Newspaper Page Text
- F; f ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, APRIL, 30, 1886. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET, FOB representatives, F. B. WAITE. F. A. METZ, Y. L. ARRINGTON, HUGH McKENZIE. FOR SHERIFF. . B. C. AGEE. FOB COUNTY CLERK. T. R. SHERIDAN. FOR TREASURER. D. S. WEET. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. . J. S. FITZHUGH. FOR COMMISSIONERS. A. LAMB. JOHN IT A TJ.. ; FOR SURVEYOR. ' Wm. TH1EL. FOR ASSESSOR. E.C.SACRY. FQR SCHOQL SUPERINTENDENT G. T. RUSSELL. FQR CQRQNER. THOMAS GRAHAM. DEER CREEK PRECINCT. . JUSTICES. T. L. GANNON, JAS. HARPHAM constable. PETER JUNGER. The Convention. TT, TWnt -Wfc ., . . . met at the court house Wednesday s th kr,Mf. Wrnni, ...1! r? t ill. I convention wnicn nas assemDiea in our 1 oik. fr voora Tf woo nmnnaA of the leading Democrats from every precinct in tne enure county, mere being full representation and but few proxies. Whilst there were a number ef candidates for many of the offices failorl .f o nomination than received it, harmony marked the entire proceedings, the o ii tt, ;:-.i : i, and unanimous support of their more fortunate rivals. Personal preferences and friendships were thrown aside by the delegates generally to subserve the best interests of the party, and a determination to do the very best to advance the interest of the party and the county generally seemed to mark their every action. The ticket nomi- nated is one of which the Democratic party and Douglas county can well be proud. The personel of thecandidates in every instance challenges criticism. They are jaggs of honor, integrity and ability and for whom every honest cit izen can conscientiously rote. Republican State Convention. The RunnWinan Rfet. tiftfc which ha? just been nominated in Portland can not in any 8en8e be looked upott a mefltin the demands of the hour. Whnstthft nnmininnnr TT,, nnrl WMr wno mnfntW nrnr r. . j r-r- meets the annroval of the nubile cen - A 4 ! .1 , j 1 1, v:i. ciij tucio . muuueau wuigui, Wu;u :they will be called upon to carry and 11 remains to 09 seen now weu iney can bear up under the burden they will be forced to bear through the heat of the campaign. The nomination of Col. I VtiTOAliMCi rf W flchinrfrrtW Ortlllltff ltAlTB v. "-6.vuvv U,, u&, .uiuucwiuouc u., ing out nis money to recommena mm for the Dosition of Governor. Whilst - he as an old pioneer has obtained some state notoriety in . connection with In- .linn r Hnlwa V a rAHl t nw1 fAtrfJAaaAD uumasuuiHsn! 11U KUUWIUUgO WUitUiVCl Ul OLtttC uuu The nomination of George W. McBride for Secretary of State is worse if possi ble than that of Cornelius, whilst he has not probably been implicated in as many speculations at the public expense as the Colonel, he brings into the campaign an unsavory political reputation of a more recent date. .His action while speaker of the House of Representatives showed him a willing tool of corpora tions who neither knew or cared for the rights of the people or the state. Later. II. L. Marston of Umatilla for Treasurer, and E. B.McElroy for Superintendent of pub lic instruction. CALZ FOX PROUIBIIIOX COSVEX TIOX. Pursuant to a call made by the chairman of the Prohibition Central Committee the follow ing members met at ona P. M. in person and by proxy: Wm. Mannings Canyonville; Abncr Riddle, Cow Creek; H. M. Martin Wilbur; H. M. Hawn, Looking Glass; Fred Patterson, Camas Valley; J. N. Swift by B. F. Ramp proxy, Ten Mile; II. Dyer, 'Myrtle Creek; W. R. Smith, Oak Grove; J. II. Whitsett, RobertsiCreek; D. W. Steams, Calapooia; Perry Burt by John Lane proxy, Voncolla; G. W. Black by W. F. Owens proxy, Gardiner; John Booth by F. B. Han kins proxy, Cleveland; Henry Beckley by V. F. Owens proxy. In accordance to iostrutions made by the Prohibition county convention which convened at Roseburg April 8th, 18S6, find that neither the Democratic nor Republican party has adopted Prohibition aa a party measure, neither has either party recognized by party ac tion the baneful efiect of the liquor traffic in our county and State and have not pledged in any manner or form the prestige of either party in favor of even the adoption of the now pend ing constitutional amendment by the people. This action on the part of the Democratic and Republican conventions necessitates the reconvenening of the Prohibition county con vention which is called to meet in Roseburg May 7th, 1886 at II o'clock A. M. to nomi nate a full county ticket. By order of the Committee. i . W. F. Owens, Chairman County Proibition Com. IW. C. M. Miller. . of Philomath, will spend next Sablalh in this city. r TWESTY-FirE YEARS. For twenty-five years Democrats Democrats were Bhnt out from all participation in governmental affairs. They were os- tracised and persecuted, test oaths and many other arbitrary and outrageous laws were nassed in order to humiliate i, Alii T?rftT Vi t r ( wfrrrY rmnn. crat could not collect a iust claim against a county or the state without taking and subscribing to test oaths that would have been regarded out- rageous and tyranical even in the dark days of Oliver Cromwell. A school teacher was not allowed to teach school without first subscribing to these odious test oaths. Self respecting Democrats cannot vote to put such a party in pow-J er again. No man contributed more I larselr to the enactment of such laws VUAll VJVS ALA. ft 111UUJD Y? JULVS VI -A- C 1 candidate for United States Senator two years hence to fill Dolph's place, If Charley Johnson or S. A. Dawson should be elected Senator from this county they would, nodoubf, contribute I as Republicans to the election of Wil- Hams or his counterpart. Then let Democrats lay aside all disappoint- ments, if any, and see that the Demo- cratic candidates for Senators are elec-1 ted. Democrat. wjiat is a. democrat. I The St Paul Pioneer Press asks the above question, and confesses its ina- bUity to give an answer thereto. We I If are not surprised at such ignorance, and ; Mffi;m (..tu c: t " 10 Slim,,;u" iU1 tuc 1JUU know that a Democrat is not a Repub- I 1 . m . ..... I IKin I'llO icanoo imftn mh oh iha Ha. I - -v.-. -. . publicans rode int o power are all dead and gone, and the party, grown cor- " ""'""o" ""o i se of power, is going to decay upon their ruins. -Nothing can save it. The Democratic party is the party of progress and reform, and the present administration would have made much greater headway were it not for the I fact of being heavily handicapped by Kenub icans. Times. Ail circuit Judge to be Elected ' J"'. Yesterday afternoon the supreme court rendered a decision which settles all controversies as to whether the cir cuit judges elected at the last election hold for two years or for the full term of six years. They retire from office July next A case was prepared in . . m, . . , . in aispuie. iue county ciers, o oei ware, reruseu to include in nis tormai linei ior surveyor also invoivos a re notice of a general election, that a cir- election. lie has never been found ii t cuit judge was to be voted for. W. S. wanting. "With all his knowledge of Shaw, a resident of Lane County, ap- the theodolite and compass he reccgni plied to the state circuit " court for a zes above all that cardinal point that mandamus compelling the clerk to issue such notice. J udge Bean granted the mandamus and the case was appealed 1 1 . . .j 10 ina suPrenie cou" wno susrainea JudSe Two judges aie to be 8iectea m iaia w SHCCeea Judges Smith and Stearns. Oregonian. . . , , ' ' , , 1 ab 01a democrat, wnose iocks are L. - i j :.u i..' - .e iwivaeu wiui luc uuiuauips ui beveuiy I winters wfts heard to remark that he had thougbt of not voting his f ull party 1(w tb; xroar ini.l,in bo tnr.V retrospect of the past, and when all the dark days of adversity through which fcne Democratic party had passed in re- I m 1 1 view ore mni ue lnqnuea ir m3 ute nad been thus Durooselv lived to tear down and degtroy the work of twenty. ,i e t; uvo YMiauiautcioiij, ui uciotmuuu, I of humiliation and sore triala He de- termined at once to remain faithful to l. 1 m, party that represented tne pnncr pies to which he had been devotedly at" tached for a life time. Al. Vera Now as the delegates to the Con vention has exercised such good judge ment in the selection of a good ticket, let everv Democrat stand by it, and do no trading. There is no reason whatever why the i Democrats should not elect the entire ticket both in state and county, judging by what has al. ready been observed. The Democrats in Convention assem bled took just the view of the temper ance question looking to its solution that The Review has held from the begining of this agitation, which is to our minds the only reasonable view that can be taken witn any consistencv or hope of success. : We said last week that the Republi can ticket was "strong only in spots," and so we think now after a week's re flection, and yet we cannot consider it strong at all only comparitively, for the ticket as a whole that was nomi- nated lasiWednesday is mucjstron ger. MONEY us pouring in to tne strikers .- ' .... ... in tne SOntU west from tne labor organ- iza tions, at the rate of about 40,000 perweek. j ANYONE can compare the personel of the two tickets and see at a glance the superior strength and ability Democratic nominees. of the anY boDy Can set typEl thougq y fair irial will c vince ion tqaj oniy y ew wHO try aim to suCCeefj, imn 10 onri 1st vttemrjt. rui XI i3. o AX "I "XL! I3 O S e V11 A3 aT3 coraPel'ea' to rlrt diiu Be?Z2t in Tfis vbsence. " If one pet, over tqe lii&oltJ mista-M es. vaA dO quiTE Jl """TTnrTi v '..ulHal Mei( u XT . V"S3 r" 'iV-e- UacJiStoiH f TIIE TICKET. It is the duty ot socieiy 10 ue uoncst . i.i.i with itself. No man should rob him-1 seit nor otliera to roo mm. u n- tier our system cf Government it is necessary that persons should be se- lected to see tnat tne just rignts 01 tne nponlft are r.reserved for them. In con- sonance with this principle we invite by the voters of Douglas county a just scrutiny of the ticket presented by the Democracy for their suffrages next J une. We believe they are Democrats in the true sense, and therefore worthy to be trusted. Upon the legislative ticket we challenc;e honest comparison, Frank Waite is not only a man of abil- ity but of genuine worth. So can we truthfully say of Mr. Mckenzie. Mr. Metz is one of the old timers full of UlUVlligVUVV M1U V jVW ' - tv the world. Vinny Arrington is mod- est, pure and intelligent. It is tie serving remark that all. these men are temperate in all things and therefore will be provident legislators. Our can- didate for County Judge, Joe Fitzhugh has adorned the position before and now receives the gracious plaudit "well done, cood and faithful servant,'' and in A. Lamb and John Hall in the man asement of county affairB he will have efficient compatriots. T. R. Sheridan for County clerk weans success based nPon merit- lf tLe votev douots or i! he desires information in the premises iet mnl examine tne recorus wnicn at 1 . test not only his worthiness but his , . sense 01 amotion to duty. IVTl A Hon ti' 1 1 -. d r. nm!nniiAn f i-. "n-" " xiuow uvmiuauuil wi - . suerm was m siouse to a demand o ne Ie win not vy mem oe lorgot- .",71 V " li man e hu. house hungry, He is a Christian. For treasurer, Da West: we can candidly say that in sunshine cr in cloud he is the same straight-forward Dave West that nev C1 JUUo"" i'UDluu" "c "1V OU! serve. The democracy honored them selves when they presented to the vo- ters the name of Professor G. T. Rus- sell for school superintendent. He has demonstrated that he can ; guide the youthful mind to fruition of good, and therefore can guide our party to victory. For assessor E. C. Sacry has I been tried and proven. He should be I , . . . , . I wouia guarantee nis election, vviinam I mi 1 r 11 leads to the happiness and prosperity of the county. Onr candidate for coroner, Dr. Thos. Graham, is. learned as a .1 .i.:n..i . : i FJru.iui, uuum HMugwnuiu inn asaDemociat. All in all the ticket 13 a B."' auu appiovai by the people. We publish elsewhere lue liwonn auopieu anu oniy ass me 1. x- ;j w 1UUU 16 ,u wuuco enuorw I. i rri t it i j t uiuuu J. hup. iu. vjtiiunuii uuu o uuiea Ilarpharu for justices,! have a good knowledge of tho law and Peter Jun ger tor constable is ;weu qualihed. From base to turret, the ticket is a most excellent one without exception. Xiie ffreat party of moi-al ideas have 5afQv,i;i1P,i fnr h0 manr,a in r.m to (heir a hi h ftnd . u nvatprl Kf anrhirc fit ati foam nn shin na : or;fiP ilW th ! mi! m LhicU thcy seem to !have aS0 ted) I ! namely. "It is good Republican policy nofc to jp- the Dcni0C1.at8 &Q any use- ful thing." The State ticket of tho Republicans is "spotted" and upon the whole is 1 a weak one. OAKLAND 1TE3IH. Sheriff Taylor spent Saturday at this place. J. O. Johnson of Roseburg was in town Tuesday. People are daily passing here with teams southward bound. Henry Barker of Walla Walla is visiting Ed. Young's family. Robert Dear and lady were visiting George Hall's faintly last week . Drs. Dimmick and Dear had business in KoseUjrg SunJay and Monday Several of our young men are improving their idle days working road tax. Miss Laura Jones had charge of Mrs. Hutch inson's shop during her absence. ; J. C. Hutchinson and wife returned from Portland alter several days yisit. Hank Hart is making good headway to- J wards the completion o his engine, Albert Dear went to Roseburg Tuesday in the interests of the IJcmocratu party, T. S. Mahonev went to Roseburc Tuesday 1 . to attend the Democratic convention, The Railroad Company has built another j stock yard at this place, the next thing in or- der will be a new depot. supervisor btearns is navmg the wagon road on the hill south of here put in first class n S anicl- I -Ur. Jt.. J 1 age accompanied by lus-most estimable wife are visiting the family of Rev. J. R. N. Bell at Roseburg. McGregor and Settle have finished moving the Tinkston house from old town to Poverty hill and when blocked up will add much to the appearance of the hill. Dissolution Notice Tlii. i.nrfnarctiiu Samnr'l Mrlra Acfcor XfirL-a j and Wm. I. Frieulandw, doing business at Boseborg Omron, under the firm name of S. Marks Co: datcd and n dt due Baid 6rra are 10 collected by the remaining members. The firm name remain the same as heretofore. Samuel Marks Asher Marks I ?f,1i,8te!,"t?' TC m. I Friedlander. A. Flag Of DUtreet. i Our neighbor of the Plaindealer on yesterday morning had the flag- flying at nis omce at half mast, union down, signal ot distress. Whether it was caused by the Republican State con- ention or tho Democratic county con vention of last Wednesday we were not informed, but there is no doubt that there is distress in the Republican party from both causes. His flag will ail to bring onr cotemporary the relief ie so anxiously desires. - I The citizens of Douglas County de sire that the affairs within heri borders be placed within the hands of capable and tried men, hence you are persuaded at once in favor ot the ticker nomina ted last Wednesday. " - I. Hon. R. S. Strahn of Albany for Supreme Judge would meet the unan imous approval of all in this county; ! and furthermore Hon. John C. Drain of Douglas could not be excelled as nominee for Governor. ! The Republicans feel very keenly the superiority of the Democratic nominations over theirs. Well, they, - tried to do too much, and catered, and catered, until they have about catered out. " "Onto Washington" means n to offico, which being interpreted, is, "we had a poor show in the old parties to get our hearts' desire, ergo we will try a new way." ; Temperance men should ,not allow the opposition to cause them to surcease their efforts in securing the prohibitory amendment now pending. . A Good- Blacksuiitlt Shop and -Wagon Klwtn f'nmhillfMl. Lot 40 feet by 110 feet, situated pn Main Street, Roseburg, also two lots of tools. One new dwelling house and three acres of land. House 26 by 30 feet j two stories high, situated in the sub urbs of the Citv. Commanding a beautiful view of the Town. For further particulars call at the Blacksmith Shop ot Uowen Uiotnera, ... . fc . , I Kosebure Ur. ; This health, and pleasure resort is now open for the reception of cuests. 1 ne notei nas i been thoroughly renovated, side walks relain, and a new bath house built. Hot &Cold Baths for the accomodation of its cuests can be had at any time. Situated as it is, two miles south of Drain station, on the ! O.& 0. R. R, ' " il is the most accessible Health and Pleasure If csort in the State of Oregon. Passenger trftop at the platform in tront oi tne aoor. ! INVALIDS will find the use of the water from these min eral springs to be of great benefit. Thcy ex pel the poison malaria from the system A sure cure for Fever and Ague A regulator for all Liver and Kidney diseases. The hot baths cure diseases of the skin and relieves Rheumatic pains. Females suffering from diseases peculiar to their sex will find it greatly to their advantage to place themselves under the care of Mrs. Dr. Tobias who has been engaged to remain at the springs this season. PLEASURE SEEKERS will find plenty of game in the neighboring hills, and mountain trout in all the streams. tor particulars address, : W. A. Perkins, Proprietor Drain Oregon. irmotra, fMAijR msusKs isa A Lite Experience. Remarkable and Quick cures. Trial Packages. Send Btamp tor sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARD & CO. Louisiana, Mo, Eastern Star. The ladies of tho Eastern j Star Chap ter of Roseburg will give a MUSICAL SOIREE at j SLOCUM'S OPERA; HOUSE Wednesday Evening, May 5th 1886. Admission j 50cts. Children half price. Tickets for sale at Abrahams store, al so reserved seats without extra charge. PHILIP SAUTER, merchant Tailor, "TTEEPS a large and complete assortment of gam pics ot the very bi Jt materials and latest styles. CLOTKING MADE TO ORDEB A perfect FIT Guaranteed Cleaning and ; Repairing done neat at Reasonable rates. SlIOl' Opposite MISER'S Moat Mirkct, on Jackson Street. ROSEBURG, - OREGON. Administrators i Notice. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon in and for Douglas County, in the matter of the ettate oi w. v. snclton aee'd. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE mrDEE XI signed has by the County Court of Domrlaf County, State ot Oregon been appointed AdminU trator of the Estate of W. D. Shelton dee'd where fore all persona indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against the same will present their ciaims against the said estate, duly verified to the undersigned at his residence near Wilbur in said County or at the nice oi t . v. r uuerwn in noseourz uregou. N. Labalt. Dated March 30. 18S8. Administrator. NOTICE. AU persons holding any bills against me are notified to present the same for payment, and all persons knowing themselves indebted to to me are requested to make immediate pay? ment. : John R. Daniels, Roseburg, Oregon, TO THE BEST Hair restorative In the world Is Hall's Hair Bknewer. It cures all diseases of the scalp, and stimulates the hair elands to healthful action. It stops the falling of the hair; prevents its turuintr pray: cures baldness, and restores youthful color and Iresnness 01 appearance 10 ncaas sireauy white with ape. The following are a few illustrations oi wnat is uone Dy HALL'S ITEgBtahlB Sicilian HAIR RENEWER: a Mbs. Httnsberbt. 844 Franklin Ant.. Brooklyn, IT. Y., after a severe attack of Ery slpelaa In the head, found her hair already gray falling oil so rapidly that ebe moan Decame quite bald. Ono bottle of IIali.'s Hair Kk HBWZB brought it back ns soft, brottn and thick aa when sho was o girl. n Ha. Kbslino. an old farmer, near War- taw, Ind., had scarcely any hair left, and what little there was of it had become nearly white. One bottle of Hall's Hair Rbneweh stopped its falling out, and gave him a thick, luxuriant header hair, aa Drown ana ireen as ne ever naa. jmt Mrs. A. T. Wall, Greenfield, Cheshire, JEna.. writes : "1 have found the greatest ben efit from the use of Haix's Hair Eknewkk, it having restored my hair, which was rapily fall, ing off, and returned its original color." bis- Dr. Exil Skit, Detroit, Mich., certifies that "Hall's Hair Kenewer la excellent for hair growing, and gives back the natural color to faded and gray cair." . j3- Mrs. 8. E. Elliott, Glentille, W. Va., says: "uncuotueoi halls iiaib kekewer restored my hair to its natural, youthful color." No iniurlous substances enter into the composition of Hall's Hair Renewer, and it is not a dye. Its vegetable ingre dients render it in tho highest degree bene ficial to tne scaip as a preventive oi dis ease. Its effects are natural and lasting, and it does not make the hair dry and brashv. like the so-called restoratives com pounded with alcohol. Buckingham's Dye 7 i FOB THE WHISKERS Is, in four respects, superior to all others. 1st it will produce a rifh, natural color, brown or black, ns desired. 2d The color so produced is permanent, cannot be washed off. and will not soil any thing with which it tomes in contact. 3d It is a single preparation, and more convenient of application than any other hair or whisker dye. 4th It contains no deleterious ingre dients, as do many preparations offered for like use. PREFAHKn BY It. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. IL Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA; VIA OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. R. And Connections. I Fare from Portland to San Francisco 32; to Sacra- I mcnto 830. Close connections mode at Ashland with stage of the California Oregon & Idaho Stage Company. (DAILY EXCEfT SUNDAYS.) East Side Division. BETWEEN TORTLAND & ASHLAND Mail Train LEAVE. I ARRIVE. l Roseimr,; .as p. m. i Ashland 4.45 a. m. I ui iiiiu ........ i .gu.ii i'i I KWUMuttc tau.if it' . Ashland 7.45 P.M. Roseburg.... 5.25 A. M. Portland 4.25 P. M. Roseimrg 5.30 a.m. Albany Express I rain LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 4.0fJM. Lebanon 9.20 P. M. Lebanon 4.45 A.M. Portland 10.05 P. M. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily between A.oony and Asmanu. The O. and C. R. R. Ferry makes connection with all l the regular trains on bastsiuetnv.irom lootoi i St. West Side Division- BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS Sfail Tiain- I.KAVF. I ARRIVE. Portland 9.00 A. M. Corvailis 4.30 P.M. i-orvaius. , ...8.30 A. M. Portland. ...3.20 p. M. JExpress Train. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Port land 6.00 P. M. Mcilinnvillo,. ..5.45 A. il. McMinnville..8.00P. M. Portland ...... 8.30 A. "M. Local tickets for sale and banroare checked a tr com pany's ni town office, cor. Stark and Second streets. Ticket for principal pointsin California can only be procured and baggage checkod at company's officer corner and tront ts., rortiami, or. I Freight will not be received for shipment after fn o'clock P. M. on either the East or West Side Div. R, KOEHLER, E. P. ROOERS. Manager. O. F. & Pass Agent. C-H I OAOO COTTAGE ORGAN Has attained a standard of excellence which admits of no superior. It contains evenr imtrorement that Inventive genius, e mil ana money can produce. OTJK I ' KVKEY i -M OBOAN 1 WAB- 13 I BANTED f FOB TO i - V FIVE EXOElu YEABS Those Orfrans are celebrated for volume, ruality of tone, quick response, artistic desicrn. cauty In finish, perfect construction, making ufin uio moat uesiranm nrcans ror nun schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc. ESTABLISHED BEPUTATIOW. US EQUALED FACILITIES, SKILLED WOBEMEN, BEST MATERIAL, COMBINED, HAKX THIS THE POPULAR OEOfAN Instruction Books and Piano Stools. Catalogues and Prioe Lists, on application, raz CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. Car. Randolph and Ann St.. CHICAGO, ILL Children Cry for PITCHER'S Health and Sleep without Morphine. This paper is kept on file at E. C. Dake'a advertising agency, 64 and 65 Merchants' Ex change, San Francisco, Cal., where contracts for advertising can be made for it. EDUCATIONAL, , OAKLAND. Douglas SuiioolAYeir begins Monday, September 7, 1885. rpilE COURSE OF STU 1 who may attend, but circumstances pre. who may attend. ManKr noblo and brilliant minl r-lnu, .s, . j t... elude their attemlini.' , . - -7 iiuuic vi muni exuen feuch are frequently found the brightest and most promising insc Hence the course of stu ly is made almost as full as that of 1 while the character of instn ctruction is inferior to none - Tuition peii Session I Primary . , First grade Junior class. Second grade Junior class. Twenty-four Lessons , Use of Iustrument Drawing and Painting : . . . FOK CATALOGUE. PAGfe & DRUGS, BOOKS, PAINTS, GLASS, WATCHES, ' PERFUMERIES, COMBS, BRUSHES, $1000 REWARD Will bo given any man EKdOHSOJBr wnn win produce a set enlist o( larjfo exficrt- encc, ana wiUely kiuwn to be an honerablc nian. who Will assert that re Sued cast zinc is not one of the most enduring of all known materials to rryU-JILALLir 33S withstand the actions of SSSS' BKONZE CO.. moo Detroit, Mich. MONUMENTS J. A. Cardwell Agent, - J. J, 07 VSf ii ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC TO FURNISH RYTIIING IN HIS LINE H aving 'atoly fitted u a new STEAM prcjiareil to furn Ish lumber of all rd Time Barn luinbsr and fencing furnished i DO toil WANT ROUGH OR DRESSED Lumber At Fair Do you want to lu 1J next scasoul that it may lo thoroughly seasoned. It will cost no more. ADDRESS; J, O. Jiootft, Staver & 208 to 2,14 FRONT ST. Jfe WSm -S3-, 7,-,Ml Dealers in all kind j of Fatm and Dairy machinery. Vehicles, Binder Twine Belting, Oils and Machine supplies. Send for our handsomely illustrated Cat alogue, mailed free of charge, and write us for terms, and prices before pur chasing elsewhere, anything in any line. ery, at lowest pricesJ Oakland Furniture Store E 33 BEKG. Has on hand a full assortment of all kinds of Furniture, which he will sell you at lower prices than ever offered to the people of Dou He also keeps a fine line of Moul dings for picture framing and window cornice, from 10 to 50 cts. Vwjr foot Also agent for a first clas3 sewing ma chine. BEPAEIHG OF ALL KIKDSICr FURNITURE, ORGANS PIAN O'S ETC. Done at short notice and at reason able rates. EVEBYTHIXG MaIoE To ObDEB. GIVE HIM A CALL. County, OKEGOA. DY TS nnViTfiVCn TO UPIW TUP M7vtftj in a xrtr remote v uwvau VIW j (jBrtaivta school. many of our Colleges, of Twelve "Weeks: .$ 4 00 Ftrst grade Middle cl ass. . . . 5 00 Second grade Middle class. . 6 00 Senior class.. IVtusic. ...8 7 00 ... 8 00 ... 9 00 $12 00 2 50 .$4 00 to 12 00 GEORGE T. RUSSELL, Principal. DIMMICK, - - - - ORSGON DEALERS IN STATIONERY, OILS, VARNISHES, PUTTY, TRUSSES, JEWELRY, TOILET GOODS PROPRIETARY ARTICLES, ETC. WHITE BRONZE AND STATUARY Were awarded the -GOLD MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR, New Orlsaxs, 1 8 8 4-5 Ronumcrim. Desigtjsami Jacksonville, Oregon ITBETT THAT HE IS NOW PREPARED SAW MILL on South Deer creek, is kinds on short notice at Prices. on short notice. J. J. WHITSETT Prices? If so liavo your lumber sawed now V Cleveland, Or, II. A, Booth, Drain Or. Walker, PORTLAND, OREGON, We will give you THE best machln OREGON PACIFIC R.R. Willamette Valley to San francisco Via-Yaqnina- TRAINS LEAVE CORVALLIS ' Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 9 A. M. LEAVE YAqCIJTA V Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 8 A. Jt. The fine A 1 St eamsblp ' From Taquina Yaquina" taila From San Francisco Sunday, April 25tb, I Monday May Srd, Sunday, May 9th, I Saturday, " 15tb, Thursday " 20th, I Thursday " 26th, Wed'y, June 2nd, Wednesday, June 9th, The Company reserves the right to change sailing days. Fares and Freight at reduced and moderate rate. , River Boats on the Willamette connect a Corvallie. For further Information apply to C. C. Hogue A O. F. P. Aft., Coivallis nKUHITYfrcmAHHOYArrcii 1 ' ft il il ( Hade only of th finest and bestqaal ity of GlaM for wUbataBdixts; beat. Every .rood ttdnsf la Counter feited, and consumers are OAIT- . tzo2tzz Bgoixnrt xrra.TiONS ot these Chimneys made of VERY POOH GLASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and . bright Glass. . . HannfiMtnrcd OKLT by GEO. A. LI ACOETH & CO. Plttabnrsjb Iad Glass Works. TOR SALE BY DEALERS. MRS E. F.0HTCHKISS, FINE MILLINERY AND sjEAT Ti RESSM AKIXG . ROSEBURG OREGON.' W1 ILL FURNISH TOU THE BEST AND FINEST Good in the market. Ladies Wear. Luces. Ruchingg, Hosiery and Jewelry. . The dressmaking department is in skillful hands, and under the immediate supervision of Mrs. llotchkiss. CALL AND SEE. NEAR THE DEPOT. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Summosis. In the Circuit Court in and for Doog'as Countv, State ol Oregon. John Standlcy Plaintiff vs - Cyrus Smith, John S. Milier, Prudence George, Re becca Pane and Ellen Hopkins, Defendant. Action at law to recorcr real property and damages. To John' 3. Miller, Prudence George, Rebecca Pane, and Ellon Hopkins, above nanied defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer tha complaint filed against yu by ' the plaintiff John Standley in the above entitled Court and actiou on or before the first da of t he next regular term of said Court towit: the first Monday the 3d day of May 18S0-, and if you fail so to answer the said complaint, the plaintiff will take judgement against you and ' each of you, for the relief demanded in his complaint, and that is for the recovery of an undivided one eighth Interest in feeof ajl that part of Section twenty-two (22) on tho East side of the South Umnqaa River in Township Twenty eight (28) South Range six (6) West of Willamette meridian formerly owned and possessed by Aiauson Miller Sr.; also the South- east ouarter of the North-east quarter, West half of the North-east quarter, xorth half of the South east quarter, North-wet quarter, Sorth half of South west quarter, and 8outh-west quarter of South-west turter ot Soction twantky tfcre (&t)H tn Township ' Twenty-eight (28) South Range six (6) west of. Will amette meridian containing in all about six hundred and forty acres, excepting therefrom the following described portion thereof set off and admeasured to Susan Miller the wife of AJausjn Miller deceased, as her dower interest therein town: Beginning at a stake outside of the fence at the South -oast corner of the orchard running North to a stake at the South east ot tne stocK wen, tnence nortn to a stoke Stan o ing on south bank of tho Creek or branch, down said Creek or branch following its meandering to its junction at South Umpqiia river; thence up said river to wnere soutn line 01 ine neia fence joins to the river at a black oak tree about eighteen inches In diameter, thence following said fence with all its angles easterly to the place of beginning including orchard, dwelling House, outbuilding, barns, sheds, and cotr.'.lsand appurtenances thereunto belonging; ror hfty dollars aamages for the wrongful -Uh hold ing of said premises and tor the costs and disburse- menu incurred herein. This summons is published by order of Hon. R. S. Bean. Judtre of the said Circuit Court for Douirlas County, State of Oregon, made and entered the 0th day of March lt?6. J. C. FfLLERTOS J. V. UAMILTOX, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summon:. In the Circuit Court in the State of Oresron. in for the County of Douglas. wm. E. Weekly, Plaiutiff vs. Peter Ovcrholtzcr and Hannah Overholt2er, Andrew Hoover aud Harriett Hoover, Defendants. Suit in Equity to foreclose a mortgage. To Peter Overholtzcr and Hannah Ovcrholtzcr the above named defendants. You and each of yon are hereby required to apnea rand answer the complaint on file against you in the above entitled Court and Cause wherein Wm. E. Weekly is plaintiff and Peter Overholtzor, Hannah Overholtxer, Andrew Hoover, and Harriett Hooter are defendant same being a suit to foreclose a mortgago on resl property, 011 or before the first day ot the next regular term thereof to wit: On Monday Srd dav ot Mav 1SS6. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said oomplaint, as above required,' the said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded iu-the said complaint towit; That the defendants and each of them and all persons claim ing under them subsequent to the commencement of this suit may be foreclosed of all Equity of re demption or other interest in the mortgaged prem ises described in the complaint. That the same may be sold embracing within said diacribed acre the water rights, mill, machinory, and appurtenances thereon and the proceeds of such sale be applied to the payment of the costs and expenses of this suit including seventy five dollars attorneys fees and the amount due on said note and mortgage, with inter est as therein provided that tbe defendant Peter Oyerholtzer may be adjudged to pay any deficiency that may remain after applying all said nionevs so applicable thereto That plaintiff have such other and farther re! let as the Court may detro, pwicr. This summons is published by an order of Hon. R. 8. Bean, Judge of said Court made on the 11, day of March 1684, Laics ft Lit, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE, of Application to Purchase Timber Laud. f-OTICE IS HEREBY OIVESf THAT, IXCOMPM- ance with the provisions of the act of Congreas approved June 3, 1879, entitled "An act for the sale ot Timber Lands in tbe States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Peter Blake, whose post-office address is Gardiner, Douglas Coun ty, Oregon, has this day filed In this office lis appli cation to purchase the N. E. 1 of N. W. J Section No. 14, in Township No. S3 South, Range No. 12 West-of the Willamette meridian. All lunran hr.M. Kg any adverse claim thereto areieauiredto the same at this office within sixty days from the first pub llcati on of this notice. W, f, Bsjtj a Rejrlster. Dated this Mb day of March im. - NOTICE, of Application to Purchase Timber Land. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN COMPL1 ance with the provisions of the act of Congress approved June S, 1878. entitled "in act for the sale Co. Or., has this day filed in this office his appli- cation 10 purcnase tne H. W. i of S. E. J & 8. E. i ol S. W.J Section N o. 20, in Township No, 25 South Range No. 6 West, of the Willamette meridian. All persons holding any adverse claim thereto are re quired to present the same at this office within sixty days from the first publication of this notice Dated Jtar. 8th 1830. W. F. Regis t r. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION tention to make final proof ri etsmu of his claim, and that said proof will be roette before the Register or Receiver at Roeebusg, Oregrm, on Saturday, Hay 14th, 1386, vis. Samuel Hebard, Homestead No. 3320 for the 8. E. J sec. 90 Tp. 2i South, of Range 7 West W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his connuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, Tlx: Jonathan Baker, H. D. Germand, B. W. f Prague, W, B. Clarke, ail of Umpqui Ferry, W. F. filNJAMCf, Reg1e 1 i 7 " JT -:T