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Waterbury Democrat. [volume] (Waterbury [Connecticut]) 1900-1903, December 21, 1900, Image 3

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' !!!
High School Glee Club . Rehearsing
, - "The Village' Blacksmith,". X
The night schools held their last ses
sion last night until after New Year's.
There was a solemn requiem high
mass celebrated at St Francis's church
this morning for the repose of the soul
of Sister Catherine.
A midnight mass is to be celebrated
at' the close of the old and the be
ginning of the new century. This mass
is to be celebrated in all Catholic
churches. There was a fair sized crowd at
the show given by the Waterbury
Vaudeville company at tue Gem Opera
house last night.
There was a rehearsal of '"The Vil
lage Blacksmith," by the High school
glee club at the Central avenue school
last night. The cantata Is to be pre
sented at the Gem opera house on Jan
uary 9. There are -a number of tine
"voices in the club and the cantata
should be good.
The Naugatuck foot ball team will
not be photographed until after Christ
mas, owing to the illness of Jaceontlli.
A large crowd was present at the re
ception given by Miss Dewitt's juven
ile dancing class at Pythian hall last
Division No 1. A. O. II., will meet
to-night. All members are requested
to be present, as business of import
ance is to be transacted.
Rubber City lodge, X. E. O. P., will
meet to-night. All members are re
quested to be prestnt as officers for the
ensuing year are to be elected.
John Clifford, who attends Tufts'
college, is home for the Christmas hol
idays. It is reported that when school starts
up after the holidays a vigorous starch
Will be made for truants.
The advance agents of the Nashville
Students and Gideon's minstrels was
In town yesterday.
A number of .sports from here were
disappointed last night as they went
to Waterbury to see the tights which
were declared off on account of poor
The condition of James Worrel, who
was injured some time ago in a foot
ball gauie, remains about the same.
The commissioners on benefits and
damages to the property owners on
Alain, Maple and Oak streets will meet
to-morrow morning, when it Inspect
ed that Attorney Sweeney will finish
his case for the borough and Attorney
Kennedy will start his for the defend
ants. There were seven tramps at Chief
Smith's hotel last night.
The public schools will close for two
weeks to-night.
The glove department of the G. I.
E. Glove company's factory will be
shut down for two days, Monday ana
All of the stores in town will be open
to-night on account of the holidays.
A number of people who work m
different factories in town will leave
for their homes in diffeint parts of
the state to-morrow.
The ushers and stage hands of Col
umbus hall will give a concert and
dance at that hall on New Year's eve.
There was no session of the bor
ough court this morning.
Some of the Singular Proviaiona Made
la the Marriage Con
tract. It Is announced that the young:
rajah of Jhind, who is lord of the
third biggest native state under the
Punjab government, has celebrated
his coming of age by marrying a Eu
ropean girl, Miss Olive Monaiesen,
daughter of Mr. Monalesen. of Bom
bay. The wedding took place accord
ing to Sikh rites and was to some ex
tent a runaway one, if the match can
be so described where the bridegroom
Is already the husband of at least two
native ladies. Anyway, the British j
poum-ai omeer was not given time
to interfere effectively, says a London
'The Indian Planters' Gazette claims
to have seen the marriage contract
which has been drawn up in accord
ance with Sikh usage, and irovides
the lady with a definite income, be
sides making stipulations, with reser
vations, as to how many other wives
the potentate may also possess. The
existing Maharanis are reservations.
It is an unpleasant business to An- j
glo-Indian thinking, this marriage of
a white girl to a rajah, but right '
enough from the Sikh point of view.
The lady will be known as her high
ness Juswant Knar.
This is the second case of the kind
that has occurred of late years in the
Punjab. That of the late Princess
Florence of Patiala was the first.
'An African who had visited England
declared snow as "rain gone to sleep."
-Joseph Chamberlain usually says his
little very well, but he was guilty of a
"bull" not very long ago when in.par
liament he was speaking against a bill
proposed by another member, and turn
ing toward that person said: "The
" honorable gentleman shakes his head
I am sorry to hear it."
The greatest amateur photographer
of his day is Sir Benjamin Stone, M. P.
He has. abour 30,000 negatives that he
.has takeifduring a busy lifetime of 02
years, and each day the collection
grows. Sir Benjamin has also won dis
tinction as an oriental traveler and as
practical scientist and writer on sci
entific subjects.
A Chinese bank note issued during
4he Ming dynasty, about A. D. .1390, has
been placed in the British museum
emong the specimens of early printing
from China. This is supposed to be
the earliest specimen extant of a bank
note issued from any country, and is
about 300 years anterior to the issue of
the first note in Europe, from Stock
holm. V Their- Wishes. --, -
We pulled the wishbone, she and I
She, blushing, looked away;
I wished for hr and heard her sigh,
We pulled the wishbone, she and I
She won the wish and that was why
I mourned my luck that day!
.,,,We pulled the wishbone, she and I,
t - She, blushing, looked away! . .
'. Yet, though she won the wish she made,
- I did not lose; ycu see
.'. . Itr was a double game we played, ;
A.r.d so she won the wish she made!
. lSBt nigttt she told me-ah, the jade!
' That she had wished for me! .
, So, while zh9 won the wish she made,
. - I did cor lose, you see.
4. K, Klser. in Chicago Times-Herald,
Funeral ojf the-. Late James Currie
Coming Dance'of the V. A. C.
The funeral of the late James Currie
took place from the residence of his
mother on Watertowu Heights yester
day. The funeral services were large
ly attended, many relatives and friends
being present from out of town. The
floral offerings were many and beau
tiful, especially the ones given by his
fellow students of the center school.
Interment took place at the Evergreen
comtery. The pallbearers were James
E. MeGowan, Prank Mattoon, Harold
Roberts, Pearl Skiltou, I.ouis Bates
and Walter Krantz.
W. A. C. Dance.
The coming AY. A. C. dance prom
ises lo 1 one of the best ever given by
this popular -lub. The music- will be
first class. The stage xerogram has
not as yet been completed. The club
officers wish to announce that .Mr and
-Mis John B. Kelley, two of Oakville's
residents, will appear in an original
t wenty-uiinuie sketch entitle,! "A Girl
With an Appetite."' which is a very
clever piece, other local stars will
also npear.
A polo iraui composed of several of
the .v!ii: men here lias been organized
and will play their first game .with the
Oakvillt- team in the near future. The
.ante will be played on the Heminway
A special meeting of the Waterlown
A. C. will be held at the club rooms,
under the hill, this evening.
The center and all other schools in
town closed to-day for a Christmas va
cation of two weeks. Most of the
teachers will leave to-morrow for their
respective homes, where they will en
joy theVhristmas holidays.
Miss Lucy Woodward, a student at
Vt ellesley college. Js home for a week.
Charles Kilbounie and Samuel Hos
kins. both of whom have been sick, are
improving slowly.
Tickets for the coming firemen's fair
are selling rapidly. Several canvass
ing books have been distributed among
the young ladies and it is hoped that
every one will greet the holders of
these books kindly.
Elnathan Black has commenced get
ting his ice harvest. The ice is quite
good Mil about eight inches in thick
ness. Most of the factories here will close
to-morrow night until after Christmas.
Mr Blackmau. whose house was
burned to the ground last summer, ex
pects to build in the spring on the
same site as the other.
The stores about town have been
decorated for the Christmas trade.
Wallace Atwood was in Roxbury
yesterday afternoon on business.
The condition of Myron McNeil re
amins the same.
McNeil's Waterbury and Watertown
express is being run by Mr Scott.
W. J. Miller still accommoates sev
eral' of his wandering friends nightly.
The regular meeting of the Water
tonw grange was held last night.
James Shields is now able to con
tinue his duties, after an illness of a
few" weeks.
All the churches are making their
preparations for the proper observance
of Christinas.
The trolley cars carry large crowds
to Waterbury every night to "do Christ
mas shopping.
There was a large attendance at the
poverty dance given by the Pequoits
last night in their hall on the Water
town road.
The contributions in the Union
chapel next Sunday will be useS for
the Christmas entertainment for the
Sunday school children.
Mrs A. A. Stone has gone to Spring
field to Spend Christmas.
John Bement. freight agent at the
depot, has gone to his home in Sans
burv. Goshen, 111.
Genesee Pure Food Co.. Le Hoy, N. Y.:
Dear Sits: Some days since a pack
age or your GRAIN-O was left at my
office. I fook it home and gave it a
trial, and 1 have to say I was very
much pleased with it, as a substitute
for coffee. We have always used the
best Java and Mocha in our family,
but I am free- to say I like the
GRAIN O as well as the best coffee I
tver drank.
Re.speetfullv vours
In New Mexico a woman is trainmas
ter on the Southern Pacific.
There, were T4 lady patentees out of
20.0UO applicants tit the British patent,
oliioes during the last year.
The ribbons this season are charm
ingly varied in flowered, striptd and
spotted designs, the pannette ribbon
being especially soft and rich.
Various designs in gold effects are
made for the hair, and tied prettily at
one side with narrow black velvet rib
bon. The tendency is toward more
rather than less decorations, and for
flat, broad effect.?.
Kvery well regulated family should
have a soup kettle. Into this go ail
bones, trimmings and bits both of
meat and , vegetables, and out of it
comes -a nutritious and easily digested
food, suitable alike for invalids and
Mark Twain's daughter has become?
in a limited degree, a professional sing
er. Her name .is Miss Clara Clemens.
She has studied in London and Berlin,
and her mezzo-soprano is said to be
rich and striking.
- Among the black hunters of kanga
roos in western Australia are 27 wom
en. It is a professional business and
there are about 325 persons who make
it their regular business to hunt and
capture the animals.
To test the heat of an oven put in a
sheet of thin white paper. If too hot
the' paper will blacken and blaze; if it'
turns yellow quickly the degree for
puff and pastry and that with butter
and! yeast is attained. Cakes will do
better when the paper colors more
slowly. , -; . ;-..- -.-v '
-V Ice Cream in the Arctics.
A favorite dish with the. Eskimo- is
an ice cream made of seal oil, into
which snow is stirred until the desired
consistency has been obtained; then
frozen -berries of different kinds are
added.,.- This decoction is about as
tempticg to the civilized palate as
irozenco(Miv(r Qjl,
I A Chcstnuttirir Ghost
" By Margaret Barrlnger. ... ' 1
T CALL it downright mean, boys."
"So do I, so do I, but what's
that to him. He don't care a snap
what we think of him. Well, we can
show him there are more ways than
one to make him care."
Tom Winslow was the leader among
his friends, and what he said usually
crjrried weight. The three boys were
walking crm in arm from school, kick
ing the rustling leaves before them
They were greatly interested in the
subject under discussion, and the love
ly blue sky and twitter of birds on
the mild October afternoon were lost
o them.
"I'll tell you, boys. Let's go over
to the house, out by the grape arbor,
and talk this thing over. No one will
catch :i word, and I have a plan," sug
gested Tom.
The conference was held that after
noon and a plan laid which the boya
were to, carry out the next night.
Tom was spokesman, and he talked
earnestly between grapes.
".Now, this is my plan: We all have
air guns, and there's pienty of good
shot, and if we can't climb over his
fence because of that great bulldog
we can spoil his apples for him. We'll
get Jim, Harry and Lou. and with
ours there will be six guns. We can
take some short ladders and climb up
far enough to shoot, and we'll just
pepper those apples so full of shot
lie won't have a tooth left if he tries
to eat one. It's good moonlight, and
we can see to aim pretty straight,
and old bully can have a dose, too."
Mr. Brown, against whom this plot
was laid, was a bachelor and a man
of means, but was very close-listed,
and he showed his penurious spirit by
never offering an aiple to anyone, al
though tlie trees were loaded. The
boys had even asked for a little fruit,
but were refused, and soon after a
high board fence with a barbed wire
along the top was built around the
orchard: and. what was worse, a surly
bulldog took up his abode at Mr.
The trio seemed to think the plan
a fine one, and all ate another bunch
of grapes to seal the compact. Mrs.
Winslow called supper, and Bert and
Ernest were invited to stay. This
'was an unexpected pleasure and al
ways a treat, as the Winslow home
fv.as full of good cheer ami welcome,
especially to the boys of Medeville.
After tea Grandpa Winslow said:
"About nutting time, isn't it, boysl
This warm weather won't last long.
'We'll have a frost one of these nights,
and then hurrah for the hickories!
That reminds me;" the boys nudged
one another and winked sly winks,
and grandpa had a merry twinkle in
his blue eyes.
I "Next to my father's farm," re
sumed the old man. "when I was about
your age. there lived a man by the
name of Silas HolrueS, and he was a;
mean as dirt,' we used to say. H
j was honest enough and a good work
'er. but as stingy as people were evei
made. We boys grew to hate Silas,
land not without reason, for he
1 watched us day and night, for fear we
I might somehow coax a melon or ac
japple over the fence.
"He seamed to gloat over the idea
'that he alone raised and ate chestnuts
We boys got more angry each year,
;and finally things came to a crisis
,Or.e evening just at dusk I was going
from the barn to the corncrib and
saw a figure in the melon patch; sup
(posing it was father or Brother Jim
, I went on. but on second thought
turned back just in time to see Silu;
climbing the fence with a big water
melon under his arm. I called out:
I'Good evening. Mr. Holmes,' and he
called back: "U'd evenin". Tommy.'
"I was dumfounded, but concluded
to keep my counsel until Bill, mj
'younger brother, and I got to bed.
'Then we talked the matter over anc
decided to wait until chestnuts w ere
ripe and have our revenge in som
way. October days soon came, witt
'the dropping leaves and the yellow
(eorn, and we were busy making jack
o' lanterns to light the barn, for we
were to have the annual corn-husking
, bee at our place. All hand's were set
to work that d;iy: the oid barn was
, swept and great boughs hung about
the sides and from the rafters, and
the pumpkin men never shone sc
"We had laid our plans. Bill. Jack
.Hardy, who lived the other side oJ
isilas. and myself. Of course Sims
wotdd be at the husking, and as the
women were all busy getting the sup
pev his daughter. Sally, would be over
early to help. We all liked Sally; she
kept house for her father. Yes, she
was. a good girl, but she had to toe
jlhe mark. About L-isjht o'clock the
i folks began to come, and by nine
jo cock the barn was full. Supper was
'announced about 11 o'clock, and theD
came our chance.
"We stole away to the corncrib
where we had hidden our bags, and
then crept back of the barn, through
the melon patch, across Silas' garden
1 to Ihe other side of the house, over
, the fence and away across a field to
where six big chestnuts stood, with
the moonlight streaming over their
heads. We decided that Jack should
climb the tree and . shake, while we
filled our bags, and then one of us
would take his place and the othei
help him fill his. We were getting on
finely, when we were startled by a
noise, not an unusual one, but a sound
resembling a moan, then all wus
quiet. ,
" 'Give us another shake, ' Jack,' 3
(called; 'then I'll come up.' I had no
-sooner, said it than a louder moat
iBSOMJi eev 'Pure
food more delicious and wholesome
came from near by. ',We were fright
ened by this " time, and Billy whis
pered: A ghost!' : - .-..
; 'Pshaw! I said, 'ghosts don't make
a noise, and there is no such thing,
anyway and I bravely turned my
head and looked about us. There it
was, coming slowly towards us
white and specter-like moving steadi
ly from tree to tree, and you can im
agine our hearts were thumping live
ly. 'Billy,' I said, getting close to
....in, jih.i wu I J jvui uag UIIU V C 11
I run.' I called to Jack, sottly: 'Come
on, Jack; drop quick, and you can
have half my nuts.'
"Before he could answer we beard
jsome one sobbing, and soon a voice
i called out: 'Oh, boys, come quick!
.I'm so sorry, so sorry!'
j "This was no ghost, but Sally, hold
ing Jack's head in her lap and trying
It revive him. He had fallen from the
tree and broken his arm in his hurry
i to follow us, and, frightened nearly
io death at being: left alone with the
! ghost, had fainted. Sally then told
'her story. She had overheard us boys
talking one day and knew of our plan
Ito 'coon' the nuts, and thought she
jvould have some fun out of it.
"We all went home feeling glad
Jack's accident was no worse. Sally
told a straight story to her people,
saying we all went over to her house
land Jack fell from a tree. The doetot
was there and set his arm, and he
.was our hero, but no one knew oi
.our ghost and the stolen nuts."
"Is that all?" asked Tom.
J "No," Grandpa Winslow said, "there's
!a sequel. At Christmas time we wert
'all invited to Silas Holmes' to dinner
-an unheard of thing, and we went with
.wonder and curiosity sticking out al:
lover us. There was a big turkey and al.
i sorts of good things, and in the centei
of the table a great dish of chestnuts
but they were not disturbed until even
jing, when we were all invited into the
great kitchen.-and Silas said while w
iroasted chestnuts he would tell us a
tale. Then he told of how when he was
ia boy he fell in the creek and our fathti
Jumped in and helped him out. and an
other time when he grew up his house
burned, and father and mother tool)
him with his wife and Sally into theii
own home, and kept them until his
: house was rebuilt. Then when Mrs.
Holmes died, leaving Sally a little girl
mother used to care for her and helped
him get along until she was old enough
to do the work herself, and so he ram
bled on.
! "Father spoke up and saul: 'There
'.there. Si'.as, that will do.' We wondered
'what was coming. Silas tock the bit
dish of nuts and asked father to emptj
them on the hearth and as the nut!
rolled out a big. yellow envelope fell or
top of the pile. Father picked it up anc
on it was written: 'A Merry Christ
mas, from Sally and Silas.'.
"Some years before this father bad
met with misfortune and was obliged
to put a mortgage on our home. W
boys knew the struggled? was having
and how mother was growing sad
There seemed onlj- trouble ahead of u
ail. Silas said as father held the en
velope: 'You boys. I know, have
thought I was mean about the nuts1
but 1 decidtd long ago to devote t.ht
proceeds of the sale of the chestnuts
to my one desire to in some way show
my appreciation of your father's kind
ness to me. This money was all extra
to me and 1 would not miss it. so Sallj
and I have carefully hoarded the nuts
li-jt eating them ourselves. They art
scarce about here and bring a good
price, and I am the happiest man in the
county this Christmas morning to be
able to say to you, Joseph, that youi
home is clear.'
"Father had sunk into a chair anc
mother had drawn her chair-close tc
Saliy and they both cried, cf course
but we boys gave one big cheer foi
Uncle Si. and I know he vniis as glad as
we. and more so.
"But what about that melon he
sto'.e?" asked Tom.
"Oh, yes, the melon. "Why. 1 foiiud
out soon after that Saliy had a kec
father for it. as she had company const
unexpectedly, and Silas went to get it
and never dreamed 1 thought anything
wrong of it. Then, too, about the ghost
Sally told Silas our plan and thev need
ed the nuts to finish the payment and
took that way to keep them, you ste
We always liked I'ncle Si after that
ai d we always had all the nuts we coulc
eat and. what wus better, we learned
thaxw.e should not judge people by then
seemingly unpleasant or rough ex
terior, for often underneath the sur
face there is a warm and tender heart."
I There was silence for a time, ano
'grundpa wondered if the boys guesseu
why he told the story or that he had
been behind the grape arbor.
"I don't believe we had better buj
any . more shot, do you, Tom?" asked
"No. Say, weren't Silas and Sally
bricks?" Detroit Free Press. '
Cities ia the United State.
' In the United States there are 131
cities which have a population exceed
ling 30,000. They have a total popula
tion of 1S,S72,462. The average popula
tion ia 140,839.
' '". i
CO., NEW VOmt.
Demands Will . Be Presented
; Without Alternative.
Punitive Expedition Aralnat Chinese
Undertaken In Defiance of I'nder
atandlnar to the Contrary
- Pendlna- Negotiations.
LONDON, Dec. 21. According to a
dispatch to the Reuter Telegram com
pany from Peking, dated Dee. 20, the
ministers have again decided upon the
terms of the preliminary joint note. The
dispatch says it is understood that they
have' adopted certain British amend
ments which will require the approval
of various governments and that proba
bly some weeks will elapse before nego
tiations commence.
"All the governments have approved
the British amendment," says the Pe
king correspondent of The Morning Post,
"and the demands will be presented to
tSe Chinese plenipatentiaries without
any suggestion of an alternative.
"On mauy grounds , the Oermaus are
gaining a worse reputation for severity
than the Russians ever had. The coun
try is practically iu a defenseless state,
moreover, because Count von Wahler
see will not allow Chinese troops to do
anything, and the foreign troops are ab
sent or engaged in looting.
"It is reported that live day ago the
German troops visited Lung-ching and
shot 00 imperial troops who were en
gaged in suppressing Boxers and also
killed 3t other Chinese, .including three
converts. They took 200 prisoners, in
cluding 30 natives attached to the An
glican mission.
"In consequence of an appeal from the
magistrates, however, the prisoners were
liberated in return for the payment of
20,000 tae'.s. This punitive expedition
was in defiance of the understanding
that no such measures should be taken
pending the negotiations. The Germans
are said to have looted the place."
The Russian bank, according to a dis
patch to The Daily Express from St.
Petersburg, is endeavoring to raise a
loan in New York for rebuilding the
Manchuria railway.
Lord Lansdowne. secretary of state for
foreign affairs, has concluded negotia
tions, according -to The Daily Mail, by
which Russia will, Jan. 1, give Great
Britain entire control of the railway from
Peklnj to Shan-hai-kwcn.
Stolen Diuuionda Recovered.
ALBANY. Dec. 21. One of the great
est crimes in the history of Albany coun
ty and one of the most sensational rob
beries of the decade has come to light in
the recovery of the $1,000 diamond cross
stolen from the residence of Mrs. Fran
ces Liutner. widow of Joseph Albert
Lintner, on Nov. 15 last. The cross and
other jewelry stolen were recovered by
Piukerton detectives, and the crime was
fired on Miss Lucia Johnson, who comes
from the stale of Alabama and who was
a guest at the residence of Mrs. Lintner.
No charge will be pressed against Miss
Johnson on account of the supposed so
cial standing of her family, and, although
she went away from the city escorted by
two detectives, she was not under arrest
cn a warrant charging her with the
Three Mine on Fire.
WILKESBARRE, Pa., Dec. 21 Des
pite the efforts of as laijee a force of fire
lighters as can be got into the colliery
the lire at the Delaware, Pine Ridge and
Laurel Run mines is steadily gpiniug.
Extra men were put oa, and linos of hose
have been laid to every available open
ing, but all without noticeable effect, fct
the fire creeps onward steadily and has a
firm hold on all the three mines. There
seems no way of stopping it by the or
dinary means, and the othcials are con
sidering the advisability of sealing the
openings all around the fire and then
flooding the mines. This will be done
culy as a last resort on account of the
great expense and the damage to the
mines that it would cause.
Noted CinhHGiunii Dead.
PORTLAND, Me., Dec. '21. A dis
patch received here announces the death
in San Francisco of Sirs. Philip H.
Brown of this city, one of the best known
clubwomen in the United States. Mrs.
Brown went to San Francisco some days
ago to meet br son. Captain John H.
Brown, who has been invalided home
from the Philippines, and was seized with
IUr Ice Hal-vent.
NEW YORK. Dec. 21. There is prom
ise of an early and an abundant ice crop
this season. Conservative estimates place
the harvest from the Hudson liver be
tween the slate dam and Waterford
bridge at 100, QUO tons. Present indica
tions point to an abundance of good ice
all over the northeastern part of the
country uuder exceptionally favorable
conditions for cut ting.
Deutli Sentence Commuted.
WASHINGTON, Dec. ril. Corporal
.Samuel A. Nelson, Company F, Twenty
tiftn infantry, was convicted by court
martial of murder committed in the Phil
ippine Islands and was sentenced to be
executed by hanging. The president has
commuted the sentence to imprisonment
for life at hard labor in the United States
penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.
Consul General Stune Back.
NEW YORK, Dec. 21. J. G. Stowe,
consul general of the United States to
South Africa, with headquarters at Cape
Town, arrived here on his vacation on
the new lted Star liner Vaderland. He
has net been in America for three years
and left for his home in Kansas City in
order to spend Christmas with his fami
ly, who left Cape Town in June last.
Kramer Wins Bicycle Race.
NEW YORK, Dec. 21. Before a
crowd of 5,000 persons at Madison
Square Garden last night Frank L. Kra
mer of East Orange, N. J., formerly
amateur chaiupiou of America, won the
25 mile professional bicycle race by a
wheel's length from Bob Walthour of At
lanta, who in turn finished a wheel's
length in front of Tom Cooper.
Puddlers Want More Pay.
LEBANON, Pa.. Dec. 21. The pud
dlers in the employ of the Lebanon roll
ing mill struck for an increase in pay
from $3 to $3.50 per ton. The company
refused to giant the demand. The pud
dlers based their claim for higher wages
on the recent advance in the price of iron.
About 200 men are rendered idle iu con
sequence of the strike.
The jelly fish wraps himself around
his food and thus absorbs it.
Photographing objects solely by the
light from the planet Venus has been
successfully .accomplished.
It is- remarkable, says F. S. Scales,
that weevils, never injure the germ of
the grain, .which therefore grows as
well when it-has served as a nest for
'VbijJittle pest; as previously,
People talk of being all run
down, overworked, out of sorts
Nine times out often it is the
blood that is out of order. The
blood is the life of the system,
you know. If it becomes thin
or lacking in strength the sys
tem naturally suffers and with
a weakened system disease
finds an easy mark.
Burdock Blood Bitters is one
of nature's remedies. A purely
vegetable compound. It is a
blood maker; it strengthens
and builds up the sj-stem; drives
out the disease by removing
the cause.
Pnaser-By GItes Tniee to a Beggar
and tlie Beggar Doesn't
Stop II I m.
One of two men who were walking
on Broadway talking was attracted
by the appearance of a one-legg-ed beg
gar who sat, a crutch beside him. cn
the edge of some steps in front of a
store, holding out his hat to the passers-by.
So he readied in his pocket,
pulled out a number of coins and took
from among them one which he
dropped in the beggar's hat. The one
legged man inclined his head, not serv
ilely nor humbly, but with a calm and
decorous sort of politeness in acknowl
edgment of his gift, savs the New York
As for the giver, he seemed to take
no heed whatever of that acknowledg
ment; he simply kept on talking with
his friend; at the time, however, con
tinuing to pick over the money that he
held in his hand, and in a moment he
dropped another coin in the one-legged
man's hat.
Maybe he thought the first coin was
not enough to give; perhaps he gave
also for his friend; possibly he had
struck it rich and felt flush and gener
ous and wanted to give; he might have
been absent-minded; but anyhow he
gave twice. And as for the one-legged
man he. so to speak, was not carried off
his foot by the incident at all; he sat
perfectly steady. As the second coin
dropped in fcis hat he inclined his brad
gravely, with an acknowledgment a
little more pronounced in manner than
the first, but with no obsequiousness
or foolish show of thanks. This was
Broadway, it was a business man who
was giving him this money, and he was
making a business aeknowledgit-ent.
And maybe he thought that, if ho did
not disturb, by too much prof use?ss
of thanks, what might be a sort of in
voluntary or automatic action on the
part of the giver who was thus repeat-j
jng perhaps he would keep on giving.
he Greater New
Watch this spa.ee for the
latest styles.
The extreme mild
weather of the month
of October cut off the
purchases and the re
orders down to half the
normal trade, conse
quently we have a great
line of our own manu
factured FUR JACK
MINGS, of which you
can save money by buy
ing this mouth any of
these garments above.
We also have an Near
seal Skin Jacket, lined
with Skinner's best
quality satin, guaran
teed to wear for two
years. Regular price
I $30.00, for
I November
STYLE NO. 1 14.
Fur Garments that may be slight ly out of style will be carefully alter
ed to fit the wearer perfectly and conform fully to the prevailing fashions.
We are dyeing and dressing all kinds of Fur.
The Greater New York Fur Co: !
A. Katz & Co, Props.
The Smith Premier
New York Office 337 Broadway;
Hartford Office 82
Mrs. Chas. Freitoy, Moosup,
Conn., says: "I ha-e taken two bot
tles of Burdock Blood Bitters and .
am feeling better than I ever did in
my life. For many years I suffered
with severe sick headaches and
general debility. Lost all ambition
and went about my duties in an
aimless manner. Had a tired,
worn out feeling- all the time, but
before I had taken half a bottle of
B. B. B., felt relieved and am now
feeling like a new woman."
Mrs. A. V. Ham, Cambridge,
Me., says: "I was in poor health
for a long time. I was unable to be
around or attend to my work, was
troubled with constipation, neural
gia and poor appetite, in fact, every
trouble that attends a rundown
condition ot the system, and have
taken two bottles of Burdock Blood
Bitters and the Pills. The first
dose set the machinery of lile to
work, and can say I never took any
medicine that gave such immediate
relief and set me gaining, for which
I am truly thankful."
-J'oo Bif a .ion.
Suppose I had to run this earth
Just half a minute?
I'd probably get rattled then,
And backward spin H.
I'd likely mix up sun and air
In darkness set her;
I'm Eriad the Lord still holds the job;
He'll do it better.
S. S. Kiser, in Chicago Times-Heral-
Sly Silent Love.
T.Iy love is lying still.
My love has gone to rest:
Her hands are lightly ci-o.-;:!td
Upon her penile breast.
Tread softly Whisper low.
While I my vigil keep
My love is nine months old! '
How sweet she is asleep'
Chicago Times-Hernld.
In a mile of railway there are over
2,000 sleepers.
The Russian ministry of communica
tion has decided to adopt petroleum
for generating motive power oa the lo
comotives of all the railways.
A new way to ccal locomotives is be
ing introduced by a prominent rail
way. All the engni-.tr has to do is to
run his engine on u trts-tle. touch a but
ton, and a tenderi'u; cf ccal drops into
his tender, and is weighed as it drops
In the new switch tower in the Grand
Central yard, New York city, the win
dows are of green glass. It is a great
protection to the eyes of the employes,
and enables them to keep their vision
at it normal strength at all times.
In 1S99 the (lern:un railways con
sumed S.OL'O tons cf carbide for the il
lumination of cars. The '-f. nsumpticn
of carbide in fier::: :: : "j- i'j'j!: i 5 -est i
mated at l.oCO :c-!--. : ' 1 T,f 20.000
gallons of petro'v !
it is the in ten :". : .-: ral
London Hallway ever
its rtatiens Uai.d :.-! .- ! ich
will be iel out n it--.' .- -. : while
in seme cat.e. !.. . ; .. .v.:- :.-, . at
tractive b-.ulntts jrt.'iiiitj -,vii: ulao be
Vatch this space for
! the latest styles.
mouth of
only $35.00.
49 Center St, Waterbury, Conn.
Typewriter Co.,
New Haven Office 35 Center Street;
Pearl Street.
it Fur Go;;
i II

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