Newspaper Page Text
ROSEBURG REVIEW IS ISSUED FJUDAY MORNINGS BY ' ; THE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. J. II. N BELL, - - Editor. One Year -Six Months -Three Months . . $2 30 - 1 23 - 1 00 ' GESEBAL DIKE0T0B Y. Gkovkb Clevelasd. . ........ .Pn-s'- Thos. F. Bayakd. ..... .Secretary of State Daxikl.T. MASSiNO.Secretery of Treasury. L. Q. C. LAMAIt. .Secretary of the Interior. Wm. U. EsDicorr. Secretary o ar " W. 0 . WmrxEY Secretary of Navy. W. T. Vilas.. . . . i -l'ost Master General . A. II. (Jaklasp.. Attorney General. Morrison K. Waite. ....... .Chief Justice. STATK OF OREGON. J. JI Dolpu. I. II Mitchell . S. Senators. U i vn'ii :p 1 f k r m a n s Congressman, Z.F. Moody ua!'T- R. P. Eabhakt..... ....Sccretaryof State. Edward HirscU .State Treasurer. E. B. McELBOY....Sui,t. Pub. Instruction. W. H. Byabs.... SUt Printer. J. B.Waldo, C.J.,) Wm. I. Lokd, .Supreme Judges. W. W. Tiiayek, ) SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. R. S. IS ham. ...Jutle, J. W -Hamilton .... Prosecuting Attorney. DOUGLAS COUNTY. Jons Emmitt, J. H. Suope; i Senators. ntatives. (S.'.W. Kimball. G. A. Taylob, . . . D. S. West F.W. Besson... E. C. Sacey Clerk. Sheriff. .Treasurer. .School Superintendent. 4 ..... .Assessor, J. S. FlTZHUGH County Judge, Wm. Manning, ) . HtKity Rogers, r jt,Reores A. Hall, C. A. McGee Commissioners. Wm. Tiuel . . - purveyor. Dr. S. S. Marsteks -Coroner. CITY OF ROSEBURG. II. C. Stanton, 1 John Kast, I 1. P. Sheridan, V Trustees. " L. C. W'heeleb, P. Benedict. ; T. Ford Recorder. G. J. liANOEnBEKu Marshal. John Chase .Treasurer. PROFESSIONAL- L F. I.ANE, OHN LANE ANE & LANE, Attorneys at Law. Maiu street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J C. FULLEKTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' briok,' up stairs. s. WI1ITEMOKE M. D. M YRTLE CREEK OREGON. Office at h. iyeu's store. Residence at Henry A. Adams'. R. XV HUNTER M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. AX OXVILLE OREGON K. L. MILLER, M. D SURGEOJf. Homeopathic PhjsiciaiL Oftiice up stairs in the old Sheridan d..:..i. T-1 Ci,.,.nl- T?nl...m (Jregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. . F. G. CEHME, M. D. (Pronounced Ama.) HOMOZOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & Oradiiatc Of The UWIVEBSITY Of Leipzig Germany, j Office & Residence at the house of Geo. W. Day, near R. R. track, Rose- burg. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- BAILEY'S HOTEL. Oakland, Oregon. Board $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, XJTTiils house has lately changed! hands and Is oroti'rblv renovated and refurnished. The travel ing public will find the best of accommodations. No Chinamen Employed. i SMI1H BAILEY. ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS M' rRS. D.C. McCLALLEN Proprietor of tbe McCLALLEN HOTJSE. . . Large Sample Rooms for Commercial i .oiroi .n coach to and from the house Bajnrage deUrere free of charge. DEPOT HOTEL, LAND, OREGON. Thomas, Frop. "Irst Clas SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Itotcl at the Depot of the Railroad. MOOKES UESTAI RANT. (Prii.cipaal Business Street.) xtoseuni-er, Oregon MEALS 25 CENTS, LODGING 25 CENTS v e necp tho Best the Market Affords, i IK VOL. XL GENERAL Samuel Marks,. S. 1 -DEALERS IN- HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND -!' CWTHMJ, DM Crockery, Glassware, - - Provisions, ;' - v and Produce wool tion Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. 8. MABUN & CO - , M. JOSEPHSON. IIW TO Keejs a full line of Dress Goods of every variety and Shade. A full line-f Silks. A full line of Satins, Brocades and Velvets. A full line of Fancy Dress Goods. A full lino of Hosiery. A full line of Clothing. o Pi m o b A full line of Furnishing Goods. A full line of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Tobaccos. A full line of Crockery and Glassware. And last, but not' least, a full line of Ostrich Plumes and Tips, with all kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and Hat Shapes of latest pattern. -COMB .3STX M JOSEPHSON. All Kinds Of Fancy Groceries, Stationery Photograph and Perfumery, Autograph Albums Crockery and Stand, Hand, and Queens Ware, Hanging Lamps TABLE CUTLERY AND SILVER OTHER THINGS TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Call And See Me At The Post Office Stand. BUTTER AND EGGS BOUGHT. WlfrlMdore conmuTT, Successor to J. DEALER DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. DRUGS and PATENT iVIHDICINES Cheaper than the Cheapest. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, Roseburg, regon, o O o - They would announce that they have just received and now have on hand one of the largest stocks of onesral Hardware, etc. Ever Brought to Douglas, Stoves of all Patterns and Heady-made Tinwar They are prepared to declare they have a..(u.m nMimn riinh thev nronose selline " . ft ghipe of BUILDING MATERIALS, in the way ol Locks, Butts, etc., we ci Aff...M;n. inHnoamAnt tnmirnMen. l uh.u.i , We can give you bargains m trie iouowmg unaaa m ow u. "l"-- BUCK S B0NA5ZA, FABMER S UTILITT, nmrmnv. OCCIDEST. IB0J KING, EMFIKB OiTl V.' liAll UAW'I And othp.r Sioves and Ransres. The best of workmen are constantly We have also bargains to offer in GUN3, such as Winchester, Sharp and other Riflee, as well as Sshotguns and nstois. We are also Agents for tbe wnite, reeriess ana new ouu " "" ' which we sell at the lowest rates and warrant We can also supply Averill and Th iwct n the markeL at lowest rates. rices, and we promise Dr. THOMAS UK All AM, a A GRADUATE iTK.itr of Pa. at Philadelphia and of the nAvar.noi.LEOE OF SURGEONS, and ROYAjL college of PHTSiciAss, lomws mi hS located for ths practice of nis proiesjiou u. rqsEBVRG - " OREGON. rmiro and residence. Washington street opposite the CatboUc Church. MERCHANDISE - Asuer Mark?. KS & Co. GOODS, OROCERi Clears, Boots and Shoes. of every Descrip , Roseburir, Or. o 02 CD o 3 SBI WARE, and TEN THOUSAND D. JOHNSON. I.N BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS and, when added to their tae best supply in their line ofiaiiy house in Cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere can rv US . - r3..envitva t 1J 1.t,. DEXTB, fAvltlu, nil rtr.oi, M ' employed in the manufacture of our TINWAR . , ' ,t.,nv . xt a rarera as complete in eyery rwvw Huteer Paints. ..if l .S, awMV a snniiiiw AC In Give us a """"U"WV"' "H to suit you ygu u. auj vm uu AMMrAwtly mmgm sysSiwejiia. lAera, r Cash nraussM. Don't wast waeroammwmimmmmrwmTwT sla BassMdy Bras, wig vj u malJadtoanyaadresa. Bead 4 oents tat parttcoJars. j WIMOI WICinC CO wmum.. Wash House. Sam Young Prop, i Opposite CARLON'S STABLE. ROSEBURG, OREGON. Douglas County Sank, HUMPHREY '& FLINT, Ro.eWc - r- - - Oregon- TRANSACT A GENERAL (BANKING business Sight Draft Prawn on ' Portland, Sau Francisco, New York aaU otbor points. Bills of exchange on tfce principal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections mad on all accessablepoints at reasonable rates. Joseph shinpler; PROPIU ET 0 R -Of The . : CITY BAKERY -AND ;' " V 7 r . T 'r and Fancy Crackers, etc. AUo a fineBelection of French and American Candies and choc- ! ate Goods. SO.OOOCSKS fcSTOF RECTAL DISEASES! AS ITisin-irt, ri'iivitas-aiii, "Fistulas luuuo, Polyputt Iteotl. ETC., ET0., . CURED IN 6 YEARS BY THE BRINKERHOFF SYSTEM lr. J. B. Pllkiutrtou rroprietor of tbe Portland ete and ear Infirmary and Va.njtarux for Nertocs Diseases lias been appuiiucd Agent and l'hysician lor this in Oregon & W. T. No everb surqicai. I operations, no fain no loss of blood. In 2 months, have cured several cases In which severe cutting; op rations have failed. Am permitted to refer to Mr Jag. W. Weatlicrford, drogist formerly? of Salem. Mr. Frank Gardiner, maciiiiiest, Mr. R. A. Ratupy Harribburg, and others. If several )aticnts apply will if end one day in each month In Roseburg. Addresj (or pamphlet etc. J. B. 1'ILKINGTON M. D. PORTLAND OK. TDv. Pilkington will lie at the McClallen llonse, Roseburg Saturday May 8th, 1886. r. C. SHERIDAN .Successor toj " i R. S & J. C SHERIDAN, DEALER IN ' , HARDWARE Stoves and Tinware, oseburg, Oregon rpHE unJersiKned takee pleasure in an J. bouncing to tbe public that b selling vrrything,-iii-his line 'at price that - - DEFY COMPETITION! IF YOU WANT- STOVES, AGBIOULTtJiUL TOOLS IE0N, STEEL, HAILS, HRSE3H OES, TINWARE, OUTLEfiY Or any thins; in my line, call and examine my stock ana learn prices betore purchasing else where, as 1 am selling lower than ever. J O. SHERIDAN J. JASKULEK, Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician ALL WORK WARRANTED. j Dealer in Watches, Clock?, Jewelry, I Spectacles and Eyeglasses. A FULL LINK OF CIUARS, TOBACCO A FANCY GOODS milE ONLV RELUBI.R OPTOMER IN Ton 5 A for the nroiwrailluiitment of Sn-ctacles. l)cMt Jt VCIIUIIIV .J 1 1.. 1 1 till I rVWVIV ''" ujw glasses. Office in ilaniilton's Brick Block. A GIFT Send 10 cents postage, and e will mail you free a royal, wl ualilc, sample box of goods that will put yun in the way of making more money at once, than anything else in America, mui sexes oi an ages can live ai noine and work in 8are time, or ail the time. Capital not required. e win start yon. immense pay sure for those who start at once. Sti.vwjn & Co.. Portland Maine. . O. P.TOMPKINS & PURCHASING Agent of ALLKiNDSOF MERCHANDISE A., orders from the country filled on short notice from -- : Every Class or Kind of Goods from" ; First-Class Stock. . I I . . . i Absolutely no charges or coniniLssiofi will be charged for fllKag orders, .' OFFICE: 107 first street, At D. W. Trentice's rortland.Or L. BELFILS1 ansa J-w I feel confident nf tririncr alBfaciion in nil work entniBted to ma in waichea. ciotka. and jf weliT- I I Alan nnair miiainol natllimfntJL -lVa;;rr-""'hrttte olCo i -r- - - T" j. irs ffiLw r w rrr.. VLn , . I i . . - .1 I will also teach any kind of instrumental m nfnrrD iImi rv aaiK4mrf(nn la-lll Hall nn TVtM OLE. TT1 V u"' V- I? wut,Mvu v. WAbCiKlioUUIl eiIU. If lauum x CITY DRf YING DONE WITH DISPATCH. CALL ON J0UN YANBIIBEXs "BLevieWo PRIDAY, JUNE, 4, 1886. Central Hotel! ItOSEIJUItG, OUKGON, OPfOSITE CARLON'S LIVERY STABLE. Board and Lodging per day . . .,.. " . " week ' " Without Lodging.. .$i.oo . S-OO . 4.00 Meals, 25 cents. Lodging, 25 cents - Thorough satisfaction is promised to travel ers and .the public generally. MRS- . GARRISON, i'rv. Joux Kenedy, Clerk. O. C. Perkins, Steward. i No .Chinese employed. 'Opium Habit Cured. I will euro any oue who has con tracted the Opium habit, no matter how long Uaeil, in tour weeks without injurytojlkemsjelves, and bo they will i ire n$ dwir; for Opium gRiii. T k7ria"andiI'riri2: f tu iisfis4 t oflce; in Roaeburg. Comnmnica- . . tions and treatment strictly private. J. Woodruff M. l. Roseburg, Oregon. ivHUBBARD GREEK U ILLS, CLARKE & BAKER, Props. Ilavliig purciiasciT the above named mills I K Etcphons & Co., 'e are now prepaped to furnish any amount of the best qualit y of 1, LljMBEK- sver olfercd to the public in Douglas County, will furnish at the milt at tbe following prices; Sio-1 roiurh lumber S1- We So, 1 flooriug, 6 Inch No. 1 flooring. 4 inch frii M I ...S6 Ml No, 1 fiulabing lumber "M M No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 2 sides 2l M No. I finishing lumber dressed on 4 sides"" JC M - CLARKE Si BAKER. Agee & miller. iNew Butcher Shop We keep all kinds of F11E81I and ninirr 4. I SATISFACTION ASSURED. Hides of all kinds bought. THE OLD RELIABLE r Established in 1867. t ' ' Jacob Biltcr H. PAURY, Merchant Tailor. jn the Red Front, next door to A. C . Marks Store. Repairs and Alterations neatly done. MRS. S. A. IIUTCIILSOS, MILLINERY STORE! Oregon. ADIES WILL FiND MY STOCK LARGE ASD Complete. Trices moderate. dim M Call. Mits. S. A. HirrcHissoJi. The BUYERS' GUIDE Is Issued March and S3ept. each year. 49 80. pafrea, 8xU Inches, with over 3.BOO Uloatravtlona whole Ptetor Oallery. I oivjss nvnoieasue rncti iirr ta matuumer on sul cooda for personal ar famUy sue. Tell bow to order and gives exact cost of everjr iiur von ats. eat drink, wear, or have fan with. These IHVAX.UABLK BOOKS contsdst lnrormauon giesvnea .h. nuketi at the world. W wtU mail si cop FBEB to any ad dress wpom receipt or iu eta. to aeiray exnenae ot maillnsr. ltnshear from yon. - lUaectftUly, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 997 Be 999 Was Aveaae, uaicaco, b AM PREPARED TO . DO FIRST CLASS i Work in this line, and ask a share of thn natronairo of lioseburs and vicin- t------ n . " ity. ELUIXA V. CRUMI. Sext door to h. Belfils Jewelry Store, Bosbeurg Or DR. LIEBIG'S WONDERFUL German Invigorator Men who are suffcrinir Disease and Weakness bro on by early imprudedce or excesses, cauiinr nerrous debilitv. nrrmatnre dccaT. lost manhood, etc., hav ing tried in rain every known remedy should pro cure immediately DK. LIEBIG'S INVIGORATOK No. . THE DOCTOR will azree to forfeit $1,000 or ... . i a m.k Mwiain whv mn i unuci waitciif n s.-incu. ivoovi "j - I m&nv M.tinnt wt mrMl nf woakneflB and ih above 1 diaeaMS la owinir to a cnmnlication called PROSTA I TORRHEA with HvDenesthesia. which reuuircs I mt m inl 1 1 n 1 in i lit Ko... under our I advice and mimm the oniv nosiUVeCUre & pro8tatorrheA. I DR. L1ER1G4CO. for the past nineteen year, I ha v inada an exclusive specialty of h ireatmeutof I v i aiaeaee sot men If Dimnlca annear on the face, if vou become list less and despondent, look out for tlic complication with Seminal Weakness and loss ot Vitality known asProstatorrbea. Hundreds of lives have been lost and thousands have lost their property ana pleasure in life from its effects, Varicocele; or wormy veins of the scrotum, often the unsuspectea cause oi iv Manhood. Debility, etc etc., DR. LIEBIG'S Invig- orator, No. 2, is the only known renied yfor ttt aoove complication, anu a periec y' cure wUl be guaranteed in all cases undertaken une derourspecial advice and treatment. ? Mnut nowcrfnl latrin halta free to OUr ratienW. To prove the wonderful power of the ISVIGORA- TOR, A S3 BOTTLE GIVEN FREE Call or address, Bt- Xdahlg ft Co's Prirato Dispoasary m Gear St. Sut mucisco, tai, v y u naAisin u mzmm Aboolutc.y l?urc. TUi twwder never varies, .. A marvel of purity, streng tfi' and whoicsomeness. . More economical than tbe ordinary kiuds, and cannot be sold in co -petition with the multitude of low test, shout weight alum or pbx)bate powders. Sold ouly iu cons. ROYAL BAKING POWDEE CO., 106 Wall St N. Y. Mrs. R Ereckenridge AGENT FOR W. II. McCOHlIICK, Importer and Manufacturer of MONUMENTSiHEADSTONES Of American and foreign Marble and Scotch Granite. Estimates given for Copiog in Sand Stone, Also Agent for Walker's Iron Fence for Cemeteiy Enclosure. H. C. Stanton -DEALER IN- STAPLE DM GOODS! OF THE BEST QUALITY GENERAL FURNISHING, HOSIERY, TRIMMING Ac. Boots & Shoes OF THE BEST QUALITY, -a full GROCERIES! Wood And Willow AVAUE. CROCKERY ii GLASSWARE, ELECTRIC LAMPS, SCHOOL BOOKS, AND STATIONARY. Subscription AGENCY. Subscription received for all Eastern and European Publications. EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM W Y AN DOTTES, PLYMOUTH ROCKS, BROWN LEGHORNS, THE THREE LEADING VARIE TIES. I KEFP NO OTHERS. Mv six Wyandotte Hens made a record last season of one hundred and twenty six eggs each in six monthr, from January 15th, to July 15th. Aside from their utility they are the handsomest fowl ; have ever handled. Eggs ono setting l two settings 17 three aott'ngsitSJ. My Plymouth Rooks Have always stood at the front for several yeirs, always winning the highest honors wherever On sx hibitiou. Et.'gs one setting 12.50 two settings t4 three settings W. A few choice trios fomle at J10 each. . Single birds from $3 to My Stook of Brown Ieghorns Cannot be but assed in this r any other country, My strain is a direct cross between fowls I imported rom Bofliicr of Massachusetts and Keeferot Illinois. Eggs, one setting $2.50 two settings l three set tings W. A lew extra choice Cockerels for sals si H to 5. All mv fowls have had splendid range, are healthy and finely marked. I guarantee a good natch and perfect satisfaction. Send stamp for handsomely illustrated catalogue. ' Cash must accompany all orders. Address, J. M. GARRISON. Forest OroTO Oregon. N. B. Express charges light, Wells, Kargo Si Co's. express ives special low rates to all my customers. J.H.G. Brewster's Patent Beta Holder. Your lines are whsra you pot then net under boner reek une uni soia u in B days, one dealer sold e dm. In 16 days. BampleswortbliJoraxs. vtnieKJrurm. E. E. BSEWSTEB, Hony, Mich. COFFEE HOUSE MtALS AT ALL HOURS. Meals after 9 o'clock P. M. 50cts. at i - , aK . I other UOUrS ZOCtS. I c , AfnPl-. Rriflr tjvtuiiu uwa uv ws v on Jackson Street, We give the best the market affords Mrs. 11a be y Lambert. NO. 9. TELL THE TKVTB. The "campaign liar" is abroad. No man escapes his slanderous tongue. And now he comes to the front and confidentially informs his friends thit Judge R, S. Strahan is not safe man for Supreme judge. That he w largely interested in swamp lands, both as owner and as Attorney for the land grabber; that he is the salaried Attor ney of the Oregon Pacific, and is there fore a corporation man; that he has for a long time past and is now the Attor ney for the Willamette valley and Cas cade Mountain Wagon Road company. These are the latest charges against Judge Strahan. These charges if true can be proven by recoid evidence. The fact is they are not true. " We have interviewed Judge Strahan to ascertain the facts as they really exist, , and be sides have examined the records of this eotmty,j-where the principal bfflce of the Willamette valley and Cascade Moun tain Wagon Road is located as to that portion of the charges relating to said company, and we give facts as they actually -exist, and we challenge con tradiction. Judge Strahan is not now aivd has never been largely or at all in terested in swamp lands, either as own er. Attorney or otherwise. He Wn not now, nor has heever owned or been interested in a foot of swamp land. He has nevev acted as Attorney at any time in any Bwamc land content of anv kind, excent in the . of K. fin. an actual settler, against Quincy A T Brooks,1 a swamp land grabber. this case the Board of Commissioners hM fW. tl.. l.n precedence over the school land prant Their decision was nuvht fn u w. viewed by Judge Strahan, and the Sur,rm Gnrt. in ftf.b Or ooo yM that determination was not reviewable. But notwithsUudinc this decision. Judee Strahan. after the election of Gov. Thaver. succeeded in ttine tl, Board to reconsider the action of tbJInake tPPe that Mr. Pennoyer is brmer Board, and convinced them that fl, f,, ... o- vuu tvi uiu a. uiiii vr no CllVllOUUD KjSJ otrauan s energy, and rulinar was ob-1 tained which took many thousands of acres from the swamp land claimant and gave them to the school fund, Judge Strahan is not and has never been the salaried Attorney of the Ore - gon Pacific. He has attended to some of the litigation the company has had, as many- other Attorneys have done and as all would be glad to da? Judge Strahari is not now and has never been Attorney for the Willamette Valley & Cascadei Mountain Wagon Road com- pany, either directly or indirectly, ex - cept on one single case in this county about nine years ago. The fact is Hon Gea R. Helm was the Attorney for the company until his death, and then Attorneys in Portland were employed in his place who still have charge of the business of that com pan v. So much for these charges, and we chal- lenee the campaizn liar to show state of facts different from those her in set forth. Judge Strahan is an able lawver an unricht, conscientions man. Heis possessed besides of alt those quahfications so essential to a ccod judge. He is honest and ! faithful to trust. He is an affable, whole- souled sentleman. He treats all alike. knows no sect and has no race nreiu- dices. Can Judge Waldo or his clac- queresay so mucht Albany Democrat The Laborer' Friend. The Democratic ticket in Oregon this year is distinctly recognized asj the workingman's ticket. It is headed by a man who at a trying time did not hesitate to "show his hand" and pub licly proclaim his sympathy with the J ship line. Nearly all of the freig toiling masses. It required no small from California for Southern Oreg amount of nerve to come to the front when Mr. Pennoyer did and speak a word for free labor. He should be remembered to the extent of a vote, at least on election day, by every man who swings an axe, follows a plow, strikes hot iron, solders a tin cup, shoes a horse, shoves a jack plane, dits a post hole, erubs a blackjack, sticks a type. drives a dray horse, runs an engine, tokes a steamboat, cuts cord wood, helps load a ship, digs a ditch, lays department, mewime men wno nave a brick, quarries stone, spreads mortar luaW8 for' wircs waut to U consiJ or does anv other kind of manual labor ei-ed Indians when the annuities are for hire. The man who is not afraid to spend out for free labor when social wi i,n;nra ;. it.' auv vuoiucd voviawiotu ia vuicawuii i forhisdarinsto do so. can well be trused to execute laws framed in free laWa ;nfjirir ZVthu A AT A IS DWXTwrktnro t: A u ii u x jaik-nituin : Mr. Napoleon Davis, of Washington county, a graduate of thoTualtb acade my, has been placed on the Democratic ticket for Superintendent of Public In- struction, in place of J. R. N. Bell Douglas, who declines to accept the nomination. Mr. Davis is an Oregon- ian of ability and excellent reputation, 3 - Ml 3 til 11 1 1 ana wm aouuuras ijuii a ucy yuic Exchange, ROSEBURG REVIEW HAS THE ' FINEST J0D OFFICE IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. CARDS, BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLANKS And other Printing, Including Large and Heavy Posters and Showy Hand-Bills Keatly and Expliously executed AT PORTLAND PRICES. 1 ' J The Hog at the roll: The Coos Ray News correspondent writes our sentiments on the hog ques tion which the voters of Douglas coun ty must vote upon the 7th of June. Editor News: The proposition to confine that necessary nuisance, tbe hog, within proiwr and decent limits is to be Bubniitteil to the populat voto iu the county of Ccos at the approaching general election. It uiav be safely, assumed that the amount of fencing required to protect gardens and grain fields form the depredations of this in stinctire thief -and robber, involves the ex penditure of more time and labor annually than would piy at a fair valuation for double the quantity of pork resulting from bis unrestrained ravages. The long-nosed, Link, filthy, wayside hog is as anprofi table to fatten as he js abominable to behold; Ilia bablta knir a ipearaiice,ar' fearfully suggestive of trichinosis, f He 23 un fit for human food. On the other hand, swine, properly reared and cared for, are pleasing to the eye, economic ally valuable, and yield a rich appe tizing pabulum. Such are only grown under careful management and control. They steal from no man, nor breed strife with anv. Let as have whole- 80,116 and bac0D' honest and clean Jaibok. Another LieXaiteif. A desperate effort haa been made by the Republican ringsters to saddle a lot of wordy trash which was written about twent.v-fivR ycars ag b? man now resiaine in asninron -rr iorv, for a Portland paper, called ihe Arena, UPQ Sylvester Pennoyer. The quietus haS W I,ut tLia effoit o lha campaign liar. His work, somehow or other' is ? "phanouslv thin that any can lbrouSh lt' " is under- 6to0(1 that a ew da8 "tore tUe e- on a te effort will be made to J ellerson LaV18 10 dlsSmse- lhey are arxut ine same ueunit. oreson v 1- I dette. He win Hnre the "Law oh Theni. oL ConieUus rushed into a lead- ng aw fivm tne other day and indig- pantly assured his advisers that the I Democratic papers had asserted- that 1 he had his shirt washed by a China- man, and that he wanted the whole I caboodle sued for libel, in short, as he J expressed it, for "dehmtion ot cuarac- I ter. Lereupon the following col- loquy ensued: . "Well, are the charts truel" Suppose they are what has that 1 to do with the matter!" J But how are you going to prove I malice in the publication?" J ;. Sir, I would hev ycr understand thet in my case tho truth is always malic- j ous." j J udgment for plaintiff. Exchange. Judge Strahan is so well known as a Werwdaman in this district that W words are necessary to introduce nim He 18 Ieaed l n law, and he in- MrP"" ine vr according to its nar- rower IeWer Uis mind is at once lu- minoua and Pcise, and his clear in- 818Qt OI le5ai pnncipies would help to rescue our Highest court from that MnSIe 81 consitent ana contradictory dccwions that now pei-plex every lawyer vho looks to theui for guidance. He I . 1 A -a aw wuPnSnc ana nonoDie and would add both strength and dignity to tua court. Benton Leader. jHcrrtiiimg Bttaine. -ry day we are informed of in- I creasihg business ever the new and J popular short route to San Francisco - 1 via Oregon Pacfic R. R. and stcar- I is now coining through this channel, and if this company continues its fair dealing and courteous treatment they 1 may expect continued patronage and I increased business. We have as yet I failed to hear of any complaints against I them at all. Wail Je orSan8'- Another "impor- American industry" is likely to come to grief, owing to the interior distributed, and white men when it Is time to vote. But becretary Lamar can not see it in that liftht. Tliei-efore this administration has destroyed an- ther industry fostered by the opposi tion party. World. I , 1 1 . ... It is safe to predict that Multnomah county will be sandwiched at the ap- - proaching election by Democratic ma- jonwes irom uui east ana soutn. J Ihat from eastern Oregon will be Ur- of ger than ever before. The Republican majority in this county, peradventure there be one, will be less than that of any preceding election. How does the I it. a! 1.1 t)tl,inlnnmV tuug uas wt uuuuun u t I isn't it E. P. Vindicator, Ind. Rep