6 -
Jg , -... v -- . ,,..-. y. &
WILLI AltS and "waLkek.
The two real coons, 'Williams and
Walker, will present their uew musi
cal comedy success,. "Sons of 11am,
this evening at Poirs, and there is cer
tain to be plenty of sport for those who
attend. Coon comedy is always Uveij,
always entertaining, and it is a ques
tion if any form of entertainment has
touched in recent years more closely
the popular heart. It certainly goes
with a rollicking dash that is con
tagious, and the man or woman who
doesn't find enjoyment in it isn't made
for fun. , Williams and -Walker, as is
well known, are easily the first coon
comedians on the American stage, and
their musical comedy, '"Sons of Ham,"
has. won the heartiest endorsement of
the New York press. There should be
a large audience at Poli's this evening,
and if signs are trustworthy there will
be. Prices are 25, 35, 50, 75 cents and
The splendid detective play, "Caught
In the Web," will be given its final per
formance at the Jacques this evening.
It is a lively comedy drama and has
pleased immensely all who have seen
it during the past two days. For those
who like stirring melodrama, well put
and artistically acted, "Caught in the
Web" offers a surfeit of enjoyment.
It should draw well this evening.
The brilliant romantic play, "Under
the Red Robe," will be the attraction
at Poli's Thursday evening. The play
has been seen in Waterkury on several
previous occasions and is pretty well
known for its previous successes. It
is being produced now under the direc
tion of Julius Calm, who is Charles
Frohman's right hand man, and he
promises exact counterparts of the
scenery, costumes and general stage
effects that were so much admired dur
ing the phenomenal run of the play in
the metropolis. The leading roles are
taken by Paul Giltuore and Miss Fran
ces Gaunt, and the company is said
to be an efficient one, insuring a most
enjoyable performance. Seats went
on sale this morning at 25, 35, 50, 75
cents and $1,
Thursday," Friday and Saturday at
the Jacques will be presented "A Night
in Chinatown." The play is of the
sensational order, dealing with life
among the Chinese of San Francisco,
and is elaborate in its opportunities
for scenic display. Among other pic
turesque scenes introduced are Dupont
street at midnight and an opium
joint, and there are a number of others
. that are equally attractive. It should
prove a fine attraction for lovers of
G. A. R. hall, October 29-31 Wad
haros Relief corps fair.
Jacques, Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday, October 29-31 "Caught in
the Web."
Speedwell hall. Wednesday evening.
October 31 First anrsal concert and
sociable given by the Monitor Social
Poli's, Wednesday evening, Octoboi
SI Williams and Walker.
v Poll's, Thursday, November 1 "Un
der the" Red Robe."
Athletic field. November 3 Foot
ball game, Waterbury vs Hillhouse.
. -Lyra-hall, Friday, November 2 Con
cert and dance by the German band
of Waterbury.'
..Jacques. Monday, Tuesday and Wed
nesday, . November 5-7 Peck's Bad
Boy. ,
Poli's. Tuesday, November 6
."Naughty Anthony" and "Mme Butter
fly." Leavenworth hall, November 7 Lec
ture by Edward Whymper, "Mountain
' City hall, Wednesday, November 7
Concert and sociable by the Mutual
Aid association of Scovill Mfg Co.
Jacques, unursuay, Friday and Sat
urday, ., November 8-10 "Aunt Han
nah." Jacques,- November .12 and entire
week, Sawtelle Dramatic company.
Concordia halh- November 14-17
Fair '.by. Concordia Singing society.
' Leavenworth hall, November 15
Elm Social club's dance.
Poli's, Monday evening, November
lSConcert by the Derwin Mandolin,
Banjo and Guitar orchestra. '
St Paul's Methodist church, Thurs
day. November 15 Old Tolks' concert.
Poll's, Friday, November 15 Neill
Burgess In "The County Fair."
t "Poll's. Monday and .Tuesday, No
vember 19 and 20 International Grand
Opera company.
At Jacques, Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday. November 19 to 21
"Thftiugb the Breakers."
v Liivenworth hall. November 21
.tfUseDre by Bliss Perry. "Thackeray."
' Pplng. Wednesday, November 21
Mp.me TJresslpr.
"Aft Poli's. Thursday, November 22
Lulu G laser. . y . !-...)
-Jacques, Thursday. Friday and Sat
urday. Novembers 22-24 "Boston After
Itorli." ' i 1 ' :-. ! - .-"....- la;
; High school assembly hall, Monday
evening. November' 2G Concert of the
High school girl's glee club, benefit of
foot boO team. ,."( C i '
Jacques. Monday, Tuesday nnfl W&l
j8day, November 26-28 "Heart of
Chicago." ' ,-: -p ?i- .i 4 f
Friendly league, Hallowe'eu . party.
1 ;
ICspyriafct. ist. fcy F TnnytoB Nly.
Those wer days when inspectors'
visits were like those of other angels,
few and far between. The railway was'
only just finished across the great di
vide of the Black hills of Wyoming.
Only as far as Cheyenne was there a
time schedule for trains, and that
far more honored in the breach than
the observance. Passengers bound west
of that sinfully thriving town were
luckier, as a rule, if they went by
stage. Those were days, too, in which
a depot quartermaster with a drove '
of government mules and a corral full j
of public vehicles at his command was :
a monarch in the eyes of the early set- j
tier; and when, added to these high- !
priced luxuries, he had on deposit in
various banks from Chicago to Chey
enne, and even here at Gate City,
thousands of dollars of government
greenbacks expendible on his check
for all manner ef purposes, from offi
cers' mileage accounts to the day la
borer's wages, from bills for the roof
ing of barracks and quarters to the set
ting of a single horseshoe, from the
purchase of forage and fuel for . the
dozen military posts within range of
his supply trains down to a can of
axle grease. Everyone knew Bur
leigh's horses and habits were far more
costly than his pay would admit. Ev
erybody supposed he had big returns
from mines and stocks and invest
ments. Nobody knew just what his in
vestments were, and only he knew how
few they were and how unprofitable
they had become. Those were days
when, as now, disbursing- officers were
forbidden to gamble, but when, not as
now, the law was a dead, letter. Bur
leigh had gambled for years; had, with
little remorse, ruined more than one
man, and yet stood now awe-stricken
Where was he to raise the $io,ooo?
and dismayed and wronged by Fate,
since luck had turned at last against
him. Large, sums had been lost to
players as inexorable as he himself
had been. Large sums had been di
verted from the government channels
in his charge, some to pay his so-called
debts of honor, some to cover abstrac
tions from other funds, "robbing Pe
ter to pay Paul." some to silence peo
ple who knew too much; some, ay,
most of it, in fact, to cover margins,
and once money gets started on that
grade it slips through one's fingers like
quicksilver. At the very moment when
Anson Burleigh's envious cronies were
telling each. other he stood far ahead
of the world, the figures were telling
him he stood twenty thousand dollars
behind it, and that, too, when he was
ccnfi tinted by two imperative calls for
spot cash, one for ten thousand to
Warrior Gap, another for a sum almost
as big to "stake" a man. who never yet
had turned an honest penny, yet held
the quartermaster where he dare not
say so where indeed he dare not say
"If you haven't it you know wher
you can get it where you have oftec
got it befrt-e, and where you'd better
get ii before it's too late;" these
were words said to him that very
morning, in tones so low that none
but he could hear; yet they were
ringing in b.13 head now like the boom
of some tolling bell. Time was when
he had taken government money and
turned" it into handsome profit
through the brokers of San Francisco
and Chicago. But, as Mr. John Oak
hurst remarked: "There's only one
thing certain about luck, and that
is it's bound to change," and change
it had, and" left him face to face with
calamity and. dishonor. Where was
he to raise the ten thousand dollars
that must be sent to the post quar
termaster at Warror Gap? The end
of the fiscal year was close at hand.
He dare not further divert funds from
one appropriation to cover shortages
in another. He could borrow from
the banks, wth a Rood indorser, but
what-indorser was- there good enough
but John Folsom? the last man now
whom he could bear to have suspect
that he was in straits. Folsom. was
repqrted to ba worth two hundred
thousand dollars, and that lovely girl
would inherit half his fortune. There
lived within' his-'circle no man. no
woman in whose esteem Burleigh so
blundered ai the start. Damn- that
cub who dared to lecture him on the
evils of poker! Was a boy lieutenant
to shame him. before officers of the
general's staff and expect to go un
whipped? Was that' butt-headed sub
altern to be the means of ruining his
prospects right here and now when he
stood so sorely in need of aid? Was
the - devil himself in league against
him, that that Taoy'si. sister should turn
out to be the closest friend old Fol
som's daughter ever had a girl to
whom father and daughter both were
devoted, and through her were doubt
less interested in the very man he
had been plotting to pull down? Bur
leigli savagely ground his teeth to
gether."" .. f' '- " ' .
"Go apd hurry that buggy," ha or;
tiered, as he crushed the sheet of pa
per: on which he had been nervously
iigufcing. Then," springing up, -,he be
gaii pacing his"" office with impatient
stride ; -A -clerk glanced quickly up
from liiS desrji. 'watehed him one. mo
mcntj with, attentive eye, and, looked
Biirc-ificaatly ' at tis4 .neighbor. '- "Old
tfTh -W, 1 jsrfi
man's getting worse rattleffl - every
day,", was the. comment, a the crash
of wheels through loose gravel an
nounced the coming ' of the buggy,
and Burleigh' hastened out,, labored
into his seat, and took the whip and
reins. The blooded: mare in the
shafts darted forward at the in
stant, but he gathered and1 drew her
in, the nervous creature almost set
tling on her haunches.-- - -
"Say to Capt. Newhall when he gets
back that I'll see him this evening,"
called Burleigh over his shoulder.
"Now, damn you, go if you want
to!" and1 the lash fell on the glisten
ing, quivering flank, and with her
head pointed for the hard, open prai
rie, the pretty creature sped like mad
over the smooth roadway and whirled
the. light buggy out past the scattered
wooden tenements of the exterior
limits of the frontier town the tall
white staff, tipped! by its patch of
color flapping in the mountain breeze,
and the dingy wooden buildings on
the distant bluff whirling into view
as he spun around) the corner where
the village lost itself in the prairie;
and there, long reaches ahead, of him,
just winding up the ascent to the
post was a stylish team and trap.
John Folsom and the girls had taken
an early start and got ahead of him.
Old Stevens was Up and about as
Folsom's carriage drove swiftly
through the garrison and " passed
straight out by the northeast gate.
"I'll be back to see you in a moment,"
shouted the old driver smilelessly, as
he shot by the lonely colonel, going,
pepers in hand, to his office, and Stev
ens well knew he was in for trouble.
Already the story was blazing about
the post that nothing but the timely
arrival of Dean and his men had
saved Folsom's ranch, and Folsom's
people. Already the men, wondering
and indignant at their young leader's
arrest, were shouting over the sutler's
bar their peans in his praise, and their
denunciation of his treatment. Over
the meeting of sister and! brother at
the latter's little tent let us draw a
veil. He stepped forth in a moment
and bade his other visitors welcome,
shook hands eagerly with Loomis and
urged their coming in, but he never
passed from under the awning or
"fly," and Folsom well knew the
"Jump out, daughter," he said to
Pappoose, and Loomis assisted her
to alight and led her straight up to
Dean, and for the first time in those
two years the ex-cadet captain and
the whilom little schoolgirl with the
heavy braids of hair looked into each
otaer's eyes, and in Dean's there was
amaze, and at least momentary de
light. Ha still wore his field rig, and
the rent in the dark-blue flannel shirt
was still apparent. He was clasping
Miss Folsom's hand and' looking
straight into the big dark eyes that
were so unusually soft and humid,
when Jessie's voice was heard as she
came springing forth from the tent:
"Look, Nell, look! Your picture!"
she cried, as with the bullet-marked
carte de visite in her hand she flitted
straight to her friend.
"Why, where did this come from?"
asked Miss Folsom in surprise, "and
what's happened to it? all creased
and black there!" Then both the girls
nd Loomis looked to him for explana
tion, while Folsom drove away, and
cvn through the bronze and tan the
boy was blushing.
"I borrowed it for a minute at
the ranch just as Jake came in wound
ed; and there was no time to return
it, you know. We had to gallop right
"Then you had it with you in the
Indian fiaht?" cried Jess, in thrilling
excitement. "lieallyY Oh, Nell! How
I wish it were mine. But how'd it
get so blackened there and crushed?
You haven't told us."
"Tell you some other time, Jess.
Don't crowd a fellow," he laughed.
But when his eyes stole their one
quick glance at Elinor, standing there
in silence, he saw the color creeping
up like sunset glow all over her beau
tiful face as sha turned quickly away.
Lannion had told them of the close
shave the lieutenant had had and the
havoc played by that bullet in the
breast pocket of his hunting shirt.
Meantime "Old Pecksniff," as com
mentators of the day among the
graceless subs were wont to call Col.
Stevens," was having- -his bad quar
ter of an hour Leaving his team
with the orderly, John Folsom had
stamped into his presence unan
nounced, and after, his own vigorous
fashion-opened the ball as follows:
"Stevens, what in the devil has that
young fellow done to deserve ar
rest?" "Oh, ah, shut the door, Mr. Adju
tant," said -the commanding officer,
apprehensively, to his staff officer,
"and d I desire to confer with Mr.
Folsom a moment," whereat the ad
jutant took the : hint and then hied
himself out- of the room.
"Now, ah, in the first place, Mr.
Folsom, this is rather a long and d
painful story. I'm ra ah, ah in a
peculiar position." .',.
"For God's sake talk like a man and
not, like Burleigh," broke in the old
trader, impulsively. . "I've known you
off and on over SO years, and you
never used to talk in this. asinine way
until you got to running with him.
Come right to the. . point What
crime is young Dean charged with ?
Those girls of mine will have to know
it. They will know he's in arrest.
What can I tell them?" ' . . ' ..'
"Crime ah -Is hardly the " word,
Folsom. There has 'been a misunder
standing of orders, in short, and he
was placed under arrest before ah
before I had been furnished with, a
mass of information that should have
been gent to me before."
VVell,- what fault is that of his?
See here, man, you don't mean to say
it is because he didn't get here' three
days ago? That's no crime, and I
haven't knocked - around with the
army the last 40 years not to know
the regulations in such matters. Do
you mean without ever hearing what
kept him and what splendid,, spirited
service he rendered there along the
Laramie, that you've, humiliated that
fine young fellow and put him in arrest?"-,,.
- .,..,,.. .- .... - :,,,-.'"-. : :
Pecksniff whirled around in his
chair.;,, "Really now, Mr. Folsom, I
can't permit you jto instruct me in my
military duties.. You have no eoncep-;
ticn of the way in which' I've been ig
nored and misled - in thl$v matter..
There are collateral ' circumstances
brought about, er-r-Jorced on me in
fact, by injudicious friends of this
young man, and he he must blame
them he must blamo them, not me.
Now if you'll permit me to glance
over this mass of matter, 1 can the
booncr do justice : in the premises."
And over his goggles the ' colonel
looked pleadingly up into his visitor's
irate features.
"Read all yo like, but be quick
about it," was the angry rejoinder! "I
want to take that boy back with mo
to town and confront him with one
of his accusers this very day the
man I believe, by the ghost of Jim
Bridger, is at the bottom of the whole
business!" and Folsom flopped heav
ily and disgustedly . into a chair, at
sound of a rap at the door, which
opened an inch and the adjutant's
nose became visible at the crack.
"Maj. Burleigh, sir, would like to
, sec you.
j "And I'd like to see Maj. Burleigh!"
stormed Folsom, springing to his feet.
Commanding officers of the Stevens
stamp had no terrors for him. He
' hud known his man too long. '.
! "Gentlemen, gentlemen!" cried Peck
sniff, "I can have no disturbance now
! over this unfortunate matter. Real
ly, Mr. Folsom, I cannot permit my
' office to be the scene of any of any ",
I But his words wandered aimlessly
1 away into space as he discovered ho
had no listener. Folsom, finding that
the major had apparently changed his
mind and was not coming in, had
changed his plan and was going out.
He overtook Burleigh on the board
walk in front and went straight' to
the point.
j "Maj. Burleigh, you told me a short
time ago that you had nothing to do
with the allegations against this
young gentleman who was placed in
arrest here this afternoon, yet I learn
from my own daughter that you
spoke of him to a brother officer of
his in terms f disparagement the day
you got aboard the car at Sidney. Mr.
Loomis corroborates it and so does
Miss Dean. I've heard of two. other
instances of your speaking sneeringly
of him. Now I ask you as man to
man what it is you have to tell? Ho
has saved the lives of my son, his
! wife and child and the people of tho
ranch, and by the Eternal I'm his
' friend and mean to see justice done
Burleigh listened with solemn face
and with no attempt to interrupt. He
waited patiently until Folsom came to
a full stop before he spoke at all.
Then his voice ,was eloquent of un
deserved rebuke of infinite sympathy.
"Mr. Folsom," he said, "it would be use
less for me to deny that before I knew
your charming daughter or her ah
! very interesting friend I did speak in
! their presence ah incautiously, per-
haps, of Mr. Dean, but it was in con
tinuance of a conversation begun be
fore we boarded the car, a ad what I
said was more in sorrow than in criti
cism. .The young gentleman at
tracted my attcnt ion ce y favorab'"-
aft opinion on the trip to the Big
Horn, and. I was ah simply disap
pointed in his conduct on the way back.
It was perhaps due to ah inexperi
ence only, and my whole object in com
ing here in haste this afternoon was
to bear testimony to his ability and
zeal as a troop commander, and to urge
ah Col. Stevens to reconsider his ac
tion and restore him at once to duty.
I had hoped, sir, to be here ah ahead
of you and to have driven him in my
buggy ah to meet you, but I am dis
appointed I am disappointed in more
ways than one."
Folsom stood and wiped his stream
ing face and looked the speaker square
in the ey and Burleigh stood the
scrutiny with unlooked-for nerve.
Long years at the poker-table had
given him command of his features,
and the faculty of appearing the per
sonification of serene confidence in his
"hand," when, the twitching of a nerve
might cost a thousand dollars. Folsom
was no match for him in such a game.
Little by little the anger and suspicion,
faded from his eyes, andi a shame-faced
look crept into thexn." Had he really
so misjudged, so wronged this gentle
man? Certainly there was every ap
pearance of genuine sympathy and
feeling in Burleigh's benevolent fea
tures. Certainly he was here almost as
soon as he himself had come, and very
possibly for the same purpose. It was
all that old fool Pecksniff's doing after
all. Folsom had known him for years
and always as more or less of an ass
a man of so little judgment that,
though ;a major in. the line at the out
break 6f .the war, he had never been
trusted with, a command) in-the field,
and here he was now a full colonel with
only three companies left him. Bur
leigh saw his- bluff was telling, and he
took courage..
"Come with me," he said, ""and let
me reassure you," and tho doors of
the commanding officer's sanctum
opened at once to the omnipotent dis
burser of government good things,
Folsom following at -his heels. "Coll
Stevens," he began, the moment he was
inside, and before the colonel could
speak at all, "in a moment of ex
asperation and extreme nervous ah
depression the night I er started'
east so hurriedly after a most.exhaust
ing journey from the Big Horn, I spoke
disparagingly of the action of Lieut.
Dean in face of the Indians the day wo
met Red Cloud's band, but on mature
reflection I am Convinced I misjudged
him. I have been thinking it all over.
I recall how vigilant andi dutiful he was
at all- times, and my object ini hurrying
out here to-day at ah almost the in
stant I heard of his arrest, was to
put in the best words I could thipk of
in his behalf to ah urge you to re
sider your action, especially in view
of all the e ah encomiums passed
upon his conduct in this recent raid on
the Laramie."
The colonel whirled around upon him
as he had on Folsom. "Maj. Burleigh,"
he began, "I call you to witness that
I am the most abused man in the army.
Here I am, sir, 35 years, in service, a
full colonel,1 with-a war record with
the regular tEfct should command re
spect, absolutely' ignored by; these
mushroom generals' at Omaha and else
where s,trippecT br my eommand'and
kept in ignorance of the.movements of
: my subordinates. Why, sir,' he con
tinued, lashing himself on, as he rose,
from his chair, "here'si my- junior at
Frayne giving orders to my.troop, sir;
presumes to send them scouting the
, Laramie bottoms, when every man is
Coupons For the Ten Free Scholarships With All Pur
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200 Ladies' Fine Fast Black Gloria
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Jackets Made to Order at Ready Made Prices
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needed here, and then, when-, as n nap
pens, my officer and his men get into
a fight and drive the, Indians, to whom
does he report, sir? Not to me, sir
not to his legitimate commander, but he
sends couriers . to Laramie and to
Frayne, and ignores me entirely."
A light dawned on Burleigh in an
instant. Well he knew that Dean's rea
sons for sending couriers to those
guard posts of the Platte were to warn
them that a war part" had crossed
into their territory, and was now in
flight. There was nothing to be gained
by sending a man galloping back to
the line of the railway 75 miles to the
rear no earthly reason for his doing
so. But the fact that he had sent run
ners to officers junior in rank to
Stevens, and had not sent one to him,
fairly "stuck in the crop" of the cap
tious old commander, and he had de
termined to give the youngster a les
son. But now the mail was in, and
dispatches from various quarters, and
a telegram from Omaha directing him
to convey to Lieut. Dean the thanks
and congratulations of the general
commanding the department, who -had
just received full particulars by wire
from Cheyenne, and Stevens was glad
enough to drop the game,, and Burleigh
equally, glad of this chance to impress
Folsom with th2 sense of his influence,
as well as of his justice.
"I admit all you say, colonel. I have
long ah considered you most unfair
ly treated, but really ah in this case
sf Lieut. Dean's, it is, as I said before,
inexperience and ah the result of
ah er not unnatural loss of er
balance at a most exciting time. A
word of ah admonition, if you will
pardon my suggestion, is all he prob
ably needs, for he has really behaved
very well ah surprisingly well in
conducting this. ah pursuit."
(To Be Continued.)
TIi Ic llablt in England.
The English have long laughed at
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glass dish, and you pick these- out
with sugar tongs. And in country
Vnns and even in second-class houses
they apologize for not having t.-- Y
Work of art lias just been issued at an
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ments are certainly' unusual for style, 1
quality of cloth and tailoring.
A Melton Jacket, with good lining,
velvet collar, well made, at $3.9S.
Kersey Jackets, well lined, perfect
fitting, colors navy, seal, garnet, tan,
castor and royal; $9.00 goods. Special
!;4.ys; wormy tne inspection or tnc
most particular.
Capes in Kersey, Boucle and other
fine Cloths, all at prices to compel
your attention.
Golf Capes, always stylish, this year
unusually good patterns. Prices $4.98
to $19.00.
Rainy Day Skirts Have, you got
one? No lady who has one will ever
be without. Our assortment is excel
lent, ?2.4S to $8.9S; only best work.
NESDAY. OCT 29. 30, 31.
(Matinees Tuesday and Wednesday.)
The Sensational Comedy Drama,
it in the Web
By Joseph Le Brandt, author of "On
the Stroke of Twelve."
Prices 15, 25, 35 and 50 cents; mat
inees, 10 and 20 cents. Sale of seats
Saturday, October 27.
Williams & Walker
In Their New Musical Comedy,
Sons of Ham
Prices 25c, 35e, 50e. 75e, $1. Sale
of seats Tuesday, Oct 30.
Monitor Social Club.
At Speedwell Hall,
BER 31 ST." 1900.
American Band Orchestra. Professor
Pole. Prompter.
NOVEMBER 1, 2, 3.
Matinees Friday and Saturday.
The Big Sensational Melodramatic
A Night In Chinatown
A Kaleidoscope of Oriental Magnifi
cence! Prices in. 25, ,35, 50. cents. Mati
nees 10c and 20c. Sale of scats-Wednesday,
October 21.
The Erilliant Boinantic Tlay,
Under the Red Rob
With a powerful cast. Including Mr
Paul ailniorc as Gil De Berault, Miss
Frances Gaunt as ftenee De Codeforet.
Prices 25,-35; 50, 75 cents, $1. Rale
cf seats Wednesday, October 31. -
l v-
The property known as the Jeremiah
Luddy .homestead at 43 Ayres street, a
brick bouse and lot,- large enough tor
two buildings, will be sold at Public
Auction on the premises at 12:30 Sat
urday, November 3d, 1900. The boys
band and banner bearers will iorm
at (Irving Place) junction of Bank
and Grand streets, being the spot on
which "our distinguished fellow towns
man, E. Leavenworth, may some day
have a statue of Washington Irving
erected in honor of that distinguished
author, whose ,"wrItiBgs"1 since -1851
brought, sunshine and happiness to
the- homes of millions -'of- people. For
particulars of sale, inquire at....... :,;
- -; -i D. H.. TIERNEY'S . ;- '"
Real Estate and iFire Insurance Office,
107 .'Bank Street, '
Sweaters for Men and Boys at
than you have ever seen them C9c, 1,
$1.50. $2.50. If you wear Sweaters, it
will pay you to see ours.
Ladies' Outing Flannel NIGHT
ROBES, cut and made large and full,
CO cents. 9S cents, $1.25, 1.50.
A case Ladies' Vcits and Drawers,
25 cent goods, 19 cents. "
Children's Underwear, best values
and good articles; prices within reach
of most economical.
50 dozen' Extra Colored Percale
Shirts, with two separate collars, new
patterns, also stiff bosoms 50c each.
50 dozen Best Made Negligee Shirts,
made of madras, with separate cuffs;
a bargain 50 cents.
25 oases Heavy Fleecy Lined Cam
el's Hair, Scotch Wool, also fancy
fleecy, both single and double breast
ed, single and double seated Drawers;
itlie greatest assortment we have ever
'shown. W believe not equalled, at
j 50 cents a garment.
Home Work
Is considered the best sort of laundry
work, but add to the care your laundry
work would get at home our Improved
facilities that you can never hope to
possess, and you will know how we
can turn out perfect work at a merely
nominal ixjst.
Davis' Steam Laundry
Branch Offlce, C7 Grand St
OF N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R.
Steamer Roscdale Leaves Bridgeport
daily (Sunday excepted) at 7:45 a.
in. on arrival of train leaving Water
bury at C:45 a. m., from all stations
on Naugatuck Division, arriving at
New York at 11 a. m.
Steamer Allan Joy (new) Leaves
Bridgeport daily (Saturday except
ed.) at 12 o'clock midnight, arriving
at New York at 4:00 a. m.. giving
ample time to connect with all trains
for the West and South. Passen
gers can remain aboard boat until
9:00 a. m.
Steamer Allan Joy Leaves from Pier
89, East River, at 11 a. m. daily (Sun
days excepted), arriving at .Bridge
port at 3:00 p. m.. connecting with
afternoon trains for the East and all
stations on Naugatuck Division.
Steamer Rosedale Leaves New York
from Pier 39, East River, at 3:00 p.
m.. and from foot East Slst street
S:15 p. m. daily (Sunday excepted)
arriving at Bridgeport at 7:00 p. m
connecting with 7:40 p. m. train for
all stations on Naugatuck Division.
(Saturdays one hour earlier from
both landings). Tickets sold and
bagjrage checked to all points on tho
N. Y.. N. II. and H. R. R. Bajrsage
transferred to and from R. R. Depot
free of charsre. "T"
Commencing Sunday. .Tune 17. Strain
er Rosednle leaves Brklccport at 9
a. ni., for New Yorfc and Coney la
land. Retnrninft. leaves New York
at 5:00 p. in., arriving at Bridgeport
at 9:00 p. m.
J. H. CONNELLY. G. P. A. !
Sea Trips
of two to five days duration, .
are offered by the
NorfolK, Vita. - , .
Old PointCouaf or t, Va,
Rifcjunond, Va,
Washington, D.C. " .
Steamers sail daily except Sunday
from Pier 2G, 'North ' liiver, foot of
Beach street, New York. -
Tickets, including meals and state
room accommodations, 513.00 and up-"
wards. "" . ' . .--.''
. For full Information apply to '
SI Beach Street, New York. N. Y.
H. B. Walker. Traf. Mgr.
J. J. Brown. G. P. A
anything yon invent or improve ; also gret
PROTECTION. Send model, oketch, or photo. 1
for free examination and advice. (
BfifW flM IjSTCmTQ free. noAtty-sj
MWVu Ul I HlUitlvice oeiore paicuu ,
Patent LavTycis. VVACH1 NCTON, D.C.
Old Oomsnion Afne
TO ,y