Its Comical
. , : ' h ;
To hear what political talking machines
have to say nowadays. One fellow
will say, look at the full dinner, pails
during the last four years.""- The other
fellow will answer yes, but filled with
what? Some! with air, more-with stale
bread,1 etc. And,- my friend, how
about a full coal hod this winter? But
the latest reason we've heard why one
should vote for McKinley Is 4hat it
won't cost so much as it will If Bryan
Is elected. Well, for goodness sake, If
William J. Bryau will keep people at
home put him iu by all means. There
certainly isn't enough work here now
for the working people. The- same
person says if Bryan goes in it will
cost S9.34 to send $5 out of the coun
try. More power to Mr Bryan. We
hope he will make it 57 cents more. If
we have too much money, there are
lots of opportunities to spend it right
iere In eur own country. There isn't
any too much money here to till dinner
pails, cosey pantries and coal bins.
Speaking of coal reminds us of some
nice, well made, galvanized coal hods
which we are giving with each ijouml
of our warranted good Baking Powder.'-
Secure one while we have them.
If "you-don't need a coal ho'd we will
give you a wheelbarrow instead. Say,
If McKinley eats as good Butter as we
sell, he's in luck. Try some this week
at .....
41 Broadway, Tel Call 169-2
Two Ways
2 Quart
To Chop.
Pails 18 c-
One's ' the old-fashioned, slow,
unsatisfactory way with chop
ping knife aud tray the other's
the up-to-date, easy, labor sav
ing," food saving way with the
"Enterprise Food Chopper"
It chops all kinds of meat, raw
or cooked, and all kinds of
fruits and vegetables, into clean
cut, uniform pieces, line or
coarse, without mashing, and
With great rapidity.
Unlike other choppers, it has
four cutters, including nut but
ter cutter a steel ring takes up
the wear a flanged screw
makes it juice tight.
See them in our south win
dow; priced $1.25.
90-93 Bank Street.
"The Shop"
Wall Papers
Nothing makes a room
' more attractive than hav
ing it tastefully papered
and painted. Call and
see our endless variety
; - of choice designs and
. colors. Estimates fur
nished. Mo trouble to
show goods.
tapalme-Mman Co
' Our remedies are always at hand,
and are pleasant and reliable. There
Is no necessity for suffering from indi
gestion or any of the other complaints
of the season.
Try some of our little liver pills, 50
doses for 15c.
Cor Scovlll and South Main Streets.
. 140 BANK.
Castle's Market
thresh Pork
Loins We lb.
Sirloin Steak
. :: He lb
S. '
Castle's Market
Cor Union and South Main Sts. .
- . city yEWs::--j,4 ;
' Miss '''araetQ'llift jGrieat Bar
rington,' Massr is spending a -short va
cation with Miss Helen, Ryan of East
Main ;stt., ,.: ,s , -. .' ," . ' :
, Edward Doyle of -Pittsfleld, Mass,,
who has been enjoying a short vacation
at. the home of the. Misses Grimes of
Wall street, has ' returned "home. ' '
Jane Marie, the 1-year-old daughter
of Mr and Mrs William Earth of llay
den street, died this morning. The fu
neral took place this morning, with
interment in Calvary cemetery.
To-morrow will be All Saints' day,
a holy day of obligation in the Catholic
church. Mass will be celebrated at
5:30 o'clock in the morning for the ac
commodation of people who have to
go to work. .
If the cost of raw material is not
any higher and the price 'of labor is
less than formerly why is it that com
modities are going up every day?
Probably one of the speakers will an
swer this question at the democratic
rally in the auditorium to-morrow
Ruffalo Genoa, aged 27 years, died
last night at his home, 50 Livery street.
He leaves a widow and two children.
The funeral will take place to-morrow
morning at 7:30 o'clock, with a mass
of requiem at the church of Our Lady
of Lourdes and interment in Calvary
A. E. Kleinecke, son of Commis
sioner Kleinecke of the board of safety,
attained his nineteenth birthday last
evening, and to help him celebrate it
a number of his friends from various
parts of the state who were aware
that it was his birthday anniversary
called upon him in a body and made
merry xiutil early morninj.
In the litigation in which the Hev
Father Curtiu and Earle Smith, of the
Waterbury Buckle company oppose the
county commissioners in granting a
liquor license to Michael Hartnett a
motion to dismiss the plaintiff's appeal
was argued iu the superior court last
week. To-day Judge Wheeler hand
ed down his decision, in the matter,
deciding against the motion. The case
will now go before the court.
A farmer's team rau away on West
Side hill this forenoon. The team
was hitched to a small tree on the
roadside. This the horse pulled up
and then dashed down the hill at a
terrific gait, leaving a trail of farm
produce in its wake. Before it
reached the bottom of the hill the
wagon was in pieces and the horse was
tumbling somersaults. Near the
bridge it ran into a passing tea wagon,
throwing the driver out and almost
upturning his wagon. They escaped
injury, however. The runaway horse
was somewhat cut.
On Thursday, November 1, a special
meeting will be conducted at the Sal
vation army by Captain Boyd Yorke,
brother of the late Captain Yorke,
whose life and labors are so well re
membered here. Mrs Ensign Yorke
conducted the service on Sunday last.
wEen the hall, corner of Grand and
Bank streets, was tilled with friends
and sympathizers," and by special re
quest she will also assist at the Thurs
day meeting before returning to Prov
idence. R. I., where she is at present
in charge of the army's operations.
Special attention is called to this no
tice, as it is the last meeting she will
be able to conduct.
The attorneys in the Odd Fellows
building agreed to pray for rain this
evening, provided none comes before
that time. Attorney U. G. Church
will preside, he being the only church
man among his brethren. The ex
penses of the effort, for it is taken for
granted thpt it has been a mighty
struggle each lawyer had with himself
to get down to the praying point, will
be defrayed by a collection, and Judge
Lowe has been appointed collector.
Judge Cole has said that it will be a
vaiu effort, time thrown away, for
nothing was ever known to result from
a lawyer's prayer, except trouble for
some one else.
The residence of Contractor William
MeGrath on Fuller street was a happy
place last evening. A merry party
filled the house to give a hearty wel
come to Mr McGrath's son. Michael
F., upon .his return home. For some
time the young man has been travel
ing in the interests of a wholesale
firm in Massachusetts, but at his
father's request he severed his rela
tions with that concern to enter the
meat business here. All of the young
man's friends were present, and with
music they made merry until it was
time to remember the creature com
forts of life. At midnight the happv
gathering broke up.
Halloween! What memories it
awakens! It will be with us to-night
and while a large number of people
will be making merry with joval com
panions others will while the time
away thinking of the games they used
to play and the boys and girls they
knew in the dear dead Halloweens of
the long ago when they joined in the
frivolities of the hour with an aban
don that would make some of the
youngsters of to-day wonder what kind
of a place Waterbury was when it
could not boast of a third of its pres
ent population. One of the best of the
evening's parties will be a private
social and dance which will be given
by employes of the Watch shop at
Pythian hall in Waterville.
, Mortimer Moriarty of Manchester
and Miss Margaret Hart of this city
were married this morning at the Im
maculate . Conception church by the
pastor. Rev -W. J.-Slocum, who also
celebrated the nuptial mass. Miss
Margaret Moriarty was maid of honor
and H. B.. Moriarty did the honors for
the groom. A wedding breakfast was
served at the home of the bride's sis
ter, Mrs Peter F. Skehan of Simons
street, where a large number of rela
tives and friends " were entertained.
The out of town guests -included Mar
cus and Hannah Moriarty, Mrs Kate
Connor, Miss " McDonaugh, John
Hayes, Miss Lizzie Conroy and Cor
nelius Curran of Manchester. Mr and
Mrs Moriarty left for a wedding tour.
A masquerade pai-ty consisting of A.
F. Cowles's clerks, surprised ' Miss
Margaret . Lynch of Kidgewood street
Monday evening ana spent the time
in" a very pleasant manner. Instru
mental and Tocal music was enjoyed
during the evening. - Under the direc
tion of Miss Kathryn Beaumont of
New York, Miss Alice Sing delighted
all with her Scotch dance; "Miss Suet-,
ley and- Frank Claris rendered ' duet
and .Miss- Shannon gave one of her
pleasing ' recitations, f Joseph - Hart
ley , of . Boetott rendered a ;tenor solo.
Amongithe vocallsts-;were -the .Misses
Kinslow, .Stigberg.. Hansen and Fitz
gerald: Dancing was indulged la and,
when the dancers had become., weary,
all. sat down- to a bounteous, repast,
Several ' toasts were proposed' by the
young men. Miss . Suckley was
gowned in. her grandmother'r wedding
Vlraaa 1 0n TOflra Ci
r? ' ' - .
Joseph' C. 'Spring, aged 28 yeari
tfied Jast nignt at .ins uome, ou cuius
street. The funeral'; will Stake place
at '2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. . ,
-George Spurway of Holmes avenue,
Who recently resigned -his position as
assistant foreman of the training de
partment of the New England Watch
Co: to accept the position of foreman
at -Steele & Johnson's left vacant by.
the-death of Richard Leroy, has been
removed to the hospital suffering from
typhoid pneumonia. .
List of letters remaining unclaimed
in the postofflce: C. E. Butter, James
E. Carey, F. Comber for Andrew Doo
lan; Miss Fannie Ellsworth, William
F. Gwin, Mrs John H. Hall, Miss Kate
Kelley, Mrs Emily S. Lewis, Miss Eliza
Murphy, Miss Mary McDermott,
George Reilley, Miss Bertha Somers,
Adolph Westbt-rg, Miss Anna Wood,
James' E. Worthington.
Vhen .you want a team or hack go
to Austin's. Telephone.
Found Guilty of the Murder of Messen
ger Lane, Tries to Smother'Himself.
Marysville, O., Oct 31. The jury
at midnight returned a verdict of mur
der in the first degree without recom
mendation against Rosslyn H. Ferrell,
for the murder on the night of August
10 last of Charles Lane, an express
messenger on a Pan Handle east bound
train. The murer was committed for
the purpose of- robbery.
Early this morning he tried to com
mit suicide in his cell by smothering
himself with the bed clothes. When
his purpose was discovered the guards
pulled the clothes off him while Ferrell
fought to prevent it.
Chicago. Oct 31. Because he kicked
over a little sand house, Ernest Didier,
9 years old. was killed yesterday with
a toy shovel-in the hands of 0-year-old
George Waterman. In childish rage
the smaller boy struck the other on the
back of the head, fracturing his skull.
Nev York. Oct 31 Cornelius J. Al
vord, the embezzling note teller of the
First National bank, was rearraigned
iu court to-day before Judge Flaui
mer. and the case was again continued
until to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock.
1J Court. Oct th 180U.
iistute of Lena O. Carnes, late of Water
bury in sold district deceased.
The Court of Probate for the dlstrct of Wat
erbury hath limited and allowed six months
from the date hereof, for the creditors of said
estate to exhibit their claims for settlement.
These who neglect to present their accounts,
properly attested, within said time, will be de
barred a recovery. All persons indebted to sold
estate are requested to make Immediate pay
ment to
Edgar C. Tullar Administrator.
) bate Court. Oct. sttlr. laoo.
Instate of Matthew Delaney. late of Wat
erbury, in said District, deceased.
The Administratorhavmg exhibited his ad
miustration account with said estate to this
Court for allowance, it is
Ordered that the 5th day of Nov. A. D. 1900
at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, at the probate
office in Waterbury, be and the same is as
signed for a hearing on the allowance of said
administration account with said estate and this
court directs the administrator to cite all per
sons interested therein to appear at said time
and place, by publishing this order in some
newspaper published in New Haven County
.Aim uuviuu u cin-uiaiion in saiu uistrict.
By Order oz Court,
James J. Cassin Clerk of Probate.
I have a warrant to collect the South
Brooklyn school tax for the year IStit),
jo mills on the dollar, which is due
October 1, 1900, and payable at 37U
South Leonard street.
JOHN MRAZ, Collector.
Waterbury 's Popular Store.
If it has already outlived its days of
Why wait any longer to buy a .new
one when you can choose from "reli
able makes here at these prices.
Ingrains. 35c to 69c a yard.
Brussels, 55c to $1.25 a yard.
Velvets, 85c to $1.25 a yard.
Everything in Fiirnitnre.
You can find exactly what you are
looking for here and at much lower
prices than other stores ask. We are
satisfied with small profits as you will
agree when you see these values.
White Enamel Bedsteads.
From $4 to $12.50
Bedroom Suits, three pieces,
$15 $17.75 $21 $23.50.
$26.75 and upwards.
Dining Tables from $4.50 up
wards. Parlor Rockers, $2.75 to $15.
The entire Building. Six floors.
27-29 CENTER ST. .
..;.UP-T0-DATE ; SHOES....
Just "the proper . Pall and Winter
Shoe at just the price you ought to pay
can be easily selected from our new
stock.- "v; ' " -". - .
More style,' more service, more com
fort and ' satisfaction than- yon : can
find anywhere else in town." , ; ;
j . Have -you seen, onr new shoe, ", - -..
made of Velour Calf, double sole: $3.50.
Can't be beat. for; wear. ' -Also . ! our
Patent -and ' Enamel , Shoes, .$2.50 to
V jf Exchange - Place -t:..
Cliiidr en's "Hats -and
A Bonnets,
"A Thought f oY the" Little Ones." We
have . given considerable thought
... , .to the selection of our -t I
And as a result of such thought,
we have a line of Bonnets, from
which nothing that is considered
"'Correct" is missing.
ooa o ooooo
Men's Women's and
We liave never reached , high water
mark in this department, its business
steadily increasing day after day and
year after year shows that a generous
public appreciates its worth to it.
In Men's t'nderwear we have- Fleece
Lined in Cotton. Wool and Silk, Natur
al Wool and Camel's hair, double and
single breasted. We also carry a good
line of Men's Combination Suits.
In Women's t'nderwear we carry a
still larger variety, from a cotton
fleeced at 25c, to a silk and wool at
$1.50, with all the various grades and
values between iu Jersey Ribbed and
flat goods, in White; Natural, earners
Hair and Scarlet, one lot of Mill sam
ples being especially cheap at 59c; val
ue $1.00.
In Children's and Boys' Underwear
we have most everything made, from
5c to $1.25, according to size and qual
ity. Wail Papers
At present this department is very
busy; it's not to be Avondered at when
you think of our price In comparison
with other stores; fully 25 per cent
cheaper; this tells the story.
iTnGlier& Petti
t 5
153 s. main sr.
Night Drawers
At 25c each.
Extra Heavy Grey Ribbed and
Fleeced Lined Knitted Foot; regular
39c quality.
At 10c each Children's Corset Waists.
At 13c each Bable& Eiderdown Bon-
At 8c a skein Saxony Tarn in all col
ors; value 10c.
Two Rooms In
Milford Building,
Center street, for office or building
purposes. Also,
One tenement, four rooms, j
One tenement, five rooms.
AH modern improvements.
J. W. Gaffney,
Rooster Says
If Bryan is
Elected president your sugar will cost
you double the price you are paying
now, and he gives the following rea
sons for saying so:
In 1898 we -consumed 4,474,150.500
pounds of sugar We only raided 804,
031.GSO pounds. " This compelled us to
go into f orelgn countries and purchase
3,CtO,lllS,880 pounds of sugar that wo
paid for with gold dollars. Nothing
else would be accepted. We all know
that one gold dollar is equal to two
silver dollars of the brand of William
J. Bryan. If this reasoning is not
sound, will some ' democrat let me
know-and I ssill sell milk for 5 cents
A quart all plater. .
! A,,' U
w- t.J
Bargains For
Thursday Gur
Bargain Day,
Full size Bleached Pillow Cases. Bar
gain day Sc.
Slx90 Heavy Brown Sheets. Bargain
day 39c.
Heavy Brown Twilled Toweling. Bar
gain day 3c.
Heavy Cream and Damask, from 50c,
Large Turkish Towels. Bargain day
8 cents. . , ,
All Liuen Doylies, from G9c. Bargain
day 49c.
0-4 Brown Sheeting, from 20c. Bar
gain day 15c.
Amiskeac Apron Gingham. Bargain
' day Cc.
A large assortment of Marseilles Cro
chet Quilts. Bargain day -19c.
5,000 yds of Manufacturers and Mill
nds, all perfect goods, from 25 to
40 per cent off.
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Vests and
Pants, from 25c, 10c
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Vests and
Pants, extra quality, from 75c.
- Bargain day 47c.
Ladies' Jfll Wool Ribbed Vests and
Pants, the $1 kind, filled bodies.
Bargain day 75c.
Ladies' Camel's Hair and Scarlet Un
derwear, all sizes; strictly all wool
98 cents.
Gents' Fleeced Lined Underwear 39c.
Gents' Camel's Hair r'niifm-enp 47r
Gents' All Wool Medicated Scarlet 9Sc
A full line of Children's Underwear
in camels hair and ribbed, from
10c up.
Boys' Heavy Flannelette Waists, from
zoe cents.
French Flannels, plain and fancy 49c
Fine Scotch Plaid Effects. Bargain
day liy,c.
54-inch All Wool Homespuns, from SI
oy cents.
4G-inch Storm Serge in black and col
ors, 59e. .
Extra Quality Plaid Back Homespuns,
made to sell at $2.50 a yard. Bar
gain day $1.59.
42-inch Surah Serge, black and colors.
39 cents.
40-Inch Cashmere ami Serges; value
39c. At 29c.
Ladies' Heavy Fleeced Lined Hose,
Beys and Girls' Heavy Ribbed Hose,
sizes 5 to 9, from 10c. Bar
gain day 7c.
Men's Camel's Hair Hose, from 19c,
No 40 All Silk Taffeta Hibbons, from
25c 15c.
Rich Effects Fancy Ribbons. Bar
gain day 12c yd.
Spool Cotton, per dozen. Bargain
day 48c.
Agate Buttons. G dozen for 50c.
Ever ready Dress Stays, from 15e. Bar
gain day 10c.
Feder's Brush Braid. Bargain day
5 cents.
Ladies' Kimona Dressing Sacques,
49 cents.
Ladies' All Wool Eiderdown Dressing
Sacques G9c.
Ladies' Flannelette Petticoats. Bar
gain da j- 23c.
Ladies' Flannelette Petticoats. Bar
gain day 4Sc.
Ladies' Mercerized Pettiacats, accordi
on pleated, S9c.
Boys' and Youths' Shoes, wax calf and
box calf, straight iixing and golf
cut, -double extension soles, patent
back stays; a cheap shoe at $1.50.
While they last, OSc.
Boys' and Youths' Never Rip Shoes,
dojc calf and kangaroo uppers;
they are made without a seam, or
from one piece of leather; we guar
antee the uppers to outwear two
soles, or a new pair. Bargain day
$1.49. . , ..
Misses' Genuine Dongola Shoes, made
with single and heavy extension
soles, patent back stays and patent
reinforced -tips. Bargain day OSc.
Men's Genuine Box Calf Shoes, "White
. Bros" Stock, reinrureed backs and
tips, everv pair guaranteed. Bar
gain day $1.25.
Children's Shoes, no heel or spring
heel, patent tips, kid and patent
.. leather stock. Bargain day 49c.
Ladles' "Good Wear"- Shoes, the best
- $2 Shoe made; button or lace, kid
and box calf, reinforced backs and
- tips. - Bargain day $1.50.
We have Just taUen the famous
Health Inersole line of $3 Shoes, to
introduce which the manufacturers
wHl allow us to sell two hundred pairs
at 33 ,1-3 per cent off. They are made
of fine Velour Kid. Couble English
welted soles and flttea with the fam
ous Armstrong Health Cushion inner-
soles. To those sufferinsr with tender
feet or rheumatism it will fie of great
er benefit than a doctor's prescription.
While, they last, $2.00.
i.W -s
142-144140-148 t SOTjJTH -MAIN ST;.
: K I, i f. 1 A i - S. i if ( t.
fij fOpposite Scovlll StfeeUr j-rf',
Opposite Waterburjr -National Bank.
. .- , i,r "s- ' 1..' v. v : 1 1 x I -a: ; .; Is' ."
Is in, the wear even our IVIEN'S DERBYS at
$2.00 must be up to bur ideas of what a good derby
should be. You'll find them 'surprisingly good for the .
price. - ... ... ... ...:'.'.
If you want to feel sure you are getting the best
$2.00 derby in town come here for it.
Sizes 24 to 84.
SI, $1,50, $2 and
A Pleasing
The best selected stock kept in any
one house -In Connecticut. Prices the
lowest and terms ' most liberal.
Prompt attention day or night by prac
tical men.' FlreUiss Hearses, one in
black and one in white.' Rubber tired
Hacks. ' A first .class Rubber: Tired
Ambulance on calk Calls answered
by Thomas F. Bergiu, 75 South' Elm,
and J. J. uergin, wioi eouui aum butci,
or at residnece 102 Walnut street.
Store .corner " SeovIU and South Main
streets. Telephone at store and resi
dence.. ' - - . ...
'MfflOtlCEHBST ....
Mr Joseph H, Mooney
Having recently returned from Italy,
where he has been studying the art of
singing under.
II Signor Carlo Moretti,
Is prepared to take a limited num
ber of pupils at his new studio in the
New England Engineering Co's build
ing. V.v :
h 1 1 ' z : 5 t"
Are You:' Going To Buy & lfew 'fianga ?
1 'it sa It will pa -yon to" lbolt at pur
! t)o you want a STEAM BOILER,
fluire alJout .. Jhe 'Winchester,. r j.--
c P; H, GARRITYr 1
t .gLz 23f'- -je- -ntce-
92HsiAmS St
Seventy-five dozens, fresh,
clean, bright colors, new com
binations and designs, the larg
est and choicest stock of
thoroughly all wool, fast color
Boys' Sweaters shown in the
city; and another point to" re
member is the making we
pay particular attention to that,
there's no seams to pull out,
sizes are just as marked, and
collars are double band collars
that will not get out of shape.
Is a pretty thought. To see prettiness
not in thought, but in reality, just
glance at our
Jewelry Novelties
Fresh as morning air, varied as the
notes of the birds, comprehensive as
an unabridged dictionary and tempting
as a promised pleasure.
We cover the field as completely as
the grass does a meadow, and the beau
ty of the goods extends to the prices.
18 k Wedding Ring
(SI. Applebaum. P. Bibro.)
Well known as first -class trimmers,
are prepared to do themost artistic
work at reasonable prices.
123 South Main street, hear Nugent's
Drug Store- N. B. Mourning
Goods a specialty
27 and "9 Canal St..' Waterbury,
Manufacturers of
A Social
At a iiriyato party of a congenial set
at some of the fairs makes one's blood;
TINGLE (in a slight degree, as docs
Dodge's when he is rushing about .in
the business men's basket ball. -
Great! You ladies of course want
the daintest ;-C footwear. . See, our
variety. -
A neat Bow Strap Sandal in Kid.
A Nobby Plain Strap Kid SandaL
Snnilnls In Row and Plain.
. Opera and Common Sense; Two
Strap Plain; Patent Leather Bow.
SANDALS 7 styles at ?1.0Q.
81 2S "'
AU Patent (back and front) Bow.
: oneL. Strap -Sandals; Vici Kid one .
V f Strap Ones. -
$1.50. - -- '- - ':-
- .patent Leather French Heel.
' Adonis; Patent three Strap very .
- nobbv; Beautiful French Heel,;
two Strap Vici.. Dance In Dodge's
Dainties. y ;. ?. , .-, . " . t
j, Bank t,. Stairway in U, S. & Co'. ,.
iU '
i. '.'3