I V -1 WATERBURY EVENING' DEMOCRAT, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1900. 8 . i : : i DREAMS That Are True. I dreamt we had an election on No vember i, and one candidate was hired, to run for president - so as to make it easy sailing for tlie other fel 1w. I dreamt I saw poor little Agui naldo, November 7, weeping and wail ing as if there was something radical ly wronu with him. - I drearut I con Id see McKinlcy helping to formth" finur trust, and 6iauding ready to double the tax on tea for war duty. I dreamt the city water was shut off one night, and a big lire was rag ing and when they turned on the wa ter the pipes burst in every direction. I dreamt we elected a meat dealer to fro up to Hartford to represent v.s where the laws are made, and the very next morning the people had to pay one cent per pound more for their meat. "Who says yon must not be lieve in dreams? I dreamt the school c. facials pur chased a beautiful piano lor every school building in the district; ha tha t woke me up. Say. remember when we say we have a bargain for you. it's no dream. It's a fact. Cur sn e':;il with etie pound of our warranted good Making Powder will open your eyes with amazement, Dr.n n and !.ik them over. Our Tee.. Coffee and 1 '.utter is. as usual. up to the toi notch for quali ty and the bottom notch for price at PHELAN'S 1 STORE k Ercadny, Cull 169-2 -A There's a ring about a well made, well tempered axe. that's pleasing to wood choppers. There's a ring about a "Vic tor Axe" that's individual it's the ring of axe quality. They're extra thin, hand made, charcoal tempered, war ranted four features that have made them "the wood-chopper's friend." They cost not more than "the take your choice'' kind, 81.00. Other brands of axes at other prices from 75c to $1 Bradley's, Mann's King of the Forest. AM S0-S3 B3k Stmt. "The Shop" f Wall Papers si Nothing makes a room more attractive than hav ing it tastefully papered and painted. Call and see our endless variety of choice designs and colors. Estimates fur bished.. Mo trouble to show goods. Lapalme-Hoffman Co "i, 1PS-1C0 GRAND STREET. mk Siiffep ' Our remedies are always at hand, and are pleasant and reliable. There is no necessity for suffering from indi gestion or any of the other complaints of the season. Try some of our little liver pills, 50 doses for 15c. NUGENT'S PHARMACY Cor Scovlll and South Main Streets. WEST THE OPTICIAN. 140 BANK. SPECIAL. Prime Rib Roasts ......... K 12c 1I Hound or Sirloin Steak ... 12o lb Leg Lamb .""... -12c lb Three lb Sausage 25c Fresh Dressed . Fowls 10c 12c and 14c lb Special Prices on Pot Roasts and Boiling Beef For Friday and : ( - Saturday only at ( , Castle's . Market '" or Union and South Main Sts. Te! A) TO OUR PATRONS. The Evening Democrat is now locat ed in- its new building, 71-T3 Grand street, first door from Bank street. , CITY NEWS. Three pounds sausage. 2."",e. Frinie rib roasts, 12c a pound. Read Castle's prices for Saturday. C'mrt Hancock. I". of A., held a smoker hist night. .a inter-tug musical and literary program was ren dered. A. II. Williams, for tiie past twelve year.? a carrier at the local postoffice. has resigned and will soon take np a per ma neat residence in Califoruin. David Miller, a sub-carrier, has been appointed to the place made vacant by the resignation of Mr "Williams. Treat L. Sauford of Waterbury filed yesterday in the United States district court a voluntary petition in bank- ! mpt.-y. His liabilities are $1.7."1.'.H4 j mat l:ie assets are j;2.08i.7. which in clude an h:surant'! polf-ey of $1:001', and i?.")(!0 which is claimed to' be ex empt. W. J. MUMl' ton and Miss Bertha V.. "We-ad led the grand march ar the dinner and. sociable of Martha Wash ington council. Order uf Silver Stars, in Speedwell hall last uixht. The com-mitt'-es in charge were as follows: Ar-rai:.i."-ment committee. Miss Russell, H. T. Beebe. Miss Chipmau. John C. Latus: lioor committee E. A. Winters. W. W. Leonard. J. Skittle, C. S. Root. W. J. Middleton. Robert Sheehan of Plyvaa avenue is in receipt of a letter from his son. .Tames Sheehan. a United States sol dier in the Philippines, in which he states that he is getting along splen didly and likes the place more and more every day. His neighbor. Joseph Wall, and several other Waterbury boys, are stationed at the same place, the town of Tarlac. so that they are nut lonesome and keep each other post sd about what is going on at home. Box 72 was pulled this forenoon, calling the department to the corner of West Main and North Willow street-;, where it was said the big block belonging to Major Spencer was on fire. This was a mistake, though, to be sure, there was a little tire there, but it was encased in the ash chute and could not have done much harm any way. There was over a cartload of paper in the chute, something it was never intended for. and when one of the tenants threw hot ashes into it there soon arose a volume of smoke which led people to believe that the whole place was on fire. There was no dancue. The Mandolin club of the Girl's Glee club will play the "Luella Waltz" at the concert November 20. J. J. Der win is training them and the girls will endeavor to do credit to his teaching. The members of the club are Miss Leedwin Sincaster. Miss Minnie Bavier, Miss Ethel Eccles. and Miss Jennie Lefevre. This club will be a permanent organization but will be enlarged as some of the best mandolin players of Waterbury are members of the High school at present. The Girls' Glee club is ambitious to give a good entertainment and have no talent out side of the High school and none but girls to participate. Thomas Mulcahy of Sylvan avenue has been admitted to a partnership in the mineral water business conducted by William Hurley, whose plant is lo cated on Jackson street. Mr Hurley is a hard worker and by steady appli cation to business succeeded in build ing up a good class of trade and finally reached a point where he saw his in creasing patronage demanded mo'e help and decided to take in a partner. Mr Mulcahy is a well known citizen. b;is a kuowl dire of the business. having wcrlted at it for some time at McCar thy &- Moor-'--, so that there is no rea sen why Tfurley & M-nleahy should not only hold all the trade the linn - now has but kep adding to it right along. The fourth annual sociable given by the Elm Social and Athletic club was the attraction last evening which en ticed a very large number uf people to Leavenworth hail, many visitors be ing present from Naugatuck and Tor rington. To the mirthful strains ot an inspiring march by Dillane's orches tra, the grand march, which was led by President James White and Miss Mamie Kenney uf Naugatuck at the bead of a procession of about 75 cou ples, commenced. There cere -nineteen numbers- on the program. Pro fessor Pole prompted. It was trie most successful sociable yet given by the Elm Social and Athletic eicb. and the persons composing the committees, whoso names appeared in last even ing's Democrat, are deserving of the sreo test pralsefoi the successful man ner in winch everything was carried out. The funeral of Dr Fran'.- S. Grant, aged 45 years, who committed suicide yesterday at the residency of A. C. Peck. 4 Park avenue, will take place to-morrow, with interment in Water town. Dr Grant was a well known optician, and havine occasion to innke a business call at the Peck residence. he entered there yesterday, and after being -shown into the parlor he salu he was sick anil asked for a glas. stat ing'that be desired to take some medi cine. He got it and emptied the con tents of a small vial into it. drankit in presence of two or three persons, and then sank to,-fhe floor and died before the medical examiner , arrived. The body was removed to Be Trail's. He leave a widow and two children, but they have not lived together for some time. The doctor was one of the best known men in town, a good fellow when he was Dr Grant, and had a host of friends who regret his sad end. He had faults, but let them be interred with his bones. In the opinion of the medical examiner he swallowed a dose of morphia. . Horsemen are commencing to com plain about the asphalt paving on West Main street, and many think that there is Hkcly to be suits for damages on account of valuable animals getting injured at this point. A horse owned by the Waterbury Grocery company came down there 'this morning and had it not been for the prompt action of the man in charge of the team and others who came to his assistance, the animal would have strangled himself to death. The horse was -cantering along at a slow rate of speed, when his feet were whipped from tinder, blm and he came down with a thud that must have made him sick. He kicked and nluneed." but before he had time to do any damage the Crrver and a few other men were hanging onto his head and -held him fast until the wajjon was removed, and then he was so ex hausted they had a hard time of it to force him to get onto his feet. It is said flint the horses will get" used to the new street after a few rreeks, " "The Sturgis Wager." I an interest ing detective story, will be commenced in the Democrat to-morrow. -Catch on to the opening chapters. The school otilcials' are liuding boys and girls by the score whom none of the enumerators happened to locate In their rounds through the school dis tricts, and it is thought that in a short time 700 or S00 children will be added to the lists. At the Clay street school sixty of the missing ones were found at their studies and as soon as a thor ough canvass of all the orner schools has been made, the whole snarl will have boon straightened out, except, of course, regarding children cf school age who are working, or who have not been sent to school. It wilt require a house to house s?nrW to locale them, but it is a question if that can be at eended to this year. The funeral of Mis Delia Lae-ey took place this morning from the family residence on Union street, with a mass of requiem at the Immaculate Concep tion church by the Rev Father O'Brien Mid interment in St Joseph's cemetery. The bearers were Joseph Flynn. Ed ward Shannahan. Dennis Shannahan. Michael Connolly. Michael Igo and Michael Keatinir. The floral offerings included a standing wrea-:i from tlTo slopie.iitos of the deceased at the Plume iV: Atwnod Manufacturing coiu nary: twenty-elirht roses. Mrs John Green: bosket of ropes lettered "Cous in. "' the Misses Br'dtret and Martraret T.ncev: bounuet, the Misses Kittie DovTe. Maegie T.acey, Laura and Mar garet Thompson. If you want a team or hack, go to Austin's. 'Phone. CARD OF THANKS. We return our most sincere thanks to our kind neighbors and friends who sympathized wilh us in onr creat bereavement, occasioned by the death of our motkot THE FAMILY OF TIIE LATE MRS ELLEN LYNCH. DISTRICT OF WATERBURY, SS. PRO bate Court. Nov. leth. 1900. K.state of Wilbur P. Yon;, late of Wat erbury, in suid District, deceased. The Administrator liaviiiu- exhibited his ad ministration account with said estate to this Court for allowance, it is Ordered that the lutu day of Nov. A. D. 1000 at 9 o"clock in the forenoon, at the probate office in Waterbury, be and the same is as .sirued for a heariiiir on the allowance of said administration account with said estate and this court directs the administrator to cite all per sons interested therein to appear at said time Hnd place, by publishing this order in some newspaper published in Xew Haven County and having a circulation in s;.id district. Kooert A. Lowe Juoe Special Town Heetiug Pursuant to the petition of twenty voters of the town of Waterbury, the legal voters of said town are hereby warned and untitled that a SPECIAL TOWN MEETING of said town will be held in the City Court Boom, in the City Hall Building in said Water bury, on Saturday, November 17. 11)00, at ii o'clock i. in. for the following purposes: 1. To take action with reference to dividing the territory of Oronoke. School District of said town into two separate and independent school dis tricts, and to designate the names by which said districts shall be known. 2. To accept, if it be deemed ad visable, a new highway known as Uay street. at Moruingside, so-called, in said town. Dated at Waterbury, this 12th day of November. ItlOO. MORTIMER DOR AN. WILLIAM T. DISLEY, GEORGE A. BOUGHTON. Selectmen. FUKNITURE T II ATfESGI VilfG At prices that cannot fail to please. In Carpets. Rugs. Lace Curtains. Mattings. Oil Cioths. etc. we have the largest and tluest line in the city. TIIE L. F. BMSE CO The entire Building. Six floors. , 27-2D CENT Ell -ST. You Live In Your CSS LONGER THAN ANY OTHEIt FLACE. Hence it Is very important that f your shoes should be as near " ' perfect as possible. No novice - can lit a shoe properly.- We - have given it years of study and we believe we can fit you better and give you better shoes for your money than you usually get. . - . ; For the Men we have a Shoe called the Whirl - - of the Town at S3.50 that is a - dandy, and for the - . LADIES ' one called the Society, at S3. hand sewed, which for style and 'workmanship cannot be beat. . No trouble to show goods but : will be pleased, to, at . PI it Exchange Place 8 J nprl si l ill i t .fij.tpj j k'.9.vim.kmaeA p?-5 ;r'55i?l M ii nnvp - 'i t -rii'm-i:n )'ij t Appropriate ,to - the Winter - season, which has Just made its bow, we, have a most complete line of j ? - t- SILK AND ; ; WOOLEN Bonnets. Caps and Hoods for the lit tle folks. This department has had special at tention, as is evidenced by the large line of the most attractive sf'es procurable. CHASE. EXCHANGE FLACE. evSCDOOoDoacriooOTDMOoDOCif1 iTluEfflof'&MCo a aoaoc Don't flake any Mistake if you want Underwear siE-i,:ijSs4j'is!4,!S- This is the Place to buy AT 39c Women's Jersey Ribbed, part Wool Vests and Pants, value 50c. AT otic Women's Natural Wool and Camel Hair Vests and Pants, would be cheap at 75c. AT $1.00 A few sizes of Women's Oneita Union Suits, were 1.25 to S2.0O. AT GOc Men's Plush Back Wool Fleeced Underskirts and Drawers, value 75c. AT 50c Sample Lots of Men's Under shirts and Drawers, value 75e. AT 4Uc Men's Domet Flannel Night Shirts, double stitched, flat -felled seams, extra well made, cut full size, value 75c. AT oDc, 75c, $1.00 Men's Camel Hair Shirts and Drawers. AT 50c, 75c. $1.00 Men's Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers. AT 25c and asjc Ladies' Black. 10-But-ton Overgaiters. CLOAKS, SUITS AND WAISTS. We 4:old you of the values we are offering last week and repeat it to day. Every garment is made in the best possible manner from the cheap est to the best. All lined Coats Ironi $3.08 to $25.00. CHHH5o -O DOOOO ITl!8lP0ClCflI K-CH5CDCODOOOOtfKOtMiatODi A. MAfiLHSOT, 153 . MAIN ST. MEN'S AND BOYS' Gloves and Mittens. The following are special prices for to-morrow. Mondav 'and Tuesday: AT 25 CENTS A PAIR. Men's or Boys' Ejilra Heavy Leath er Gloves, lined or not lined, the regu lar price is 3Dc. AT 25c a pair Strictly All Wool Boys' tens, regular .'50c quality. AT 25c a pairSt rictly All Wool Boys' or Men's Knitted Gloves. This Glove is sold for o'Je and 43c in YVa- terbury. AT 2.1c a pair Astrakhan Back Men or Boys' Gloves, regular 3i)c goods. AT 25c Jersey Gloves, lined, made of kid between fingers. 7 Optician PROF G3ULTE0 Specialist. V Society usually demands long and late hours. This custom overtaxes the normal vitality of the functions of the eyes and causes a weakness which mtisi. be stimu'aied. Classes if right ly lilted ami put on in time will do This for us anel yl'ten adel a charm, as well as a preventative u serious com plications. Free examination at t.7 Bank Street. Waterbury, Conn. m c iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini llllillllliiillllllllll'liuiliTM For 4 Years KELLY'S Maunfacturer's Great Consignment Sale CONLol BROS. Cloaks, Suits, Furs, Blankets Comfortables and Underwear. LADIES' FUR JACKETS. Ladies' Electric Seal Fur Jack ets, manufacturers' price $23, consignment sale price $17.50 Ladies' London dyed China Seal Jackets, manufacturers price $31), consignment sale price $23.00 Ladies' London dyed Near Seal Fur Jackets, Skinner satin lined, guaranteed for two years, manufacturers' price $i0, con signment sale price $33.00 CLOTH JACKETS. Ladies' line English Melton Tan Jackets, Roman silk lined, manufacturers' price $(, con signment sale price $3.50 30 odd Cloaks, samples, manu facturers' sale price $ti to $10, consignment sale price $3.9S Ladies' ail wool Kersey Cloth Jackets in black and tan. sev eral styles, silk lined, manu facturers' price S7 to $10. con signment sale price $4.9S Ladies' all wool Kersey Cloth Jackets, latest elesigns, tans, castors and blacks, manufac turers' price $8 to $11, consign ment sale price $5.50 Ladies' all wool fine Kersey Cloth Jackets, latest designs, flare collar nnd bell sleeve, silk lined throughout, come in all shades, manufacturers' price . $10 to $15, consignment sale price $7.08 Ladies' fine all wool Kersey ('loth Jackets, several styles, novelties in silk, stitched rev el's and self appliqued, silk lined throughout, all colors, castors, tans, blues, browns , and blacks. manufacturers' price $12 to $18, consignment sale price ' $9.50 Ladies' tine novelty Jackets in applique and fur trimmed: also Automobdes in Kersey Cloths and Pebble Cheviots:, manufac turers' price SIS to $29, con signment sale prica' $13.50 MISSES' COATS. Misses' fine Box Coats ti blues and bins, manufacturers' price $4, consignment sale price $2.30 Misses' line tan English Melton Jackets, velvet collars, manu facturers' price $0, consign ment sale price. ?3.CS Misses' fine tan. all wool Ker sey Jackets, silk lined through out, manufacturers' price $7.50. consignment sale price S4.93 Misses' fine all wool Kersey Cloth fitted Jackets aud Box Coats, blues, browns, reds and tan. manufacturers' price $7, consignment sale price $4.50 CHILDREN'S COATS. Children's Reefers, cape and braid trimmed, manufacturers' price $2.50, .consignment sale price $1.30 Children's fancy Reefers, ap pliqueel cape, manufacturers' price $4, consignment sale price $2.50 Children's tine Box Coats, all shades, manufacturers' price $4.50, consignment sale price $2.50 Children's finest all wool beaver, soutach trimmed reefer, manu facturers' price $S. consign ment sale price $4.9S LADIES' CAPES. Ladies' all wool Kersey Cloth Capes, manufacturers' price $s: consignment sale price- $5.00 Ladies' fine all wool Kersey Cloth, flounce and braid trimmed Capes, manufacturers' price $9. consignment sale price $6.50 Ladies' 30-inch long, braided and plain Kersey Cloth Capes, manufacturers' price $12, con signment sale price $7.00 GOLF CLOTH CAPES. Ladies' end Misses' Red Golf Cloth Capes, manufacturers' price $5. cons'gnment sale price $3.50 Ladies' very line Golf Cloth Capes, manufacturers' price $12, consignment sa'e price $7.30 FANCY FURS. Ladies' Black Fox, six tail, Fur Se-arfs. manufacturers' price $2.50. consignment sale price $1.23 Latins' handsome French Sable Fur Scarfs, six tails, manu facturers' price $2.75, consign ment sale price ' $1.50 Ladies' long Animal Head Scarfs, full tail, manufacturers' price $3.50. consignment sale price $2.00 Several style Scarfs and Collar ettes in chinchillas, astrachau and electric seal furs, tail trimmed, manufacturers' price $4.50. consignment sale price S4.33 Ladies' extra fine natural black Marteu Scarfs and Collar ettes, manufacturers price $1S. consignment sale price $9.93 Ladies 24-inch Black Fox Fur Capes, manufacturers' price $10, consignment sale price $0.50 Ladies' 30 fine Astrachan Fur ' Capes, satin lined, matiufac- tnrers' price. $1(3, consignment sale price , $10.00 Ladies' 30-inch finest Astrachan Fur Capes, heavy satin lined, manufacturers' price $29, con- -slgnment sale price $1S.50 Ladies' London dyed Near Seal Fur Capes, 30 inches long, ex tra full sweep, manufacturers' price $50 consignment sale price - $37.30 SEPARATE SKIRTS. Ladies' Black and Blue Serge Skirts, also plaid, lined and - nicely tailored, manufacturers' . price $2.75, consignment sale price $1.49 Ladies' fine luster, blue and black Brilliantine Skirts, man ufacturers' price $4, consign- ,' , . ment sale price . $2.50 -, M ' ' V- V"v c" V ' t CON LOIS BROS. NEW SHOPPING MART. 142-14416-148 SOUTH 7 MAIN ; ST. . Opposite -Scovlll Street. : Opposite Yateibuiy. National Bank. V r - MjUFroni Slreai to Street sMiBIBSst 1 I hats and furnishings are in '5 Sf.., M J? "i mi r t 1 11 1 1 w-rii JONES, M0BG-AN & GO, Young Men's Suits, 14 to 19 years in the new two vest and f 3 ncy vest styles and the single and double breasted vests. ffx . sr 6,00 to $ 20,00 JONES, MOBG-AN & GO. A Pleasing Reflection J-tz A it ii . f-.V.'j I IB UUiv 68 BANK Elactrio Lights and Goniblna nalion Shades and Fixtures. For Residences, Offices and Stores. Electric Light. Hell aud Telephone Wiring. Bynames and Motors Electric Supplies of Every Description. Wholesale aud Retail. TSis Elev England Engineering Go, 13S Grand Street. re Yen Going To Buy a Haw Range ? If so it will pay you to look at our STAMFORD Do vou want a STEAM BOILER. HOT WATER HEATER V if so, in quire about the Winchester. P. H, GARRITY, 221 HANK STREET. Telephone, 101-4. ,Bergin&Sons UNDERTAKERS. The best selected stock kept in any one house in Connecticut. Prices the lowest and terms " most . liberal. Prompt attention day or night by prac tical men. First class Hearses, one In black and one-in white. : Rubber tired Hacks. A first class Rubber Tired Ambulance on call. "Calls answered by Thomas F. Bergin, 75., South Elm, and J. J. Bergin, 275 South Main -street, or at residnece 102 Walnut street. Store corner Scovill and South Main streets. Telephone at store and resi dence. '''." . I ti Boys as well as men from winters blasts for boys from' J to 1 6 years we have good underwear as low in prices as 2jc the garment something better in fleece lined at 38 and 48c each, and here you'll find the celebrated Luzrue make in boys sizes for j$c the garment. Every good kind of, boys' outer' garments as well as ft S our boys store. I s. The- reputation of this store and this stock of Young Men' Suits isn't confined within any narrow borders. Smart, well fitting and exclusive pat terns in Young Men's Suits, tailored by young mens' tail- ors, and sold at comfortable prices are the factors that have made and help to make 0yur kind of clothing bettel known each season. Sizes are regular, long and stout. We sell to lit. Is a pretty thought. To see prettiness not in thought, but in reality, just glance at our Jewelry Novelties . Fresh as morning air, varied as tho notes of the birds, comprehensive as .an unabridged dictionary and tempting as a promised pleasure. We cover the field as completely as the grass does a meadow, and the beau ty of the goods extends to the prices. 18 k Wedding Ring, STREET. FINE MILLINERY, Ths Psris Co., (M. Applebauin. P. Pdbro.) Well known as first class trimmers, are prepared to do the most artistic work at reasonable prices. 123 South Main street, near Nugent's Drug Store. N. B. Mourning Goods a specialty. A. C. NORTHROP & CO., 27 and 2!) Canal St., Waterbury, Manufacturers of FINE PAPER BOXES, DEALERS IN PAPER AND TWINE. ' Yesterday's rush reminded us (in a small way) of the Blizzard week two years ago. By the way, do you know that Dodge was the only dealer in town who supplied all comers? A big stock, to start with and then over- . . $9.00 Spent in telegraph, telephone and express charges. That is the way DODGE DOES BUSINESS.' A new itubber cellar this year will expedite selling. . , S4-S6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, i 'Eank St. Stairway in U. S. St Co'g." JLIli lLII I