8 WATERBURY EVENING DEMOCRAT, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1900. JUST AT This season of the year almost every one should be bappy. Chirstmas gen erally brings good cheer and happi ness to every heart. - Let ns say right here that we are continually looking for the happiness of our citizens, par ticularly our patrons. Speaking of happiness reminds us how people can unintentionally make themselves un happy. For instance, if we advertise a big bargain with one pound for a certain date, and you forgot the date you'd be very angry, wouldn't you . Again suppose you wore invited to be present at a happy dinner party, but you forgot the date wouldn't you feel mean? Indeed you would. W ell. eupnose our city fathers promised you they'd have '"Hamilton Park" ready for 'a grand opening on a certain date, and suppose, for some unknown rea son, it was so (oh. what a supposition.! and vou forgot the date, therefore you did not attend, wouldn't won be mad .' Yes, sirree, and so would we. You see bv foreettinjr dates, you often get left. .There are other .dates which, by forgetting, cause you no end of trou.rte. Now to help vou avoid missiug dates. T?2 ""ill TV-cr."" c '" " pound our nice tasting tea or fresh roasted good quality coffee, with a beautiful calendar for VM1. Its an ornament for any parlor in the city. There is no big plaster of an advertise ment on the picture, either. Say. a look at our 1901 calendar will bring a look of real happiness to your counte nance, without fail, at Phelan's T Store' 1 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE 1CS-5 Useful day Gifts. It's not too early to remind you of the many useful and ac ceptable gifts that you'll iind in this stock the largest and most complete of its kind in the cit3". Xou'll find something here that will please most any member of the family at our same all the rear around low prices. Space permits on a few suggestions and prices. Sleds, 30c to 4.."0. Skates. 5(Jc to .S3.50. Carving Sets. SI to $11. Pocket Knives. 15c to 4. Scissors. "iOe to Sl.iiO. Kazors. 75e to Iron Toys, 25c to So. Revolvers, !?1.S0 to $4. Safety Razors, $1.50 to SG. Razor Strops, J5c to $1.75. Watches, SI to 2.75. Guns, Stt to $35. Rifles, $3 to $7.50. limiting Coats, 75c to ?4.50. Air Guns, 75e to $2. Mechanical Toys. 50c to 54.50. Boys' Tool Chests, 75c to $4.50. Carpenters' Tools. . Stop early and receive the benefit of full stock. P. J. 9Q-93 Bank Street, i "The Shop" SALE OF Domestic Rugs, Smyrnas in Astoria and Royal quali ties, as follows: Size 27x54, at $2.00 and $3.00 each; Size 3Gx72, at $3.00 and $4.00 each. Smaller sizes in proportion. ' Smyrna Carpets, 9x12 feet, at $18.50, $21.50, $27.00 each. French Wilton Rugs, size 30x63, at $C.50 each. -A good Wilton Rug, size 3CxC3, at 4.00 each. The tapalme-Hoffman 158-100 GRAND STREET. SPECIAL " Ko" housekeeper should do more "work than is necessary for them to do, and in order to do it they should keep their systems in order ana lteep tnem " selves strong by taking Beef. Iron and iWine, which is good for men, women and children. We sell one-half pint bottle at 23c. or 4 bottles for 90c; 1 'pint bottles 45c, or 3 for $1.30. For a desert, easily prepared and delicious in taste, Burnham's Hasty Jellyeon ias no equal. It is easier to make and tastes better than any desert in the market. We sell it for 13c, or 2 for 23c. Try our 10c cans of Burn ham's Clam Chowder: it is just the thing for small families. Fine Mince iieat in pails at 10c ner pound. Penn Merchandise Co 118 EAST MAIN ST. f '1 .&4: : WEST THE OPTICIAN. V . 140 BANK. . ' Wines and Liquors FOR HOLIDAY TRADE. ' Good Rye Whiskey, ?2.00 gal,-50c qt Good Rye Malt Gin, $2.00 gal, 50c qt Good Old Rum. - $2.00 gal, 50c qt Old Cider Brandy, $2.25 gal, C3c -qt Old Crow Whiskey, $3.00 gal, 75c qt Cumberland Whlskey,$3.00 gal, 75e qt "All ' kinds of California Wines, 75c 'to $1.00 gallon," 25e per quart. r All kinds of Imported Wines and Liquors In stock, All our trade gets Bottle Wine or Whiskey free La dles' room for ladies' only. FRANK BROTHERS & CO, , IZVK England jiquor' vvareuouse, j Cor South Main ana Lmon t; ; CITY NEWS. The board of education will meet at 8:15 o'clock to-night. The board of public safety will meet this evening at 7:30 o'clock. - The board of public worts will hold a meeting at 8 o'clock to-night ' The suit of Mrs William A. Phip peny agninst the Atlas Insurance Co of London has been put on the docket cf the United States circuit court. At tile request of Dr George O. Rob bing, Tax Collector Thorns entered suit against him to-day for non-payment of taxes. The amount involved is about $75, but the doctor insists he is not responsible and he will not pay it. The board of finance held a short session yesterday afternoon and ad journed "until 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening, in order to give the city at torney an opportunity to confer with the school ch rk in regard to the school bond sinking fund. Robert Kiersied has entered suit for S".!i0 against Wilbur L. Whitney of Division street. An attachment was made on the defendant's property this afternoon by Constable Pryor. Kier stfd claims to have been bitten by Whitney's dog. Miss Elizabeth G. Kane, who was granted a year's absence from" the i'uculty of the local High school that she might enter upon a post-graduate course at Yale college, is enjoying the Christmas vacation at her home on Cherry street. P. K. Gailasher of 07 South Main street has received word from St Vin cent's hospital in New York of the death of his sister-in-law. Mrs James Gallagher, as the result of an opera tion. Mr and Mrs Gallagher lived in Brookfleld, from which place the fu neral will take place. There will be a meeting of the city council connected with the Y. M. C. A. in the Y". M. C. A. building to-night at 8 o'clock. The increased attendance of late has been gratifying to the leaders and it is hoped that it will keep on in creasing. The more who take an act- i ive part in discussing municipal affairs I the more interesting and attractive be j comes the meeting. Some time ago a man named John Tthan wr.s up in the police court on a charge of stealing au umbrella. The jokers at Benedict & Burnham's have , ! since been poking fuu about it at a i fellow of the same name who work ! there. This is not fair. The John j i Tehan who works in Benedict & Burn- j ! ham's was not the man and those who j ! say so do him a great injustice. I A very pleasant gathering of about fifty friends of Mrs Joseph Davison i I and daughters. Minnie, Maggie and ; 1 Rose, was given at the home of A. I G. York. No 40 Luke street, last night. I In farewell wishes and many pres : cuts, with vocal solos, duets, trios, piano recitals and recitations in re ! membra nee of Waterbury and their I friends on their departure for their ' old home, Sydney Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. To-morrow titers will be a "rummage sale" held at the Salvation Army hall in the rink, commencing at 9 a. m. and continuing all day. From 8 to 9 a. m. Staff Captain McKenzie will conduct a meeting, and at the close the sale will be continued. Clothes, hats, orna ments, etc. will be sold, and there will lie also many articles suitable for Christinas pre?enis such as texts, fancy work. etc. which have been donated new for this sale. After last night's rehearsal of the Concordia society, which was the last one of the year, the singers reelected Hans Saro as musical director for the ensuing year. On Monday, the 24th, at 7 p. m. the Christmas tree of the society will be lighted for the children, who will have the privilege of the floor until 9 o'clock. Dancing for the members will then take place. The New Y'car's celebration will be held on Monday, December 31. Court Vigilant. No SO. F. of A., held their semi-annual meeting last evening and elected the following officers: (j. R., John Hogan; S. C. R., John Me Varry; F. S., Francis O'Brien: R. C, William Seery: J., James Cass: S. W.. B. McNish; J. W., James McKeon; S. B., P. O'Neil: J. B., John Riley; trus tee. John McPartiaud; physician, Dr Maloney. A prize was awarded to John MeVarry for bringing in the greatest number of new members dur ing the past six months. At a meeting of Sterling command ery, No 300, V. O. G. C, last night, the following officers were elected: N. C. John Eccles; V. N. C, Emma Eccles; W. P., Anna Bambrook; N. K. of R., Carrie E. Morsehead; F. K. of R.. Wal ter F. Hinckley; W. Treasurer, Herbert J. Clarke: W. H.. Mary Wilhelm; W. I. O.. Stella A. Sloan: W. O. G., James H. Morsehead; pianist, Isabelle Hinck ley; representatives to the Grand com mandery, 1st. Stella A. Sloan; alter nate, S. Nellie Clapp; trustees. G. F. Clapp. Stella A. Sloan. Sarah A. War ner; auditing committee, E. J. Bass ford, W. F. Hinckley, M. D. Alderman Blakeslee found himself in a very embarrassing position hist night. He is a member of a board whose members raceive - a salary of $150 a year and when it came to a vote as to whether the members of the board of education should be paid or not, Mr Blakeslee was in a quandary to know what to do, and asked to ba excused from voting on the matter, but his colleagues would not have it and the genial alderman from the second was forced to stand right up to the rack, and take his medicine, and to his credit be it said he did it like a man. But although he said "No," it was plain that down in his heart he felt that the city cf Waterbury Is as well able to pay for such service as it requires as R. N. Blakeslee or any body else and that it ought to do it. The talk about good men being willing to give their time to the city for noth ing is all a humbug. There is not a man In town whose time Is worth any thing to himself or anybody else but finds all he can swing into at some thing that nets him a fair return for his services and is not at all anxious to donate his labors to any cause, ex cept, perhaps, it happens to be for charitable purposes. Didn't Alderman Goss hint at this when the consolida tion committee was being appointed, when he stated that the right kind of men might want something for their services and that it would not be de sirable to select a committee made up of citizens who had 110 occupation? ' If you want a team or. hack, so to Austin's. 'Phone. 1 CHOATE COMING HOME. , New York, Dec 18. A cablegram to the Journal and Advertiser from Lon don says: Ambassador Choate will, It is said,- sail either on Saturday or the week afterward for the United States, the death of his partner, Charles C. Beaman, having rendered his presence in New. York, necessary. It la believed that be will not return to London. ' RUBBER SHOE WAR. Report Current That Settlement -May Take Place.- ' New Y'ork, Dec 18. The report cur rent In Wall street that negotiations were in progress for a settlement of the threatened rubber shoe war was confirmed last night. - A new com pany has been formed with $10,000,000 capital, for the -purpose f controlling the crude rubber market. Of this capital the Standard Oil company has subscribed $3,000,000: August Belmont & Co, and other bankers $1,000,000: Charles R. Flint, $1,500,000; 'the Rubber Goods Manufacturing com pany $1,000,000; other financial inter ests, including crude rubber importers who will enter the new company, $2,000,000. Negotiations have been opened with outside manufacturers for the incor poration of their plants into the 'new company, with a view of preventing a trade war. The plan involves con solidation of independent rujiber slice manufacturers into lanutacturers into a company. ! R prices 2." per cent on January 1 if j j present, uegoiiui ions wiiu me ouisiuer : fail of consummation. It is further learned that the out side rubber shoo manufacturers in order to get business in competition with the established brands, will make concession of from 5 to 10 per cent be low regular prices. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank the friends and neighbors who assistf d me in the sick ness and death of my late husband, Thomas B. Miller, also the EiUs, Brooklyn Outing club, the employes of the bedstead department at the Amer ican Ring company. Court Martin Hell mann and Mrs F. J. Walsh for flowers, also the societies and drum corps which took part iu the procession at the funeral. WIFE, FATHER AND SISTERS. Christmas Things We have made unusual great prepa rations for HOLIDAY TRADE. Our big store is full of nice, clean, 1 substantial HOLIDAY GIFTS, i FURNITURE. Ladies' Desks An immense New Stock iust. received. One at $4.50 (rm- j usually good value) in Golden Oak, j ! rubbed finish, carved French legs, two drawers and solid brass trimmings. MORRIS CHAIRS Yelour cushions, I prices begin at $3.90. j Ladles' Writing Desks. Desk Chairs, ; Rockers. Parlor Cabinets, Combina- tion Book Cases, Music Cabinets and dressing lames, tuoe cabinets, u. ti. Chairs. Child's Wood Rockers, Child's Rattan Rockers, Child's Morris Chairs, Inila's White aEd Gold Rociers JARDINIERES The beautiful Lou weisa Ware. Prices range $2.25 to $4.75 for extra large sixes. Other kinds 25c upward. JARDINIERE STANDS Prices be ginning at 00c. Pearl inlaid Turkish Stands, $10 each. THE L. F. HAASE CO 27-29 CENTEU ST. THE LEADING DECORATORS OF THE NAUGATUCK VALLEY. The entire Building. Six floors. For Wednesday Sugar Cured Hams 9c lb. Fresh Pork 8c lb Strictly Fresh Eggs 22c doz. FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY. POULTRY WILL ARRIVE TO MORROW AND WE WILL SAVE 1'OU MONEY ON IT. s Market Cor, Union and th Main Sis. Sep ON CHRISTMAS MORNING Your little boy will be just as happy with a pair or new suoes as with a tin wagon and you will have to buy the Shoes any way. We have a very large stock of little boys' Shoes and are making special prices on them this week. . They are the right kind of Shoes made to stand the wrong kind of use. If you give your ..boy a pair of these Shoes on Christmas he won't have them worn oht, on New Year's day. ' - - Specials te E. 3. vFINN, " J7 Exchange Place Children's ft Trimmed Hats In profusion on our counters, for Holi day Gifts and for wear any time in the season. All the correct shapes, and at- prices that invite purchasing. Don't overlook the little ones, but let us help you to make them happy and dressv. Special sale of DOLLS' HATS, trimmed and uutrimmed, from 9 cents upwards. I. CHASE, EXCHANGE PLACE. a g a rrjt T."'ii A T T ft 2 leiPecfCef a 00c-Oi Holiday Gifts In Gloves and Mittens. Ladies' 2-clasp. single strand, embroid ered back, line lambskin, ail shades; price Jl8c. Ladies' 2-elasp, heavy pique, sewn Walking Gloves: price 9Sc. Ladies' i-'-clasp Real Mocha Gloves, all shades: price !Kc. Ladies' 2-elasp heal Kid Gloves, all colors: price $1.25. Ladies' 3-clasp Fine Kid Suede Gloves, grey, brown, tan and black; price $1.39. Ladies' 3-clasp Fine French Kid Glace Gloves, all colors; price Si. 39. Ladies' Silk Lined Mocha Gloves; price 9S $1.25 and $1.49. Ladies' Mercerized Mittens, rock stitched, black and white: price 25c. Ladies' Fine Double Mittens in silk; price 49c, 75c and 9Sc. Ladies' Scotch Wool Gloves, black. white and Scotch wool backs; prices, 25c and 49c. Ladies', Misses' and children's, single and double Wool Mittens; prices 10c, 15c and 25c. HOLIDAY GIFTS IN HANDKERCHIEFS? Ladies' Pur' Linen Hemstitched, Tucked. Drawn Work, Em broidered, Lace Trimmed, Swiss Embroidered; from 5c to $1 each. Real Duchesse Lace Handkerchiefs, from $1 to $5 each. Children's Handkerchiefs, plain, col ored border and embroidered; from 5e to 25c. A. MAILHIOT, 153 S. MAIN 'ST. USEFUL X-MAS PRESENTS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. A fine line of Gent's Neck Ties in nice boxes. 50c goods for 43c. Gent's Silk Initial Handkerchiefs, from 5c to 50c. Zendaline and Silk Initial Gent's Handkerchiefs, for this week only 25c, regular price39c. . - . . Gent's Mufflers, from 25c to $2. Our line of Ladies' Handkerchiefs vary from hundreds of designs, prices from 2c to 50c. Dolls, Perfumes, Stick Pins, Cuff Buttons, etc. Sale of Men's and Boys' Gloves at 25e. Optician PROF COULTER Specialist. If you can't see distinctly, easily. and comfortably, your eyes have need of skilful attention by means of scien tific and skilful examination. We can determine any defect of your vision and intelligently fit your eyes with proper glasses, or advise you as to what you should do. We charge only tor glasses, it you need them. 87 BANK ST., WATERBURY. CONN. ays YOU CAN SEE SIX TONS OF CAN DY IN KELLY'S' EAST MAIN STREET STORE WINDOW. ; WHY DOES KELLY CHARGE MORE FOR. EGGS THAN OTHER DEALERS ? . TRY THEM AND SEE WHY. v - ALL GOODS PURCHASED FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES V WILL BE SOLD AT COST AT KELLY'S. - , ' KELLY'S PEPPERMINT CREAMS AND QUEEN CARAMELS ARE MANUFACTURED tJNDER HIS OWjN SUPFTVTSTON AT 410 WEST MAIN SxitEET.'. This Rooster GONLON BROS. - NEW V SHOPPING MART. 142-148 South Main Street. Stors Open Every Evening Till . Christmas. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Cha i s In Solid Gold and Geld Filled Clocks Mantle Clocks in Iron and Dresden. Alarm Clocks, standard makes, from 7;"c to si. 89. Minnature Clocks, in Dresden Imi tation Bronze, at t)Sc up. Gent's Neckwear iu newest designs and shapes, same very elaborate pat terns. One in a box. Gent's Suspenders, silk rib, standard makes, one in a pretty box, from C9c up. Handkerchiefs of every description in very pretty patterns. Also pretty designs iu Rennaissance Ha hdkerchief s. Pillow Shams and Bureau Scarfs, all the latest novelties iu pretty de signs. Dolls, Rag Dolls, Kid Dolls, Clown Dolls, dressed and undressed, from 5c to 57.50. Toilet and Manicure Sets, single and combined, from 9Sc up to $10. Remarks. We are ready to" pack any goods for shipment by express or freight, directing and delivering to express company tree of charge. The con venience of our customers has been our every thought during this sea son. Everything is as handy as our large stock will permit. Jewelry store opposite main entrance. Upi lA'ella and Gent's Furnishing, south aisle. Dolls and Toilet Cases, main aisle. Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Mufflers, main aisle. Aprons and Dressing. Sacques, main aisle. Slippers, Hosiery .and Shoes, north aisle. Cloaks, Suits, Furs and Upholstery, second floor. Fur Jackets, from .$17.50 up. Fur Scarfs, from SSc up. Slippers. We are leaders on this special line, as your stock will convince you. All shapes and kinds. Ladies' and Gent's, boys' and children's, from 4oc up. Gloves always make a good pres ent. In Cashmere, Silk-lined Gloves; also a full line of Kid Gloves in all shades from 79c up. Rich Handles and fine quality, from 49c to $(5.00. Dressing Sacques and Kimonas, in Daisy Cloth and Eiderdowns, pretty combinations, from 49c to $2.9S. Pictures and Madonnas, all the lat est as well as copies of old masters, 100 different styles of mountings,, from 25c up. CONLON BROS. . NEW SHOPPING MART. 142-14414C-14S SOUTH MAIN ST. Opposite Seovill Street. -Opposite Waterbury. National. Bank. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ins, Rings, Drooci Guff Buttons fiNTKANCli: 97-1J3 SuiSlra From Street Durability and sightliness are united and are do ing a brotherly turn in our line of $1 Overcoats, but even these values are being crowded with the. lesser lights at $10 and $12. Standing alone in all its good ness is our Men's Reefer at $3.50. s s jonesTmokgan Tca Suit Cases, $5 to S25 time. There's an assort- . . ment of rich leathers Club Bags, SI to $25, Toilet Rolls, Shaving Sets, Manicure Sets, Military Brush Sets, $1.00 to $10.00. , , 1 leatner suit case is a Everything from Leather leader in leather. JONES, MOBGAN & GO, HOLIDAY 68 BANK Electric Light and Combination Fixtures and Sliadss, For Residences, Offices and Stores. Electric Light, Bell and Telephone Wiring. Dynamos and Motors Electric Supplies of Every Description. Wholesale and Retail. The New England Engineering Co, 138 Grand Street. fire You Going To Buy a Haw Bangs ? If so it will pay you to look at our STAMFORD Do vou want a STEAM BOILER, HOT WATER HEATER? If so, in quire about the Winchester. P, H, GARRITY, 221 BANK STREET. Telephone, 103-4. HELLO! HELLO ! IS THAT YOU, MR WEINSTEIN? WELL, MISS BLANK . HAS 1 JUST LEFT ME TO ORDER A SUIT OP YOU AFTER SEEING MINE. SHE IS VERY MUCH STRUCK WITH IT VXD WANTS ONE TO FIT AS WELL. I TOLD HER TO GO TO THE X.ST. CLOAK CO BE SURE vmi filVE TIER. AS GOOD :,A FIT AS YOU DID ME, FOR ' SHE IS VERY PARTICULAR. ALL RIGHT? WE ALWAYS GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION. A - f N,Yloak:Mfg.Ga 110 SO MAIN STREET. : S. A. WEINSTEIN , ENI UANCfc: . 92-93 S3 MoioSt. Pi Good clothes is a hobby, that affects most, men. . . The selling of good 'clothes and nothing but the good kind has been a hobby with us from the start a hobby that has become chronic I. 3 u Everything from Leather. Doesn't begin to give you an idea of the extent of this leather storas preparation for gift giving fashioned by expert hands into everything that might be useful as well as ornamental: and all of our leather goods are kept free from dust in dust proof glass cases quite an advantage in buviug leather gifts. Our f c.OO linen lined cowhide RINGS... Notes of pleasant anticipation for the giver and receiver of gifts. The exchange of presents enables friends to show their appreciation of one another. And here are the things with which to do it. LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S GOLD, GOLD FILLED AND SILVI3B WATCHES, DIAMONDS AND DIAMOND JEWELRY. GOLD AND SILVER JL VELRT, NOVELTIES, ETC. We invite an inspection of our Holi day stock. STREET. Family leaving city must sell their new upright Mahog any Piano. First-class maker. Any reasonable offer accepted. Address 'Opportunity' Demo crat office. AGENTS WANTED To sell the fastest selling house hold necessity ever offered. Can make 3.00 a day. Call at Allen's, 30 North Main St., Room 5. "Compa and the question: Who gets the Slip per appropriation? is settled. But how many? Of course, one pair for Pa Brown, and some broad and easy ones for Grandpa Smith and Felt Solers for Grandma Brown. Brother Tom wants a SI Seal, and Little Ned a 50e "Brawi dered" pair. Susie says she has select ed a $1.00 "Ton Calf Homlet' for. Mr Robinson (she calls him "George, dear") and HINTED that the Red Fleur de lis Nulliflers at $1.50 would strike her right. I'm going to get ma a $1.23 Quilted Romeo Slick!" JACK BROWN His diary.V KiG - DODGE v S4-8C SODTECMAIJ STREET. ' Bank St. Stairway in U. S. & Co's. to Street DODGE'S Windows with the Other Fellows