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Waterbury Democrat. [volume] (Waterbury [Connecticut]) 1900-1903, December 20, 1900, Image 3

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! l
Commissioners Awarded Benefits and
Damages Last Night. .
The commissioners on benefits anil
- damages to property owners on Main,
Maple and Oak streets met yesterday
and examined two witnesses, Mr Ward
and Engineer Ham. Engineer Ham
was first and lie thought that Mr
would be damaged about $700.
He thought that Mr Culver would be
benefited bv the change about
on Main street. $2IO on Maple street
and $400 on Oak street. He consid
ered him damaged about $2."0 on Main
street. $300 on Oak street and ?l,u00
on Maple street. He did not consider
the buildings, with the exception of
Mr Culver's well, which he considered
worth about $150. A. C. Turtle was
requested to examine the property and
liring in an estimate, after which the
bearing adjourned until Saturday
morning. During the hearing Mr
Kennedy said this business, was all a
farce and that the commissioners
should examine the buildings them
selves and then place valuation on
them and have that regarded as their
decision, and not be running up a bill
on the borough which increases every
time the commissioners meet.
The state treasurer has paid over to
Town Treasurer Wigmore the sum of
$3,000, due the borough on the state
road which was built by Fagan Bros
on Main street the past summer.
The Social Blizzard company played
to a very small audience last night.
To-night at the opera house the Wa
terbury Vaudeville company will give
a show, followed by a dance.
A fair sized crowd attended the
hash and pancake supper at the Meth
odist church last night.
The Y. M. C. I. will meet to-night
All members are requested to be pre
eut. as business of importance is to be
All the factories in town, with the
exception of the glove department of
the .. I. K. Shoe company's plant, are
to shut down Saturday night for ten
days. The first ticket will be made
on January 1', 1W1.
There were eight knights of the
road in Chief Smith's hotel last night.
Some of the tramps that strike this
town are very abusive to the house
wives and sometimes go as far as to
force themselves into the house. House
wives should be careful not to allow
these fellows much freedom.
Eugene Sullivan, who attends Yale
college, is home for the Christmas hol
idays. Twins were born yesterday to Mr
aril Mrs Victor Werner of liotchkiss
The Eintraeht lodge. Xo 524, is to
run a masquerade ball on Fridav, Jan
nary 25, 1901.
The schools will close to-morrow for
the Christmas vacation.
Court Unity, No 2. F. of A., at their
annual meeting, held last evening,
elected officers for the ensuing year
as follows: C. R.. George Lambert;
S. C. R.. George ratchet t: treasurer.
W. J. Moore: P. S., W. I!. Gates: It.
S.. Aaron French: S. W.. William
Hughes: J. W.. William Smith; S. B..
John Stockton: J.. B. Thomas Taft:
captain of guards, T. P. Reiley; phvsi
cian. Dr Johnson.
The Good Will Social club has been
closed up by Sheriff Sweeney, who
acted for J. I). Shea, to whom, it is re
portetl, they owe a sum of money.
There was no session of the bor
ough court this morning.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of disease ia the worst
torm of slavery. George D. Williams,
of Manchester, Mich, tells how such a
slave was made free. He says: "Mv
wife has been so hetpless for five
j-ears that she could not turn over in
bed alone. After using two bottles of
Electric Bitters she is wonderfully im
proved and able to do her o-n-n u'oi'k."
This supreme remedy for female dis
eases quickly cures nervousness, sleep
lessness, melancholy, headache, back
ache, fainting and dizzy spells. This
miracle working medicine is a godsend
to weak, sickly, run clown people.
Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50
cents. Sold by G. L. Dexter & Co,
PenDiirlTsiiia Rail-nraya.
HARRISBL'RG, Dec. 20. Major
Isaac B. Brown, superintendent of the
bureau of railways of Pennsylvania, has
submitted to Governor Stone his annual
report for the fiscal year ending June 30.
The report shows a capitalization, in
, eluding stock, bonds and current liabili
ties, of $2,005,077,932, with assets of $3,
067,955,537, of the 443 steam railways
operating in whole or in part in Pennsyl
vania. These companies have 28,885
miles of road, own 11,747 locomotives,
10,700 passenger cars and 512.048
freight ears. On those roads there were
employed during the year 307,737 per
sons, to whom there was paid during
that period $170.702.4tjS as compensation
for services. The trains of these corpo
rations traversed 257,777,050 miles and
carried 205,939.884 passengers and 508,
'995,338 tons of freight.
y Strike Declared Off.
WILKESBARRE. Pa., Dec. 20 The
strike at the collieries of the Kingston
Coal jcompacy has been declared off, and
the 1,000 employees returned to work
this morning. The officials of the com
pany and the committee of strikers were
in conference !1 day yesterday. The
company agreed to pay all its employees
semimonthly in the future and also allow
the miners a check weighman of their
own. The toppage and company store
questions will be arbitrated in the near
luture. The strikers demanded the dis
charge of Foreman Thomas K. Morgan,
but it was mutually agreed to refer the
matter to the 'executive branch of . the
United Mine Workers. It is understood
the men are satisfied with the conces
sions made by the company and will not
insist on Morgan severing his connection
ith the company.
American Get Anotlier Contract.
LONDON", Dec. 20. The Daily Chron
icle announces that a contract, for 20,000
Ions of steel rails and fish plates for the
Victorian railways has been placed with
lae Illinois Steel company of Chicago.
David Cltyr Neb, April 1, 1900.
Genese Pure Food Co, Le Roy, N. Y.:
Gentlemen: I must say in regard to
GRAIN-O that there' is nothing better
or healthier. We bavp used for
.years. M brother was a great coffee
drinker.' He was taken sick and the
doctor said coffee was the cause of it
and told us" to use GBAIN-O-, We got
a package but did not like it at first,
bat now would not be without it. ; Sly
brother has been well ever since we
rtarted to use it Yours truly, :
Th&; Funeral of . Tamos .Currle' Will 'Be
. Held To-morrow.
James' Currie; aged 1G years, died
yesterday morning shortly after - 2
o'clock. He had been sick but a short
time and the physician in attendance
did not think his case serious until
Tuesday, when be began to sink. He
was a member of the 1901 class of the
center school and was well liked by
his fellow pupils. The funeral will be
held to-morrow from the residence of
his mother on Watertown Heights.
Mr Cocker of Waterville and Miss
Annie Berge. a well known Watertown
lady, wore married at Christ church
yesterday. The ceremony was per
formed by the llev H. N. Cunningham.
Mr and Mrs Cocker will shortly take
up their residence in Watertown.
Tlie tickets for the coming fair of
the Watertown fire department will go
on sale this week. The tickets may be
had from any of the members of the
Yesterday destroyed the skating for'
the present at least. A good hard
freezing will put it in condition again.
It is rumored that a young east side
couple will be married about Christ
mas. The grange will hold
its regular
meeting this evening.
George Brown is raffliu
off his bi-
George Warner and family will move
to Hotchkissville shortly.
Wilmer Peck has taken the contract
for the cutting of a large piece of
timber near the home of Charles Bid
Well. Mr Peck has built a. log cabin
in the woods Where he will reside dur
ing the winter.
It's said that a beer man from Water
bury makes weekly visits to our town.
Those who have been asked why the
beer man comes here say that he has
yet many bottl:?s to collect which were
brought before the raid of last sum
mer. There are still several uncalled for
advertized letters at the local post
office. Services will be held in all the
churches on Christmas eve.
The schools will close to-morrow af
(eiiion for the Christmas vacation of
two weeks. In several of the rooms
to-morrow a f term ion exercises appro
priate for the occasion will be held.
All the parents of the children are cor-
uially invited to attend.
Don't forget the meeting of the For
esters to-morrow evening.
The rooms of the W. A. C. have re
cently been repaired and the club now
has as good a room as any athletic club
in the state.
Mrs Henry Fitch of the southern
part of town is quite sick.
A couple of young fellows broke
through the ice whil;.' skating on Hem
inway's pond last night. Neither was
hurt execpt for a good wetting.
Charles Allen and Roger O'Donnell
have accepted positions in Waterbury
during Christmas week.
John Taylor expects to use the farm
of the late D. C. Calendar, purchased
by him some time ago. forstock. Mr
Taylor will begin the work of fixing the
farm for that purpose in the spring.
John Thomas O'Neill of this place is
learing the blacksmith's trade in Wa
terbury. Miss Rose Kielty has continued her
duties with the Waterbury Clock Co
as stenographer.
Work on the new building near the
barber shop of P.. N. Zeidler is pro
gressing rapidly. It will be ready for
raising in a few days.
Did the slick Hebrew pedlar visit
your place yesterday? The Hebrew in
question came up from Waterbury and
sold goods to our "farmers" for ten
times their real value. We hope he
will come again and find our people
There are a number of first class polo
sports in town who attend every game
that is played in Waterbury.
The polo game between the Pequots
and Hanky PankysTttesday night at
the West End rink was a lively one.
The score was S to '1 in favor of the
Hanky Pauleys.
A meting was held in All Saints'
church yesterday afternoon and all ar
rangements were made for the Christ
mas festivities which will take place
at the church.
A number of our people went to Wa
terbury last evening to do Christmas
Friday afternoon there will be an
entertainment in the school house on
Newton Heights. There is 1o be a
Christmas tree, and singing and recita
tations by the children. Miss Susie
Chambers of Cherry street, Water
bury, is the teacher.
There are many of the Rev E. M.
Skagen's friends here who regret his
departure and wish him to know that
be has still friends left in this village.
Friends sprang; up where he least ex
pected them and 1ho.se whom h-i
thought were his friends betrayed him.
He did many good things in this vil
lage which should be remembered, and
we trust he will succeed in his new
field of labar. The following lines mnv
explain his case:
There are things in this world
That to rue look appalling,
Some knock a man over.
Then kick him for falling;
Drag his once noble name
Down deep in the mire,
Till lie loses all courage
And heart to aspire.
"Serlons It'reicbt Wreefc.
UTICA, N. Y., Dec. 20. An M. and
M. freight train of 35 cars was wrecked
Dtar Trenton, 10 miles from here, last
night. Nine cars were derailed, and
their contents blocked the tracks for
several hours. Brakeman Walter D.
Jordan of Utic-a was injm-ed.
Government Censna Sustained. '
RALEIGH, N. C, Dec. 20. The police
census of the city of Raleigh, taken on
account of dissatisfaction with the result
Of the government census.. has been com
pleted. It shows 13.C74 people in the
city limits, or only 31 more than, the gov
ernment enumeration.
Two Hundred Christians Killed.
LONDON, Dec. 20. A dispatch to The
Daily Express from Vienna , reports re
cent Moslem excesses against the Chris
tian population in the central provinces
of Tnrkejv where i200 Christians .have
been killed, w- - - j - . -. -, . r
-. '"- . - Dead at .108. :
HARVv'ICH, Mass., Dec. .20.4james
A. Nichols, 108 years of age, died yes
terday of old age. .He was a Welshman
and had resided here for . many yeare.
He leaves-three son and two daughter!.
? V.
Female Telegrapher Who Pays .No
' '( . Railroad Fares. .
Traveled Xearlr 10,000 Miles la Tliree
Months Knom How to Win
Over Stubborn Conductor
and Brakcmen.
In the argot of the office she was "a
bird." She wasn't a hobo in the gen
eral meaning of the term, but the was
very near in kin a railroad telegraph
operator, out of a job, and on a hunt
for another place. She had good letisr
and a traveling- card from the O. R. T.
(Order of Railway Telegraphers) and,
in this instance, was 'panhandling"'
her fellow railroaders for transporta
tion. She was young and bright, and
more than ordinarily pretty, wore a
neat tailor-made suit and carried a
little grip.
When she was first seen by one of the
operators in the big telegraph office
at the Union depot, says the Chicago
Inter Ocean, she was standing at tha
counter where lay the register books
find sheets, and was locking over one
of the C. B. & Q. registers. Thinking
sue jiau muue u iiiiiaive in iiiacuii ;
the end where the regular query is j
"How's Tan-Handle 4?" or "Is Alton C '
on time?" one of the operators at the
dispatcher's table started for the coun
ter to see what she wanted.
He had hardly straightened up from
his chair when a little myctie sign came
from the woman, and the big operator,
with a grin of surprise and pleasure on
his face, hurried forward with out
stretched hand.
"Where you from?" he aUced.
"Denver," replied the girl. "I lost my
office there last spring, and I've been
east trying to get another, but the
east's no good, and I'm going back to
see my old chief again and make a try
to get back on the Rio Grande. Do you
know any of these "Q' men who go
out to-night?"
"Yes, all of them, but they are a hard
game to try to beat."
"Well. I've ridden with some in the
east that the boys said were tough,
but I had no trouble."
"If you wih, I'll try and help you,
mill '
but the Alton or Milwaukee are easier
than the 'Q.' "
"The Alton's gone, and the other
doesn't leave until 11 o'clock, and I
don't want to wait so long."
"Ail right ; come in and sit down. The
'Q.' man will be in to register in a few
minutes," and then the little gate in
the counter was opened and, seated be
side an operating table near her new
friend, her voice often drowned by the
incessant clicks of the "sounders," she
told the story of her travels.
"As 1 told you," she said, "I lost out
in March last, and I knew when I got
my time, that there was no job in Den
ver for me until' business picked up,
so I got a pass over the Fort Worth
& Denver to Fort Worth, and started
out to hunt up a place. I did.n't find
any job in Fort Worth or Dallas, so I
we.nt east. I have been in 18 states and
traveled a whole week about the At
lantic coast, and I've seen a whole lot
cf things western girls seldom get a
chjnce to see, but I've found no work,
and now I'm going back home and wait
for something to turn up. I've plentj
of money; but I don't like to pay rail
road fare. I guess I'm getting to be
too much of a hobo for that. I haven't
paid out a dollar for fare since I start
ed, and I've rode nearly 10,000 milss
Just then a Chicago, Hurlington &
Quiney conductor came into the office
and started to the counter.
"There's a 'Q.' man. Try him," said
the operator.
The old. fellow in b:ue and gold, had
h&rdly completed the registry of his
train before he heard at his elbow the
old familiar query: "Do you show any
favors to railroad people?-'
This old passenger man had "turned
down" lots of "brnkirs" and conduct
ors, and lie whirled around, prepared
to crush t his tourist with a sharp nega
tive, but when he saw the pretty face
and looked injo the sparkling eyes of
the fair h-obo he hesitated.
There is an oltiiadage that says: "The
man who hesitates is lost." and in this
case the truth of the axiom was amply
verified. He shoved his fingers through
his bristling gray hair, looked around a.
momtnt. ;:nd finally said: "Not often.
They watch us pretty close now."
"But I've got a traveling card and
good clearances, and I'm in a hurr3- to
get 1 o Denver."
"Let me see them," said the ticket
He read the letters, asked the oper"
ator if the card was all right, and, get
ting an affirmative answer, said:
"Well, I guess it's all right. Train's
on the second traek."
The operator put on 'his coat and.es
sorled the girl out to the train, and in
a few minutes ahe was on ler way to
Denver. . . . '
Ffvl iff j
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
After Twenty-Nine Year and SeTen
Month Two -Murderers Are
- .'-' Captured and Punished.
Nemesis seldom has tracked the evil
doer longer or more persistently to the
final reckoning than in the case of Mi
chael Rigosa and his wife Adele, re
cently on trial in Koine for the murder
of the husband's parents almost 30
years ago.
Adele Retrosi then was the wife of a
rich Italian land-owner. He was older
than she. their tastes were not in com
mon, and he scarcely commanded her
respect. Soon after marriage they be
gan to drift, apart, so that one day
when Michael Rigosa came to the old
chateau the pretty Adele was open to
lis flatteries. It was not long until all
but the husband' saw the mutual at
tachment that had sprung up between
He went, on, blinded, to his
the two
Not so the parents of Rigosa. They
objected to the elopement that had
been planned, and which, the ardent
son had imparted to them. There was
a. stormy scene. Finally the parents
threatened exposure. The son's mer
curial temperament broke all bounds,
and he plunged a stiletto into the
hearts of both his father and his
Blood-maddened, he fled to the
chateau where he told the story to the
beaut? il Adele. They had gone so
far; -..ney must go further. The rich
hu' jand was in the house, but before
t.e two guiltv ones stole awav from
Jts shadow he lav fead, with the same
it!-..... . .. .
in.- i kj wkic cupiurea, ana sen
tenced to death. They escaped to Con
stantinople, and from there to New
York, where they lived, for years.
Finally, feeling that the Italian police
had forgotten the crime, they returned
to Naples boldly, and for 20 years they
had lived there in sumptuous, style
when an accident betrayed them. Aft
er 30 years the- Italian penal code al
lows immunity for a crime, but at the
time of the arrest only 29 years and
seven months had elapsed.
So, imprisonment for life has come
to them at last, the death penalty hav
ing been abrogated in Italy several
years ago.
A, Toong Woman's Experience In
BeotlnK Her Way Home from
Kew York. City.
r The crew of a fast freight train on
the Lehigh Valley railroad found a
young woman on top of a box car
a short distance west of Pattenburg,
N. J., the other night. The woman
was unable to see, having been blind
ed by cimlers that flew from the stack
of the locomotive drawing the. train.
Crouched close to the top of the car,
she was cliuging to the footboard.
She was taken to the locomotive and
brought to East on. When she
reached that city Detective Miller, an
officer in the employ of the railroad
company, placed the woman under
arrest, on the charge of illegal car
Excited from her terrible experi
ence on the fast moving train, the
prisoner was thought to be demented.
It was mainly on that account that
she. was taken to the loek-v.p. At the
station house, after she had been per
mitted to rest and wash the dirt from
her face and eyes, the young woman
gave an account of her trip.
She said her home was near Allen
town and that her name was Mame
Steel. She had been to New York
and had tired of the big city. Loug
ing to get back home and not having
money to pay her fare, she decided
to steal a ride on a freight train, as
she had often read of men and boys
doing. Walking to Newark, she
climbed on a freight car. She barely
had time to tie her hat fast to the
short sacque she wore when the train
began. to move. In a moment or two
it was traveling at a high rate oi
speed. The- wind chilled her and
nearly swept her from her perch, but
she clung to the footboard.
After having learned the story the
railroad officials withdrew the charge
against her, and she received a ticket
to ier home. ,
Discussion of Kay-Pauncefot
Treaty Falls Flat.
Boutelle Ketolntlon Passed by th
Senate House Votes to Compel the
Pennsylvania Railroad to Build
Xew Depot at Washlnston.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. Yester
day's executive session of the senate dem
onstrated that the discussion of the Hay
Pauiicefote treaty by that body is prac
tically exhausted and that the senate is
ready for the vote, which has been fixed
for today. When upon Senator Lodge's
motion the doors were closed yesterday
and he culled up the treaty, no senatoi
evinced a desire to speak upon it.
Without making any special request foi
speakers Mr. Lodge asked the senate to
take up the treaty with Spain providing
for the cession to the United States of the
Philippine Islands of Sibutu and Cagay
an Zulu and their dependencies in con
sideration of the payment to Spain ot
$100,000. Objection to this request was
made by several senators, iuc-luJing
Messrs. Hoar. Wellington and Bacon,
and Senator Lodge, with the hope of re
moving the objections made, went into a
brief explanation of the terms of the ne
gotiations. Senator Hoar said he should like to
have more time to consider tha question,
and Senator Bacon said that notwith
standing he is a member cf the commit
tee on foreign relations he had not been
present when a report upon the treaty
was authorized. He therefore would ap
preciate further opportunity to go over
the document. Senator Wellington made
unqualified objection.
Accordingly the treaty was laid aside
for the time being.
Congress has -authorized the president
to appoint Representative Charles A.
Boutelle of Maine to be a captain of the
United States navy on the retired list.
Without a word of opposition, even of
comment, the ssiate passed the house
resolution authorizing Mr. Boutelle's re
tirement. Aside from the transaction of some
routine business and the passage of 71
private pension bills the senate did noth
ing of importance in open session.
The house at the end of a spirited con
test extending over two days passed
bills to compel the Pennsy'lvnuia . and
Baltimore and Ohio railroads to abolish
grade crossings, to alter their routes into
the city and to change their terminal
facilities. An amendment was placed
upon the Pennsylvania bill to require the
road to build a new station to cost not
less than $1,500,000.
All Business of the Western Inlor
Company Stona for Thre
Annates Daily.
Just before 12 o'clock each day al!
business must be taken off the wires
controlled by the Western Union com
pany, and that means the absolute
cessation of business along the main
lines cf electric communication in the
principal cities of America, says Pear
son's Magazine. Three minutes before
noon wire chiefs in each of the prin
cipal cities and the towns and cities
leading to and from their large sis
ters cease sending or receiving- mes
sages, no matter how important they
may be, and devote themselves to
switching on wires in such a way as
to make an unbroken circuit of com
munication from Washington around
the uttermost boundaries of the
United States. This is called an "un
broken national circuit." Thus a
smooth track is made along which the
electric message may flash encom
passing the union and announcing the
time of day. Ten seconds before the
time bell strikes comes another si
lence, and then a mighty throb, a
titanic heartbeat from the foremost
factor in modern commerce, and an
electric current pulsates from the At
lantic to the Pacific, from Gotham to !
the golden gate, announcing the fact I
that the sun has passed over tha I
seventy-fifth meridian and it is noon I
at Washington.
oarlj- a Tliousnnd Millions In Value
Tnlien from the Earth,
A chart published by the geological
survey gives a summary of the min
eral products of the United States for
the past, ten years. The aggregate
values have increased by more than
one-half in that period and the fig
ures for S'J9 are greater than in any
previous year, fooling up the enor
mous total of $970,000,000.',
The value of the metallic products
of the year is given at $527,218,084 and
of the nonmetallic at $447,790, S62. The
latter class includes, of course, the
coals $1G8,COO.UOO in bituminous and
$SS,COC,000 in Pennsylvania anthracite
$64,600,000 in petroleum. $20,000,000
worth of natural gas and large value
in stone, brick clay and cement, with
various other minerals.
Of the metals our pig iron is worth
almost as much as all others together,
the'valuc of last year's product being
given at $245X03,000. Copper comes
next, worth $104,000,00, and the $71,
000,000 in gold is third. The market,
value of the silver pi-odueed in 1S99
was about $33X00,000 and the lead and
zinc, together were worth about as
much. Quicksilver, aluminum, anti
mony, nickel and plantinum are the
other metals that figure in the table.
Jlasclej and II rain.
In one of his recent lectures at
Clark University, Prof. Angelo Mosso,
of Turin, averred that "Physical edu
cation and gymnastics serve not only
for the development of the muscles,
but for that of the brain as well."
It is becoming evident, he said, that
as much time should be devoted to
muscular exercise as to intellectual
exercise, and children should begin
reading and writing only after they
are nine years old. Muscular fatigue
exhibits phenomena identical with
intellectual fatigue. Nerve cells show
on the average every ten seconds a tend
ency to rest. It is probable that only
part of the brain is active at a time;
the various parts relieve each other.
The more mobile any animal's extrem
ities are the more intelligent, other
things being" gqual, he says. ,
An Aflean's Idea of Snow.
An African who had visited England
described inovr- as "rain gone to
sleep.'' ' - - - :
The faintest echo comes at hrst.
It's a strange warning- not heard, but felt.
Day by day it increases if you heed it not. -The
back sounds the note of trouble.
The aches and pains and lameness of the back
Are warnings from the kidneys.
Kidneys have too much to do.
They're overtaxed with work.
Nature intends that you should know this. -
The backache warning often saves a life.
Those who listen to it hasten to relieve the kindne; '
There is only one sure way to cure sick kidneys.
Waterbury people are learning how,
Learning: that DOAN'S KIDXEY PILLS never fail.
Here's another Waterbury case to prove it:
Mrs Thomas W. .Iiuld of GOO North Main street, says: "For 23
years I suffered from kidney complaint and female trouble, as some
call it. I gave many medicines a trial, but received very 1'itM.e
help. My attention was directed to Doau's Kidney Pills and I pro
cured a box at II. W. Lake's drug store. They relieved my back
ache, which was very painful, and greatly beuefited me otherwise.
They Cid me more good than anything I ever took, and I can confi
dently recommend them."
All druggists sell DOAX'S KIDNEY PILLS.
Remember the name o; DOAN'S and take no substitute. "'' '
Price 50 cents per box. Fostcr-Aliiburn Co., F.ufi'alo, N. Y.,
Sole Prop's.
Once It Crowed and Wns a Great
FltfUtcr, Xow It Lays Egs
There is in Edgewater. the propertv
o one John Marshall, a former city
policeman, a rooster chat is not a roos
ter or, better, a rooster that was once
a rooster, but is now a hen. a regular
common everyday egg-laying hen, re
ports a Chicago exchange. In its
younger days this bird wis a prize
winning game cock, on exhibition at
the Springfield state fair, where it cap
tured the prize. Marshall was very
much struck with the qualities of the
bird and purchased it. He brouaht it
to Chicago and was soon the object of
all his neighbors' wrath because the
fighting rooster killed all the cocks in
the neighborhood.
It became necessary for him to lock
rhe bird up and after it had been cap
tive for several months Marshall no
ticed that the tail of his pet had dis
appeared. In a few weeks the rooster
"lost his spurs and his comb, and later
his feathers began to change color.
Experts were called in aud pronounced
the case a mystery.
Marshall thought he had a wonder
3nd locked the rooster in his basement
for safe keeping. One morning he was
astonished 1o find an egg-in the cellar.
He could not believe that the rooster
had laid the egg, but thought some of
his friends had put it there for a joke.
Determined to solve the case, lie se
creted himself in the cellar one night
and watched the rooster lay an egtr.
Now he declares that he owns one of
the wonders of the world.
-Vegetable Preparalioiifor As -similat'mg
ling the Stomachs ardBowels of
Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur
ness andRest.Gontains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
ntape afOteHrSAMl'El.PITCilKit
Arhtll, SatU-
Citviiitui Sugar
lizatBtyresn. Flavor.
A perfect Remedy forConslipa
Fion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions ,Feverish
ness end Loss of Sleep.
Tac Simile Stgnalure cf
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.,
New York Office 337 Broadway; New Haven Office 2s Center Street;
Hartford Office Sa Pearl Street.
The Swindle and Loom Were Ortfl.
n-Hj- Designed hyaCklK.es
All women arc not degraced in Chita.
Witness the dowager empress, who
rose, by the force of her own will, from
the position c z a slave to that of ruler
over the mist populous i-ction on tea
"lobe. Notwithsrar.ciug the prejudice
against the se:: among the Mongols
w omen cccsMonoUy break through tho
barriers and achieve cils'.inetion.
In Shanghai, the metropolis of -the
most coveted section of that vast em
pire, is a temple erected in honor of
Huang, a woman deiiied for her great
service to her people, and Chinese men
do not disdain to worship before her
Centuries ago an elderly lady of good
family and condition, who had hitherto
lived in the region of Kwan-Tuns-, re
moved to Wu-Ni-Ching, near Shang
hai, where he spent the remainder of
her life. Since the lady happened to
be Kuang. this simple event revolution
ized the province in which she made
her home. It was a great revolution,
yet the most conservative will not ac
cuse her of having left "woman's
sphere." since her instruments were"
those associated with countless wom
en, from'' Penelope, the terrible Fates,
and the "virtuous woman" of Solomon's
praise, down to our own grandmothers
the spindle and the loom.
Cotton fabrics have been used to
some extent in China for 4,C0O years,
but the cotton interest, now so im
portant, received its first real impetus
about oOO years ago.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind Yi
Always B
Bears the
m Havs
flirty Years
a Use
If f
J For Over

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