- k
'' :' - ii t 'i ri ... nil i ' v i I 1 1 1. hi rui r i r i if i u ViM i..L "ufa . ! n In l !'jf j J 1 i H ij i
Local Dacoslterv for
Court xmxft l-riict tTkinrlk.
Trq&aets a General TRUST BUSI
NESS, . Acts a Eexeutors, Admin
istrators, - Guardians, - Committee,
. rusee. Receiver, Assignee, Uegis
'Uar, Transfer aud Fiscal Agent. ;T
Transacts a Genera BACKING BUSt
SLESS. DepoSiiSreeelved. subjectjto
Mbitvk at sight.'" " " i,
-v-i' -sf'vsi - .- -. ; .,-;.;
TstWi Entire CUarge of lieal Estate.
"4 -
- iQfflce, 43 Center Street.
o.Aijiirtp 3 r. m
' v officers: .. -'.
D,-$. PfiUMEVVresiireut.
l9t Vlee-Pres.
G.-'M. WOGOWTF. Srt Vlee-Pres.
VAN- I4EUREX, Sc-e-Trens.
. Dv.;Plw6&.:V-.- F. Broaker,
J. tsVWtattemorW ;A. M. .Young, --,
G. xt.iS'oudfire,.. c, p.'Gow, .
Carirts Fntli., 5" JS. L, Friable. Jr.
Fianklla Farel. 'CGgqrs E. Terry,
s t .M;-Borrall-.'.- . , . v.
. SFrofess-SMluasb'pjkied tUe Sttt
" wrftS-Jtaro;4 ; Utanclng
' Mor&. thab the rtrjnra ry"nttentWB 'usual
ly afeertt& Jby- ht 'cias. .tus'trtietors
Is cIt4qIqpb' ui4 tjf -all im
portant 'UstUeulq exercises so bene
ficial to tbe yinup grot'lng" body, and
tbe only means wner'eby children real
ly become, graeefuL Care, however,
must be taken that tner are given by
an Instructor'-? thoroughly eonrersnnt
tiblllty. All cbHdren participate in the
several stage entertainments given. dur-
log the' season.
- : 'Wf 108 BANK STREET.
i c :b
THOS. If. HAYES, Proprietor. "
.'. '3T-80 BT?rroK f?TREET:
. - ?' "Ttiriiiifjiii tai;;:. '
. - "Tlie nii'r J5s.l f trii i Water Iee ln
tile City."
i SlcciH-Urnl!. ,.,i.i
i irndiv
u.:j - ...
- ttew -sjli)"kvs in- jour viii'riagis wheels.
UYf niiis or rinv!t.'w your tires Stft Or
Blirjjigii. rvpuiieU: it you want your.car
rlp'p iiiiuieU- w mo w cusliiou -maJe,
wt tyy imi..o,u, ox, your ..horse shoeil.
j oil ciu .hive, everything done iu one
place 'by going to O'Nell 4i "AVoiugr,
where tuej- have experienced men iu
' vr'tlernirt;m-ut: 'l ' '.
DuN-jM--GO -to xhops where-you ciri
gol.olil-y urt of'-the work done and
be pbligeti o .go f rom shop to shop to
UoisU tt,. . '
' 1 3 1 7 BRO WM STREET.
. Ton THE YINXU .,:'-
Everyone covered by in
siicari.ce . Something riew. Ask
about-it t.' '
Jadqlieis Auditortuiri,
4 ; Repair Shpp.
lfH'UDRRflW, ; . : Repairer.
' i .If jrou Oou'.y'U -bv :8orrjP one of
ilutu-cold uJguts.. We have 4iudltous
lrac nd: trou Jtrom $2.00 and up
warda.Y portabie ... tlrats. Fenders,
Spurt "Guards. Shovels and Tongs
vverytWoK for tb Ureplace. ' Fifty
ttoslirirs of bard" wood- Mantels in ' our
iHlowoom a Kd one in oak with
fnclm?;ndDrBamjentnl center piece for
ticoo. 4 ' -;: : .-
' ' ' '521' BAK. STREET.
North : Willdw Street.
vfEhty'-tenias; ' ": ' ".
The Seeley;& Upham Co..
- Il liuhll-l' tvili uaiier an orUiunrv
tlxeti rooui with tUe latest designs: In
WaU Taper, border ami . Urt class
work, all votnulete, for 2.u0 per room.
HHtisfuctiou, guaranteed. Send postal
or order ror work, to omce or residence,
j$ AUboti ave:,opp .ltiiortit fAureli.
. tTiH" descriptions at shorf notice.
TtKWtrsgU workmanship aujl reasonable
Cd Ockels, ; Sign Haker
' larstteitoB glr.i to fltera-
t . 1 elemizing of bouse plumb
"' Usrfully lurolshed.
i lit caoW booh be
'.: . , .IfcsUKU lit v. . '.is t '.-,
Ntunin of ssor-itEr pbcst-
' bUUaUKlKriOU MA l'US. '
Che Vuur..., to. jO On? Mou.u 4-!c
'--' Delivered by Carrier. -
'rioni uue teut v word to ii.uu ki uoa.
' i.tudiuif Notltos It lo av liue. "
-MONDAY, OCTOBER.. 22, 1000.,
' For President.
' Foi- Vicet-lres'rueut. t'"r
Governor: Samuel L. Bronsou, New
. liaveu. . '
Lieuteuaut-Governov: Cyrus G. Beck-
with. New Loudon.
Secrttary: James I. Woodruff, LitcL-
Treasurer; Edwin .C. Pinney. Staf
ford. -
Comptroller: William L. Hunttiug,
East: Hartford.
residential Electors: I'liilo S. Ben
nett', New Hureu; Archibald, Mc
r Neil, Bridgeport ; John W. Coogan,
Hartford; Fred V. Burr, Middle
town: Simeon A. Wheaton. Eastford'!
Katliuniel B. Stevens.1 Winchester.
-..j . FOB C0NQRES8: ' w i '
1st Dlst V. Tuttlo. Ilartfowl. i
2d Dist Oliver Glldorslowe. -Portland.'
3rd Dist-.T. H. Potteiv KilliiiEriy. . ,
4th DistCv 1. Lyman, . Washington,
2d Dist C. V. Cowles. Mnncheste.r,
3rd Dist L. Mullaley. Windsor.
4th Dist Charles W. Eaton. Bristol.
5th Dist W. 51. Kennedy, NauiratucU.
Sth ' Dist James V. Bree, New Haven.
9th Dlst C. B. Crnndall. Stonington.
10th Dist N. B. Lewis, Norwich.
11th Dist James A. Way: East Lyme.
12th Dlst A. W. Noble. New Canaan.
18th Dist R. H. Golden, Norwalk.
14th Dist A. McNeil. Bridgeport,
mth Dist M. J. Houlihan. Newtown.
ICtli Dlst Jerome Warren. Putnam.
U0i , Dlst O. T. Babcock. Windham.
ftftiDist James AllUis, Torrlngton.
gj'st'Dist Heber I. Thayer. Haddam.
22d Dist Richard Davis. Middletown.
23d Dist-Edear- D, White.- Andover.
24th Dlst Edmund Joslyn, Tolland.
Itobert A. Lowe,
Ii 1s so long since we had a denio
rraiu governor of Connecticut that w.
mjy f'eel Just a little strange after we
elect; Samuel L. Bron3on two weeks
froin to-morrow; - " ' -
Where do those, republican candi
dates get all their money? That Is
tht question that democrats , want to
know.. It is. reported that locally it s
very plentiful. One of the candidates,
we are' Informed, fs' Just "pouring. It
out." "' : '
So. the Dewey . arch is to be white
washed and fixed up for another year.
Laug may.she wave.! Bridgeport Post,
:A coat of whitewash -may .cover up
the dirt on the aivhvbut It cannot wipe
out the Insult offered to the hero ot
Manila bay by the people of New
York In letting the arch run down at
the heel. ',." .
..The, Democrat had a series of mis
haps .'.Saturday, so that it was 12
o'clock .Saturday night when the paper-was
s finally printed. .We are in
debted to Manager lank Parsons; of
tyj; Republican, who generously came
to our assistance and run off the edl
tkii fur-.us. We had all the setbacks
that -go-with a, first day, and a few
more thrown in for good measure. Our
cup of misery overflowed, however.
wlienr'at' 'about; "3. o'clock; just as
things w?r'e going along nicely, one of
the hardest workers sent a form to
the bottom of the elevator shaft., As
a-consequence,; wejwtll hav pi for a
week or -thorp. It was one of our best
pages, too,' so If Voti" liilssed any raal
live news fronr'OHt1 cMu.mns, Just
h'c'a tift!3"iidi'kf6M'iV4
to get the papers to all our reauers
yesterday morning, and -. any person,
who did "not receive a copy , of Satur
day's, paper can get one by calling at
the offlce. We hope for better luck
to-day.' .-"".:.- ' r . - ; :
" Republicans," from Mr MeKinley
down, says a Washington critlc,.-have
made this a campaign of misrepresen
tation from the start. Mr McKInley
himself started tbe false pretense that
the war taxes would; be? Vepealed at
the coming Bossion-f- congress, and
the promise h.i3 been reiterated and
reiterated by 1-epuWic-an speakers and
writers In- all section of the- country.
The war taxes will no "be repealed by
the present congress'.unless" the; elec
tion of MrBry'iiiwsrwvHjpbli
cans to do so wlWic of embar
rassing his iUnfstrtlyfof'Vjhe
very simple retsiw.-:.&Kt!' 'h?110
they produce r.necesssi:y; io mep the
expenses of tfie MeiyiriWypoHcy of
imperialism; This W;;Weil:y known to
every prominent ola-tafie-; 'treas
ury department, . alti.itfotild be
as much as hlB-p-'s;"SFortb,for
any ' one tf ; them t-)puWte1 say so.
But they don't hnveiany;ihtag,
the figures tell the.-taU?"rj" T? oflleial
figures show; that ti total " fcx'pendl
tcres . of the governtneut for the last
fiscal year amounted to- yi68,099;S28;
and the total receipts to $171,271,451.71.
Subtract, one from the other. nd .W
ht. J "Irhmehse suEnlus" about
M ?' S1rv- -"I TiTliirit l .Ml LL
I taxes, but there will be a reduction 15
fhe- tox on beer; the brewers having ,iorJnst oountlef, there Is hot one house
bought ' promise; to' that effect with j,, a hundred that was not elthpr total
heavy campaign contributions.'.;' Still ly destroyed or badly injured.".
republican speakers will "go" on pro
Wjjif jrepeala. They go on the the-,
ory tiyitpte, obtained by aise, pre
tenses counts for just as- much as one
bought for cash, and is cheaper1. :.
u ;t .'.'ii i ...
i. ttii- TTi- - ' -sIb
;hi8 , last, weekly letter, Henry
Olem's'discuteses the effect of the buck
et shop business oa tbe. money . mar
ket as follows: The Chicago-board of
trade has been engaged all summer
waging war against the bucket shops,
r.nd hns summarily dealt with several
of its members for linvlug had connec
tions therewith. The governors :6f
tlidt Institution have also ordered nil
public ' quotations ; stopped, and rc
now organizing their telegraph ' ser
vrfee .so -as totkeep-tho quotat-ions within.-
their control and from being ob
tained by bucket shop deafcrs. It
may become necessary for all .other
legitimate exchanges - throughout the
country to take similar aqtion before
this demoralizing business can be brok
en up. There is no doubt btit that o
-reat deal of the recent stagnation In
the " commission business of Wall
sti-eet and other leading linabcial een-
tevsjs largely' attributable to the im
mense aggregation of bucket shop
transactions which have kept, business
out of" the various exchnnges. The
New York Stock Exchange - several
years" ago took a' decided stand in this
inaterv,an has, been vigilant, ,eyr.
siicy, Jjut -has; not yet. taken the .ex-i
treme action that the Chicago board:
of -trade has' itrtely'-'do'ne. . - It may,
iiowever, be found lieeesoary to do so
later on before-,t.he country is rld of
this great evil." I is evident that the
New York Stock Exchange has- not
been inactive in this'niatter, ns will be
shown by tlie action taken at the spe
cial meeting of the governors of. the
exchange on April 19, 1SUS, resulting
in the expelling of one of its members
for making a fictitious transaction
with one of his customers, thus show
ing the severity with which the New
York Stock Exchange Is prepared to
deal with its members under such cir
cumstances. This Is evident of how
the New York Stock Exchange feels
towards bucket shop dealings, so that
the Chicago board of trae, in their
war, may naturally -expect all the co
operation that the New York Stock
Exchange can give them in their good
work. "
Tom Reed ought, to be able to say
as much as Ben Harrison did without
straining his conscience.
The Hon Gi'over' Cleveland never
gave his uuqualitied personal suppor;
to but one candidate for the presiden
cy himself.' , ' '
If the "silent vote" be cast for Bry
an aud St-eveusoti, there are good
reasous for believing it will-be; they
will surely be elected. .
" It 13 a clean steal for the administra-,
tion to make the people pay the sal
aries of government employes whlla
they go home to vote, but it Is to be
Sir Thomas Llpton means to "lift"
that cup if money and British brains
can accomplish thefeat. He Will be
given a fair field with no favors. New
Britain Herald.
' Representative Sulzer. of New York,
said to an Illinois audience the other
day: "Put It -down ns I give "it to
you. New York is as surely demo
cratic this year as Georgia."
The republican national committee
is liable any day to-put in a claim for
the electoral votes of Arkansas and
Texas. Such a claim would not. be
any wilder than others Jt is constantly
Teddy has grown so big. In his own
estimation, that he is likely to order
the widening of the doorway of the
private enr in which he travels. It
really puzles him -to understand how
he can still get through the doorway. -
The twin sisters who married twin
brothers have each presented - their
husbands with triplets. If . each- of
these triplets should , happen to marry
other triplets we. suppose the family
increase would keep up a corre'spond
iuff ratio n The j .question would, be
where would it-jeudJ?-A.nsou,a Senti
nel. ' fu i . v..
It 'Is understood that Sir Thomas
LIpton's two Shamrocks will come
over together eaily next, season.' and
that the preliminary testing will be
done .'for the most. .part ; -on this, side.
TJiis is a rational plan, since It makes
the tests as nearly, as possible - under
conditions like those which will exist
in. the, actual races. Hartford , Times.
A -repuhlican contemporary V exults
that its statistics show a, 10 per eent
Increase in. wages In some .lines of
work. If it will do' a little figuring on
the Increase of cost of living .in the
last four-years it will find no basis to
laud the McKInley administration." A
10 per cent' wage Intense doe's hot
keep. .pace with a 15 or 25 'per cent
Increase In the cost of 'the necessaries
of life. New Haven Union. -- - -
.. The . record of anti-typhoid inocula
tion at I.mlvs'nilth 'rtiii-in! flip alp!?e
has been published. It shows a strlk- ; vmen is canea -tne "jrggeiv - nufisJ
ing difference between the .number of , sect, invisiblo '-to the naked eye, digs
cases among thosfr wim were and those : into the skfri and remains there un
whowerenot inoculated the percentagp . til expelled "by deafh-from ' the-- oint
of. cases; of fever among those. observed - thents which we t,Uad out for the pur
eeing only about "one-seventh - in . the pose of exterminating them; The de
InpCulated of what It was in the bth- j partrhent ktiows hothiiig about the
crs,' --. The number tinder observation .. so-called Cuban; Hh-' reported in' Iowa.
was hot large-enough to be conclusive. It -may 'have been: imported from the
nor were the conditions known to be Philippine ey .YoltfMteers from there,
wholly , alike, but the pesurnpttnn In t or it may have been imported from
fnvor of inoculation Js - strengthened . Cuba by others under-, the local name
by the. rcsuIt-Harf ford Times. ; of . Cubau itch?- but the generic name
.''K-L ?fk '"cnSr Govrnot Is dhobies iteh. The tropical itch, w
Sayers of Texs said: "W e shall nev flr ,the ganeraX bame 0fihobl9Mt. Ua9
, i V.Jt -i. - V. .
lost at Geton e.-.esUmate. !;
anywhere from 0,000 to 12,000..
t' AreS and a -half miles that' canw
j frothfdur selfd t)locks' of houses Itlotfj
tlieGWf' front. ' Itf the' Interior ot the
iJt.r the devastation? was iiotvso Imd,
erefi now., irom nrteen to rwenry pou
ies a&'fb'iofld' erery, da.T.' in 'Otttrof-tiie"-,
Did The Horse Editor Take Note of
' Our Silver' TrfHiuiing. -- - w- s
The; Horse EdltorHtftieeS evidences
of prosperity In- the Evening Democrat
olltce. Xliey have a cosy new home,
all fixed up in good shape. All this'
has taken place, under lite MclCIuley
ndmlLilstmtiou. , :We 1ave always sus
pected that at j lieartj.jhpy , were goid
democrats. Kov we a're sure of It, as
evidences of it "'stick' out all over it.
With all -thelv advocating Btyan's 10
to 1 policy,- we 'notice they have not
had their handsome new sign painted
.with-iBllren Jtfjs-ji nice gold sign
-r-a regular.Mc-Klnley, sigib Not Satis
fled, with this, evidence iif. being gold
bugs at heart; . they have put a gold
ball on top of tlie'.r flag lole. And
they' have even; put ' gold limiue on
their steam pipes: The Horse Editor1
shouldn't wonder but what they, would
yet come out for Mclvinley flat footed..
A good time to get In .the band wagon,
nelghbor.. Sunday Republican.
one ot tne novelties that, have betTv
introduced into this country from our
new possessions is a , tropicul form of
itch generally known as dhobies.
This ailment has made Its appear
ance in Iowa, and its outbreak is said
to be due to same returned soldiers,'
says the New York World.
There is some, doubt at present
whether it is ,h'e f "Cuban itch or the
rhiiiijpir.e variety which ia known ua
dhobies iteh. ' " . ' :
It is ' thought "by Surgeon' General
Sternberg", of the' United States army,
to be the Philippine, kind, because the'
.Witfg-fitsk'lofva?epitftn recently re-.
turhed""'from' the' . "islahds." " "Olu. ;' the
tner ha-ticl, a 'physician'of 'EltlOra, la".,
where a number of cases have brok
en out, declares that it is the Cuban
itch. In any case., tiiey are 'merely
variations of the" same thing. Dhobies
is the common name for it in the
east. " - ,' " "
The outbrenk'Jbf the diseaso has
caused a great deal of alarm in fowa,
where it was tit" first mistaken by
the sufferers for smallpox. Th first
symptoms of the tropical itch bear a
Sery alarming resemblance to that
terrible disease. Even now that It is
known to threaten no serious danger
it is none the le6s very distressing and
much feared. '
Thnost unpleasant feature about
the itoh is tbit it" is extremely con
tagious. It spreads, from one person
to another with great rapidity. Un
less prompt and strong measures are
taken to check it "there" is no reason
why it should notJ spread to a whole
city. The bahker'iihvhis bank and
belle in her boudoir will be attacked
by it, and theft-' dignity and beauty
seriously Impaired.
L Dhobies is ;J "extremely common
throughout. souVTicrn 'Asia, 0 region
vhich includes tire. Philippine islands.
The people ar-e' engaged a lairge part
of the time in'scrat'ching themselves,
on occupation winch, saves them f roia
thinking '.too ni.ii'ch of their other
troubles. The Spaniards, needless to
6ay; have doneJ nothing "to cure ' a
trouble that arises chiefly from per
sonal neglectfulfi'ess.' With the ad
vance -of AmeriSan -civilization in- the
east dhobiei will' doubtless fly.
In ' Scotland ari ' ailment 1 of similar
appearance is due to excessive 1 eat
ing tf ''oatmeal.1- A; former ' duke of
Argyle' erected a lrfrge collection of
etrbng posts on' his estate, "'aftd the
hardy Scotchmen rub " their backs
against these, exclaiming,, as they do
so:' "God bleb's ' the duke of Argyle."
Perhaps something of this' kind will
be needed ri Ibwa: " -,';'
The medical' department of the
army is receiving Aany reports from
the field in the Philippines and in
Cuba indicating "the alarming preva
lence of dhobies. In Cuba it is called
the Cuban itch, and in the Philippines
it is called the dhobies itch and pem
phigus. Surgeon General Sternberg's atten
tion was called to the statement that
the Cuban itch had broken out in
Iowa, where it is attributed to sol
diers returning from Cuba. Gen.
Sternberg said: "I do not know
whether the itch in Iowa is or is not
the itch whlo1?! is prevalent in the
tropical countries among tlie soldiers.
It is more likely that the itch in Iowa
was brought back not from Cuba but
fr'sm the Philippines, where the Fifty
first Iowa Served and returned to this
"This itch is something like thioa or
ringworm'. It is, of course, very paini
ful, and keeps the pat-lent Scratching
a great deal of the time: The wak- de
par merit has been tailed uon recent
ly to send an Increased tot of itch
medicines or- 'parasiticides to the
Philippines, and in generkl to the
army in the tropics. We do not re
gard the disease -as at all dangerous.
It is only exceedingly annoying." X:
' Another medical- department offi
cial said: ''The itch of ivhich the sol
diers complain, and which has prob
ably been introduced into Iowa, is
what is called iri-'the orient dhobies
Itch, It' prevails - fevery where, front
the straits ot Mal'aeta to Japan. It is
undoubtedly an : aggravated form of
tinea, and affects the legs and backs
of the men. .While dhobies itch is ex
tremely annojihg-;'there "-are other
kinds of tropical itch' which are more
serious in character. " These latter
forms are the' result of vegetable con
tact, and in some cases 'of the parasite
1 hurlierous local names,
,a. Slimatta,lt . ettlla
For instance,
called the Sumatra
Vtch.-in Malacca the Malacca itch, and
In Cuba the Cuban itch. But it is not
tssioaistf. . It? is rsry disagrreaabia -to- the
patient -butMfcuioesa nofc disable hjav
'i'om any kind. of ..service.":-'- A
'"' " ldi the" Hack l-orlt;-'.,;
"irs.'jBix'by rire yoii'su're If was'"niy
husband 'who 'ordered these groceries?.
Grbder's ' Boy '. cheerfully ) - No,
ma'am, I ain't sure; but I s'pone you
got the Btlflkit to show for it. Quito
er kiddin.--Minneapolis Sun.
i ' ,-:.'- ft .'ft. an em.-r t aj
The.following.braocheStOTe taught fSy;..
f , . -.J"e very uest teachej-ay ,;.-,
( PiAxo, organ, harmony,
Recitals and Sight Reading Classes
are free to pupils of the school.
... i i .1 ii i ii . i o- ii i' fen
.!'.tiieV Vcji hacuia if ; tlie';
:k', she was 'a' stunner,' anil wlle
she entered u, prominent, down-town
cafe the ;other nigit' about the ih.-.
ner nour, tnere was a craning oi aif-
culine necks, .and for a time eating
was suspended uiid the uoweoruer
was the center of attraction, sayB the
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.; -.She Was
very handsome' and j.was . elejantly
dressed.1 'He was; well dressed; faii!
ly good lookirig'and' of good physique-;
ot least thes'1 feminine -part -Of ' the
crowd thought "so.; ' The' lady wns evi
dently angry, there was- a wrathful
gleam in her, brown eyes," ahd' a nerv
ous, twitching .of the. facial muscles,
w.hich deaoted a storm. He jvas alsp.
angry. : . -. '
As she sat down, those nearest no--ticed
that her . lips, were- moving, . and
then heard: --"Brute. ,. I will never
speak to him again."' He was sitting
opposite her, perusitig the menu. Sev
eral times ho looked around to- see
If others were listening to her re
marks. She gave her order to the
waiter and so did he, and for a mo
ment there was silence. Then she be
gan again: "I hate you. I won't
sit at the tqblfi .with you."
Suiting thp iiotupn to the word, she
inoved to another table, at which no
(one was seated. But this time those
who ' had heard the remarks were
ready to tear the heart out of the
cruei villain who would wound the
feelings of such a woman. There was
a surprised look on his face when she
moved. He picked up. his hat and
moved to the table' with her;' taking
the chair directly opposite.. He
realized that they were attracting at
tention, and was annoyed.' She did
not care for the attention. - She just
kept scolding. She must have said
something pretty bad toward ' the
last, for a. dangerous look appeared
in his eye, andt shoving his chair
back, he picked up his hat and left.
As he passed the cashier he paid for
one dinner. This was a phase of the
situation upon which she had made no
calculations.-' She slowly finished her
dinner, and as the waiter handed her
a check a blank look came over her
face. She searched through a purse
which. 'she,,he)l.d to. for,' hjtfifL.
closed it with a snap.. Every man in
the house knew what the trouble was,
and any of them would have volun
teered to pay for that meal if she
would, only have given them a chance.
For a time she sat eyeing the check..
Then she moved back a little and
deftly raised her, skirt a little, dis
playing a neat and shapely foot, in
cased in a handsome patent leather
shoe. ' There was a' rustle of silk,
a flash of a bit of varl-colored hosiery,
and then she summoned the waiter,
handed him a bill, recei ved her change,
and fled. And everybody wondered
cjbat it was nil nJinn. ,
Our Fall Open
ing Sale
We mean the OPENING of our Fall
and WInteir Men's, Boys', Women's
Misses auid-.Childreu's
1.- o jt
Boots and Shoes
IT'S THIS WAY: We do the larg
est shoe business iu Waterbury. When
we buy we must take big quantities
of each kind to get the lowest possible
prices. q want,, to impress very'
forcibly upon all ibe fact that we are
headquarters for Good and Up to Date
FOOTWEAR., apd that theie . is, not
another -store fa Hietatfire1' ..adtiBtry
that quotes as low prices or gives as
good values. . At present we are show
ing some .splcndjtti. lines In fall and
winter . shoes at j prices, ,mucj , below,
what they , will, sell for. in mid season.
We guarantee, satisfaction in every
case. Try US' once and w caji always
sell you your SHOES, -v. -.'
Boston Slibe ? Store,
155-157 SOUTH MAIN ST, :
1. s 'a .sit tu ;i.'.'I ...sin u.' -i-uttir ji V.
,Tl; i,i
1 -i : .
it U.n.-f
' ' '. -NiiAV MANAGEMENT. 1
..... .... ... ....... . .. .
All. the delicacies of the Reason rit
reasonable rates. ' Every thiiig that the
markets afford, , .y,
- Catering to parties a specialty. -'
Special ra tes to table boarders,
C. H, Connors Prop.
: . .. - M
Iiesittencei'25 .Johnson Street1''Water-bury.;-
Conn. Oilice, City Lumbs-if
fi. t-oqi- Co. 03 Itank Sf. 'relebilohe?
P E N M A N 5 H I R.
..V.-PUUF.ESiUU tOLLliy - v jt
Tcachas ttveris-.impii. jowUQi a.- flue
tapld. .business hand, in a, course, pf tH
private lessons and no. failures. All
klud of pen work executed iu thq
highest degree of art.
" .107 BANK STREET. '
Mnfif . m lilt vA.''4.r, l ii t it ,v t
. . : .. Ml
a TaUa notice of :11 the nnvr Mfrht Ovorcoita that's beta
Z!iry5!$ii$x&'ML ;Toi'oinotico',.'bf.
, cold, mornings and 'evenings' .1214 kp
Overcoat, aud you can have It at
IXow about your'llat? '
. .. ... . - ,. v .
that a now lint has; more to '.do with
thintr liit III his nttliv Tin. vnn V--
5) ShlaifalUsitnd tlon . rentem.Mr.rth at we sell just such garments; that theJ
fpaeSj WhIChi attract, yourj ntteut ibn probably came frorn here, w?.
'''so1d,1h'ihSi-tds of's'nch 6vcr6oat3''aV,d Suits the' last few weeUnJ TM
. . f " mill wiu uui f- vllo 1 1 C 4 UlJ IX 3
,oi your face?- That's why We are busy selling, hats these days. jThat
is why wben we sell "a siiit' of clothes or .an: avercoat iwe-invariably 1.
sell a hat. We carry hats to fit eviry shaped head in Waterbury.'
Shw s-ta lit every toot frozu $t 23 to f.3.50 In russet or j&'la'ck. . )2 Wry- "
Als'lrjiuWril-'alha tys, including stylish Capes and Jackets for la
dies, -Sold oii LwecUly payments at th '- '.- i 1 -
:.--v.n ;,-;" : - v '-. . 1 -. .-...j.-
, , . : ' --': ' ' :'
I Credit ,ClotliiQp--?C6
At 39c.
xo-moricw wq oiler another lot of
those Umbrellas that caused such a
stir iu the UMBRELLA trade. This
Is the greatest Umbrella opportunity
ever offered. A Fine Fast Black Um
brella, 80c. Everv Umbrella guaran
ING with the best Gloria Silk, from
CoC Up.
Cottage Bread
The sal- of. this, now faraor. 1. bread
has been so largo that It lias been Im
possible to make It fast enough -t.i sup
ply the ciemand.
We ore enlarging- our ' capacity as
fast as poslble, and in tt few days we
will be able to supply your wants.
Wo take this means of explaining to
you why your grocer was obliged to
disappoint you so many times the past
Trott Bakinp: Go.
People's Market
a it "' ' '
... Spring Lamb, Chicken, Veal. Mut-
ton, Chicago. Dressed Beef And Na- ".
tlve Beef. The finest quality of
Vegetables. - Always fresh.
Is the largest in the city and keeps
the largest stock to select from.
S EOHL,; Proprietor
Telephone Orders Promptly Attondod.
All Sizes; Best iu the. Market. All of
our Coal is Clean and .Well
Screened. For; terms and .
Xrlces call on
John McEWgott,
.. Orders may bo left at Schott's fish
market. 134 South Main street, apd at
, Gedttes's drug storevBrpokiyn:j
- Oue family '-house ot eight rooms,
With large lot, ou Button1 street,
. If you want n yell drilled.' or -your
old one has gone dry aud you waut it
deepened, wc cau do it for you, aud do
it right".
' 104 BANK ST. '
1 . - Birnoy's Cafe
On riioeuis' aveuue now ready for
Choice Liquors. Ales. Wlues and
Lnger. All the favorite ;- brauds of
Cigars. -' - -j
i .jN B. -North 'Main street entrance.
next to Tark m.irket-'-'-- : :
l Eccl That's Drpi" -
TOfe HELLM ANN BR Ef 1 1( G a.i
- Now on draught in all" the leading
cafes and. ltoii-ls. , , -. f . ,
.... .' ' 'Phono Si)-3. , , .
All brands of W lues. .- Whiskey, sealed
' aud In bulk, delivered free.
T. E. GUEST. 05 Sonth Mala St.
r?coo; Challenge - $r,odo
aea draught, -u- .
JiSES E. UATTS, South Mi Str33l
. . -. .. r. .i L r. ,i.f. .-L-i tit .
BoTffed Ifor FamilyUse.
. -Y'-f if
Exchange PlaocCafe:-'
the' different styles of iSulta- worn"
It necessary that rots - wear' a tfjll
any price ifyou call 6n!'u3.", " '
- - . . . , - .
-- ; J - .-
-' ' ' " ' ' ''.
a man's1 appearance than anv-
n r tVmf liiiot- r.tin 1 c
given away, also the copyright
niusic at 10c per copy.
Call and examine our great
bargain in a PIANO, only a
short time iu use.
Forbes' Music House
Cor South Mala aud Scovill Sts.
(Up one Flight.)
Dains Co
28S North Mah
283 North Maia.
...House Painting...
Wc do it, and do It right. Let us
show you results ou several just com
Wall Paper.
We have doubled our shelf room and
will show about October loth as large
and complete a stock as you can fiud
In Waterbury. Mouldings ti match.:
W.e have a complete stock of first-
quality GLASS.
All sizes, iu fact, everything In the
Paint or Wall Paper line at prices that
are sure to interest you.
Come up to the New Marble Block
aud see us . It will pas.
288 North Main St.
Agents Chilton Paluts.
Those who desired a better
education, .should attend.
the':": . '.'
Day or Night
Waterbury ;
s University
.' New pupils commence
everv -Monday morning and
evening. Send or call for'catr
alogue. ,
10S- 120 tank0 Strict
J.-H.- Mulville
' flcTenoti.'Satr East Main street
Store, St Patrick's Block. 110 Broad
way. v ..
" Telephone at store and residence. -'
i - . -V.iu
;1 uWci&l lDfe3tiAjiflE