ROSEBURG REVIEW 13 ISSUED FRIDAY MORNINGS BY ' THE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. ROSEBURG REVIEW u HASfTHE' r IIFIIIEST JOB CFFICE in douglas county, cards, bill heads, legal blarks And other Printing; Including Large and Heavy Posters and Showy.Hand-Billi ! Keatlyand ExpdltlonjJy executed AT PORTLAND PRICES. - J. R. N, BELL, - - Editor. One Year - - - - - - - - 2 50 Six Months - - - - - - - -125 Three. Xfonths - - - - - - - 1 00 VOL. XI. ROSEBURG, OREGON. FRIDAY;. ArRIL, 80, 188G. NO. i. : Rosebiirg : fteie0 ' V ; '( -'. - V Si GENERAL DIRE0T0BY. . . . .. ..President. Ohover Cleveland. T. II. Mitel HlSdKR III Senators. Tiios. F.. Bay abu .Secretary of State Daniel T. MAHNixo.Secretary of Treasury, L. O. C. Lamau. .Secretary of the Interior, Vm. C. Endicott. . ...... .Secretary o War W. C. Whitney . . .Secretary of Navy. VV. T. Vilas .l'ost Master General A. II. Oarlanik. :.' Attorney General. Morrisos JR.. Watte .Chief Justice. ' STATE OF OREGON. J. y DoLFU . IT q itchell I .7 Ikhmann Congressman. Z. F. Moody. . .. ... governor. It. P. Earwart. Secretaryof State. Edward Hibscii State Treasurer. K. B. McELROY....Suj;t. Pub. Instruction. VV. H. Byars. ... State Printer. J. B. Waldo, C. J.,1 ... tr wr T-,. . ... . I VV . IT . llUtlh, J -..J...-...-. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. , R. 8. Bkah. . . ... .. .Judge. J. XV- Hamilton .... Prosecuting Attorney. DOUGLAS COUNTY. Jons Emmitt, ) J. II. SlItPE. i" VVm. Makkio, ) (""SSSf -tatives. C. B. Wilcox, ) (t XV. Kimball Clerk. fi. A.Taylob Sheriff. I). S. West, Treasurer. F. XV. Besson School Superintendent. K. C. Sacry Assessor. J. S. Fnzncoii County Judge. J. Hall, C. A. McGee, . . . .Commissioners. VVm. Thiel .Surveyor. Dr. S. S. Marsteus ... . .Coroner. CITY OF ROSEBURG. II. C Stanton, ! John kast, J. P. Sheridan, Trustees. L. C. Wheeler, 1 P. Renedict. , T. Ford .., .Recorder (. J. LiANCEn ceru Marshal John Chase Treasurer. Senators. GENERAL MERCHANDISE- Samuel Marks, A sum Mmr wr r v WISHER JJlARKS, W. I. FrIEDLASDER S. MARKS & Co. -DEALERS IN- ilill HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND Douglas County Bank, ; HUMPHREY & FLINT, . RoMebnrg - - - Oregon- TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS . . Sight Drafts Drawn on Portland, Sau Francisco, New York and ! other points. -Bills of exchange on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits rer Central Hotel ! ceived subject to check. Collections made t0hn Kenedy, Clerk KOSBBUUG, OREGON, .OrrOSITE CARLOYs'uVEUY ! B&aiA and Lodging per day. - week ".5.00 " WpoutXcging...... . 4.00 Meals, -25 Conta, Lodgiugj 25 cents". Thorougnsatisfaclidn is promised to tr&vel ers and the jiul)lic generally. ML. fioM RY STATUE. - . I'YXVw-;-: 5 n v I HF GOODS, -1)1 Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Cig-ars, Boots and Shoes. on all aecessabkpoints at reasonable rates, JOSEPH SIIINDLER. PROPRIETOR CITY BAKERY AND KLEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A full slock of Dread. Cakes. P ies. Plain O. C. Perkins 'siewanl. No Chines employed. , Opiimi Habit Jured. I will euro any one who has con tructeJ the Opium habit, no matter how long usoJ, in four weeks without injury to themselves, and so they will havo no desire for Ojuum again. ESRooms and Lodging furnished at j Absolutely Pure. This pjwder never varies. A m; Wool PROFESSIONAL- L V. IJiSE, ANE Si LAN E, OUN LANE L Attorneys at Ijiw. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel, C. FULLEP.TON, Attorney At Law. Office in Marks' brick, np stairs. S. WIIITEMOKE M. D. MYRTLE CREEK OREGON. Office at u. dyer's stoke. ". Residence at Henry A. Adams' and Produce of every Descrip tion Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. and Fancy Crackers, etc. Also a fine selection W officc in lloscburg. Communica- gtrcnsth and wl.oicsom of French and American Candies and Choc- J tions and treatment strictly private. j ha" thc ordimiry kinds, and cannot! ate Goods. ; rvel (f 1 urity, encss. litire economical J. Woodruff M. I). ''l!!!: ..1.1 "V. Roseburg, Oregon. . XA.XlItS CO Roseburg, Or 0 SO ft 0 50 , O b JOSEPHSON. IW 011 CASH Sf II Keeps a full line of Dress Goods of eveiy variety and Shade. A fnll line of Silks. A full line of Satins, Brocades and Velvets. A full line of Fancy Dress Goods. A full line of Hosiery. A full line of Clothing. 30,000 CSIUS &rO!FKETAL DISEASES ! AS 1 riIo, al UI('(i-k, li.sfsui-.-, Pi'iii-itnH-nui, wciRht alum or phosphate imwdcrs cans. ROYAL RAKINO POWDER St N. Y. GREEK HULLS, CLARICE & RAKER, Props. IoI'ii:s Li.Vf.ti. I "avnl purchased the above named mills of E. fooil(I in co Svld ouly In CO., 100 Wall ETC., ETO., CURED IN 6 YfcARS BY THE BRINKERHOFFSYSTE M Dr. J. B. rilkiiirton I'roj.rictor of the Portland kvb and kar Infirmary and Vamtauiax for Nbrvols Stephcls & Co., we ara now prepaped to furnish any amouit of the heat quality of Mrs. R. Ereckeijridge AGENT FOR j wc b. Mccormick, Importer and Manufacttirer of MONUHENT8SHEADST0NES Of American and foreign and Scotch CranitJ 0' m G O A fall line of Furnishing Goods. A full line of Hats and Caps, Doots and Shoes. , A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Tobaccos. A full line of Crockery and Glassware. And last, but not least, a full line of Ostrich Plumes and Tins, with all kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and Hat Shapes of latest pattern. COMB LN33 3X3X1 TVTT1 MJOSEPHSON. Disbabks has boon appointed Ajrcnt and Physician cvcr ffcrcd 10 t,,e PubIic 1,1 Douglas Couuiy. Wc .1 - I - 41. i. m .11 ; K-r mm in urcgou & VI. T. No KRVKRR BI RQICAL oi'F.RATiONS, no I'MN no loss of HLOon. In 2 months, have cured several caaca in which severe cutting op erations have failed. Am pcrmiltcil to refer to Mr Jus. W. Weatherford, druLTjist formerly of Salem. Mr. Frank Gardiner, inachincst, Mr. It. A. Kampy llarribburg, and others. If several patients arodv willsend ono day in e.tuh month in Koecburg. Add .-ess for pamphlet etcj .1. U. PILK1NGTON M. D. i PORTLAND OK. - fn it-1 1 1 1. .a 1 1. McClallen Hons;;, Roseburg Saturday May 8th, 188G. will furnish at the mill at the following prices; No" 1 rough lumber $12 M So. 1 flooring, C inch $24 II I Cemeteiy Enclosure , u. nwi iiij, mcu. ... ?-o m No. 1 flnislilng lumber $20 M No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 2 sides $21 11 No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 4 sidcs'"26 M CLARKE it BAKER. Estimates given for C.pli g iu Sand Mone, Also Agent for Walker's Iriu Fence for ROSEBURQ. Marble PITH AND POINT. y -Many a woman marries a rich man, ana yet gets a poor uusbano. When a person is in erervbodv's mouth, ho naturally has a high appre ciation of the popular taste. Two stupid Michigan hunters shot a woman, mistaking her for a bear. A woman should never be taken for any thing but a dear. Chicago Tribune. . Jonkheer Dr. P. J. A. M. Van der Does de Wilicbois has resigned as Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs. What Hol land needs at the head of her Govern ment is more John Smiths. Buffalo express. - A bootblack named Joseph Moak nas Decome an actor, it is nqw in or der for some actors to turn bootblacks. There are men who would sjiine in that profession to much advantage. Texas oijiings. ."I sea.'? said Mrs. De Wiggs to ner husband, "that the King of Bavaria is in debt about $7,500,000," "Yes." "How in the world can he have got so deeply in debt?" "Dunno, unless he kept two hired girls." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. California boasts of a parrot which sing3 'Mvith more melody and accuracv than a great many humans are capable of." We do not doubt this in the least, and yet we suspect that parrot's voice is no more musical than a file on a rusty saw-tooth. Boston Post. "Why don't you hold np your head as I do?" asked an aristocratic lawyer of a sterling old farmer. "Squire," said the farmer, "look at that field of grain. You see that all thc valuable heads arc bowed down, while those that have nothing in them stand upright" N. Y. Independent. "Those Chinese have some , strange customs. For instance, the men buy their wives at auction," remarked Colonel WitherspoontoGilhooly. "That is barbarous.. When will they learn to -or . ezoqvxxt kextvckt aiir- ATOX. ; Frankfort Letter In lonisrule Port. T There was a speech made in the Sen - ate recently that should be nreserved entire. It was the roost causeless, the most promiscuous and unblushing as sault upon Queens English that it has ' ever been my misfoituna to hear. This wise looking Senator jumped up on the grammar of his native laud and tore it- all to smithereens. Plural nouns were pitted against singular verbs and adjectives, and participles ' were linked with conjunctions and ad- i verbs and tossed into the surging sea -of words. It was a atch-as-catcb-can contest with the; parts of 'speech; , and the langiiage'th'tew'upChe sponge af the first round. When he insisted on saying "them counties is," a general titter rippled around the lobbies. "I have saw," was delivered with such earnestness and emphasis that a sym pathetic journalist wanted to make an ameadment to the lanrnrA would jerniit the statesman to assault it at will. He announced with tragio sincerity, "I have came." and th, was not a soul who had the couraee td dispute the fact. His crowning achiev ment was the expression, "My county was the most morallast count v in thii eend of the state." Ii was a remarkabld contest, and the able Senator deserves credit for his sincere attempt to put the English language in the hosDital & H. C. Stait Agee & MILLER. DEALER IX L. New Butcher Shop STAPH! DRY H OF- J. 0. SHERIDAN tS.Successor to jgr K S & J. C SHERIDAN, HUNTER M. D. i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, CAXYONVILLE OREGON K. L. MILLER, M. D Surgeon. Homoeopathic Physician. Olliicc up stairs in the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburc, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. F. G. (EHME, M. D. (Pronounced Amo.) HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & Crracluatc Of Tlxe UNIVERSITY Of fjcipzigr Germany. Office i Residence at the house of the late H. Gatterman, Oak Street, near R. R. track, Roseburg. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- BAILEY'S HOTEL. t Oakland, Oregon. ioard $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, .riTTuis house has lately changed hands nd is oroughly renovated and refurnished. The travcl ng public will find the best of accommodations. No Ckiiiamvn IiIiMiloyt'l. SMrlll BAILEY. -DEALER IN- I Stoves and Tinware, All Kinds Of fancy Groceries, Be Stationery Photograph and Perfumery, Autograph Albums Crockery and Stand, Hand, and Queens Ware, Hanging Lamps TABLE CUTLERY AND SILVER WARE, and TEN THOUSAND OTHER THINGS TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Call And See Me At The Post Office Stand. BUTTER AND EGGS BOUGHT. W HT JMoorc Koseburg, Oregou rpilE undersigned takee nl 1 nouncing to thc public that ho sellinc liVArirfliiii in Klc 1: j. . vw(u juAAAAUlli I TT '' -if you want 111. Merchant Tailor. STOVES, AGRICULTURAL TOOLS I" the Rl ont. next door to A. C. Marks Store. PIS5rfFRM MdTHE BEST QUALITY. STISFACTION ASSIIRFD. GENERAL FURNISHING, IJicics of all kinds bouaht. HOSIERY, TRIMttflNO &c Boots & Shoes OF THE BEST QUALITY. a full on this country ?f' responded Gilhoolv cvn- or tU3 rcmamder of the session. If ically. Texas Siflinqs. any honorable Senator feels aggrieved "Papa, what is a tornado?" asked a and wishes to bo investigated I rn youthful seeker after information. i j uvesuoateai A can Glancing nervously around the room to S1 names and nates, and will furnish OREGON see if the coast was clear, the old man I reliable witnesses without extra charm. said: "You have often heard your moth-1 ar5B' er blowing mo up for bringing company When I hear anyone boastiW of rh- home without previously notifyino- her?'' t - , 3 S OJ the "Yes, sir." "WeU, that is as mach like acIlieve'rieiitsof his ancestors, it reminds a tornado as anything I know of. But me of the vegetable called the notafn you needn't tell your mother that I said tue i r f .. . potato so, however." N. Y. Journal. wstrart of it is under ground. A mule is a pun on thc hoss....Com- Few men are born 6reati few have nion sense i? thc instinkt of reason.... greatness thrust upon them. It i a Politeness has won more viktorys than fact thqr t hn cn loonov TOr hn7 ww Iaci tnat tbe sons cf great men are with politeness iz out ov the reach ov aora Sreat- Greatness is not often in- cTtijuitug excepi a Kiuo.. as mucn rite tc pronounced as vum nay ib um i 8Deu....iE ain't rrin nra I race, 'hn irtao f j . in this'world that are so much ova bur: , ' " 7 -utUU8Wt arracy den as it is vulgar kritters who are trie- " . necJcea "snobocracy" is doubly - v. uw W 1 vv.w..u0 Al -wrrrl n A 1 I 1 .... .. Au:(4iuuu....a man oas i neruea in this countrv WiVk n tew spel a word as it is f , . "imaounlr7- with all thesa. as ho has to nmnnnnMt I Iacts 1:;disputable. staiini? mn in uiu way ii ain t ain't the lies tace, the idea of bit rXHE OLD RELIABLE ILlft 5T ITS V9 rt W in ma tSablishod in 1867. J Jacob Bitzcrr1-813 PAIJUY, SHE DESERVED HIM. Repairs and Alterations neatly done. IEOli, STEM,, JJAILS, H13CJH0ES, TINWAEE, OUTLERY Or anything in my line, call and examine mv I f tockaud learn prices before purchasing else. It . where, as I am selling lower than evo?. kMKS. S. A. IIUTCIIIXSOX, I C. SHERIDAN T JASKULEK, V . Practical JV. COUWUTT, Successor to J. D. JOHNSOM DEALER IN MILLINERY STORE! OalcalmM Oregon. T ADJES WILL FjND MY STOCK LARGE AND XJ Comilcto. Prices moderate. Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician ALL WOHK WAUUANTEDi Dealer in Watches, Clocke, Jewelry. W Call. Mb. S. A. ITrrmmvv v , . - - V -I ' Spectacles and Eyeglasses. DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES. ULUlHirsO, HATS nude DRUGS and PATENT. MEDICINES Cheaper than the Cheapest. A FULL LI2f E OF CPJAIJS, TOBAGO a FASCY GOODJ. flMlK ONLY KKLHr.I.E OITOMEIt IV TdWX J. f,.r the l.r..r.ura.ljust.ment of Sp-cWIca. I Vi..,t of the Ocnuino Brazilian l'ebblc Hm.-sla.-les an j 1', ., i !t! Blisses- Ollicein Ilaniiltoirs lirick Ulo.k Al S A GIFT ii ii ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS IfRS. 1). C. McCLALLEN. ill Proprietor of the McCLALLEN HOUSR Large Sample Eooms for Commercial Travelers. Coaeh to and from the house Bagnjre delivers free of charge. DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAND, OREGON. Itioliarcl Thomas, Prop. .First Class SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AXD THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot of tho Railroad. MOORE'S RESTAURANT. . tPrincipaal Business Street.) Koseburg, orCg0n MEALS 25 CENTS, LODGING 25 CENTS W Keep the Best the Market Affords. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, Roseburg, rcgon, oO o They would announce that they have just received and now have on hand one of the largest stocks of eneral etc, Ever Brought to Douglas, and, when added to their Stoves of all Patterns and Ready-made Tinwar They are prepared to declare they have tie best supply in their line oftany house iu Southern Oregon, which they propose selling Cheaper than can bo purchased elsewhere In the shape of BUILDING MATEBIALS, in the way oi Locks, Butts, etc., we can uuer superior uancemeuia to purcnasers. iry us. Wo can give yoa bargains in tho following brands'of STOVES not equaled elsewhere buck's bonanza, farmer's utility, dexter, pacific, wide west, CLABEXDOX, UWlVfcA l, IRON KING, EMPIRE CITY And other Sioves and Ranges. The best of workmen are constantly employed in the manufacture of our tikwatj and buyers should learn our prices. We have also bargains to offer in GUNS, such as Winchester. Shara and other lunee, as wen as anotguns ana x'isiois. We are also Agents for the" WhitePeerless and New Home SEWING MACHINES. nuivu wo sen a it hii a juwcsb im mm nMiaui no wvuipierc lq eyery respeCb. e can also supply Averill and EubTssr Faints. The best n the market, at lowest rates. Give us a call, inspect our stock; inquire as to , rices, sna we piumuc w suit you u any one can. Dr. THOMAS GRAHA3I, A GRADUATE Of the University of P. at Philadelphia aiul ol the ROYAL COLLEGE OF BURGEONS, and ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, LONDON ENGLAND has located for the practice of his profession in ROSEBURG - - i OREGON. Office and residence, Washington street opposite the Catholic Church. t BCBV FILLS VJ money on wertkleM otlrnu. Try tkls Bcnedy lint. Sold by mil Dnunrists. or mailed to any addresa. Bend 4 cents for particulars. wnvcoK spacinc con riiiiate.. . Wash House. Sam Yoang Prop. Opposite CARLON'S STABLE. Send 10 cents jKistai,-!-, ,ve will mail rem froe a rval, vnl. utliK:, Kimplo box of ifiMxIs i.'iat will i.. .i. tht i' i .... . : 1 . " 1,1 wav in America. .IU m-. f all a-u. live t l.omc Anil u-.trk in ap..;. i. .. .. v ""l- ... .. .. ... c.MllVf ur an ine inn reiiuircii. n c will mart yon. miosis w no sun ac once. Maine. time. I' tin Immense iav Kiim for Sti.vsom & Co., ' Portland The BUTTERS' GUTTJH U laaned UmxeH and 8etitM leacii year. JaiS pages. X x llii UMs&es.wlUi OTer '3,000 lUloatraUoni wbole . Picture Gallery. . GIVS WlxoleMle Prloea direct to eoiMMMMra en mil goods for personal or family- use. Tell now to order, and gives exact cost of eyerjr tJiina; yon nae, eat, drink, wear, or fca-re Auawltn. Tbeas HTVASJOAMUE BOOKS contain Information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mall copy FREE to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray expense f mating. Let na hear front yon. XUspetfnUy( . "i MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. Ml dc 829 Wabash Avenae. Chiem$, 111. of GROCERIES ! IjWood And Willowll WAKE. CROCKERY &.CL 1SSWARE, ELECTRIC LAMPS, SCHOOL LOOKS, , ANDSTATiOXARY. Subscription AGENCY. Subscription receivud fur i and European PuhlioiJ teProve that they are true. Josh disgusting. Men are called treat in JJillinas. Lv: b wumry alter they have worked their way from the ranks of obscurity to the command of prominence in fh How One California Woman Entrapped a political, professional or financial wnrlrf ' Bashful Admirer. Tho L;i, . woria. Marriage has long been considered as' Z Prominence is openand more or less of a lottery. It is like a " or e No one, no matter lottery in more than the drawing. who haPpens to be his dad, stands a Drawing a blank onco only makes you better show for promotion to distinc go into it again. The fact is. to lose a tion than any one else of eonal abilitv husband or draw one she has frot a ... .. to get rid of is a reflccUon upon The ,gJ.lliereivl,e c,aim of woman and wounds her vanity. She olooaed sno3 respect and distinction iccis she n uui uur iauit, ana sne is mucn I "is not wealth nor great estate but likelier to bp. hnnnv in fhn . L ;Af . .. : . . . aiB ui' nuu lut makes men m-eat.' . u ture. The experience of the first helps her to a better understanding of the second, and thc unpleasantness of the Smart Enough to be AU Son-in-la O.P.TOMPKINS COMMISSION I PURCHASING Agent of ALLKINDSOF MERCHAND1SL! ) A., orders from the country filled on short notice from j Every Class or Kind of Goods from First-Class Stock. Absolutely no charges or commission. will be charged for filling orders. . . OFFICE: 107 first street, At D. W. Pi n:. i ,cE's Portlari.l.Or EGGS FOll HATCHING FROM WYANDOTTJiS, PLYMOUTH ROCKS, BROW'S LEailORSt TH E Til REE jJLEADINO TIES. of one huiitlrtNl ruH -....... A TiTiTft A T111TV r. T I .. . . "" Jrxvr.xrAUIiUJ 1UJ UKJ I montlv, from January 15th, to July I KEFPKO OTHER; ! Mir aiv W .-...... it ...... I .. - " n inaue a rcciiru l;it soxson tach in Bix 15th. Ai.l.. from tlinip nfiliiv .1.- . f . . r 1 ULAbb nave ever hanuicU E, one sUttialt4 Wrfc i:- t , ' "ree e'B .x. .u,, ,,1U aas aisnare oi I r i j i . , ... I ,'",uu"1 il-OOXS ro OI i.osouurgsjana view- avo always 8tood at the front . ity. ELMIXA1V. CUUMP. always ainning the highest honors wli hibition. EtrtTi ono settini; $2.50 tw Next dnor to L. rii. t., o . ",rm "'gs A lew choice lric .vntujr Dvorc, noaocurg urj I g. Sinjfle birds from $3 to $0.2 My Stock of Brown Leghorns cannot Do sur asscd in tins r any o licr country. My strain is a direct cross between foi Is I imported rom Booncr of Massachusetts and Kc fer of Illinois. Eggs, one scttiny $2.50 two settings f t three set- LOSTfv DR, LIEQIG'S gj WONDERFUL Gennaa Invigorator inS6. A tea' extra choice Cockerels for sale at Men who Disease and Weakness bro $4 to $5. All nir fowls have had rpleni healthy and finely marked. I guarnmee a good L. BELFILSf nllALTH li on by early Invm-udedce or I oatch n1 Perfect satisfaction. debility, premature dccatXuSe"8.i?.ne'Ion8 hud"-n'e,- illustrated catalogue ing tried in vain every known im-i .Vi!J I Cash must aecomnsny all orflers. Senfl ca, ImmedUtely DK. UEWoi iSVwSraJSb THE DOCTOR will r?ru"""'.' curcu- The reason whv so Address, J. M. G A Kit 18 1 Eastern tions. loss jichcs her to yield very often j "Rebecca, you shall not spheak mid wnere ner natural inclination would be do Closes Levi vonce more " " to kick. But there's one woman very oh faAr vn - u ' . happy now, whose husband will proba- ,r ' Iaade, yu Pak mine heart bly never know that he was brought up Ve vas almost engaged. Vy shall I Scttveay011 & Vei7 Simp1e bUt not 8pheak 01 "I have come to ask you if you can "IIe haf cheated me. He haf Bold iSf ?m W0.rk; 6he saiL he mc a Paste diamond for a real atone," was a finely-educated, very attractive ou f . , . 7, 1 8tone- . woman. "My husband has turned out "dder, dot should recommend quite worthless. I have had to leave bim to you as a son-in-law. If hn rar. him, and I am now compelled to sun- ? i - port myself." comPea w sup- fool a wise man like you, you see vat a "I am very sorry, but I am afraid 1 foi"t"ne ho haf in der chawelry nisi- can not give you any work. Do you pro- nesa." pose to support yourself?" , "I've got to." Veil, Ikfcbecca, you vas smarter as "Look here, that's all nonsense. I thought Get married ven von lik 1 ou're young, pretty, attractive. Whv t i i- y don't you marry again?" 1 am ankious to go into partnership MMiy aiim: iMcvcr. I've had I Vlt" uno son in-law. V'ARIE- cnough of it." Nonsense; you'll have bettor lnr-l; oSyes."aVen,t 5'0U atluiircrs3" to visit Europe this spring for "Any oiic you like?' Dr. Oliver Yendell Holmes expect. a sum mer trip, in comnanv with I.;. . . t - ... , , - . J ..... unuxii ...viv, n vuu ivuu" Ltuutman ar. Hirst. nrni m very much ffonc on me: tfuvs woli ntr- ' .. 7 " inouga has a Vlrv nir-n nnnllnn ' - J . . . w Wrt.fc.VH ycxrs, crevcr on ex- setlings $t. mle at 610 Tliaf'a mon V . t I nn II il. . . - u iiitiii. m. uu I v ii l in i u aiiuuiuur i.iiun in hi. .. - . . it "But he's bashful and backward 7md through tha JhZ 7 J1 I've got to do something right away. 1 1 throuSh Uie cap reprints of his "An- lid range, are stamp for OX. Forest Grove Oregon N. B, Express charges light, Wells, J. M. O. - 'ee confident of giving satisfaction in nil work SlSli'iS'S r. ' WeRk.nesg and the above I exPrc tfives special low rates to all njy customers. I aiJ, , me m i-stches, clocks, and jewelry. TOKRH fa with "" called J'KOSTA Ialso repa.r murical instruments. , f iUrettiSnt. .HyrenEln!9i. bicb reuuiret STrnTn't TlS neI ' "" "E?.IG1 '''"ORATOR No. . mler nnr irul in r .. i V. J vor w anv place ae- I au'ice inn peciai treatment in tho . sired in Douglas County; i I for PROSTATORUHEA ' cnre 1 Will also teach anv ltln.l ,.t . I DR. LlERlO & CO. f.. tt. . Fargo & Co'g. i fifty times better known in England i. xou marry, him." I al and backward, and I , lethino' rio-ht owjr I I have no money." I tocrat of the Breakfast Table." he hm -Domind assisting mo to brmcJ If cr08Sed fifty years, him to the point?" I lie was a mere student when W i "Certainly not. Tell mo how, and Europe. Dr. Holmes and his daughter I'll be most happy to do an vthino-." I,., , . . uu ni" aaughter "Well." and she hesitated: wouldn't mind. You sec, he's very, I Oregon, and intended to leave Boston me. and I thinlr lin moana Now, if you will put on your best I her Crst tnP from Boston, for which an 2" up-you sec, he's early day had been named, coming to call upon me to-nip-ht" I J witty. "Certainly. Ill call to-night with pleasure; but" "Of eonrsfl T urmll nnt. iti 1.; married you understand; and if you'll I TLe A-any Herald Says Judge 1). IZ i tl . SV, l Jcw9. periuaps, it i. Ulackburn, of that citv who re and that would be somethinc, Vou . . "Ja'"-,v no re know."; "' y cved the nomination at the hands of "O, I see. I'll be there." the Prohibition party convention which So the lady went off, and the adviser convened in csiL nn i ?w ? , dressed himself in gorgeous array and convened m ba'e on last edncsday called at her house. The bashful lover week oes not feel like getting right was there, and it was not fifteen minutes up out of bed at th iMA v,. "t before he got wildly jealous of the new ? , " , Ul dead hour of beau. The rival worked it up for all niSht and starting out with a brass it was worth, and when the backward band to stnmp the State for a third adorer got to the inflammatory point of Mi 1 , , , iniM jealousy where a fight was probably im- y movement, but feels satisfied to minent tne confederate lit out left him take his chances with the ReDublim i: I . : Docm A'ot Want It. CITY DRAYING j DONE WITH DISPATCH. CALL ON j i ; JOHN VAX B17REN. i If pimples appear on the face if m v.. ,. . leasWadent, lookofor tC tSiZ with seminal weaaness and ). V:..;;.' ! as rrostatorrhea. HundreUs orTivi. I' Hy and thousands have lost their ror f . f n ,ott In life from its .ffecta. vSSeoSfc? orywnLP,CM?re of the scrotum. ofteTthe n!uff ."P Manhood, DebUity, etc. BrT LIFnloTa orator, Ko. t, U the fnly'kS aDove compucnHon, and a perfect an.l ." rrJn,VL?-e."De other hours 25cta " . ... , . t : -. menu non poweriu. e.ecinc Belts free to our patient. To prove the wonderful rini .i.".;-.rr.ll?"t8- TOR, A $2 BOTTLE GIVES FREE. lvUKA- uui or aaama, ....... Brewster's Patent Be in Bolder. Tour lines re where you pot tuem-nos i th. , ., ... - 'n;i"a,.n i uv". v"auuo" i nartv as of vAn Trr;n .v. u.. iwn h iu i j n ui u luu ut!ii u re minutes ne nau mmm t. I ' J mvio tuui campie. worm tijo rat, wriieiorierms, I taA i,;- j :.i z. . r l-.l.. ..1l .t..i- u nuiuuuiiito marriage. D'vv icarcvuuny uecune tne pronered She deserved him. Aim Franr nhr;,.r vw I "ua.uu.-flewa war wisivivt E. E. BEEWSTEB, Holly, Mich. COFFEE HOUSE MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Meals after 9 o'clock P. M Dr- Hells & Co'. Prirate Dispensary 00 Gearv Bt. San r,," ? .n,ary on Jackson Street, We give the best the marktet affords Bucklen's Arnica Satvfu The Best Salve in the worhl fori Nebraska is all torn n over the Cuts. Bruises. Soren. TThwo Sol I auestion of invrno- fh a oOcts. at Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped ary of 5,000. An exchange thinks fTanAa nUlKlC l-liJ,7. I ' vuuuiaujo, vuiiuj, anii an BKin i .f i it. ... . Second door north of Ma ks Brick Eruptions, and positively cures PUes, Llr ""'"T "V m -VJ , . I r r,r ; i ti L . T I her Governors is proposed, ther i iuntu. xi ia guaranteeo I , . , : to give perfect satisfaction, or money 1 5nna Bense m tQe proposition to make r 1 . 1. T- r. III.. . , . - . refunded- Price 25 cts arhox. i the Governer pay the State $5,000 a . .. .- VP Mrs, Ha but Lambebt, Far saleby Marsters & Co year for the privelege." t.. '