IlcCoy'a Wife S3cure3 Hap Di
vorce From the Kid.
Carter and Hanrahan to Meet in Hart
fordDixon Wants to Fight Again
McGovern Has a Limit Waterbury
Athletic Athletic Club Bouts Yan
ger and Sullivan Draw Who Has
Dave Sullivan Whipped? Charge
Against Gardner.
The referee who was appointed to
take testimony in the suit for au ab
solute divorce brought by Mrs jNor
nian Selby against her husband, "Kid"
McCoy, finished his report yegterday.
He advises in favor of the wile, and
as soon as the report is tiled in the
supreme court next week she will se
cure an absolute decree.
Selby decided not to combat his
wife's action. He consulted with his
attorneys, and ten days ago withdrew
the suit which he had first instituted
against her on statutory grounds,
through an arrangement by counsel
for both sides, a referee was secretly
appointed to take testimony.
iwo days before McCoy departed
for South Africa he appeared before
the referee with his wife, and she gave
testimony intending to prove his in
fidelity. The tighter listened to the
charges and heard her testimony.
When she had concluded he was asked
to take the stand in his own behaif.
"There is no use in my testifying,"
he replied, "for I admit that the
charges brought by my wife are true."
McCoy was told that he would have
the oportunity of defending himself if
he desired, but as the names of cer- I
tain co-respondents had been with- !
drawn he did not desire to do so.
The proceedings before the referee
were held in secret, and even lat
night Howe & Hummell. counsel for
Mrs Selby. denied any knowledge of
the proceedings.
George Dixon wants to fight. The
former champion is "hard up" at pres
ent and is anxious to make some
money. The colored boy told a re
porter recently that he had been tak
ing the best of care of himself. This
Is the first time in his long career that
Dixon ever really sought a mat-h.
Now he frankly admits no one will
meet him and he realizes that he is
not such a drawing card as he used to
Thnsp familiar with the nast per
formances of Kid Carter of Brooklyn
and Bill Hanrahan of New York gen- ,
erally concede that the Empire Ath
letic club has. in matching them, se
cured a contest for its next boxine ex
hibition at the Coliseum. Hartford,
Thursday evening, which wi'l prove
one of remarkable spend and endnr- .
ance. The New York Wor'-' in coni
ninting upon it, says that tue go will
Why Do You Suppose This Furniture Store is Busy Day After Day?
First and foremost it ii bscauss paople believe that the furniture we tell about is here; that it is as good as we say it is, and
at the full savings that we spe i y. That's because weieep our promises and tell only facts about our goods-hax.
ing a store big enough and powerful enough to bring aoout tacts tnat tell lorciDiy 01 tne savings tnas economical buy
ers iind here.
Special Inducements To ThoseiJust Going To Housekeeping.
Parlor Furniture
Our stock challenges comparison.
31ean not scratched, battered or
scarred. Well made, well upholstered,
well finished.
5-P'ece Parlor Suits.
Special Cash -Sale Price
Handsome Suit in Silk Velonr. Five
pieces, including Tete, Arm Chair, Pat
jnt Kocker, 2 Reception Chairs, all in
Dolished mafiogany finished frames.
One of the finest Suits for the money
inywhere on earth. . Cut from
$50 to $35.
t ' T' ' 1 . . ' .- ;'
Always a. fine selection here. Bet
ter finish, better construction, better la
every way for the same money than at
any other store. -
2. $2.50, $4, $5, $6.75.
AT $6.75. $7.50. $8.10, $10, $12.50,
$13.50, $15, $16.50, $20.
Haopson-Scllev Furniture Co,
154-156 GBAND.J3TBEET.
undoubtedly be a terrific contest. Both
men have the reputation of being hard
liUters who st a furious pace from the
start. - -They nave met twice before and
their battles nave been among the
hardest fought that have been seen in
the ring for years. The first time Han-'
rahan .knocked Cartarout In twelve
rounds, and upon their second meeting
Carter won from him In ten rounds.
The coming meeting between them will
decide which is the better man. Han
rahan is such a stiff puncher that he
usra'ly wins on knockouts, and among
others he has put out are .Tack Bonner
in twenty-one rounds. Jim Judge in
eighteen rounds. J'i're Patton in one
round. Patsey Oorrigan in five rounds
and others of les-sr note.' Carter has
knocked out Andv Walsh In seven
rivns, Jim Austin in nine. Jack Mc
Oovern in nine and others, all since
the first of tbt present year. The win
ner of th- coming contest will meet
Kid Mr-Cov fnr the middleweight
champion -hip of th world.
A .?500 si'ver belt tht was present
ed to Prof M'ke Donovan by San Fran-r-'so
admirers twenty years aero, is on
sM at a curio shop at N"w York. T'ie
professor says it wns stolen from him
noarly tlirro years nc.
M Weinisr bos po'td a forfeit at
P""-lo to bind a contest with Joe
Tri!i Creerlon has sent a flm'lTP to
Fiid-ind to niee Ooo'-ge Gnrdm-r of
To well at the National Sporting club,
finraiv Ivel'y wishes to arraire a
few nit-lies in this poTMitr- Iipfnr" he
ros to Knclind o mnnf Wi'l C'T'-'v.
T'-'-Mv has sent t challenge to box Ed
d e irit-v t rMiVo.
R'l'v Monrp of 9"t T nnis. colored, has
rtvrre'l fro hi'.viinhifi. Moire
vas n't s-'cssf 1 In scivig a match.
H is renfy to ''or either Patsy Swee
nov or tf Trapper
To" Mictns ye'evay received an of
for of 50 p"r cfnt nf 'he crate receipts
for n twrntv-ronrrt lmit btweon K?d
fniil and Dave Pul'ivnn at Lou'svi,l'
Mncins. who is acti"g for Broad, w.mts
a cvarnnfe of S1 fno.
wjn.g to the fact that the author
ities have raised "ch a lrnVbub ag inst
f.rhtipsr at Clevrlnrd. it is auite prob
ate that t'-" content between Frank
TVrt" a"d T'!d Tavime on October 23
will bf sh'e1 to T.nfcv'Po
Or-T--o 0?ivV"pr nf T .---nl w'o is
mit i'H to hfT Vrn't frn'jr. Mie TTar
lem Coffee Poni-r ;n Fn-lmd in a few
weeks wrUes that .win or loe. it U
i intention to t a tr'n to Smith
Africa to meet the best men in his
class there.
Sam Harris. McCovom's manager,
is an inveterate p'nncer. While in
the west Harris frequented the New
port racetrack, and whenever Harris
would make a bet l'ttle Teriy "inlv
bered" in to see what horse he was
playing. Sam got a "pood" tiling
fmm a friend and prilled out his bank
roll to put a swell bet down. "It's a
bad pine cinch!" evdainiefl Harris.
"Do you think so?" aked Terry. "I
shon'd sa-1" so." said Sun, hand-'ng the
bookie a sr.o bill. "Well, if that's the
case." remarked Tp'tt, "inst put n
dollar on for nie. That's my limit"
Harris wor'd show srood indgment by
following Terry's examnle.
Finest Selection In
ooiiuecuoac of
Dining Furniture
Our first floor (the entrance to this
big furniture store), is tilled with the
choicest line of Diuing Koom pieces.
Sideboards, Buffets, Serving Tables,
China Closets, China Cabinets, Hand
some Extension Tables and Cane-and
Leather Seat Chairs in all grades.
Dining Chairs like cut. In the finest
quartered oak, hand carved, French
legs, spring seats and upholstered In
Howell's best leather. 5 Chairs and
1 Arm. Set worth,- $75.00.
SPeC,aSaG,eSpHce $55 .00
All grades of Dining Chairs In stoc.
To go to another extreme, we're mak
ing a special sale of Solid Oak Dining
Chairs, hand caned seats, and extra
well finished. . '
Special cash ;
Sale Price
Hampson-Sellew Fnrnitnre Go,
Yanger, the Tipton slasher,
and Tommy Sullivan, of Brooklyn,
fought a hard six round draw ax the
Star theater, Chicago, last night. Sulli
van forced the fighting all the way,
but Yanger met him with stiff coun
ters. - There were no knockdowns. The
show consisted of twenty-three fights,
six of them were on the program and
one was in the crowd, the climax com
ing when two baldheaded men, locked
in a death grapple, fell from the circus
seats and hopped into the ring. When
Referee Patsey Fadon called a bout
between Clarence Forbes and Walter
Bloom a draw, Harry Forbes, brother
of Clarence, attacked Fallon, and hit
him numerously. Then everybody
fought joyously, and the fun lasted un
til thirty policemen came and clubbed
all parties properly. While the police
were thus engaged on the stage, the
audience in the back of the house set
to with great fervor, and for ten min
utes Jews slugged Gentiles and Irish
men whaled Italians. All in all, it was
the merriest night of the Chicago
lighting season.
It begins to look as though George
Liavigne had got straightened out on
tiie road of soorieiy, and it lie has lie
v. ill yet make trouble for ambitious
boxers. Atier soaking in the mineral
waters at Greenspring, O., for three
weeks, he has returned to Cleveland,
where he was matched to meet Frank
Erne before the Business Men's Gym
nasium club some time next month.
There will be ho boxing in Cleveland
for the present at leat. and the bout
is off. Lavigne, according to a Cleve
land winer, looks to be in the best of
health and weighs about 133 pounds,
lie will remain in Cleveland a few
clays, when he will go to his home in
Saginaw, Mich, with his brother, Billy
Liavigne. After sojourning in the
woods of Michigan for several days
L.avigne will probably go to Chicago
and try to get a match with either
Erne or McGovern.
The Louisville Courier-Journal falls
into -this singular error: "The match
(Sullivan-McGovern) will be for the
featherweight championship of the
world, for Sullivan has never faced
McGovern in the ring, and lie has
whipped every other featherweight of
note in the world, receiving the de
cision over Oscar Gardner last Mon
day night. Gardner was the only great
fcatherweigiit he (Sullivan) had not
previously beaten." If there is any
good feu l he; weight who has not beat
en Dave Sullivan he should step for
ward and be identified. When Oscar
Gardner was in good condition he put
Sullivan away in seventeen rounds.
George Dixon had Daviu "all out" in
ten rounds, and "Kid" Broad walloped
him unmercifully, although David
stayed the limit. Even little Pedlar
Palmer outpointed Sullivan in twenty
rounds. It would tie interesting to
know one good featherweight Sulli
van has beaten on the merits of the
case. Drawn battles with Marty Me
dio, Bernstein and Hamilton are his
star performances.
It is charged that Oscar Gardner,
in addition to fighting one a week for
several months, has also looked
searchingiy upon the wine, when red,
white, blue and other colors. Oscar
must desire pugilistic oblivion.
So nice to show off your pretty
China. Used to cost pretty well to
get a China Closet. We've changed
the profits on them, though, and we've
placed on our floors a score of the pret
tiest China Closets at prices which will
surely sen them out uuicir
Solid Oak Exten
sion Tables.
with new style, heavy solid oak legs,
complete with leaves.
High grade Tables at $9, $10. $11.25,
$12.50. $13, $15, $16.50, $18, $20, $22.50,
$25, $30.
and the best finished, best made, best
style Sideboards that we ever had in
thestore. Always something new
here. .Different from the ordinary fur
niture store. "
Hampson-Sellew Farnitore Go,
gg boards.
Yale the Only Team Confident of Win
ning To-day.
At Yale field yesterday me Hill
house High school of New Haven de
feated the Hopkins school by the score
of 15-0. The first half was ciose and
exciting replete with3' brilliant end
runs and heavy bucking of the line.
The Hopkins eleven wAs very weak on
the offensive, but rather strong on the
defensive. Hopkin3 started the game
by kicking, off to rj.Hillhouse. After
about thirte. n minutes, play Hillhouse
made a touchdown, but failed to kick
a goal. The first liai- which consist
ed of about ten m:nnjt?s, ended with
the ball on Hillhnus's twenty-five
yard line. Durirg.ithis half Hillhouse
worked to advantage jts new tackles,
back formation. In. the second half
Hillhouse scored twice, once by a beau
tiful run around right end by Halfin
ger, the other by the use of the tackle
back formation. Both times Shanley
fa'l-d to kick a goal. The New Ha
ven Union says of the game:
The playing of Hillhouse as a whole
was encouraging, and there are hopes
entertained that a team of champion
ship form may be brought' out to meet
Bridgeport next Saturday. However,
the fumbling was bad and much prac
tice must be had to correct this fault.
Those players showing up in good
form were, for Hillhouse, Farrell,
ITalfinger and Kennoriv: for Hopkins,
Taylor. Mc-se and Townsenil.
The line-up of the two teams was
as follows:
prnp10,lse Position. Hopkins.
Shanley ......left end Terrbu
Farroll. Capt .left tackle . .W. Wright
Stanford ....left guard .A. S. Wrieht
Tliirdy Swift
Moore center. Kochersperger
Sheldon ....right giiri Brewer. Capt
Kennedy . .. .right tackle C'-onin
Brvan risrht end Bower
Oninn .... onarter back .... P-rrin
Halfingor . .left half tfack Morse
W. M'nor.
Monahan . .right half back . . . .Tavlor
' ' W. Wright
Sextan fullback ... Townsend
Referee. Poo'ey; umpire. Cowles;
linemen. H'llhousei Blnckmare; Hon
kins. Shne'nsrer a"d Cronin; timer,
Booth; halves, 15 minutes. .
There will be plentV of intercollegi
ate footbal' to-day to dl'ght the colleg?
world. The most important games are,
Columb'a vs Un'verity of Pennsyl
vania; Harvard vs West Foint, at West
Point; Princeton vs Lafayettat Eas
ton: Brown vs University of Chicago,
ai Chicago, and Wesleyan vs Yale, at
New Haven.
Cambridge, Oct 20.-The Harvard
'vanity eleven and subs left Cam
bridge yesterday afternoon in a spe
cial car for Boston, where they took
the Fail River train for New York.
The party n limbered twenty-three play
ers, besides coaches, doctors and as
s'stants. Before their departure the
team went throusrh light sisrnal prac
tice on the temporary gridiron on Sol
diers' field. Two elevens were formed
which rapidly ran off the signals.
Large Comfort
Upholstered in Leather.Crush Plush.
Velours, etc.
$12.50 to $45.
This store has mjde a. reputation for
keeping the biggest stock of Couches
In the state. The prices, style and ex
cellent workmanship makes it easy
selling and easy mryifig here. - You
take no chances. : , Without merit a
Couch could have no place In . our
store. . AU guaranteed Clearing out
a lot ; of couches formerly sold at
$6 to $9. At $4.00 each. Your choice
now at that nrlce. :
, :' THE , -
Hampson-Sellew Fnrnitnre Co,
U wittii- I
Yl uiu.,,,' Urn Wrnimil?
Philadelphia, Oct 20. Pennsylvania
again took secret practice yesterday on
Franklin field. Coach Woodruff had
a number of trick plays he wished the
team to practice "and which .the men
have been developing for some time.
However, these, tricks are hardly to
be used against Columbia to-day but
are to be retained for future use. They
They are likely to be kept for Harvard.
New York, Oct 20. Secret practice
was held at Columbia field yesterday
In preparation for to day's game with
Pennsylvania. The signal code was
perfected and the newer players drilled
in the formations to prevent errors
In the game. Murphy has been pro
nounced ineligible to play, but a squad
of forty men will leave on the Pennsyl
vania raiiroad at 9 o'clock to-day. No
body is sanguine enough to expect a
victory,- but if the men do not fumble
a chance to score is considered bright.
New Haven, Oct 20. Fine cold
wtather greeted Yale's football play
ers yesterday afternoon, when they
lined up for their daily practice. The
weather acted like a tonic to the play
ers. They went to their work with
plenty of dash. The 'varsity scored
touchdowns just about as they pleased.
The scrubs were powerless against the
attacks of the 'varsity rush line. It
was by far the best practice that Yale
has had this fall. The team worked
like a machine and the coaches showed
their approval. One man was hurt.
He was Vanderpool. who was playing
fvll back on the college team. He was
laid out for a few minutes.
Princeton, Oct 20. Princeton's
eleven had a fast short signal drill yes
terday afternoon in preparation for
their tussle with Lafayette at Easton
to-day. It is admitted here that the
Tigers will have a hard job in beating
the boys of the Pennsylvania college,
who are reported to be expecting at
least to eoual the record of the 18f0
eleven, which playpd Princeton a tie
game at Easton. That the representa
tives of old Nassau are not at all con
fident of lauding a victory is evident
from the fact that strenuous efforts
are being made to have a large crowd
of under graduates accompany the
team and many have already signified
their intention of making the trip.
Ithaca, Oct 20. The most of Cor
reTs men took no work yesterday, as
Coach Haughton thought that the men
needed a rest as a preparation for to
day's game with Union college. A few
of the reeulars were in, but even these
worked for only a short time. There
will be many changes in to-day's game
with Union. Tauss'g will be moved
from right end to left end. Cross tak
inar his old place at ricrht end. Lueder
wi'l go back to hisjbld place at right
tackle and Alexander will keep out of
the game entirely, as he is not in con
dition to play. Captain Starbuck will
not play, bnt will go to Easton to
watch the Princeton-Lafayette contest.
Chicago. Oct 2n. Brown's visit to
Chicago to play Stagg's team inaug
urates the first east vs west series.
Chicago beat Brown last year by 18
to 6. but the Providence boys say that
Center Tables.
A hundred and twenty-five styles for
you to select from. AH new, ' hand
some Tables that would be an orna
ment to the interior of any home.
Prices this fall are for quick selling.
Everyone concedes our stock to be the
most comprehensive in the city. They
make beautiful
Metal Bedsteads
An Immense shipment just received
places on our floor for immediate sale,
50 of the newest and handsomest met
al Bedsteads ever made. A bewilder
ing display, which we ask you to In
spect at once. Never before did any
thing like it appear in Waterbury.
$3.50 to $45.
Brass Trimmed Bed, all Iron spring,
two- part soft top Mattress. Complete
for ,
(Mention the Democrat when orderingX
Hampson-Sellew Fnrnitnre Co,
of S
Woolens. ; o
Suits, Oyercoats and Trousers g
Made to Your Order.
Fit, Style, Price Guaranteed 0
Successor to
Scliwarz Tailorinx Go.,
Over Chase's Millinery Store.
Entrance next to Lake's Drue Store
they have quite a chance to win this
time. The Brown team arr.vtd at Chi
cago on Thursday, so that the men
could get two nights' rest before lining
up. Last year's defeat was atti-ibuced
to the long railroad ride and a lack of
necessary rest. At Providence the stu
dents feel that thtir players will be
) victorious because of the closeness of
; last Saturday's game with the Univer
s ty of Pennsylvania. Brown's de
fense was remarkably strong, but the
attack was weak, a defect that Coach
i Robinson believes he has remedied.
i The Chicago eleven is not considered
! the equal of last year's combination,
though it is by no means weak.
Mr W. A. Hines of Manchester, la.,
writing of his almost miraculous es
cape from death, says: "Exposure af
ter measles induced serious luug trou
ble, which ended in consumption, i
had frequent hemorrages aud coughed
i night and day. All my doctors said
I must soon die. Then I began to use
Dr King's New Discovery for Con
j sumption, which completely cured me.
1 I would not be without it even if it
: cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have
used it on my recommeudatiot and all
s-vy it never fails to cure Throat, Ches.t
: and lung troubles." Regular size 50c
Trial bottles free at G. L. Dexter's &
Work of art has just been issued at an
outlay of over $100,000, for which the
publishers desire a manager in this
! county, also a good solicitor; good pay
to the right party. Nearly 100 full
; page engravings, sumptuous paper, il
i luminptd covers and binding; ovr
! 200 gold n lillies in the Morocco bind
! ings; nearly 50 goHen roses in the
cloth bindings. Sells at sight: presses
; running day and night so great is the
sale. Christian men and women mak
ing fortunes taking orders. Rapid
promotions. One Christian woman
made clear $500 in four weeks taking
orders among her church acouaint
ances and friends. Wr;te us. It may
lead to a permanent position to man-
age our business" and look ater our
large corresnondence. which you can
j attend to richt at your home. Address
j J. A. Kntsrht. secretary. Corcoran
: building. onposUe United States treas
ury, Washington. D. C.
Chamber Suits
At Quick Sale Prices.
Two carloads of Solid Oak Chamber
Suits, just received, to be disposed of
immediately. Prices will be lower
than the same grades were ever sold
at before in Waterbury.
$13.00 to $125.00 the Suit.
(Be Sure and Mention the Democrat.)
Beautify your Hall with a useful
Hall Rack. Don't ask. your company
to hang his hat on the floor. Hall
Racks here are too low in price to be
without one. Hall Racks with Mirror,
I eeuc nuuuer doi aiu umureua itacK
combined, $e.o to $au.uu.
Large size, green, mahogany, white
and oak. Special sale, 99 cents. -.-
Hampson-Sellew Fnrniture Co,
A Great' Disp ay
in a
Square shoulders in an
We have others, v
Do you like Blacks, Blues
Oxfords, Mixtures or Greys
with velvet collar.
We have other kinds. y
Do you like1 the short or
medium length coats.
We have long ones too.
Do you like to pay
$10, $12 or $15
for an Overcoat?
We haw" hr prices lowe;
' v;eher. Come in."
89-91 BanH SL
ft 3
Will You be
One of
Thonsand ?
Well! That's what we want' you to
be. We're making what we have chos
I en to call an ,
Low Price;
to the first '-. . -"
Thousand Buy of the
Quaker Range.
There's no better Range made, and
lots of them not near so good, -a Per-'
feet Castings. Patent Improvements
that are only in the Quaker Ranged.:
Best for baking; best for quick ser
vice; best for. saving coal.
SAND to buy one at the introductory low
price which we are making? .
Sellew and Mr Hampson. togeth
er with our regular force of official ,
salesmen, are always on hand to give
you the best' attention that any retail
store gives to anyone. You may
bank on one thing, when dealing here, -and
that is that
after you first purchase. .
Hampson-Fellew Fnrnitnre Co,-
- 154-156 GRAND STREET. '