OCR Interpretation

The weekly Placer herald. (Auburn, Placer Co. [Calif.]) 1852-1855, September 11, 1852, Image 2

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«M!1) yiflfct ijcrali).
II, 1852.
To theuWizens of Placer County.
Th rough the partiality of friends we
have been selected to the responsible po
sition of publising the first Journal in
Placer County. Although somewhat dif
fident of our abilities, the strong prompt
ings of our inclinations, urge us to the
In becoming a candidate for popular fa
vor, a declaration of principles is due to
the public. This time honored usage we
have no desire to disregard, but will
state, briefly, the principles which will
guide us in the conduction of the “Placer
In all matters of religious or political
Concernment, the “ Herald” will be free
and independent. The peculiar advo
cate of no sect or party, we shall strive)
earnestly to do ‘equal and exact justice’ to
nil. Whenever the interests either of the ;
particular sections in which we live, or
the State at large, may be involved, we l
shall ever feel it our duty to strike for the
right. It will afford us pleasure toap-I
prove the acts of our public men, but
should duty point to a different caurse, we j
shall be bold to condemn. Without j
“friends to reward, or enemies to punish’
we come among you, and trust that our
comeing may be alike pleasurable and
profitable to all.
Placer being peularly a mining
County, we shall labor especially for the
developement of this great branch of in
dustry and source of wealth. That we
may be useful in our vocation, we ear
nestly solicit the aid of intelligent miners.
The opinions of practical men we con
sider by far the most valuable, and the
results of their experience will be dilli
gfently sought, and cheerfully Heralded.
As the name of our Journal would in
dicate, we desire to make it emphatically
a newspaper, and shall spare no pains to
accomplish this object; news items, there
fore, of whatever description, that will
prove interesting to the public, will be
gratefully received.
In conclusion we beg leave to tender
to the citizens of Placer county our ac
knowledgements for tha handsome manner
in which they have been pleased to receive
us, and to pledge our best exertions in se
curing to them a journal worthy of their
confidence and support.
Agents.—San Francisco, John F. Da
mon; Sacramento; Gen. Winn; Placer
county, all the Expresses; Smith Herrick
at Yankee Jim’s, and E. Brown at Spring
Mining News. —Manhattan company,
on Manhattan Bar, four miles from Au
burn, having drained the bed of the river
in their claim, are driving a very good
business, say 50 ounces per day.
Rattlesnake Bar, two and a half miles
below, miners are doing well; Rattle
snake company averaging about SI,OOO
per day.
Dead Man’s Bar co. are also making
excellent averages.
At Horse Shoe Bar there are a large num
ber of people,—many doing very well.
Fluming is carried on very extensively
on the North Fork this year, and gener
ally very successfully from the junction of
North and Middle Fork to Beal’s Bar.
At Smith’s Doton’s Condemned and
Beal’s Bars, from accounts, miners are
doing as well this year as ever they
have done at those places.
Outside. —On onr first page will be
found the proceedings of the Democratic
convention and various items; on the
fourth, a large portion of Gen. McDou
galls Railroad speech.
Mr. Tingley is to reply in a few days,
bis speech,-when it shall have been deli
ivered, will find a place in our columns.
oO~The news from the Atlantic States
by the last steamer was not prolific of in
terest, Commercially there was nothing
to note, and the only political items were
from Missouri and lowa, where partial
election returns had been received, in
the former it t is believed the Democratic
party have triumphed and that col. Ben
an is elected in his district; in the latter,
the returns recieved indicated a demo
cratic triumph,
Suicide. —A man by the name of Jim
Rhine, a member of the Indiana Bar co.,
on the Nprth Fork of Feather river, com
mitted suicide on Saturday last, by jurnp
into the flume and being crushed by
tM Our Informant states that he
had expended about $6OOO and that the
work not yielding equal to his expecta
tions, he threatened to put an end to his
life. He was a native of Tennessee.—
Insanity, growing out of his disappoint
ments is believed to have been the cause
V die rash act.
Our Paper.—' Through the kindness of
friends we are compelled to make our
first number a bad specimen sheet. So
liberally have advertising favors poured
jin upon us, that we have scarcely room
I to make our expected how to the public.
For the many kind wishes for our suc
cess, we return our most warm and heart
felt thanks, but cannot help grumbling at
I the inroads made upon our editorial cal
culations. A long Placer county article,
| upon which we had prided ourselves, is
unavoidably postponed, as are many other
important items. We hope for better
luck in the “good time corning.”
Taking Dinner. —The Indians near
Mineral Bar, North Fork, and the china
men, have not been on good terms of late.
A few days since the Natives watched the
celestials at a ’distance, while they were
cooking their dinner, and us soon as it
was done, made a descent upon them and
run them off, after which they regaled
themselves at the expense of the “broth
ers of the sun.” There was no blood
spilled, but the Indians left the celestial
housekeepers to cleanse their dishes after
they had appeased their hunger, a most
impolite way of trespassing upon neigh
Thanks. —Onr Express friends have
onr thanks for many favors, Adams Sc
Co. were first with tiles from the «#tlan
tie States, but Wells Sc Fargo, and Greg
ory followed close upon their heels.—
They are all kindly remembered. %
Lynching. — On Monday night last a
negro was arrested at Beal’s Bar, for
stealing a watch, A people’s jury was
empannelled, the theft confessed, and
thirty-nine lashes duly administered.
Mend your Wavs. —There might be
some slight improvement in the streets of
Auburn. A word to the wise, kc.
DO” Auburn has had several nar
row escapes from fire recently, all from u
careless leaving of matches. Too much
caution cannot be used to guard against
the devouring element.
Political. ihe citizens uf Placer
county are among the most ardent politi
cians in the State. Since we have been
here, there have been two poles raised at
Ophir, one for either party; two conven
tions held, and three candidates lor Con
gress addressing the dear people.
‘There’s a good time coming, boys!”
DO" We had intended making the Her
ald one column larger to the page, but
fearing that we might get out of paper,
we have decided to curtail the proposed
fair proportions.
‘•Wait a little longer.”
Chinese War. —There was quite an
excitement a day or two since, between
the Chinese and Indians. A report came
in that an Indian had murdered and rob
bed a chinaman, whereupon the celestials
turned out in full force, capt. John sport
ed a large saber, and liberal rewards vv ie
offered for the offenders. Two Indians
were Brought in and lodged in jail over
night, but were turned loose next day,
there being no proof against them. Thus
ended the only excitement which has dis
turbed the quiet of our town for several
weeks past.
\jO~Among the items crowded out, are
a report of the courts—San Francisco
correspondence and local corespondence.
We will make all possible amends in our
Our Job Office. —Every variety of
job printing can bo executed at the office
of the “Placer Herald,” in* the best man
ner and on the shonesi out ICC • cull anil
see !
DO" Thanks to our advertising friends,
their favors have been numerous and are
duly appreciated.
Pursuant to a call from the Conty Cen
tral Committee, the Whigs of Placer
county met in convention on Saturday,
•Sept. 4, 1852, at 2 o’clock, p. m. Mr.
R. D. Hopk ins called the convention to or- i
der by nominating Capt. E. G. Russell,
of Gold Hill, as President, Frank Cald
well and George Ellmore were chosen
Vice Presidents, and J. W. Belden and
R. J. Cravens, Secretaries.
The convention was opened by prayer
by the Rev. Mr. Hunter. On motion, a
committee composed of one from each
precinct was appointed to examine cre
dentials of delegates, and for forming the
basis of representation, absence
of half an hour the committee returned
and mad' the following report: That
each precinct in convention be entitled to
five votes. On motion, the report was
adopted, and the committee discharged.
Nineteen precincts were represented in
On motion, the convention proceeded
to ballot for the State and County officers.
The following ticket was unanimously
nominated for the different offices, to wit’; j
Slate Senator, -James E. Hale. Yan-I
kce Jim’s.
Assembly —John Hancock) ■Surahvdie;
Thomas ILhite, Horse Shoe Bar,
District Attorney— 11. D. Hopkins,
./Zuburn „ .
• Sheriff— Wm. J. Henson, Middle i' ork.
County Clerk — A, S Grant, .Libiiin.
'County Treasurer —Dr, il. Hubbard,
Assessor —J. Bristow, Gold Hill.
Surveyor —George M Till, Ophir,
Public Administrator —Jona. Roberts,
Coroner —J. M. Patterson, Manhattan
On motion of R. D. Hoytkins, it was
Resolved, That this convention unite
with the W higs of El Dorado county in
presenting the name of John M. Howell
to the citizens of the Eleventh District,
tor the office of District Judge.
On motion, a committed ot five, com
posed of J. W, Chism, A. S. Grant, .las,
E. Hale, R. D. Hopkins and T. C. Her*
cher, to draft resolutions expressive of the
sense of this convention, to report at 7
o’clock, p. m. On motion the convention
adjourned until 7 o’clock in tin; evening.
Evening Session. — The convention
was called to order by the President. —
The committee on resolutions reported
the following:
Resolved, That the Whigs of Placer co.
most heartily endorse the .national \Vhig
platform (is adopted by the national Whig
convention at Baltimore, as well as the
platform laid down by the W big State
convention at Sacramento.
Resdved, That the Whigs of Placer
county unite, most cordially with their
brethren throughout the Union in uphold
ing and sustaining the series of compro
mise measures as established by the last
Congress, and that we deprecate the fur
ther agitation of the vexed questions by
those measures so happily and equitably
settled. „
fiJlesovled, That the W bigs of this coun
ty also dordialjy unite with the Whigs
throughout the State and" Union in ad
vocating such a system of national inter
nal improvements as will foster and pro
tect the great, interests of the Republic,
and, as California Whigs, shall most ear
nestly advocate the construction of the
great railroad across the Plains, believing
the same to be strictly national in its
character, and necessary to the develop
ment of the immense resources of our fa
vorite State.
Resolved, That the only reasonable
hope that can be entertained of the ac
complishment of this stupendous work,
and kindred enterprises, such as the re
moval of the obstructions in our naviga
ble rivers, the construction of light hous
es, as well as liberal donations of public
lands, and an equitable arrangement in
regard to the public domain in California,
is to be found in the utmost defeat of
those aspirants to Presidential honors,
Pierce and King; the former having ac
quired bis nomination from the so called
Democratic party by bis uncompromising
hostility, as shown by his speeches and
his every vote to every species of internal
improvement by the general government;
while the chief recommendation of the
latter is to be found in his bitter and un
ceasing opposition to the admission of our
beloved California into the sisterhood of
republican States,
Resolved, That in the nomination and
almost certain election of the great de
fender of the American flag and the pre
server of the integrity of the Union, Gen.
■Scott, and the sound statesman, Wm. A.
Graham, we have an abiding confidence
in the triumph of those principles so dear
to the hearts of all true Whigs.
Resolved, That to these nominees, as
well as to the Whig .State ticket, and the
nominations this day made, we pledge a
handsome majority in Placer county.
On motion of Mr. Guyon, the resolu
tions presented by the committee were
unanimously adopted.
On motion of Mr. .Hopkins, a comrnit
[ tee of two was appointed to wait upon
j Mr. Horace Smith and .Mr. Marshall, of
Sacramento City, and invite them to ad
dress the convention.
Mr, Marshall came forward amid loud
cheers, and addressed the convention.
Horace Smith was loudly called for,
and made an eloquent and able speech,
James E. Hale, the nominee of the
convention tor Senator, made a few re
marks in his usual happy manner,
Mr. Hopkins, from the Whig county
central committee, tendered the resigna
tion of that body, together with their
thanks for the honor conferred upon them.
On motion, the Committee was re-nom
inatcu ana re-elected to serve .is the
county central committee to serve for the
ensuing year. The following gentlemen
compose the committee:
James Munsell, A. S. Grant, J. E.
Hale, 11. D. Hopkins, J. W. Chism, G.
L. Greely.
On motion it was resolved that the pro
ceedings of the convention he published
in the Sacramento Union, San Francisco
Whig, and Placer Herald.
On motion the convention adjourned,
sine die. F. G. RUSSELL, Pres’t.
C. W. Belden, > ~
R. 0. Cravens. s6ecretar,es$ 6ecretar,es -
r jpO the Stockholders of the Bear River
L and Auburn Water and Mining com
\ou are hereby notified that on the 21st
day of June, a. u. 1852, au assessment of
two hundred and r fifty dollars was levied
on each share of stock in the Bear River
and Auburn water and Mining companj,
payable on the 13th day of July, 1852.
a further assessment of one hun
dred and sixty six 66-100 dollars was lev
ied on each share of stock in said compa
ny, payable on the 28th day of «/2ug., 1852.
You will therefore take notice that all
assessments due and unpaid onstock, such
stock shall he delinquent, and forfeited in
accordance with article V sec. 127 m the
Statutes of California, applicable to com
panies for manufacturing, mining, &c.
fill 6w] J. R. CRvfIND.tfLL, Soc'y.
Alta, California Telegraph Co.
VfOTICE is hereby given to the stock
holders that the first instalment of
twenty per cent, on each share subscribed
of the capital stock ol said company) "ill
he receceived on or before the loth ol
September, 1852, by the Treasurer, J.
M. Rhodes, at the Sacramento City Rank;
also at the same time by the following
agents: Win. Gwynn, Auburn; H. Davis,
Nevada; H. A. Sheldon, Grass Valley,
and Rough and Ready; J. U. Phillips,
Placerville. By order of the Board ot
Directors. J. P. OVERTON, Ch’n.
J, W. Gish, Sec’y. sß'td
Members of the crcesushill
.QUARTZ MINING CO. are hereby
notified that a meeting of the company
will he held at the office of P. W. 1 hom
as & R. D. Hopkins, in Auburn, on the
15th day of September, 1852, at 7 o’clock
p. M., for the purpose ot electing
of the company. Punctual attendance of
tlie members is earnestly requested.
si 1-11 Sec. of C. H. Q M. Co.
mo the Stockholders of the Auburn and
L Bear River Water and Mining Co. —
There will he a meeting of the above
company at their office in Auburn, on
Saturday, September 18th, at 2 o’clock,
p. m., for the purpose of increasing the
capital stock of said company from $300,-
000 to $350,000, and to transact such
other business as may be legally presented
for consideration. Also, that an assess
ment of $lOO 00 has been made on each
share of stock of said company, payable
at their office in Auburn, on the 28th day
of August, 1852. By order of Trustees.
sll° J. H. CRANDALL, Sec’y.
Eureka Stare.
HAVING just returned front San Fran
cisco, we are now opening one of the
largest assortments of goods ever re
ceived in this section of the country.
Making large and extensive additions to
our store, we will he prepared to furnish
orders at the shortest possible notice. —
Our assortment consists of all and every
variety of goods that any person may
wish; all we desire is for them to give us
a call, examine our goods, enquire our
price, and I will het a wager we will sell
vo uthe goods.
Auburn, Sept. 11. tf
Physician and Surgeon, at the
Aimers’ l)i tis Store,
4 LL kinds of Drugs and Medicines for
xVsule, of the best quality, from New j
Vork and London.
Prescriptions carefully prepared.
Pvsicians supplied at reduced rates.
si 1-1 m
'll HE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to in-,
X form the public that he constantly
kee|»s on hand a general assortment of
machinery for mining. Original designs
gotten up in a manner that cannot fail to
•five satisfaction. R. J. FISHER.
(.lutiiiii:, Root & Shoe Store.
I spectfully inform the citizens of Au
burn and vicinity that they have a general
assortment of Boots, Shoes, Clothing,
Drills, Ducks, Sheeting, ike.; also, Dry
Goods, Calicoes, Uehmes, AlpaCcas, Mus
lin See. P. C. LINCOLN & CO.
slltf Cor. of Main St Court sis.
Morrison,At Co’sßaeliive Bakery,
Broadway, Auburn, Placer Co.
Y\7~E take tins opportunity of thanking
y T our friends, and the public generally
for the kind patronage hitherto extended
to us, and while soliciting a continuance
of the same, we beg leave to inform them
that we have just received an invoice of
very superior coffee, which will he roast
ed, ground and sold at our establishment
as heretofore. Orders from a distance
punctually executed.
Groceries and Liquors of the best kind
always on hand.
Hot and cold baths ready at all times.
Dagncrrean Rooms.
Next the Miners Drug Store, Auburn.
Beautiful and correct,likenesses
taken by a lady. Mining views and
flumes on the river taken at low charges,
Soila Manufactory.
TIM HE undersigned have established a
X Soda Manufactory in Auburn, Placer
county, where they arc prepared to fur
nish Soda Water of a quality not sur
passed, if equalled, by any similar estab
lishment in the State. They solicit the
patronage of the citizens of Placer county,
and pledge their best efforts to deserve iV
si 1 l,n
H. O. Ryersou,
at Law, Auburn, Placer co.
B. F. Myers,
All ORN EY and Counsellor a
Philip W. Thomas,
XX A 1 I. A VV, Auburn, Placer C
llale& Hopkins,
4 PIORNEYS and Counsel
. XLaw, Placer Co Cal., will gi
\v.ai., wm gn
joint attention to all civil business!
to their care.
■las. E. Hale, Yankee Jim’s.
R. D. Hopkins, Dissrict A
to order upon the lowest tern
mending and repairing waggons, 1]
Near the Empire Hotel, Aubur
Empire Hotel.
A ÜBURN, Placer comity, by
A slltf] _ ii. M. HOUSE.
National Hotel, Auburn.
npHIS House is jileasantly situated in
X the business portion of the town;
and relying partly upon tlie reputation it
has already established, and the arrange
ments recently made for the accommoda
tion and comfort of its guests, the propri
etors feel assured af the continued patron
age of their friends. P. C. Rust,
slltf E. Nyb, prop’s
Auburn House.
rpHE undersigned have leased the above
X well known Hotel and made extensive
improvements in the dining arrangements,
and are using every exertion to make the
Auburn House a first rate Hotel. The
table will always be supplied with the
best the market affords, and the choicest
Liquors and Segars at the Bar, and last
but not least —clean beds to sleep in.
Good stabling attached, and horses to
lot Id. A. SCOFIELD.
sll itn Proprietor#.
International. <
rpHE proprietors of the Internationa
X Bowling Saloon return their grateful
acknowledgements to the citizen* of Au
burn and vicinity for their liberal patron
age bestowed upon them during the past,
and trust to merit the same in the future.
Their bar is always stocked with the
choicest liquors and finest cigars.
the Spring garden house.
On the Divide of .Middle and North
Foiks of American River.
rnHIS well known House is situated
X about ten miles from the Murderer’s
Bar Ferry and the Junction Bridge, 2 1-2
miles from Yankee Jim’s, and having su
perior accommodations, together with a
constant supply of running water, the un
dersigned would respectfully solicit the
patronage of travellers and teamsters.
E, BROWN, Proprietor.
Spring Garden, Sept. 11, 1852. if
Belvidere ILt.ll.
i LL EPICURES, whether permanent
residents or visitors of Auburn, are
respectfully informed that the Belvidere
Hall is constantly supplied with every
delicacy the market affords. Our sup
plies from the City are regular and of
the best quality Oysters iiT every style
and of the best qualities are served up at
all hours; game of various kind is constant
ly on hand; the best porter house steaks
await our guests, in short everything that
will tempt the palate wo serve up cheei
fully to our friends.
T lie outer as well as the inner man re
ceives our attention: shaving and hair
cutting with all the variations,dawning
within our perview.
Call at the Belvidere Hall on Main st.
near the Plaza. slltf.
t>V virtue of an execution to me direct
ed, issued out of the District Court, of
the Sixth Judical District of the State of
California, on a Judgement rendered mi
the Ibtb day of January, a. d. 1850, in fa
vor of W. K. Burbfidge, against John S.
Fowler, for the sum of 8340,00 with in
:c cst on the sum of 8228,00 at the rate of
ten per cent per month, from the said 16th
day of January, a. d 1850, together with
the sum of 826,50 costs. 1 have levied
upon, and seized, and will expose to pul -
be sale, at the, Court House door, in the
town of Auburn, on Monday, the 4th day
of October, a. d. 1852, at the hour of
3 o’clock, p. M., all t he right, title, and
interest of the said John S. Fowler, in
and to the following described tract or
parcel oflaml, situate, lying, and being in
the county of Placer, State of California,
and bounded as follows, to wit: Begin
ning on the Sacramento river, at the
north west corner of Sacramento coun
ty, thence northward following the me
amlrings of said river to the line of Sutter
county ten miles below the junction of
Sacramento and Feather rivers; thence in
a northeasterly direction and following the
line dividing Sutter and Placer counties,
to the eastern boundary line of the tract
or parcel of land conveyed by John A.
Sutter and wife to John S. Fowler, Eu
gene F. Gil I ispie and Henry E. Robinson
on the 11th day of June, a. n. 1850: thence
southwardly and following said eastern
boundary line of said tract as aforesaid to
to the northerly line of Sacramento coun
ty; thence westwardly along said last
mentioned line to place of beginning.
S. C. AS'\ IN, Sheriff.
By M. P. H. LOVE, Deputy,
Sept 11th, 1852.
Administrators Notice.
A H persons having claims against the
Lx. Estate of James Friar Deed, late ot
Placer County will please exhibit them
wdth the necessary vouchers to the under
signed Public Administrator within ten
months from the date hereof, at the office
ot the subscriber at Auburn, and all per
sons indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment.
Pub, Adm’r, Placer Co.
Auburn, Sept. 9, 1852. sll 4w
Brown’s Livery Stable.
L HOI EL.— I would respecfully an
nounce to the public that my stable is well
supplied with Saddle Horses that will
suit the taste aiyl accomodation of all who
will faver me with their patronage.
Auburn, Sept. 11th, 1852. tf
A LARGE and splendid assortment of
Fine and Heavy Boots and Shoes just
received. [sll-tf] WM. GWYNN,.

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