Newspaper Page Text
ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, MAY, 28, 1886. REGULAR DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. For Congress, NL BUTLER, Of Polk. For Supreme Judge, R. S.STRAHAN, Of Linn. For Governor, SYLVESTER PENNOYEI., Of Multnomah. For Secretary of State, R. F. GIBONS, Of Wasco. ForTreasarer,. G. W. WEBB, Of Umatilla. ForState Printer, CHARLES NICKELL, Of Jackson. Supfc. of Public Instruction, NAPOLEON DAVIS, Of Washington. For! Judge 2nd Judicial District, JOHN BURNETT; Of Benton. Fer District. Attorney, 2nd Judicial District. J. W. HAMILTON, Of Douglas. REGULAR DOUGLAS COUN TY DEMOCRATIC TICKET FOB REPRESENTATIVES. B. WAITE, F. A. METZ, F. V. L. ARRINGTON, HUGH McKENZIE. FOB SHERIFF. B. C. AGEE. for cocicty clerk. T. R. SHERIDAN. FOR TREASURER. D. S. WIJET. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. J..S. FITZHUGH. FOR COMMISSIONERS. A. LAMB. JOHN HALL FOR SURVEYOR. .Win. TH1EL FOR ASSESSOR. - . - HC.SACRY, IV SCHOQL SUPERINTENDENT - G. T. RUSSELL. ' FQR CORONER. THOMAS GRAHAM. DEER CREEK PRECINCT. JUSTICES. TJ L. GANNON, JAS. HARPHAM CONSTABLE. PETER JUNGER. CANYONVIIXB PRECINCT. JUSTICE CHARLES BEALMAN. CONSTABLE. JACOB YOKUM. For Swine running atlarge. YES. NO. "A. DIRTY TZ1XG." The above caption heads an article published in the PJaindaaler last week which, to the mind of 'anyone of the most ordinary' culture, would prove that"S. S." (which being interpreted means Sinful Sally) though a good speaker on the hustings, yet when he puts pen to paper he commits his greatest blunders. The "dirtiest" thing in the whole article is that he wrote that with the intention of diverting the minds of its readers, and to impress them that we were working against Miss Kent because she is a women. But your trick was gauzy. Our friend" ship for Miss Kent did not develop just a few weeks before election, and then destined to die with the sunset on J une 7th, 1886. We speak what we believe to be true when we say we are sure that Miss Kent is qualified. That is not the question. Neither are we to be goverened by the concentra ted intelligence Of Multnomah county, for their delegations to the late Legis latures of Oregon prove almost beyond a doubt, that they did1 not know that they had a State Constitution at all It is simply this, is a women eligible under the laws of Oregon to the office of County School Supt. Wo think not and said so. Every Attorney in Rose bun; is of the same opinion as we are, from the oldest to the youngest, except possibly one, and he says "that he voted for woman suffrage, and is no doubt biased in that direction." You might as well suppose a boy in his minority eligible to this office, as to suppose a lady is. The first legal decision a women would make in the division of a school district, would be appealed by the defeated party, and her ineligibility would be one of the grounds of the ap pearand if the court sustain the ap peal, which we are satisfied it would, you see at once, what a oonf usion our schools would be in, in Douglas county. O Bro. Owens, Bro. Owens, would jou violate the constitution of your state to gratify your ambition, rather than ac knowledge you are wrong? No sir, if Miss Kent was eligible to the offie, we would be as anxious to give her our vote as you would. Suppose Miss Kent was on the Democratic or Re publican ticket this year, would you vote for her? No vou would not, for sho then would be on the wrong plat form. But she would be a women just the same. O my Bro. "how the mighty have fallen." Please when you write, write discreetly, don't say "you ar8 a liar," you are a "Jack" "a," "a," but avoid Billingsgate, for it is no ar gument Let the people know that your stock in trade is not vile epithets, (if you can) but give a reason for what you say, and say it gentlemanly. Vote the Democratic ticket and you will, thereby, lay the foundation for prohibition. COMMUX1CATIOX. E.DITOR OF HEVIEW: WIlO OWnS Review: Who owns and runs the Plaindealert Is it owned and run by a Republican in the inter- Hon. Binger Hermann is posing him est of the Republican party? Or is it self for Congress, not directly prohibi controlled and run ' bv the leaders of I tionisL but above and bevond such the third party who are endeavoring to carry cold water on one shoulder and the Republican punch bowl on the people in which he says that at recep otherl I am led to make .these en- tiona in Washington his srlass or classes quiries not merely from idle curiosity, but, that the public may know who it is that has recently launched forth in-1 to the journalistic field with such reck- less disregard of newspaper etiquette as characterizes the Plaindealer under its present managemement. We observed in the last issue of that pa per a cowardly attack made upon the Editor of The Review under anony- mous b. wlucu two letters are no doubt the correct termini of what the! would be correspondent writes himself down in his article lacking only the prefix A. Iso gentleman of breeding or newspaper culture will answer or criticise an editorial under the cloak of anonde plume. Irom the garbled Billingsgate which characterized the article in question we are safe in say mz that it never emulated irom a modern Chesterfield. The writer ex hibits a profound knowledge of the aw tnat would put to sname toe shades of a Kent or Blackstone wncn ne asserts tnat tne omce oi i i V t j V I ocnooi superintendent is not a county office referred to by the constitution, Section 6 of article 6 of the constitu-1 tion of Oregon provides "There shall be elected in each county, by the qual- J inea electors tnereoi at tne time or. holding general elections a county Clerk, Treasurer, Sheriff, Coroner and Surveyor who shall severally hold their offices for the term of two years. Section 7 of said article provides "Such other county, township precinct I and city officers as may be necessary I shall be elected or appointed in such manner as may be prescribed by law. aection o provides that "JNO person shall be elected or appointed to a coun- ty office who shall not be an elector of j the county, and all county, township piecinct and city officers shall keep their respective offices at such places therein, and perform such duties as may be prescribed by law." - The logic of S. S.' position is that nnv nArann nnf on elwfnr nf fli nnnlv may hold any county, township or city office except those enumerated in sec- tion 6, because the offices are , created since the adoption of the constitution. To claim that a woman who is not an elector of the county can held ' the office of Coroner or Justice of the Peace would at once show the falacy of his iosition. If these disaffected office seekers who are leading the third party in this county with the purpose and iptent to defeat certain Democratic candidates, own the Plain dealer why do they not have the hon esty to cOme out and espouse their third party movement in their jour nal. Is it because they are afraid of suffering pecuniary losses in their newspaper venture, or is it because they are insincere in their third party movement and are using it only as a means of defeating Democratic nomi nees? The shallowness of their preten sions are too gauzy to cover the in iquity of their real purpose which is revenge upon the Democratic party which they are too vacillating and un able to lead. C Ball. Beware!. Democrats, as the day of election draws nigh we have occasion to warn you beware of the Oregonian. As its constant readers can attest for eigh teen months in every two years it is thoroughly Democratic but look out for the next1 six months just preceding election. At the. present day it is abusing Hon. Thos. Cornelius, Repub lican candidate for Governor, and throws cold water on Pennoyer. It is a reproduction of Barnums "what is it?" Neither fish, flesh nor fowl. Give the cold shoulder to it and vote your sentiments, Harvey Scott to the contrary, notwithstanding. Measure men by their merits and not by the es timate of the Oregonian. -Remember a few years ago when the choice for Congress was" to be submitted to" and selected fromjarmers, the Oregonian suggested the name of Cornelius as pre-eminently best fitted. Can this change of opinion be accounted for. No more so than his change of opinion concerning Hon. R. S. Strahan, the Democratic nominee for supreme judge, Immediately after nomination he pro nounced him & good lawyer and a wise selection. Has Strahan changed since then or is it a fact that the Oregonian is a political well, humbuz. We re- A. peat voters stand by yonr own judg ment and vote to conserve the best results and we will be satisfied. Sylvester Pexnoyeris not only the woikingman's: candidate, but also is the choice cf a large majority of the business people, irrespective of politics. The Portland Journal of Commerce, the leading exponent of the business men of the metropolis, in its last issue, comes out warmly in favor, of Mr. P. devoting a whole column in presenting his claims. Even Republicans now admit the certainty of his election. The Democratic county nominees are the men to stand by. Correspondence. Roseburg, May 24, 1886. Ed. Review: lain informed that limited character. , In other words, he has written letters to temperance of various kind of wines, whilst others have been emptied, remained (his Hermann's) untouched. . Thi if true, was a very stupid thing to boast of, because he thereby arrogates unto him self either a purity superior to his compatriots in Congress or a lack of confidence in their iudzment of the bogeret of the wine or that he wanted to make an impression in Oregon un worthy his deserts. I do not desire to comment upon the fact that he secured appropriations for harbor improvements immediately cohtributive to Coos Bay and Roseburg a long, a very long wat below the recommendations of the Democratic war department, but 1 1 do really want to know what has been his true whiskey reoord. Until re- certify he kept a store at Myrtle Point, Coos county Oregon, whereas he or his servants sold whiskey ;it perfect liberty. He bought "much of the ardent from John Flanagan of Empire City, re tailed the same and upon a certain oc casion his brother, brother-in-law and ) .a - . . an irishman, all his clerks, were indicted for selline liauor under bis direction without county license, His brother Emanuel plead guilty and was duly punished, but Hon, derived the benent oi all these cnmi nal sales. ; Upon what a slender thread hangs everlasting Jiypocrisy? He is remote and indirect relative of Hon W. F. Owens who is sending forth concentrated venom upon Hon. N. L, Butler the Democratic candidate for Congress. Will Owens be any mon secure in voting for Hon. G. M. Miller than she was in voting for Hon. Job Myers two years ago. If such is Miller's strength his race ia a farce. Let every honest voter, his predilections as Uhey may, be on his guard the day of this election, and rebuke chicanery, de- ceit and conspiracy f nd of those that mav be there. I am sure of one and it that's 'The Truth, lhe Democratic HmeS has tQIS 10 say of the Democracy of Douglas coun ty. and T. R. bneridan for Uerk "lhe Democracy of Douglas county have Pced an exceptionally strong ticket in the field,, and though that his gen. end1 been a Republican county, there is every probability that most of the Democratic candidates will be elected The Prohibition party . claims this as one of its strong holds, but it will net elect a single one of its nominees nor cast more than a few hundred votes. If the people of Douglas county know their best interests, they will certainly elect Thos. R. Sheridan County Clerk. He is a gentleman in every sense of the term, thoroughly honest and quali fied, and will make, as he did before, one of the very best clerks in the state. He should be elected bv all means." ' The New York Republican Legisla ture absolutely refused to submit the whiskey question to a vote of the peo pie about two weeks ago. This is the party of progress and high moral ideas. Now Bro. Echo go back twenty years and show what your G. O. P. has done for the people to ask its continuance in power. Audacity is one thing, sound reasoning is quite another. The De mocracy will continue to lead. "Col." Cornelius had a little family difficulty a few years ago, in which his son was killed, and for which his son- in-law is now in the penitentiary. If he is elected Governor he'll probably pardon his son-in-law and have a re union. As to who was to blame in the matter we do not know, but as the son in-law is in the penitentiary, he evi dently was to blame, or else had the least money. C. B. News. Some people are always saying "vote as you pray." . Now this is right, but in order to be consistent we say in a loud voice pray as you vote. Some folks pray prohibition and do not vote it, and "then otfoev tellers vole pro hibition but never pray it or anything else. Now until you begin to pray, shut up about voting. EC. Sacry has given better satis faction than any assessor we have had for a long time. His assessments were fair to the individuals and honorable to the state and county. The business men of the county regard Mr. Sacry as the proper man for assessor for the next two years. And so it shall 1. Why does not Mr. Bronaugh of Portland cancel his lease where the premises are used for whiskey? Mr. Owens of Roseburg would have can celed a lease not long since if the "bev erage" had not been removed from his premises. Mr. Bro.iaudi you have not tried to cancel, nor purchase. (New Northwest.) - "J udge Waldo cares more for legal technicalities and quibbles than for sound principles of justice or common sense." Not particularly complimen tary, coming, as does the above, from a Republican paper. Subscribe for The Review. R. F. Gibons and Gus. W. Webb, Democratic candidates for Secretary of State and Treasurer, are two of the best men in the State, and will poll a heavy vote wnerever Known, coin have much better qualifications for the respective offices than their competitors, are connected with no ring; and the people will find it to their interest to elect them. Exchange, The people have become awfully tired of the manipulation of the State affairs by the Republican bosses of Multnomah, and will set down on ring management on June 7 th in a manner quite forcible and unmistakable. For this reason many of the best Republi cans will vote the Democratic ticket, if none other. A Safeguard. The fatal rapidity .with which slight Colds- and Coughs frequently develop into the gravest maladies of the throat iiiul lungs, is a consideration which should impel every prudent pcrsoa to keep at Imnd, as a household remedy, a bottle of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. Kntliinir ke cives such Immediate relief hint works so sure a cure In all affections . of this class. .That eminent physician. J'rof. F. Sweetzer, of the Maine Medical iS;hool, Brunswick, Me,, says: "Medical science has produced no other ano. dyne expectorant so good as Ann's Cm but - I'ectorai... It ia Invaluable for dlaeaae of tho throat and lungs." - The same opinion is expressed by the well-known Dr. L. J. Addison, of Chicago, . HI., who fays : "I have never found, in thirty-five years of continuous study and practice of medicine, any preparation of so great value aa Atib's Chebrt I'ectobal, for treatment of diseases of tbe throat and lungs. It not only breaks up colds and cures severe cougbs, but ia more effective than anvthlng else in relieving even tbe most serious bronchial and pulmonary affections." AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Is not a new claimant for popular confi dence, hut a medicine which is to-day saving tho lives of the third generation who nave come into being since it was first offered to the public. There is not a household in which this iuvaluabic remedy has once been In troduced where its use has ever been abandoned, and there Is not a person who has ever given it a proper trial for any throat or lung disease suscep tible of cure, who has. not been made well bv it. : ... AYfcR'S CHERRY PECTORAL has, in numberless instances, cured obstinate cases of chronic Bronchitis, Laryngitis, and even acute Pneumonia, and has saved manv natients in the earlier stages of Pulmonary Consumption. It is a medicine that only requires to be taken in small doses, is pleasant to the taste, and Is nnniiml in everv house where there are Children, as there is nothing so (rood as AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL for treat ment of Croup and Whooping tjougn These are nil plain facts, which can bo verified by anybody, and should be re membered by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co., Lowell, Maes. Sold by all Druggists. For Sale. I have for sale a one-half interest in a first-class Shingle Mill, situated on Hubbard Creek. We have & good water power, and the mill is in good running order. I also have a one-ha. interest in all the Shingle Timber on the land on which the mill ia situated, 360 acres, and timber can be run to the mill with very little expense. I will sell for cash, trade or security Apply to J. J.HIMES, Umpqua Ferrv, Oregon. - ni28tf Children Cry for ! PITCHER'S A Health and Sleep without Morphine. $1,000 Reward Mrs. Gen. arsons. Kansas, vim - at-i-uuiicu ny tne aiaie oi Kansas lady com- u ..urm 9 rur aii ncwimeans, in an swer to theinquiry of a reporter, said: "I can not speak too highly of Dr. TURNER'S TREATMENT. My snfferuigs nearly distracted me. My stomach was deranged and ny nervous system was complete ly broken. I suffered from partial paralysW, rheu matism and ncuraljfia. Added to the above symp toms were loss of memory, voice-, appetite and lack of nerve force. -My family physician did me no good and by the advice of a friend, I bought Dr. Turner's: Treatment. Two packages completely cured me I think the treatment is wonderful in it effects, -and recommend it in all cases of general or nervous debility, and diseased condition of the stomach, kid neys, nver and blood,'1 v , J To The Women! j Young or old, if you are suffering from genera I dp bility of the system, headache, backache, pain in one or both sides, general lassitude, bearing down pains in the abdomen, flashes of heat, palpitation of the heart, smothering in the breast, fainting sensations, nervous debility, coughing, neuralgia, wakefulness, lorn of power memory and appetite, weakness of a private nature or barrenness,: We will guarantee to cure you with from 1 to 3 packages of the treatment. As a uterine tonic it has no equal. Mens oumr, middle aged and old, single or married. It is a sum cun foi ds- pepsia, malaria, nervous or general debility, nervous orostratlnn remit. ; ing irom indiscretions of youth or ex- i cesses of maturer years, or overwork of th brain, and it has no equal for curing all forms of nervousness and bashf ulness, caused by over in dulgence, excess or impotence. It has been used successfully in thousands of cases by both men and women, and is the best medicine know for the re pairment of the p recreative powers and restoring vitality. We will gt ran tee that three packages will cure the worn case of debility, causing dimness of sight, defective memory, aversion to society, want of ambition, loss of power, Ac. Each package of Ti-xbr's Tkkatmknt contains all medicines necessary for over one month's treatment, with full and com plete instructions how to exercise, diet, bathe, etc. One bos cures catarrh, ; Price Turners Treatment per package, $1; three packages J2,eent prepaid on receipt of price. Thou sands uf eases of diseases mentioned above have been eured with one package, and knowing as we do its wonderful curative effects, the Trmtmknt having been used in private practice for over thirty years in St. Louis, we will give the following written guarantee: With each order for 3 boxes accompanied by 12, we will send our written guarantee to refund the money if the TaiATMExt does not effect a cure. Send money by postal n ote or at our risk. Address E L. Blake & Co., Sixth and ilarket Streets St. Louis, Mo. - . ti: i . ,m . advertising agency, 64 and 65 Merchants' Ex' chance, San Francisco, CaL, Mhere contracts for advertising can be made for it. HAG 0QD mm t? 't7 'P? ii. ' 5 t PURELY VG5T10UE. Are Yoi Silioius ? i Ite Jftynlitar nrtvr fn il to " -. I " I ch-erfully recommend it to a.ll wlin - rf - n-m Hiiiou Attack or any Disease ca.iwil by a ois arrnnecd Male of thrr I jvtr. X Sc.TV.Mn W R BF.RNARD Do You Want Qood Digestion ? 1 suffered int"nsiv with l-'wl Htntnftfh. Ilrml tirhe, etc A neighbor, Khn hud tainn iVm Llrtr Regulator, Md me it ui a ure nrefor my trouble. The firit dcxe 1 VxM rlieed mf very Much, and in one r's time I was us strong and h -oily as lerer teat. ltisthblmetUfiH I rwr took lor Dyppia. RtcHMoNli, Va. J.S. CRENSHAW. Do You Suffer from Constipation ? Testimony of Hiram Warnfk, Chief-Julk;e of Ga. : " 1 bave used Simmons Liver Regulator fur Constipation of my Bowels caused by a temporary I terangcoKitt of the Liver, for the last ll.u e or four years, and always tri decided benefit." Have You Malaria ? i h me had experience u itti Simmons Livet ticuu a.vr lince 1S6.", and regard it as the great mi mn' leine of the time for dtneasen pecu liar to malnriul region. So iaod a medi cine tieserves universal commendation. REV. M. B. WHARTOH, . Oit. See'u Southern Baptist Tlieologu-at Seminary. Safer and Better than Calomel ! I have been ubje5l to severe spells of Congestion i of the Liver, and have been in the habit of taking from5 to ao graini of calomel, which gncrally laM me up for three or four days. Lately I have been taking Simmons U ver Regulator.whith gave me rc ;. lief, without tmy iiUvrrufttlon to ImnlueM. m Middlbpobt, Ohio. - J- HUGG. V. H.Zeilin& Co., Philadelphia, Pa. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA ' VIA" OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. R. And Connections. TIMK, 2xt DAYS. Fare from Po rtlaud to San Fraucigco $i2; to Sacra Diento $30. Close connections made at Ashland with stages of the California Oregon & Idaho Stage Company (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) East Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND & ASHLAND Mai Train leave. Portland 7.30A.fM. ARRIVE. Roeburj.....lj P. M Roseburg 6.25 P.JM. Ashland 4.1. A. M Ruaebur"....5.25 A. M Portland.... .4.25 P. M Asliluliil.. U.30 r.l.M. Rosebun? 5.30 A.l. Albany Express Train LEAVE. II ARRIVE Portland 4.0f P. '.M. Lebanon. 9.20 P. M Lebanon ..4.45 A. M. Portland... 10.05 P: M Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily between Portland n.t.l AUV.1.....I y The 0. and C. K. R. Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on Last side Ui v. from footof i St, West Side Division- BETWEEN TORTLAND & CORVALLIS If ail Train- LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 9.00 A. M. Corvallis 4.30 P. M Corvallis 8.30 A. M. Portland. . :. . .3.20 P. M Express Train- LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 5.00 P. M. McMinnville. . 8.00 P. M McMiimvUlu.... 5.45 A.M. Portland 8.30 A. M Local t ickcts for gale and bainrasre checked at com pany's up townofflcc. cor. Stark and Second streets. Tickets (or principal points in California can only be n.mtliparl attrl 1 1 1 m ..IimIf.iI m Ann. nn 11 ir'a ..ffau. corner and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Freight will not be received for shipment after J o'clock P. M. on either the East or West Side Div R. KOEHLER. E. P. ROGERS. Manager. O. F. & Pass Agent. DR. JORDAN'S Museum of Anatomy 751 Market Street SAN FRANCISCO. G1 0 AND LEARN HOW TO AVOID I" disease, and how wonderfully you are made. Private Ottice, 211 Geary Street. Consultation on lost manhood and alt diseases men. Send for Books. A Good Blacksmith Shop and Wagon Shop Combined. Lot 40 feet by 110 feet, situated on Main Street, Roseburg, also two lots of tools. One new dwelling house and three acres of land. House 26 by 30 feet two stones high, situated in the sub urbs of the City.- Commanding a beautiful view of the Town. For further particulars call at the Blacksmith Shop of Bowen Brothers, Roseburg Or. s N0WDEN CPRINGS ! VJ This health, and pleasure resort is now open for the reception of guests. The hotel has been thoroughly renovated, side walks relain, and a new bath house built. Hot & Cold Baths for the accomodation of its guests can lie had at any time. Situated as it is, two miles south of Drain station, on the O.&O. R. R. it is the most accessible Health and Pleasure Resort in the Stale ot Oregon. Passenger trains stop at the platform in front 01 the door. INVALIDS will find the use of the water from these min eral springs to be of great benefit. They ex pel the poison malaria from the system A sure cure for Fever ,md Ague A regulator for all Liver and Kidney diseases. The hot baths cure diseases of the skin and relieves Rheumatic pains. Females suffering from diseases peculiar to iheirsex will find it greatly to their advantage to place themselves under the care of Mrs. Dr. Tobias who has been engaged to remain at lhe springs this season. PLEASURE SEEKERS will find plenty of game in the neighboring hills, and mountain trout in all (Jie streams. For particulars address, W. A. Perkins, Proprietor Drain Oregon. PHILIP SAUTER, tlerchant 3aUor, -m. . r i-.i . i I i . 1 o m iarK aim complete assortment of sum- pies of the very best materials and latest styles. CLOTHING MADE TO 0RDEB A perfect FIT Guaranteed . Weaning . arid . Repairing done at Reasonable rates. SHOP Op osite jBlTSEKS Meat Market, on Jackson Street. ROSEBURG, OREGON. For Sale! AT OAKLAND OREGON. House and tot with barn, and other buildings, (3) three acres of land, also household furniture, and one safe,, and one organ. Inquire of J. II, Wilson, Oakland Oregon. MTfun mm mini) BUUHll 1 llllii lAJUU Wholesale -DEALERS Lumber, Sugar Pine, Yellow Pine, soned in Our DRY HOUSE When Desir ed. 9 ALSO Slanunti'tfi'rcrsof Sah V Doors Our Factory is now iu full operation and we and Offick Fittings, and Sckoi.l work at lowest Iij;ure8. We solicit correspon dence which is assured prompt attention. Makes. The Very Best Lumber. ROUGH iietJI.... RUSTIC ier M .. FLOORING per M . Situated 15 miles from Roseburg on North Unipqua. Good" loada in Summer 1000 1(KWA1!I Hill be given any ihrii who will pruduce a sci entist dt larire exiieri- EKDDrlSnirlY ciicc, and widely known to be an honorable man, who Will assert that re- flued cast zinc is not one of the most end urn all known materia withstand the actions ins of fsfflfr Z8 the w rather. DETROIT CKONZE CO., Uetruit, Mich, 45000 era err , V LI 1 4 m . .. f E 1 MONUMENTS J. A. Cardwell, Agent, - X J. WHETSETT " ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC TO FURNISH ISVIiRYTIIIlVO IN HIS LINE H aving -alely fitted up a new STEAM prepared to furnish lumber of all Hard Time Barn lumbar and fencing furnished DO YOU WANT ROUGH OR Lumber At Fair Prices? Do you want to build next seasonl If so have your lumber sawed now that it may be thoroughly seasoned. It will coat no more. ADDRESS: ! i J. O. Jiooth, Cleveland, Or. It. A. Booth, Drain Or Staver & 208 to 214 FRONT ST. Dealers in all kinds of Farm and Dairy machinery, Vehicles, Binder Twine Belting, Oils and Machine supplies. Send for our handsomely illustrated Cat alogue, mailed free of charge, and write us for terms, and prices before jur chasing elsewhere, anything in any line. We will give you the best niacin n ery, at lowest prices. FOR SALE, The undersigned offers for sale at her residence on Deer creek the follow ing described property: 1 mower 1 hay rake, 1 fan mill, 1 hay fork, . 2 wagons, 1 harrow, 1 large iron kettle, 30 geese, 20 hogs, ; plows -and many other useful things about a ranch, in cluding one cider mill. Sale on June 26th, 18?6. Terms cash, or six months on time without interest Mrs. Serexa Adams. ijtsiutsA nwLja niaum as ntmirri y jimm-i ngri? A Life Experience. Bemarkable and Quick cores. Trial Packages. Send Btamp Cor sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARD A CO. Louisiana, Mo. i ill u IJ1 and Retail IN- Fir and Oak, Well .Sea in nil Sizes and Quantities. can offer a.n a specialty all kinds uf Stoiik SrvAii Pink D.ok k Lcmbek Co. Grants Fass, Orcgou. MIMA sa.oo ....eir.oo . .si 7.00. Cameron & Co. Managers. WHITE BRONZE -AN D- STATUARY Were awarded the GOLD MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR, Nkw Orleans, 1 8 H -1 - mi Designs arjel jPrioea on Jacksonville, Oregon THAT HE IS NOW PREPARED SAW MILL on South Deer creek, is kinds on short notice at Prices. on short notice. J. J. WUITSETT. Walker, PORTLAND, OREGON,1 OREGON PACIFIC R.R. Willamette Valley to San francisco Via. Yaqniaa. TRAINS LEAVE CORVALLIS Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 9 A. M. LEAVE YAQflXA Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 8 A. M. The fine A 1 Steamship "Yaquina" sail rTom Yaquina From San Francisco Sunday, April Tuesday, May Monday, May Tuesday, June 25th, 11th, 24th, 8th, j Wednesday May 5th, Wednesday. ' 10th I Tuesday, June 1st, I Thursday, June 17th. The Company reserves the ri(rht to change ""J- a res and Freight at reduced an. moderate rates. " Biver Boats Corrallie, on the Willamette connecting Fur further luformation apply to C. C. If og-ne A. O. F. Aff't., CorvaJlis. DRESSED nnuniTYfromANNDYAfiCE biff JLlk il EW WPal. Out 30111, 1831 i ' Had only of the flnnt and bMtqnal. ity of Glass for wiUuttandlng heal. Every good thingr is Counter feited, and consumers are CAU TIONED against IMITATIONS of these Chimneys made of VERY POOR GLASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright Glass. Hanafatarcd OXI.T by GEO. A. UACCETH & CO. Pittsburgh Ieari disss Works. FORT SALE BY DEALERS. CH IC AO COTTAGE ORG AW - Has attained a standard of cxceUenee whlcB tdmiu of no superior. It contains every improvement that inventive genius, skill and money can produce. Those Orfrans are celebrated for vilunic, quality of tone, quick response, artistic di-sinn. Beauty in finish, perfect construction, making them the most desirable organs for Uoiuts, schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc. ESTABLI8IIED REPUTATION. VXEQTJAI.ED FACILITIES, SKILLED VOBHHS.V, BEST JIATESUAl COMBINED, MAKE THIS THE POPULAR ORGAN Instruction Books and Piano Stools. Catalogues and Vrica Lists, on itppKcation, fseb CHICAGO COTTAGE OHSAN CO, (gr. Randolph and Ann CHICAGO ILL MRS-E. F.H0TCHKISS, FINE MILLINERY AND ROSEUUKC OUKGOX. i " TIU. H UMS1I YOU THE I5KST AND FINEST 1 U'hkU hi the market. Udiss Wear. L;icjK. Kiiciniigs, Husirry and Jewelry. The ilrcssmakini; tlepmtmcnt is in skillful hands, and under the immediate supervision of Mis. llotclikiss. CALL AN I) SEE . N EA R THE I E ! OT For Sale! 400 Head of ewes including 240 lambs, and 40 wethers. InriuirecfE. (J. Young i Co., or James Clienoweth of Oakland Oregon,. or of Sampson fcutlieilin of Fair Oaks at liis faim. ' LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. All persons holding any bills ajjaitist mc arc notified to prtscnt the same Tor payment, and all persons knowing themselves indebted to to me are requested to make immediate pay ment. John R. Daniels, KoAcljurg, Orcpn. Notice. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE I NDF.1LSIGSED has been duly anointed as the adtniui-straUtr of the estate of Aaron D. Jonesdcceased. Now.tlicrefore, all persons knowing theuuclvcs indebted to lhe aid estate will come forward and settle the same without delay; and all ersoin having claims ainst tho estate will present the same to me duly verified withiH six mouths from tbU date. JOHN H. SHITE, Mat 10th, 1880. Administrate. Adiniiiislratovs Notice. . In the Circuit Court .f the Stnlc of Oregon in and for Douglas County, in the ui.-l ter f the ejl?le of W. D. Shelton dee'd. NOTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN THAT THE I'N DEI: urned has by the County Court of Dootrlas County State of Orcjfon en appointed Adminis trator of the Estate .,i W. D. Shelton dee'd - where fore all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and all persons having claima r nst the same wiU present their citinw aifainst said estate, duly verified to tho underws.icd at ffisofj ? Tii i t:ou,lt3r r at the -. . . iuici wn iu ttoseoururejron. Dated March 30, 18S8. Admulistrator. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION Land Office at Roscburs; Oregon, Kay S. 1896. TVTOTICE IS HEREDY GIVEN THAT THE FOL L lowtng-named settler has filed notice of Ins in tention to links Bna! proof in frinport of liis claim and that said proof wiU be made before the Keaiter or Receiver at Roscbursr Laim o.'H., on Wedneeday June 10th, 186X1, viz: Henry Kundley Homentcad No 3611 for the N. W. ) ,4 N. E. , N. 1 of X. W. I i 8. W. of N. W. Sec. 21 T,.. MS. R.0 West 1 HnamM H ft II.. -; -. a . Mumous residerc upcn, and cultivatioj. of said lard Sundley all of Camas Valley, Orejon. ' n W. F. Ekjamix, Kegistor. L, "-- - M AIM J z I .. 1 ! - WAE- IS I BANTED TO p : i FIVE EXCEL. ; ! YKAF.3 a""M,1 ' '- mi i T iu Notice of Final .Settlement. In the County Court ol the State of Ore-on in and lor Douglas County. Io the matter of the estate of J. J. C. Floed Sr. deceased j fUOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Xl dersigned executor of the last will and testa ment of J. C. Heed Sr. deceased has filed in the above entitled court a final aerount of his adminis tratkm of said estate that said court bv its order du ly made and entered, April 27th. 1SS6" fixed Tucsdav the 8th, day of June land at the court room of tiaid court a time and place for hoaxing objections if any there be, to said account and all persons having any objections to said account or the settlement of said estate are .required to apearand file the same at said Urns , . ( F. P. Mojrau executor of HOIebwy Apr 3 1386. 1 the last wUI anltostament Att'a t,.r rl.(