1 S' a. It t it f if r i (0 V if if 0: 8 - i .... j i Its Comical . To hear That political talking machines have to say nowaday. One fellow ' will say, look at the full dinner pails during th lait four year. . The other ( fellaw will imwir yaa, but filled with , waat? Bam with air, mora with atale ia, ate. Aad, - y friaad, - how iHitt full aal had this winter? But fta Utaat raaaaa wa'Ta haard why . akaal yata far UeKlalay la tlat it waa't it to auuek aa it will if Bryaa la elactad. Wall, for jaodaaaa aaka, if William J. Bryam will kaap paopla at ham put him 1m by all maans. Tbara ctrtabaly Isn't enouga work hara now for the working peopla. Tba aauia person say a If Bryan goes in it will cost $0.34 to send $5 out of the eoun- try. More power to Mr Bryan. e hope he will make it 57 cents more.. If we have too much money, there are lots of opportunities to spend it rij;ht here la our own country. There isn't any too much money here to till dinner pails, eosey pantries and coal bins. Speaking of coal reminds us of some nice, well made, galvanized coal hods which we are. giving with each pound "of pur warranted good Baking Pow der. Secure one while we have thcru. If you don't need a coal hod we will .' give you a, wheelbarrow. Instead. Say, If MeKinley eats as good Butter as we - sell, he's in luck. Trv some this week at . PHELAN'sHP STORE 1 41 Erescteaj, Tel Can 169-2 SPECIAL ! 50 Universal Food Choppers 85c each. THE REGULAR 1.25 KIND. Chops all kinds of meat, raw or cooked, all kinds of fruits and vegetables into clean-cut uni form, pieces fine or course, as wanted without mashing and With great rapidity. It does away with the chop ping bowl entirely. It does the same amount of work in less time and more satisfactory. Only 50 at this price. P. J. BOLAN, 90-93 Bank Street. '"The Shop" Wail Papers Nothing makes a room more attractive than hav ing it tastefully papered and painted. Call and see our endless variety of choice designs and colors. Estimates fur iiished. No trouble to show goods. rce lapalme-Mman Co 15S-100 GRAND STREET. SPECIAL No housekeeper should do more ork than Is necessary for them to do, and in order to do it they should keep their systems in order and keep them selves strong by taking Beef, Iron and (Wine, which Is good for men, women and children. We sell one-half pint bottle at 23c. or 4 bottles for 90c; 1 pint bottles" 45c, or 3 for $1.30. For a desert, easily prepared and delicious In taste, Burnham's Hasty Jellycon lias no equal.' - It is easier to make and tastes better than any desert in the market. We sell it for 13c, or 2 ' for - 25c. Try our 10c cans of Burn ham's Clam Chowder; It is just the thing for small families. Fine Mince Meat in pails at 10c per pound. Penri Merchandise Co .118 EAST MAIN ST. WEST OPTICIAN. 140 BANK. k FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. WE CAN DO YOU SOME GOOD. ' SirIoln,-Steak -.......,.... 12c lb . -Fresh Killed Fowls :".i1;'.:.t:l;.r.t.. v,: loandiaoiv " Presfc vPork . - lOo lb Leg' Lafnb' .'j . H y 1 120.1b Friaae Rib RoaHts ... I .- -14c lb are but a : sample. -r Low Prices . -n all Cuts. 'Iz'q -Market f " and Sooth Main Sta. .... - t " : v-' THE ELECTION' NEWS.,', . j f m-..;- . w . ...The Democrat will lie in a positiog to give the earliest and latest recurns from the many voting districts In t United' States.' The Democrat will hare a wira right in its. office, ao there will ba no. delay. '. Aa soon ' as the votes ara counted they will be '.bul letined in aur windows. '. CITY NEWS Bicycle atored for the winter for 50 cents at Youman's, 251 South Main street and 343 Went Main street. The regular mothly meeting of the German American Voters club will be held Sunday night at 8 o'clock at Turn hall, Jefferson street. Union Rescue mission, Edgar For rest, superintendent. Address by Mr Forrest, subject, . "Home Influences." Miss Dorriagan. will slag. Sheridan lodge, N. E. O. P., held a meeting last evening and accepted an invitation from Anchor lodge to attend its meeting November 20, on which oc casion the grand officers will be pres ent. Last evening James Galway .the 7-year-old son of Mr uud Mrs Richard Galway. of 50 Tleasant street, while plaving with a neighbor's dog, was se verely bitten, on the hand. Dr Mc Larney was summoned and cauterized the wound, while the dog was sent to the happy hunting grounds. Betting on the political results was greatly in favor of Bryan and the whole local democratic ticket today. One of the funny bets will make Hu bert M. Rigney wear Curing business a silk tile at his own expense for one week succeeding the day of election, providing Bryan fails to carry this town by 400 majority. If he wins he may wear the tile at pleasure, and the other fellow shall pay for it, too. President of the board of aldermen Warren'L. Hall announced to-day that he has appointed Aldermen Blukeslee and Mahauey a committee to act with the board of selectmen and the mayor in apportioning the money received from liquor licenses to be expended in the maintenance of the city streets. According to some of the numerous re publican amendments to the charter, this sum shall be one-third of the to tal amount. Shortly before 0 o'clock last night fire wa discovered in the rear cellar way of George W. Minor'g plumbing establishment on Bank street. Sheriff Rigney, who happened along at the time, sent in an alarm and the lire de partment responded, but the fire was extinguished before they reached there by parties who pitched in and clubbed the blaze into submission with any thing they could get hold of. The origin of the tire is not known. There was no damage to speak of. At a businesj meeting cf the Second Congregational church last night leave of absence was granted to Dr Daven port for one month. He will spend the vacation at Clifton Springs sani tarium. It was voted to increase the number of deacons from eight to ten and that hereafter all deacons elected be for a term of years instead of for life. The matter was referred to the standing committee. . The two new deacons will not be elected until it has been determined how long the term of office will be. About thirty friends of Miss Lizzie Igo gathered at her home on North Willow street last night and made merry until a late hour with music danoing and refreshments. The cos tumes worn were of the ancient style and some very comical ones were among them. Prizes were given for the best make-ups and were captured by Miss Julia Butler and William Igo. Flash lights were ma'de of the party which afforded great fun for all. The affair was a complete surprise to Miss Igo who proved a charming hostess. Miss Igo will shortly leave to make her home in Albanv. Patrick Higgins. one of Waterbury's wel-known citizens, died this morning at the Soldiers' home at Noroton. The remains were brought to this city by Undertaker Mulville and taken to the family residence on Mill street from where the funeral will take place Mon day morning at 8:30 o'clock, with a mass of requiem at the Immaculate Conception church, and interment in the new St Joseph's cemetery. Be sides his widow tlie deceased leaves three daughters and two sons. Mamie. Maggie and Lena. William and George; also a brother. John Higgins of Fuller street. Mr Higgins was a veteran of the civil war and had an honorable war record. James Turley was before the city court to-day charged with the only of fense he ever committed, drunkenness. As usual he put up a defense, but the evidence was too stronar against him and he was fined 5 and costs. Fred erick Warner was charged with being drunk yesterday and also with being a common drukard. Varner did not seem to miild the first offense with which he was ehareed, but he resented the second one. He was sentenced to ninety days in jail. George Collins, a small boy, was committed to the State School for Boys. George, it appears, has cost his teacher and the truant offi cer many a deep sigh. The matinees were the cause of his downfall. Dennis Dunne of Washington street has received a letter from Bernard J. O'Reilly, formerly a popular member of the Washington Hill Athletic club. auu uun a meuiuer or company B, United States infantry; nt San Fernar do, in the Philippine Islands, that all the Waterbury boys there are well. "Qf course," Mr O'Reilly writes, "I do not know how the Waterburv bovs who left here or China with the Ninth regiment are, but the others are in good health- and doing well. Tell all the boys that I desired to be remembered to them and that I want to "have them write to me, for I like to hear from W'aterbury." ' The letter contains a newspaper clipping giving an account of the .hanging at. that place of an outlaw and the capture of another who has already paid the death penalty. It would appear from what Mr O'Reilly says that the flght 'Ing ln the Philippines is not all over, for the-refers to - an occasional brush "with the i"enemy,'i which luvarlably ends In the death of thirty or . forty of ; the "rebels." "Talk about rajn In-, the X-nlted Sta-tes," he says in another part of the; letter,' "but the State's are not in It at, that business with the Phllipi' pines. - It has been raining here for the past thirteen days and nights and it Is at Jt yet." The soldier from whose letter, we? have taken 'these' few 'sen tence Ig a son of Bernard Ffc.p.,JfilUy. or 'Bduth'M'aln street. "and has" many friends about town who will b pleased tp learn that, he Is doing well. K WAZEltBUItY EVENING HARTFORD DECORATED. Parade Started With Fifty ; Bands of ' - " Music.; ; ' '. i Hartford. Conn. Nov a. . Hartford to-day witnessed .a , demonstration Which was characterized by . its pro. moteis as a "Sound ;Uoney .rarade." The local participant were reinforced by -many from surrounding towns. Great preparations had boon made and several thousands of dollara wara ex pended is carrying out the plana of the originators. The weather was cloudy and threatening during, the early fore noon. Factories, laiuranca efflcea, mllla, banks and stores closed that the men might join In the parade, if they so desired. The decorations , in - various parts of the city were many, and in some cases elaborate. Hundreds of draped flags and yards of bunting made the streets bright with color. Early this .morning the out of town organizations began pouring into the city. Special and regular trains on the New York, New Haven and Hart ford railroad and Central New Eng land road brought visitors by hundreds and thousands. Meriden, Middletown, Wethersfield. New Britain. Berlin, Springfield, Windsor. Windsor Locks, and dozens of other places sent their quota, and by 12 o'clock the scene around the railroad station was oue of tumult. The parade started from Bushnell park at 12 o'clock and as the head passed the several streets in which the ten divisions had formed each in turn fell into line. It was nearly 3:30 o'clock before the tenth division beiran to march. The ten divisions were formed on the Bushnell park nnd the adjoining streets. Ex-Colonel Charles L. Bur dett was chief marshal. . The line of march was through the principal streets of the city and was over four mileq lonjr. Of the ten divisions into which the columns were divided not one could be picked out as the best. All con tained a fine bodv of men. Bankers, merchants, worklngninn every line of business nnd occupation was repre sented. It is estimated that fully 10. 000 men were in line, marching to the music of fifty bands and almost as many drum corps. DEMOCRATS Attention. All sick or disabled democrats wish ing transportation to and from the polls on election day will please send their names and addresses to the dem ocratic town committee. THE DEMOCRATIC TOWN COM MITTEE. JUST LIKE FINOING MONEY. To prove that ours is the BARGAIN MILLINERY in the city we begin an immense reduction sale of all kinds of Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats, Bonnets and Millinery Goods. It will pay you to come any distance as we can save you 50 per cent. You may see a Hat elsewhere that may sound fairly t-heap to you but kindly re member the following, seven small words, in your brain: "FREEDMAN'S BARGAIN MILLINERY SELLS IT FOR LESS." Be sure to make no mis take. Look for the number, 205 Bank street. Hats trimmed while you wait. (Open Evenings.) Waterbury's Popular Store. THROW AWAYTHE OLD CARPET.' If It has already outlived its days of usefulness. Why wait any longer to buy a new one when you can choose from reli able makes here at these prices. Ingrains. 35c to 69c a yard. Brussels. 55c to $1.25 a yard. Velvets, 85c to $1.25 a yard. Everything in Furniture. You can find exactly what you are looking for here and at much lower prices than other stores ask. We are satisfied -with small profits as you will agree when you see these values. White Enamel Bedsteads. From $4. to $12.50 Bedroom Suits, three pieces, $15 $17.75 $21 $23.50, izo.D ana upwards. Dining Tables from $4.50 up wards. Parlor Rockers, $2.75 to $15. TflE L. F. HAASE GO TLc entire Building. Six floors. 27-29 CENTER ST. corrfcienT i0f)j ....UP-TO-DATE SHOES...; Just tne proper Fail and Winter Shoe at Just the price you ought to pay .can ,be, easily selected. from our new 8tOCk. '. J.-V, v .. . - .More style, more servioe, more;Comr. fort and satisfaction . than you , can find anywhere else, ip town. ,. V r i-. . Have you seen our new shoe, . ,' ' THE WHIRL OF THE TOWN? made of Velour Calf,- double sole; $3.50. Can't be beat for .wear. Also our Patent and Enamel. Shoes, $2.50 to i txebaoge Place DEMOCRAT, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1900. TRIMMED HATS. -.What can. wo aay of them? 'How can we- flraw a pen picture of their at traetivenesa? .. Were wa equal to the task, wa till find the obstacle of lim ited apace, so must content ourselves with plainly stating that every shape ia represented, and the trimmings be speak it to be the work of artists of rare good taste. .,, ' I. CHASE, EXCHANGE PLACE. QOOOCAOO DOUCQOOOOQQOCIOOCtOO ITMillerWCo o -o- 00000 Specials For Saturday Night and Monday.' At 39c Ladies' Kersey Coats in black and colors, ail lined. At 59c Ladies' Eiderdown Dressing ; Sacques, was S5cV - - At 75c Ladies' Fluiinelette.v Waists, ' value 98c. At 49c 24-iuch Colored Taffeta Silk, was 05c. . At 29e 30-inch Lining Silk, value 50c. At lc Rustle Percaline, was lUc. At 23c Ladies' Extra Size Gingham Aprons, were 3fc. At 19c Ladies' High Neck Corset Cov ers, Hamburg trimmed, heavy cotton, were 25c. At 39c Children's Outing Flannel Night Robes, Were 50c. At 5c Silk Embroidered Initial Hand kerchiefs, value 10c. At 10c Ladles' Linen Collars, from I'-iVaC At 10c Black Fur Trimming, from 15c. At 10c Ladles' Fancy Side Elastics, from 25c. At 5c All Silk Taffeta Ribbons, were 20c and 25c. At 19c Children's Toques, from 25c. At 15c Ladies' Black Cashmere Gloves value 25c. At 49c Ladles' 2-clasp English Walk ing Gloves in black and green, value 9Sc. At 12c Odd sizes in Children's Natur al Grey and' Camel's Hair Vests and Pants and Boys' T)rnwers. At 7c Ladies' Fleece Lined Black Hose, value 15c. At 25c Extra Heavy Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Fleeced Vests and Pants. r. , - A. MAILIilOT, 153 S. MAIN ST. Children's Night Drawers At 25c each. Extra Heavy Grey Ribbed and Fleeced Lined Knitted Foot; regular 39c quality. . , At 10c each Children's Corset Waists. At 13c each Babies'' Eiderdown Bon nets; value 19c. At Sc a skein Saxony Yarn in all col ors; value 10c. Two Rooms In Milford Building, Center street, for office or building purposes. Also, -One tenement, four, rooms. ' One tenement, five rooms. ; ' S All modern improvement' r J. W. Gaffney, 10 EAST MAIN ST. Rooster Says yt - If Bryan is Elected president your sugar will cost you double the price you are paying now, and he gives the following rea sons for saying so: . In 1898 we consumed 4,474,150.500 pounds of sugar.- We only raised 804. 031.GS0 pounds; - This compelled us to go into foreign countries and purchase 3,GJ0,11 IS.8S0 pounds of sugar that we paid t for with gold dollars. -- Nothing else.would.be accepted! .We all know 'that one eoW dollar is equal; to tT7o silver dollars pt the. brand ot WJUlanr J.: Bryan, U thja jeasoning- ,is not sound, will some democrat let me fcnow and I ym sen milk tor ,5 cents i nnart all winter. xiS Kellys, CONLON BROS. . i r SHOPPING MART. Bargains ' For Satur day Night. 2 ounces Perfume. Saturday night. 10 cents. Fine Writing Paper and Envelopes. Saturday night 5c. Silk Garter Elastics, from 10c. Sat urday night 5c. Serviette Supporters, from 25c. Sat urday night 19c. Leather Belts, from 25e. Saturday night 10c. Fine Gilt Belts, value 50c. Saturday Night 25e. Bag Tops, from 50c. Saturday night 25 cents. Fancy Stock Collars, from 50c. Sat urday night 25c. RIBBONS. No 40 and GO Taffeta Ribbons, from 25c. Saturday night 12c. SHETLAND FLOSS. Shetland Floss, all colors. Saturday night 9c. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Vests and Pants, from 25c. Saturday night 19 cents. Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Vests and Pants, extra quality, from 75c. Saturday night 47c. Ladles' All Wool Vests and Pants, the $1 kind, filled bodies. Saturday night 75c. Ladies' Camel's Hair end Scarlet Un derwear, all sizes; strictly all wool. Saturday night 9Sc. GENT'S UNDERWEAR. Gents' Fleeced Lined Underwear. Sat urday ni?ht 39c. Gents' Camel's Hair Underwear. Sat urday r.faiht 47c. Gents' All Wool Medicated Scarlet. Saturday night 9Sc. CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. A full line of Children's Underwear in camel's hair and ribbed, from 10c up. BOYS' WAISTS. Boys' Heavy Flannelette Waists, from i:5c. Saturday nignt iac. DKJKSS GouJJS. French Flannels, plain and fancy. Sat urday night 4-Jc. HOSIERY. Ladies' Heavy Fleeced Lined Hose. Saturday nignt la'Ssc Boys' and Girls.' Heavy Ribbed Hose, sizes 5 to i)Y2; l'roui 10c. Sat urday night 7c. Men's Camels Hair Hose, from 19c. Saturday night 21c. Spool Cotton, per dozen. Saturday night -ISc. Agate Buttons. Saturday night Cc dozen for 50c. Ever Ready Dress Stays, from 15c. Saturday night 10c. Feder's Brush Braid. Saturday night 5 cents. DRESSING SACQUES. Ladles' Kimona' Dressing Sacques. Saturday night 49c. Ladies' All Wool Eiderdown Dressing Sacques. Saturday night 09c. PETTICOATS. Ladies' Flannelette Petticoats. Sat urday night 23e. Ladies' Flannelette Petticoats. Sat day night 48c. Ladies' Mercerized Petticoats, accordi on pleated. Saturday night SOc. CLOAKS AN DSKIRTS. Ladies' Havy Walking Skirts, value S3. Saturdnv nlsrlit Si s Ladies' Rich Regular Walking Skirts, value 512. Saturday night $8.98. JACKETS. Ladies' Kersey Cloth Jackets, lined throughout, from $5. Saturday night S3.98. Handsome Kersey Jackets, silk lined. from $10 Saturday night $7.50. SUITS. Ladies' Serge Suits, reefer jackets, lined throughout. S4.R9 Ladies' Broadcloth nnd Venetian Tail or made Suits, reefer jackets, silk lined throughout. Saturday night $9.98. HOUSE WRAPPERS. Ladies' Fine Percale House Wrappers, Draid trimmed, fro mSl. At 75c. Ladies' EMne Flannelette Tea Gowns, JBertha and flounce trimmed, from ?1.39. Saturday night 9Sc.' SHOE DEPARTMENT. Boys' and Youths'. Shoes, wax calf and box calf, straight fixing and golf . cut, double extension toes, patent stays, a cheap Shoe at $1.50. While they Jast 98c. , 4 Boys' and Youths' Never Rip Shoes, , . box calf and kangaroo uppers; they are made without a seam, or from , one piece of leather; we guarantee tlie uppers to outwear two soles. ; or a new pair. Saturday .night - ' $1.49. Misses' Genuine Dongola Shoes, made Wrth single and heavy extension soles, patent back stays and pat ent , reinforced . tips. . Saturday night. 9SC. rr- - com Off BROS. ,NEW; SHOPPING MART. , 142-144146-143 ' SOUTH MAIN ST. Opposite Scovlll Street" i Opposite Waterbury National J Bank. - c. - - ; .' . v i 1.- 1 - I - wVnm r jit I Fro m Street 11 Can't Keep mm. rx f ka from blue or tan. Every good Underwear, including are here. Wc S 1 )iim;'i'i'i"i'vi" "" JONES, MORGAN & GO. Young men s Suits 30 TO 35 BREAST MEASURE OR 14 TO 19 YEARS. $0.00 TO $20.00. r V v $6 to 320. 75 IT JONES, MORGAN & 00. mi Xf ff;l V.C.je-rPUCMl Boston Furniture Co HI South Main Street. CASH OR .... ATOHCEMEHT... Mr Joseph H, Mooney Having recently returned from .Italy, where he has been studying the hrt of singing under 11 Signor Ccrlo Moretti, Is prepared to take a limited num ber of pupils at his new studio in tho New England Engineering Co's build ing. Are You Going To Buy a H8W Range ? If so it will pay you to lookat our STAMFORD Do you want a STEAM BOILER, HOT WATER HEATER? If so, in-flulre- about the Winchester. PH, GARRITY, 221 BANK STREET. Telephone. 103-4. Special -: TO THE V.; - LADIBS Of Waterbury and Vic- ' -V inity. ? Thanking you for past liberal patro-, nage, we; wish to state that we are now prepared for fall trade,' with a new and up-to-date line of materials for 'ourCuston Tailoring Department. Ask yourr friends abotft us. If you nave npt a.lrg&fa patronUed us;i ' A66re all. come early, before the busy season, and leave your orders. , We had to disap point many, last1 season who'cajne ate. N.Y;CloakMtg.vGq , ." , 110 SO MAIN STREET. S. A. WEINSTEIN, W j 7. : . - to Street 92-93 S3 Mail St Silent 1 About our Men's So il ndervear any longer we believe you should know where such ' good values exist, where splen did heavy 'derby ribbe d shirts and drawers, beautifully trimmed may be found for c;oc the garment. Two very de- d sirable colors to choose weight and every kind of - the popular Union Suits There's not another show ing of Young Men's Suits in the state like this showing of ours. Not another like it in quality or assortment, not another like it in smallness of prices. Four new lines of Suits that we have just clos ed out are tempting values. These Suits are regular $10 and $12 values, light and dark checks and stripes, single and double . breasted vests, two prices to move them quickly $7.50 and $8.50. 3 Start In Time. If you want to outfit and beau tify your home for the Winter, or to make some alterations or addi tions in the furniture line, make a memorandum of what is need ed and look through our stock now. Everything For Housekeeping. CARPETS, CROCKERY. STOVES. RANGES. ETC. GO-CARTS Splendid line to select from. UNDERTAKING in all Branches. Night calls District Office. No 5 East Main street. Telephone, G05-3. 3 f4 I CREDIT. FINE MILLINERY, Tha Paris Co., (M. Applebaum- ir. Bibro.) Well known as first class trimmers. are prepared to do the most artistic work at reasonable prices. 123 South Main street, near Iugents Drug Store. N. B. Mourning Goods a specialty. A. C. NORTHROP & CO., 27 and 20 Canal St., Waterbnry, Manufacturers of FINE PAPER BOXES, DEALERS IN PAPER AND TWINE. 66 Did you get 'em OldMan? The style and getthereatlveness shows tnat mey came num J Anytcing anof everything in Men's Footwear, $2 to $4 at . the Big Shoe , -Store Run In the South Main . street door Wr dowri the new 'Bank " street j stairwar- r " -". H..G;Dodgc&Co S4-8C SOUTH MAIN STREET. Bank St. Stairway In U. S. & Co'fc Where