OCR Interpretation

Waterbury Democrat. [volume] (Waterbury [Connecticut]) 1900-1903, December 14, 1900, Image 1

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Consolidation Talk Heard on
Every Side.
Will Take Place of Present Board of
Selectmen, it" -Consolidation Goes
The Present Town School Board
Will Be Abolished Taxation and
liepresentatiou Bound to Cause
Trouble Waterville Getting Beady
to Talk It Up.
The consolidation question is inter
sliug all classes. Hie poor as well as
the rich, and in consequence it is 1 lie
principal theme for discussion in the
factories. Ihe smres. on the street and
tverv place else where u few people
come together. It was slated hist
tight that under the proposed change
"Bo out-door relief will lie given and
people who have no means will be sent
to the almshouse. While we have
hard nothing definite on this matter.
Brill we think it safe to state tliat
there must lie some mistake about this
for it would be the worst kind of
economy and would do a great injus
tice to many who are not able to meet
all their wants, but with a little help
they manage to pull through until
their children grow up. and then the
Demand for assistance on their part
ceases. Take, for example, a woman
With four or five small children. She
laay be ui a position to earn a few
dollars a week, and also receive some
belp from friends who wish to help
her along, so that about all she would
want from the town would be house
.cut. which is never high for that class
of. people, aud. possibly, a little coal
anil wood once or twice, a year. In
ihis way a good woman and nine
icnths of the women are all right and
making the most they can of them
."elves with the opportunities they have
- can raise a family, decently, too. and
A lien her children become young men
ind women and take their places be
side others in the stores and factories,
no one can wound their pride by taunt
ing them about the time when they
were inmate? of the town house, some
thing which is too often done bv neo-
J'lo who have no respect for the fee!- I
lags of their neighbors and never be- !
.-tow a thought upon the edge there s
tin such remarks until ihe lance col
lides with their own hides. While it
:s ho disgrace for a man to have it
jsaid 'that his boyhood days were spent
)u a charitable institution, still it is
well to avoid such things and patents
Should be sure that they are in the last
.tlitch before they allow their children
to go to' such places. Public officials
f-houhl look at the matter in this light,
too. and not hesitate about lending a
hand to needy families in the way of
rent. fuel, clothing and provision, al
most anything so long as the expense
Is not too great, and they are satislied
that those who are receiving this aid
ire using it properly, and endeavoring
to do something for themselves. To
jome people this phase of the bill may
not amount to much, hut in the opinion
of others it is f vital importance and
should receive due considerat ion of the
committee, and we feel safe in ventur
ing the statement that we believe it
will, and if it should lie neglected there
the aldermen will attend to it.
After all. it is a question if consoli
dation will be worth the powder, that
is. provided what the townspeople are
saying be true. They allege that about
The only tiling it aims at is the wiping
out of the authority vested in the se
lectmen and substituting a board of
charities instead. J lie new board will
consist of live or seven persons, to be
appointed by the mayor, subject to the
approval of the aldermen, just the
eame as the members of the other
hoards are appointed at present. Of
course the board of charities will elect
a superintendent who will receive a
fine, fat salary, and will oversee the
town poor something after the man
ner now done by the second selectman,
fhe board will also have jurisdiction
pv?r the almshouse. The board of
I selectmen will receive -some compen
sation in return for their services w hile
Dccr.pied in making electors, but t fiat's
jill. The city will get the liquor li
cense money and will take care of the
(ioav and the town roads. There is
jaid to be a 'little hitch here which the
aldermen will have to straighten out.
.tin it. is thought that the- city solons
will bo able to do that without much
trofble. It has reference to the method
pf disposing of revenues, that is. shall
Mil receipts be deposited in one treas
ury and regular appropriations made
Annually for the several departments,
us is now done in the city, or shall
there be separate funds aud appropri
ations for the outlying districts? Many
think all revenues should go into one
peneral .treasury, but others look at it
differently. Which shall it be?
The electors of Waterville have
Balled a meeting for December IS for
Jho purpose of discussing the consoli
dation question.
Two things, representation and tax
ation, are occupying a. fair share of
the time and thoughts of the commit
tee, and the, distinguished gentlemen
Who have the matter in hand needn't
Jhink that the public has an interest in
lliese questions, too. If we are to
- lave consolidation the people on the
outside must have representation. If
not we must give up the idea of send
ing them tax bills. .Wasn't it an effort
va the part of the "mother country" to
'tax our forefathers without represen
tation that caused the big rumpus of
i century or more ago and resulted in
riving the "collector" a thrashing that
ia has'not pot over yet. The city
should profit, by this blunder and see
that the several districts to he annexed
hall have full and fair representation
lu the city boards. Then, on the other
kaud. the committee should keep '-a
, sharp lookout and see that the boot
-tines not get on the other foot: that is.
that the townspeople shall have equal
representation without - paying their
Just proportion of , the taxes. At pres
ent" the city folks are paying all their
" own bills and about nine-tenths of the
town's. This will have to be changed
before a man who lives on the .extreme
vuA of -the .'town should be aiennltted
to occupy .a, place in tl akternianic
i chamber and ave.'a say-in determin
ing what disposition shall be made of
X'tt sums of money which, he and
those whom he represents did not con
tribute a cent to. This would be re
versing the evil ouil'orefathers kicked
against and naturally the city people
would rebel., for the spirit -that ani
mated the men ut "Tti is still rampant
in Waterbury. It. would be a dear
case of representation without taxa
tion, and it is a question if our neigh
bors would care lo take such . an un
fair advantage of us even though we
might be willing to offer it to them in
order to induce them lo enter into tiie
union with a determination to help out
so that neither party to the contract
would ever be found seeking redress
in the divorce courts. When you stop
to look at tliis in all its bearings it
would be hard to' tell what it. might
lead to. A majority of the board of
aldermen and the subordinate boards
might have interests in the outlying
si et ions over and above those they
have inside the old city lines, and. in
this case it would be the most natural
tiling in the world for them to spend
the bulk of the appropriation in ihe
rural districts, so that the city chaps
would find themselves in a worse box
than ever before. To illustrate what
we are getting at. lot us suppose that
Attorney porter I.. Wood should lie :ni
alderman from the third ward and
John Osborne from the til th. The resi
dents of the latter place are in need
of city water, lire and police protection.
They want sewers, sidewalks and elec
tric lights. The same condition ob
tains in the Town Plot district. Does
any one think that these men would
not Use every means at their disposal
to have petitions coming from their
disl riits acted upon favorably? Of
course they would, and in so doing
they would be doing nothing more than
would lie expected of them. The out
lying districts in other parts . of ! rent
er Waterbury might succeed in elect
ing men pledged to push things along
in Iheir sections, so that, it is not an
unreason ible supposition at nil t'o think
of a majority of the city boards be
longing to the town as it exists to-day
alter we have consolidation. Under
the present system of taxation no sane
man would want to see the towns
people decide what shall be done with
the city appropriations, and that is one
of the possibilities under the proposed
change, unless We have a more equita
ble adjustment of the matter of taxa
tion, which, of course, we must have
if all men are to be qtial in the aldor
niiiiiic chamber.
The school question is a knotty
problem and the committeemen, who
wield almost imperial power in their
several districts, are ' very much
worked up over the talk of wresting
from them the power that came down
to them from the fathers of the coun
try anil turning it over to the depart
ment of education. It has been sug
gested that it might be well to divest
the committeemen of authority by
small stages anil in this way succeed
in "taking them in" without a struggle,
something alter the plan adopted by
McKinle.v and his agents with the
chiefs in the 1 "hilippines. and once
they have been brought into subject ioa
the work of making ordinary subjects
of them will be an easy task. For
this reason it is probable that the
changes in the town school districts
will be so few and of so little import
ance that they will not amount to
much at present. The committeeman
may still be monarch of all lie sur
veys, with no one to say "boo" to him
except the department of education,
who will survey the situation from the
ruins of the town school board. Great
Scott! Can it lie possible that the town
school board is to be but a memory
in Waterbury? The town schools may
have to pay any debts they have in
curred before they become full fledged
members of the city: in other words,
the scheme is somethiug like that in
vogue in the United States when new
states are being admitted into the un
ion. But this is a long story, and as
there are other things demanding our
attention we must drop it for tiie present.
Some of the Loudon Papers. How
ever Talk Pretty Strongly.
London, Doe 14. There is a notice
able absence of continent 0:1 the action
taken by the United States- senate, re
garding th:. Nicaragua canals in the
afternoon papers here to-day. The St
James Gazette takes the occasion to
lecture the "Jingo .Senate." which, it
says, "has again roughly rebuffed lite
president and affronted the generosity
of Great Britain." Tiie St James
Gazette further declares that the act
ion of the senate "in ordaining that
one party shall keep its advantages
but that the other shad not be safe
guarded is imprudent and if it persists
in its ignorautly sellish course (3re.it
Brit in must fall back 0:1 her rights
under the Clayton-P.ulwer treaty,
whereby she is entitled to refuse per
mission to the United States to build
the canal."
The Fall Mall Gazelle says: '
''British consent to the amendment
is impossible. Everything for noth
ing is not a working principle."
.Manchester. Dee 34. Fire broke cut
in 1he barn of B. C. Apel yesterday ami
did damage 'to the extent of SI .500. It
started in -a wagon in the barn' near
the door, and as the entrance" was cut.
off four horses aud four cows were
burned. The three hose companies re
sponded to an alarm sounded lyr the
Case paper mill whistle, and they
saved about, half of the building." Fif
teen tons of hay were burned and 250
chickens were suffocated by smoke.
There is a small amount of insurance.
Mr Apel was taken, ill as . a result of
overwork and exposure at theire. lie
is at a loss to account for the origin
of the blaze. Two, years ago he sus
tained a serious loss by tire. Apel's
opera house, of which he is owner, be
ing badly damaged. -
Seattle. Wash. Dec 14. W. ,T. Mc
Conuell. formerly governor of Idaho.
and now United States' Indian in
spector, arrived in the city to-day
from a trip to the.Tulalip. Swinomish
and Lummi Indian .reservations..' He
says that a great deal of the limber
lands on tlw - reservations -are practi
cally valueless. ha.ving been denuded
of timber, by former agents Fisher
men have also been encroaching on the
rights of the Indians by erecting fiuh
traps jn front of. the reservations In
defiance f the law. -Air effort will be'
made to bring the .matter to the atten
tion ' of fcbe federal authorities
So Says Referee Siler Who Offi
ciated Last Night.
Chicago People Think ItVWas a Fake
Fight Terry Says There Was -No
Faking by Him He Went in to Fin
ish Gans Early and He Did (Sans
Says the Best Mau Won aud That
He Did Not Lay Down.
Chicago. Dec 14. The Times-Herald
in its account of the MeCoveru-Gans
light says:
"lu a bout lieaviiy scented witlt
crookedness. Terry MciJovern became
the lightweight champion of the world
at Taftersalls last night by patting
Joe Cans into a state of apparent help
lessness in two minutes and live sec
onds after the opening of the second
"Singularly enough, the result of the
contest conformed in every respect to
tlx- suspicious betting offered Wed
nesday and repeated last night at the
ringside by 111111 who passed Hirough
ihe audience with hands full of bills
offering even money that (Jans would
be knocked out by the Brooklvn ter
ror. 'Referee Slier admitted that the
tight had a bad look. He did not see
any blow that should have put. (Sans
into a state of grogginoss in the first
round. If'Gans actually made his best
showing last night he is far outclassed
by MoGoyorn."
In a signed slaienient to the Times
Herald Terry McGovern says: "1 did
not fake' that is a certainly: I tried
to linish the tight as soon as I possibly
could. but 1 must confess the result
was somewhat of a surprise, to me."
Joe Cans in a signed statement to
the same paper, says: "The better
man won. That is all T can give in
explanation of the. result. I did not
lay down.' 1 was hit hard early in
the light, and that seemed to take the
wind out of me. I don't think there is
any one who can stand up before Mo
Govern at the lightweight limit."
The Tribune in its account of the
light. "which was written by George Si
ler. the referee of the contest, says:
"The light, if such it can be termed,
lasted live minutes and live seconds,
and was the poorest and weakest,
from the Gans end. that ever was wit
nessed in Chicago.
"1 do not wish to accuse any fighter
of faking, but if (Sans was trying last
night I do not know much about the
game. (Sans, of course, is entitled to
the benefit of the doubt, as to whether
or not the numerous body blows which
Terry pumped into him in close quar
ters duiing'the early part of the light
weakened him.' But the fact remains
ihat the few blows he delivered were
the weakest ever seen from a man of
his known hilling ability."
The Tribune, iii its account of the
betiiug. says: 'Not only did the bel
ting shift remarkably in McGovern's
favor yesterday in Chicago, but it was
reported that thousands of dollars were
sent to other cities to be placed on Mo
Govern. "It was also reported that (Sans was
up nearlv all night aud that colored
sports all over the city were betting oil
McGovern yesterday. Ihey having re
ceived a tip as to the outcome."
The ltecord says: "Terry McGovern
knocked out Joe Gans at Tatlersalfs
last night in what appeared to be a
fake contest. The end came after two
minutes and live seconds of lighting
in the second round. Gans failing to
arise, at ihe count of ten in his sixth
knockdown from blows which seemed
hardly strong enough to jar him.
, "Perhaps the most suspicious fea
ture was the betting. Until within a
few ibivs the bet I ills' has been 1 to 2
Iliac McGovern would win a knockout.
Then a report gained wound tint Gnus
was to go out. and there was a hurried
effort to bod to bv colored porters and
others who had watered on G ins. T.ast
niHit ot il-e :...-! .1 belting had
slotted !o even money that. M--'
would win by a knockout, and this in
the face of the fact that Gans had to
ston McGovorrt to gain the decision."
The Chronicle says: "Gans made a
miserable showing for a man with
championship asuirat ions. In fact, so
bad was the work done bv the colored
man that many of the big crowd decid
ed that the contest was not honestly
fought." '
' -
New Haven. Dee 14. The sweeping
challenge, of Kid Conroy to light any
pugilist Tn the world at 12S pounds
has been accepted by Frank Hallett of
this city, who "last, night defeated a
boxer in a local tournament. He
agrees to meet. Conroy before the club
offering tiie biggest purse just as soon
as Conroy can get in condition.
. Scranton, I'enn, Dec 14. Four mine
workers lost their lives last night and
this morning, in various accidents in
the mines in llils region. Thomas
Hughes walked through the open gate
at Brisbin shaft, 1 limiting Ihe carriage
was at the top. He fell lour hundred
feet, and was crushed to a shapeless
mass'. Thomas J. Evans was killed
and Patrick McLoughlin was badly
injured by a fall of coal at Lcggetts,
creek mines. Two unknown Hungar
ians, working together at the Sterriok
creek mines at Pcckville, were killed
by falling rock. . ' , -'
Mail far Koltbea.
TEX AUK AN A, Ark.. Dec. 14. The
mail car 011 the north bonnd Cotton Belt
passenger train was'looted between lias
setts, Tex., and this city yesterday. Sev
eral registered mail pouches were cut
open find the contents. carried away. It is
nhdeistoud "that the pouches contained
several valuable packages en route from
Waco to Memphis. - Mail Clerk John M.
Dennis was' found unconscious from ..a
blow, on the head when his train -reached
Texarkanu. Cntil he recovers 110 descrip
tion of the rubbers can bo secured. Two
men have been-arrested ci suspicion at
Naples. Ark., but no trace of the pluu
der was iuami on thenj. '- -
BBixzaril t Ottweffo. 1 -J ''
OSWEGO, N. Y., Dec. 14. Oswego is
in the grasp of a blizzard. A high wind
in blowing, and snow is falling heavily.
The railroads are prepared for tiie storm,
and no delays are yet reported " .
Editor of Times-Herald Makes Known
. Just What It Means.
Chicago. Dec 14. In regard lo the
meaning and justification of the -so-called
Davis amendment to the Hay
Pauneefote treaty. II. 11. Koldsaat.
edir,or of the Times-Herald, to-day
makes public a private letter he re
ceived from the late . Senator C. K.
Davis. The letter bears date, 'Com
mittee of Foreign Relations, United
States Semite. Washington. D. ('..
March 12, Uhhi," and is in part a.s fol
lows: "The amendment has this especial
advantage, that it was phrased as near
ly as possible in the language of the
lentil article of the treaty of Cnusia-n-linople.
Therefore this amendment,
so adjtisicl 10 the treaty of Constanti
nople, puis the British government, in
ihe position where it must either ac
cept the principle of the treaty of Con
stantinople'' which Great Britain her
self proposed, or llatly say that the
hues of that treaty which are of ad
vantage to Great Britain shall stand
in our treaty, and Ihat the lines of
that treaty which are to our advan
tage ami may be disadvantageous to
Great Britain shall be obliterated from
our treaty. If the committee had
framed their amendment on different
lines, or in dilVoreift terms. Great Brit
ain could have said that we had de
parted from die treaty of Constanu
nople and introduced new principles.
She would not have been correct in
saying so, but she would have said it.
My own object was lo hold her as
closely us possible to her own prece
dent." The letter concludes as follows:
"The possessions of lite I'uiied
Staies. as to Texas arc less distant. and
as to California, not much further dis
tant from the ports of access of the
Nicaragua canal than are the posses
sions of Turkey at the lower end of the
lied Sea. from the port of egress from
the Sue, canal. Tiie idea that the two
situations are not identical in priiwiple.
sti far as the necessity of defense is
concerned, is simply preposterous.
Article Hi of the treaty of Constan
tinople binds the parlies to ask other
slates which have not signed "n to ac
cede lo it. This the United States
could not do. because to do so would
be a violation of its policy as jo Euro
pean complications, steadily adhered
lo since Washington's farewell ad
dress. Article S. and possibly some
other articles in the treaty of Constan
tinople binds thi' signatory powers to
wateli over the execution of Ihe treaty.
To do this would bring the United
States within the concert of Europe
as an active participating and possibly
belligerent power. That which we
cannot do as to Europe the llay
I'auneeldte treaty invites the. European
powers to do as to the western hem
isphere, introducing them as parties in
control under certa in o.oniingetieies and
all in violation of the Monroe doc
trine." Washington. Dee '11. -The senate
committee on foreign relations to-day
held a special meeting and decided to
recommend further amendments to the
Ilay-Pauncefote treaty. The commit
tee adopted an amendment, suggested
by Senator Foraker. which declares
that, the Hay-I'auneefote Ireatey su
perseded the Clayton-Bui wer treaty,
and also stikes out the I Iay-Paunce-fote
agreement, article three, which
permits the submission of the Hay
I'auneefote treaty to other powers and
invites their acceptance of it.
Illinois Central Express Held Up in
New Orleans.
NEW OitLEANS. Dee. 14. The Chi
cago limited oil the Illinois Central, due
to arrive here at T:l."i o'clock last night,
was robbed at Carrolltoii avenue, on the
outskirts of the city, by masked nice.
The mail and express cars were blown
open with dynamite, and the former was
rilled of its contents. Conductor Keime
brcii was luidly wounded. He was shut
in the back because he did uot obey or
ders to uncouple the train. None of On;
passengers was disturbed, and they knew
nothing of the robbery until the heavy
charge of dynamite was tired. Then
they pulled down the blinds and kept
quiet. A large srpiad of police and de
tectives arrived at the scene in a few
minutes anil succeeded iu arresting six
men, who are held :tl headquarters. Four
of them are ueginps.
it is not. known just how many men
took a part in the robbery. They all
wore short, black musks and are sup
posed to have boarded the train at Ken
ner, tiie last stop before New Drloans.
The leader of the gang evidently got on
in front of the mail car, next the tender.
The plan was well laid, and when a point
near the railroad crossing at Carrolltoii
avenue was reached the leader crawled
up over the coal tender to the engine
aud, covering the engineer ami fireman,
urdcred them to stop the train. They
complied. The other men jumped from
the train.
Conductor Kennebreu also left one of
the rear coaches and was immediately
covered by several revolvers. He was
ordered' to uncouple the trai-.. He did
not step quick enough, and a bullet was
lired in his back. The 10 h Item then un
coupled the train back of the tender, and
the leader, who was still 011 the engine,
ordered the engineer to "pull out." The
engineer complied and kept "pulling qui"
until ordered to stop, half a mile away.
Here the lender of the gang jumped off
aiid hurried uway iu the darkness.
Meantime the test of the gang was
hurrying matters, and after a demand
on the express messenger and mail clerks
to open up, which was not complied with,
big charges of dynamite were placed un
der the cars and touched ott The ex
press car was badly shattered, but tile
expreas -officials claim the robbers got
nutning . there.. The mail car was not
badly injured, but an entrance was-effect-,
ed, and 11U the mail pouches were cut
open. Soiie 75 jor BIO pieces of register
ed mail were carried away.
While this was gbing ou the tlag.aan of
the train escaped and went down the
track to Hag another train. He was met
by the robbers aud relieved of his watch.
Itailroud and city detectives and I'nited
States secret service men by the score
are working- on the ease. . - ,-
' ' Killed Fellow Worhiuan.- .
NEW sYORIC. Dec. 14. -y David
fSehreiik, 11 piunoiuaker employed in the
Sohmer pino factory at Astoria, L. I.,
hot and killed George SchaelTer yester
day aud wounded Henry ' Becker, both
fellow workmen -of his. The shooting
occurred at the noon hour. The mur
derer was arrested after a long and ci
tiling chase.
Striking Moulders Waiting for
Executive Officers.
Member of carpenters Union Said to
Be Working at the Bench - Core
Makers Also Putting Fp Moulds and
Trying to Do Journey men's Work.
The slat us of the moulders' strike at
the Manufacturers Foundry eompanv
is .still unchanged and it is likelv to
remain so until Vice-President F rye. of
the Xathm.il Iron Moulders union of
Norl h -America, who is otherwise oc
cupied just how. reaches here. It is
expected that Mr Fry' will lie here iu
a day or two. The men had a confer
ence with Mr Beach yesterday, but
judging from what can be heard about
it. the conference did not amount to
much. Jt is said that Ihe men sub
mitted a minimum scale of wages,
which was not objectionable -Jo the
company, provided the men would con
sent 10 make it an "open shop." and
return to work minus two of their
number. This, it is said, they refused
to do. and have decided that even
though the matter of wages should be
adjusted, they will not. rid urn lo work
unless all go in. They would like to
see a shop committee recognized,
whose duties it would be to call the
attention of the management from
time lo time to such matters as might
be objectionable In them, hul Mr
Beach is reported as not being very
favorable to this proposition, either.
The men are taking tilings quietly and
appear to feel satislied that in the end
everything will come out all right.
They are all young ami able-bodied, so
that if they should fail to come to
terms which Mr Bench il would seem
that they would experience no trouble
in liilding work elsewhere. The order
from headquarters is to remain out ttti
1il the vice-president shows up.
A letter was received from him to
day and in it lie says he cannot come
to Walerbury until next Wednesday,
lie is engaged at Philadelphia at pros
Co!. It. was learned to-day that a
members of the Carpenters union has
gone to work at the moulding business
in place of the strikers. The core
maker who went back a day or two
ago is also working at Jho bench. It
is fa id also that Mr Bench and a boy
who is employed there tried their
hands at putting up moulds but
brought forth only a mass of iron. The
men are now anxiously awaiting the
executive officer's visit.
Denver. Col. Dec 14.-C. W. Maier.
third vice-grand master of the Broth
erhood of Locomotive Firemen, is in
this city on business concerning the
local branch of the order. In an inter
view he said: "My presence here has
no connection whatever with the tel
egraphers' strike. The existing con
tracts between our organization and
the Santa Fe railroad are being lived
up to by both parties concerned, our
relations are most plsani;. and there
is nothing that would lead me lo be
lieve that they will not continue so.
We have only had two strikes in the
t went v-sevcii years of our existence.
I left. Los Angeles December 2 fid
since then have traveled."
Lancaster, Pa. Dec I I. Major A. C.
Ueinoehl, postmaster in this city and
a prominent, member of the bar. was
found dead in his office to-day. lie
had commit teed suicide. He stopped
up all the crevices in the room aikd
then turned on the gas. Financial
troubles are said to have been the
cause of the act. He was a veteran
of the war and three times was a mem
ber of tiie legislature.
ritlsburg. Pa. Dec 14. The day ex
press. No S, from Chicago ou 'u'
Pittsburg. Fort. Wayne and Chicago
railway' collided with the Leetsdale
accommodation cast-bound near Edge
wort h. Fa, about (:'?( o'clock this
morning. Both trains wore totally
wrecked and live passengers and four
trainnient were injured. The injuries
were not serious.
Chicago. Dec 14. Business rivalry
caused the ileal "11 of two Hyde
coal merchants yesterday.
Huffman shot and killed '1'iomas Mo
han and then Turned the -elver on
himself, falling dead over the corpse
of Mehan. The men had been friends
for years, but had quarreled recently.
The Hague. Dec 14. Queen Wilhel
mina has invited Mr Kruger and Dr
Leydes to dinner to-night.
Washington, Dec 14. For Connecti
cut: Fair and colder to-night: Satur
day fair and cold: l'rcsji north winds.
Weather notes: The storm area,
which was central in the Lake region
yesterday morning, passed north of
this vicinity. Snow fell in the Lake
iv.-iim niul the northern nortion of
Js'i'W England. The southern storm is
central this moaning oil the Georgia
coast and it is probable Ihat it may
not.come north of II.it terns. Low tem
peratures prevail in. 11m northern and
eastern portion of the Lake region.
Barom. Tern. W. Wen.
Bismarck .:'S.S2 S SE Clear
Boston lUUM: IS NV Clear
Buffalo "IM ' 4 N Sne.w'g
Cincinnati .".O.'U ' 1S NE Clear
Chicago ::0.4i 2P E Cloudy
Denver . ..... .S(l.24 2S SR Clear
Helena . . '"; :10.0C 1S ' SY Pt Cldy
Jacksonville-. .!!.! 0 lid SW Pt Cldy
Kansas City . .S0.1S .Id NE Cloudy
Nantucket .....10.04 24 NW Pt Cldy
New Haven . .no.ld IS NW Clear
New Orleans, .od.! 2 ."2 N ' Cloudy
New York . v. . ..",0.10 S NW Clear
Noithlleld 10'.1S 2 - N Snowg
Pittsburg oO.no "0 N Snowg
St Louis ::0.25 .12 E Cloud v
St Paul . .. .... 10.44 10 TO Snow'ar
Washington . ,.10.?S ?s NW PtCldy
Hatlerau ... .30.08 43 N! Rain'g -
James Croke.of Luke Street Makes a
( 'oueilainr.
Complaint has been' entered by
.lames Croke of Luke street against
two boys, one -named Harper and the
other Well, lor smashing a large light
of stained glass hi his from door yes
terday afternoon. Mr Croke called
upon the mother of one of the boys
and wajilod to know if I hey intended
to make good the damage and he states
that the woman dismissed him with
(Ids shot: "(let out of hen-, you Irish
Paddy, I'll pay for no more window
glass!" It was not the reception ten
dered to Mr Croke that angered him
up to the point, of prompting him to
have recourse to law. but the loss he
will lie put to in repairing his door.
If it lie a fact ihat. Mr Croke has the
right boys, it would seem nothing
more than fair ihat their parents
should make good the loss, for plate
glass doors cannot be had for noth
ing, and it is hard Id see what process
of reasoning parents could introduce
that would exonerate them from re
sponsibility in a ease of this kind. The
best boy in the world would break a
light of glass through accident, bur
tin- father who would refuse to pay
for it would have a rather strange
conception of right: and wrong, and
it is because there are such folks iu the
woiid .th.it peaceable neighbors are
often obliged to seek redress in the
courts. The boys live on Luke streci.
It is but a short time ago since the
plate glass was caved in in the front
door of the Dilluuc residence, next,
door to Mr (Yoke's so that it is high
lime that some look the bull by the
horns j.-ind found out if people are
responsible for t lie harm their children
do. There is a good deal of damage
being done by youngsters in that
neighborhood and so long as their par
ents back them up ill it. Ihe devilment:
is sure to grow from bad to' worse
until the proper steps are taken to
put a- slop to it.
The Six Leaders Are Still Closely
New York, Dec 14. The big bicycle
race is drawing to a close, but the in
terest is just as great as on the first
days. There are eight teams in the
race yet. the six leaders being closley
The score at 11 o'clock:
Miles. Laps.
Pierce and McEachern . .2.02; 0
F.Ikes and MeFarland ...2.II2C, ;
Simar and (Jmigoltz , ...2.0jii
Kascr aud Ryscr 2.ti2i 1
Fisher and Frederick ...2.irV, l
Waller and Slinson .. . .2.02. 0
Babooek and Aaroiiso ..LIST 4
Tttrville and Chum 1.4 "S P
Two O'clock Score.
Miles. Laps.
Elkos and MeFarland . . . .2.0S2 7
Pierce and McEachern ...2.0S2 7
Simar anil (lougoltz .L'.osj (
Kascr and Ryscr 2.0.S2 2
Waller and Slinson '.2.C.S2 1
Fisher and Fredericks . ..2.U.S2 1
Babcock aud Aronsou . ..1.4S7 4
(liuim and Turville 1.47N r
Former Souihingfon Boy Sentenced to
Be Shot In Philippines.
Soul liinglon. Dee 14.--News has
reached here that Linn Skinner, a
former Sout hington boy, lias been sen
tenced to be shot in the Philippines
for sleeping at his post while doing
sentry duly. John P. Skinner, father
of the soldier under sentence of death,
has been officially notified by Ceneral
McArthur. that the sentence will be
executed on Christmas morning. The
young man is a member of the Forty
Third United States infantry, now
stationed at Tnolohan Ley to. The
aged father, who is 71. years' old is
nearly heartbroken by the news and
he has left for Washington to plead
Willi President McKinley for his son's
life. Young Skinner has a wife in
Editor 1 icniocrat :
On Sunday. December 0th. t lie -first,
of a series of religions services was
held, greatly to ihe appreciation of our
guests and with truth to the Rev Hor
ace Hoadley. We have felt a little
lonely for a while after Miss Mary
Barrett, our faithful matron left us.
and when Mrs Thomas Donaldson, our
bead, broken down alarmingly after
two years arduous-labor which result
ed in tliis home." Fortunately our
board is made up of energetic women,
understanding the ins and outs of busi
ness, and they have treked over to
safety. Mrs Alice E. S. Peck, late
lieutenant in the Salvation Army, has
come to our rescue, ami we have given
her the glad hand.
Margaret Leary. aged .1 years,
daughter of Mr and Mrs Daniel Leary
of 1S2 Washington avenue, died to-day.
The funeral will take place at :: o'clock
to-morrow to Sr Joseph's cemetery.
A month's mind mass of requiem
was celebrated at the Immaculate Con
ception church this morning at S
o'clock by tli Rev Father Slocum for
Hie late Mrs Ellen Lynch of Pleasant
si veer.
From report it would appear that
the fears and anxiety of the city otti
cials, especially the school teachers,
lest, .they should not receive another
month's salary until after the Christ
mas holidays, are groundless. A Dem
ocrat, reporter learned from one high
in school affairs -to-day 1hat. the
teachers will be paid on Friday of next
week and that School Clerk ,.Vin Fitz
gerald is already engaged Til making:
out the teachers' payroll. . This is as
it should be. It will cause little trou
ble to-the city government to pay the
teachers a week or so in advance,
while,' on the other hand, it would be
110 doubt, productive of much disap
pointment to the teachers if Ihey
were paid after the Xmas vacation.
Some of the teachers -desire to enjoy
a. short visit, out of town during the
holidays, while mostly all have friends
to'be remembered. So itJs fitting ami
just that the iidructors of the rising
generatiotie aw well, as the ether city
officials, should be remunerated " for
their work before Christmas.
Four British Officers Killed in
Last Battle.
Scenes at the London War Office Were
Lively To-day More Excitement
Than in ihe Early Stages of the War
English Say Situation at Koomati-'
poor Is Serious.
London. Dec 14. Lord Kitchener re-:
Ports that after severe lighting at
Nooiigedacht. Ceneral Clement's forces
were compelled to retire by Command-
ant Delarey Willi a force of 2.,"i00 men.
Four British officers were killed. The ."
other causalties were not reported.
Lord Kill-honor's official dispatch to
tiie war office- is as follows:
"Pretoria. Dee 1:!. Clement's force
at Nooiigedacht. 0:1 the Magaliesburg,
was attacked at dawn to-day by Del
arey, reinforced by Beyer's commando
from Warmbath, making a force esti
mated at 2.."iiii. Though the first at
tack was repulsed the Boers managed
to gei atop of the Magaliesburg, which,
was held by four companies of the "
Norhuiiiberland Fusiliers, and were
ilms able 10 command Clement's camp.
He retired oil Hekpoort and took up a
position 011 a hill in the center of the
"The casualties have not been com
pletely reported, but the lighting wa-
very severe, and 1 deeply regret that
Colonel Legge, of the Twentieth Hus
sars, and Captains MacBean. Murdoch
and Atkins were killed. Reinforce
ments have left here."'
Lord Kitchener also reports Ihat the '
Boers made an attack and were, re
pulsed at. l.iohieniuirg. and Ihat (!eu
etal Lemmer was killed. Attacks
upon Bethlehem and Yrede were also
repulsed, the Boers having leu killed . .
and fourteen wounded. Yryboid was
a 1 tacked 1 eccinber 1 1 lit.
Sniping continued when ihe message
was dispatched.
London. Dee 14. The scenes at the
war office to-day recall those witnessed
in the early stages of the war. A eon--. .
'stanr 'stream of excited people tiled .
the lobbies, all seeking details of the
disaster. T he absence of 1 he names of
any of 1 ho officers of the Norihumber-. .
Fusiliers in (iener.il Kitchener's dis- "
patch leads to ihe foreboding that the
four cop 'mies of the Fusiliers men
tioned a,, in the hands of the Boers.
The officials of the war office evi
dently expect a heavy casualty list,
but they are hopeful, from, the fast,
thai the dispatch does not mention the
capture of the Norl iiuuiberlands. that
sucii a great catastrophe has been e.s
eaped. Orders were issued at Aldershot.
Malia and other military centers tliis
morning to dispatch all the available
mounted infantry to South Africa. '
Lourenzo Marques. Dec" 34. The
British troop at Koomatipoor are
standing to arms in the expectancy of
an attack by Boer force of nftoen luiii- ' -dred
which is in that vicinity. It Is
believed to be the intention of . this
force to make a dash upon the towu.
The situation i regarded as serious.
A force uf 1;10 infantry, a squadron
of cavalry and two gnus were dis- .
patched to the frontier this morning. -
Standerton. Transvaal. Thursday,
Doe 1.1. Ceneral Louis Botha is -reported
to be twi'nty miles from here)
with tifteen hundred men and one gun.
He has called a meeting of the burgh
ers for Saturday.
Was at One Time Registrar oC
Thomas B. Miller, one of AVater
bury's well known citizens, died at
noon to-day at his home. 1S," South
Leonard street, after a lingering ill
ness. He leaves a widow and one
daughter: also his father anil four
sisters. He was a member of . Wa
terbury lodge. B. . P. O. E.. and of
Court Martin Hellmann. F. of A. Mr
Miller came lo Waterbury several
years ago and soon built up a wide ac
quaintance in all parts of the town.
He took a. deep interest in sporting
matters and was at. one time a lead
ing member of the Brooklyn Athletic
club. He was prominent in politic
and served a term as democratic regis
trar of voters. Mr Miller was a jolty,
good na lured-fellow, who had many
friends in Waterbury and other places
who will regret, to learn of his death,
for while it was known that Ids healtU
was poor, but few knew that his con
dition was critical. The funeral no
tice will be announced later. The
Waterbury lodge of Elks will bold a
special meeting' lo-morroW night .in
make arrangements to attend the
A Student. Fainted Under the Treat- -Mont
He Received,
Chicago. Doc 14. Frank Lust. a
student in the North wesrern Univer
sity academy was' hazed last night by.
twelve masked students. He was
taken from the University gymnasium
where he was practicing, to a. secluded"
spot on the lake shore. .Here he was
blindfolded and his clothes removed.
A coat, of black ink and soft soap was
then daubed over his entire body.
After the treatment of. ink and soap
the students lined up and compelled
Lust to run the gauntlet. He fainted
while being taken to his home. v
Last week Lust received a threat
ening letter signed by several fictitious
names, in which lie was asked to
watch out for dire Ireatmeut. .
It js thought the victim recognized
several of his tormentors. Last. Fri
day night F. II. Sandmeyer was visit--ed
in his room by half a dozen student?
and treated to a coat of tly paper. -
Dr Herbert Fiske. principal, will in-
Ivestigate the hazing, assisted by the-
Northwestern University faculty "ami
states that the affair will be sifted to
the bottom. -

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