g A WATER BURY EVENING 4 DEMOCRAT, THURSDA Y, DECEMBER 27, 1900. : JUST, AT I ' This season of the year almost every one should be happy. Chlrstmas gen erally brings good cheer and happi ness to every heart. Let us say right here that we are continually looking lor the happiness of our citizens, par ticularly our patrons. Speaking of happiness reminds us how people can unintentionally make themselves un happy. For instance, if we advertise "a big bargain with one pound for a certain date, and you forgot the date you'd be very angry, wouldn't yoi'.V Again suppose you were invited to be present at a happy dinner party, but you forgot the date wouldn't you Joel mean? Indeed you would. .V.el.. suppose our city fathers promised you Hii.vM V.Ti-r. 'TTnrmlton Park"' roauv for :i grand opening on a certain date, j and suppose, for some unknown yen- j eon. it was so loh, what a supposition i and you forgot the date, therefore yon did not attend, wouldn't won be in.yl' , Yes, sirree. and so would we. Vu I see, by lorgettmg date-;, ura o. u left. There fire other dates which, by forgetting, cause you no end of tveu'nie. Xowto help you avoid mUsitig (.later.. pound our nice tnstbig t roasted good oualitv cofV beautiful cnlendfir for ornament for any parlor ! cr fresh with a Its an tlie -city. There is no big piaster of an ndvevu. ment on the picture, either. Say. a look at our 1001 calendar will nrmg a look of real happiness to your counte nance, without fail, at Phelan's 41 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE 1GS-5 Us eful Ho!i- day Gilts. It's not too early to remind you of the many useful and ac ceptable gifts that you'll find in this stock the largest and moot complete of its kind in the city. You'll find something here that will please most any member ot the family at our same all the year around low -prices. Space permits on a few suggestions and prices. Sleds. 3"e to ?4.."0. Skates. ( to .S'i.oO. Carving Sets. 81 to $11. Pocket Knives. 15c to $4. Scissors, UOe to Sl.r.0. Razors. Toe to S2. Iron Toys. 2."jc to .". Revolvers. SI. 50 to S4. Safety Razors. S1.50 to S0. Razor Strops. -n; to $1.75. ' Watches. l to $2.7o. Guns. SO to S3. Rities. S3 to .i7.."0. Hunting Coats. T.le to .?-!.. 10. Air Gnus. Toe to J -Mechanical Toys. 50c to Sl.oO. Boys' Tool Chests, 73c to $4.30. - Carpenters' Tools. Stop early and receive the benefit of full stock. rift 2 1 30-83 Bank Strest. . , "The Shop 9 9 SALE OF Domestic Rugs, Smyrnas in Astoria and Royal quali ties, as follows: Size 27x54, at 52.00 and S3.00 each; iBize 30x72, at $3.00 and $4.09 each. Smaller sizes in proportion. Smyrna Carpets. 9x12 feet, at $1S.30, $21.30, $27.00 each. French Wilton Rugs, size 30x03, at $0.50 each. A good Wilton Rug, size 30sC3, at "-l.C0 each. Lapalme-Hoffman Co 15S-1G0 GRAND STREET. BEFORE BUYING YOUR Christmas Tu rkey ! We kindly ask you to consult us on price' and examine the quality of stock we intend to carry, which wil! 'consist of fine Native Turkeys and ' Chickens. Also. Christmas Candy at ,10c per lb; Mixed Nuts, 15e;the genuine " Black Walnuts which no one el. e in the city has: Corn Starch. 5c. 8c and JOc per package: Rrepaivd Pumpkin' in cans, 10c and 13c per can: Plum -Pudding, 10c per can: loose Mince meat, 10c per lb: loose Jelly. c per lb: Citron. 15c per lb: Lemon and Orange Feel, loc per lb: Fruit Cake Spice, mixed ready for use, something new . and fine, 10c '4 lb. Penn Merchandise Co - 11S EAST MAIN ST. WEST THE OPTICIAN. 140 BANK. .Wines anl Liquors I -:- FOR HOLIDAY TRADE. Good Rye Whiskey. ?2.00 gai, 50c qt Good Rye Malt Gin, ?2.oo gal, 50c qt Good Old Rum, $2.00 gal, 50c qt Old Cider Brandy, $2.25 gal, ,03c qt - Old Crow Whiskey, S3.00 gal, 75c qt Cumberland Whiskey,$3.00 gal, 75c qt - All kinds of California .'Wines, loc to $1.00-gallon, 25c per quart. . All binds of Imported Wines and Liquors in stock, All our trade gets Bottle Wine or Whiskey free. La dies' room for ladies' only. FRANK BROTHERS & CO, 2Cew England Liquor Warehouse, Cor South Main and Union Sts. CITY NEWS. The bureau of assessment will hold a meeting at 8 o'clock to-night. The Christmas exercises of St Mary's Literary circle will be held this even ing at 7:30 at St Mary's convent. All the members are requested to attend. Alfred, the IS months eld son of Mr and Mrs I'eigi of Canal street, died last night. The funeral took place this afternoon with interment in Calvary cemetery. .lolm A. Edmundsoii is looking to the city for the return of $11.00 which he paid under protest as a line for selling milk without, a license when he con ducted a store on South Main street. The courts have decided that the milk !ie ;isc' is not legal and consequently jiiupic who paid lines and l-.:ok out li-CL-ns'es want to get hack their money. At a meiiing i' Toantic tribe. X --. 1. O. l:. ?.!. last night, the follow ing ntih-ers wi re t iecte.l: 1'i opht t. II. H. Iladley: sa.-l.eai. IVrcy Se.nsom; senior ; saga: ut ri'to irtganmre. I., l'i.-;u: junior re. Cliil'i.rd VmuK'uar!;: -hief r.ls. I". -M. Pierce: colli ctuf "i: ni. K. .!. Miinger: keeper of in. K. L. T tit tie: keeper of jr- apnoriuu Hail: si". H. I-'li:i: . Charles Mosgroe: tribal . L. Hal!: hall irasUe. W. L. i i.iry (.vi siek comni! nee. W. liief of music, William San- st.ni. Kxeelsior cuiineii. O. t". A. M- met last ni'Tiit and chose the following m'H n .'..ini!ci!. e'red A. Fills: viee- councSlor. Walhioo Clark: recording sef-rciaiy. A. J. Scott: A. It. S.. .I-din A. McKay; iinancial secretary. Frank A. Hinry: treasurer, Chauncey Seeley: fed. J-'ied I'.lakeslre: ex. Charles Shen ar.i: I. I'., 1'. C. Clark: O. 1'.. I II. Hunt: nirfichin. C. I.. Root: rejiresou- taiiv-. J. Sri .!. W. C. i". Tie. I.r.iV! It. I.. S. Ro to state council. !'. Henry. A. r. P. C. Chirk. William Soiby. 'ox: alieruates. llenrv Rurdick. Loom:-:, paire'K ovor:h llmin. ii rail. i. C. 'i utile, C. Seelcy. ;es at the asseinl-.lv in M lasl night were Mrs s i. L. A'hite. .irs C. ; C. i). Mason. Mrs H ;-s i'ulton and ."Miss utuiit.-ee in c'eirge was II. (.'h.tse. JJeorge E. b.ss. Charles M . Clarij. lisji! and Arthur C. se pres: ::! from out of s Campbell and A. S. San I'raueisee: Miss I i'ai :. e Mess: s Irving I'.ovd. John II. Charles I". y.vo. HUehcock. Til town were Mis Can'.pbtll from 1'arr. l. Aia Mr lames aiia: Mrs 1 iii.I i". A. J ;iaira:oa. --on. New J la- von: Mr and Mis ami Mis Whit'Ie M Mevriman of St Cecilia's Ku: Mas -ii. Chica -: Mr ey. Middlerowu: ai.d New Havel). !'.ay no at and Ger- man school Christmas-tree eiiieriain liieur was greatly enjoyed last jdgi.it l-.v the young people, liieir parents and friend The cciisUienie mov."meat ; gone vhre.ugli by the girls aad b;-,iiy juilUfl. as directed by .Ui..s Loreita Hayes and the gymnastic exorcist s oys by Giio Roc!:, and evening by Otto Sehel!, !v ai:p:ause of all jives. -m. if tie; civil war. 'til -'05. iapght the drilled last v. on 1 i io he:: A ve'ean 0 John Vi'ingei inn. atiired as St Nicholas, t the huge . u lei The children around r'sthaum. when ihe pve. - f nfs w; re liisiribui-d by Miss Mury Stadier. tin' Sunday schoe.l suserin-i-nde:l. aided by hit- corps of assistant--. The ;!eo!- was cleared, the chii- j (iron having greeted n l and mu-ies! seleet:e::s. Lord and King, and a s j was passed by the e! j dear ones. Miss May Wesi Main street won !g. .speech new-born i-.- evening 1ie- riaV d"rs atd their Siamley of 11 the water color ; picture by Dr -Martin. Christmas doiags at the I'liion j Rescue mission opened ira very uuspi- cieuslv in the afi-rnoon with Ihe re.mi i well filled with bright a::d o.-ipcet-rnt f-ices of liille ones. After the services trader the direction ot the snpennienu I".':. Mrs Shen.-ird, the in-oscTtts were distribute.! and many a hide hear! was mode io bound with the muniii-i.-cnt gills. Following this the evening service of the Rescue mission was very largely attended by an enthusias tic audi-nce who enjoyed io the full the rechatious. solo singing and hi-strumt-mal music participated in by so many. The room had been very taslefully l rim!. led with gre-i.s i.i.v!" into various beautiful designs, the laborers wove unst luted in ihoir efforts and oains had not boon spared by i'!i,-rotw hearts to make the occasion one lung to be leiiiembeivd. Ties even ing A brother from (Jreennoiat. N. Y.. styling himself the Imported Vuukev," M-'d! address Cue service and plenty of gecd singing will enliven the meeting. Koine people are wondering why ihj city dois not compel Edward Mc Manus to complete the relaying of the blocks over Ureal: brook on South Main street and. remove the obstruc tions lhnt have teo:i theiv so long 'hat many have come to the conclusion that ihey are p: rma-ient fixtures. Thai's the way some folks look at it. but i.o-o who know the facts are wond: r e.ir why Mr MeManus has not made ! i;ig kick long ago about how he has b-.ru used on that ;iod. lie was de layed on and off driving the progress ' of ti e work of widening the brook, and then when it came to putting back the blocks many of Them were pro j li'.nuced defective and were thrown out. s'J tinn there were not enough lift ! to cover the space that had beun ! opened. a::d the city having no nsw I ones, the contractor is obliged to wait j until they get here. It would be muea j better to cover ir up wbh dirt and al ! low it ti remain there for the winter ;d have the blocks put down as soon the Irost leaves the ground ntxt spring than have the street blocked any longer, but it seems that the city does not want this and insists upon waiting ui-'til the blocks arrive and then complete the job. Manager Dixon takes exception to lha statement in last night's Democrat in regard to thj basket ball muddle. He says that all the trouble was' sim-p!y--a casj of misunderstanding. That when the game was over he had to go i mined iately home and that he told the New Yorkers thisand also that he would see tham at the Arlington hotel later. This was satisfactory to them. Later he found he couldn't go to the Arlington, and he sent $13 to that place by a messenger boy. To verify his stiVtemout, as it were, about 2:30 yesterday afternoon Manager Dixon brought a Democrat reporter into the Western. Union office and there he was informed that the money had been sent, but' had not reached tha hotel in time for the New Yorkers, who left on I 4-1. i-OV. fi-iin fnv ttio mntroiinlic TTrt I then took the money and sent it to New York. He-trentad the New Yorkers as well as he could under the circum stances. .This Is Mr Dixon's story and it ought to be given credence. He co incides In the statement that profes sionarbasket ball is a failure in Wa terbury for this season at least. Sev eral exhibition games may be played here later, but that will be all. A number of out of town games have been arranged for the latter part of this month. To-morrow night Man ager Dixon's sacond team will Journey to Wins ted to beat one of Winsted's qulntetr" - : ' ' . -'The Democratic association will hold ai important meeting to-morrow evening. : Mrs Sarah E. Hotcl'ikiss has applied' to the probate court to appoint a con servator over Mrs Caroline E. Scovill. Roth women live on the City Mill road. The petition, which is represented by Attorney C. E. Meigs, is based upon alleged mental infirmities and conse ntient incapacity. Mrs Hotchkiss has a claim for .f413 pending against the estate of Mr Keo-wll's husband, who died some time ago. The children of St Thomas's pnrish were treated to the delights of a Christ mas tree this afternoon in the base ment of the church. There were about 1:00 and they enjoyed themselves as only children can. There were other attractions, besides the tree, devised by the clergymen of the parish. It was impossible for the parents of the children to witness the delights of thV lit vie ones on account c f all the space being lie; essaiy for the exercises. A Gun club is the latest innovation in the North end. The matter is sume 1 what enveloped in mystery at present, ::o that p. port musi be relied upon to , furnish the facts. According to this j ' source of information, .lames D. Whit- 1 ', ing. a commissioner of Cue board of j 1 public works, is Cue pn sklent, or j crack shot of liie club. if is claimed ' . for him that he can ktioek t'.ie sinf- j ih.'gs out of a. buU's-eye at any distance j : and tlwr the mayoralty is one of the j i targets he is aiming at at present. ; ! John Xc well is the second crack shotj or vice-president, and James Donahue ! and Joseph Rybzens):!, the well known j i-ae'-.er. are the trea juror:?, it being j , deemed advisable to appoint or elect i ! two to this very important olSee fori ; obvious reasons. The rank and tile. I as Grove:- O'-'-velaJv.t soy, consists of; j:cvartiiy. t, : John Moor nioJOlfil v.-atcr ihr- lish dealer: of Bishop street: -noil J. Rrennau Lewis. 1'k ( letter carrier: i. d--i:ggiit: Chris C. A. Cr.'e Russell, lawyer: O'Rrien. :dar. the his T'r UT . er. James JZ.. the; J. .!. McL'ntlcn. John j eavon. ti'.e musician;! .To :c:0 i :m: uvr.g eiers, anu jonu Miilcriok. TO MAKE THE HO: COS The iros r furniture ty for the homo, serv'.i embodies beau- v'.ceabili iy and in ar..' selling lends 1 uruitnre and al e Furniture made ; grain, beautii'ul- ex,a 'asiveness. W , o'' jest tins sort o ways have. We hav of woods of the lines ly ! sigi-e.i and )ol d like a mii-- i or i;u 1: tne nest furniture irom bos li last linkers of the world. We n- limit you to meager assoitme-ats. '.sk you to pay high prices. s.'il furniture that's apt to !:" on us. ChiifouLrs. Ofii?e Desks. Irs. China Closets. Hall Wo doii'r i We (!(::' "come bac I Couches i Ohhv Chr Raeks. l.a- Te, Rabv c-rihs. Tabourottos. Par dee. " Whist Table. Buffet--.. Jh;ok CasiS. Mus'c Cabinets. Side boards. Rockers. Rugs. Fancy Lamps, and himdrtds of oilier things to make you happv at home. The handsomest line of Wall Papers anil Interior Decorations ever shown i:i Ware bury. Also Lace Curtains. Shades. Fixtures. Rugs, Oil Cloth-. Linoleums, etc. IflE L. F. BAASE CO 27-20 CE.NTEU ST. THE LEADING DECORATORS OF THE N A U ( 1 A TUCK VALLEY. The entire Building. Six floora. Xmas tnde we ever had and we appreciate" it and trust that everyone using any of our poultry was entirely sat isfied. eg m 5 5 i 3 y m (Wednesday) Pork Loins (whole) Hams "jC lib. 9c lb. 3 cans Tomatoes, Cory, or Peas 25c AT 'f I CS:, Unics nl Oiith Main Et Isyji j&x-!Az&?Zm s5- : 4 1 A 4i 3 OH CHRISTMAS MQRHIHG. Your little boy will be just as happy with a pair o new Slioe as with a tin Vagon and you will have to buy the Shoes any way. We have a very large stock of little boys Shoes and are making special prices on them this week. They are the right kind of Shoes made to stand the wrong kind of use. If you give your boy a pair of these Shoes on Christmas jie won't have them worn out -on New Year's day. .- it Exchange Place lai t tu - 1 ir.t u 1 k i .- r Mid -Season Inducements. . Are, we believe, more attractive, by being more advantageous to the pur chasers than are. "Bargain Sales," when the season has passed by. That is why we are placing our Trimmed Hats on sale at less than one-half their value. 25 Trimmed Hats at S2.99; were $4.70. 25 Trimmed Hats, at $3X0; were $5.23. 25 Trimmed Hats, at .$4.49; were. $0.80. 25 Trimmed Hats, at $4.09;. were $7.00. We would advise those that can to visit us as early as possible, to avoid the rush. EXCHANGE TRACE. Us in Bargain Day Friday, Dec. 28th At $1.0S Ladies' Covert Coats, were $4.00. At 52.9S Ladies' Kersey Coats, in tan, castor and silk lined; value $7.50. At CCc 27-inch Black Satin Duchos.se; was Sl.W. At 27c French Tricot Flannel for waists, all colors: value 39e. At 0c Outing Flannels, from Sc. At U'ie Cream Domet Flannel, value 10 cents. At 49c French Flannels, from 00c. At 10c Domet Flannel Skirt Patterns, from 25c. At 10c Fringed Linen Damask Tray Cloths, from 12o. At 39c 22-inch Cotton Diaper, from r.O cents. At. S 1-3e-Gl.T?s Toweling, value 12',e. At 19c (.'ream Table Damask, from 25 cents. At 50c Radios- Camel's Hair Vests and Rant--, worth 73e. At 73c La.lies' Natural Wool Vests timi Rants, worth SI. At 50c feiO-, r.niirl-!: TT;iir T'lldov- shirts and Drawers, worth OOc. -Men's I'ieeee Lined Shirts and Drawer, worth OOe. -Irish Point Bun au Covers, wer 50c. -Ladies' Large Whltr Aprons, At i0c- At 20c At 10c- . with bretelles. wove Mflo. !0c pair -Irish Point Pillow Shams. At open work edges, wore ibe. At -lOc Ladies' Pressing Sacuues, Em- i jiire stvl wcrt- 75o. SECOND FLOOR. At 11c .10-inch White Dotted Swiss M nslin. At 25c O lairs Swift Pride Laundry Se,a: At S"'-.o 5 nieces Faucy Fish Nets. At ?3.0S Smvrna Rugs, size 4x7, were $5.08. At S1G.50- Snivrna Rnss. pize 0x12. all wool, value $21.50. At 120 Short Lengths Table Oil- .loihs. At 20c Onnoue Window Shades, from r-V- cents. A. MA1LHIOT, . 153 S. MAIN ST. lit Sale -OF CHRISTMAS GOODS. Here is an opportunity to buy a New Year's present for almost half price. Wo have Dolls. Handkerchiefs. Muf flers. I'mltre'das. Perfume, etc. et?. that we will CLOSE OUT THIS WEEK REGARDLESS OF COST. All our 25c Handkerchiefs for 32";:e. and our 0'Jc to 5Ue ones to close at 25c. MuifK-rs that were sold for $1.25 to S1.50 to (.lose at SUc. Optician COULTER t. ive'S-iN If you can't see distinctly, easily and comfortably, your eyes have need of skilful attention by means of scien tific and skilful examination. We can determine any defect of your vision and intelligently lit your eyes with proper glasses, or advise you as to what you should do. We charge only for glasses, it you need them. S7 BANK ST., WATERRURY, CONN. " " ft i V t YOU CAX SEE SIX TONS OP CAN DY IN KELLY'S EAST MAIN STREET STOKE WINDOW. WHY DOES KELLY CHARGE MOKE FOR EGGS THAN OTHER DEALEKS? TRY THEM AND SEE WHY. ' ALL GOODS PURCHASED FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES WILL BE SOLD AT COST "AT KELLY'S. ." . " KELLY'S PEPPERMINT CREAMS AND QUEEN CARAMELS ARE MANUFACTURED UNDER HIS OW& ; SUPERVISION AT 41C v .WEST MAIN STREET. I Closing x ; 1 -.V DET.C Rooster Says GO EON NEW SHOPPING MART. !42-143 South Main Sirsst. iilGS ALL Jewelrv, oils," Cases, At omizers, Albums, etc. !? .e&r- n-. ft. fPt H w '.1 e: H Repulai PHce Until j Saturday Evening, Cloaks, Stilts, Furs and House wrappers. Prices incomparable.an inspection will con vince You. Ladles' English Melton Jackets, sill: lii.e.l ,veil Wli. SJ.oO Ladies' All Wool Kersey Cloth Jackets, silk lined throiiS'ioi't. latest designs in blaek and castor, from -VS.00, $ -'JS Ladies' All Wool Kersey Cloth Jackets, latest designs, in tuns, castor and Macks, silk lineu throughout, from $10, if-j.oO Ladies" Fine All Wool Kersey Cloth .lacketii, newest designs, liare col lar and hell sleeve, silk lined throughout, reduced from $10 and $14. For three days, $7. US Childrens Coats. Children's Handsome Reefers, from 3.00, $1.50 Children's Automobile Coats, from ?'-.20 Ladies Suits. Ladies' Melton and Homespun Suit.-'. from $8.50, $4.79 Ladles' All Wool Blue Storm Ser.ue Flounce Suits, finely tailored, well worth $12, $7.50 Ladies- Fur All Wool Venetian and liroadcloth Suits, finely tailored. from $15. ijO.50 Fur Jackets, Capes and Neck Scarfs. Ladies' Black Fur Scarfs, with Ox tails, for tln-ee days, $1.25 Ladies' Homespun French Sable Fur Scarfs. $1.00 Ladies' Electric Seal Jackets, from $25, $17.00 Ladies' London Dyed Near Seal Fur Jackets, silk linings, guaranteed for two years, from $50, $37.50 Ladies' 30-in lonsr Astrakhan Fur Capes, from $17.00, $10.00 Storm Skirts. Ladies Heavy Golf Suiting Storm Skirts, from $3, $1.75 The following are the lucky num bers for the drawing of the watch and four large dolls: 4,929, 4,137, 9,914, 5,200, 3,003. CONLON BROS. NEW: SHOPPING MART. 142-14414G-14S , SOUTH MAIN ST. ,i Opposite Scovill Street. 1 Opposite .Waterbury, National Bank.' w Up ml mm i pjSliajgrt. IFrom Streatta Slreel gtls'sTSst. ta ; : : ; : ss -'iwrtf i' us popuiar price 90c introduced it and then its 2-ood . N quality helped matters along U you're fond of good values you ou ght to see the l Heavy Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers'" we're show- y ing for 50c the garment. $ The Value Qf the WQfj , , - ncicioiore tne word linen wora could be stamped on cotton collars and there was no legal remedy. At the present time there is a remedy, as ac cording to a recent enactment of the New York State Legis lature it is a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine for a manufacturer of collars to stamp them linen unless they are lhien. Most of the two for a linen. Why ? Our two for the and guaranteed. "WARRANTED are making and we are selling price as the cotton collars. JONES, MOEGAN & 00, BOSTON FURNITURE Co, 111 So. Main St. YOU WON'T BE SORRY IF YOU DO YOU MAY BE SORRY IF YOU DON'T VISIT OUE, WAEEEOOMS Examine Our Large Stock and Learn Our Reasonable Trices. Useful Holiday Presents. Call o.v.-Iy and make selections. We will deliver to suit your convenience. Our regular lines always ready for inspection. Furnilurs, Carpets, Crockery, Staves, Ranges, Lamps, Qjocks, Pictures, Rugs, Matts, Lace Curtains. Portieres, etc. EVERYTHING FOR HOUSEKEEPING. Gash or Credit. UNDERTAKING IX ALL ITS BRANCHES. Night Call District Office, No 5 East Main Street. Telephone CT33-3. -oston Furniture Co 111 SOUTH WATERBURY, ElsclriG Light and Gombinatlon Fixtures and Siiades. For Residences, Offices and Stores. Electric Light. Bell and Telephone Wiring. Dyasifflcs aafl Motors Electric Supplies of Every Description. Wholesale and Retail. Tii3 New England Engineering5 Co, 13S Grand Street. Are You Going To Buy a fiew Range ? If so it will pay you to look at our nr. vnn v.-ant a STEAM BOILER, HOT WATER HEATER? if so, in cuire about the Winchester. P, H, GARRITY, 221 BANK STREET. Telephone, 103-4. IS THAT YOU, MR WEINSTEIN? WELL, MISS BLANK HAS JUST LEFT ME TO ORDER A SUIT OF YOU AFTER SEEING MINE. SHE IS VERY MUCH STRUCK WITH IT AND WANTS ONE TO FIT AS WELL. I TOLD HER TO GO TO THE N. Y. CLOAK CO BE SURE YOU GIVE HER AS GOOD A FIT AO L'1L .UU, A v-'-iv AJ VERY PARTICULAR. ALL EIGHT! WE ALWAYS GUARANTEE TO viITE SATISFACTION. N. Y. Gloak Mfg. Co ; " 110 SO MAIN, STREET. S. A. .WEINSXEIX - "Friends, like books should be few and well chosen." a ft The closest friend you have is your underwear, and there's a line to choose from H here that protects you from making a poor choice. Our line of heavy weight derby $ ribbed underwear has made 1 many friends this season, pj wonderfully. U Vs, 51 GO, Un0i 99 has been ot no value, as this quarter collars are not stamped quarter collars are stamped LINEN" because our makers a linen collar for the same MAIN STREET. CONN. Familv leaving; citv must sell their new upright Mahog any Pbno. First-class maker. Any reasonable offer accepted. Address 'Opportunity' Demo crat office. AG-EHTS To sell the fastest sc:!:n housti- o!d necessity ever offered. Can make $3.00 a day. Call at Allen's, 30 Mortn Main bt., Room 5. "I LIVE UP IN I HAVE DONE MY SHOE TRADING FOR YEARS AT SMITH'S, BUT EVERYTHING IN OAKVILLE IS DODGE.' HEARD 'DODGE. DODGE. DODGE' EVERWHERE AND I THOUGHT I'D This is the fifth pair I've you and (to tell the truth) given very cooe boug ht of they have Rah for Oakville, says Dodge. RG.Dodcre &Co . . 8i-SG SOUTH MAIN" STREET. V Bank St Stairway in U. S, 4c Co'i Oakvllle TRY DODGE 0 0 - AJ 1 i r in I .1 r ,1 A.