Newspaper Page Text
I l .' ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, APRIL, 9, 1886.' EEPLY TO "MAD PfiOHIBITIOIlIST" out IH LAST WEEK'S PL&INDEALER- us A htatehfmt of facts vxdis- J a vised. I Anyone with sufficient intelligence to comprehend the meaning of ordinary 1" 1 " 1 T l,Arl erTT I jnguBQ, who may uac .v speech that we made at Myrtle Creek, or at any Sother time and place, or that any leader that we have written or have caused to be written and printed in The Review at any time in its his- tory under the present management, that could so distort language or per- vert tacts, is beyond our ken to under- stand. In our leader of March 26th on the subject of Prohibition we used these worHs; "Upon the matter of pro lubition we have heretefore indicated our position. All that can be reason ably expected from the Democracy is the nomination of candidates tor tne meang Chinese serfs, and that plat Legislature who we know will favor fom encourage3 this kind of immigra te submission of this question to the tion No. Temperance men, laboring people. This is right and therefore it and meQ of capitai vou are all is Democratic For the present that is all that can bo done. : iwo- years hnce tne matter nu oe ripe lor cus- cussion. Our hearts beat warmly, aeepiy ana earnestly ior u. temperance, but we cannot cross a stream uuui we get w luaim uuw uu time tj swop horses. In due time the pcoi ie can ana win Bjn, we snail auaress ouraeivua iu mo is of the hour." What more lgcnci 1 ,1 r.U AVrirtAr IIO 41 OQ wuutu. vuu. nr ua ""j- "Mad' Prohibitionist expect us to piay the treachery ot "logo, ana leave, tne party wherein lies the only nopeot tue country whereby we are seeking re- dress from the very Bame tramcJ "MM Prohibitionist" seems to use party and issue interchangebly. We have al- ways said that this temperance ques-j0 tion was the supreme issue of the day, but we never said at Myrtle aa the Legislature may see in their wis Crcek or elsewhere, that the Prohibi- dom ),est Antl wc anali t0 au we can tioD, or "third party" was the supreme -m our humbi0 iridividual capacity when party of the country, neither do we think it ever will be. "Mad Prohibi- tionist" ia so mad" and yet so religious at the same time, that we are not . able to discern the congruity of these oppo- Bite sentiments in the same mind at the same time, The leading Prohibi- tionista of Douglas county told us to our face, and many others up to a short time since, that "submission to a popular vote" was all that was desired. And some of them promised their sup port to either of the old parties that would resolve in tavor of submission, Now what a change in so short a time, What does it meant You "Mad Pro- hibitionist" Esq. now want iho Demo cratic and Republican parties to de clare for absolute prohibition on the spot Pray tell us what Is your utii maluinf Your inconsistency and seeming insincerity lead us to conclude that when you are unmasked your motto is like unto the old parties, "emoluments and office." Talk of "back down," "how the mighty has fallen" and "60000souls going annually to premature graves," when the very hand that helped you to engender this same temperance sentiment, and stood by you in the thickest of the fight, and sacrificed the patronage of hundreds of dollars annually for what we believed to be right and belieye it yet, and reposing our confidence in your supposed integrity, and 'now to receive an onslaught in the dark under tho notri de plume of "prohibitionist," when your own name would have been far more honorable when you make a personal attack. "Oh consistency, thou art a jewel" only to be worn on the brow of virtue. "Oh ingratitude, thou art the basest and blackest of all crimes" to be practiced only by the usurper and betrayer of mens credulity. Oh! shades of Benedict Arnold, why would you shame the ghost of "Clau dius" or put to blush the veiled face of bis Satanic majesty? The hands that made yon were those that hold alle giance to the old parties, and now you smite them "hip and thigh" and will not even allow them a Christian burial simply because you differ from them as to method. Why sir,' we were in this warfare when some of you were hilarious in your bachanalian revelry, and but ,a few moons have come and gone since you were dealing out your epithets against us that would have challenged a "Margaret" to equal. And now you would dictate to and dis ' franchise us. "We are glad you have changed your mode of life but the scriptures say you "must be tried, and proved," before you are enthroned. Perhaps the greatest disappointment that could overtake yon would be to say in convention that we as Democrats are in favor of the people speaking on this subject. And we will do so even against your desire, and then you will be "madder" than ever, because you have no "issue" left upon which to go before the people to ask their suffrages. The sentiment that framed platforms , two years ago, are yery different now. This question is rapidly approaching, and he who would net hear the major ity of the voice of the people, ought not to bo heard. Some are saying that the Democratic party will die next June, well, if it does we must have a f u.icral, and "all the friends of the de ceased will be invited," but peradven- nT7fZ also; and while you will furnish the corpse we will agree to officiate with charge. Another thing that sti ikes unreasonably is, we cannot adojt the National Prohibition Platform, for several reasons, some of which are, that, the "third party" favors woman suffrage, which is not a question of politics and again we sec Mrs. Dun- niway is opposing Prohibition with ... . . . mgllt and main. And again in that piutform we have this language, ,,tjldt we un-American aQ(1 cont,.ary to , and subversive of the principles of the Declaration of Inde pencence that any persons or people 8hould excluded from residence or citizenship who may desire the benefits which our institutions confer upon the 0ppressed 0f all nations." Now this is exactT wnat we are trying to remedy, to k oufc lhc Chinese "who desire residence an(i benefits" that are to be foun(1 nere We want our door not so muci ajar tjie oppressed generally pvotecte(i by this government of our fathera and do not be decoyed into un knQwn B(jap Kcform i3 up0n us, and we shall not let up with pen or tongue, but shall do all we can to reach the ftt the eadiest posgible moment) and h m . ftCCOmnlishment wiU be foun(1 engrafteJ he plat foras of the Democratic party. Su estions are at mr at The Beview Lffi but dict(l(ion h t w0lth ten cents on the Uollar. JNow in concliv gion i we can speak loud enongh to be heard th!s is wha. WQ haye alwayg sai( nowsay anci wiu say an(1 aJv0 catej that the Democracy of Douglas countv and of the state of Oregon will fav0r and urge the submission of this qUCStion of Prohibition to the people the state of Oregon for their vote either at a special or general election tne timc come3 to vote to in,iuce the eiectora io exercise their suffirasres in behal such law or laws as shall fin auy and absolutoIy overthrow this iant evii j)0 you now unaCi-stand us We have spoken, and let others "mock 0n," while we shall pursue the even tenor of our way. For the bene fit of some, we might say, that we had no assistance in writing this short statement Pro Bono Publico, in the last issue of the Drain Echo is eminently correct in his argument about reform and the "third party," and makes only this mistake, he says the Republican party is the real custodian of all reform measures, when in fact, that party has been the most recklessly extravagant party that ever ascended the throne. This country looks to the Democratic party alone for retrenchment and re form, we believe that it will not look in vain. Prosecuting Attorney Hamilton passed through Eugene last Monday on his way home from Corvallis, where ho has been in attendance upon the Benton County Circuit Court. The Democrats propose renominating hiui, and tho residents of tho district, irre spective of party, will reelect him. Eugene Guard. We second the motion and of course it will carry without a dissenting voice. For Sale! 400 Head of ewes including 240 lambs, and 40 wethers. Inquire of E. O. Young k Co., or James Ohenoweth of Oakland Oregou, or of Sampson Sutherlin of Fair Oaks at his farm. Bucklen's Arnica Salve- Tue Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price 25 cts n box. Far saleby Marsters & Co THE CREAT MilingSpeciic FOR LIVER DISEASE ft V I f 9Tft MCl Bitter or bad taste in mouth ; Olhir lUUIOi tongue coated white or corered with a brown fur ; pain in the bade, sides, or joints often mistaken for Rheumatism ; dour tomach ; lots of appetite ; sometimes nausea and waterbrash, or indigestion; flatulency and acid eructations; bowels alternately costive and lax ; headache ; loss of memory, with a painful sensationr of having failed to do something which ought to have been done ; deblUty ; low spirits ; a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyes ; a dry cough ; fever ; restlessness ; the urine is scanty and high-colored, and, if allowed to stand, dcpog a sediment, SIMMONS L1R REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is generally used in the South to arouse the Torpid Liver to a healthy action. It acts with extraordinary efficacy on the IVER, KIDNEYS and BOWELS. M EFFECTUAL 8PECIFIC FOR Blalarla, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Blllonftnegs, Sick Headache, Janndice, Nausea, Colio, Mental Depression, Bowel Complaints, Etc., Etc., Etc. Endorsed by the use of 1 Millions of Bottles, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. SAFE TO TAKE IN ANY CONDITION OF THE SYSTEM I J. H.ZEILIN & CO., soli moraiTOs, PHILADELPH I A, PA, PRICE, 81.00. T liomjlns fount! ftrmnrrafie ConreutloH. The Democracy of Douglas county "h-egon will meet in regular County ,'onvention at the Court house, Roso- burgat 10 A. M. on Wednesday April 28, 18SC, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the various couny offices and electing nine delegates to the State Democratic Convention to be hold in Portland on the 4th. day of May 1880 and for the transaction of such other business as may. properly come before said County Convention Primaries for the purpose of electing delegates to attend said convention will be held at the respective places of voting in the several precincts on Tues day the Gth day of April 1886. The various precincts shall be entitled to representation in said Convention as follows: Cow Creek 4 Mt. Scott 2 ' Canyonville 6 East (Jmpqua 2 Riddle 2 Calai-ooia 12 Myrtle Creek 7 Yoncolla 3 Deer Creek 1 1 Pass Creek G Camas Valley .! Elkton 4 Ten Mile 3 Scoltsburg 2 Looking Glass G Gardiner 5 Coles Galley 3 Wilbur 3 Total 87 At these primary meetings n ful attendance is urged. At that time an opportunity to register is offered and this duty no good Democrat wil neglect to perform. All good citizens are invited to participate with the De mocracy in the coining election. ' T. R. Sheridan-, J. W. Hamilton-. See. Chin. Com President Grant made more remov als of Republicans during his first year than Mr. Cleveland has done, but no question why? was ever asked him. President Hayes removed Republicans right and left, among others Collector Merritl, of New York, a gallant sol dier and a good civil officer; but the Senate refused to sustain Senators Conkling and Plati in asking why he did it. President Arthur also removed Republican officer!', and good ones; but the Senate did not send for documents to know his reasons for it. It was not until a Democratic President removed Republicans that the Senate s yirtue revolted, i The hypocrisy of partisan ship can go no farther than it is going in this battle with the President. The late Gov. Seymore said; '"I never yet made or procured an appointment for a young man for a clerkship which did not in the end prove to bo a great injury to him." Administrators Notice. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon in and for Douglas County, in tho matter of tho estate of W. D. Shclton dee'd. "VT0T1CE IS IlEREnY GIVENTHATTHEUNDEIt i.1 signed has by ttio County Court of Douglas Count', State of Oregon been appointed Adminis trator of the Estate of W. D, Shclton dee'd where, fore all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against the same will present their claims against the said estate, duly verified to the unilersiirncd at his residence near Wilbur in said County or at the Hicc of J. C. Fullcrtoti in Kiwcbure Oregon. N. Larai t, Dated Starch 30. laSti. Administrator. A PrettyWontBn's Secret. Fear of discovery, '.vln-j slio rvsorls to false hair mill dyo. is :i source of con stant anxiety to' her. The verv ver-ows from whom Villi ii:ot tlcsires to" IMr I he waning of her charms arc ;!,e ( lies mo:t likely to make the listoery. there I. s no reason why she s1...m!i1 not regain anil retain a!! the !::. :ity (.r h-iir ik-'J her iritlo in yonih. I.t iu : u-. Ai-i:'-. II. IK Vl!!.!. ! : ..-, : h: r cease to fail ui, !!.- v i- .-. :' v appear where Ii;- r : j. t .! .. it ml locks: that ave . i.--,-aetiially sriewn whi ' - v. I: , . !i pri-tine freshne-s S:v.- h. '.: '. . - ."r. AYEIi'ri If AHt VltHi'-: I U: - Hereditary GeoijCK 3r.vvrn. Fl(;(;.it, V ..was bald at 23 years of aw. a hi' :.sieilrn had been for several frem -rat ion. One bottle of IIaiu Viooi: staricd v. t: owt of soft, downy hair all over his sculp, which soon became thick, long, and vigorous. Ayer's Hair Vigor is nnt a thjc, but. by healthful stimulation of the roots and color platnN. speedily restores to Us oi iim l color hair that is Turning Cray. Mrts. Catiiekink Deamkh, rniut rtf llncks, JM., had her hair suddenly blanched bv fright, durins the late civil war. Avkk's JIair Yiuoi: restored it to its natural color, and made it softer, flossier, and more abundant than It had been before. Scalp Diseases AVhieli cause dryness, brittleness, nnd fall ins of the Lair, dandruff, itchini;, and annoyinir sores, arc all fpiicklv cured by Ayek's iIaik Vioor. It cured Herbert I5oyi, Minneapolis, Minn., of intoler able Itchlnff of the. Scalp; J. N. Ou ter, Jr.. Occ'i'nuan, !"(.. of Scald Head; 3Jrs. 1. V. s. Lovelace, Lntc lacecille, K., of Tetter Sorra; Miss Bessie H. IJedloe. BnrUniitun. 17.. of Scalp Disease and Dandruff. Tor pidity of the roots of the hair, which, if nesrlected, may result in inciirnblu bald ness, Is readily cured by Ayek's Hair Vigor. As A Toilet Luxury Ayer's IIaiu Vigor has r. equal. Zi is colorless, cleanly. deli;ht fully per fumed, and has th effect of making tho hair soft, pliant, and glossy. Ayer's Hair Vigor, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, aiass. Sold by all Druggists. Wayne, Da Page Co., Illinois, HAS IMPORTED FROM FRANCE . PsreherOB Hortei Talned at $1,600,000, which liclode about 70 PER CENT. OP ALL HOUSES TOmm niirlfT nf blood iSMtabtlthed br Ttedtoreea r ccrdadlothe Pereheron Stud Book of Frano. the only Stud Book erer published ia that country, . EVER IMPORTED TO AMERICA. IircitedEiccilara zoo iapon stollicu, Old enongh tor , Berrlc. v 1 28 COLTS, Two years old and younger. . Esccpnlrlrvf tbeprio- rlpl aoccpua t7 au tnteHinnt breed an that. inTtr well bni animal T ba un) to t, If thrtr rU" ar, not rrdd, they ahonld ba Talued only aa ETadea, I win fall all Imported atoelc at grada prfoea thra l fannoi rerara with. th animal aold, padlgrta Trlfld by ne orlglnl Ifrncb certificate o or m K .w -rtm SN0SS!. This health, and pleasure resort is now open lcen thoroughly renovated, side walks relain, and a new batli house built. . , Hot & Cold Baths for the accomodation of its miests can be had at any time. Situated as it is, two miles south I nf 1 )rain station, on the I ... , - - ... mi O. & 0. R. R. .; if ic iIia nintt oroccntlo - I Health and Pleasure . Ucsort in the htate ot uregon. rassenger trains stop at the platform in front of the door. . M TIM A T .TTW I 111 T IXlJlUkJ will unci tne use oi ine water irom inesc nun- ........ r . i . r .1 eral springs to be of great benefit. They ex- I , .. I . ,. I Kithe rurf iliqpasc'; of the skin and rplipvoe 1 . . - --. Rheumatic pains. females suttenne from 1 diseases peculiar to their sex will find it creatlv f to their advantage to place tnemseives under the care of Mrs. Dr. Tobias who has !een :!... : .,: I engaged to rcuiau. .u. . :on. will find plenty of came in the neighboring 1 hi ' .Inntnintrout in all the W l or particulars address, W. A. 1'erkins, Proprietor Drain Oregon . Cigar Store ! J DEALER IN Confectioneries, Frii- -and-Tobaccos, 1 i TPLACE OF BUSINESS OPPO- SITE DEPOT, ASHLAND OREG; Oakland Furniture Store E IS 13ERG, "JIas on band n full assortment of all kinds of Furniture, which ho will sell you at lower prices than ever offered I to the people of Douglas County. tt.. i ill 1 I ill; uibo mrpa u uiiu iniu, i mum -i diiiKS for picture fniuiinc unu window I cornice, fioni 10 to 50 eta. per foot. Also agent for a first class Hcwiiii ma chine. REPAMNG OF ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, ORGANS PIANO'S ETC. Done at short notice and tit reason able rates. Everything Made To Oiider. GIVE II IM A CALL. OREGON PACIFIC R.R. Willamette Valley to San Pranoisco Via Yaqoina. . ' TRAINS LEAVE CORVALLIS Tucsda), Thursday, Sattirdajy LEAVE YAQUINA A. M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 8 A. M, Tlio fine A 1 3t eamship "Taquina" sails From Yaquina From San Francisco Sunday, March 14th, Wednesday, " 24th, Sunday, April, 4tli, Wednesday, " 14th, Sunday, ' 25th, Wednesday, March 10th, Friday, " 10th, Tuesday " 30th Friday April 9th Tuesday, " . 20th. j The Company reserves tho riht to change sailinsr days. Fares. Cabin, ?14; Steerage, S9.S8; freight at reduced and moderate rates. River Boats ni the Willamette connect a Corvallis. Low fares and rates. For further Information apply to Ho(jue, A C. F. & P. Ag't , CorvallU A Life Experience. Remarkablo and Qulclc cures. Trial Packages. Soul Btamp for Bottled particulars. AdcUtofW Dr. WARD A CO. Louisiana, lV!o. When Uaby waa sick, we gave hor Caatorla, When she wan a Child, she cried for Castoria, When sho became Miss, she clung to Castoria, "WTieu she had Children, she gave them Castoria, NEW THIS WEEK. BARKER & WILLIS, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, CROCK ERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. ETC. A SPECIALTY. " ProJuce lou2lit and tbo higliest cash price paid. ROSEBURG OREGON. PHILIP SAUTER, MercTutnt Tailor, 1"EEPS a larRo and coniplete awortmont of mm. JV ltlea til the rery beat materials and latest styles. CL0THIH8 MADE TO ORDEB A perfect FIT Guaranteed Cleaning and Repairing done neatly at Reasonable rates. SllOV Opposite MTSEB'S Meat Market, on J?ksin Street. . . ROSEBURG, OREGON. NOTICE FOR rUKLICATIOX Land Office at Rosebur?, Oregon, Aiiril 1st, 18SS. NOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL-lowinit-naiiied settler has filed notice of his in- tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said nnxif will be made before the Register or Receiver at Rosebnrif, Oresm,. on Saturday V " no.tA C f 1 u Va Tn Ot Onnk M itan;e"7 west w.'m." -' lie names mc itttiumit ibtii;jBtn o piove nis coiitmuuiis resiueni-e oimhi, ami cultivation ot, said lantl viz? Jmint hall linker. II. D. flcrmand. R W SvtrLtrnf. Y. 11. t'larkc. all of lmitona Fnrrv. w pel me poison inataiui iruui uic ysicm A I norvous debility, coubioos, sure cure for Fever and Ague-A regulator - ! power CtS to for all Liver and Kidney diseases. The hot nat"?. fl WVOiaV IMlLBotfl fiftMBEtiS 113 UDEBlllIIsOlfCfiAlEl DECil. $1,000 Reward! Wilson, of parsons, Kansas, the State of Kansas lady coni- Wtowpointed tY orld's fr'air at Now Orleans, iu an 8r."AnJ ,,u,?, " ,3 nr TUKNKii s TKE.vTMENT. SfSflerinS ucarly distracted me. My stomach ifXamsSSeSB "?f!TiSm..rv. voice, ai.itctite and'hvck lj nerve force. My family physician did me no irtod .J h the advice ot a friend, I bought Dr. 1 timer's MXt.lS uii in its cfto,,.- 1 VI , it in all eases of ircncml or nervous -s - ,, .u.nn. tn b ntrei til ft. riVcom,iti',n M kM " rp TV. Wtvirint I O I J1C VY 01110111 Youujt or old, it you a uffcrm from rcncral bility of the system, licadaclw, bijc-kaelie.iiaiu H" or both sides, ceneral Wssitude, lrtsmn- down pa Yflun, or old. it you uffcriiij tr.m jrcncral c one ....- I luHKllllUC. OCUI O i' uo w u ....... :"!,uVr. fli, of l.cnt. palpitation of the heart smothering in the tri;;it, fuli.tiiii;ons.iuons cure iuu hhii" w , . - . . t u ua ii4wemial. 1.1. fw.n. trt i IIAC AS uwn..u ., .... ci, ... 1 K - oang, .".' 7""' " . . ... . y or married. H is a sure cure for d vs t I I nciwia. uialaria, nervous or genend 1 If I I .. drliilitv. nervous prostration result in,, fr. jn indiscretions of youth or . ' rowi of maturcr yours, or overworn . - . a,,,iTt has no c-pml for eurinK all forms ecessfuliy in thousands of ciisej by both incn and won,on, and is the ..est medicine , know f.. (m.w ,f the nnierwitive lMiwers and n-slonii vitAlitir Wo will irt 41-antee that three iKU-kaue will cure the worst case of debility, causiiur dimness sight, detective memory, aversion tosociely, wan nf nmhltinn. 'loss of nowcr. Each package o TtRNKR'8 Tbkatmknt eontaiiisall iiicdicines necessary for over one mouth's treatment, wim a"'i com plete Instructions how to exercise, die., bathe, etc nun box cures catarrh. , Price Turneis Trcatme:it per paiki.jjc, Si; Hire rau'Viures 2. sent Drenaid u rcj-eipt ot price. lho:i Minda of eases of diseases mentioned above ba do Its wonderful curative' effects, the Tbkatmknt havinir been used in private practice lor over linn years in Bt. Iiou's, we will (five tue nmowin wruic iruarantee: mm cacn oruer ior j oo.cdacciui'.ouc bv 2. wo will send our written iruarantcc to rifun tho money if tho Thkatmkx t does not effect a cure Kond money bv postal note orat tmr risk. Addresi R L. llluke Si Co., Six'h and Market .Streets, St Ijjuib, Mo. OVERLAND TO CAUFOR VIA OREGON AND CAUFOBNiA ?.. R. And Connection.. Fare from Portland tolStiu Fraiiefc-eoi::;3; lo .S u ra- meuto Close conuectioiiu made at Abhlaud with blac of the California Oregon & Idaho Stiuje f'oniiaii,v. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) East Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND ASHLAND Mail Train LEAVE. . AHUIVE. Unsiluir. . ..(;.!.") 1'. V. AslihmU i.ih A. M. R1Brburj;.....r..lia A. M. I'ortlan.l i.-Zh V. XI. rortRinu,, m. Rosehurg ..(..25 P. M. Ashland Albany Expnss Train LEAVE. ai;iu 1;. V. M. I'lirtluml Iu.Oj 1". M. Portland 4.0T V. M. Lebanon 4.45A. M, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily bet wcu and Ashland. Tho O. and C. K. R. Ferry makes ronncctioii wit It all tliorcifular traiimon EavtSidvUiv. Irmu fnotof !' Mt. West Side Division BETWEEN PORTLAND & COUVA1.I.IS Mail Tiain- LEAT. Portland 9.00 A. 11. Corvallis 8.30 A. M. auiuvi:. Ctirvilli i.:;o I'. St. I'tirtlanil y.-JO '. S!. Express Train- leave. AHUIVE. Portland 5.00 P. SI. Mc.Minnvillc....5.45 A. SI. SttSIimivillu. . S.oo I'. St. Portland s ail A. M. Local tickets for sale and Itaa'e checked at coni (tany's tip town office, cur. Stark antl Sccoml sticfls. Tickets for principal iiintsm Californi-i can milv be procured and basfa?o cbet:kbd at ciiinKin's t.lliec. Comer F nntl Front Sts., Portland, tlr. Freight will not Iks received fur shipment after Ii o'clock P. M. on cither tho East or West Sitlo Div. R. KOEHLEK, E. P. ROCiEliS, .Manager. O. F. & Pass Aent. tt'-fTGrAGO COTTAGE OHO A Has attained a standard of excellence w hich drafts of no superior. It contain 8 every improvement that inventive genius, skill and money can iroduc. Theso Ortrons aro celcliratwl for vohitnc, Quality of tone, quick response, artiHtic dcnii'ii. beauty in finish, pcrfoct confttructinn, intikinK them tho most ucRirnble organs for homes, schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc. ESTABLISHED REPETATI0M. VNEtlFAItED FACILITIES. SKILLED M OEH3Ii:X, BEST NATEUIAIt, COMBINED, MAKE THIS THE POPULAR ORQAH Instruction Books and Piano Stools. Catalogues and l'rico Lists, cu aprlicatioo, rasft CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN GO. ' fef. Randolph and Ann St.. CHICAGO ILL Cry for PITCHER'S Health and Sleep without Morphine. CHAN. N1CKELBURG & GO. 129 & 131 SAXSOME STREET, SAX FaANCISCO. Jfe tlie best anl fllOSt dllial.le DOOTS .1 and Shoe.s en tho Pacific Coast. Buy I ,i I "O OlllCr. NO CHINESE EMPLOYED. SZ'tfTt aBHSWORI otra fsT - - evehy tt 1U OSGAN- 1 U U$s WAB , IS . anLs KAHTSD y r -iXt FOB EXCEL. , h U YEARS MBOHHk . jtif j r iffii 'ijz inn ii CMdren buDQufiauoa EDUCATIONAL School YeLr licgins Jlonday, Seitemlcr 7, 188.r. rpilK COUliSE OF STUDY IS DESIGNED TO MEET THE WANTS OK ANY I who may attend. Maiiy noblu and brilliant miuda glow with a desire for knowledge but circtimstiiiccs preclude their attending remote or more expensive institutions; anioiig bUch arc froiiiit-ntly found tio brightest and most promising iu ncliool. ' 1 1 once the course oi stiuly is ni.nle almost as while the character of iuatrlietructiou is inferior Tuition per Session I'rimarv . . 4 00 . . . 5 IIO . .. (100 First "radc .lunior class.. . . Second i;radc Junior class. Ttvtiily-four I.canns. Use if Instrument Drawing and Painting. . . SEND FOR CATALOGUE. (.3 PAGE & DIMMICK, - - HEALERS IN DRUGS, PAINTS, GLASS, BOOKS, OILS, PUTTY, WATCHES, PERFUMERIES, COMBS, BRUSHES, REWARD Will 1m ;:ivt.-M ati. Minn who will rixiiuc a sri iMitit ( lar'i; sn ri- ENDOHSED BV onre, aiul vili-l i;iihmi to lit- an h.iiicniblo 111:111, 'lii Will a-siit tint rt limil c:il zim: is inl mu: PRACTICALLY, HUltl c:i!il auk: Ih mil tint. g , ii - fifit t.f the nntst intltninur tif lUOfjC'" all hiutwu material!! u tl 'itn' uillislaml tlie ailKitts ft ffjCt'' tin: w.iaitier. - y- i urw frCt-iU,, liUONZE CO.,, Midi. MONUMENTS J. A. Cardwcl Agent, - ANNOUNCES TO niE PUBLIC TO FURNISH ICVKliYTIIING . mw STEAM ihli luiiilicr of till y uving 'iitt'ij iiiuhi 1 1 picpan 1 to fm Hard Time r.itni lit ml t'.ir ami fincing fnrulsliutl O YOU WANr ROUGH OR Lumber At Fair l). yuu want to llilil next season? Lit ;st it niiiy 1'0 thoroughly seasonetl. It will coat no more. ADDRESS; J. O. Jloott, VtvvrUtml, Of, Staver & 211 FiiONT ST. ism?' Dual.-is in ail kiul3 of Fairu and Dairy machinery. Vehicles, Binder Twine, Bolting, Oils ami Machine supplies. alogue, mailed free tif charge, and write chasing olsewhero, anything in any lino. cry, at 4 lowest piic: CITY DRAYTNG DONE WITH DISPATCH. CALL ON joiiN van !ii ni:.. A.M'JMOUN'CEIVIEIVT, For Assessor. I hcrel.y announce n vself as a candiilatc for the office of Assesoij L for Douglas county, subject to the ilecitiua cratic County Convent IT E. II. lif P.C HARD. For Supoi'inteiidi'iit. I hcreliy announce itiyscll as a candidate (or the office of School S las county, suliject to I .ofcratic Convention. iiperintcndcnt of Doug he decision of the Drnii- G. V. Bogcs. full as that of many of our Odlcjree, to none. " orrJvelvo AVc cks: First grade Middle cb.RB. . . Second grade Middle clans. Senior class .' 7 (HI S 00 '.1 l!0 SI 2 !() 50 (H) to 12 00 EORd'E T. RUSSEI.L, Principal. - - - - OROON STATIONERY, VARNISHES,. TRUSSES, JEWELRY, TOILET GOODS PROPRIETARY ARTICLES, ETC. WHITE BROKZE i -AND- stat'ltarv Were awartlol the GOLD MEDAL - AT WORLD'S FAIR, New Oklkanh, i s ?- -l - CiroroinflTTI pNUMENTAL osigrjsaiji .2 9 . ! Jacksonville, Oregon THAT HE IS NOW PltElWKED I3N UN 1 SAW MILL on South IVcr crock, is kimls on blioi t notice at Prices. on hort notice. J. J. W1J1TSETT. DRESSED Prices? If so have your lumber sawed now 11, A, Booth, Drain Or Walker, PORTLAND, OREGON. Send for our handsomely illustrated Cat us for terms, and prices lefore pur. Wo will give you THE best machin. XOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at RoSehurir Oregon, March 10, ls-SC. TVJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOI. 1.1 lowini-namctl settler haa filed notice of his in tention to maka final proof In support ofthis claim, ami that said proof will be made Wore the Kdrister or Koeeivcr at Koscburg Land OlBee, on Saturdav, April, 17 viz: Thomaa Wilson preemption I). S5. No 4037 for the h. K. J of 8. K. J ace, 2 Tp. 31 S. K. 5 nes in. .11. vHe nanitts the fellowiiic wltncate to prove hi continuous residence uhjii, and cultivation of, said land, viz: J. i. Packard, C. f ickett, James Pickett, J. J. Birch, all of Canyonville, Douglas Co. Oregon. Also at the same time and place viz: 3. J. Packard Homestead No. 4112 for the N. W. of N. W. J, s. of N. W. J ft S. W. i of N. E. i See. 24 Tp. 31 S. K. 5 West W. M. He names the folio in? witnesses to prove his eontiruous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: Thomas wilson, Charlotte Pickett, of Can yonville and J. J. Birch, James Pickett, of Riddle, Oregon. Also at the same timc and place vlzr Charlotte Pickett Homestead 4411 for the N. W. J of N. E. , N. of N. W. i ft 8. W. I of N. W. 8ec. 12 Tp. 31 8. K. 5 West W. M. ; He names the folio log wltneascs to prove his eftti tinutms residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, via: J. J- Packard, Thomas Wilson, James Pickett, of Canyonville snd J. J. Birch of Kiddle, Oregon. W. F. LaNJAXi, Regitler 1 MUNITY from ANNOYANCE J J IfelQ-. I i Pat OoL 30th, 1833. 7 J liiKtconlyof the flnowt n4 bestqnnl ity of Wlaas for i ilUHtanding beat. Every good thing is Counter feited, and consumers are CATJ- .' TTONED against IMITATIONS of those Chimneys made of VERY POOgi GLASS. See that the exact label is on eaoh chimney as above. The Pearl Top ia always clear and bright Glass. ttanufactarcd OSLT by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. IMUhbnrgli Ind tilas Works. FOR SALE BY DEALERS. MRS- E. . 0TC1LK1SS, FINE MILLINERY AND JSJ eat Ti:i;g.sMAKiNi; kosi-'.nuKG uKi;t;ox. YiA. h Yut; the i;est am finent IommN iii the market. lilies Weaf, I.;t'-cs, Uuibiii;, Hosiery and .leatlry. The; Jt-i'.iiiinc!!t i in kiiiful hand-;, an'! usuier- tile iimnctli.iie up of Mis. lldtclikiss. call and . ski;, nkautiii: ip:kt. li:gal ai)i:rtiskmi:ts. lioiicc ( crodiJors. "VrtlTH ELS IIEUkm C 1 V EX TI I AT TH E I'N OEIi i Miii.t on Feb. 13, lay; duly :ttiiitil Ex ocutrix of the Last Will audTiMUmii'iil t.f Win. Street Uice lA'ctl. bv the t'outity t'ourt of loul.ui County, Urtvon. X"' therefore all lH;rritir.s hav in claims ainunt the estate t.f s.tid tUfoast d are hereby notilietl to (.resciit the same iroicrh eritietl, to nie at inv residcucc in Cal.ijt'toia iir. tinet, iioiicbus County,, firc'-tin, iiliin sr. iimmiIis from this date. LKltc.l M.U'eh, l'ttll 13;. M.KKY Kit E. . Executrix . , Summons. In tltt: Circuit I' turt iti uikI f-r Hou'u Cotmt, Sbtt:-of urvon. f-t., :.ilty Tl.tintiir Vi C.uns Smith, .It.hti .S.'Milier.rrudeiii'V Ut'tti'Ki', Re btu;t:a Pane and KticTi Ibtpkint, Ivft:iitlaii s. At'tittu nt l.iu t't ri-tvivxr rual prtpcrty and tlaiiiAes. To Jttlin S. Miller, I'ni.lomi; ticur'e, lieltccca fane, ami KUu'i IbtpkuiK, aboc named dvfeudaiits. In the name t.f the i?tate of (tn-mi, Vtiu mid eaeh ttf you are hereby retpiirctl to apttcur an.1 aintwwr tbw (tiioplaiiit filed aainrl Vt'li by tho plaintiff John Slainitt y in the ahuve entitled Court and aetit.n on .r before the first da) nf the next ivnular tenn d said t'tturl trnvit: the first llfiiday the M day of May lvVl, and if yt. u fail so to answer tlie itaid eoinplaint, the plaintiff will take Judeim-nt SCTiitst yuu and cat-b tf .,u, tlien Jicl' tlcin-imlotl in It:. e..:tiplaint, th:t in ltr the recovery ttf a:i uinliiitlcd one eighth intcrtsl in fee..f all Itjat :art of Sectitm twtm- ly-twtt ('.') tin tile i-'jcM ti'uUt of the South Uiopqua Kiver i-i Tmviisliip 'i ivciily viiit- (2s) S.nlh Kaue miv (('.) West of iihtiiit llt' in. ritliaii formerly owned and itts.-esii-d by Al ttis.m Millt r Sr.; aUt. the Soiith eist ii:trier oi lite Nortli ea-t nii irter, West half of the North ea.-l tpiai ter, sorih ball of the Sotith east tpiartei, Xtinli-ttv't tiiai ter, North half of South west "inarler, ami South-west tjnarter of South-west luaiter of See'imi twenty Ibree(i:5)all in Township Twenty -eiirht () .South K.-iiii-c six () west of Will-" aniette uierittiao eo;itaituie4 in all ah.tut si buinlretl ami forty acres, exempting tliei'efrom the following tleserili. d pt.rtio.1 tbere-of set oft antl admeasiued t Sukhi Milier the wifu of Alaus.m .Millerdeiivcd, as her dower interest therein tt.wit: IJeinniutf at a stake otitsitlc ttf the fenee at the South-east eoniei of the or.'liurtl riiniiiii).' North toa stake at the South east of the stock v i ll, thtiee north to a stake stan d-H-jr on south bank ttf the Creek or branrh, down said Creek or tiraiirh following iia liienutluriliepi to its junction at .South l'inpiua mer; thence up kaitl river to w here st.utli line of tho field fence joins to the river at a Mack oak tree almnt eighteen inrlieH in tliameter, theiiee following said fenoe with all iu angles easterly to the phu-e of tH jiinnlii); including ore-hard, dwelling House, mbuihiiitj;, lims, sheds, ami cotralsa-id appurteiianees thereunto lieltnisine; For fifty dollars thtuiaus f..r the wn.nfu) with-hold-iic' of said preinistis and for the eoats and disburse niciils incurred herein. This summons is published by order of Hon. R. 8. I'ean, JuIl-c t.f the said Circuit Court lor lv.ii.'bis County, State of Oregon, made and entered thcotb d.iy of Manb lsfi. J. C. Ki'LLbKiox & .1. W. Hamilton, . i . Attorneys for f lajiiliff. In t be Circuit Court in tlm State of Oregou, in " f ir the Countv t.f l"..n-bn. Win. E. Weekly, Plaintiff vs. Peter Overholizer and Hannah OvcrliolUir, Audie ft lltKiveraud Harriett Hoover, Defendants. Suit in Etpiity to foreclose a uiortuae. . To Peter Oveiboltzer and II innali Overhi.llzei the above uaineil dcfentiants. You and each of you are here by rv.nired toapear answer the e. no. lain t on lile against ou in the alnive entitlotl Court end Cause wherein Win. E. Weekly is plaintiff and Peter Uvcrholter, Hannah Uvtrholtzcr, Andrew Hoover, and Harriett Hoov cr are ilefendants kiiiib bcinjj a suit to forecloite a morlipixc on rei.l proterty, tn or lief ore the tirsttlav of the next regular tenii thereof towit: On Monday Sr.l day of May lSaL And you are hereby untitled that if you fail to apiear and answer the aid tHtinjilaint, as above required, the s.iitl plaintiff will apply to the Court for tiie re lief tlt'inaiiilcd in tlie eaitl eoiiiplaiut towit: Titat the tleieiidants and eucli of them antl all persons elaint iti' under tbeui subciiuent to the eiHiinitriieenieut of this suit may lie l.tre.;lised of all K-j'iiiy of re tluiufitioii or ( in the isiort-airvl' prem ise les.:ri.t;d fn the c mplaint. Tint th; name may b soM emhracihrf vi ithiii staiti tiicribod am tlie water rights, mill, machinery, and appurtenances thereon and the proceeds of sueh sale lie applied to the ;tay nieiit ttf the ettsts ami exiurns of this ttnit ini liiiliio' seventy five dollars attoriicv fees and the am. Hint duo unsaid note and inorta-e, with Inter est as therein provitied- that the defendant Peter (JyerboltxT may lie adjudged tity any denciency that may-remain after anitlviuir all said niwitevtt ho applicable thereto That plaintiff have audi other and farther rel ief as the CoU rt mav deem uroncr. This summons is luiblished bv an order of II. .n It. 8. Bean, Jude of said Court made on tho 11, day of March ls3. Lash ft Lank. Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE, of Application to Purchase Timwr Land. VTOTICE In HEREBY C.1VEN Til AT, IXCuMPLl ancc with the provisions of the a-t of Omifress appro' cd June 3. lS7.s,ciitit!cd "An a t for the sale of limber Lands m the atates of I ah form a, Oreiroii, Nevatla, and Wasbiii!.'ti T'tritory," liter lllakc, w hose tost-iflice luldixl in Canliner, Koulas'Coun- tv, Ororoii. lias this day le.1 in this ttlHce his appli- intion to purehaMi the .S So. If. in Township Ko. K. of w. J Section 2 South, Hiile Xo. 12 ri'lian. All (tersons hold-1-t.i arcietpiiretl to present West of lhc Willamelto ti inif auv adverse claim the the same at this oHicc wi' liiiii eixty days from the first pub lication of this in tit. w. I. Cfnjxxiv, Kevister. nh IS. Dated this Tith day irfM NOT ICR of Application to Purchase Timber Land. VTOTIC E IS HEKEBY GIVEN THT IN COMPLI XI ant w ith theprorisions of the at.l of Congress appnnxd June 8, ls7?. entitled "ah act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of 0'alifi.rnla, Oregon Nevada, and Washiinrton Territory, Jeptha Ii' Orubhe, w htsc postolfiix) address is Wilbur, Houzlaa Co. Or., haa this day filed in this office his appli cation to purchase the H. W. J of S. E. t & S F of S. W. Set.ti.m N o. 20, in Township No. 2.'. South Kantre No. 5 West , of the Willamette meridian All pcrtums holding any adverse claim thereto arc re quired to present the same at this office w ithinsixty days fnmi the first publication of this notice llated ilar. 8th Is. w. F. Bbkjahix, Register, ft.' v. vV'.