V WATERBURY EVENING DEMOCRAT, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1900. TheEasiestFur? nit ure to Buy. ; - i v ' ( ' -. f Price is always a leading factor with our Furniture,- but prite Isu't every thing. There's lots of Furniture made that seems very cheap when you buy it, but becomes very dear when you use it. That's why some say the Fur niture of to-day is iothing like as well made as the Furniture of their fore fathers. Good Furniture is far .better in fact, never more artistic, never stronger.' never more lasting: That's honest Furniture, and if you buy from those . that represent the exact truth, you'll buy better -Furniture than your fathers ever bought. J. M. Burr all (2 Co CO BANK ST. Undertaking NIGHT CALLS ANSWERED BY P. E. . Seymour, 184 Maple St. Phone. . M. Stewart, 101 Franklin St. Phone Two Rooms In Milford Building, Center street, for office or purposes. Also, ;.. One tenement, four rooms. One tenement, five rooms. All modern improvements. building J. W. Gaffney, 16 EAST MAIN ST. . . . ANNOUNCEMENT . . . Mr Joseph H, Mooney Having recently returned from Italy, Where he has been studying the art of Binging under II Signor Carle Morotti, Is prepared to take a limited num ber of pupils at his new studio in the New England Engineering Co's build ing. J. H. Mulville, UNDERTAKER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Residence-,' 397 East Main street. Store, St Patrick's Block, 110 Broad sray. Telephone at store and residence. ice. iimrumi k i SPRING LAKE ICE CO . THOS. H. HAYES, Proprietor. 87-39 BROOK STREET. . Telephone 603-2. ,:The only real Spring Water Ice Id the City." Special attention to family trade. HORSE SHOEING... . AND GENERAL WAGON REPAIRING CONE IN FIRST CLASS SHAPE. -AT- . R, N. BLAKESLEE'S, : ICO MEADOW ST. Get Your Fire-place Ready.; . If you don't, you'll be sorry one of Jliese cold nights. We have andirons in brass and iron from $2.50 and up wards.. Portable Grates, - Fenders, Spark' Guards, Shovels and Tongs everything for the fireplace. Fifty designs or bard wood Mantels In our show room ft good one in oak with facins and ornamental center piece for 1 10.00. Open everv nteht. i CHARLES JACKSON & SON, 821 BANK STREET. . BOUSES TOR XMAS North Willow St, 2 or 3 Families. Six Rooms on a Floor, v Moke Your Wife a Present. . EASY TERMS. The Seeley & Upham Co., 48 SOUTH WILLOW ST. A. C. NORTHROP & CO. " 27 and 20 Canal St., Waterburj, Manufacturers of FINE PAPER BOXES, DEALERS IN PAPER AND TWINE. Of all descriptions at short notice. Thorough workmanship and reasonable prices. .. ,;" i - -;, Ed Ockels, Sign JTiaker - OFFICE. 7 BROWN STREET. . Villiam T Disleyy ' 276 Bank Street. .G, HEATING, TINNING, METAL CCSSICLS andSKI-UGHTS. . -riVttlar"' attention siren to altera' - Jiodernizlrnf of. bouse plamb- 'Mttm cheerfully furnished. riT SHOW TJOUStptf: ' ' t::eik3 fixtures. ISSUED OY 'J HE DEMOCRAT PUBLISHING COMPANY C. Malosev, Editor. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS. SUBSnRIPTION One year, K.oa Ona Month ...Co Delivered by Carrier. ADVERTISING RATES. Firm one cent a word to $1.00 aa ncn. heeding Notices llo to ilea line. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1900. Notwithstanding-liis previous humil iating experiences in that line" Secre tary Root has again smothered' an im portant public document on the ridicu lous ground that it is a confidential matter not intended to be made public. The document in question is the report made by an expert accountant from the treasury department, who was ssnt to Cuba at Secretary Root's re quest to go thoroughly over the ac counts of Rathbone and Neelev. The real reason for not making it public is that it shows the stealing in Cuba to have been greater and more sys tematic than anybody had supposed. A similar report was made by the ac countant to the senate committee on relations with Cuba, which has been trying so hard not to comply with the senate resolution directing it to inves tigate Cuban finances. If these re ports are not made public there is like ly to be some plain talk in congress on the right of an official to suppress a report made by a minor official under orders and under public pay. If such reports are not public documents, pray what are? Speaking of the lessons taught by war, a writer in the New England En gineering Magazine says: In short, the, fearful cost of territorial acquisi tion in Africa and Oceauiea has taught physically the lessons which the Hauge conference put morally and intellectu ally. The world lias gained, from the sufferers-' by the Boer war and Span ish wars.'i the knowledge it rejected when , formulated in r the abstract by the peace'- commissioners. ' War ' and conquest So not jiay. The apprecia tion f 'the fact is more vivid than ever it was "before, and out of the turmoil of the close of the nineteenth- century has come a firm and stable adjust ment of ideals which lipids high prom ise for the unbroken peace and grow ing Industry of the twentieth. .- Rus sia, long regarded fls' the menace to European diplomacy, under the young czar, shows unmistakable aspirations for. peace and industrial development. The German emperor has changed the role' of war "lord for that of the pro moter of enterprise and ' the .' foster father of commerce. What the preach ers of Vjeace'.could not impress upon the nations,: the precipitators of war have written In blood and fire, and the lesson is learned. - The reassembling Of congress, says a Washington writer, lounu ine Cap itol full of ugly aud sensational ru mors connected with'," the . Isthmian canal question. Some of these ru mors make charges entirely too ei'i ous to be repeated without proof of their truthfulness as to what has:been accomplished by the lobbyist's em ployed by ..the" Panama Canal Co In their efforts to delay congressional ac tion authorizing the construction of t'ae Niearisuau canal. But there are s6uie fact's which sneak for them selves. Sometime ago it was an. noUhced In a semi-official "manner that the report ,'of 'frfhe"',aual commission would beV strongly in favor (..of , the Nicaragua;' rutH.now it is allowed to become known that-tbe report of the commission will not specify a prefera bly- route? tthVWlll 'gtvg. lit istkaiufief' the cost of the canal by the Nicaragua route, and the cost of the completion of the Panama canal, together with the terms upon which this government can-secure controliOf the latter.; and leave congress to. decide 'for ilself, What brought about this change? That is the question that the rumors deal with. .; The president of the Panama Canal Co had a long conference with the secretary of state, and, of course, everybody knows what the gentleman is in Washington for. Although the Nicaragua canal,,byi, I hlch passed the house at the last session was, by resa lutlon of the senate, made a special order for Wednesday of this-week, program has . beea arranged by which the ship subsidy" bill will be used to side-trfick the) . dhnal . bill, unless the program is upset by a majority vote of the -senate.. The Panama Canal Co has caused one -great national scandal which disgraced eminent Fr3nehmen and from present 'Indications It may cause another that will disgrace some prominent Americans. . t - HEARD 1ST PASSING ".The Wall street brand of prosperity leaves a Jot of shorn Iambs behind every time it makes a spurt. , Charles R. Flint, who declared in n recent speech that- the re-election of Mr McICJnley was an endorsement of trustSiis not an anarchist, but a good republican. .'. ... - The' democratic party Jhas.dioon of vast benefit to the country- Jn the .pas as an opposition party, and it- nevej nad better opportunities JU tna,tv-line than It will have' , during' the 'eoming How touching! '.Prof Arehowskl, of the Belgian Antarctic expedition, fell in love with a magazine picture whil la the far southern, ceas. HeJ married the original of the portrait In Europe, SheVas a Miss Ad ec of Philadelphia. Girls, get your pictures In the pap2rs If you can. JBrKispon i 'ost. GOVER NMENT LEQAU AFFAI RH Attorney General Grlg. Reylewi t - thet. Woirlc olHl (HRceif " . WSHINGTONDeeiU: Aftornej Geiicraf' Griggs'" yesterday sent " his an nual report to congress It opens with a statement of the conditions of the work of the United States supreme foutt, whicb show that 370 appellate ea;Ses were dock eted and 371 Were" uispbsed of, -leav.ina 303 cases still pending. On July 1, 1899, there were 3,137 XTnitecl States convict.; .in the various prisons and "reformatories 3f the country against 2,293 at -the close of the last fiscal .year. In 907 of the 1,602 civil suits terminated during the last fiscal year judgments were for the United States, 200 against the United States,. 489 were either dismissed or dis continued, and 28 were appealed, . Of the 17,033 criminal prosecutions ter-. minated during the last ' year 197 were prosecutions under the rcustonis laws, hi which there were 12U convictions; G.275 under the internal revenue laws, -in which there were 3,749 convictions; 1,153 under postoffice laws, in which there were 772 convictions; 0; under naturalization acts, in which there .were 4 discontinued and 2 entered nolle prosys tinder the in tercourse laws, in which there were-030 convictions; 200 under the pension laws, in which there were 145 convictions; 53 for embezzlement, in which there were 32 convictions; 8.1S0 miscellaneous prose cutions, in which there were 4,880 con victions. The aggregate amount of the judg ments rendered in favor of the United States in civil suits during the last year was $.003,299, and the amount actually collected on these judgments was $52, 795, while $52,748 was obtained during the year on judgments rendered in for mer years for the United States, and $27,130 was otherwise realized in civil suits. The aggregate amount of fines forfeited and- penalties imposed during the rear in criminal, prosecutions was $705,137, aud the amount of these fines, forfeitures and penalties collected during the year was $104,020, while $S,203 was realized on hues, forfeitures and penal ties imposed in former years. Owing to the increase in the, "price of building material, the attorney general asks for an increase of the limit and nn additional appropriation . which will en able the department to construct a, new building for the department of justice of a style and finish that would be in keep ing with, the dignity of the government and a credit to the national capital. HAVANA HEALTHY. Lvist Death Rate Recorded In Ten . tvars, ehief sanitary oilicor of Havana, in his report for November shows that 44-1 deMf-is occurred in .the city from all causes, this being the lowest number for the same month during the last ten rears. The deaths due to yellow fever were 5-1, or 20 below the figures for Oc tober. Thirty-seven yellow fever pa tients are now under treatment, four of whom are Americans. One hundred and ten Jhousand dollars has been appropriated foi' the purchase of 3,000 cattle and 500. brood mares to be distributed among : the farmers of the provinces of Santa lorn, Puerto Prm cipe. and .Santiago, where-, they will lie sold at cost and on easy; luBtallments Senor Lacoste, secretary of agriculture, during his recent visit ' to the United States made inquiries as, to the classes Wf -cattle best adapted to Cuba and de- fulej in favor of Kentucky Stock. . . Ia Lucha cautions' the Cuban cohstl- tutifipol -convention to proceed moderate-lj- and not to make mistakes which might cost Cuba her independence. It advises the convention to send three conservative men to ' Washington' . to. confer with the federal authorities regarding the future relations between Cuba and the United States. x-arts Commtsnionera Return. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 4 The Unit ed States commissioners to the Pnris ex position have arrived here and were the guests of William L. 'Elkins, the Penn sylvania member of the commission, at n banquet sven by him last, night at the Hotel Bcllevue. Speeches were made by several of the commissioners and Mr. Klkins. The remarks were all of an lu forniil character. Today the commission ers will be entertained at luncheon by Mr. Elkins at his country seat at Elkins, a short distance from this. city. Later in t'je day the party will leave for Wash ington, where tomorrow evening the com missioners will be tendered a state din ner by the president. v .The Clilcmso Esrsr Corner. CHICAGO, Dec. 4Eggs scored an other advance of 1 cent a doiien yester day owing' to a scarcity Iri the market. Stocks of the cold storage eggs are now only 150,000 cases. At the present rate of consumption this .'.is loss than two months' supply. Dealersin South Wa ter street are disturbed over the situation because The visible supply is concentrated in'"the "ha'inls'o'f large packini interests, which, it is asserted, are in a position to dictate prices. Fresh eggs were quoted at 25 . cents a- dozen.ij and. cold , storage stock was lirmly held at 20 cents. . , . ? , -v Cable Contract tot. LONDON, . Dec 4.4-The Pacific cable committee has .accepted in behalf of the governments of - Great ..Britain, New South Wales; Qu"eenslaud; and New Zea land the bid of the Telegraph CohstrKc tion and Maintenance. -Company to make and lay a 1 cable from ; Vancouvev to Queensland and New ; Zealand Via Fan ning, Fiji and Norfolk islands for 1,705, 000, the work to be finished at the end of 1002. ':- ' ';. s:L;:.; : ,' Fire In YoaajiKOno, O,' YOUNG STOWN, OS. ' Dec. 4. Fire gutted the six story bulldlhg occupied by thet Stamburgh-Thompson company, deal ers in hnrdware, last night. The loss is estimated at $100,000,i with $75,000 in surance. The fire origlnited among the oils in the basement aud spread so rap idly that several employees had a nar row escape.. from being .trapped by the flames. - -' There .is no doubt whatever-' tf the recent, prosperity of the. bank looters, both Inside and outside. of those Insti tutions. : ; ; -:.:'';'?,;; ;..: '.. - The CarnegieCo.in 1892 rpresentfd an a.ctual investment of ten- miKions of dollars, --'The stock of the company at market quotations now- represents $408,000,000. The company paid more than .;$40,000,000 . in dividends during the "jiasf year, .The shares of a- par value df:$l,00 are selling at' ?I500. It Is iio w;biider, that ,Mr Carnegie sticks U the. party under: whose- protective policy' he has become, the 'Sffcond rich est man in America. Great is a pro tective tariff. New Ila veu Union. . The young- Duke of Manchester'has' made & sordid tnarriagi?,: a'hd a Vulgar western millionaire la making aii e? hibitioirj.oChlms(''l tfe 1 delighted fathtInJlavvof rthis titled pwupctBlit' Tnrrr'oraKr ana ruiRap, than eithar of them are. the New York Newspaper's which .exploit the arrital of the duke and his bride. Manchester 'and Zim merman, with their detectives and the New. York reporters, constitute an 'ag glomeration," as -Barn Bin- would say, of vulgarians unrivaled lti the world. Hartford Times, '.. 5 1 ' THE-CHARGE fbfHE ,8000; . ,iO-.i. 7'y'3f? fjyf- ; Half a mile, half a mile,' ' , . '" Haifa' ihfle bmvarcf 't'" '5 Just abo?'Mle''nile, jier day ' ' ; ! Rode the-thiwhundred thousand Boers to l'ighfof-i'eni, ' . ' - Boers to left of 'em;' "'" ' ; ,! ' . , Millions of' Boers! i- - "i " " ' "''-'-' . 'Volleyed' aud thundered; " -" ': . So one ean over tell -' - " "'- v "j Where they all' Caii'ie'f roni), well. r , Anyway, on they went, s. Rode the three hundred thousand. Flashed all their kne'e'Tans bare, t masned as they turned in air, . ... Shocking the Boer girls, " Y ; " ' ' " Shooting, thev wondered; - . " Then the Highlanders broke Back through the Lyddite smoke, - ' Horse Guard and Coldstreams- '. ' Reeled from their "Back, you bloke!" Shattered and sundered. '- ;-. Thus they came back, but not Not the three hundred -thousand. Halt!" And ihe Big Brigade Sat in Tugela's shade, (Of -ourse. they. were undisniayed:) ' While every one blundered,- Theirs not. to get to White, Theirs but to sit there tight, i And wait for three hundred thou sand. " Boers to right of 'em, ; Boers to left of 'em, ., ' Dozens of Boers! 1, Volley and thunder. 7 ' There they are. fighting well,, (So all their papers tell ! . Right in the. jaws of death. Oh, how those jaws must swell To hold 'em three. hundred-rthou-; , sand. . , ... . .... When will their glory fade? Never, while men are made Stupid as thunder. , J. , . . . , Ha! ha! . The fight they've made! . Ho! ho! The Big Brigade!;. -' Noble three hundred thousand! Life. Saperinteifticiit rtoyes Restfiriaa. ROCHESTER,' Dec. 4 Superintend ent of Public Schools Noyes. , against whom charges of grave misconduct iu of fice was brought a few ' weeks ago, last night before the board of education tendered a brief in his defense and hand ed in his resignation. The resignation was immediately accepted, and Commis sioner George M. Forbes of the Roches ter university was appointed to 611 the vacancy pending the election of Mr. Noyes' successor. A Lent I21 a Liner. PARIS, Dec. 4. Ow ing to a misdirect ed hammer blow by one of a number of men working near the keel 'of L'Aqui taine at Havre yesterday the liner sprung aleak, and the water entered her machine rooms, causing her to keel over. Her moorings broke, and the stage con nectitii' th quay with the vessel fell, precipitating three-.men into the Water. The men were quiokly rescued, and meas ures were immediately taken to pump out the leakage. ,1 i - A GORGEOUSLY BOUND Work of art has just been issued at an outlay of over $1X10,000, for which the publishers desire a, manager iu this county, also a good, solicitor; good pay to the right party. Nearly 100 full page engravings sumptuous paper, il luminated covers and biudings; over 200 golden lillies in. the Morocco bind ings; nearly 50 .golden, roses, in tho cloth bindings. Sell at sight; presses running day and night so great Is the gale. Chirstian men and women mak ing fortunes taking orders. Rapid promotions. One Christian woman made clear $500 in four weeks taking orders among her - church acquaint onces and friends. Write us. It may lead to a permanent position to man age our business and look after our large correspondence which you can attend to right at your home.' Addros3 J. A. Knight, secretary. Corcoran building opposite United States treas ury. Washington. D. C. Polo-Auditorium Wednesday, December 5,'- NEW HAVEN vs WATERBURY, Friday, Deeenfber T, MERIDEX vs WATERBURY. -Decided Hit Is what the NEW dances taught by Prof. Bailey are-making with' the pu pils in the advanced class. Very pret ty and graceful, so they say.' To nw beginners, we . teach Jlie Waltz and Two-Step principally in strictly begin ners' classes, . and guarantee, perfect success, especially if you have never taken lessons. Your overwise. friends may say. you can "pick' It up;"' .., In deed, very poor advice.' ' Dancing -Is no more correctly acquired in that way than music. Terms $5 and $0.;. Halibut 16c, v - v Blue Eish 12c, COD LIVER OIL A SPECIALTY... ' ITY FISH MARKET . Cor Union and South Main. CATABRB OF THE NOSE, THROAT, LUNOS. GUARANTEE CURE. . ' , , Blood ' Toison, Chronic SoreS,'-Ulcers, . , v Skin ' Diseases" Permanently ; ; v. ": XI- V. CJuved. .'.' y-j :'-.- '. . DR. SARQOOD, Office Hours: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. dally :-' '' "-" " - '.- I pjjjYCHicSBfp.naVV ,:. Fir te- pasL Jttv -as !.lbcated -at TJiidgeport Is permanently located iafc 3'ir North Main street WatertiurjC V .'-..".. . , -. Schools Music Only school In -the state where all branches of; uiusio are ..tiinaiitj All of the teachers 4ire -thoroughly- train-. ed instructors, and the courses of study are thoroughly graded. The fol lowing branches are taught: piano., organ. harmony, jhjsi cal kindergarten, man dolin, banjo, .guitar-. cornet and sight ' ... Reading. - Also fine School of Danelng -and De portment. Pupils may-enter at any time. Catalogue mailed upon applica tion, fcadies Felt :-;::5?oes ; and Slippers ,We have a full line of Women's Warm Footwear. Prices from 50c to $1.50. in all styles and colors. v Ask to see our Special Shoo for Women S1.50; worth S2. It's 50c in your pocket if you buy a pair of them. osfon Shoe Store, 155-157 SOUTH MAIN ST, ,WATRBDBI. DR R. C. JONES, v. s. Residence, 25 Johnson Street, Water bury Conn. Office. City Lumber & Coal Co, 03 Bank St. Telephone. People's Market Spring Lamb, Chicken, Veal, Mut- ton, Chicago Dressed Beef nd Na- tive Beef. The finest quality of Vegetables. Always fresh. THE OLD RELIABLE." largest in the city and teeps Is the the largest stock to select from. S, EOHL, Proprietor 64 SOUTH MAIN ST. Telephone Orders Promptly Attended. KCHLITZ MILWAUKEE BEER, OLD MUSTY alE. 'Phone 239-5. ' AH brands of Wines, Whiskey, sealed and in' bulk, delivered free. T.-E. GUEST. 95 South Main St. Departure and Arrival of Trains. 1 NAUGATUCK DIVISION. Trains leave Bank Street Station for New York, Bridgeport, New Haven and. other places, at 0:35; 8:12; 10:50 a. m., .1:28; 2:48; 4:45; 5:05; C:08 and -.00 p. ' m. The 7 p. in. is a mixed train. Trains arrive at Bank Street Sta tion from New York, Bridgeport, New Haven and way stations at 8:36; 9:12; 11:12 a.' in.-; 1:11; 3:50; 0:25; 0:58; 9:00 p. m.;' 1 :2S a. m. Trains leave Bank Street Station for Wlnsted and way stations at 8:38; 11:14 a.. .in..; 3:5S and 7:00 p. m. Trains arrive at Bank. Street Sta tion from Winsted and way stations at &12; 10:50 a, m.; 2:48; 6:08 p.. m. . Trains leave Bnnl Street Station for Watei'town and 'way stations at G:45; 8:41; 11:1 a. 111.; 1:30; 4:01; 5:00; :12; 7:03 : 0:05 and 11:20 p. m. Trnins..arrive at Bank Street Station from Wafertowil anii- wav stations at 0:25: 8:00: 10:40 a. tri.; 1:02; 2:35; 4:40; 5:52; 0:47; 7:54; 11 :1S p. m. ...... Suudaj Trains. Leave Bank- Street Station for New York"," Bridgeport and New Haven at 7:10 a;' in.' 'and 5:25 p. m. Arrive at' Bank Street. Station from New York, Bridgeport and New Ha ven at 9:38 a. m. and 7:55 p. m. Leave Bank Street Station for Wa tertown and way stations at 9:43 a. ni. and 8:00 p. m. ) Arrive at Bank Street Station from Watertown and way stations a.t C:58 a. m. and 5:12 p. j.u. ; HIGHLAND DIVISION. ! Trains leave Meadow Street Station for Boston, Hartford and way stations at 7:00 and 8:38. a. m.; 12:38;. 4:05; 8:07 p. m. . ... . ' Trains arrive at Meadow Street Sta tion from Boston, Hartford and way stations at 8:05; 11:40 a. m.; 1:50; 5:13 and 7:45 p. m. . ' - Trains leave Meadow Street Station for New York, Fishklll Landing, Dan bury and way stations at 8:13 a. m. and 1 :50 and 5:18 p. in Trains arrive at Meadow Street Sta tion from New York, Fishkill Landing, Danbury .-ahd way -stations . at S:3ti a. tu.; 12:34 and 8:04 p. m. ' ; -, ' , . : ' Sunday Trains. ' ; v Leave Meadow' Street Station v at 80; 11:30 a. m.; 5:30 p. in. . Arrive at Meadow Street Station at 10:20 a. m;42:18 and 7:20 p. m. . Trains leave Dublin Street station for MJddletown and wayT stations at 8550 a. rad (3:15 r. S F tW f roh??MWdletjii atid stAy sttf- tlS af?Slp u. m'-and 4:0X) si.m, ' ; Leave J5xchage Place daily at 5:37 .4' T-. J A . . ... i-' . . 1 A A- nii auu every i uiir";s lumeaiitr - ' . v : ' -l. '. . : g .Arc, the payments we takcoa Overcoats, Suits, Ulster?, Hats, Shoes, & : and JBoys .Clothiug; ' Wo give' you the choice of 50 different styles In Suit?, 25 'different "styles in Over coats, 10 differeat shapes In Hats and'; $ ' Shoes, and numerous different prices ia. all kiuds of Children's i Rearing Apparel, the combined .making a variety of Clothing bigger than you can find In any other credit house in ilie sLite. Credit i We hdvo explicit faith in the 'working people and our confidence in them has never been misplaced. , Wo consider everybody honest until found otherwise. Do you realize the convenience of our credit system? It means that for a payment of one dollar per week you can dress as rich as your rich neighbor with out any one knowing it. It means you can have an air of respectability about you with very little effort. On our system it is easy to dress, easy to buy aud easy to paj. Credit Clothing Co, 62 BANK Extra! Extra! 5,000 Ladies'," Men's and Children's Umbrellas, fast black, steel rods, 24, 26. 2S inches, at 89c, for 3 days only. Come and see our largest stock In the state of a fine line of Trunks, Bags and Umbrellas for the least money iu this town. Re-covering aud repairing with the best Gloria Silk from 45c up. Guaranteed for best wear. Call to ex amine our goods: 'and prices v before buying elsewhere. Look for the hig Corner Store, 170 Bank street, corner Grand. WATERBURY UMBRELLA MFG- CO Iver&Pond PIANOS. This Is the proper time of the year to purchase a piano. Our stock is the largest and finest in the city. Prices and terms are reasonable. Do not make a purchase before calling on us. THE DRIGQS & SNIlTil 03 124-128 BANK STREET. Pianos! Pianos Pianos! Before purchasing an instrument, call and see our large assortment of Fine Pianos. WE OPERATE FOUR Stores, and can give you the LOWEST PRICES and BEST TERMS to be had aayMhSONNENBERa PIANO CO. Agents for: " Weber, Chickerlng, Kranich & Bach, Wheelock, Sterling. Huntinjrton. ianos 175 Bank St, Waterbury. Ct. A. W. SKINNER. Mgr. $1,000 - Challenge - $1,000 HARVARD BEER, UNION MADE, v . on draught. EMERSON & SONS' WIXE by the bottle. JAMES E. WATTS, Soutli .Maiii Sire it; Exchange Place Cafe. ; SCHAEFER'S WEINER BEER Bottled for Family Use. . JL W. HODSON, 20 EXCHANGE TLACE. WATERBURY FIRE ALARM. 4 Cor "South- Main and Orand sts. 5 Seovill Manufacturing Co. ,'(P). G Cor Bridge and Magill sts. 7 Exchange Place. 12 Rocers & Bro. (P). 13 Cor East Main and Niagara' sts. 14Cor East Main and Wolcott rd. 15 Coi: Hlgh atid Walnut sts. 10 Cor East Maiu and Cherry "sts.1 17 -Cor East Main and Cole sts. 21 Cor North Elm and Kingsbury sts 23 Burton Street engine house. 24 Waterbury Manufacturing CO. (P) 25 Cor'NortU Main and North sts. 20 Cor Grovea:hd' Prospect sts. .. 28 Cor Hillside avenue and Pine st. 29 N. WI110W bet. Ridgewood and Hillside ayenue. .' ' '- ' 31 Cor" Bank liutl Grand sts. '32--Cor Riverside and Bank sts. 34 Cor West Main and Watertown rd . 35 Conn. LighVg & Pow. Co, car - house, " (P). 30 Waterbury Brnss Co. (P). ""' 37 Cor Cedar and Meadow sts. ' 38 Cor Grand and Field sts. 42 Cor Sotith Main and Clay sts. 43 Now England Watch Co. tP). ' ' 45 Benedict & Burnham Mfg Co. (P) 46 Waterbury. Buckle Co. (P). 47 Cor-S. Main and Washintoa 'sts. 51 Cor Baldwin and River sts. 52 Cor Franklin and Union stsV"- 53 wat'b'y Clock Co, case fact'y P). 54Cor Clay and Mill sts. 515 Cor Liberty and River sts. . ' ; 57 No 5' Hose House. ' 58 Cor Baldwin and Stone-sts. C2 Cof Doolittle alley and Dublin St. 72 Cor West Main and .Villow sts. 74 Cor Johnson and Waterville sts. 212 The Piatt Bros & Co. (P). 4 213 Hammond Buckle Co. (P). 214 Wat'b'y Clock Co, mvt fact'y' (P). 210 Cor North Maiu and Grove sts. .: 251 Cor Round Hill and Wqrd sts. 201 Junction Cooke and "N. Main sts. 811 S. N. E. Telephone Co bld'g. P). 312-Cor Bank and Meadow sts. ' 314- Plume and At wood (P).! SloAmefican Ring Co (P). '' " -SlG-Ele-! Light Station (F). ' SlSHolmes.. Booth & Haydens P.1 . 321 NO 4 Hose -HoBse-."" ' ' S23 Cor Wash' gn' avo and' Porter Bts. 324 Cor Charles and Porter stsr " . 325 Cor Simons-st and Wash'g'n ave. -ity Lumber aud Coal Co (P). 412 Tracy Bros (P). ' 1 ' -'-" 451 Steele & Johnson Mfg Co- (P).' 1 ( 582 Cor Baldwin and Ryo st KSt4ItfrC Al ' STREET. i We Havo the LATEST FALL STYLES.. In Soft and Stiff And HATS Purchased Here Cleaned Free of Charge. Tickets For St. Joseph's T. A. B. Fair October 31 - Given With every Hat. Waterbury Hat Store, 35 E. MAIN ST. Fall Styles. HATS! HATS! HATS ! Now Ready. We are now making a correct copy of the Fall Dun lap Regular $3 Hat Our Price 1.QO. Come and see us before pur chasing:. Danhury Hat Co, ; , 217-219 BANK STREET. " N. B. Don't forget that when you buy of us you buy direct from the man ufacturer. Nuf ced. SAVE HONEY ON .Holiday Goods. Only a Small Store : . But a Blg.Stock.,,,. WATHAM AND ELGIN 14 KT. COLD W'ATCHES. HIGH GRADE SILVER i TUB ES, . GOLD FILLED CASES, 14 K.l WARRANTED FOR 20 YEARS. WEDDING RINGS. 14 KT. DIAMOND, RUBY, EMERALD, SAPPHIRE. OPAL RINGS. LARGE ' STOCK OF DIAMONDS TO SELECT . FROM- . . , SOLID GOLD CHAINS ' FOlt LA DIES AND. GENTLEMEN A SPEC IALTY. '--. - - MGreeti, 167 South Main St, OAKV 1LLE CO -- ''M4KERS Owi- ': Wire and. Metal Goods. P, O, Freight tut. Express. Addrosi , Oak Wile., Cone. Telegraph AddrtTi ".. Wnterbury, Conn. ; Nw York OUle, 46 lloward Streou'- ,t '-j-T',: " i, nn - .. 'i'l'v i J ( '.,'