T 11 " " ' ' 11 POLICE COUB DOINGS Several Liquor Cases Disposed of This j. ' , j Morning. The adjourned cases . for violating the liquor laws were called in the city court to-day before Judge Bradstreet, after a complaint against Percy Cleve land for abusing a horse belonging to Charles Sackett , had been settled. Cleveland-was fined $25 and costs. The complaint was Issued on March 8 last . year. Cleveland said he has lately been employed at the Scovill Manufac turing company. -. Prosecuting Agent Pierce stated that the case against B. E. Relley, who kept a drug store on West Main' street beyond the bridge, was settled. Irv ing Wolcott, t who bought Beiley out and actually committed the offense Eeiley was charged with, paid what the others had been fined. A certifi cate was then introduced by Mr Pierce, showing, that Mrs baran mm- , phy, Bant street, haJ a liquor license , to avoid facing his difficulties, and ara on September 23 last. Attorneys Koot j anxious lest his mind has become af and Carmody, counsel for the defend- fected by his business- troubles, with ant, objected to the certificate on the j seif destruction as a result. I grounds that, in all criminals proceed-1 it is stated now that Colonel .Sherl- 1 tags the accused must be confronted 1 dan went to New York for the pur toy the witnesses. This occasioned an ; pose of effecting some sort of a corn interruption In the proceedings, and a ; promise with a brewing "company, to breezy few minutes between the law- ' which he was heavily indebted; that vor! The certificate was admitted his friends have since visited this con- and a fine of $10 and costs was im posed on each of the two counts against Mrs Dunphy. H. B. Piatt, a druggist at 10 Bishop street, was charged with selling drink for consumption on the premises, and came next. David Bedell,, one of the private detectives, was the only wit ness that was examined. He testified that with Roberts, . Eekland, Herzog and Adams, all of whom have been; heard of in the cases disposed of last week, had whiskey In the accused's tore at 9 o'clock Sunday morning. October 7. There was no' defense and a fine of $15 and costs was imposed. Frank -Sheeny, 32, -Ridge street, was charged with keeping open and selling m Sunday, September 2:5. Adams, the other private detective, testified that, with his friendn, he gained access to Sheehy's place from U3 Martin street. There was some dispute as to the lat ter address being 32 Ridge street. Ad ams said that he was not sure if Shee hy's saloon was at 32 Ridge street. He visited another saloon on that street tke same day. .Adams was cross-examined in great detail. Officer M. T. Sullivan was called to remove any doubt about the location of Sheehy's saloon. . A -certificate from Clerk An ketell of the superior court was object ed to because it did not show that ,-F. T. Sheehy,". the accused, kept a saloon on Ridge -street. . The name on the certificate was Frank Sheehy. This point failed to work. The same fine as in the other cases was imposed. An appeal was taken. John F. Casey, proprietor of the Railroad hotel, at 179 Washington ave nue, was next. . Bedell testified in this case. There were four men drinking In the room, which appeared to be a dining room. They were discussing the silver question and one of them did nobappear to understand it. Casey was found not guilty of keeping open and was fined the above amount for selling. Thomas M. Ferris, 124 Liberty ptreet, was next put.to plea and he said he was not guilty. Bedell testified to getting a glass of ale at the back door of the cellar of the saloon. Ferris met the same-fate as the others. There was no defense. Royal A. Calendar, a druggist at 2S2 Cherry street, was then called. The defense claimed an acquittal on the grounds that the state did not prove that either Mr Calendar or any agent of his sold the liquor which was consumed by the witness. Bedell, and lils friends. Mr Pierce claimed it was only necessary to prove that drink had been sold and consumed there and as there was some doubt about the law on the matter decision was deferred. . The next case was against John Shannahan, C3 Railroad Hill street. The evidence for the prosecution was practically the same as in the other cases. The defense tried to prove that Adams,, who. testified, was mistaken in the place." Adams held he was not mistaken and denied being' in a saloon kept.- by one Loughlin, on the same street The same - disposition was made of this as in the other saloon cases. Garrett P. Hennebry, 4C7 West Main street, stepped up next. Bedell testified. . Whiskey was supplied him there; part lie drank and the remain der' he poured on a sponge. The same line was imposed and an appeal was taken.: : . I - . , ..: Three counts were preferred against Michael J. -Shetv 472 East Main street, keeping open,, selling and dispensing and disposing of liquor on Sunday, September 23. Adams testified that the accused , attended his party of spies. .This was the first case in - which the accused appeared so prom inent and- the evidence dealt with him directly. - It 'was on this evidence the additional; count, "dispensing . and dis . posing of liquor,", was based. Attor rieyRoot tried to disclose the source from Whleb the funds came that paid Adams and Bedell, but failed. Further than that they got it from Le Clair, tBelr employer, "they knew nothing about it. This closed the case and Mr Pierce stated In reference to the ex tr count that for'two years Shea had conducted a saloon at the above ad- dress; though the license has been in the name of one Jeremiah Sullivan, : who could not be located. This was ' toe Only way, Mr Pierce said, he could get at Shea. He did not expect him to be convicted on three counts, but held .be ought to be on two counts. Court held Shea was guilty only of selling and fined him $10 and .costs. . An appeal wag filed. The other cases ifee&pat oVer to to-morrow morning. ; After court had adjourned and while Stoeeeuting: Agent Pierce was r2hertar together his papers, C. Col- jr&: Adams , entered . the room and . Vii directly toward Mr Pierce, and V Java loileired.-- Mr Adams told Mr that be should be ashamed of X-lttr encouraging a student of '.ryaa&lnf Aams,,tbe private de V ia degrading the dignity of wauoaal institaUoa, "I am a UW Ui Mr Adams. "and I t TI1L: Xpu alo, Mr Pierce. ti, frSi of Tele, -r otAts. go around to back doors spying on anybody. - I don't care who hie may be, or how low bo may ho. If yon didn't encourage . these . young men in this nasty work, thoy, would not do it." Mr Pierce made no .reply. LATEST REPORTS Show That Colonel Sheridan's - Busi ness Affairs Are in Bad Shape. '- Bridgeport' Jan 30. Some of ' Qol onel James Sher.dan's friends believe that he. has committed suicide. They can And no other explanation for his continued absence.;. 1$ developed yes terday that. Colonel Sheridan's busi ness affairs are in bad shape "and that he has been unable to meet his finan cial obligations. - Creditors in ' New York, New Haven .and this city' yes terday caused attaehments'aggr. gat ing 2,500 tojbe" pl.iced upon the saioon at the corner of Middle and Golden Hill streets. Close friends of Coloiiel Sheridan,. howeVer, declare that he Would never have run away In order cern and learned that Colonel Sueri dan's, mission there failed -and they conclude that he may have become ut terly discouraged at- this culmination 1 of his m'sfortun?S' and have made away with himself. It is understood that be had about $300 with him when be left town. Colonel Sheridan has Shown in his physical condition- of late the result of his accumulating - pecuniary difficul ties. He has aged greatly within the last few months and his failing health is another reason for the' anxiety of his friends as adding. to the probabil ity of suicide. ' ' : ANGELUS RECITAL. Will Be neld in the Driggs & Smith Store Saturday Morning. The Angelus recital to. be given at the Driggs & Smith Go's store Satur day morning at 10;30 o'clock, will be one of the musical . treats of the sea son. Miss Dornian of New Britain will operate the Angelus and I. B. Clark will be the soloist.- The follow ing program will be rendered:- William Tell Overture.... Rossini Scarf- Dnuce Chaninade Dancing With Ma Baby Anthony Song The Charmed Cup Roeckel I. B. . Clark. . Ranhsodio Honarroise. No 2 Lislt 1 Soldiers in the Park.., .Monckton Last Hope (descriptive). '. . .Gottschalk Midsummer Night's Dream Smith Murillo ' Terschak Song Drink to Me, Only With Thine Eyes Old English Air I. B. Clark. Ma. Tiger Lily : . Sloane Prisoner and Swallow (descrip tive i..Croisey RETIRED HATTER SUICIDES. Losses in the Stock Market May Have Prompted the Act. Philadelphia, Jan 31. Edward D. Cornell, a retired hat manufacturer, committed suicide by hanging last night. Heavy losses in the stock" market are said to have prompted the act. Mr j Cornell was 7G years of age. He was born in New lork and started in the bat manufacturing business at Orange, N. J., with John B. Stetson as a part ner. Withdrawing from that town he came to this city and established a business. He eventually retired and went to South Norwalk, Conn, where he resided for a number of years. He returned to this city about a year ago. For many years Mr Cornell was presi dent of the Hatters' unionv HOME FOR POOR GIRLS To Be Established In New fork In the Near Future. New York, Jan 30. A Washington special to the World says: Right Rev Henry Y. Satter'.ee, formerly of . New York and now Episcopal bishop of the District of Columbia; ife planning to establish ( here a home where poor girls of poor character may be trained by experienced housewives into com petent servants, housemaids, cooks and nurses. . . , Among those who have volunteered Cabdf Lodge, Mrs Miles, wife of Gen- eral Miles; the MIssesKean of New Jersey; Miss Helen Chamberlain, Mrs Leiter and Miss Paulding, niece of Senator Depew. ... - It Is proposed to call the Institution the St Agnes home.. . t . ..,-,; SCHOONER'S CREW ALIVE. The Vessel Was Abandoned Near Cape ' Hatteras; ; ' - ' - New' York, Jan 30 The steamer San Juan, which arrived from Porto Rico this morning, brought the captain and five men forming the crew of the schooner Albert -Mason, which was abandoned Jan. 27th about ISO miles southeast of Cape. Hatterafc. The Ma son, Captain Keininghani, sailed from Norfolk Jan id for - New. York with lumber. Off Winter Quarter shoal on January 18 she encountered extremely heavy weather for several days. . She began to leak and finally became wa terlogged and unmanageable. ; : , -.. - The Albert Mason Was of 271 tons ana was built in 1861 at Patchogue. PRIVATES COURT MARTIALED. - Pefcln, Jan--.29.A court mart'al which has caused considerable interest has been held In Tien Tsin during the last two weeks. The men on trial are Privates Dickson and'Seamons of the Fifteenth infantry. It was published in October last that these men while on guard duty along tne river held up several villagers, demanding from 100 to 200 taels protection money-, and In some cases their demands were com plied with. ' They were captured by the Preach and turned over -to the American authorities. During the trial Dickson escaped and Is still at liberty. Seamans was sentenced to twenty years' . Imprisonment and Dickson to tweror-oae years. . . ;. . - , COTTON KINO DEAD. St' Lonla. Mo. Ian aa-WUUam Sen- prwrtdent, of t St Louis Cotton exenarr. ea rattnur oi a compo- f& it dJseaft, yed TtfeatW , Mr I k oe of t ftzt to- Want City Attorney 'to Support Sen- ' , ator. . Kennedy's Bitty r .-. " The board of public works "bed a meeting-last night, Mayor Kllduff pre siding and all the members being pres ent . -- - Parties Interested In the construction of a sewer in Hiil street from Summer street to Shrsfield street. In Jiopk.ns street from Cooke street -? to &shop street, and In Cottage .place, Were called and heard. Those who. appsuej were about evenly divided on tne in .t ter of a sewer in Hill street. Th .re was.no opposition to the other, pac tions.. The -estimated cost of. the sew ers in the order . mentioned is .$1,700, $750 and $725. It was voted to r. com mend to the aldjrmen that seweis be built In three streets as petitioned for. A communication was received irom the Connecticut Lighting and Power Co waiving all claim to a formal no tice relative to the paving of NOith Main street. This was followed by a lengthy d scussion as to what kind of paving should be us d on the hill be tween Kingsbury street . apd B. shop street. Mr Blaki slee-said that several horsemenhad spoken to h m ; about ' this matter, stating thai 1 would bs almost Impossible to use-that stret in frosty weather In case brick paving should be used. He said he bad -no choice himself and was not prepared to say whether there was any) m.rlt in the contention of those who had annroached him on the question. The mayor-appeared inclined to favor the bricks and the engineer said r. there were many reasons which might be cited as to why it would not be good policy to use the Belgian blocks. One, tnr o-snmnle. the likelihood of not being able to collect an assessment for the work. '"The-- people, claim,'' lie said, "that they are so noisy they can not rent their place to good advantage in streets where they are used. That's why we couldn't collect anything for Brook street." . Mr Blakeslee (apparently amazed at this statement): "Has the courts de cided that we can't collect -anything for the pa-ving of Brook street?" The discussion on that point ended here. Mayor Kilduff disposing of the subject with the remark that life was too short for people to bother making too manv friends and consequently it would not pay to think of the Belgian blocks. He thought it might not be a bad plan to cover the blocks we, have laid with asphalt. On motion of Commissioner Whit ing it was voted to recommend that North Main street from Kingsbury street to the square be paved with vitrified bricks. "- ' ' H. M. Judd was heard in reference to his claim for damages on account of the falling of a load of 'furniture on the .Watertown road. The street, he states, was jolty and the rope' gave way, letting some of the furniture down with a crash. He estimates the losses at $28.50. ' No action was taken. Charles -Egan was heard regarding a petition for a larger water main in Livery street. He said there - are about fifty families fer "g off a two inch pipe and that it is corroded and carries no water to the last two houses in the street. He said that W. L. Hall is preparing to erect a larse block on the Wells place and that when this is up more water win oe needed there than can be supplied through a two-inch pipe. The petition is now on the list for investigation. Engineer Cairns submitted a map" of the proposed layout of Riverside street from Bank street to West Main street. It was voted to recommend to the aldermen that the board be au thorized to proceed with the . layout and that in case the recommendation be adopted that the city attorney be instructed to secure legislation which will prevent any person or corporation from using that street for surface rall wav purposes. . , ."I notice in the papers," Mr Mayor." said Commissioner Whlt'.ng, turning towards bis honor, "that Senator Ken nedy has introduced a bill into the general assembly asking for the repeal of the law compelling municipalities to comply with certain conditions be fore they can go into the business of municipal ownership of lighting, plants and street -railroads. It seems to me that this is what we nave been driv ing at and it occurred to me that it would be well to help Mr -Kennedy out if we can do anything in that di reetion. How would it be to recom mend to the aldermen that the city . at torney be requested to use his influ ence in support of the bill of the sen n tor from this district? Mayor Kil duff thought it a capital idea, and a j it! -OF.A -t- r.iiT And nni ! motion to this effect was put and car- rled. The committee on water pipes, Mayor Kilduff and Engineer Cairns, was instructed nnd authorized to pur iiaa 4.000 feet of six-inch pipe and 2.000 feet of eight-inch pipe from the Warren foundry, the firm peine tne lowest bidder. Superintendent Keiley was instructed to purcnase o,uw pay ing blocks. ' ' It was voted to cite in property own ers on Pearl street, both sides, 100 feet south of Hopkins street, - on -February 12, to be beard relative to the laying of a sewer in that part of the street. , The board indulged in a long chat on the matter of paving and storm water drainage,: during which, the mayor stated that he should like to see the paving on West -Main street continued to the end of the green dur ing the present year. Little brook at Cooke street rebuilt so that it will be in shape to be covered with paving next season, and the trouble caused on account of surface water at upper Bank street removed. - Milk Inspector Keeley reported that the roof on City hall annex,, over the Inspector's laboratory, was sadly In need of repairs. The matter was re ferred to Superintendent Relley with power to act. The meeting then adjourned. . YOUNG CALLENDER'S MEMORIAL The Tale Student Found Dead Has Left a Bequest to Yale. " TJew Hven,Conn, Jan 81. Yale uai rersity has just received $6,000 from the estate of the late Robert Callender of Providence, the young man whose .dead body was .found near. Providence some weeks ago. Tire gift will be used to establish a. scholarship la the acad emic department of the university, from which young Callender graduat ed In 1898. , . ' This scholarship trill constitute a memorial of yeung Calleader, ; MOan. Jaf0.-Tbi fr-4rf flf Tart I rUoe vr- 1 L. -aorltlr Boston 99c Store -74 SOUTH MAIN ST. letal Dolls . The "Minerva" Indestructible Dolls' Heads, made of sheet brass. will stand any amount of bard usage, and yet retain their shape and attractiveness. Of course the price is higher than that of the . China or Bisque Head, but the difference is more than made up in the increased durability. A careful examination will at once disclose the ' many advantages these heads have over all other kinds of dolls' heads. . WHITNEY OFFERS PRIZE. : New York, Jan 30. Several new prizes have been offered for the com ing .bench show of the Westminster Kennel club, entries for which ciose pn Monday next. The most important is a silver enp, given by William C. Whitney, to be called . .the Batiyhoo Bey challenge cup. It is for the best American bird dog, male or female, of any breed owned by a member of the Ladies' Kennel association, the cup to remain the property of that assoc. a tion, and the winner to receive a Jf5 eup commemorating the award. It is to be awarded each year at the NeW York, Boston. Philadelphia, Chicago and Ladies' Kennel association shows. TIMELY TOPICS Did you attend Lucy & Fitzgerald's shoe'' sale to-day 7 Just read the prices to-night and see If it will not pay to invest in shoes or rubbers. . Hamburg, Swiss and cambric edg ing marked away down at l-umbuii's, aiso children's neece lined underwear. -, Save your money by buying your meats at Castle's. Selling such a large quantity keeps new stock on hand. ', Nothing like the "Hercules" suit for boys. - See Jones, Morgan' & Co's price. Couldn't spend i?2.50 in a better way. Read Hamilton's prices on granulat ed and C sugar. Choice bread flour 51c a bag, sold with other goods. For the balance of this week K. Dougherty will sell a fine corset in drab or white for 49c. J. B. Mullings is thinking of getting in his spring stock he would never let those suits go for $15. Important announcement from Cur rans tailoring department. Mlie reg ular $oo tailor made suit will be maue for 85. At 9 o'clock to-night your chance ends to get coats and capes at half price at Miller and Peck's. Handsome black dress goods marked low. If you want the pink of perfection in -wall papers take a look at F. W. Dains's stock. Reid & Hughes's eleventh annual clearing sale is in full blast. Linens, sheetings, underwear, both gentlemen's and ladies', being sold off at cost. Good size bleached pillow slips for 7c and ueavy brown sheeting for 5c a yard at Cordon Bros' new shopping mart.- See that handsome lot of carpets at Haase's for 98c a yard, body Brussels, Axminsters or Wilton velvets. Have you seen those perfect fitting skirts at Gately & Brennan's? Just go and look at them, even if you don't want to buy. CARD OF THANKS. : To our many friends and neighbors we wish to extend our heartfelt thanks for their kind assistance during our re cent sad bereavement. Also to those who sent the beautiful floral tributes. MRS THOMAS GRADY AND FAM ' ILY. ........ .- , NOTICE. ; B. S. Baribault has paid Thomas Pra.tte for all services rendered in the drug store at 050 South -Main street; and he will hereafter conduct the busi ness and will be responsible only for bills contracted by himself. " . . E. S. BARIBAULT, IMVESTMEHT IMPEHtYI i Located on ' orange stret; 3-family house; contains al modern Improve ments; size of lot 50x75 feet; rents for $35 per month; reasonable amount down; price $4,000. This will pay you a larger per cent on your money than bank interest. Look this us. LANG AND PHELAN. ... 125 Bank Street. 3rd inaual Estartainmeit and Sociable GIVEN BY. St Tlioa- T. Ac J. Society IN CITY HALL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 190L American Band Orchestra. Professor Leo Herr, Prompter, Admission 25c Each Person. $1,000 Given Away. ' ANNUAL FAI&. -OF- Uiiitod Courts F of A - OXTT ZXAtJU . . Feb. 2 to Feb. 9 Ctat ntertalntnnt acb Btwriag. Oood llualc. Ifrw DawMng. Urand Caw 1. Coaeart. gwylay gveatog, Feb- Heads rpo KENT Tenement five rooms second floor A hot and cold water. No. 61 Fuller Street. Inquire Tim Brennan on premises. - - 1-30-tf WANTKD - Furnished room In a select printo family, near the business center. Address :y care Democrat. 1-30-2 TOStT Black and white Newfoundland pup - J. F. 32 South Street. 1-30-tf T7DR SAt.E Furniture, conslRtlnir of bed- steads, plmo. chairs, sewing machine, etc Inquire 27a Dublin Street. 1-30-2. WANTED Washing and ironing, st 4-8 - North Main Street. Inquire at North Side. . ... 1-J8-3 BO ORDERS WANTED Inquire .165 South . Main Street. 184-6 WANTFD, BOARDERe Iniuire Maeeie Donovan. H SOuthvlew Street. 1-23-6 $3JO00'Ij.T.ni on real estate spourltv. Phelan, 125 Bank Street. , i-is-tr TO RENT Two four room tenements: Cleo j Street. Apply to Eugene Martin, 9T Union ! Tu iiENT-A large shop and rear building. AlH'iy 19 Jouu .vwmi t;, , . U-il-U rPQ-EENT Two tenements, seven and three rooms, lupins mra uuauion, Kuswn riace. .--,,-u JST ANTED 50 men to eat our lnc dinners; w Soup, o kinaa 01 meat, 3 Kjnils 01 veeet aU breaa unu.uuwer, pieor puauiun ana tea or cv-ffce. McNje's a una loo i-iuiui num. zii bana gtiect. . . U-3-ly pa KKNT One flat ot six rooms. P. Holohan . . . . U-lo-'.f Shirts. WOOLEN. $1.00. . Now. 79c COTTON 'FLANNEL. ... 50c. ' ' Now. -3'Jc. GILLMOR, the Hatter 25 Exchange Place. & Reid c ' Telephone 410. Our Eleventh Annual Sale Now going on, - is - beyond ques tion, a sale of dependable , mer chandise . at ; prices that mean a big saving , to you. A volume of veracious . values are' vying with each other -for a place In print, but space allows -only mention of a few. A more complete list Is to be found in Tuesday's paper. SAVE IT FOR REFERENCE while the sale lasts. "- ' s SHEETINGS. . -9-4 Bleached Sheeting, worth 23o and 2oc a yard! Annual sale prices 17 and 19c a yard. 9-4 Dwight Anchor Bleached and H. B. Sheetings, regular price 27c a yard. Annual sale price 23c a yard. 9-4 Brown Sheeting, regular prices 20c and 23c a yard. Annual sale prices 10c and ISc a yard. 9-4 Dwight Anchor Brown Sheeting, regular price 25c a yard. Annual sale price 21c a yard. . AH our wide Sheetings, 0-4, 7-4, S-4 and 10-4, reduced for this sale. 5-4 Bleached; Pillow Tubing, Dwight Anchor, regular price 19c a yard. An nual sale price 15c a vard. 4-4 Brown Cotton, worth 7c and 9c a yard. Annual sale prices 6c and 7c a. yard, , Live At Nearly One-Halt Usual Cost. . . we have a large lot op Fancy California Navel Oranges TO OFFER AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES. Frrort-i 17c to 27c a do5ST The White-Simmons Co. 4i - Hi 1 , V ' " - WHOLESALE AND 163-I65 Bank street . 's va vs. 4 w $r; ;aE , - . : The I i'-Place j-.- 'To -Trade 11 E - . . .. Iff " G. Kilduff & Co. - . , --:.-,"''..'. '" 7-i--" v .; . s-- -T . ! rr . . . -.- - . , .,- .--r,.-. -(.-. -s. - c . Ixzdsn Ialjotv- Price fix The Store and ' Tenement Property. Nor 276 Dublin SW the two-famlly house, with large lot, No 20S DubUn St.; the two double houses- with large lots,-No 293 Dublin St!, the two-f amiiy house with large grounds, Nos U3 and 67 Dublin street ' . v- At the prices asked and on th terms, they can be secured ought to enable us to close a deal on all the said places within the next few-days. - The owner of the said properties means business, as h expects to make Ms home in the future on the other side of the water. .. . .. '-... .. For the above' barenlns Txiftns on Real Estate. Fire and Plate Glass In surance. Offices and Tenements,. See schlegel.' w, J, In Lewis Building, No 65 Bant street FOR SALE X cosy one-family House on Glen Ridge street jttst off Cen tral avenue, on very easy terms. Price $3,500. Money to loan on real estate at lowest rates Loren R. Cortex, No 11 EAST MAIN ST., - Stage Dancing For children' and adults taught pri vately both to professionals and ama teurs. Song and dance specialties. Marches, Drills, Minuets, ' etc, -etc- : A grand entertainment .will be given by the children's class at the annual re ception. All those wishing to parti cipate should attend next Saturday afternoon's class,- 2 o'clock." Ten 'les sons ?4. Open daily 10-12 a. m.. - i and 7-9 p. m. " . - , TROF BAILEY, 108 BANK STREET. tf ughes. 4-4 Bleached Cotton! worth 9 cents; Dwight Anchor, worth 10c. Annual sale prices 7Vc and Se a yard. . . 45-inch Dwight Anchor bleached and H. B. Pillow Cotton, worth 17c a yard Annual sale price 14c a yard. LINENS." Bleached Damask, regularly 50c, G2c, 75c and 85c a yard. Annual sale prices STVjC, 50c, 56c and C8c a yard. k ' ' 72-inch Bleached ' Damask, worth $1.25. Annual sale price 83c a yd. 72-inch Double Damask, regular price $1.09. Annual sale price $L25 a yard. .... . . . . : . - - 72-inch Satin Damask, regular, price $2 a yard. Annual sale price $1.48 a yard. 25 Pattern Cloths, 3 yards long, wortb $4.50. Annual sale price $2.98 , each. No Napkps to match. 5-8 Napkms, regular priees $1.19, $1.25 and $1.75. Annual sale prices 95c, $1.05 and $1.48 a dozen. . , . ' 3-1 Napkins, regular priees $3.25 and $5.50. Annual sale prices $2.48 and $2.19 a dozen. - Linen Crash, worth 11c and 12c Annual sale prices 9o and 10c a yd. Large size Linen H. S. Pillow Cases, at greatly reduced prices. -. . RETAIL GROCERS, , Waterbury Conn ' ... ... . w us "J? 535 - j x The store that offers every. advantage to the customer is I 1 the' place to trade. : Pnces, away below any other .store Z in the city. Our, great V; k Twenty Days Sale oh Overcoats I Every Overcoat to be sold ' at some price. ' ' ' c a Overcoats in Blue, Brown, Black and Gray,- Beavers and si Kerseys, at 4,. $490, $ ? and .4 90. Every Coat Warranted a All Wool and Fast Colors. , 1 Fine Riverside s Melton Overcoats, sold for ; $ 1 5, $16 and $17, now $7.60. AT- HAIVIILTOS granulated Sugar 18 lbs for $L00 C Sugar : 20 lbs for $L00 Flour . Choice Bread Flour 51c Bag Sold with Other Goods only. - HAMILTON'S CASH GROCERY. 47 East Main Sti Corner Phoenix Avenul Telephone 627-2. MAIN STREET. WATER! tLH Iioot at That House On v aterviiie street, . a beuutil ui res idence embracing all the artistic and modern imnrovemeuts which sugeest ease and comfort, and that place on Rideewood street with Its tas highly embellished front facin warming smiles or tne soutue: will brine hnnpiness! to 1t nooses D- H TIEPNY, Fire. Plate Glassy Insurance. and Sureties, 167 Bank St. BRASS CITY COAL Coal, Wood and Charcoa T. P. CONWAY, Mr. YARD NEAR GAS HOUS&.. Telephone: 139-14. COAL, WOOD AND CHARGOAt JOHN BYRON. Yard rear Plume & Atwood'a; Ut town offlce with J. i. uevereaux Co., 25 East Main Street : Telepho call. ' ' ' ; '.. Frank Miller &C 11 SOUTH MAIN STREETS BLACK DIAMONDS r Is what we sen in quantities, origut,. Well screenea, a pleasure 10 evvrjr house-wife who appreciates the fain of good coal. We are getting & fresn '. supply of all rail coal direct from the mines. . . . .-. John McEIJigott, Offices: John Schotts, 134 SofltH Main ' street. Geddes, Brooklyn. 3 El I una vwom , - Coal that will lve you tlw tta wMiJ for your moaey is the only ktod t we sell. The kind tlutt.t etaaft. J that Is coal all the way thro J -which every penny that la -ptfc for warmth and comfort Cor m our family.- Hereafter tntt cirri'" -A t :4 V &4 "