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Established November i, 1855. LAWYERS. rXVYBOR & TABOR Attorneys at Law Stoll Building, Sacramento, Cal. Special attention given to applications for United States Mineral Patents and Land and Mining litigation. T W. CALDVELL Attorney-at-L»w Jackson, Cal. Will practice in all courts of the State. DOCTORS. "TVK. r. S. GOODMAN riiysi.iiin and Surgeon SUTTER CBEKK, CAL.. Diseases of women and children a specialty. Office hours- 12 to Bp, m. ; 7to9p. m. •TVR. T. D. M. QUINN Physician and Surgeon AMADOR CITY, CAL. Office hours-2 to 4 and 7toBp. m. Telephone at residence. TvR. A. PARKER LEWIS Physician and Surgeon SUTTER CREEK. Office:— Werner Building - CAL. Tp K. KNDICOTT, M. I>. Physician and Surgeon Jackson, Cal. Office: Webb building. All calls promptly attended to at all times. ■TVR. E. V. TIFFANY Physician aud Surgeon IPLYMOUTH, CAL. Office— Forrest House. HOURS— B to 8 0. m., and 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone Main 41. pvR. L. K. PHILLIPS Physician and Surgeon JACKSON CAL. X-Eay used in Practice. Office— Weil & Benno Building. Residence north Main street, opposite California Hotel. Telephone No. 401. ■TVR, A. M. GALL Physician and Surgeon Jackson, Cal Office in Marelia building, Main Street -p|R. H. N. FREIMAN Physician and Surgeon SUTTER CREEK, CAL. Offie hours— l 2 to 2 and 7to 8:30 p. m. T~VR. J. H. O'CONNOR Physician and Surgeon Formerly of Boosevolt Hospital and Vander- bilt Clinic, New York City. Office and residence opposite the Methodist Church. SUTTEB CREEK. CAL. "T P. GRIFFIN, Physician and Surgeon. VOLCANO, CAL. Phone No Calls promptly answered. DENTISTS. Tvll. C. A. HERRICK. DENTIST Jackson. Cal. Office in Kay buUaing. Hours from » a. m. to 5 p. m. T\U. JOHN A. DELUCCUI DENTIST SUTTEB CBEEK, CAL. Office Houbs:— From 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. IA. Malatesta | BAKERY 2 SUTTER CREEK, CAL. • • BEST FAMILY GROCERIES # • French and American Bread, Pies, • • Cakes, Cookies, etc. 0 • Wagon visits Jackson on Tuesday, J \ Thursday and Saturday of each week. 0 sep2 « College of Notre Dame MARYSVILLE, CALIFORNIA. Boarding and Day School conducted by the Sis- ters of Notre Dame (Namur). Founded in 1856 The curiculum embraces all the branches of a solid English education. Preparatory and advanced courses in art. language and music. For further information address aplU-tf SISTER SUPERIOR. J.GHIGLIERI&BRO. Cosmopolitan Liquor Store LJACKSOK GATE, CAL. Dealers and Jobbers in foreign and domestic WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS SELECTED stock of Imported Goods. Choice California Wines, popular brands Eastern and Domestic Beers; special bottling. Havana, Key West and New York Cigars. Bourbon Bye. Sweet and Sour Mash Whiskies of celebrated distilleries. ja2 ly SAVED, The A. Van derNailen SCHOOLS OF ENGINEERING Open in all Branckhes. Great demand for ex-students in all lines. New students should enroll at once. Address, 5100 Telegraph Avenue, OAKLAND, CALIF. my 18 I SB ;: • so Temp: £ ij Tempi S. Date. Date. ; ° iL.iH.i 2 I] IL.iH.: 2 Julio I (06) . . : 50: 78 ....June 17(06).: 48: 90L... a ; 50: 720.W> 18 ; 5S Mi. . 3 61 650.20 : 19 i 60 93.... 4 55 07:0.41 : 30 : 56 92: .... 5 : 58: 70....:; 21 ! 54 90;.... 6 ! 43i 76:....:; 22 j 53 89L... 7 : J2 771 . . . . j 23 I 55 92 .. 8 :43 78! II 24 ! 57^ 89 ! 9 i 57; 781 ... .;i 25 !52 80 . . . . 10 ii* 88!....;] 26 ! 52 60 0.20 11 ! 51: 80;....;! 27 ! 52: 60 . . . . 12 : 45: 78! !] 28 : 44: 80 .... 13 ; 471 79: : 29 1 50: ..:.... 14 1 46 78:.... I 30 ! ..! ..!.... 15 j 49: 78; ij 31 ! ..! .J IB 4S; 84; j! i ! I The Amador Ledger. SCIENTIFIC MISCELLANY Reported weekly for the Ledger. Changing Flower Colors— Kecent Earthquake Study— A Lake of Blood — Crop forecasting — Passing of Languages— A Padded Stomach— The Fluid Lens— Aerial Distribution of Power— Automobile Agriculture. The colors ot vegetation are in tensified by strong sunlight and a certain degree of coolness, as we see in the redness of noitbern apples and the deep tints of Alpine plants, and other conditions— such as the com positon of the soil— have an influence. A recent attempt to color flowers artificially by chemicals added to the soil has been iecorded by Henry Kraemner. Aluminum sulphate and potassium sulphate deepened thn color of yellow roses, and tended to streak the petals of the white carnation with red, and ammonium sulphate, alumi num sulphate, iron citrate and citri acid brought out white streaks o scarlet carnations. The effects wer too slight, however, to promise com merical importance The great earthquake catalogue o Comte de Montessus de Ballore no records 171,434 distinct shocks. Th list confirms tne already formed con elusions that earthquakes and volca noes are independent, and that th former are most abundant in recen elevations, where the slopes are steep est and longest. Nine-tenths of tb shocks have originated in one or tw per cent ot the earth's surface Almost all have been distributed along certain lines, of which the most important are the great girdle of the Pacific, the line running from th Sunda islands through Arracan, th Himalayas, Caucasus, and Alps to th western Mediterranean, and anotbe running from the Caucasus throug Central Asia to Lake Baikal. Superstitious people formerly re garded with awe the turning red a long intervals of Lake Moret i Switzerland. Botanists have nc shown that the phenomenon is due t a plant which propagates every tent year, and which, though very minut grows so rapidly that the whole lak Is soon turned crimson. Strong evidence of a periodicity i the cereal crops of Eastern tCngianc has been found by Dr. W. N. Shaw director ol the Royal Meteorologica office, in the statistics for ISSS t 1905. A good year follows a bad on in very regular alternation, and maximum average seems to be reach ed once in eleven years, with a mini mum average at an mtermediat period. In 1894, 1H96 and 1898, fo instance, the yield was abuudanl while in 1893, 1895 and 1897 ie wa deficient. A year of greatest averag was in 1885 and- 1896— eleven year later— was another; and in 1886 an 1897 low points were reached. Dr Shaw has noticed that there is an inimate relation between the rainfall of the autumn months and the wheat harvest of the following year. From sach considerations he computed tha the eastern counties ot England woulc produce 31.9 bushels ot wheat pc acre in 1905, and the returns at th end ot the season showed an actua yield ot 32 bushels per acre. Two languages have died out i modern Europe, r accorrding to Key W. S. Lach-Szyrma. In a recen paper to British archaeologists, h doubted whether anybody could li the time of place when Prussian dis appeared/ tor the death of a languag ma? be a lingering and obscure one S Cornish seems to have passe( y in its English [home in quit recent times. The last Coruis drama bears date 'of 1611. A con Biderable Cornish literature is pre served in manuscript and printe works, and the language has left it impression in the names of place and families. A few words, iucludin the numerals, are • still used by tb miners. A remarkable hair ball from the stomach of a young girl has been brought to notice by Prof, yon Bramann of Halle. She had a habit of swallowing ends bitten from her long hair, forming in a bulky accumu lation, though felt only as a slight pressure and when the mass was re moved by an operation it was found to have shaped itself to the cavity, like a cast in a mold. Iron tonics had changed the light color to black. The glass lens has been brought to a diameter of about live feet for as tronomical purposes, but when of Ksh sizo the cost la tens of thousands dollars and several years of time. The Hungarian chemist who has at last made a successful fluid leus claims that it equals the glass pro duct in performance. It consists of two curved plates of thin and un usually hard glass, between which is hermetically sealed the fluid sub stance, and the retractive power and other properties are so adjusted that the usual defects of lenses are over come. Time and temperature do not affect the fluid, while the contraction and expansion are practically the same as those of the enclosing glass. A ten-inch leus that has hitherto cost about 82,000 can be made by the new process for SlO or less. The sav ing is even greater with larger sizes, land it is believed that, instead of having reached the highest possible limits, lenses can now be made three I times as large as any yet produced. In "Telekino," his new wireless method of transmitting power, Senor Torres Quevado uses a Branly coherer, which, when struck by the electric JACKSON, AMADOU COUNTY, t ALirOJiINIA, ITJIDAY. JUNE 29, 1906. wave, causes and electromagnet to oscillate, and the vibrations affect an escapement which advances one tooth at each vibration. He has not only steered a crewless boat from shore, but has increased aud slacken ed the speed at will. Tne trials are claimed to have been perfectly suc cessful, and it is urged that the principle should be valuable in lite saving apparatus as well as for direct ing torpedoos. The motor cultivator of Prof. T. Hudson 'Beare, a Scottish mechani cian, is designed to do all tho work of preparing the ground for seed at one operation. It can be driven at three times the speed of the ordinary plow, and each trip oovers three times the breadth of the usual furrow and well pulverizes the ground, iiy a simple attachment the sowing also can be done at the same time. There is no need worrying along in discomfort because of a disordered digestion. Get a bottle of Kodol for dyspepsia, and see what it will do for you. Kodol not ouly digests what you eat and gives that tired stomach a needed rest, but is a corrective of the greatest efficiency. Kodol re lieves indigestion, dyspepsia, palpita tion of the heart, flatulence, and sour stomach. Kodol will make your stomach young aud healthy again. You will worry just in the proportion that your stomach worrios you. Worry means the loss of ability to do your best. Worry is to be avoided at all times. Kodol will take the worry out ot your stomach. Bold by h\ W. Kuhser. CJ.i&.es'.K'es.iire.x.A.. Bears the j$ Tha Kind You Have Always Bough* 3ignatnre /^* , // , y7 Ledger & Chicago Inter-Ocean, $2.50 Mileage of the Blood. The mileage of the blood circulation reveals some astounding facts in our personal history. Thus it has been cal culated that, assuming the heart to beat 69 times a minute at ordinary heart pressure, the blood goes at the rate of 207 yards in the minute, or sev en miles per hour, IGB miles per day and 0,320 miles per year. If a man of eighty-four years of age could have one single blood corpuscle floating in his blood all his life it would have traveled in that same time 3,150,808 miles. Watch and See. A well known horseman describes a fact in natural history which may not be generally known. It is that all four footed beasts in making the first move ment in walking, running or any sort of forward motion always employ the left hind leg as a starter. Even a child if put down on all fours and bid den to advance in that position will make the first move with its left leg. its hands at the time occupying the place of an animal's fore legs. An Accomplished Fact. "Grandma, may I take that piece of chocolate you left on the table? I will be so good." "Yes, you may take it." The little girl does not move. "Why don't you go and get it?" "Oh, grandma, dear, I ate it first!" Something He Had Forgotten. Small Bo3*— Mister, kiu you change a ten dollar bill? Mister — No, sonny. That belongs strictly to my wife's share of the domestic duties. I might have been able to change one long ago, but I'm clean out o' practice now. An Awful Stab. "And you call this chair unique? Why, It isn't any older than I am!" "Well, ma'am, that may be, but it's antique, all right."— Houston Post. Exaggerated. A publisher advertises: " 'The Wives of Henry VIII.' Third thousand." Surely there is some exaggeration here. —Punch. The ConyresMlonal Library. In its fine building tho library of congress should be safe against de struction for many centuries. Fire has cost the world many of its greatest col lections. It ruined the ancient Alexan drian library of the Ptolemies when the Christians sacked the temple of Serapls in the year 275. It cost the world thousands of ancient maim scripts that were stored in Constanti nople when the Crusaders captured the city. Twice the library of congress has suffered by tire — tirst at the de struction of the capitol by the British in 1814 and again in ISSI. In its pros ent housing it is protected by every possible safeguard and directed iv its development by the most expert of custodians. And with a sense of pride in which all Americans must share the nation has given to its foremost sculp tors and artists the opportunity to enrich its walls with their works. It is a monument to American thought and learning, which must grow in value and significance with each year. — New York World. H His Excuse. A Scottish parish minister met tho laird's gamekeeper one day and said to him, "I say, Davidson, why is It I never see you In church?" "Well, sir," replied Davidson, "1 don't want to hurt the attendance." "Hurt the attendance! What do you mean?" asked the minister In surprise. "Well, sir, you see," replied the game keeper, "there are about a dozen men In the parish that go to church when I'm uot there, and they would go peaching if I went to church." SUPPORT SCOTT'S EMULSION serves as a bridge to carry the weakened end I starved system along until it can find a f'tm support in ordinary food. Send for free sample. ,\ SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, '! Pearl Street, New York. '4 50c. and $1.00 ; all druggists. Pioueei Klotir always has been and still i Iho bent THE LEDOUX TRIAL. Verdict ot Murder in First Degree. The Stockton Kecord says ot the closing argument for the defense by Attorney Fairall. The bombshell of the LoDoux case was tired off shortly after 2 o'clock this afternoon. It was probably the greatest surprise ever witnessed iv any trial in this county and unless there has been some mistake in read ing the testimony, the prosecution is hopelessly "barreled." Attorney Fairall exploded the bomb just before be closed his argument. He read from the report of the testi mony of the prosecution's witnesses that the defendant was last seen Fri day evening at 6 :t-iO o'clock with the deceased in Pattersou's pharmacy, and that the deceased was last seen alive that evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Old Kirk saloon, that the defend ant was not seen again until the following morning at 10 or 10:ii0 o'clock in Kosenbaum's when she was buying the trunk. That she weut from there to the H. C. ISlnw Com pany's and bought the rope, that she went from there to Kreuner's, whore she remained until 11:130 o'clock, that she weut from there to expressman berry at 11:45; that she was agaiu talking to Berry at 12:15 o'clock, and in the meantime be bad got the suit case and delivered it, and the trunk in the hallway at the door of room 97 in the California house. A few minutes after 12:15 o'clock Mrs Le Doux is iv Eckstrom & Smith's, where she remains tor an hour. At 12:15 o'clock she is at the Wonder and she remains there about an hour. At 2 o'clock expressman Berry takes the trunk from room 97 to the South ern Paoiflc depot, where he meets the defendant again. Between 11 o'clock and noon that same day janitor Dohrmann of ti e California bouse goes into room 97 and cleans it. He sees no trunk and no person or body. He finds the room deserted. The prosecution's ex pert witnesses testifies that McVicar died a lingering death, consuming several hours. Then, where was McVicar and where was the trunk when Dohrmann was in the room?. Mrs Le Doux was out of the room and the hotel for an hour before the trunk was delivered that morning until the expressman took it with McVicar's body in it from the room at 2 o'clock that after noon. Wlien did she give him the morphine aud where? When was he put into the trunk and where? With those questions attorney Fairall finished his address to the jury. Then he turned to distric' attorney Norton and defied him to expiaiu the mystery to the jury, aud then he sat down. Saturday morning district attorney Norton, like a clever baseball player, sacrificed one of his witnesses to gain a point. Theodore Dohrmann, the janitor of the California house was the mau whose evidence was dis credited. District attorney Norton said he was honestly mistaken as to the time he was in the room, and that instead of being in there between 11 and 12 o'clock, when he saw neither accused nor deceased, he did go in closer to 3, at which time the bed was made. According to tho pro secutor there were at least two wit nesses who testified that the bed was unmade up to 3 o'clock. He read aud reviewed the testimony of Hermann Knglehardt, who was in the room about 12 o'clock and found the tiuHK there at that time. The testimony of Dohrmanu was con demned by the district attorney throughout as mistaken in his evi dence. The proposition presented by the defense that McVicar died through the administration of a quick poison, and was dead when put iv the trunk was taken up fully and ably by the speaker, "lie attempted to show by the trunk itself that the pools of blood had formed while it was not iv a position as to allow tho blood to (low from a ruptured vessel by gravi tation. The evidence aud experiments of the experts were here called upon in the effort to show tho truth ot the assertions. Many of the propositions presented by tho defense were taken up iv like manner and unerringly argued by the attorney. During his argument district attor ney Norton as is usual with auy speaker, many times partook of water to lessen any irritation of the throat. On the table near him were setting three glasses one coutauiug a solution of carbolic acid and water, another carbolic acid and whiskey and the third clear water. Whilo still speak ing he reached for the glass of water but instead found the glass containing carbolic acid and water. The mistake was noticed in time to prevent either a tragedy or serious illness. While discussing the "dull thud" heard by Mrs Van Lamiiugbarn near noon ot Saturday, March 2ith, dis trict attorney Norton opened the stained trunk and holding tho suit case some distance above it, let it drop that the jury might have some conception of what Mrs Van Landiug ham meant when she referred to the "dull thud" which the prosecution claims was the body of McVicar fall ing iuto the trunk under the guid ance of tho hands cf Mrs Le Doux. Tho subtle cunning of Mrs Lo Doux was often reterrod to during the argument. It was claimed that she was a worldly woman— smooth, cool and calculating. The jury, composed of August C. Kitter, W. C. Schulor, Thomas Hughes, L. C. Hunting, Thomas K. Hobbins, John B. Spreugler, Andrew J. Luud, J. A. Drace, O. C. Dustiu, Cbmlos M. Carlson, IS. F. Pope and \V. JH. Locke, was placed in tho cus tody of tho deputy sheriffs at 2:38 yesterday afternoon, at which time judgo Nutter had concluded his brief recital of Jaw, and instructed the iury the case was theu in its hands for determination. Three hours rolled by and still the room remained tilled. At about 5:45 judge Nutter announced that a recess would be taken until 7 o'clock and that until then no verdict would be received. Shortly after 7 o'clock the court room was again opened and in a few moments speedily tilled with anixous spectators determined to hear the (inal outcome, if there was one. Many believed that there would be a disagreement by reason of the fact that the jurors had temained silent so long. Few, hardly a person, could bo found who would countenance the H:,v:uit:it of a possible verdict of a tenor as to allow hanging. About 9:15 o'clock, as the defend ant, pale faced and haggard, sat be sido her attorneys, who had made such a brillant and clever fight tor her life, a suddeu and boisterous uoise, as if of applause, broke from the (Inaction of the jury room. No person in tho court surmised that some of the jurors held out for life imprisonment during the entire six hours of deliberation and tiually had switched to the death penalty aud were being applauded for their act by fellow jurors. The applause was so uncontrolled and of such duration that it was heard by all, even the busy populace passing on the streets below. it was soon learned that a verdict had been reached. The jury tiled solemnly inl;o tho courtroom and ad justed itself in tho box. The spec tutors leaned forward as it in the effort to read from the taces of the jurors tho verdict. The least con cerned, in fact the calmest person iv the room, wa3 the convicted murder ess, Mrs Emuia Le Doux. She was "cool— a most remarkable person." District Attorney Norton, with bis assistant, George F. McNoble, beiui; present, and the court ready to traus- Dct business, judge Nutter asked the jury if it had arrived upon a verdict. W. H. Locke, as foreman, answered that it had, and passed tho verdict to clerk Cornstock. It was examined by judge Nutter before reading and theu delivered again to the clerk. * Silence was profound— the smallest fraction of a second seemed like an hour. With drooped eyes, yet anxious expression, Mrs JLe Doux remaiucd unmoved. (Jierk Uomstock, standing before his desk, faced the jury, and in a slow voice read the terrible vp- : "liot to the jurors. "We, the jury iv the above entitled cause, find the defendant, iUrs Emma Le Uoux, guilty of murder in the tirst degree." Mrs Lie Doux held up bravely under the strain and the only action or sound to mar the calmness was a spasmodic "Ugh," followed by the black gloved hand placing the white handkerchief to the face as she straightened her head aud threw back lior shoulders as if in challenge tn the verdict aud its makers. Mrs Charles Crocker, who has been Mrs Le Doux's companion while in corut during the trial, leaned over and placing her arm around th.c daik clothed little woman, kissed hor many times, telling her to be brave, that the fight for he.r life had just beguu. The attorneys in the case, particularly attorneys b'airall and Ciockei, never changed a muscle of the lace nor showed by the slightest quiver of the eye any feeling of dis appointment they might have had in the verdict. As they fought for the life ot the woman against every aud overwhelming odds, gentlemanly and calmly, so they received the verdict. "Is this your verdict, gentlemen?" answer. Judge Nutter theu directed the clerk to record the same iv the presence of tho jury. After compar ing the original with tho record it was again read to the jury as it stood upon the record. Mrs Le Doux was herself again. She raised her veil and smiled as attorney Crocker ap proached her. Attorney Pnirall came later and tho convicted woman ex tended her hand to him as she thauk ed him, aud as he encouraged her and told her that the battle for life had just commenced. The couvicted woman still remained iv her seat, her breast heaving notice ably, while her attorneys remained about her. Two uewspaper men ;ip proached her aud asked if she did not desire, to make some statement regard ing the outcome ot the case. With a placid smile, still calm, sitting in her chair as it mistress of all she surveyed, sbe dropped her eyes in meditation for an instant and then brightening showing a row of rather strong white teeth, answered with a sigh: "I— l think I'd rather not. 1 havo nothing to say." '1 he in terrogators withdrew in silence, not pressing their issue for an interview. After the time for passing sentence was fixed for Monday, July 9th at 10 o'clock, Mrs Le Doux, a convicted murderess, arose from her chair un assisted and in cbarge of deputy sheriif Mark Smith, left the room in which the record of her past career was reproduced before hor, and a mighty throug with its terrible sur roundings, culiuiuitiug iv the verdict which means that her life must atone tor tho murder of A. N. MoVicar. She walked from tho room unfalteringly, apparently less concerned than at any time before. Attorneys i'airall and Crocker, who have contested every step of the great aud far-famed trial, announced last night, that before the day for passing sentence tuoy would ruovo the court for a new trial, alleging many grounds of merit. hie their motion denied they will appeal from it, reinforcing themselves with the bill of exceptions as it appears of record. Attorney L'aiiall claims he has a good chance to obtaiu a reversal of the verdict before the supreme court and will light every step until there is nothing moro to fight for. He claims that the verdict of the jury, impliediy demanding the life of the frail woman, is one of the strongest points in his favor. Hang ing is the penalty only in most griev ous cases and where the doubt is abolished beyond all uncertainty. It cannot be recalled that a woman was aver hanged in the state of California. It is asked, will Emma Le Doux be the first? Quaint School Answers. Here are some assertions from com positions by American schoolboys: "Franklin's father was a tallow chandelier." "i'he climate of North America is very embracing." "This song is iv the key of B flap. " "There are five bowels, a, c, i, o, and n." "The snow is painting the town white." "He lived in Cambridge pork." "Man is in the muscular gender, because it donotes a niaie. " Questiou: "What is goography?" Answer: "Geography is round like a ball." ORIENTAL COURTESY. A Alt Incident In Which Silas Anna Dickinson Figured. Miss Anna Dickinson traveled every where independently and saw human nature in all of its ",airs. Writing to a "■voaian friend once, she described a re ception given by wealthy Chinamen in 1 restaurant kept by Chi Lung in San Francisco, aM she was the guest of honor. She said that she saw a serv ant coming toward her with a box di vided into many compartments, with different Kinds of nuts and candies in the smaller trays. She picked out half a dozen or more and laid them on tlie arm of the chair, which served as a ta ble. As the attendant passed on to others she saw that each took only one bonbon, and she was much embar rassed. But when tho servant approached the chief Chinaman, the one who had orig inated the reception, he took a large handful, and those after him did the tamo, and theu Miss Dickinson felt re lieved. She wrote: "After I learneS that I must have shocked all of those educated, cultured Chinamen as much as you or I should have been shocked if we had invited a Chinaman whom we respected to dine with us and he had taken a whole fried chicken and torn it limb from limb at our table. In such an event would you or I have had the tact and courtesy to hace taken, other chickens .and thus dismembered them?" A SELFISH MAN. The Prayer He Addressed to tin Throne of Mercy. The following example of a quaint uiid selfish prayer does not come from the liturgy; It is from "Glimpses ot Ancient Haokuey:" "O Lord, thou knowest that I have nine estates in the city of London and likewise that I have lately purchased an estate iv feo simple in the county of Essex. I be t-eeoh thee to preserve the two coun ties of Middlesex and Essex from lira and earthquake, and, as I have a mortgage in Hertfordshire, I beg of thee likewise to have an eye of com passion on that county, smil for the rest of the counties thou niayest deal with them as thou art pleased. O Lord, enable the bank to answer all their bills and make all my debtort good men. Give prosperous voyage and return to the Mermaid sloop, be cause I have insured it, and, as thou hast said the days of the wicked are but short, I trust in thee that thou wilt not forget thy promise, as I have purchased an estate in reversion which' will be mine on the death of that profligate young man, Sir J. L. Keep my friends from sinking and preserve mo from thieves and housebreakers and make all my servants so honest and faithful that they may attend to my interest and never cheat me out of my property night or day." An Example of Dnringr. During the hottest fighting in the Shipka pass the leading battalion of the Russian General DragomirofTs di vision recoiled before a hailstorm of Turkish bullets. The general was a very stout person and had the ap pearance of a peaceful German pro fessor. But when he saw his men re coil he dismounted and walked slow ly to and fro along a ridge swept by the enemy's bullets. He was a hun dred yards in advance of the men, oc cupying the position they had abandon ed. After staying there for awhile without being touched he shouted back to the battalion: "What are you doing, you geese? Did you think there was danger here? I don't find any!" The men responded with a roar of cheers, doubled ap to him and charged so fiercely that the TurUs were forced to retreat. Why El.kmln Help Marching. All men. who have any appreciation of music feel prompted to step in time to a march tune, aud music on the march therefore substitutes a new and pleasanter stimulus to exertion for the monotonous anil somewhat dreary one of keeping place in the ranks. It ia well known that weariness is, as a rule, more a matter of mind than of body and that Cue muscles of the body do not tiro half so soon as the nerve cen ters which move them. Music, by bringi!;;,' v frosh nerve center into play, will often bituish all sense of weariness and will even sometimes afford rest to tho usual nerve center, so that when the music ceases the soldier feels fresh er than before it began. mJ *gives rosy cheeks and active health to pale, sickly children.^^ And it is good for their elders, too. Ask your druggist for it. one Price THE RED FRONT New a-ri 1 Goods pTlie Lowest jackson's Best I Price. CHEAPESTDRYGOODSBTOREI «<><** SHIRT WAIST SALE ; All our shirt waists are placed on sale at ; wholesale 'prices and some below. They are all brand I new; nothing of last year's styles. We want to close I them all out, so that when the summer season ends we I should have no "lefts over" for next year. We have I quite a variety on hand, all sizes, and if you want a I waist we are sure to fit you. 1 0ur $|.25 Shirt Waists Our $2.25 Shirtwaists for 65c for $1.50. i White lawn with em- Nainsook, silk embroid- | broidery trimmings. ered, elbow sleeves. Our $2 Shirts Waists Our $1.50 Sir t Waists for $|.25. 95 c- ; T -,.* , . Best value we ever off- j India linen, beautifully ered; good material, well i trimmed, elegant styles. fitting. |Bargains in White Bed Spreads Our stock of white bed spreads is big, perhaps big- |ger than we ever carried before. Prices are low, per- il haps lower, than elsewhere in the state. A trial will I convince you. I A Spread worth $1.50, A Spread worth and sold Our price . elsewhere for $2.00, $1.00 Our price $1.50 I lace Curtains, Excel- Ladies' and Children's 1 lent assortment. Hosiery Fast black guaranteed, from 50c up At lowest prices. :e3E-£*:d this. mostTEberalToFfer. THE SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE HORROR MOUNT THIS BOOK,* just fromjthel press, is VT , QrT orse that you want. The columns V-EiOUvlUo printed describing the destruction of ERUPTIONS San Fl ' an cisco;and its surrounding cities A NT) TTTF have not told half the stor y- Then the AI\JJ lnih recent eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, dcs- WORLD'S GREAT troying fair cities of it destoyed DISASTERS Pompeii and Herculaneum in 79 A. D., m a pxTTP at t v is fresb ia every mind - Recountln e Vjl\^rniOAL,Lil faithfully other events, the books is a TOLD AND complete history of earthquahes, dp a TT-nj-LiTTT t v volcanoes 'and other great disasters r>Vus\ that have broughtlsorrow and sufforing ILLUSTRATED to. millions. IThis book, in beautiful ______^____^^^^_^_ cloth binding, is illustrated from pho- toetaphic views of San Francisco andlsurrounding towns, taken imme- diately after the disaster, together with accurate views of Mt. Vesuvius and its surroundings. In fact every every event idescribed, is thus illus- trated. The book contains 400 pages, printed on good? paper from new type, and will be a valuable addition to any library. Through our close arrancements with the most progressive of all weekly newspapers — THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN —we offer you a year's subscription to tho AMADOR LEDGER-and the Weekly Inter Ocean and this book for only $2 90. Order to-day. Books will be delivered from the Amador Ledger office. If by mail 25c extra for postage must be added. Tho subscription price of Ledger is $2.50 Retail price of book 1.50 Weekly Inter Ocean 1.00 Total $5.00 Wo furnish all for $2.90 This is a strictly cash in advance proposition, open to new and old sub- scribers. Those in arrears cac avail themselves of this offer by paying all arrearage and the above sum in advance. Freaks of Disease. No medical man needs to be told that even disease has its freaks, and that recovery has occasionally been brought about by means inexplicably trivial. Oue of the most remarkable of even these unaccountable eccen tricities ot disease has taken place within the past few days at Halver, in Westphalia, says the .London Globe. The case was that of a boy who, as the result of a very heavy fall backwards on his head while skating, had for a year and a half been absolutely deaf and dumb. One rnornine his brother went to awake him and, finding him sleeping heavily, tapped him lightly on the forehead. To his amazement the deaf and dumb boy awoke with a loud cry. Hoih speech aud bearing had been restored. Five Cents Per Copy. SyuibulH of Trade. In Scotland It wa3 for a long tima usual to place on a man's tombstouo the symbols of his trade. Especially was this the case at Dunblane, where. In the burial ground of the abby, It has been found that of those tomb stones which are froni 100 to 200 years old about one-fourth are thus marked, the symbols being in low relief. Quite Feeble. "I suppose you're going to Dr. Ma eon's funeral, grandpa?" "Oh," snarled the Infirm old man, "don't talk to me about other people's funerals. It's as much as I shall b« able to do to get to my own."—Ex change. A Close Fattier. She— You must ask father for his consent. He — He won't give It to ma. She-Why not? He— He's too close. He never gave anything to anybody In his life.