Safety Boxes Will Soon Be
Opened. Fop Inspection.
Not Already Accounted For The In
vestigation of Vanderbilfs Affairs
Has Caused Many Surprises He Did
Not Hold a Number of Securities He
"Was Thought to Possess.
New York. Dec 11. In the presence
of a representative of the executors of
the Vanderbilt estate and a
representative of Comptroller Co
ler. the safety deposit boxes that
have remained closed and sealed since
the death of Cornelius Vanderbilt will
be opened to-morrow or Thursday. It
is necessary that this shall be done be
fore the will is formally admitted to
probate. The boxes are supposed to
contain many securities that ' are not
mentioned in the list prepared by Ap
praiser O'Connell, and that list will
have to be revised before the exact
amount of the inheritance tax can be
The schedule of securities prepared
for filing with the surrogate discloses
seme interesting facts. It had been
generally supposed that the Yander
bilis held what approached a controll
ing interest in the Xew York Central
railroad, whose capital stock is $113.
OoO.Ooo. Yet at the time of his deatli
Cornelius Vanderbilt held but 20.OII0
shares of New York Central stock, val
ued at par $2,000,000. He was not the
owner cf a single Xew York Central
main line bond.
When the famous refunding schemes
of the Xew York Central-Lake Shore
and Xew York Central-Michigan Cen
tral railroads were put through and
the collateral trust bonds of the two
systems which die Xew York Central
exchanged for the stock outstanding
were issued, it was generally charged
I hat the Messrs Vandevbilt had been
guilty of a rather shrewd piece of
i!teine"erii!g at the expense of the
holders of the common stock of the two
The ;'!'!'"ir:ioce ef a la fro block of
tVe o!!ai r.-ii trust bonds in the mar-l-
t sr."i after 1 he deals were put
t!..-e.ri, jj. tu charge that till' V.-in-
rbio-s were unloading ite new bonds
n '! to buy Xew York Central
fie schedule of the estate ufterlv
refrte this charge ami proves beyond
oiu-si'oi! tli;it Mr Vanderbilt kept faith
witli the stockholders of ilie two svs
ip'ik for at liis death lie held $3,000,-f-O
i f the bonds of the Xew York Central-Lake
Shore and $3,000,000 of the
bonds of the Xew York Central-Michigan
The schedule also shows that Mr
Vat dorbilt did not own a single share
of Union Pacific stock, another road
sine used to be controlled by the Vnn
derliilts. His otilv connection with
that iv ad aniiarenllv came from tlie
ownership of Soo of its 4 imr cent bonds
of the face value of $300.000..
The Michigan Central, another road
1lie control of which some years ago
passed into the hands of the Vander
tt!ts. is represented in the schedule of
Mr Vanderbilfs holding by but 100
shares of stock.
T)e connection between the Vander
l.iiv interests and .T. Pierpont Morgan
will be eoinied out in the heavy hold
ings of Southern railway stock shown.
Mr Vanderbilt had 512.200 of the com
mon stock, of which the Morgan liank
j"g house received $3,000,000 worth in
the rc-organizat ion.
Of Lake Krie and Western stock. Mr
Vanderbilt held 0.000 shares, it is un
derstood, were purchased for him by
L Pierpont Morgan individually.
ITe hr-.d over S.!.00n.000 worth" of the
stock of the C. C. C. and St Louis
railroad, a nronertv which has since
then passed into Vanderbilt control.
There is another surprise fo- Wall
street in ?.Ir YiMiderbilt's small hold
ings in Canada Southern, another Van
dorbHt property. Ho had but 2.100
shares ef this stock.
Cave the Name of Mrs Carpenter
' When She Engaged Rooms.
" Ucston. lice 11. The police are puz
zled over the case of the woman who
was found in a lodging house here last
night, suffering from poisoning by car
bolic acid, and who has refused to give
the authorities little information con
cerning herself. When the woman en
gaged her rooms last week, site gave
iier name as Mrs Carpenter. To-day
she told the police that she was Ella
Tngraham of North Adams and that
she was single. She declined, to state
whether or not she was a widow, ques
tions concerning this fact being prompt
ed 1y the presence cf a 2-year-old boy
in i:or apariiiiein.
The -woman, would not give any rea
son for taking poison. The police will
look into the case at,North Adams and
at Lincoln, where it is understood she
formerly worked in a factory. The
child has been sent to -the Chardou
" street home.
' Seville, O.. Dec 11. Six masked bur
glars last night seized the town mar
shal hera and after binding and gag
ging him. robbed the Highs bank of
il taiO s-.iid succeedi d in escaping. A
passe is now in pursuit of them. The
robbers in their hurry overlooked a
package containing $1,000 which was
Pi the vault. . i.
New York. Dec 11. Thp board of di
rectors of the National Base Ball as
sociation went into session here to
Vlav: As so"on as that body has elided
deliberations and is ready to report
the regular meeting of the body will
bejield. ' . .
The Hague, Dee IL The -Dutch
srovernment finally, and definitely re
fused to-day'to ' take the Initiative in
behalf, of the' -arbitration between the
Transvaal and Great Britain. '
Ministers Considering Credentials of
Chinese Plenipotentiaries.
Pekin, Dec 10. The ministers met
to-day to consider the matter of the
credentials of the Chinese plenipoten
tiaries. There is every prospect that
definite steps will be taken for the ar
rangement of a preliminary settlement
within a measurable distance, and this
prospect greatly relieves those who
realized the danger of prolonged delay
in opening negotiations.
The railway between this city and
Tien Tsirt is now open and a train con
sisting of four carriages arrived here
without accident yesterday. Regular
traffic will be resumed December 13.
Some of the ministers stated that
they were authorized to treat with
them as representatives of China,
while others, including the Gorman
minister, had not received instructions
ill the matter.
All decided, however, that as soon
as Sir Ernest Mason Satow, the Brit
ish minister, shall receive word to
agree to the joint note, they will begin
negotiations with Li Hung Chang and
Prince Ching unless otherwise in
structed by their home governments.
Count Waldersee has turned over
SGJi.OOO as the British share of the re
sult of tlie Pao Ting Fu expedition to
General (Jaseiee, who, in turn, gave
the money to Minister Satow to lie
used for tile benefit of Chinese who
may need help during the winter.
Li Hung Chang visited General
Chaffee to-day. He says thai his pow
ers to negotiate with the foreign en
voys, though conferred by telegraph,
.are absolute and complete.
At the meeting of the provisional
government, held to-day, the United
States was represented by Captain
Dodds of the Ninth infantry. All of
the governments have entered into the
plan except Fiance, whose represen
tatives insist that the French territory
shaii be excluded from the rule of tlie
commission appointed. A number of
sub-committees were appointed.
Several high Chinese officials. .(
being asked, expressed a desire to as
sisi. Though army officers have been
appointed members of the commission
it is the desire of the generals to make
the rule civil as far as possible. Japan
was placed on (the charity committee
on account of the amount of rice she
commandeered in August, most of
which she has now.
Berlin, Dec 11. The morning papers
discuss rather favorably ihe speech in
the Reichstag of Count Von Buelow.
the imperial chancellor, in reply to a
question on the subject cf Mr Kruger's
failure to be received by Emperor Wil
liam: but they complain that he did
not indicate his internal policy. The
National Zeitung. despite its sympathy
for the Boors, says the German people
will approve Count Von Buelow's out
lined Boer policy. The Tageblatt says
Count You Buelow did not answer the
question why it was necessary to af
front Mr-Kruger. even admitting that
Germany could not help him. Tlie
Bossische Zeitung says Hie chancellor
furnished documentary' proof -that Ger
many, with Holland, had repeatedly
warned and advised Mr Kruger, who
had paid no heed to them.
Berlin. Dec 11. 2 p. m. The Ger
man foreign office authorizes tlie As
sociated Press to make the following
statement regarding the Waldersee
Chaffee incident, based upon a cable
dispatch just received from Field
Marshal Von Waldersee: General
Chaffee wrote Field Marshal Von Wal
dersee a letter in a rough tone. Field
Marshal Von Waldersee refused to
receive it. returning the same to Gen
eral Chaffee. The latter then wrote
a second letter apologizing for his ob
jectionable expressions. whereupon
Field Marshal Van Waldersee invited
General Chaffee to breakfast and the
incident, was amicablv closed."
Not Yet Heady for the Tin Combina
tion to Form.
New York. Dec 11. The Journal of
Ctnimerce says: "It is learned that
the plans for a consolidation of tin can
manufacturers, now being engineered
by ex-Judge W. II. Moire, the promot
er of the American Tin I 'late company.
the American Sheet Steel company and
several other prominent industrials,
will require more time than was cov
ered by the recent extension of the
option to January 1. 1001. .V further
extension has accordingly been asked
until April 1. It is understood that a
considerable number of manufacturers
have already agreed to the latest ex
tension and that others will do so lat
er. There appears to be little opposi
tion to the request.
'"While, however, a three months'
additional extension of time has been
asked for. it is learned from well-informed
sources that the deal is well
advanced, so that unless unforeseen
complications arise the consolidation
will be effected well within tlie new
time limit."
Washington, Dec 11. For Connecti
cut: Snow to-night: Wednesday fair
in west and probably snow in easi
portion: fresh south to west winds.
Weather notes: Light snow" pre
vails in portions of the Lake region,
but. pleasant weather prevails general
ly in other sections. Tlie temperature
was low in the northerly portion of New
England last night. Northfield, Vt.
reported a minimum of 14 degrees be
low zero.
Barom, Teni. W. Wen,.
Bismarck .
Buffalo .....
Cincinnati . .
Chicago ; . . . .
Denver . . .
Helena . ....
Kansas City .
Nantucket . .
New Haven
New Orleans
Ne.w York . .
Northueld . .
St Louis '. . .
St Paul .
Washington .
. .30.-10
. ..10.14
. .J50.08
. .30.24
. ; 30.20
. .30.34
. ,30.18
. .30.18
. .30:14
... '10.2S
. .30.18
. .30.16
. .30.1C
. .30.34
. ,30.42
. .30.18
0 XE Clear
20 W Cloudy
22 W Cloudy
28 W Cloudy
20. NW Cloudy
20 S Clear
10 Calm Clear
44 XV Pt Cldy
.22 N Clear
24 . W . Snow's
23 SW Clondy
40 NB Clear
24 W . dear
Pt Cldy
24 X
2 XW
28 ' NV
4G NB Cloudy
Was Given a Sword at Cape
Town Yesterday.
Big Demonstration Given the English
General Concluded His Speech by
Reciting a Verse of Kipling's Reces
sional. Cape Town, Dec 11. At the recep
tion in lienor of Lord 'Roberts .yester
day,, when the British commander rose
to respond, after tiie presentation to
him of the sword and casket, all pres
ent rose to their feet, cheering and
waving handkerchiefs. The demon
stration continued for some minutes.
At ils conclusion. Lord Roberts made
an eloquent address. After express
ing deep thanks for the lienors accord
ed him, he said the war in South Afri
ca had a peculiar interest for him. in
asmuch as it enabled him to bring to
what he hoped was a successful con
clusion the work entrusted to him
twenty years ago that of dispelling,
by force of arms if necessary, the as
pirations of the Boers to render them
selves independent of British control.
Referring to his abortive visit to the
Cape in 1.XN1. he said:
"The wisdom of this world is fool
ishness Willi God. The guiding hand
of the Omnipotent will bring good out
of what our Unite understanding was
the most unfortunate war of lSdl. for
that war 'could not have consolidated
the whole British Empire as lirmly to
gether as this had done because it was
fought by regulars alone, whereas the
present war was fought by the militia,
yeomanry and volunteers, tlie admira
ble and workmanlike colonial contin
gents all lighting as brothers in arms
under Hie dear old Hag of the queen."'
In this respect. Lord Roberts said,
he held the unique position of the lirst
field marshal having the honor to
command such an imperial outburst.
He was convinced, he declared, that
this spontnneous outburst of patriot
ism was not ephemeral. England had
only to give the signal and her sons
would again Hock to her banner from
the. ends of the world. Never had a
mother more reason le lie proud of her
sons than had England to-day. God
had brought them out of what in the
dark days of December had appeared
to them the valley of the shadow of
deatli: and they could now remember
tlie days of tribulation with deep grat
itude for the mercy vouchsafed them.
Lord Roberts then paid a deeply
moving tribute of gratitude to ail who
had worked with him. He added that
his interest in South Africa would not
cease on leaving its shores, but that
lie should watch its settlement with
the utmost eagerness. Dwelling upon
the necessity for co-operation between
the Dutch and English, he said V
would lie his proudest boast if he
could claim to have done nothing but
what stress of war had compelled to
hinder the friendly fusion of tlie two
races in tlie republics. They must try
to forgive and forget all that tends to
bitterness of feeling, leaving the idea
thai nothing remained to be atoned for
on either side.
-God has given, into our hands, said
the held marshal, "a great heritage,
for which a heavy price lias been paid
in the blood of the best and bravest:
and we must not be neglectful of the
tru-d as we have been in the past, but
must be able to give a g-od account of
our-stewardship and must remember
there are other duties than national
tte declared he could not better con
clude his speech than bv quoting the
first verse of Kipling's Recessional:
"God of our fathers, known ot oh:;
Lord of our far-flung battle line
Peueath whose awful hand we hold
Dominion over palm a"d pine:
r.ord God of Hosts be with us. ye.
Lest we forget, lest we for-et.
The Gov.rnor Devoted Hims 'lf to
State Matters in His Sp; ecli.
Frankfort. Ky. 'Dec 1 I .-Governor
Beckham was inaugurated to-day lor
a lerm of three years. The inaugural
parade was made up of all the military
oomp:in.!es of tlie state, three regi
ments, the Duckworth club of Cincin
nati, political clubs from this city.
Louisville and other towns of the 'state
civic societiesand distinguished citizens
in carriages and on horseback. When
the procession reached the state capi
tol. the oath of office was administered
to the governor by Chief Justice Ha2el
rigg. in tlie presence of a great erotvd.
After the ceremonies a't the inaugural
stand the governor reviewed the state
Governor Peckham in his inaugural
address did not refer to the murder
of William Goebel. but devoted" him
self entirely to state matters. He
thanked the people for the honor con
rred upon him by selectiirg him
governor for the remaining part of
the present term. lie promised 'the
stale- a clean and honest administra
tion of its executive affairs in a spirit
of fairness and tolerance with no feel
ing of partisan hate or malice, with
tlie sincere desire to remove as far
as possible all friction and ill feeling
from among tlie people. He briefly
stated some of the leading policies by
which he will be guided in the ad
ministration of affairs and promised
his cordial support in the development
of Kentucky's industrial interests. He
said it would be his policy to keep
tlie state guitrd in a first class condi
tion, but that the military power hall
always be in absolute subordination
to the civil authority and shall never
be called into active, service except as
a last resort in carrying out .the de
crees of judicial tribunals. '.
South Norwnlk. Dec- IL-Editor
Brainard V; Maples of .tli? Norwnlk
Hour, who has been in poor heahh for
some time, -continues to , fall steadily,
despite the best of medical attendance.
At noon to-dny hi " the ottiep of the
Hour it was said that he was much
weaker and that he was a very sick
Nine Teams' Pedaling Along This
Morning The Scores.
New York, Dec 11. There were nine
teams in Hie six day. bicycle race at
Madison Square Garden this morning
at 8 o'clock, after a record-breaking
twenty-four hours, in which one cham
pion was forced to quit, and a num
ber of other riders were raced off their
wheels. The terrific pace set by the
three leading teams is still maintained
and . there was a crowd present all
through the early morning hours cheer
ing, the riders. There were numerous
changes among the leading teams early
this morning, and the fast clip set by
each failed to make any special gain
for any of them except a few laps
gained on the tailenders. M tiller and
his partner.
McFarhuid crossed the 000-mile
mark at 4:40 this morning, being miles
ahead of the record for that time.
Twenty minutes later the team score,
with that of two other leaders, was
0U3 miles and i laps. This was 11
miles and 2 laps ahead of the record
made by Miller and Waller in the Gar
den last year.
A few minutes before 7 o'clock the
men settled down to a fifteen mile an
hour pace, and lagged along at this
for some time.
The riders began the forenoon hours
with a wholesale fall, in which more
men piled up over each oilier inside
of two seconds than in any mishap
hitherto. None was seriously injured,
although Pierce was badly cut about
tlie legs, and McFarland received a
varied array of bruises. It happened
a few minutes after 8 o'clock, when
Frederick had just relieved Fischer.
In the scramble for places that usual
ly occurs at such times. Waller and
Ginini camp together and both went
down.- .McFarland rode into them,
while Simar. Babeock and Pierce, fol
lowing fast behind, were piled on' top
of the heap.
Two of the wheels were quite de
molished. The referee decided to at
tach no blame for the accident, and
the lost laps were restored to all the
riders who had fallen. All of them
were back on the track within a few
minutes, except .McFarland.
Tile 03otli mile was linisiied at 7:3-.
'cluck. .MeFaohern leading. This
time is twenty-seven minutes better
man t list i made lasryear.
Score at' Two O'clock.
Miles. Laps.
Elkes and McFarland 77:! 3
Simar and Gougoltz 77.'! :!
Pierce and MeFaohern 77:1 ."!
Turville and Gimni....
Waller and Stiusou....
Babeock and Aronson..
Fisher and Frederick. .
Kayser and Ryser
Muller and Aucoutrier .
i7: o
77:: 0
772 O
772 I i
772 3
703 o.
Just before ."! o'clock this afternoon
Gougoltz punctured a tire and lost a
lap for himself and partner, which
puts two teams now in the lead. Elkes
and McFarland and .Pierce and Mc-Ea.-horn.
Tonus: Thief Pnzr.les Police.
BOSTON. Dee. 11. The . use of Mor
ris Aaronhurg. the youth who has con
fessed that he stole $8.!S37 from Mrs.
Margaret Beck, which lias puzzled the
police from the lirst, slill staggers the
officials, although the hoy has declared
his guilt. It is the first case in police
records here where a man or boy has
confessed to having stolen money and
has stood ready to take all the punish
ment which could be given for the of
fense without lnnking'iTsthutioii and try
ing to . escape t he f SiH : penult y. The po
lice have figured it out tiiat if Aaionburg
goes to prison for the maximum term of
five years without returning the stolen
money he .will come out 'financially as if
he had been at work all tile time on a
salary of about $1,800 a year. All evi
dence is taken as indicating that Aaron
hurg has the money safely concealed and
intends to go to piison without revealing
its hiding place.
-ll.uiiGi IJiMiikiiis;- k Menace.
PARIS. Dec. II. In the chamber of
deputies M. Marie Edouiird Vaillant. So
cialist, one of the deputies for the de
partment of the Seine, moved a resolu
tion calling upon the government to pro
hibit the manufacture and sale of all al
coholic liquors pronounced "dangerous'
hy tlie Academy of Medicine. The reso
lution was aimed at absinth, the con
sumption of which has nearly donhleil in
France since 1804 and now stands at 10.
000,000 filers annually. M. Vailiant and
others denounced the spread of absinth
drinking, ami laid stress upon its ravages
among tlie population. "The increase of
consumption of absinth," said the mover
of the resolution, "inarches arm in arm
with-the increase of cases of driveling
insanity, which will end hy becoming a
national malady." The chamber adopt
ed the resolution unanimously.
To Make tiie Weather In lloston.
BOSTON, Dec. 11. It is h arned that
the United States weather bureau ofli
cials are cousidciing a- plan to make
Boston a regular forecast station instead
cf a collecting and distributing point.
The change is viewed wiih favor on ac
count of the saving in time which could
be made by having the forecast prepared
here instead of at Washington, from
which'point it is now telegraphed to the
station in this city.
Bat(Ieiius "Vcarry X2ealy.
WASHINGTON, Dee. ,11. Three ot
the six buttleships now under construc
tion, the Illinois, Alabama and Wiscon
sin, nre reported by. Chief Constructor
Hichbom to he practically complete, the
work done upon them ranging from S7 to
it!) per cent. The Maine, at. Cramps', is
set down at 3S per cent, the Missouri, at
Newpu-t News, at 1!) per cent and the
Oliio.'.at the "Union Iron works, at 35 per
f JC'leareil Jfroin Murder Charge.
W'lLKESBAItRE, Pa.. Dec. 11. The
Rev. D. E. Stuart is a free man again
after being in jail since lust Thursday
ou the charge of wife murder. At the
hearing the prosecution failed to pro
duce any evidence to prove that his wife
had been murdered, and after hertring
several witnesses Pioseeuting Attorney
Thornton asked for the minister's dis
charge, y . . ..'
l.'irt Skatlnic K(ollty.
BENNINGTON, Vt., Dee. 11.
Through a hole-Ju the ice John Harris'
12 years old. skated yesterday, and his
drowning made the first fatality of this
nature iu 'Vermont since cold weather
set -in.'" j ' 1 '
in GoniE m.
Offered a $50 Dollar Check to
Settle Two Cases.
Judge Cowell Imposed a Fine of $lo
in Each Case, and Harry Saved a
Few Dollars The Case of Mrs Caro
line Enlind Continued to Next Term
of District Court.
In short order considerable criminal
business was disposed of in the dis
trict court this forenoon. The services
of the jury were not needed. Romance,
destitution and drama, figured in the
.The hirst-named feature appeared in
the' complaint against Mrs Caroline E.
Enlind for breach of the peace. The
accused was not in court in fact, she
is not in the state, but was represented
by Attm-ncy Durant. Abdul a year
ago, it Appeared, a Dr Enlind. then of
Naugatuck. advertised .for a wife. The
accused was then living in I'inlay. O.
and saw the "adv." She hail iii her
own name SS.OOO and the result was
tiie usual cue: marriage. The couple
went to live in Naugatuck. but they
never lived happily. By degrees the
husband induced the wife to part with
her money to him. Their affairs were
in a state of constant lumult. It was
with the accused's money their house
iu Naugatuck was furnished, ami in
fact ii was on her money ihey lived.
One day she found herself locked out
of the house. She knew her husband
was inside and she broke in the h;or.
This constituted the offense for which
she was arrested and fined -10 and
costs, which amounted to about S23 tn
all. .Edward Sweeney, a picture deal
er, who' furnished her house with
things from his store, gave a bond of
.101. The couple parted then and lat
er the doctor sued for divorce. Sub
sequently they made up and for a time
lived in New York, but they again part
ed ami the divorce proceedings were
renewed. Then Mrs Enlind came back
to Naugatuck and later settled in this
city on West Main street and conduct
ed :i boarding house for a while. She
is at present in her old home. Finb'.y.
(. She has recovered all of her mon
ey excepting .$l.ono. which he invested
in a church property in Philadelphia,
rpen this statement the court thought
it better to continue tlie case 1o the
next term, and meanwhile the accused's
bondsman will endeavor to locate her.
S1h is about 2S years cdd.
The features of destitution and
drama were furnished by Mrs Daniel
Lynch, who appeared against her hus
bfmd in a complaint for non-supnori.
The Lynches formerly lived on Bald
win lane. Simonsville. A few weeks
ago Lynch was ordered by tlie city
court tu pay his w i'e So a week or take
the nliernativo of sixtv days in jail.
He took an appeal from this decision.
Lynch was represented by Attorney
La whir, who stated that the local cli
mate does not agree with his client and
he is forced thereby to live in Torrimr
ton. He is paid $20 a month with his
board and out of this sum he cannot
afford to pay his wife what would
support her and their children. He
was willing to pay her 4 a week,
though the balance would hardly clothe
him." Mrs Lyn h's story was to the
effect that she has suffered great hard
slijps and poverty and one reason for
Per declining to lie in Torrington was
a dread that he would not keep to his
eontraci. She told a store of sickness
and distress she suffered last June,
when it was supposed tlie country was
smiling under the niosi glowing pros
perity. Her state of mind was such
that 'she would net occupy the witness
chair, but she stood erect and told her
story of sadness with a precision and
force that had great effect. The court
did not know what to do. be said, but
finally agreed to continue the case to
the next term under the accused own
recognizance of elOO. to pay his wife
a week.
Thomas Conaty was allowed to go
on liis bail of SIOO. Comity took an
appeal from Ihe city courfs decision
that he was a common drunkard. At
torney Russell a-Rpearod for him and
guaranteed the court that his client
would lead nNmodol life.
Dennis J. Donnelly pleaded guilty to
keeping his saloon. 173 Dublin street,
open on Sunday. October 7 and 14. He
was fined .2() and costs, which amount
ed: to S00.04. Liter when Ihe court
ascertained that the two offences were
combined in one count bv a mistake in
the lower court, he refused to give
Donnelly a eertiiicate to the county
William B. Brooks appeared for Sam
uel Wood, who was charged with as
sault. Attorney Church was appoint
ed Wood's guardian and get him- off
witli the light hue of" -SI and costs.
Wood was warned to run the next time
lie was attacked, no matter whether in
the day or night time.
Complaints for breach of the peace
against Patrick Wrinn and John Shan
luihnn were nolled. The first is an
old case and the witnesses cannot be
Attorney Durant then stooped to the
front and' stated that in Ihe cases of
John Cronan and John -McCabe for
disorderly conduct he wished to make
a statement. ITe. was allowed to pro
ceed -and he said that friends of the
accused, who were not in court, by the
way, asked him to help them out after
being sentenced in tlie city court. He
then procured a bondsman and ar
ranged with him that in case there
wruld be any trouble he would pay the
Bill. There has been trouble, the ac
cused not appearing iu court. The
bond was $100 in each case, but con
sidering the circumstances Mr Durant
thought he ought not to be asked tit
pay that' amount: be was willing to
pay the men's joint fine. $30. He was
deceived by men to whom he did a
good turn , and he: aid not, think he
ought to be made suffer for his grati
tude. Then he deposited a check for
$30 on the table. . Judge Coweli was
touched by the appeal and ordered
that the cases be disposed of for 10
each. . . Mr Durant was 'given his
, change.. '
This disposed, of all the business nnd
. .. .ty - ' -'"-.. ' " ' -. -:
the jury was excused until next Mon
day at 0:30 o'clock.-
For tlie first time since the district
court lias been -organized the crimi
nal docket was cleared to-day. Mr
Bronson seems determined to leave an
excellent record behind hint if he is de
throned from the prosecutorship of the
For (he Purpose of Increasing Fund
to Build New Street.
At the meeting of the board of alder
men last night Alderman Mahancv
wanted the .S17.00O apropriatio'n
recommended by the board of finance
for a new street from Bank street to
Benedict street. converted into a
sinking fund where it could
not be used for any other pur
pose and keep adding fo it from year
to year until filings reach a point where
the work can be commenced. In this
way. he s:jid. the whole of it would
not come out of one years appropria
tion and we would not fee I the bunion,
as we will in case we should be called
upon to do it all at once. Chairman
Hall thought that the board of alder
men is not competent to create a sink
ing fund and Hie chair was uphold in
this view of the case bv Cii v Attorney
Kellogg, who informed the meeting
that in order to start a sinking fund
permission would have to be obtained"
from tlie general assembly. If this ,
true, and of course it is. why wouldn't
it lie a good idea for the board to in
struct ihe city attorney to lake ihe
necessary steps towards receiving per
mission from the legislature to' open
a sinking fund for this purpose V It
is the only road to the street in ques
tion and while such a move ought to
have been made before., still it is not
too late yet and every man who wants
to see that street opened should move
iu that din ction.
. That is flic way some people look
at it. but to others this seems like a
shilly-shallying method of doing busi
ness and. they propose that t!ie"iublie
take this matter ju their hands ami
compel the city authorities to move in
the matter at once; They think that
It would bo well to drop the talk about
extending Jewelry street to Bank street
and concentrate all lliei'r strength up
on Liberty street instead. Hearings
have been held and benefits and dam
ages awarded for tlie Liberty street ex
tension long ago and in the minds of
many there is nothing standing in the
way of the street but the indisposition
on the part of the city to go ahead
with (lie work. The railroad people
look their award of damages some time'
ago and the heirs of the Benedict es
tate -m have theirs any time they call
for it. In fact, the check has been
awaiting them for several years, but
they never called for it bocausv they
claim that the method of assessing
beneliis and damages in liiis particu
lar case was not in accordance with,
law. so there is expected fo be quire
a snarl there. Thev hold that the
award of benefits ami damages should
have been made within a reasonable
time after the hen rings and nof four
or live years later, when the property
was not as valuable as it had been.
The proposition to shift from a direct,
line with Liberty street and hug the
edge of the Naugatuck river witli a
view to making connections with Jew
elry street has many advocates, but
some of the properly has changed
hands since the matter was before the
iHiards and it is a question if the
change of layout together with a prop
er arrangement -of Ihe money ' already
naid the railroad company can be
made. It would cost considerably less
to make the cross street to connect
witli Jewelry street, but we have not
acquired a right of way there, so that
if might be we'd to go to work at' Lib
erty street and spend what money we
have for that purpose next year and
lhen take it up the following year and
keel) at until we get ready for Ihe
bridge. The thing has been on the
beards for tlie past twelve or fifteen
years and it is high time it became a
reality. Many think ihe whole trouble
is due to the attitude of the present
beard of public works, which is said
to have gi'ven ihe subject little or no
consideration, and suggest lhat they
bo requested to make a move in the
premises the first tiling next year.
A Sfii;Ioirci o." ..einl .imlten.
SAN FRANCISCO. 'Dec. 11. The
t r.-iusnort Hancock has arrived from Ma
nila by way H Nagasaki with a grew
some cargo. It consisted of tile bodies
of about 1.300 sailors ami soldiers who
either died in battle or succumbed p, the
ravages of disc-.-:." in the Philippines.
China. Ouain and Honolulu. This is
the largest number of bodies brought
home since the outbreak of the Spanish
American war. Tiie Il:im-iok will like
ly remain in quarantine a few days. 'The
bodies will be conveyed to the Presidio
and placed in the buiklings there pend
ing interment or ship.ment to the homes
of the relatives. The Hancock was 23
days in making the. run from Manila
and was 17 daysiin coming from Nagasa
ki, the last port at which she touched.
The dressmaking class of the Catho
lic Women's association will meet to
night at 7 o'clock instead of 7:."!o.
On Thursday evening. December 20.
a grand miisiealo will be given at ihe
Convent do .'otre Dame by pupilo of
the institution. The musicule will be
of a high and interesting character,
as are all entertainments given by
tl pupils of Notre Da mo.
Are we to understand that ouly when
the Courant is "authorized to an
nounce" wHl we learn anything of the
incoming state administration?
Bridgeport Union.
Manager Jesse Deviue of the High
school basket ball team has received
an application from the llolyoke High
school asking for a game on Thursday
night of this week, and he will in ail
probability accept. "it, llolyoke has a
fast team, but the local boys feel con
fident that they are their superiors.
If the team-does riot go to llolyoke
ou Thursday night it will in all proba
bvity play its first game on Unit even
ing witli the watch shop ream at the
Jacques auditorium. Manager Mur
ray of the polo team says he will have
the candidates for the team out this
week. He says they are a lively lot
and that they will make a fast team.
E. Byrnes. L. and T. AValker , and
Hartnett remain from Inst year's team.
There will be about tun candidates.
Say They Will Carry Strike to
the Bitter End. V; v
Strike Is Sanctioned By the Interna
tional Officers Pickets "posted to
Keep Non-Union Men Away Big
Strike On Among Moulders at Cleve
land. ' ;
The moulders" strike at the Manu
lacnrers Foundry Co is now on in
earnest, and it would be a wise man
who could tell at this time what the
outcome of the difference will be. In
addition p. the twenty men who went
out yesterday fifteen helpers and two
core-makers struck to-day. The ac
tion or the men has been sanctioned
by headquarters of the Iron Moulders'
l iuou of North America, at Cincin
nati, and officers from there are ex
pected to arrive here this evening. The
men who went out are ou the alert
and intend to put up a stubborn light,
and with a view to being in a position,
to know what is going ou at the fac
tory pickets have been detailed to keep
a sharp look-out for men who might
cyme along to till the places of the
strikers, all oi whom appear to be firm
in their determination to get better
.1J' mi 1f r,"'-v wol"k there any more,
'lhe.-ealiege that when work was slack
the company thought nothing of
knocking them off at 5 o'clock in the
evening and docking tliern an hour,
and probably they might have to work
until 8 oVlock the next night. Anoth
cr thing Unit was a bone of contention
among the moulders was the practice
of having helpers doing work that
ought to be attended to by moulders,
'this business took away considerable
work from them and was often ihe
cause of dull times, which cost the
moulders the loss of considerable time,
to say nothing of the number of men
it kept out of jobs.
At the present time a big strike is
on ar Cleveland between the foundries
and the union men. The union made
a demand for .;J a day, but the con
cerns would not grant the increase and
the men went out. and now the font-.,
panics are so hard pressed for help
that tin y are paying from 83 to $7 per
day to non-union men. ami they cannot
be had at that price. The itnion is
supplying the-strikers with coal and
wood and assisting them iu other ways
ami while neither side shows any sign
of yielding, still it is thought that the
concerns will soon see the folly of en
deavoring io conduct, business on that
plan, for they are paying incompetent
help more than twice loe :oiiniiiir n cl-ml
for by skilled hands. The local mould
ers are confident that they have a good
case and feel satisfied that thecompany
cannot get out the class of work tljey
do there any cheaper than they have
offered to do it. The prices, it seems,
are not by any means as high as in
other places.
Officials Trying lo Secure Students
From Telegraph Schools.
St Louis. Mo. Dec 11. At the head
quarters of the Order of Railway Tele
graphers in thfs city it was stated that
reports received from all parts of the
Santa Fe system show that the strike -is
more effective now than at any time
since its inauguration.
II. B. Perham, grand secretary and
treasurer of the O. R. T., in an inter-
i view said: "
j The bogus message sent out by of
ficials of the company declaring the
i strike off had but little effect. The
j most significant information at hand
at present is from Chicago, stating tnat
Third Vice-President Bart, having ut
terly failed to secure any reliable op
era H;fs "to take the places of the strik
ers, is now endeavoring to secure stU'
dents from telegraph schools:"
A Bill To Be Introduced For That
Purpose In New York.
New York. Doc 11. Assemblyman .
Thomas M. Costello will introduce a.
bill at Albany this winter, modelled
on the New Zealand law, for the doing
away with strikes. It will provide
for a court of arbitration, composed
of one representative of the labor or
ganization which has troubles on its
hand, one representative of the em
ployer and a justice of the supreme
court. The decisions of the court are
to be final.
Now Claimed Telegraphers' Machines
Are All Busy. v
Stockton. Calif. Dec 11. Division
Superintendent Schindler of the Atch
ison. Topeka and Santa Fe Rdilway.
announced to-day that all the stations
between Fresco and Point Richmond,
made vacant by striking telegraphers,
have been tilled and that the wires oil
the road are working again. He does
not anticipate any trouble hereafter...
Vacancies between Fresno and Baker
ricld he says will be filled immediately.
New York. Dec 11. U. B. Livaire,
manager of the Columbia, Harvard,
Yale and Princeton university c-hes
clubs, will mail a letter to the chess
clubs of Cambridge and Ox-ford uni
versities to-morrow, challenging both
to pay the third chess tournament by
cable for the possession of the Rice
cup in the spring of 1001. - -
, Norwich. Dec 11. A house owned by"
Bartholomew Wall and occupied by
Timothy Collins, in what is known as
Bozrahville. was burned to the ground
early this" morning. Tlie loss is esti
mated at $.". No. and the nre is .sup
posed to have caught from a defective
flue. . ..- o.
Columbia. Dec 11. Tlie supreme
court to-day dismissed the contempt
proceedings brought some time ago
by tlie attorney general of Ohio against
the Standard Oil company.
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