OCR Interpretation

Waterbury Democrat. [volume] (Waterbury [Connecticut]) 1900-1903, October 23, 1900, Image 2

Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93053725/1900-10-23/ed-1/seq-2/

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, ..Carnal asd Surplus, $500,000.
" i" ..j..- Legal Doposltery for l'-
: "t Court and Trust Funds,
v - .r v - ' ','
.'rarrsncts a ''General '-.TRUST. BUSI"
- NESS, Acts as Eexeutors, Admin
Istrutors. Guardians.-- Commltteei,
"Ttusee, Receiver, Assignee, Regis
trar, Transfer and Fiscal Agent. f
... . . . - r
-,. Transact a General BANKING BUSL?
-ESS. lliixialis received, subject t
check at night. -,- -. 1
. ,.'.. -: ':'i t
"Takes '.Entire Chaise of Ileal Estate.-,:
Office 43 Center Street.
-Vl S.H A.1W. to 3 V. M.
D. S. PLUME. President. 5
; J. H. WH1TTEMOUE. 1st Viee-Pres. .
n i wiii iii.-TTrrii' oa vii-e-Pres. i
. D.. S. Plume, r -G-F. Brooker.
?v -J. II. WhitteWfe"' A.iXL- Young,
' G. XI. Woodruff. C." P. oss. . . ?
Carlos French. E. 1- Friable, .rr, -
- Fiankllu Farrel. George K. Terry,
" E. XI. Burralh
. Professor Bailey;"ha3 opcnetVthc Sat
rnrttay .nytcrupMu "Children's Dajfcio"
chTss. ISpccfar rates: 10 lesson,
More than tl.eordinary .attention usudiK'
- ly,accorded by ,lu-st. cias-s instruct oi
.'la tivitt to liepwtiueiit, ami -lUe all hiii
Jport.lTit-0allsthenij ixei-ilsi's so licntsJ
lielnl to the ynnu;, grrowinir body, niitj,
the oily-iieftus whereby, ciiffdre!' rciiii
-ly- CecMile ura'-eful. j Cnri'; horx.vexy
- j la est bi takeit that "tner :ire ulVeii bv
-'afl: Instructor of thormthly oonversaiil.
labJUty.i Alt chaidFOii iartirfjialf tlii
- 'evertrl stage euteHalihiieuts jflvetf Uuw
lug the-season,
-r - j. 103 BANK STREET. ,
THOS. II. HAYES, Proprietor.
Telephone 003 2.
-"Tlie only real Spring Water Ieo In
the City."
Special attention to family trade.
ONeil & Warner
- End HORSE SH0SR3. .' : : :
Do Yoa Want
New smokes lu your rarriagi; wheels.
: new. rims or tirw, or our tires set or
ttprlugs repaired; if you want your car
riage iiritiiited, or new cushions made,
top pet. on. or youf horse .' glided,
-you can have everything done iu one
place by going to O'Xeil : "W'oiuer,
tvhere I hey have experienced lileu In
. every depurtiueut.'
.'.DON i' iJO to shops where you' can'
Bet only part of the work done ami
' be. obliged to go from shop to shop to
Bulsh It. : -
Z Everyone covered by in
surance. Something new. Ask
. about it "at.
Jacques Audifonun,
7 Repair Shop, - -
I M.;M'M0RR0W : : vRepairer.
. ..If'jrpa -don't, .ypul.t-Jje -soiryf ju of
Ihesp. fVl4.:P.igUU., Yi:ha.ve andirons
ill bni.ss and iron .iro,ia aud- npj
' wards. , Portable Pirates. r-Feudt-rs,,
Vpark Guards. Shovels nod Xongs .
every tiling for the livphli-e. Fifty
r4leslgns of hard wood Mnnteis In. our
Khow room n good, one In ,oak .with
Taclni; and omamental center piece for
fiu.oo.- ';';;'.. ;. ; ....
' Operi etery ti'Ighf. ' ' v
. ,. 321 BANIii STREET. V it.l '
' ; North VVYiUow; Street. -
. TrlltEE FAMILY jTOUSE, - ,
Kasy terms. - i - - -- " '.- Vu-
The Seeley 6; UpIiarniCo.,
X. Go)dUe.i;i 'Ui pper an oriiuary
' Sized t'oohi! vvith:JUie.JaU'Mt., designs in1
Wall Paper, border aijil first, jplass
work, ail complete, for $2.00 per rooni.
Ballfactlou guaranteed., Seuil. .postal
. or order for work to ottice or residence!
"33 Abbott ave opp Methodist church.
Of i all descriptions at short -notice.
Thorough workmanship and reasooable
prices. ' '
Ed Ockels, Sign flaker
, .76 bank ,nStreet
" .-fH. t.MBWr7 '
"-trfirfularr'lrtfehtlon fjfiyeli to altera- l
i ao3 inodernlxing of 'bouse plumb
,' I .limaK's ebeerfully furnished.
Evening Bemocrati
itsCEn i:v 1
it, -;.
.''Ui'' sU'UWC H tPI lOMfr tlATtti.
i rcsii eue'ieiiC' fi-e'ril.tb VC-V" aaOiua..
X UESD A Y jWTO"B& ft' &3, 1900.
'-for Pri
I -New
.toycviiqi;.: - jtj. jjccu-
whli. Ntw"Louilou. r
Secretary"! .1 nines P. AVoodruff, Litoh-
new, f.
'Edwin . C.'
' Piniicy,
Comnlruner: William--'"' I Huultlua,
East Hartford. -l'lcsideiilial
Electors: - Phllo S. Ben
nett. New llaveit?:;;. AiclubaUl. Mc
Neil. Bridgeport: John W. wg:u
Hartford; Fred P. Burr, Middl.
i4)sni -Slinvoil A. .-Vfheirtttn Estiord;
Nathaniel r.V'StoVi-ifsi AViiil.icstcr. . .
ist n!?v.-.iV3ittiv,'-Xiyfo-t'a5
2d lJist-MjHver-iUd"lsleeve. I'oltland.
3rd IMst-Ff'ir."F8tW.iilllngl..
4th UlstrV W -LyUaC Waslilbgton.
Ul-d "Dist L. M-ulialey.- Whidsoil,
41 h Dist Charles W. Eaton. Bristol.
5th Dist--W. XI.- KenhedyrNuuiratuck.
Sth Dist .lames P. Bree. New ,Sa veil.
nth Dist C. . Crandall. Sfonington.
l)tli Dist-1-.N B Iewi,-..Nrwlch.
1 1th Di( JaYnea A. Way. East Lyme:
12th Dist A. W. Noble. New Cannau.-
13th Dist R. II. Golden, Norwalk.
14th Dist A. XIcNell. Bridgeport.
l.Mh Dist XI. J. Houlihan. Newtown.
-IjitU Dist .Ter.oiu.e .. nt ren.. 1'utpani.
17th' Dist O. T... Bahcock. Miulliam.
IStli Dist Jamefe-Vlklls. Torrlngton.
21st Dist Heber I. Thayer. Haddam.
22d Dist Richard Davis. Xliddletown.
23d. Dist Edaair D. .White. Andover.
4th. Dist Edmund JoslyH, Tolland.
1 JtDCE ', OF 'ttSOBAT!?.
Robert A. Xqwc. AVaterbury, . , .
A few weeks tic-o.'the people of New
Britain. 'find oorMori. to Viiourii ...the
death of two of , its prominent citizens.
Messrs Stanley and ; Laudersi 'both
deaths occur f-'nfe Wlthih n' ve"ry "khorF
time. Now ila'rtfprd.' is'pill'ijd upon in
a like jnanper.tj. mourn Jhwdeaths of
Charles J. IIadley-nfld-.GlKirles Dud?
lev WarntJ". Both men " w'tre T well
known throughout the sjtate &'i.'oun
try, anij juiaiiy people are -grityed.- The
death of-.Xlr-Warni:!:, svoa so sudden
and i:n?xpected that the community
in whfcii lie lived and'TaDbred'sb long
, has been deeply .shocked,. , ,
"Big scare for tb.ei'.;gj;.p. hf tuys
the-,;New Haven SumUy Register's
headline artist. ' Where? ' Wherefore?
Up this way everything 13 sSreiiL'. But
the cepublicans nV'e. 'working, and pro
pose to work harder, than ever, to roll
mi n liter malorttv for XlelCinley and
K - t :
XIcLeau. No meanly majority wl.l sat
Isfy them. And we must elect a first-
class legislature, too. Hartford Post.
' Haven't' hoard about it. eh? We.l.
down this way the scare" has been ..so
great It is reported, .that a .bulldog' and
high cullar hast been brought Into use
The democrats last evening placed
iu nonUiiH.UoiiXr"rVfswntatlvea At
toruev Xliithael J. Byrne and Francis
P., GuiHile,. !, TJic-ve ya3.,.,yeiX vllttjh?
strife over -the ltoirittrntlo'iis.'- altlioaglf
the t rnldi"'oT Fin-Vy Xlbi'MsV Atfor-
' . - w t r-J. i ' - r . 3 v a
ney;. i...-t. :--awor.n,i; .Via;).Ol-. Jl-..,-; A
fitpencer ' 'Were "(present"' lut "RWuid " ti 6
to ' have aee'n'ueVVsiiwSAieW'iJbiii
mated.,,. .jne,.pfnrYctiiiu.-JJe.cidea ouier
'wisui'.liowever,' vnud;nov the xipposing
forces lit. the cbnV'eii't'.oa 'will go'" to-
, get he c. "and land the-imeii named win
ners;--.Sjoni;? -iif'.'-theelvgntes if art red
a eombiriiitloiV with "cither , 'Spencer or
Morris as. oueltytiis, nominees, but- -the
delegalear coaUln't see it that way, and
consequently "the' fvb young' -atfonieys
. , " . ' - ' -' - -
wuij-inaicc toe ace. :-,;. ;; .v...:
' '. Why Mr XleKlnley lki?eps an. Arrtcrl
can inlhistei-.at Pi-k'!a "wIVen he irrt-ari
ably turns 'l'jxjegji' recoai
-ouendattona and- hcta's in: i--cordaute
with wbat the'CMne' minister to th
jif .9ii;iciii; . H'jli.-iw uiuii .,uUJ. .to i
United States- -says,;-. ,Ami. - oi,, ;tUos
questions -hU-U a-.M:boe,r.'bUiich'; of-
AmeilOTas;;xvould ItttA nave satis1
f actov4ly ausy.e.r,ed.J'it, '.0,rW,rv0l"i':
again recently when Ministerft'ongpi;
sent a dispatch, warning Setetaryi
Hay Ifliat the dhlne.gpyferaiiien.t was
not rftiJtiag fair.'' .After-that dispateh
w.i3 fAeIyed1th;eVchieE?' mrafstei', in
violation, ot all diplomatic usage, was
allowed to have a personal interview
with Mr McKiuley, in-order that Be"
nose empetpr to txtyliApjfin
can einpernr. thaukiug. htm". for all' he
had 'done; fur t-ftfcies.' 'gratdnt,
iJ taHtiBkMnrjiciinejais.
McKiuley -trr'oBtAhe4 political work
Llvf jtjie republicans, arid the- high -ollar
h's.ii.ot oh the buihfog'refUir.'The lilgh
! balls have not been mentioned, how-.
.fawiit b4.a?di'eill-ged-'
f of it whole biur to "yu11-bV''clHifaks
of taffy presented by the. wily Cbluo-
inan. , -, .- . . , , . j ,
'I uiu jrlad to"tnfk to nn uiidleiice
eoii86CU(lgi$'Ct,Jroiii sal(
XV. .T. Brvnu tn n "teeent uneech. "fot
tt Aafifl jP tii Hir-cbmegt ' tird' V6tttini' Is
as uiueu uie,resteu. us . iuv uiau. , i
not a mother Interested In her sou?
ts --not iiia .iuotbeii.Uiterested. lu. mak- (at the house afclx)iia Robert, a 1'ieucu
llifo o,tlomething former sonl ' .InVTtWuWBobert':that-l ha
r' xvish'that eyeu-nVother In 4U19 land promised t( be,At tJte Xilaalon next 4y
coiijd . study. ,ithe;ti1tst aestloo. and and - reminded; Jiiu thftSfe-i Iudlaus , call
loarn .lier own. couvlctlon with ltL She men liars whci hy, -do not keep their
11 nils out ivbout It when she" goes to ! word, he made, a quick inspection, of
buy ugar and other articles controlled , looked at .Wy horse a aud .aid:
. , , '., . . "Bishop, with that buckskin suit and
by the trusts aad Ja. told thnt the. trusts fur coat yoUij. t0 ; turough all fl'Rbt;
have -raised the- prices, t But to my onfy' give yWu thr pairs oflmoc
nrlud tliat'ls'the"- . least' objection.' to eas'lDS- to pot'rtn lr pl8.c -.f: our
thet-rVn'-ifrtifi'truktB raise Drlce;we .. boots. -One never; know what .sort
can' simply ' buy less,' but when a trust
- -V - ( , - M i.
dbunopollea an Industry, and closes the
door of opportunity against the young
m'atl audv!ittenipts' to Condemn -man,
blow - than. It docs, through the prices ;
Uiftt It extorts. Xlolhci-s,. what would
hiive'vour'bovs so onto the 1'afm? AVhy
you know that to-day the fanner takes '
nuiro i- uiuwa than auv other man. auu
has less inlluence in the govermuent;
at least, he is Jess considered by those
wiio govern. - Are you going to Jiavc
your .boy -go aiiioiig 'the laboring men 1
arid have' but Vmc .ambition, aud that.
tQ. have .ii . full, dinner pail, and only
t.t ha;es that ;j,yhen.. the . trust, will, let
Jiavej.lt Are you .willing to let
your sou go- into .the -anthracite edol
region - and take his chances at less
thau ft-Hi day;' with powder at $2.75 a.
keg? Are you satisfied , to have your
boy "go'.'Jire ? " 'XUi foil want him to
o Into a store?. Don't you know that
tn.,inr (l.o 'tmof i. 1 1 ,, 41. n otro.
i , . T. , ...
keeper about?. Don't , you know that
the trust is-shortening credit? That '
it Is laying upon the retailer all the !
hances of business? t)on vnn know
that to:day the trust 13 compelling the
h-v..v,."w y
trust-made goods? Would you have
your boy go into a big factory, that
to-iaorrow the trust may come and
bankrupt him? Would you have your
boy have stock in a trust? The big
stockholders will freeze him out before
the year is over. What will you have
ypur bpy do? , Will you have hiiu be
come a lawyer? Why,, the law busi
ness is gravitating toward the olllces
of the large corporation attorneys,' and
the other lawyers are clerks In their-
oiiices. ' bat do you want your boy
to do? Is it not time that you were
thinking? Is ' it not time you -were,
using your- own influence to-take this
'Cevferiifiicnt back and place -it on its
oWir1 fouiidation. and make it again a
Tree government of the people, by the
people oiid., for the people, in which
JJUe huiiiblest citizen may aspire to the
hjgjist ii-eward in the political,. world?
Is fit. uottiine. that - you mothers- were
JhiiikiDg,.iaBd if ant economic questron
ean-uofcarduse you. ls-lt not time that
. 1 1 . 1 . " .
All doctoi-s told Renlck Hamilton; of
West Jetferson;- O., after sull'eriiig 18
momhs from-HectaL Fistula, he would
die unless a costly operation was per
formed: but he cured . himself . P.h
Ii'e bose.rof 'Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
the Sureac Pile Cure on Eartli. and the
brat' Slve in the Worhl. 25 cents a
box. "Sald ' by G. L. Dexur & Cv;
Dvugglsts.-' ' "- " '
The starting of Bo3s-Hanna upon a
stumping tour of the uprtlnyeat "shows
who is boshing the republican 'cam-.
pajgu.ois it is well k 110 vu that Xlr Mc
jiihley did nil, he ould 6 stop the
spe'e'Ch-niakihg" of Hauha. because of
ins knowledge that it was hurting him
badly. ': ; " '
It is worthy of note that .the formal,
alliance , .between ..tjreat Britain and
Gjymaiiy. was. signed on. tlie same day
tii at. 5,;'r.lnce Hohenlphe , resigned., as
ciinncellpr . of .1 he "German empire.
Hoheploiie s followed out Bismarck's
.Vl'yttbafa: tij entangle ivls coun
mv.jri n'Viuianee. with the English.
Hertford Times.. , . ' ' "" , "
n'lvit-es, rrom Illinois put. that
;Slftte...-iuAhe, , sure denioci-atter. column.
a . poij . tpu estate completed ny ihe
deraoe'vats ..several. Jays..ae-p gives P.rv
au a .ln'aloritv" of from 20.000 .to 30.000
outside-the tit.v of Chicago, which has
been practic-nlly conceded to the demo
eriVrs iiy the repuliHcans from the be
ginning of the campaign.
Said,Mr;icLeau.',in ,ii!s .W'aterbury
speech: "I may Kay. that in two minor
points I resemble Washington. My
tame is George and I have been ac
cused nf ' about all the ' crimes in the
category' This ls'alhft the-line 'Mc
lean -seems, to hnve-'adopted - lu this
eaiifpaiKiiV ITis -argunient seems to be
n whiii-itTid iie'-cftiniilalris of n coudl--f
ion- f tint -does'-not '-exist. -We know of
ros'sfi'toh a '-r-usntions- as he romnhiins
of.-4 PertalnlvHhe press of th? state t
nialrlng no genet-al changes.' - They snv
..Asvt-- -Is a 'lobbyist and that-is , nil.
But ilia inay lie enough to defeat XIct
0ri6eliU-eami'Bijalto:TiwaId. srr -
; 'Governor Sayers of Texas has niade
a statement of the : money -received
by Win for- the relief of the flood snf
lVrere 1 -1u "bis ' state. The . total ' was
?rt(i,433;Gl,'i Thetmount is not n eom-pleta-statement
-of all the money- kent
IntO'Texaa for. the. aid ef -the suffering
-nnsed by. the-late storm,' however, as
there i, were ' larsre sums-.. sent dlreotlv
ttt th 4nayor of Galyestou. For exam
ihi Jhe-i governor only;, acknowledges
1,Ifl.!? St , ; from . Connecticut, wtlven
HajitVord. alon.,!en several times that
but, tii 5pn)tHbytt'is of thh citv wee
received RTi acknowledged hy the
mayor of .Galveston.Hartford Post.
rJiWPFJ&fiiW.mhyniiJy hn jq do
.lKLtf'WAa iHy4l- otb" , are
inlgjity, . : daileru-s.j - Mfttt"tc dy tubiiie
the dUVTeaty , niaclunery bX your body
Viltii Viiloniet:?i'bt0ii oil of aloes pills.
'wneA 1i'1lnrKHw IJIfe; Pills, which
"are0 gowle-ills'' fliunfuer hreeise; do tlie
work perfectly - Cures neadaclie. Con
stipation. Only 25c at O, L. Dtxtcr
Si Co's Drug Store.
mvhw" . i easilv follow the road as t,he a-rass.will
and to servitude under a great tnouop-: on pjt,.:,." Without, d
oly.., then, monopoly sxriives .ii eeu'i , moment's del.iv J discovered thnt th
The thmoiiMtei'
s 30
gt-eea below seyo tijid.- there -eri .indi-catlons'-of'ii
e&ifeSt6v&fi' Iv'st6pped
.Jf storms will coi.-;- ur on the pralrlcs.
I The first ..-eevruijnUen uf youi- Journey
you will find throe houses,. but, oone:
after that for, twenty -three; miles. Iet
your hocse. out- nt, their, best speed.
pi - ass . had neon, .burned lief ore. xne
rnowfall. and fhr'whsi rinthiu'tf th do-
jllni tuc voni. l rnium uv ine- nn.ru
' stbll T-''fch sVioTttit iV"Mf Wi'pre tlio
ibiiow had ieen em-en ofr uv the wind
,,,nl T WIJ imnvlear.lV out nf the track.
.The winifto"m-. -wiiien nan . mroniiv-si't
In had obliterated jnnd ever whioh
1 1 hnd poir-r as comn'etely it. had th
.stretch liefnro mp. t In.p-'ssiu? throviP-ll
sevpral of the coulees with whfch the
prairie abound my Worses w.ere. breast
deep In the snow
A starless ni"hf onihe' "ori, "and" with
the v,-lnd sweeping the show first lt'ito
almost, impassible dy'lfts and. theii 1'ev
eiliurr them to the. bare, ground, : I had
to' confess' myself 'ldrft.'." - -
Tftitil one 1ms encountered ' h :' wUSt-
! ern blizzard the trord'. ha' little mean
iing. " The -Indian's 'lvave4nlway; paid
cie- th . highest -compliment when
ithev -havo said, that I. could, follow a
trail and Hud the. points- ot the-, com-
iMSS J1S Wftll OS ,nU3' .llldilUl
I-now kept my horses headed In, the
tilm,tIon thought to be Uat
f ti, nom.v .1 'nnid mv . . nravers.
threw the reins oyer the dash" board.
let the horses walk as they would, and.
'.J - urlinir myseir up unaer tiie "'ra'o.
Suddenly Bashaw 'stopped. -1 was
confl1ent timt the wise fellow- had
struck a landmark'. for he knew-a
well nt 1 did thfitC-'we were-lost." I
Jumped from the rleigh and eould dls
t!nrnlh in the darkness-soniethin? un
der the snow that - looked like a huge
snake. -It ntoved-tn be an -Indian
trail. The Iudianfnlvvavs walk siiwle
file to avoid -an anvhush.. and in -the
loam of the m-air!.5these trails are, sev
eral", ineues ,, . cieec. . . Jjasa.wr . , .
lowed lt.-nnd: when A1'3 mate was In
clined to turn oni;. he put his. teeth in-
-to. his neck.anjl
him into tne
r H!nnin'n'wa'j"sb" sure thnt'' I' had
stnrted thftt he jiad kept". a ll'iht in te
Window qf ,the'"a!'eiicy,' aitd wheri Ba
shaw prf'w it ntfvlen'vvt like a honnd
frb'm"' his, kerine"!1. -'Wlirn "tve'Tenched
the' misei'on'fitiil ttn'shaw, -ebiAfortably
rthlled. nmied his great eves tfpon me,
whinnv -fiifV-itis nlaiiilv as words.
"We fire all rt?h:fiow.--master." '-'
P-nshn"- n-n''iti cntrsin. to the eel-
'-'i-nteiV PatehM'iArmbi'inq Patehen?!
ITe' wa-a Hnfri:"lpw uidi had j'Kery
ir" of Bolo' ,-ulrt.i)3ra; sjipi. .rteiicnte
1,!,a' iro.miiient; eves, - small. ,
..ill hi
?n 1 jju - v uk.tiii 1 f 1 v v
(.n.Til)rois. heiyv. cords,, neit fetlocks.
and was i-'nf'f f - ... .He was my
fr'nnd and comnanlon for ov" " ..
miles. n"w"nvs."fiill of .iIrJ't"'an'd -qrcntle
ps "a p'rl." T'le" oiilv" "time I cer
tnV'ched Ti 1 nt .ijvlfVrt wl'hv xns wi t'"
brink of a' prMWec wliere the'' pnth
;wfts a sheet of tfifi-r-e ce.- and as the
fiprm l-nnii' to' slli'e1 1 "-aved 'tih both
hv the lash -W lhe- blow lnn-t mn
more thai: 'it 'rtft1-"B-.ii-'taiw. .He-1aved
i"v life when lost. on the prairtes-mnny
t'nies. In sumiiier heat, and .winter
sto'-m he kent ever-y .appointment, of ton
with heroic effort. Patient, hopef'd
cheerful, lie was a favorite of" all the
s-tage drivers, and' "non comin0: to an
Inn. cold and wet.. I was alw,ays sure
t- hear a. kind heart?d' voice ' err:
"Lisbon, go fr-tr. the Inn:, r "know. Just
whnt he old felloe- needs.'
A- fc- months Tiefci-e Ve 'diod at SO'
rears of nee, T "eilt hiiri'to a friend li)
the country to' he ''basured.- .One flflV
jiniiip colts In thfiienrtftw were rifli?:
prd Rns-'-nw- who'l'id hri noted fo"
hh -nppd. wltii ntt 'h' old tire' Jolted
)n ti,0 .nn nfd i-.ent t'T colts." He -.soon
pfter dird and I wept -when the' -hews
eanie-to me. - - - -! .-
. . -' -. . ' :l .I -i
A. Pet lox Terrier .Did, ot llclla
Not long ngo a very f ait spaniel was
Introduced into the houses' wheriS'o fox
terrier had' nlways' Ucfirf the fciaster,
The latter was told, hbwOA-erVb b'fe
have well to the'neweomer," und1 hot to
bully him. So' the two'scemedf airly
friendly and in the end got in the habit
of taking short rambles together) says
the Buffalo Express. '
However, the' fox terrier, was evi
dently of a thoughtful disposition, hnd
on one occasion eumc across u. bank ?f
wall which was easy enough to leap off,
but there was greater diifitfulty in re
turning. The fox terrier srirahg dov.-n
the bank and enticed hiii' heiivy'eom
pftnioii to follow; with' the i-o&ult that
the latter could iibt'get back; yi-hilethc"
formei', by reasoii of his greater activ
ity, was easily able to do sb; ; 1 ' j"
-.' Now the terrier saw bis otfpbrtunityv
"returned- home and' cruelty- left " "his
'comjpanion loraohtitig.'---'Nevel'' did the
former seem 'happier or fjaycr than on
that day when- ho had ;oncc more the j
sole run of -the house,-and' he sulked
wheh:' later on ihe'-spanie'l- had- been
found.11 assisted "' up- the '- wall "and
brriiight home. ' tu-Ttt''- i
- Since then the fbx'terrler has repeat
edly got the spaniel 'down the same
plaee, with the usunl'result, arid" seems
to glory in bis mischievous acti'AYhothr
er the . "fat dog'' Wilt; learn to ; avoid
temptation to such a ramble remains
to be seen.-. -. ' " . w ; j ' ,-,
. ,-, . - , . - - i'.'i-... ; ' -j,:... V :, l
. , r . OrcbtA, I(jriicrjlea. f. i
, The largest hot houses in the country
devotsd txc'.usiyely to 4hte cultivation
of, orchids. at' in JQew-Jei:seW..v.Four
hmidrad VAfietleatiatbs found. thero
tronj '. ViQuabia, ,-t-enzuf la; Jinatil.;,'
Veuador. ; 4Kiiv ia, Cos ta -liicav' s. Guate
mala, Honduras arid Xlexico, the princl.
pa 4tipp!y -sources iso 'ffdifr "'eitery
ot hep t rdpieal 'arfd -'-BfirOpldhfMeOjihr
trss Including pne- from the Philip
pines, which )tas taken kindly to Amer
'Mva sail. .. " -.
mi won': i
'i$J3.i... i:Vr..A"-, '.'t-4l
THe loitiMtu itnn.'c.liaro;vrslrt y!
- me xtry oesrteacnersr - -i;
. .;fi- wsWJ- ai- acibut :t frai-a ' a
"" SIGHT READING;- "'-'-
Recitals and-Slfrht -Reading Classes
are free to jiupils of 'the school. 1 :
A ,rti.-4.f'Ji.
r.ri .'.l l):is
nnd iVlkrtor Mu'si 'Bo.f 3", -n.Wolut'il's
rMWSeaud CliidMi
i- ..scat-
mo QjtSrmm Shoos
" tiH fitis VvAVe ao''te;iargi
est shoe' lhlsl'n'ess iii' Waterbu'ry. When
we buy'SSe most ' take' big' 'quantities
of each -kiiul to get' the lowest' liosalble
pficcs;--Wo . .-u-at; 1'oH impress .-wry
forcibly; upon sill the. fact that we-are
he.'ldqyaiSerjB for.Uood and Uj) to Date
4.''.Q.OTY-iUC-.aA4;. that, there ls not
anotheri , store in. .the . entire, .countj'.v
I that -quotes 'as Jow 'pnees 'oi " give .as
ijuuu vuiues. . i jiestui, e ulc tsuu-
iug some - splendid" lifees' iii fait" arid
winter shoes at prices much below
what- ;tley tvlll-iaell for in mid season.
We guarantee satisfaction In every
case. Try us once and we can always
sen you your st-iyCfS-
Boston Shoe Store,
..a -
..' 1 : " -35" ATCRBUJtX;
. It J-on Iiavo beti pay
liiu 4.PO for shoe, a
'trial of XV'. L. Douir
' luu 83.00 hoc Tvfil
; ci.nvince . you .tkat
-- thdy are Jtist a4J,vooU
everyday anil ct
1.5U loss. Over
1,1)00,000 wejrcrl.
jiBJ!ttlrof V.L.Xkii-
iCIim ws.ousiioea iriu
aiiivoiy out'
.r- nvu pairs
f ordinary
i!3.30 alioea
- - VV'e lire tlie largest mnlterp and r(al.
, rt chf.tmn'i4.ta3.ftO.-. alloc I tke-
' We make and ell mure a3,50 slioes tlian
aiiy other two niuiiufacturera lii he U.S.
.. IThe reasoft mofe W.-Li-Dooglas $3.50
shoe3 era sold than any 'Other make- z
hacausp ,-t.hsy,; are tha. best that can to
, made. . TtiPy U like. custom mide.shoes.
"The style.ls theba&tan always up to data.
We soil direct from fac
tory to weai-ur through our
CI stores in tho lurpre cities.
Xbo otrn midilluutau'a
profits that otliers Uuve to
charge we add to the qua!
ity, and, give to tho -wearers
or W. L. ltoucliis S3.50 Bhoes.
Tlie reputation of W. L. Douflaa
$3.50 shoes for stylo', comfort, and wear
13 known everywhere throughout tho
' vorld."'Thcy have to" give "better Satis--faction
than other makes, because the
Standard, has always been placed so. -high
v that, the wearers expect more, for their
....money yjhan they can get elsewhere.
''; r'tfftK NEW XI'ANiVGExiliNTi'
- All. the delicacies of the season at.
rea'sohtibre rales. :: Everything that. the
markets afford;'""' '. ' '"""
Catering ito parties a specialty, j -;:
Spetjai riites fa' tatilVboardei's ",
. . 1. r i rf . u.r., .U..
'Ci ti , Gonnors Prbp.
Ilad tlie Appearance of a Plash, .ol
'' JioUch Silver' Follo-ivcU by a
Train ol Sparks'.
i 'Just befdr'e 'sunseon. Jpeptomberi 2
v. lnagniwcem .aueieor was.ooscrve.c
tl-c'brth of 'Englana' ano' la' ii;
land. .A largo number of-deseriptjonrf
of . the object,, nave ;appeared in. ..-the'
withs't'jufrilg broad daylight "j'.Ji spec,
taclc, Va'ir- aH'ery"1 hriniaut bc-fe. "-says
I&-li7r'J'" 'lJ''4"'i-'' iS,VV
"."At-St. "Jtni'e s. 'r.tna'shTre,nc,W'
4m iztiw
ffunA'-Crots A&evgofe'.i.
C":52: rt. "m.. .aiid ' taS obiect
nave xauen near naiewooar. leaving a
; long' . trail "pf 'whitediistj for several
minutes, . u seen, iiom xsiruenueao
'the. ru'efeo'5 appeared at'0:54 p.'rn.
Kceiiuinir (uciivit. J-i-a pava naa nearly
vertical. "tfnd it; left a ,"'dus trail", for
nearly 'six 'minutes. : At Wetherby,
iorKS,tnesmoKe-iiivecioua ,eit oy tne
nucleus remained vis"Sle until 7:30 r.
. - f- r
is said to have' "apparently fallen on
field bnT the" lef 'bank ,of .the "Pe!e.i
irattcjr--niit-'ie ,-'
QncesrMai9lf eriti of "iltaiyibaa the
;moatiiattful ikjs:aia 'lie-xHd,
rhe wheels. are of gold and the frame is
richly lalsid ;wiih jewels and mother
wa "Wj-W-ttf mWi9b-$r HARVARD 5 BEEtt.2 UNJON rSIADE,
'WasiUeaia:Vtt'pjsed K-'dWft-W-
imfJMmMs. 1 , Pxchanire Place
; i
H AJ IL . : a . 4,
f r-'H H feM aq g;
5J . Taktfaotle tf Jttll-the'tiew Kght 'O.vtji'coats: . that's being-v worn.
ibtttctliayfifj "Titte1 loticjbf "Tas "different- styles of- Suits' Worn
ijglifji. .fIaa'tl iBwljg.tli.at tre'aeU Just such gar mentsV .bat-bd-
.-unei wWcU- aUract y.ouriaUejit ion' pr6t)'f.bly"camerfrom liere.for 'we' S
vcd'.djajuwrred f .such.. Overosats ai?d
-r-'cdld'rnings id' eiVaitfg'a ina ke It
Overcoat, and jrpu can have It ni
i .How about your Hat?
that a( new nat nas more to ao with a . mpn s appearance thanf any-1,.4,
thing else iu his' attire' Do you know thatia eh.hat spoils the -looks' '
of your faee?". That's why we are busy selling-hats these davs. That-
ri" -nj'-wuy wueu we si'ii a sun or
sell a hxilL Kvii yafv liatsi rVtfc' fev.
BAa..ir n 7 ,-.t "i . 1. "
rMjitkli&ij t'iy,(Dienj gatj opj;s uc-iud Jug
(sA y's,, tcWi on wmt;l3 pjiymeuts at
i-l i i i-
To-morrow we offer anotlier Jot of
those -Umbrellas that caused such a
stir. In the UXIBRELLA trade. This
is the greatest Umbrella opportunity
ever offered. A Flue Fast Black Um
brella, SDc.t ' Everv Umbrella guaran
ING wilh the best Gloria Silk, from
03c lip. '""''. ''-' ' ' ;
Cottage Bread
The sal of this now famous, bread
has been so large that It has been Im
possible to make it fast enough t.- sup
ply, the uemaud. . -
We aro. enlarging, our - capacity. , as
I fast as poslble, and In a few days we
will bo able to supply .your wants..
i'Ve take thls lrieans ,br explaiaifig .to
you why. your grpcer was -obliged to
nitsapnollit ybii so to'aay'timeS tlie past
mouth. ' . ... ' . -' . -. -
, -' :- . "' ' '; .J-"
Trott Baking Go.
Pebplefs Market'
;' "
Spring Lamb,, Cliickenl' Veil. Slut-
ton, Chicago Dressea ueer ml .Na-
live Beef. The finest qualrty of
vegetables. Alwtfys fre3h;r '
Is the largest In" 'the city aud keeps
thu largest stock to .select from.
SrEOHL, Proprietor
' C4 SOUTH MAIN ST, .... .
Telephone Orders Promptly Attended.
- : 2t
All Shses; Best In tho-XIarkot.. j-AJi pf-
our. Coal is Clean and "A el 1;
Screenedi ' .- For, terms:., amlr
prices .call onf. -, x - .v ..c
John McEIligdtt,
, . Y A JKD F I EIjD' STREET. " , ,
Ordera-'ttiay be left, at- SehotBs -flsh
:niarket.-'13-4 South 'laiu street; auti. at
. Geddes's drug atpre,- prppfeiya..-
ic" ,..:vy;.r . ' '' j - ' '
One 'faiBhy' hdusi-bt- eighf-rooinS,
'with large ;tot. on iSartau Street. 2J.
If you want a -fiveu. urjiteiUiw- yoHr
A-Lold one has gone dry;and..ycu want It
deepeuedv we can do tt pr you,, and Jo
U .right.i .- -.. j ' :.
it -10-1 BANK ST,:; f
Phoehri ae&u-4ibV-- 'ready1'' for
-,- business.- '- -"' -'
Choice Liquors. Ales. Wines and
Lager. Air the - favorite brands of
Cigars"-- c -v m i-i-m. .
L't N.i; B.Nocth Mnini-stroes ntmnce,
V- Now ;on draught in altv tile leading '
.,.i0 ,l l, ,toio
i . .- w .... . i
' .'. J "'. OLD MUSTY ALE
'Phone 239-5.
All brnhds of WlneS." Whisker, sealed
1 . - i ,tt,-n..,i
- i - uuu iu ui,tiai uvmicivu nw.
a tE. GUEST.. 95, South Main St,
luu i '. i-h ot1! ' A Jr feg
. ' " ;'i ' i .
I ' i i: V: ' ' " 62 .HAN K STREET. -, .c-
i Bottled for Famlfy UsfjjaJ
: Sa .
Suits tWla'st' few -wi'ek's.',"i'T'la "1 "
necesrsory Vthat yo'', wear . a faljv, J
any price if- you-call en ua.-f.
cf clothes cr aii-overcoat we invariably T
rv a!i'flnail L.ri-.o.S j J in -a'n tiilii-r!
.-TH-r wfei,
-3.S0 in., russet .-cr, J)lack.
stylish Cape aiid Jackets for la-'1
1 .1 . v
''.V.e;i-lve, jtJHeC.;
In Soft and Stiff' :v;::
And HATS Purchased Here
Cleaned Free of Charge...:
Tickets For St. Joseph's; T.
A. B. Fair October 31
Given ' With- every " :
Waterbury Hat Store,
35 E. MAIN ST."
HATS ! ; '-yi-y: - ?:'
' '.MATS !.'". . '-i
Now Ready.
We are .now making a correct
..' : , . .copy-of the: -
Fail Dun lap
Regu'ap $3 Hat 0;ir Price
Come and see us before pui
''"' chasing,' : ';'
Banbury r Hat Co,
217-210 BANK STIW3BT.
T&l B. Don't forget that whenlyou
fybf ds'ybitjjuy.drrectt. from the-maa-
NUf ced. -
i,-.- .ti-.-i.-. -
i.- " . -;
-. ',"i
' '.'.-.,.. - AT ..;'-'. f'..
,. . " . . ... ' .. . .-
, ui' ulCOMJSJfcD.QiW ,ST.f (iaciZ'
kfit Watrvllle streetrrt beautiful res-
ideilL'e embrUciug : all the' artistic ' and
"modern iinpvoTcmentS' which suggest
ease' nndr comfoTt, and' that plaee.on
Ridgewood - street withHts tasti.-and
highly etHeHishea frbfit facing '. the
waitning2 s1ieJo' tlie" southern: sun,
wlH brlng--birptrOss te It possessor.
Real Estate. Fire aad , Plae Glass
Insurance. "and TBorjtls and .. Surety
given ; lCtBauk 'stiee.t. . - u
J. H. Mulville,
Ue"sldenee. 307 IstTMalir-SBreet?
j.v.i-v4 itwr&.: Ik
tof errteVs Block. 110 Brat
vra. & ,
Tclephouo at store and residence.
'.. II

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