to prices, and we promise to suit you if any one con. Brown Leghorun, single birds : ; pairs to ;; trios, to l(l EGGS IK SEASON First and ecial riiniunm awarded my fow ls at the lost State Fair, and wherever else exhibited. My strains of the varieties of fowls ar known In most irts of Oregon and Washington,! iiiiino, aim tinttsn i oluinl.ia. No one who wants fine birds, and knows wh;it !r.xd stis-k is. will object to the price stated, which are much Icm tnan at the r.ast. Parties will please state Just w hat t hey want, and can't furnish it I will tell thtiu so. CASH must aeconijHny all orders, fknd stamp for ll lustrated eatabnrue. Don't wait till spring i ore oruerinjr. J ill. OillilCISO, FOREST GROVE, OREGON. N. R. Wells, Farw-o & Co. 's exprcij nrike a spesia reuuciio-.i oi iv jiercent in ot i all niv cuitonii r s MRS. S. A- iUITCiilXSO. MILLINERY STORE! Onknlnd, Oi'ojjroii. L A DIES WILL F.XD MY STOCK LARGE AND Complete. Prices moderate. r. M Till. Mi:s. S. A. HurciiiN.os. J. JASKULEK, Practical Wakhmakcr, Jeweler aud Optician. ALL WOUK W'AU RANTED. Dealer in Watt'lieo, Ciockr, Jewelry, Spectacles and JEyeglat-acrf... A FULL 1.1 NB OF CIU A1W, TOBACCO & FANCY GOODS. STATE (i Kit' U LTUR AL COLLEGE. CorvivlliH Orcgou. The next Session will begin on Septeai her 10th, with same Faculty as last year. B. L Ariioltl, PRES. milE ONLY RELHRLE OPTOMER I TOWN X for the pror adjnstntent of Spectacles. leot oi me ueiiumc ttranuian rel.lile SH-ctai-lcs anj Eye giassc. um in Hamilton lii.n a. Horse Shoe Restaurant. FRESH OYSTERS. Meals A-fc All Hours KEPT IM FIRST CLASS STYLE. "YE THAT UUXCER," CALL AT ONCE. WARD & Co. DON'T FORGET THE Daisy rhoto Gallery Now located one door North of the l'lain dcaler office, where you can get San Francisco work at less than San Francisco price. Now is your time to purchase for we will not be with you long. We also do enlarging from any old and faded picture of any kind, and make you a Beautiful Tastal Portrait that will last always. Call and examine ovr work before going elsewhere. MILLER & WARD, ' Pbotograghers. L. BELFILS, Watchmaker, IT fAVINO HAD 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS Watchmaker in Orertm, I feel confident of giving satisfaction in all work entrusted to mc. I have the Comity patent ri-j;ht ft aale of Concrete Cement Ijje for conyeylnj; water to any place de sired. L. BELrlLS. APR w rim m if enu aix c 311 is or. poatajre ana llreeeivefree, costly box of iroods U which will help all. of either sex to more money riyht away than anything else in the world. Fortunes await the workers absolutely sure At onoc address TRUE and Co., Augusta, Maine. wiutj'i'iKwiwi h a mm ip and to customers of Ust Tear without ordering it It contains iuastrstions, price i, deacripuons and direct lone forplanting- all VeseUble and Flower SEEDS, BULBS, eta D. M. FERRY & CO.DK,T Th BITTERS OTTIDE IM luwed BIsvrelk aptt eKhftw, Jai0 Pgt t)(xUK lnehewitli over 3.50O ( tllntrUoi whole Pletwr OaUery. GIVES mTkoIcsl Price Mr to eonrumera on mU ood for penoMd or fcmHy wh Tell, how to rdcr, and ghr ot ot ererjr- tfelnc yo W) rtoltrwr' iWftn wttHi.Tbee KiyAJLUABt BOOKS contain Information gleam from tne sMurkcta of tne world. Wo wuToaU copy FBEE to mnr -drcM npoa oriOct.ttaefrmy czpcjmo Of mlSff. n nlhi) XbeeetraUr '-oo Q MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Wl S WafeiwM ATcaae, Cklcao, IU. ROSEBURG SODA WORKS. m . . 1'. ... 1 . 1 1 1 ing ot Dorcuom almost intoicrauic. iw this period, the great cab question was the topic of the hour. The character and re muneration of tho London cabman were discussed at every dinner-table in the metropolis. There were two parties in this discussion, which advocated views to tally opposed to each other. On tho one hand, the earnings of Cabby were de scribed as wealth; on the other, as pov erty. He was portrayed as drunken, ex travagant, uncivil, and, iu fact, na only fit to be the associate of the most vile. The reverse side of the medal was thnt of a man sober, frugal, civil, and so courteous in his intercourse with his fares, that the late Lord Chesterfield might have taken lessons of i 'm iu politeness. A sudden determination possessed me. I would be a cabman for the nonce. At all events, for twelve hours I would don the badge and learn for myself the truth of the matter. I frequently employed the same cabman on tho rank in Piccadilly, lie drove a thoroughbred mare, and his hansom was a model of neatness and ele gance. Bo I took an early opportunity of interviewing the man, whose name was Bmlth; although in those days "interview" was not classed as an activo verb. I told him I wished to hire hi3 cab for the night. At first, Mr. Smith was hazy as to my meaning. I asked him now much no paid for the hire of his vehicle. He re plied, "Seventeen shillings per night." "Very well," I said; I will give you that sum for the use of your cab for twelve hours, and baud you over, besides, the amount in fares I may chance to re ceive during that period. " I could sec that my friend entertained doubts for a moment as to my sanity; but I speedily explained matters to him. Mr. Smith shook his head, and said that he might losa his license if the fact became known to tho police that he had lent his badge, and so on, and that an intimate knowledge of London streets was indis pensable. 1 I pooh-poohed both these objections, es pecially the lait, asserting that I was capa ble of making a map of western London, if circumstances required it. Eventually. Mr. Smith agreed to my proposal, giving me several hints as to my conduct; I re member one of these being, that I must on no account apply for hire, as it is termed, while driving through the stroeU, but wait till I was bailed. - The eventful hour arrived in due course, and at 9 o'clock I met Mr. Smith by appointment in a quiet street in the parish of St James. It was October; and the night being chilly, I wore an over coat somewhat the worse for wear, and a wide-awake, which I could slouch' over my eyes, if occasion required; for my chief fear was, that I might, by an un lucky chance, be recognized by 6$fne of my numerous acquaintances, i moumea the box, and nodding gayly to Mr. Smith, left that individual transfixed with wonder that a gentleman of means and position should voluntarily undergo tho pains and penalties of a cabman's life, even! for so brief a period as twelve hours, j I have stated that the maro was a thor oughbred, and in doing so I am only re cording a literal fact. In the famous days when Andrew Ducrow reigned su preme at Astley's theatre, there was a very popular drama which depicted the life of a racehorse through all its vicissitudes, till it found itself in the shafts of a sand cart. There is an undoubted instance of a horso (Black Tommy, 1857) which only lost the Derby by a short head, figuring subsequently in the shafts of a cab in Camden Town. For a time I imagined that I was tho center of observation, c3pecially by the cabmen on the ranks. Suddenly I was hailed by a short, thick set man with a very red face, who in an imperious tone Ishoutcd "Or me square" and plunged into the recesses of my cab. I was floored completely! My boastod knowledge of the topography of the metropolis was at a fault I lhad never heard of Orme square. I ven tured to ask my fare if he could direct me to the pace. Ilia surprise and indigna tion were so excessive that I feared lor a moment he would succumb to a i't of apo plexy. But he relieved himself by a burst of Btrong language such as I had rarely listened to in my life before. My first impulse was an angry reply, but I fortun ately nipped that impulse in the bud. The line of Jerrold the dramatist occur red to me: UA rich man feola through his glove, and thinks all things are soft For the first time I realized what a cab man has occasionally to submit to, and and what a Janus-headed thing society was m its intercourse with the rich and - the poor, i But it is a remarkable fact that although Orme square is situated in the Bayswater j- road, immediately opposite Kensington gardens. as a duct When we arrived at our destination, they sprung out of the cab and inquired my fare. I replied: "Two ahillings." The countenance of the younger assumed a plaintive expression as Bhe whispered: "Give the poor cabby an extra tanner, Looj 1 daresay he has a wife and children at home. " Aa I did not wish to obtain money under false pretenses, I modestly dis claimed the honor of paternity, at the same time pocketing my fare. As I did so, two gentlemen approached, and my feelings may be Imagined when I recog nized in one of them Mr. Bpallatd, my father's curate! There was a gas-lamp close at hand, so that my features must have been plainly discernible. The girls had just bidden me 'good night Observ ing the look of wonder and horror on Mr. SpallanrTs features, I boldly took the bull by the horns, and exclaimed: "Cab, sir?" "The very voice.'" cried the curate. " What a marvelous resemblance 1 " Then h(J whispered few words to his compan ion, who was a stranger to me. "Nonsense!" came from his lips. "The thing is impossible. What is your n&me, , cabby t" . t "Ilerels my ticket, sir, w I promptly re plied. "John Smith, Lissou Grove. " The curate indulged in another pro longed stare, and then they both entered the cab, and I drove them to an address where I was as well known as in my own home. I managed to drive rapidly away as soon as I had deposited the worthy curate and his friend, as I did not wish to undergo the critical exam ination or the hall porter, ho might not have been put off so easily. At this moment I observed a crimson clow in the sky, which was clearly caused by some conflagration, hut evidently at a very considerable distance. JNol with standing, a man almost insisted on my driving him to the scene of the fire, no matter what might bo the distance. This I declined to do, alleging that my horse was tired; and, after a volley of objurga tions, the fellow departed, making some strong remarks about the independence of cabmen and their large earnings. Up to this time, I had not earned the amount of the hire of the horse and cab. Whether my experience on this point was special or normal, I am unable to judge, but I could easily picture the despair of a cabman who in similar circumstances would have but a gloomy outlook for the morrow. True, . tHere were several hours re maining, and it was impossible to teu what they might produce. The aspect of a mighty, slumbering city at early dawn is a remarkable spec tacle 2e-line of Wordsworth involun tarily recurred to me: "And all that mighty heart Is lying etilL' Lionaon at sunrise was by no means a novel 6ight to one who had kept "early hours" for several years; but I do not think I was ever so Impressed with the sight as I was when perched on that ele vated seat at the oack or a hansom cab. Tho first faint streaks of red in the dis tant east, succeeded by a pale primrose light, and then tho gradual dispersal of the midnight gloom, was inexpressibly lovely. The scenes I had witnessed had aroused certain trains of thought more or less painful, as I beheld the varied for tunes of my fellow-creatures, the strutrelc for a bare existence, the sins and follies created in a great measure by "iron cir cumstances." With the history of my final fare I must conclude this veritable account of my ex perience as a cab-driver. It was exactly a quarter to 6, and I was crawling along Holborn, when a man of gentlemanly ap pearance and address emerged rapidly A BLOW fOR TEXVBRA XCE from a side-street, and springing into my cab, Bald: "Cabman Victoria, If you can catch the 6 o'clock train for New- haven. I will pay you double fare. " I glanced at the church clock, and found I had exactly a quarter of an hour to accomplish a distance of nearly three miles. Fortunately, the streets were com paratively empty,- and I sent the mare along at a pace of something like twelve miles an hour. Although I had only seen : the face of my fare- for a couple of sec onds, the expression and features are in delibly impressed on my memory. It was a handsome face, but the eyes were more liko those of a hunted stag than of a human being. The color of tie face was ashen gray, and I fancied the teeth chat tered somewhat a3 he addressed me. But the last Circumstance I attributed to the cold, raw October morning. I felt so curi ous about my fare that I cautiously lifted the small wooden flap in the roof of tho cab, and felt almost pleased to . behold him imbibing brandy from a flask. One or two police men peered at the cab as it flew past ap parently undecided whether or not to take cognizance of the excessive speed; but I cared hot; I felt as anxious to catch the train for Newhaven as if my life depended on it At length I sighted ictoria station. The minute-hand wanted two minutes to 6. Passing a half-sovereign through the trap, my faro shouted: "Never mind the change! " and sprung out of tho cab. Involuntarily, I paused to watch the end of the affair. I saw him leave tho pay oox wun mc ticKet, ana then in can a minute I heard the shriek of the engine, and congratulated myself on having ac complished my task. Ero I could drive from the entrance of tho booking-office, an other hansm.t deposited two men, who simultaneously rushed to the booking office. The horse of tho cab was covered with lather, and seemed com pletely uiown. me men ap peared asain on tho pavement with vexation and disappointment plainly writ ten on their features. Suddenly their eyes lighted on the cab which I drove. They advanced, and the shorter man of the two said: "Cabman, we are polico officers. Have you just brought any one who was anxious to catch tho 6 o'clock express?" New York, N ov. 6. The archbish -ops and bishops of Catholic churches of the United States, at the close of the third plenaiy council held ot Bal timore in December, 1884, issued a pastorial letter to the clergy and laity in their charges. The pastorial letter, as usual, contained a summary of de crees or ruhs passed by the council, and when published, one taragrapb . attracted considerable attention. It read as follow: "There is one way of profaning ths ' . Lord's day which is so prolific of evi 1 results that we consider it our duty to utter against it our sjiecial condemn- -Cion. This is the practice of selling - beer ot other liquors on tvinday, or of frequenting places where liquor is sold. This practice tends more than any other lo turn tl;etlay of the Lord into dissipation and make it an occasion for breeding intemperance. While we hope thatS nudity laws ou this point will not be relaxed, but even more rigidly enforced, we implore all Cath olics, for the love of God and of the country, never to take part in such" traffic, nor to counlcnence or to pat ronize it, aud we not only direct h attention of all pastors to the Cxpres: sion of this abuse, but we also call u- 5 on them to induce all of their - flocks that may be encMrred in the sale of iquors to abandon as soon as they can the dangerous traffic, and to embrace a more Incoming way of making a liv ing" IN A NEW LIGHT. This straightforward admonition from the. bishops placed the 'linuor a - t traffic in a new light in its relation to the Catholic Church. Up to this time it had been the general impression among those who were not members of that church that while it did not in any way encourage the liquor- traffic, it was j ot directly opjiosed to it. When this p ir.toral letter apared, however, it beca-'ie- evident that the Catholic Church in America had resolved to de clare itself opjiosed t inteinjrance and grog shops. There were some who shrugged their shoulders when they read the above paragraph, and declared that they did not' believe it would have any perceptible effect upon liquor selling members of the church. Tho matter has been so thoroughly brought out fore their several congregntions by the priests as it will b, should tho decrees which were forwarded to Rome. Ie returned. with the endorsement of the poj. As is si Ways customary, the decress adopted by the last plenary council, were forwarded to Rome by Rev. Dr. O'Conrodl. rector of ' the American college and procurator for the archb'shop of Baltimore, acting as messenger and ambassador. On hia arrival at the eternal city, ths decrees were delivered into the hands of Car- dinal Simeoni, prefect of the ropa- ganda, by whom the decrees were handed over to the congregation of the' propaganda, a bodi of cardinals and ' thto'ogkns, who examined them care fully. The congregation of the propa ganda then submitted their reiiort up. on the decrees to the holy see. - . Xot h'OH Hit. Professor S. P. Langy has been unable to find the recenllv-ieiorfftrl "re.l rt i caked meteoiite, fifty feet in diameter. '' He writes to Science: 'Or the afternoon of Saturday. Sentemhor W ' 26, at a li'tlo after four o'clock, loud detonations were heard over a con&id eraole area ot w-i-stern .rennsvlvaniH and circumstantial rejtoits were subset quetly given in the press f the fall as Iar": meteorite, which was described as being half btu ied in the ground antl visilwl by numbers of people. On ex- I had felt certain that they were officers animation, these latter reporfs annearwl t I'nortnA If Aftf fa If tlinf tvtlSiAmnn Aitt I of uniform and servants out of livery are w . w ' always distinguishable? There is a hall- j have given the matter no furthnr al mailt, eu iu Buy, ttiiiuu otuuim mtiu. i , , i . e .1 . stated all I knew, which, as the reader I tention but for the .numerous inquiries knows, was not much. Then they left which are being addressed to this ob- for the arrest of the unhappy fugitive -a servawiy wuu wjurws ior specimens. forger, as they told me 1 never Knew. To settle the question: I sent a corop. mot one Londoner m ten can denne its lo- amounted to 1 pound 5 shillings, making I tent observer, MivJ. K Keeler. to the (o) with three sides onlv. the fourth side be ing the great thoroughfare I have men tioned. I excused my ignorance ny say ing that I was new to the neighborhood. As I drove alonr, I placed my. experience to the credit of Ihc much-abused 'cabby. I received my exact fare, for which I po litely thanked my irritable f riend,! for I was resolved to do nothing to increase the prejudice existing in so many quarters against my brother-cabmen, but practice civility under all temptations to the con- trar3'- . . . ... , , I suppose it was about l o ciocK, ami i was procecdiug leisurely along Oxford street, the "stony-hearted stepmother," :is Dc tniricev styles it in his immortal work," almiringthc effect of the long vista of gas lamps in the de serted street, when I heard a woman's voice: "Arc you going Pimlico-way?" I turned, and beheld two young girls, in gaudy finery and painted cheeks. I replied that my services were at their dis posal I suppose there was something in the words and manner of my answer which created surprise in their minds, for they stared curiously in my face before jumping into the caU a profit of 8 shillings. But it Is not the luck of every cabman to have as a fare a runaway forger who will pay so liberally as ill shiillings for three miles. Mr.' Smith was quite satisfied with the j result, and expressed his willingness to lend his horse and cab again on similar terms. But this was my first and last cab-drive. I cannot explain it, but that night was a lurnine point in my career. 1 1 married soon afterward; and not even the wife of mv bosom is aware that her hus band once officiated in the character of a London cab-drlverl Tuition tjr Correapomlence. scene of the alleged fall neat the West Virginia boundary in Washington County. After an investigation on the spot, he finds that no re,eteorite!!ia8 been found. A meteorite undoubtedly passed over, and ; wa3 seen by Mr. Buckston and others to burst "In" a. southerly direction from the town of Independence. Tlio report, according to Mr. Buckston, was heard a minute In The London Medical Record a man or. more after the explosion was seen advertises to furnish "tuition by corro- ftn i thi ami tht armnrpnt spondence. " so that theological, medical, rom. tins anrt the apparent hieght pharmaceutical and civil service examlna- at which he saw the meteor, burst, of avcrTlc ca "fcarirt lb Mr. Keeler i,,fera that the actual ex- maintained and arrangement! may be plosion oi-cu red twelve or fifteen miles to the southward, when tho meteor was still two or three miles above thai made with candidates until successful. Bucklen's Arnica Salve- The Best Salve in tho world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt In a few seconds I was careering along Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped at the rate of ten miles an hour. What a Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, ANUFACrURES A SUPERIOR QUALITY OF nU umjfer Aie. ur-1 lirumptncss and at ir l &k1i. Water. K.-irwin&riUa and G'uiirer Ale. Or- ers from abroad filled with eaiQjable rates. situation for the son of the much- M(nnmAl sisatsti sif Po wlor.nii m .AT Art lock. My fares sang snatches of or no pay required. It is guaranteed tho popular melodies of tho day, I to give perfect satisfaction, or money sometimes as a solo sometime refunded. Price 25 cw : box. earth. In spite of statements to the contrary, no fragments eve as yet known to be found." The city population of the United States is 22 per cent of the vixb4 In 1810 it was only 8 per cez& VJT V- -1 4.V J t