V WATERBIiRY ETONING DEMOCRAT, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, iQuU 3 1 J NAUGATUCK HEWS Snc-.ik Thief Operated in This Town ! Yesterday. Tito h-.n:e of Isaac Dreyer on Tolles square was entered yesterday after noon by a sneak thief, who first in quired of some of the neighbors as to where Mr Dreyer lived, stating that lie was told by Mr Dreyer to go up to the house. The neighbors showed the man the house and he approached It and found no one at home. The man then forced open the rear door and ransacked the house and got for hi trouble two gold baby rings, one silver bracelet and about S5 in money. The police have a description of the man. but so far have no ciue to his where abouts. This should be a warning to the housekeepers around town to keep their eyes on all strange pedlars who may stop there, as it is known that a number of sneak thieves have been op orating iu different towns throughout the state. A fair sized crowd attended the Par ish house last night to hear the Datui remher quartette, which rendered an elegant concert. A-number of Naugatuuk conclave. I. O. H.. at;ended the smoker in Water town last night. - .... . ... i t- e 4 ....Ml ' yueen or roresi circle, r. 01 -a., m meet to-night. All members are re quested to be present. Refreshments W ill be served. The dance to be given by Prof Sul livan's dancing class at Barnnin's hail to-night should draw a large crowd, as the professor always gives a good time. There is to be a dance given by the Union Social club at Sokoloski's hall to morrow nigh. The Odd Fellows will run tile sec ond of their series of invitation mas querades at their hall to-morrow night. The commissioners on benefits and damages t the property holders on Main. Maple and Oak streets, are hold ing a' session to-day. In the borough court this morning Michael and Jos. ph Sullivan were each given ninety days in jail for intoxica tion, breach of the peace aud using abusive language. They were arrest ed bv Otlicer Malum? while they were having a rough and tumble light on tha end of the bridge. Harry Dmm-r. at one time instructor of the V. M. C. A. bin now of Water bury, was iu town yesterday arrang ing" for the performance to be given at the opera house next Thursday even ing by the Waterbr.ry Vaudeville com pany. Miss Maud Hoffman of Ansonia is visiting at the home of her aunt. Mrs William Schmidt. on South Main street. The committee who had charge of the recent benefit dance at Columbus hall request that everybody still hav ing tickets will return ihem before S o'clock to-night. The manager of the Naugatuck football team has been trying all this week to arrange a game for Saturday with the Yannigans. but so far lie- has been unsuccessful. It is to be hoped that this game can be arranged, as it will either prove that the game be;ween teams which was played lit re and was won by the Yannigans. was won or a fluke. It was reported around town last r.'nrht that the young fellow named Macdonald who 'played center for the Scorchers in last Saturday's game was dead from injuries received in the game, but on inquiry it proved to be a fake rumor. The ushi rs and stage hands of Col umbus hall are to run a social and dance on New Year's eve. The German Catholic Church Build ing sjciety will hold its annual meet ing on Sunday, December 10, in the chapel of St Francis's church. The sewer on Rubber avenue is fast mating completion. There is to be a fruit and confec tionery store started in the building formerly occupied as a barber shop by Michael O'Brien. There are a number of cases of sore throat and hoarseness around town. Some people say that it is epidemic, while others claim it comes from the "rooting" in Seymour last Saturday. The Hammer club and"seeond wards are to play football Sunday. Buchanan. Mich.. May 22. Genesee Pure Food Co., Le Roy, N. Y.: Gentlemen: My mamma has been a great coffee drinker and has found it very injurious. Having used several packages of your GRAIN-O, the drink ihat takes the place of coffee, she finds it much better for herself and for ns children to drink. She has given up coffee drinking entirely. AVe use a package of Grain-O every week. 1 am ten years old. Yours respectfully, FAXWY WILLIAMS. PURELY PERSONAL. Hon. Thomas B. Reed defines a "trust as "a body of rich men sur rounded entirely by water." Students of heredity will note the fact that the father of Alvord, the Sew York bank defaulter, was $100, OCO short in his accounts while cash ier of a bank in Syracuse 41 years ago. The money was made good by bondsmen, and there was no prosecu tion. Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt is arrang ing' for her husband a rather novel album, which when finished will con tain some 50 snapshots taken of the governor during his campaigning tour, together with a history of the trip, all the newspaper stories and other incidents of the tour. D. J. llackay, once a millionaire railroad man, but now with a debt of $5CO,O0f cn his shoulders, and no as sets but his honor, starts life anew, at 67, with the determination of again becoming a millionaire. This plucky man, says Success, lives at Anderson, Ind , and is- the manager, of one of (he laigest paper mills in the west. Justice Will Come. You may grind and screw your neighbor Out of every cent he owns; You may fry his whole life's fatness. Leaving naught but shining; bonus; Go and kick the underpinning- Wfcen the poor folks try to climb L'p to things that promise better. Go and spend your leisure time ' Pulling cash away from others. Till your purse w fat and etror.g. Till vour credit Is established. And your bank account Is long. . ' That's all true j - : But. mark you; flume- time or other, as sure as the day, I Justice will come and you'll get your pay! Justice will come and examine the brand Vao by the dollar you bold In your hsndl "X Kw Yerker. . WATEETOWN JOTTINGS The Boys Are Indulging in Skating These Days. The sport-loving boys about town have removed the greater part of the snow from the different ponds and now skating is very good. The meeting of the fire department was held at their rooms last evening. Mrs Charles Bidwell. who has been ill for the past week with inflamma tory rheumatism, is slightly improved. Henry I.. Booth and Miss Addic Warrington were married at the home of the bride's mother on Tuesday evening by the Rev H. X. Cunning ham. II. P. Barlow has returned from a business trip to Philadelphia. The advertised letters at the post office are as follows: Lottie May El lis, Miss Hanuou. Mrs John McLough lin. Mrs II. L. Ward. Robert Crosby and Harry Goodwin. Walter Barlow is painting the resi dence of Frank Nobles. A large number of tramps have been about town of late. Miss Sabra Scovill is on the sick list. Miss Helen Upson has accepted a position in the Hall Jewelry company during the holidays. Watertown poultry men captured several prizes at the Bristol poultry show yesterday. THE APPETITE OF A GOAT Ts envied by all porr dyspeptics Uose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All such should know that Br King's Xew Life Pilis. the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appetite sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures per fect health and great energy. Only at G. L. Dexter & Go's drus fetore. THE MECCA OF DOMESTICS. Mistresses and Servants Live in Bliss ful Serenity in Parts of Actralia. Queensland is the best country in the world for domestic servants. Such is the opinion of Mrs. Douglass Camp bell, of Argyll Lodge. Bognor, Sussex, who has just returned to England aft er 11 rears' residence in Australia. In Queensland, she says, the domestic servant better herself in every way. She has higher wage--. more leisure, more liberty, and she is cared for bet ter than iu any ether country, saya the London Mai!. The mistress assists her to establish a home of her own. and her success is all the easier because she can afford to dress herself becomingly. Xo Queensland mistress ever refuses her maid permission to attend balls or to go to concerts or theaters, and very often the mistress does the work in order that her servant may have a share in the good things of this life. Women who are willing- to go into the bush and work cn a station are treated with even more consideration. There is scarcely any difference be tween her and the family in which she lives. She has a horse to ride, drives with the family to church, is asked out and taught much. Mrs. Campbell adds that Queensland is no place for lazy cr pretentious girls. They must be pre pared to use their brains and think for themselves, then success is certain. 'In Eng-Iand." she concludes, "the serv ant is part of a system. In Australia she is a member of the household, and the mistress holds herself responsi ble for her comfort and happiness." HE FOOLED THE SURGEONS. All doctors told Itenick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O.. after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, ne would die unless a costly operation was per formed; br lie cured himself with live boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest File Cure on Earth, aud the best Salve in the World. 25 cents a boi'. Sold by G. L. Dexter & Co, Drugsists. NEW VIEW OF MATRIMONY. OlScial Opinions That It In "VYoilir.n'j Proper and Particular Profession. School boards and the post office de partment agree in holding- that matri mony is woman's profession and voca tion, and that when a woman marries she secures means cf livelihood and has no right to engage in other pur suits to the exclusion of men or of women who are not married. In Norfolk, Va., a woman employed as a teacher, being: aware of the rule excluding- women having husbands to support them, married secretly, and when the fact was discovered she was forced to resig-n. But she decided that she would rather teach than be a wife, and she offered to obtain a divorce in order to retain her place. This remarkable offer was rejected by the school beard, which may or may not have won thereby the gratitude cf the gentleman who has the happiness to be the lady's husband, and she promptly employed counsel to sue ths city for breach of contract. In the case of a clerk in the Indian apolis post office, the Washington au thorities have ruled that when a fe male employe gets married she must resign and leave the government serv ice. It remains to bo seen whether the general adoption of such a rule will tend to discourage matrimony or di minish the fervor of woman's desire to do man's work in the world, observes the Philadelphia North American. Surely not all women could be induced by the prospect of n small salary to divorce their husbands or to remain spinsters all their lives. ROBBED THE GRAVE. A startling incident, of widen air John Oliver of Philadelphia was the subject, ia narrated by nim ns follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunk en, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day.. Three physicians had given me up.: Fortu nately a friend advised trying; 'Electric Bitters'; and to my reat joy 'and sur prise the first bottle pjade a decided improvement. I continued their ust for three weeks, aud aui uow a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed tbe grave of another -victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cts. guarnteed, at G. . L. Dexter & Go's Drug Store, , ' -fr. 0 p BOB BURDE TTE Takes a Trip Abroad He Finds That the Switzerland of America Is Not "the Real Thing." fr ife OXCE you have seen Switzer land you can easily understand why the exiled Suitner some times (Lies of homesickness. Once that is, 1 don't moan that the same man fails into the habit of dying, from which his friends vainly endeavor to wean him, by argument, expostula tion and rebuke. But the exile will find nothing on this planet like his own beautiful, picturesque home. Xot even the "Switzerlandsof America," so lurid ly advertised by railways running through a roiling- prairie, or a string of grimy hovel-builded, d( volute-looking coal mines. There is but cue Switzer land, and it is not located in the United Stales. We have scenery that is unsur passed this side of Heaven. I have never been in Ueaveu, and do not know what they have in the way of landscape there. Although there are plenty of men who do know. I have heard preach ers describe Heaven in far more speci.fie detail than 1 can describe Switzerland and tell all about the inhabitants, how they dressed, what language 1hey spoke it was always English - and what they did. But, as 1 was saying, our scenery has no more need to bor row its name from Europe than have the American wines. As the American wine growers learned to their cost at the Paris exposition, it doesn't pay to steal a name; it is not only more profit able but it is more characteristic to in vent one's own. If there is a city on eat Ui that Xew York does not resem ble in any way. physically, morally, po litically it is old Y'ork. If there is anything1 that the "Switzerland of America" do net remotely resemble, it is Switzerland. An Exception. Weil. I may have to modify that a little. We were locking: at a view on the Rhine. It was a scene that presses the fingers of silence upon the human lips with a few exceptions, which, like the poor aud the worst of the poor- A R.I P. . . - vv ft ONCE IN AWHILE A SWITZERLAND MAN COMES TO TOWN. est, we have always with us. The ex- j caption this time happened to be a women, one of the type of travelers -you meet them on ever- train whose conversation is autobiographical. Her voice and I must admit that she had the voice of a siren, the kind yon hear on shipboard when 4he fog is thick pierced 1he silence lce a javelin. "Oh!"' she shrieked, "isn't it perfect ly grand! It's too lovely for anything-! It's just like a scene in the theater! It is precisely like the drop curtain in our theater at heme. 1 shouldn't won der" But just then a little lady sitting at ct refreshment table near by blew her nose there is more resonant, foghorn noseblowing on the continent than there is "hawking" in America and saved the woman from asserting her belief that the Creator copied His idea of the most majestic, picture of the Rhineland from the drop curtain of the "opera house" in Jefferson ville. Creature mill Creator. I haven't seen anything- ever here called ''The Vosemite of Europe" or the "Yellowstone Park of Italy." I have Eeen nothing yet that reminds me ever to faintly of ihese "wonderland" cor ners. Such a variety of beauty and grandeur there is in the world which Ccd created for His glory and His chil dren's happiness and use. When He made Switzerland cr a Ycsemite, it didn't occur to Ilim that He could never do any better, and so go on re peating them. He didn't even make two prairies or two deserts alike. But the human intellect has long since exhausted its utmost resources in attempting to find names for all th thing's God made. Shakespeare if, ij.. Seed. Shakespeare ever wrote a line in his life, for even Shakespeare has his "higher critics" makes Hamlet voice hi3 measure of a man "What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form how moving, how express and admirable! Tn action how like an angel! In appre- Makes the food more, ftOYAL BAKTNO o r.'fr O 4 hension how like a Cod!" All of which may be very true. The trouble is how to prove it, "old Bill .loncs" being dead. -O- TJie Monotony of Humanity. Fact is, about the only monotony I have thus far observed in the earth is the people thereof. Every new hind we journey into I think is the loveliest and most wondrously beautiful and pictur esque bit of creation ever fashioned by the beauty loving- linger cf the 1 niln i I e Architect of the universe. But the in habitants! Well, to find the ciist inciive types you must :o just as you do at home l;o far off the highways, ami search the trails and bridle paths. In the cities of the world men are ve:y much alike. A characteristic Swiss cos tume in Berne, Geneva. Lucerne. Zurich, made us turn our heads to g;-.-.e. just about as it would in Xew York. Toledo, St. Louis or Topeka.; far less !ian it would in Los Ar.geh s or San I'riii .ciseo, where we have some characteristic resi dents. Men in America, England, Ger many. Switzerland. France. Italy wear about tiie same kind of clothes. The "hand-me-downs" that are worn by the. Chauncey Depew. f! rover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison "dummies" ir front of the ready-made clothing stores' and "gents' furnishing poods" cn "Main street," from Quoddy Head to San Hiogo confront you in every European cap ital and all the lesser cities. Oree in awhile here in Switzerland a man comes to town wearing a gorp-eously embroid ered Tyrolese jacket that lights up the street like a rainbow of edelweiss si in all the brilliant hues of the gnrt'.en. But we all turn to look at him. much as we cast a pleasant smile in the direc tion of the gilded youth who occasion ally comes to town in cur own dear land wearing an embroidered neekfit. You iind "American tailors" every where. T called on an "American U i lor" in Munich, intending to have some new armor plating pm on the ionw of my toga, where it had been worn through by some inadvertent moral tiiineering coming down. But 1 dis covered that he could speak noThinrj but Herman, and as I speak cr.Iy a faulty and incoherent English. I feared that lie might get his dates mixed in the instructions, and came away as I went. I am now wearing a pair 1 had made in Paris. They are funnel-shaped, because 1 had them made by a military tailor. Ycu remember the Turks who carried the sedan chairs at the Colum bian exposition? Weil, the general (it and 1 want it understood that 1 use the word "lit" in its purely limiled medical sense is very like the hailoon shaped trousers worn by those unspeak able chair bearers, save that the fun neiing effect from the hips to 1 lie ankles is more regular. They are Verv nice clothes and do not appear to at tract undue attention, the only annoy ance being a personal one to myself, as I am continually thinking that 1 have tucked the "skirts" of them into th tops of my shoes. But T haven't. That is the way that they "hang." the man said, which w as the proper expression. However, they are great tilings to smuggle silks in. I think I could ;et a bale of cotton across the frontier with them. The pucker at 1 lie ankh would prevent it from slipping out. A TVw Minor Difference. And women's costumes? Vell, yon get the most picturesque costumes of the women, in photographs, which von can purchase in the I'nitcd Statis. Once in a two days' walh about the streets of a city some one will cry: "Oh, look at that headdress!" Ami sure enough a woman, a peasant, or nursemaid, in a peculiar headdress and a gown not unlike the next one you will meet on your way down town. Save for the funny little green aprons so many of the boys and girls wear, a troop of children pouring out of school, might be streaming and creaming -in just the same way, cut of a public, school in Peoria or Pasadena, and there is one other very general distinct inn: RUINS' delicious and wholesome POWDER CO., NEW YORK. 1 the boys and girls alike in Germany and I Switzerland at least carry their books j and traps in a litile knapsack, just like a soldier's, which they wear in the same way. Their arms are free; the knap sack gives them an erect carriage; it is the easiest way in the world to ?arry a burden, and Ihe little fellows appear to be entirely unencumbered by 't. I thought as I looked at them of our own little school people romping home; their books carried in all con ceivable varieties of awkwardness and inconvenience; slipping from beneath their arms, jolting out of the straps, covering- the sidewalks with literary chaos, and 1 realized that we don't know it all in the U. S. A. yet by several volumes. I remember when i was a schoolboy and that was nearly a cen tury ago -there was a little German boy who eaiiie to school carrying his books and his luncheon box in just such j a knapsack. And we young barbar i inns at play made life such a burden to the boy that in a week or two lie aban , riontd his convenient knapsack, and j scattered his books like (hp rest of I us. We are the pec plr. ':r,ow, vvh THAT 13 THE VvY THEY HANO. find fault with the Chinese becaune tlity are not progresi-.ivc. We do. That's 1'. S.l's. Another thing I have been pleased wiih in this dead-alive old. land of ei ft ' c Europe 1 hey haven't nearly no many miles of t rolley lines as we have. Not by an equator or two. But. having an electric ear. fitted up with electrical contrivances, when 1 hey want- to siop the el'-ctric ear 1 hey don't leap to their feet. and. making a grab at a leather strap, reach the wrong cue and ring up half a dozen fai rs on an underpaid conductor before he can yell at them. They simply touch the elect ric button nearest them and 1he eomiuelor does 1 lie rest. Yes. 1 know, that device has been in use in the Fnited Slates for several years 011 very few lines. In y,ur town, good reader, you are still using or rather misusing the strap. And just one thing more. On the din ing cars in Switzerland, t lie best, neat est, cleanest but that is no praise: every thing and everybody is clean in Swit.et ..id. ine! tiding 1 he govt i-n men t we have found in all Europe theecf fee cups are made egg-shaped, 'elos-ing a little at the top. When you remem ber how many times, on the best din ing' ears in the world, bar nine. 1 hose of America, you have htlplessly wateTTed the reeking ear. making its 4.1 or .VJ miles an hour, spill your coiVee from the cup into the saucer and from the sau cer into your lap, will at cr.ee guess why 1 he Swiss eofl'ce cup for dining ear service is made in this shape. Oh, ior people io haven't had The advan tages of living in a land of hustlers, these people do very well in some re spects. To Kesuijse. Oh. about the home-loving character of the Swiss? Yes. 1 remember st art i ng out with some such general proposi tion, but somehow or other 1 lost my count. If the summer lasts much long er and it doesn't begin to show signs of saying p-oed-by to beautiful Lucerne yet we may stay in Switzerland all winter, and I'll have plenty of time to talk about that when the swallows homeward fly. P.OD2RT J. HITlhKTTH. THE WHEELS 0? TRAFFIC. Two thousand tons of American steel rails are bi ing sent to Italy for use cn the ruilw ays. Out- of nearly S-'l.OCO pressed steel cars there has revet- been one which lias been wrecked beyond repair. The Knglish stall' system of dis patching trains has been put in force upon the sir.gie bridge new being used by all the lines entering- (lalvcs ton. Tex., in order to expedite the traflic. The Chicago iv Northwestern rail way, in order to enter Peoria. 111., from Sterling-, purchased the village of Pottstown entire, and will move every house in order to occupy the Bite of the town with yard tracks. Thirty new freight engines are to be put on the tracks of ti-.e Chicago, Burlington & Ouiuey railroad next March. The engines will differ from the average freight train, puller :n having wider ami shorter fireboxes. The weight of each engine on its driv ers will be jSO.C'CO pounds. Paul Storit.ky. of the Mcscow lo comotive works, who is making an in spection of locomotive works in thin country, says: "There are six or eight locomotive factories: in Russia, one of the largest being located at, Kolomna, not far from Moscow. I am satisfied, however, that for all general purposes the machines made in thia country arc superior for the Kussian service." Tiie 115-111.3: Year. A yellow loaf sways g-ently to and fro Upon a stately eim that still retains Scant, drying foliage. lire long will blow A breeze, and scatter all that now re mains Of summer's fullness. Autumn v.anes; the long; Col'i winter nisht i3 near. No chorus 110 v.-; The birds are still and Nature's varied sons Is hushed; under death's spell her crea tures bOW. The trees that yesterday were richly dressed, Vieing in beauty with the sunset sky, Stand gaunt and bare; tho earth is un caressed, Alas! that things so fair are born to die. If death were all, well- might the heart be torn In twain, to contemplate a fate like this. But see, the spring! all Nature newly born Behold thy soul'3- own resurrection bliss! Mary liolden, In Baptist Union. Ms now It Spreads. Can't keep a "ood thin?;" down. liver notice how "?food things" are imitated? Hotter the article more the imitators. How they will try to attach the success oi merit. Hang on behind and roan ail the benefit they can. I' ortunately the public have a safeguard. DOAN'S Kidney Pills have been imitated, 1ut yon cannot imitate the praise. o them .And true praise takes root and spreads 'I here are different kinds of praise, too. There's the kind you cannot prove correct. It conies from strangers living- in far away places. That's not the kind wc ask yon to believe. . The praise for DOAX'S Kidney Pills Comes from people you know, friends and citizen?, From Waterbury people here's a case of it: Patrick McAvoy of Xo .11 Fivm-h street says: ' I !-.. 1 ' a -,:-.telle for some time caused by iifihig while at ni.v v.- .' ( pay r.'iu-h aitoir.iou u it at first. Ii.it it con tin tied ti bothered mo a great deal. I cou'-'.'.uie.l my kidney- . order and seeing I loan's Kidney rills rocomnio:i.h a box at l'i. W. Lake's drug store. They did ever..-'!.' 't them. 1 had no trouble of any kind after 1 sto;-.p"o . .U Should a recurrence take place I know now what iu d. 'All druggists sell DOAX'S Kidney Pills. Remember the name DOAX'S and take no substitute. Price 50 cents per box. ostcr-Milburn Co, Buffalo, X. Y., Sole Prop's. It is a singula:- illmrraucn of th; way in which i::e general belief is sometimes in error thai statities arc .produced showing the widespread i-.ica that steam ha;; oisplartd sail power in ocean transpcrra: ion to be deeid. il ly in error. The faej is that sail pow er now carries r.cariv half the w or-Id's freights, and a full hah' of 1 lie i:inn::-i of the vessels bail; i::;-,; ;,v;;r v.:s: com posed of sailing vrss.'i:;. T!u reason ! for ih's return i:i ir.e dirteilon of sail power is its c idn-T cciinr-inv. Tho Jiind Ton Have Always Bought, and wliieli has been, in use for over GO years, has borne the P;:;iip.t5:i'e of .,, - and has been inane under iris psr- r irJ-T'yt' , scnal sunervision Fince its infancy. AH Counterfeits, Imitations r.nd " Jtist-as--ood" are but; Experiments that triilc with and endanger the health oi infants and Children Experience- against iisperimcnt. iHhat Is Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, lrops and Soothing: Syrups. It is Pleasant. Id contains neither Opium, Morphine eoi' other Narcotic substance. Its a:ye is its guarantee. St destroys Vt'onns smd allays Fevcrislmcr-s. It cures Diarrhoea aud "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates tha Stomach and Bowels, giving- lieaithy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. genuine CASTOR A Thft Kind Yah Havft SIwavr Rfii!f En Use For THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 sew York Office 3 7 Cro.itiv.ay; iiarttorci Office IRHORSESHOER UAC CAD WnS ' M"i W l?ti I tti I UE. It ABSOLUTELY crevents slitmtap. teSSTlri?08 8Acty.nd comfotito Bliod with tiio " Ncverslip," yonr horse's feet are always In good conditiau keptso shoes for shMpcciusr. The CALKS m c REnOVABLE, Steel-Centered and SELF-SHARFRX-INO and ROUND or SQUARE BASE s preferred. Catalogue on Application. L ,L. EKS WORTH &. SON, Blacksmith Supplies, HARTFORD CONNECTICUT! - v .,, ... v v v v v v - .1, The Smith Premier IASKyos mimmm, for the m M ill ONLY I ! M 1 I Iie II;as :i I.:u-soine .Jo"?. There is a school district in Kcno county. Kan., in viiich there is a Echoolhouse and a fiaeher, but not n solitary pupil. "?.!:..;- '.::::;.- Serogg.r.s, the teacher, oi'rns s. -Until every morn ing am! holds birrc'l' in i-eatlines.-, to instruct any r-lul.hvu v'.o le.uy come, bat :;, is the : :!e o-;-:;;:ii.; o' t!:o bulU.in;.;. There -::c pieiiiy of chil dren j-.L the disl rV:. bat they arv of Catholic ): !-i-:'.i.;.;s and attend a paroehi::! sc"eoi. ALWAYS Over SO Years. MURRAY STflEZT, NEW YORK CITY. DIPLOMA OF TIIE GRAND PRIX, OJKUIEST POSSIBLE AWARD), WAS AVON BY TIIE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER AT TIIE PARIS EXPOSITION. THIS AWARD WAS MADE BY AN INTERNATIONAL, JURY OF 25 MEMBERS. AND IN COMPETITION WITH 20 OTHER TYPEWRITERS. New Haven Ciiice 25 Center Street; Peart Street. Go to tils Big DeinijOiin For You Holiday Supplies of Wines and Liquors, We give better value than any olho; place in the citv. RYE AND P.OURP.ON WHISKIES Si.iio, si.75, ;;c.oo, jf-j.-j.i. yn.so. fr'.'i.OO, $1.00 per gallon: -10c, fQe, tiCe. (Sc. 75c .and $1.00 per onarr. AMERICAN AND IMPORTED tllNS Sl.no. Si .75. S2.00. s?.ro. .-.: t S-I.00. v"'-l( pr-r gallon: 40c, 00c. :.-,. 7rc. $1.00. S1.-J0 ncr onnrt. !r w r; nnxi A vn nti'nirrrn t n? a vVm.'ssi"r,- i" t-. .'. j S3.00, S-i.OO. S3.00.' "srt.OoW nallf-u; ."0i (Cic, 7oC, $100, Sl.'5, si ",tl i- nmr1 ! NE W ENGLAND. RT CROIX. JA MAICA UUMS S1.50. S!.7.-, S2.00, .Slr.r0. $3.00. 1.00 per gallon; 10c, r0( 05c, 7":c. $1.00 nor qnart. PURE CALIt'ORNIA ' PORT AND SHERRY 00c per gallon; 25c ner quart. P" NEW YORK LIQUOR WAREHOUSE r.ranch 400 ana 408 Main Sr., Now Britain. ' i:i and 17 Grand St.. Opr. So. Main. LOOK FOJt iHO DEMIJOHN ON HOUSE. i ypewriter ! 1 i 1 ii