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Magazine Section.
One of the Five Virginia Beauties. -A
Daring Horse Woman and Fond of
Exercise.— Five Million Dollar Eng
lish Estate a Wedding Present.
A "Gibson Girl" is the talk of all
England, for she has married a youni;
man of that country who is heir to an
estate of more than $400,000,000.
The bride is none other than Mrs.
Waldorf Astor, and a sister-in-law of
Charles Dana Gibson, the celebrated
American artist
Mrs. Astor is one of five sisters, all
natives of Virginia and belonging to
a family numbered among the F.F.Vs.,
standing high in the aristocracy of the
South. She was a Miss Nannie Lang
tiorne and later the wife of Bobby
Shaw, from whom she was divorced.
All of the Langhorne sisters are re
markable beauties, paying particular
attention to every detail of face and
figure. A Virginia lady who knew
them in their girlhood days stated that
their rules of living were something
like this: "Breakfast early and exercise
briskly for an hour or two. Have a
luncheon and exercise again, this time
riding. Luncheon again and then a
long, vigorous tramp or a cross country
ride to hounds, just for the pleasure
of It, then a hearty supper, then a long
walk in the southern twilight, and then
With a strong horse beneath her, and
the pack in full cry, to see Nannie
Langhorne riding to hounds was a
Bight for men and gods. In the days
of her girlhood, at the Deep Run, in
Virginia, she was Diana stirruped, and
it is no stretching of facts when
one avows that men came from far
afield just to see her, with her pink
cheeks aglow and her fair hair loos
ened to the breeze, pound the sod hi
a madcap abandon for the brush.
Nothing daunted this young Virginian
in the way of ditch or fence, hill or
hollow, and at 16 she was famed at
the most intrepid and brilliant horse
woman in her native State.
Two things won for Mrs. Langhorne
Shaw the heir of William Waldorf
Astor: the beauty of her being, when
on horseback, and her bubbling ir
repressible Americanism. Young As
tor, when J|e beheld her in her glory
One of the Five Original Gibson Girls.
caught bis breath just as Bobby Shaw, ■
her divorced husband, had done sev
eral years ago in Old Virginia. And
this was not strange. Waldorf Astor,
always breathing in the compressed
air of his father's house, timid, re
tiring and studious by nature, had not
much opportunity for young girls'
society, and almost never that of
American girls. To him Mrs. Nannie
Shaw was a revelation. For seven
months he wooed her, and at the end
of that time he was three-fourths
American and four-fourths in love.
Glowing, he followed her across the
It is only fair to young Astor to say
that he has never been so aggressively
British as his father, who spurns al
most everything American, or his
younger brother, John Jacob, who is
an out-and-out Englishman.
The wedding, which occurred at
London in May, was a very quiet af
fair, only 17 invitations being sent
out for the ceremony. The bride made
the loveliest picture, standing, as it
appeared, in a bed of lilies and roses
near the chancel. A work of art, In
deed, was her wedding gown, for it
was made of the most expensive silk
obtainable, adorned with rare old lace.
Among the many wedding presents,
the most notable was the Saucy dla-
The Amador Ledger.
mond, given by Mr. Astor to his
daughter-in-law, which later on is to be
reset and worn on her presentation at
court This historic gem belonged to
Charles the Bold, the Duke of Bur
gundy, and fetched $100,000 at the sale
of the Demidoff collection ha 1865.
It was secured by Mr. Astor some
years ago from a millionaire parsee,
Sir C. Jeejeebhay, for $170,000. Mr.
Astor also gave one of the finest tiaras
in London, (which cost more than
$100,000), as well as the title deeds to
Cliveden mansion and estates, with
the many treasures he has added
thereto, including a magnificent suite
of old Chipperne furniture, and some
wonderful French china, originally
from Versailles, and once the property
of Empress Eugenic. The value of
this latter Gift probably, exceeds £5,
It is understood (that tthe young
people plan (to make their borne at
Cliveden. In 1893 Mr. Astor purchased
the beautiful country house from the
Duke of Westminster and paid $1,
250,000 for it. Cliveden is situated In
the heart of the boating and picnicing
region of the Upper TlianiPS.
After acquiring it, Astor had an
opportunity to show himself more ex
clusive than the Duke of Westminster.
That potentate and all previous owners
of the estate had allowed the common
people to picnic and to walk through
that part of the property lying along
the river. The American millionaire
threw them out and threatened them
with the utmost ripors of the law.
Now that he has settled the estate on
bii son, the inhabitants of Cookhani
and Maidenhead on the Thames
surrounding hamlets — are delighted,
for they believe that young Astor will
at once give orders for the cancel
lation of the many strict orders against
trespassing made by his father — orders
which turned all the riverside folk in
to bitter enemies of the American
Great walls surmounted with broken
glass to protect the Astor vegetable
garden spoil lovely views from the
public road, and anybody daring to
picnic in the Cliveden woods, as in
the olden days, Is at once threatened
by a keeper with imprisonment.
It is believed that young Mr. Astor,
who is very popular with rowing men,
will abolish these feudal and dis
tasteful regulations.
An Expert Opinion.
"Will alcohol dissolve sugar?"
"It will," replied Oalde Soaque; "it
will dissolve gold, brick houses, and
horses, and happiness, and love, and
averything else worth having."
United States Battleships and
Cruisers Obstructions to Naviga
tion—Thousands of Gallons of Oil
Released by Fouled Anchor.
New York City in its hurry and rush
of business did not seem to stop for
patriotic reasons to enjoy the sight of
a dozen United States warships an
chored in her harbor. The American
fleet riding majestically at anchor in
the North River, attracting the at
tention of thousands of sight-seers,
was requested to "move on." The
stalwart battleships and armored
cruisers with their great length and in
command of no less a personage than
Rear Admiral "Fighting Bob" Evans
we're found to be in the way. Dis
patches from the metropolis say that
the supervisor of the harbor of New
York called on Admiral Evans and
served a formal notice on him that
the ships were taking up too much
room in the river, and were seriously
interfering with navigation. While it
was admitted on the United States
vessels that they were well out in the
usual channel taken by steamers, they
could not anchor further inshore on
account of the sballowness of the
There is probably no place in the
world where the great white and buff
ships of the American navy show off
to better advantage than in the North
River. The dozen warriors strung a
longat anchor at intervals of about
■100 yards stretching from the foot of
Riverside Drive at 72nd Street to
Grant's Tomb at 125 th Street and ' ■-
yond. When Prince Louis of Batten
burg had his British armored flyers in
the New York port they were given
berths in the North River and only a
few weeks ago the Paul Jones French
ileet was In the stream. The New
York people could not be inhospitable
to these fleets on account of the inter
national aspects of things, but when
the American ships arrived, waiting
their turn to go to the repair docks,
they were ordered to move away and
give the tug boats and scows engaged
in the Hudson River trade a chance to
During the short stay of the fleet In
New York the battleship Illinois in
dragging at anchor suddenly ripped
open a Standard oil pipe line laid a
cross the bed of the river. This line
It seems was not charted and no one
in authority seemed to know just how
or when it got there, but nevertheless
the Standard Oil Company had been
.pumping thousands of gallons into
New York City through it every day
for years. When the Illinois fouled the
pipe line the officers on board the ship
could not imagine what the anchor
bad taken hold of until the surface of
the river became a shining mass,
bright with the hues of petroleum.
Before the pipe line could be repaired
more than 85,000 gallons of good
Standard oil went skimming down the
Hudson into the ocean. There appears
to be no way in which the oil company
can collect for jlhe petroleum thus
wasted, as there is no official chart
showing the location of the line in the
river bed.
Traversing Russia oa Roller Skates
A caravan which recently arrived
at Beirut from Bagdad reported hav
ing passed near the city of Unah
about J.OO miles east from there, an
American named Arthur Crawford,
who left that port early last nr^th
with the intention of proceeding
through Asia Minor and India on in
struments which he called road
skates. The leader of the caravan
says Crawford was in good health and
good spirits.
While Mr. Crawford was in Beirut
American missionaries attempted to
dissuade him from entering on the
trip, and pointed out to him the great
danger of the undertaking. He was
firm in his resolve, however, and left
on January 9th.
Before departing the skater left his
itinerary with Dr. Williams, an Amer
ican dentist, whose guest he was tem
porarily. Crawford's intention was to
strike out over the hard road to Bag
dad, which is about SOO miles from
Beirut Thence he intends going
southeast 300 miles to Bassorah, at
the mouth of the Euphrates and near
the Persian coast. He was undecided
whether he would travel by land or
sea over the 1,200 miles to Belooch
His plans Included many excursions
through Beloochistan, a journey
across the Gulf to India, and a year
or more in that country. He purposes
to accomplish all this on money he
may earn along the way.
Each Machine Runs Independently by
Its Own Motor.
The craze of autoists to build pal
ace touring cars for pleasure trip 3
has caused railroad corporations to
dabble in the novelty of motor vehicle
transportation. Some of the unique
cars that patents have been applied for
are certainly freak products.
A car that resembles a huge steel
battering ram has been completed at
the shops of the Union Pacific rail
road, at Omaha, Neb. It is a big
steel structure especially designed
for climbing grades and run by its
own gasolene motor, over standard
gauge rails. On its trial trip it de
veloped a speed of forty miles an hoar,
climbing, it is said, a grade of 2Q per
It was given its first long-distance
trial on April 14th, when it left Omaha
as the second section of train No. 1,
known as the Overland Limited.
The motor car gained on No. 1 to such
extent that at Fremont, 46 miles from
Omaha, the motor car was held on the
block six minutes. Owing to a
heavy wind and meeting trains from
this time on, No. l's schedule was not
maintained; however, the total time
of the motor car from Omaha to
Grand Island, 153.6 miles, was 5
hours and 12 minutes, with delays
amounting tc 40 minutes on account
of orders, meeting trains, etc. The
actual running time for the 153.6
miles was 4 hours 32 minutes, or 34
miles per hour. There was no delay
whatever on account of the motor car,
and the machinery was in almost con
stant motion from Omaha to Grand
Island. On the return trip April 15
the actual running time was 4 hours
10 minutes, or 36.3 miles per hour.
From Elkhorn to South Omaha, a
distance of 24.3 miles was covered in
36 minutes, or 42 miles per hour.
A maximum speed of 53 miles per
hour was attained on this trip.
Railroad officials witnessing the
machine's trial trip expressed much
gratification. Some of the officials
go even so far as to predict that the
gasolene motor will ultimately revo
lutionize tnterurban railroad trans
This machine has several new ar
rangements, the most conspicuous of
which is the ventilation of the cars.
The windows are round, similar to
port holes on steamships, and are air,
water and dust proof. The cars have
entrance in the middle instead of at
the end.
The new method of ventilation fair
ly well avoids the close and sometimes
foul atmospheric conditions so often
encountered in electric and other trans
portation cars, sufficiently so as to
predict complete success in this di
rection. The vibration and noise of
the engine were largely eliminated
and mechanism of the car worked
splendidly on this trial run.
The cars will accommodate sixty
passengers each, with comfort They
have every modern convenience, and
will be devoted especially to touring
parties throughout the West. The cars
will be run eif'Pr separately or in
trains. In the latter case one car can
easily be fitted up as a combination
observation dining car. Later on
equipments for transforming the cars
into palace sleepers will be installed.
President Believes in Exercise.
President Roosevelt once rather
shocked a mothers' meeting by an
nouncing that a boy who wouldn't fight
was not worth his salt. "He is either
a coward or constitutionally weak. I
have taught my boys to take their own
part. I do not know which I should
the more punish my boys for, cruelty
or flinching. Both are abominable."
Sketch of Discouragements of Conan
Doyle to Break into the Field of
Literature— Manuscript, Regularly
. Returned.
The author of "The White Com
i pany," "Sir Nigel," "Study in Scarlet"
and other Sherlock Holmes stories —
Sir Arthur Oonan Doyle — was born
in Edinburgh, Scotland, on Mar
22, 1859. He comes of an artistic
family, and is the grandson of
John Doyle, : the famous political
caricaturist, fivhose pictorial
sketches appeared for more than
thirty (years under the initials of "H.
8.,"- "Without i disclosure of the artist's
identity. Many of these were so
famous In their day that they were
frequently purchased at large prices
by the British Museum. John Doyle
had four sons, who also became
artists. His eldest son, Charles Doyle,
was the father of the novelist, and
another son was Richard Doyle, who
came by his nickname of "Dicky"
Doyle through his signature of a "D"
with a little bird perched upon it,
which may yet be seen on the cover
design of Punch.
Conan Doyle's education began in
England, where already In his tenth
year he exhibited a wonderful pre
cocity for telling stories. But even at
the early age of six the future novelist
and creator of Sherlock Holmes was
anticipated in a story of terrible ad
venture, written in a bold hand on
foolscap paper, four words to the line,
and accompanied with original pen
and-ink illustrations.
"There was a man and a tiger in
It," he says of this infantile effort; "I
forget which was the hero; but it
didn't matter much, for they became
Author Of •• The American Citizen;" " The Religion of a Gentleman:"
" The Spirit of Democracy," etc.
rTTMIIS remarkably interesting and stimulating book has
_|_ been everywhere welcomed as a most valuable con-
tribution to the thought of the present day.
It sheds a new light, bright, clear and convincing, in its
common-sense optimism, upon the conditions that confront the
nation to-day. Everyone who reads it will go forward with a
clearer vision of the future of our country and with renewed
courage and faith in the cause of the people.
Theodore C. Williams, late Master of the Hackley School,
New York, in a San Francisco paper, declares that "it gives the
profoundest thought with a transparent simplicity and charm
that make it universally readable. It speaks as a friend to a
friend. It has the rare eloquence of perfect ease and clearness."
The London Spectator calls it " a healthy and virile essay."
The Bradford (England) Observer, speaking of its reality
and reasonableness, says it is " a very revelation."
These are only a few from hundreds of ecomiums com-
mending the book for its timeliness.
It should be read by all who feel the pressure of
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blended into one about the time when
the tiger met the man. I was a
realist in the age of the romanticists.
I described at some length, both verb
ally and pictorially, the untimely end
of that wayfaring man. But when the
tiger had absorbed him, I found my
self slightly embarrassed as to how
my story was to go on. 'It is very
easy to get people into scrapes and
very hard to get them out again,' was
my sage comment on the difficulty;
and I have often had cause to repeat
this precocious aphorism of my child
hood. Upon this occasion the situa
tion was beyond me, and my book,
like my man, was engulfed in my
At Stonyhurst, and also at Feld
kireh, in Germany, Doyle's literary
inclination was shown in the editor
ship of school magazines. In 1876 he
returned to Edinburgh and took up
the study of medicine at the univers
ity there, where he remained until he
obtained his diploma, five years later
In 1880 Dr. Doyle left the university
to make a seven-months' trip to the
.Arctic seas as unqualified surgeon on
board a whaler. There was very little
demand for surgery aboard the Hope,
and he has described his chief occu
pation during the voyage as being em
ployed in keeping the captain in cut
tobacco, working in the boats after
flsh, and teaching the crew to box.
He utilized his experience later in his
story, "The Captain of the Polester."
Two years later, in 1882, after a
four-months' voyage to the west coast
of Africa, he settled down as a med
ical practitioner at Southsea, in Eng
land, where he remained until 1890.
Those were arduous and trying years,
in which he came to regard the calls
of the profession he had adopted as
interruptions in the real work of his
life, and found that the writing of
stories was a very slender prop upon
which to lean for a livelihood. "Fifty
little cylinders of manuscript," he
says, "did I send out during eight
years, which described a regular orbit
among publishers, and usually came
back, like paper boomerangs, to the
place that they had started from."
All this time he was writing anony
mously, and during the ten years of
his literary apprenticeship, he states
that, in spite of unceasing and untir
ing literary effort, he never in any one
year earned fifty pounds by his pen.
Then, in 1887, appeared In Beeton's
Christmas Annual a story from his pen
called "A Study in Scarlet." It is a
significant point in the author's career,
for in this story Sherlock Holmes
made bis first appearance. It was
published later in a book form, and
went forth as his first novel, and im
mediately began to attract attention.
Under these favoring circumstances
he undertook the writing of "Micah
Clarke." It was completed after a
year's reading and five months' writ
ing, and represented the most am
bitious and hopeful work the author
had yet accomplished. But it came
back to him from one publishing house
after another, until he began to des
pair of its acceptance. "I remember,"
he says, "smoking over my dog-eared
manuscript when it returned for a
whiff of country air, and wondering
Continued on second page, column two.