Term O'Rouriais Building a Club
House in Connecticut.
The Report Is That The House Will
Be .Situated Near. Bridgeport Pro
bability of Jeffries and Ruhliii Kiglt-
l: iug There Tommy White' Talks
Very Sensibly Tommy Kelly Would
a Policeman Be Joe Waleott Tired
of Being Fooled.
Thomas F. O'Rourke will build a
boxing clubhouse just across the Con
necticut line, within forty minutes'
ride of the Grand Central station. It
Will be near Bridgeport. The tight be
tween Jeffries and Kuhliu will pro
bably be contested at this arena, which
is to be known as the Connecticut club.
O'Rourke. Bat Masterson, Douiinick
O'Malley and Colonel John I). Hop
kins have been in consultation for sev
, eral days, and it is understood all four
are interested in the enterprise. Work
on the clubhouse, in accordance with
the plans recently exhibited- by
O'Rourke, has- been 'started, i.ud it is
txpeeted the structure will be ready
for business early in February, when
the opening tight will take place.
As boxing bouts are now permitted
In Hartford and other Connecticut
towns, and ns that state is the only
one near enough to New York to en
able speedy transit, there seems to be
little question that the Nutmeg state
is the favored spot. While there is no
law on tiie boxing question in that
state, the police officials of the various
towns exercise their judgment, and
permit twenty round contests.
It is on his belief that the New York
legislature will not again pass a law
authorizing boxing that O'Rourke de
cided to look about for a desirable spot
outside the state. However, with a
pood club within an hour's journey
from the nr-tropolis. the admirers of
the sport will be nearly ns well off as
though they could see bouts in the city.
The managers wanted Waleott and
Sharkey as the card in the first bout,
but as the Sailor has declined two well
known heavy weights will furnish the
bout. As Champion Jeffries will not
fight until. May. lie cannot be secured
for a bout earlier, but there is a stronir
plospect that the Unhlin-Jcf'fries bout
will be decided in the arena of the
.Connecticut club next spring.
O'Rourke and his associates decline
to say a word on the subject, but look
Wise and smile in n superior manner.
Tommy While. who has fought both
"McGovem and Broad, watched their
light at Tattersall's. "I don't known
but what it was a good thing the po
lice stopped my light with Broad.''
Tom said, laughingly ..White and
Broad wen but a .couple uf rounds iu
St Louis last December, the police
calling a halt because one of the con
testants iu a preliminary haddied iu
the dressing-room after being knocked
out. "I never got a chance that night
to iindvout how good Broad was."'
White told his friends. "The news of
the death was brought to us just be
fore time was called, and both of us
knew that the tight would be stopped.
Therefore, neither of us did'much but
wait -foe. the iolicev", -Vl)lt, is in
doubt about, ever lighting again. His i
ankle, which was so badly injured iu
his second light with McGovcru iu j
New York, still gives him some trouble.
"You see. there would be money only j
in lighting such men as MeOoveru and j
Broad,", is the way he philosophizes I
about the situation, "and they are so
tough . that there is a pretty good
chance for a man to get a whipping,
and that does not do much good to
Tommy Kelly, once known in box
ing circles as the "Hobokeu Cyclone."
has renounced pugilism ami put iu an
application for a position on the New
York police force. Thomas says he is
convinced there is nothing iu the box
ing game for a sober, industrious,
good looking chap like himself, and lie
has made up his mind to devote his
talents to tile police business. '"You
Bee," said Thomas, "after the Horton
law went to sleep, I had it iu my head
that a few little . affairs in private
might go. I arranged a bout with a
large colored gentleman named Knight
and we met in a barn near Wee
hawken. Well, the seconds and offi
cials outnumbered the spectators, and
the thing was a frost. On top of that
the big Zulu Knight gave me a punch
on the jaw and put me to sleep. Well,
anybody could see that wasn't a pay
ing business, and so I made up my
mind to quit it. I think I shall like
the police business better." .
At the Instigation of Tom, O'Rourke,
"Bat" Masterson and Mominick O'Mal
ley drifted into Joe Waleott's cafe on
Thirty-tirst street. last evening. Wal
cott had never seen O'Maney. and
Masterson introduced the New Or
" leans man as Barney Reich, manager
f Tom Sluirkey Walcott ahowed his
piano key teeth and inquired: "Has
Mistah Shawkey1 done changed his
mind about making a match with me?"
"No," said O'Malley, '"he will not
fight you. Not because he fears you,
for Sharkey doesn't know fear. All
he holds off for is that he doesn't
want to hurt you." "Am dat so?"
snorted the Black Demon. ' Well, you
just r ask Tom;; O'Rourke 'what I ;dono
to.' flat jailor -gentleioatf down ntrxew
Iawi). Huh! It wasn't rue got hurt.
I didn't pull off 110 gloves." After
Rome further talk;--.. Jasterson and
O'Mallev wjthdrew, ' and then some
one told Walcott .- of .-the" deception.
"I'm gettin' .tired of Ahis heab; joshin'
business." he remarked "an' somebody
will get a bout at eatehweights right
on de reel one of these fine evenings."
The professional team of .basket bnll
will line up against a picked team iu
the auditorium to-night. They will b"
kept - bard at work every night till
Thanksgiving. Tickets are going in
quick time-for the game, and a crowd
ed house is the indications.- ''. - -
A great many -store elerks would like
to see a league organized between the
different -steres.- --' .
noluin: tJie rColtgifaiid fh. JkHcaitrt-S
wift-bfe'-t?Q fntff ;t$ r--t(v(n!o
luiMcffc"talfc JcaaiK game. - -Hot It teain
pre' evenlT iin',htddUli aPlS$ Sfanjij
Ah. -t. .U X u
- a --u it. . r m r! '! 1
nr. I
Last Hani Practice of Yale and Ha'r
f f -IT 5farfe irtTf err?- f- 5v.
".: 4' '-'i ' '' i I -'
,JThHjarvard-1fale gaunj on SaturdJ,
wiil probably illustrate fully two
styles of attack that have been preya
lent? for : years."- "Hsirf aid : is" booked -ta
play the well known open game, while
Yale will probably depend upon the
tackle back formation, constituting
what is known as mass play. From
a spectator's standpoint Harvard's
style may appear to be the more pic-;
turesque in that it may be possible to
see the man with the ball from the
time he starts until he is downed. This
was the case in the Harvard- Penn
sylvania match, and there was iau-jl
favorable comment because of it. Cap
tain Daly, at quarterback, however,
has learned the knack of hiding the
ball so well that opponents have been
sorely puzzled to tell just what player
carries the leather. For that reason
the style of attack is both interesting
to novices and even veteran onlookers
and is also a problem for rival tacklers.
With Yale's mass play, it is a hard
matter for spectators to see the man
with the ball, for the formation is close
and the attack is low and solid: yet it
is easier for opponents to pick out the
player carrying the ball .for Y"a!e than
it is to find the Harvard runner. Vari
ous comparisons of the two elevens
unite on one point that the Y'ale men
have so far shown men? aggressive
ness than Harvard. That is to say
they fight harder and tackle more
fiercely. Because of this fact it is ar
gued that Y'ale may have an advan
tage. But Harvard's aggressiveness
against Pennsylvania was of sufficient
power to lay up nearly every member
of the (.Junker eleven for several days
afjer the game. As both elevens will
play hard, fast foot ball on Saturday,
it Is freely predicted that the game
will be. anything but a kid glove affair.
The betting yesterday was still a!
even money Willi plenty of money up
on both sides. There is a growing be
lief though. Ihat Y'ale will begin the
uanie a slight favorite, perhaps 10 to
f. but non-partisans, cannot see how
the game is anvthinir but an even
New Haven. Nov 22. The Y'ale foot,
ball team took a brace yesterday after
noon. Every player who took part in
the Princeton game was in his place
except Chad wick, who is restin g, and
Wear the quarterback, who has been
displaced by Fincke. 'The secret prac-;
tiee occupied nearly all the afternoon.
There was less than four minutes of
the practice which the trenexa public
was permitted to see. The coaches to
night held a lrtne conference, after
which ir was slated that Shttrpe will
be Y'ale's left halfback in the Har
vard game. There is a good deal of a
surprise expressed over this change, as
it means that Fincke will not be al
lowed to play at half against Har
vard. His record in the Princeton
game was so good that the college
consider, him a fixture for the Har
vard game. On Saturday Fincke will
play quarter if he plays at all. Al
though Chndwick has been resting ever
since the Princeton game, lie is still
the favorite for the other half. There
is a great deal of criticism over these
changes made so late in the training
season. Y'aie thought the team was as
good as it could be, made in the Prince
ton game. Sharpe has been laid up for
weeks with water on the knee and Is
not in first class shape. He has se
cured his old place because he can
catch limits and drop a goal from the
field. He is not iu Fincke's class as
an aggressive player. Hale yesterday
afternoon outiivnted Sharpe. so the lat
ter will net add to Yale's punting game.
There is n great deal of doubt as to
whether Ware or Fincke is the best
man for quarter. Fincke was quarter
Inst season. Wear crowded Fincke out
this season. Recently Wear has gone
to pieces under the seventy of the
coaching. His friends say that lie
needs a rest and then he will be all
right and for this reason they believe
he will still get into the Harvard
same. Sheldon is also in danger of
losing his place to Richardson, his ri
val, who has stuck to him all fail.
The ceneral impression is that Sheldon
will win out. All cf the other positions
oil the team will be the same as in the
Princeton game, unless some one gets
hurt or gets sick between now and
New Y'ork. Nov 22. Coach S.mford.
of Columbia, who has made some re
markably accurate predictions this fall
in calling the results of the more im
portant games, says that Vale will de
feat Harvard, but that the score will
not: be large: . Sanfiord the-lay.,l)efore
the Columbia-Princeton game said that
rvilrmitiin would win (j to 0. Last Fri
day Sanford said that Y'ale would beat
Princeton 30 to 0. Morley, the Col
umbia captain, said yesterday that Y'ale
v.-ould beat Harvard. 17 to 5, but ' he
called attention to the fact that he
picked Pennsylvania to defeat the
Crimson. Nearly, all the Columbia
men are rooting for Yale.
Cambridge, Nov 22. Harvard's last
practice in Cambridge before the Y'ale
game brought out nearly four thousand
students yesterday, despite the inter
mittent showers of rain and mud-
soaked streets: For about an hour the
crowds cheered the team, its captain
and men.' Their pleasure at the good
showing of the 'varsity could not be
concealed, and when the straggling
line emerged from Soldiers' field Har
vard spirit was rampant and Yale m on
ey taken wherever met. "The men are
nil in Tme trim." said Trainer Jack Mo
Masters, "and we shall put up a (rood
fight,". .."The game with Y'ale will be
hard fousbt and closely contested
said Cornell AY- H. Lewis, "and if the
dav is clear Harvard should win.
Coach W. Cameron Forbes evnressed
himself as pleased with the exhibition
of; the eleven. Captain Ialv paid:
"The teaia -, manifests snlendid spirit
and that ought to count." This morn
ing at 8:25 -o'clock the eleven left for
Merideu. via Springfield.- At .Meriiien
the. team will hold secret practice this
afternoon and Fridav morning and
afternoon. .Lunch will bo . served at
11:30 o'clcck on Saturday and at 12
o'clock the players will take the train
for New-Haven to decide the issues be
tween the Crimson ttnd the Blue.. Hn?r
v.ird's. exhibition play yesterday, last
ed thirtv-five minutes and netted. three
touchdowns, from two of wbicb (reals
:were secured but' the, scoring did not
represent the. snaupv playing of the
varsity Hortlje.hGpe. its.work inspired.
Xew York.jJiOY Ca.fColmribia's foot
lia.ll j.squad i-estnned work yesterday
nfivr tfirwe tlnvs of idleness. .RartW-
ler, ITolman anil 'Coffin did riot report
bii'f theVestt"of the1 linen, '' 'including
.flu.-' V.-.-.1-. r. .-.i'. b,j, .;e ir- C
Sykes, were in the line-up and no one
allowed any signs of stalene'ssywcor-
nell was put in Coffin's Jalace alright,
tackle and impressed, if he coaches fav
orably. " " W v I 1ft
Annapolis, Nov 22. In the presence
of 2,000 persons, including Assistant
f&fr&Hty of the Navy Hackett, the
University of Pennsylvania defeated
the Naval Cadets yesterday bv a score
of 28 to 0. . It was a. well-contested
game from start to finish, and the navy
did well considering that' some of her
best players were out of the game.on
account of injuries.
The St Thomas Cadets possess a
back field which is excelled by none in
the state. In Captain Bagley they
have a man who is almost an entire
team himself. He is a sure ground
gainer, a hard bucker of the line, a
clever runner -in a broken field and a
hard tackier. He is always in the
game, from the moment time is called
until the game is over. As captain of
the Villanova college eleven, he was
considered one of the best foot ball
players on the minor college elevens.
He plays left halfback. In Phil Reil
ey, at right half, he possesses a-good
mate. The latter is not such a strong
bucker of the line, but plays a good
game and generally gains his distance,
lie is an all-around athlete and lie won
the all-round championship of the St
Thomas A. A. two years ago. II. M.
Batters, at fullback, is another fine
piuyer. his specialty lying in skirting
the ends. He is a fleet runner and
consequently he is considered a good
trround gainer. D. Bagley, who takes
Butler's place if the latter should re
ceive any serious injury, is a strong,
heady player, as is Kelly, the substK
lute. . The latter is a cracker lack, hav
ing been a member of the 'f7 team. In
Keating at quarter and Collins substi
tute ouarter. the Cadets have two good
reliable players, who seldom make a
fumble. They are also excellent tack
lers. and they are good in team work.
If the back field of the Fifth. Artillery
con surpass that one. it must be a
phenomenal one. All these players
will be in the game on Thanksgiving
afternoon at the Driving park. The
tickets for this game, which will be
the same of the season, are selling
rapidly and every indication points to
a very large crowd being present when
the two teams face each other.
Misses Gast and Brandon Still Close
Together in Cycle Contest.
Vp to the end of the racing last night
at the Clermont Avenue, rink.. New
York. Miss Gast still was leading by
two laps. Miss Brandon of Canada
p being second. Mrs Jane Lindsay of
Merrick road fame came next, a,nd
Marie Davis was fourth. Mrs Bayne
and M!s Pethard made good show
ings. The score:
Miles. Laps.
Miss Marguerite Gast ......241 13
Miss Lottie Brandon 241 .' 1.1
Mis Jane Lindsay 2;!S 0
Miss Marie Davis 2:S() 1C.
Mrs Emma Bavue 234 3
Miss May Pethard 181 11
Senator Davis Delirious.
ST. PAUL, Nov. 22. The forem'
and early afternoon are Senator Dav.
most comfortable hours. up3 during these
hours yesterday he slept almost continu
ally. At noon his temperature was nor
mal, but his pulse and respiration were
so high ns to indicate fully the advance
of the disease. This is combined with a
delirium, which manifests itself almost
continually during Senator Davis' wak
ing hours. The attending physicians have
frequently been quoted in the past few
days by Senator Davis' intimate friends
as saying that they entertain no hope
whatever of his recovery. While no offi
cial statement to this effect has been
made, the unofficial reports hnve gained
wido credence and have tended to in
crease the anxiety of Senator Davis'
Gift of n Million Dollars.
NEW Y'ORK, Nov. 22. Hans Schuy
ler, B. D., Ph. D., of College Point.
Queen county, told his friends that he
had been notified that he had come into
possession of a fortune of about $1,000,
00U, the rift of a wealthy uucle in Ger
many. The uncle, he said, had made a
fortune in the coffee business and had
decided to retire owing to his advanced
age. Mr. Schuyler was the head of a
Flushing educational institution for
young women for many years. At pres
ent he is the principal of a school at Col
lege Point.
Cleveland Councilr.icn Smirched.
CLEVELAND, Nov. 22. A sensation
al affidavit made by Charles W. Lapp, a
member of the city council, has been
made public. Councilman Lapp swears
tlvat Councilman White told .hini that
"the gang" (meaning certain members of
the council) received $5,000 for their
votes on the police alarm contract and
intimated that 5,000 more was to he.
paid for their votes on a contract for the
new city Sire alarm system.
Grand Rapid Celebrates.
GRAND RAPIDS, Nov. 22. The
Grand Rapids board of ti-ad last night
celebrated the fiftieth nimiversary of the
incorporation of the city by a" monster
banquet at the Armory hall. General
Russeli A. Alger of Detroit, who began
his career here, laying the foundation of
his present fortune by a small invest
ment in lumber, was the guest of honor.
He spoke to "Reminiscences of Early
Days." '
. IvttTilioe Paper ISIill Caned.
NEW. YORK, Nov. 22. Fire yesterv
day destroyed tie eld Ivanhoe paper mill
at Patcrson, N. J.- It caught fire during
the great gule, and nothing could save it:.
The building of late had been used as a
place in which' to sort ' ra'gs.r u:d. ;the
smoke from' the rags was so dense that
it foreed the perutives ' in -the Rogers
locomotive works and the SUvfrftiaii Silk
mills to suspend work. . "'T ? " ' " v "'
' A" Finrry In Corn. '. '
CHICAGO, Nov. 22. November eorn
went to 45 cents yesterday. Gem-go
Phillips; the lately recognized king of tue
corn pitntood hrtie center, of the arena,
apparently entirely .unaffected by,thj tu
inult around him when the grain reached
this-mark. The din would have drowned
th& roar . of a locomotive. The... shorts
were wild. They were involuntarily the
means' of forcing the price higher. The
young mtin in the center made a few
sales.., The price soon dropped slightly. ;
:-''-i.5- -.i-'-u j - t u: .; f
Electric TraSw7Fvll; H-
NEW "YORS.'Novli 22.Th! 'ei jori
mentalj" etctria?"v TLhSecoria 'vi
nue-Jiae of tWlIB&ai'taWjilvted. rail
way' forhe- first tinte rriidilfctVejal tt-ips
yesterday "Between" Elghfy-Eis: '!jB"Jq.oc' Si
ty-fifth streets.. It dodged ia. between ". reg
ular tro4ns and ran just--. as. carrying
passengers, making all regular stops. It
developed $ spefdi btififefnlS Jo 17 miles
an noiir. All the electric trains will be
rv.utf,tbat rrfter.Tue jstenw waiua afrcr
ngcabtfut i2"mile.s, an hour. ...T
, j Ji . iUxj. "' J( ' '
Watet bury' ; Proves Her Super
- " iority Over New Hven. ' s
One of the Fiercest Contests -Ever
Witnessed in the Local Rink The
Crowd Went Wild Over the Play
ing of the Home Team Nip and
, Tuck Went the Battle Until the Bell
Sounded Meriden Goes Dowif.Be
for Springfielcf Notes of the Game.
It was polo, and polo of the old, ex
citing kind, that was witnessed by the
1,000 people at the Auditorium last
night. There was pot a dull moment
throughout the whole forty-five min
utes of play, and players and specta
tors ve'-o kept very busy. There have
been no games played in any rinks
fliis season, and but few in any rinks
during any season, that have created
the enthusiasm and have been so fierce
ly contested as the'one of last nisht.
It was a fight -from tke first sound of
the whistle, and Jimmy Canavan and
bis cohorts from New Haven found
that the easy thing that they expected
was the most difficult problem they
ever started in to solve. The local
players have met and put to rout both
Hartford and Springfield, and last
nig'ii saw the leaders of the league
I layed to a standstill and beaten in as
great a battle as the most aggressive
crank could wish. Tt was a bitter
fight, too, for Nev.' ITaven wished to
prove that it is a better team than
Hartford or Springfield, and if Water
bury was trounced nicely the Blues
would be able to lay further claim to
the right to be called the champion.
- All the tricks of the New TInvf n team
were discovered and exploded long be
fore the game was over and every line
of defence or offense was broken ami
shattered by. the beautiful work of the
Waterbury players, Jean and ITotder
nesp. without a doubt the two best men
in fbe position of center, and halfback
in Uiis or any other league, were all
over the sin-face last ni-ilit. and wher
ever a New Haven player attempted
to work anv of his little points, the-e
he found either one of those gentlemen
ready and willing to interfere with his
Plans. Bone and Jason were fast. am1,
they were angry, too. for. with ail
their sneed. the ball was taken aw-iv
from them time-and time again. Can
avan and Whipide, came to their rus'i
ets" assistance .at, limes when the oc
casion looked rioe for a goal, but they
were all bowled over just as easy as
would be n team of amateurs. It can
not lie said that the New Haven team
played poor polo.' however, but the
Waterbury team played better, and to
that fact can be attributed the vic
tory. , , . -..,!' ! '
Johnny Griffin, the wizard of the rol
ler skates, never attained more popu
larity in a polo game than he did last
U'ght. and he deserved all the cheers
that he got. He darted in and out
among the New Haven rushers, took
the ball iiivaj' from them, passed it
down the rink and eventually to young
Daly, who f;eldoin faih d to land i'
in tiie netting. Griffin played a fast
and l'l riiy ghme. and ' several t'.nK-s
during the night'rfid he have the whole
Now Haven tertttf bucking him at the
cage, as he tried one of his old tricks
of bringing the fiall around from the
rear of the cage and shoving it into
the netting. In fact the fiercest battles
of all were fought around the-Nev Ha
ven cage and at one time no lc-s than
five men wore on the floor in a heap,
while the ball looked on at the scene
from rsome corner of the rink.
Y'oung Daly missed one or two
chances last night, but the balls he
sent boh'.nd the clever goal lender of
the New Haven qfj,m. made the crank
go wild, and it is safe to say" that Daly
jumped Into tiie favor of the cranks
with n vengeance last night. He has
been designated '-Sneak" Daly in the
Maine lea erne, and that title was aptly
applied, if his work of last night can
bo taken as a criterion. He was con
tinually suoakinsrnround that New na
vrn cage, ami if -wins only toward the
last of the game' that the New Haven
players discovered- that, they should
nay some attention to this young chap.
Daly showed that he possesses lots of
jilnck and nerve, too for when Jason
attempted to tnrow iou me huh-k.)
little rusher. Daly buckled into him
and pushed him down the rink. Of
course they were both fouled, but it
shows that the spirit of aggressiveness
Is in the lad and he will fight for his
Fox was a card last niaht. nnd if
there is any sroal tender that is doing
better work than this same lad from
Massachusetts, let us have his picture.
It made no difference to Fox last night
where the balls came from, .nor how
many players were coming at him at
once. He watched the ball, and when
be was not kicking it away from him
he was a'way from 1he cage and taking
it away from one of the rushers. He
ployed a brilliant same, and made Jim
my Lotions look like thirty cents.
Dnlv scored the first goal for Wa
terbury. after a little over two min
utes of play, and the crowd cheered
and yelled. Canavan. who had grown
engry at .the failure of his rushers to
land the sphere, ma'o the next one for
New Haven in less than two minutes.
Jason th-p gave the crank an -ttack
C'f heart disease by ttii g another
one in the netting n .ess ihan four
minutes of o'ny. In about eight sec
onds later Daly had sco--j0(1 another
ore Into tho cage, and the cranks were
r.gaiu ,busy trying to use up, their
voices. Then there wa. a fierce bat
tle, and both teams fought like fiends,
Dab" finally caught the ball on a pass
and hammered it behind the Lations
boy for" the close of that neriod. New
Haven was desperate when the sec
ond period started and Bone finally
tied the score asraln af ter playing about
..six minutes. , Jean, in .order to keep
vn the good work, and make the fans
feel hanpy. carried another one down
the rink and sent , it into the New Ha
ven case 'in twenty-six seconds. Jason
got hot then, and,, after playing a little
over three minutes, he found an open
ing and the score was again tied, and
thus it was when that period closed.
Then came' the last and fiercest per
iod of all.' ' All the' players were well
prn'iped out.'but 'thev played until the
nersniration enrtie off them in streams:
The two-teams fought fiercely for eoinf
time, until .Tanon again sent the lwll
home -behind -Fox.'----, Hardly had the
ball, been put - In play again when Daly
caught another pass, and again the
balleweivt behind .Lations. Jason kept
up his good work and in less than three,
minutes "he found Fox again and, the
time was drawing to a close'. . OrliBn
tlien played that wizard game of' his,
and he Coaxed the bnl down' the rink,
in and out among the New Haven play-er;-
flndin:-less-thair.'a-frinue he hart
tied the score, and then tbf crowd tore
Ioo!.?fHaa weCt' 'rp 'in the flip ami
such a cheering body of fails has never
been seen in the Auditoriufti.-'- Fiercer
raged the battle now," and tip and
down the fink; went -the 'ballJ' Five
minute more cf piny had-been nearly
consumed; - when 1 Daly met " the ball
again and behind the New Haven man
it; went with a bang. ;.Tliat gave us
the lead and. try as they would, the
New Haven players could not get the
ball' near the Waterbury cage. Every
man on the teams was fighting and
fighting hard when the bell came to
tell tfiem that the game V-as done.
The score and summary:
Waterbury. Position. New Haven.
Daly first rush . . .
Griffin .... second rush .
Jean center . . .
Holderness . . halfback .
Fox goal
Won by. Caged by.
.... Bone
. . . Jason
. .Canavan
. Whipple
. . Lations
1. - Waterbury Daly 2:01
2. New Haven Canavan 1:33
3. New Haven Jason 3:14
4. Waterbury Daly 0:08
5. Waterbury Daly ..0:37
0. New Haven Bone 5:27
7. Waterbury Jean 0:20
8. Netw Haven Jason 3:11
0. New Haven Jason 10:28
10. Waterbury Daly ..0:28
11. New Haven Jason 2:38
12. Waterbury Griffin 0:40
13. Waterbury Daly, 4:00
Summary Score, Waterbury 7.
New Haven 0: rushes, Daly 3, Bone .12,
tie 1; stops. Fox 30, Lations, 43; fouls,
Jason, Daly, Lations; referee, Leahy;
timer, Lahey; attendance, 1,000.
Meriden, Nov 22. The game started
with Warner winning the rush and
caging the ball in just five seconds
amid great enthusiasm. Russell cag
ing the nert, and it now looked as if
the locals were going to have a walk
over when Springfield woke up anil
added two to their credit, one each by
Fierce a;:d Curtis; both iu a little over
a minute. The period ended in a tie,
2 to 2..
Warner again won the rush, starting
the second period. Russell cagiug tiie
next goal as IlefT'ernan left his cage
and then the visitors did some good
work, -caging the next three goals,
putting them in the lead. Russell
caged another by drawing ITefi'ernan
again away from his cage. No more
scoring was done in this period.
With the score 5 to 4. the third per
iod started with a change in the line
up of the locals. Lewis playing rush
and Warner center: Goggshall going
off the floor. The visitors were able
to score throe more goals this period
while Meriden was shut out. Sum
mary: Meriden.
Warner, Lewis first rush Curtis
Russell .... second rush Pierce
CoggshalL Warner center . .11. Whiting
Hayes halfback . .W. Whiting
Cusiek : goal Heffernau
Won by
Caged by
1. Meriden Warner
2. Meriden. Russell .
3.. Springfield Fierce ..
4. Springfield Curtis . .
...... .0:58
r. " Meriden ' Russell .....
0. Springfield Curtis
7. SpringJieid II. Whiting .
S. Springfield Pierce
. .7:12
. .4:37
. .4:5:5
. .4:31
!. Meriden
10. Springfield Curtis ...
11. Springfield Curtis ...
12. Springfield Curtis . . .
.. .S:12
. . .3:31
. . .3:37
1 ime Limit.
Score, Springfield S. Meriden 4:
rushes, Warner 0, Russell 5. Curtis 4:
stops. Cusiek 3.",. Hefl'ernan 32: fouls.
W. Whiting;, referee. Lush; timer, Pa
Won." Lost. P.'C."
New Haven 7 3 . .700
Hartford 0 4 .00,)
Waterbury ....5 5 . .500
Springfield 5 5 .500
Meriden 2 8 .200
What's the matter with Waterbury?
Wouldn't that jar your slats, New
In the amateur game last night the
Watch shop team defeated the Sco
vill team by the score of 12 to 0.
Talk about polo being dead in Wa
terbury, why the shouts of the fans
must have reached Lewiston last
Dick Furbish, who is playing half
back for Rockland, caged three goals
from his position in a game against
Lewiston Monday night., Dick must
stiil have some of his old-time ability
in spite of his age.
Bene was useless aa a player last
night, because Fred Jean took particu
lar delight in keeping him company,
and it -was very seldom that-the speedy
rusher got away from him.
Frank Warner, who didn't like to
come to Waterbury to play, was in
the game with Meriden last night but
lie failed to prove a mascot, for his
team was beaten, just a.s easily as it
has been since, the season opened.
Meriden will be here to-morrow
night and with her will come .Frank
Warner, who didn't think Waterbury
fast enough for him. Just to show
hoiV easy it can be done the local
players will trim tiie Meriden: and
keep up the good record of ti. week.
What a fierce scrimmage that was
in the second perk d where all the
players came together? It was a" mix
ture of hockeys, arms, legs, bodies and
heads and it whs hard fo tell where
the ball was curing the' melee until
Jason took it out of the crowd and
caged it.
The fans who have had-the opin
ion that the polo put up by the young
sters isn't the real thing should in
quire of the old timers who are in the
league. Conway says that the flyaway
"kids" are the toughest yet to keep
covered. You never -can tell where
they're" at. Pawtucbet Times.'
Lations stopped at the reporters' ta
ble between on& of the periods last
night and said that the fast pace set by
both- teams had pumped them all out.
The perspiration was running off him
In streams,- and he looked as if he had
been, through- a threshing machine. ,
When the Waterbury aggregation,
wins -a game the scribes there at once
begin to have .visions of a flag flying
over the; vinki . At present, the. Brass
City team is decidedly weak In. the
rush line and considerable strengthen
ing vill "be becessary before it "will
have a 'look -'fir; Pawnticket" Times.
That dream .book- Must lmvi fallen into
your hands.1 We have beaten the three
"leaders one-afteu theothcr and -what
more do youiwant Us-teflo,?' ,;-:t-iu';
The great nnd ouly bunch vf Wa
terburyians will, be , here' Satiirdny
night: ' -'Hurrah -'Tor oitr j side." 'If
Meriden Can't lick "'that 'conglomera
tion, even if we haren't the 'strongest
team in the league, why well the lo
cals v.-IU do -Their best. Meriden Rec
ord. Tliey will take good', care of you
both, to-morrow night and Saturday
night. : 1 - --' . '
Tommy Holderness received a biow
from one of the New Haven hockeys
last night that could be heard all over
the rink. 11. was a severe blow too,
but was done accidentally as one of
the New Haven players started to hit
the ball as Tommy jumped in front
of it. The lad needed but a moment
of time to get back into the game
The game put up by Waterbury last
night is fast enough for any team in
this league, and the sooner the leaders
begin to recognize that fact the better
it will be for all concerned. Water
bury has a "look in" at that pennant
and let all those writers who were scor
ing the poor. Waterbury team, just
stick that fact iu their hats and keep
it there. '
There- is no denying the fact that
"dirty"' polo playing has got to be cut
out of the game if the players want
the public to support it. Such meth
ods as Holderness used here Monday
night caused many to leave the rink
disgusted. Polo can lie played without
resorting to (ripping a player just be
cause he is clever enough to get by an
other, such as Holderness resorted to
Monday night. The league should call
Holderness down, and it probably will
if lie keeps up his dirty work. Spring
field News. That is rubbing it in pret
ty hard. Mr News man. Tommy Hold
erness never was a dirty player. He
may hold a man, but lie never resorts
to ungeutlenianly tactics. Just watch
a couple of your players who do the
center work on the floor.
The week's schedule is as follows:
Thursday Hartford at; Springfield.
Friday Springfield at New Haven.
Meriden at Waterbury.
Saturday Waterbury at Meriden,
New Haven at Hartford.
Pccrofnry Hoot In Colia.
SANTIAGO, Cuba, Nov. 22. Secre
tary Root and General Wood, with the
'other members of their party, left yester
day morning for Gnautanamo, from
which point they proceeded to north
coast ports, where General Wood expects
to meet his family. Before retuvniug to
Washington Secretary Root will meet
Sir William Van Horne at Puerto Prin
cipe. Local business interests are in
tensely anxious with reference to the ac
tion of the Cuba company of which Sir
William Van Home is president. The
company is now employing 2,000 men iu
the construction of a raiiroad, but with
out a franchise. Secretary Root declines
to discuss political matters for publica
tion, but said that Cuba was the richest
and prettiest place he had ever seen.
Gocd IlondB Astsociat ion ' Formed.
CHICAGO. Nov. 22. During the clos
ing hours of the national good roads con
vention n permanent organization was ef
fected. The National Good Koads asso
ciation is. the name of the new organiza
tion. Headquarters will be in Chicago.
Officers were elected for the first year,
and it is the intention of the association
to continue the agitation and work for
the icjpvjveruent of the public highways
along tiie lines -suggested by the conven
tion. The articles of the association state
that the new organization is to represent
the various national, state, agricultural,
industrial, commercial, transportation,
wheelmc:.s and automobile associations
of the country which are furthering the
cause of good roads.
Cnban Constitutional Convention.
HAVANA. Nov. 22. The Cuban con
stitutional convention at its session yes
terday in the Marti theater discussed the
rules of the Yaya Cv.ban assembly and
adopted 30 out of 1M1 as the rules to gov
ern the sessions of the prosent organiza
tion, the most important being a rule
that delegates during the exercise of their
duty shall not accept positions under the
govr:;:m-nt. This rule, however, does
not apply to delegates already holding
positions. Another rule forbids delegates
to be absent longer than eight days.
Tronlile In Japan's Cabinet.
LONDON. Nov. 22. "The overthrow
of Marquis Ito's cabinet." says the Yoko
hama correspondent of The Daily Mail,
"is threatened. Already Viscount Kat
snr.a. minister of war. has resigned in
consequence of a scandal affecting Hoshi
Torn, minister of coramunicai ions, who
is accused of nceeptiTi. large bribes and
will probably lie arrested. The political
opponents of the accused minister de
nounce him as a 'Tanitnanist,' probably
because he. was formerly minister to the
United States."
OHioial Vote of Huston.
BOSTON, Nov. 22 The tabulation of
the otikial vote of Boston at the state
election lias been completed. The Bryan
electors carried the city by upward of
8,S00 votes, and Paine, the Democratic
candidate for governor, had a plurality
over Governor Crane of over 3.000.
Lieutenant Governor John L. Bates, Re
publican, carried the city by about 700
over John B. O'Donncil of Northampton,
the Democratic candidate, for the second
place on the state ticket.
IIioile Island's Veto.
rrtOYIDXCU, Nov. 22. The state
board of canvessera has completed the
ofli- ial court of the presidential votes
ca3t Nor. , The t, tai number of rotes
cast lor evidential candidates was fiG,-5-18
The vote was divided as follows:
McKinley end Roosevelt, S't.7S4; Bryan
and Stcvnson. 10,812; J.Iailony and
Remnii-11, 1.42.",; Woolley and Metcalf,
1,i?'J. MeKi-ley's plurality was 13,972.
A BcnUy Dncl.
COLUMBUS, Oa Nov. S2.-M!?chell
Taylor and Chai'es Ccir.er. both negroes,
fought n rr-.--b!e duel with pistols near
haro. The cs use wns 92.15 due on a
watch by Comer to Taylor. Coacer was
killed, and Taylor was badiy wounded.
During the iUEillade Taylor's sistor ran
between the men as a peacemaker aad
wa3 shot through the head by Taylor.
She died in a few minutes.
One of Reld'a Ships Wrecked.
ST.- JOHN'S, N. P., Nov. 22. The
new steamer Fife, one of Mr. Iieid's fleet
of eight mailboats running in the postal
service, was lost ia the straits of Belle
Isle Sunday during' a dense snowstorm.
The vessel was worth $100,000, and it is
believed, that she .was not. insured." No
lives -ivere lost. The; crew of 30 men took
to the boats and had a terrible experi
ence before reaching land.' - '
Ihnrles IC. ISootlt III. , . ;,
NEW . i'OKK,. Nov. , 22. Charles K.
Booth, son of Commander, and; Mrs. Bol
lington Booth," the heads of the Volun
teers of America, is seriously ill at his
parents' home in MontClair,' N. j.,"with'
appendicitis." -An- operation is thought' to'
be necessary and may be' performed to
day. ;;He is about 11 years old. Hit moth
er .has xancvled: alb her engagements fo
the) iiexf two weeks, o .. n : - .1.
- "-Jfc ;i
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