VOL. XVI, NO. 107.
;plkers Are Said To Be Dis
criminated Against
ke Had Obtained Work in the Clock
Factory Affairs Still Hanging Fire
in Bridgeport Strikers Make An
other Appeal for a Settlement of the
Trouble They Say That Unless the
Company Meets Them Half Way the
Strike Will Go On.
& .T. Pwk. at one time an employe
r h tfoiiv ooniDany. tells a story
fvhleh would lead one to believe that
Jhere are rather strange things going
$n in some of the factor! these times.
lr reck came heiv from lorringLuu u
ew years ago and after a time was
mployed on tne troiiey cai- -"'
f iff a vJii find a half, when he
Ired of the job ana went iu
he plating rooto at the New England
Watch factory, where he remained mi
ll he was laid off on account of dull
Imes. The day before the strike was
leclared Mr Wales of the trolley com
pany offered him . a job on the cars,
vhich he accepted, but made only one
fm when the tie-up occurred and he
"ot through. He never was regarded
as one of the striKers. yesterday he
sot a Job in the buffing department of
fhe Waterbury Clock Co. He says he
. x A -...mil- 11
stated' when entering tne vvnnif
L,i tho lnst -Dlace he did burr-
in was in Torrington. ' but ;ater they
called, mm into me
him of misstating a fact and asked
if vo Tcaa not an employe of the
1 LAM. J X. t- - - , a
? T .ami Mt A3 11 1 O
trolley company, eApmcu
connection with the corporation and
maintained that statement uu
wfftronoo to the last place where he did
polishing was true a 11 the same. It
went at that until this morning, when
he says he was called into the office
and discharged on the ground mac ub
was an employe of the trolley company.
Feck., now thinks that the unions are
novices in 'the business of boycotting.
Wonder what "Colonel Burpee will
pay in case the trolley company fails to
come to. terms with the men at Bridge
port. A big handle was. made out of
the short notice given the, company in
Waterbury, but nothing of this charac
ter can be said of the manner in which
the Park City boys have 4 proceeded.
They have given the company all the
a time it wanted to consider their prop
osition, didn't slight Mr Sewell or any
of the other nabobs of this great organ
ization which is destined soon to own
411 the public ways of the state and use
them , to suit itself regardless of the
wishes of the people, so that in case
'the company cannot make terms with
them without another, strike the cat
will be out of the bag and everybody
will see that the company and not its
employes is the aggressor in a squabble
that has already cost the. state a vast
sum of money and the end is not yet.
What a blessing it would be if trolley
companies would do .business on the
same principle as the factories do!
But if the row starts in Bridgeport It
Is probable A. W. Paige will atend to It
.without and assistance from Colonel
lBurpee, though there are those who
claim that the colonel will be it any
way. Page and Burpee make up a
wonderful team, when hitched up to
gether their power is almost irresist
able, but when pulling in opposite di
rections It is said that the Bridgeport
man gets tne pole every time. He is
said to have knocked out Colonel Bur
pee and his army of capitalists who
sought to own the Naugatuck river In
one round. Yes, the little Park City
giant is said to have given the com
pany such a bump that it didn't know
; what struck them, even its counsel,
.the gallant colonel, going down without
. being able to give a satisfactory ex
i planation of the cause. Some day
; when Mr" Paige and Colonel Burpee
) get together aivd decide to form a trol-
ley company of their own it won't take
them long to oust the Philadelphia
i millionaires and become directors in
I stead of attorneva that ta
(Joo? they now have are more remun-
f uiu "uiuiujj a, uuiiiromng in
terest in the company.
The local trolley strike continues
without developing any new phases.
JThe situation- In Brideenort
yJng more and more Interesting. Some
7 of the papers 'published in that city
f say nothing authoritative can be ob
i tained from the officials of the com
j pany and the trolleymen's union. This
f morning's Telegram-Union says the
I men will hold a special nieetlhgThurs
f day morning by which time the com-
pany's reply will be in their hands mid
' they iwill take action upon it. The same
paper says that according to rumor
; one or more of the national officers will
be at that meeting. There was no
: noticeable increase of new men on the
cars yesterday, but every car had a
new man along with the regular crew.
The Farmer says that the company
will, under no conditions, admit out
siders to any conference it may have
with the men, or treat with thehi in
any way, believing the matter can be
adiusted without such influence.
"Should the national officers, however,
insist upon taking a hand in the mat
ter," says that peper. "the probabili
ties are that the rival interests will
clash and then a strike Is inevitable."
It continues to say that the company
is willing to meet the men half way
upon all of the important points at
issue. Continuing it says:
"In regard' towages which was one
of the important features of the re
quests of the men, the company will
, propose a compromise which they feel
should be entirely acceptable to the
f employes.
"With reference to a readjustment of
the working hours the officials are wil
ing to submit a new schedule which
will seek to correct the defects the
men complain of In the "swing" runs,
"If the men insist upon their union
being recognized, which Is one of their
demands, the' chances are that such
recognition will be accorded as far as
it appertains to the local organization.
But the company will not in any sense
agree to a recognition, of the union If
such recognition is intended to include
the Amalgamated Association.
The officials say the hiring of new
men at this time does not indicate that
they are expecting trouble and are
preparing for it by employing men
Who will be ready to take the place of
the, present force in event of n strike.
It has ever been their custom to put
on many extra hands at this season of
the year so as to be ready for the sum
mer traffic when there Is need for many
additional hands.
"The employes say that it is unusual
nevertheless, for so mauy new men to
be placed to workv this early. They
also point out ' that there are no
Bridgeport men being put to work,
which is decdedly unusual. What
makes the men suspicious is the com
ing here of so many strangers at this
time.' Some of the present employes
say it looks as if the company intend
ed to resist the demands of the men
and were stocking up with help to be
used in the event of a strike.
"Some of the more experienced of
the employes say It would not be safe
to take into the union any of the new
men until positive proof is forthcoming
that they are not being brought here
to get into the body for the purpose of
disrupting It.
"The, employes are splendidly organ
ized in this city now and they do not
propose to allow anything to happen
if . they can stop it that will injure
their organization.
"Of course it will not be necessary
for the local union to ask the national
officers to come here If" the company
is willing to agree to the requests of
the men or if the two Interests can
effectuate a suitable compromise."
The strikers' executive committee is
sued the following statement mis ar-
teruoon: 1
"Our strike is rapidly , neariug the
'century' mark, lor this is our ninety
fourth day out, and nothing in view
that would Indicate a possible settle
ment in the very near future. On the
contrary, it Is beginning to appear as
if we were to be xeinf orced by our
Bridgeport brothers, 11)0 strong. . We
have been repeatedly asked for opin
ions concerning things down there, but
have refrained from giving out our
opinions. " We will now state, however,
that we believe our Bridgeport broth
ers will stick to their gxins exactly as
we have and if their demands are not
CQiinplIed with, br some action taken
by the company which will prove sat
isfactory to them, there will be a strike
in the Tark city. Waterbury people
are watching Bridgeport with consid
erable interest, but Ave know fjom ex
perience that our Bridgeport. brethren
have been studying Waterbury's strike
with equal interest, and have gained
considerable knowledge therefrom.
" 'What will be the outcome of the
strike here?' is a question we are often'
asked. 'How long will this thing drag
along?' is another query. In reply we
will say asfwe have always said from
the beginning; we are willing and ready
at any and all times to do our full
share toward bringing this unpleasant
situation to an end. We will meet the
company more than half way, and have
always been willing to do so. ' What
more can. we do? , If we wanted to set
tle the strike alone, it would mean that
we must throw up our hands after a
gallant struggle of fourteen weeks and
go down in disgraceful defeat. That,
of course, we will never do, and the
public evidently does not desire us to
take such action, judging from the
sympathy shown our cause. No, the
company must help in bringing the
strike to a close. It takes two to make
a fight and it also ta"kes two sides' to
ettle a strike. The public is being
shown no consideration by the com
pany, as is evidenced by its apparent
lack of Interest in doing anything to
bring the battle to an end.
"We have just been , 'put wise' to an
alleged scheme of the company to In
crease riding still further.' Not satis
fied with working upon the clerks in
office factories through their employ
ers, they have now, it Is said, entered
the fashionable homes of the city and
made a siege against the servants. In
days of yore, ths servants were lucky
if they got one afternoon a week offt
Now, it is said, most of them can get
off every day on condition that they
will use the free trolley tickets placed
at their disposaJ. Tims it is the cars
are apparently being Well patronized
by the public, whereas these servants
are having a snap riding over the vari
ous lines and enjoying a daily vacation
besides. The company will hardly de
clare dividends upon such patronage,
however. It simply goes to show the
extremes a corporation will go to some
times In order to crush the laboring
men in their employ.
We have made arrangements to
give a good 'bus service to all those
desiring to attend Father Traynor's
big festival in Waterville to-morrow
night. There will be accommodations
galore for all ' 'Lo Intend to go."
Attorney James A. Peasley said to
day that he Is suffering for' his rash
ness in riding on the cars a few days
ago. He has a bad cold.
Norwood extra went down Bunk
street this morning by mistake and
kept' going ahead until a passenger
kicked about being carried away from
home. '
If you have been observing of late
you will notice that Judge Burpee is
presiding in the police court more- fre
quently than he did a few weeks ago.
Deputy Judge Peasley seems to ho
busy getting "Bon" Sedgwick's allega
tions against the police departnynt
into shape.
If the men who worked for the trolley
eomiiany and went on strike, but have
grown tired hanging around ana want
to work elsewhere are to be discrimi
nated against in the factories and oth
er places, it looks as if there is no
course open to the men but continue
the fight to the end. Many friends of
the strikers have been thinking for
some time past that all things consid
ered, the best thing they could do was
to throw up the sponge and do some
thing else, but If they cannot get jobs
in other places they will have to keep
up the fight. It is also stated that
some of the shops are discharging help
that ride in the 'buses or automo
biles and are making it known on the
quiej that the hands will have to ride
on the trolley cars or walk. It is hop
ed that this is not true, for surely noth
ing good could come of it. It would
prove nothing but what has been stat
ed time and again that a day would
come when the trolley company would
own the town. .Of course it is not so
bad yet so-long as people are permitted
to walk.'. ISmployers of labor who seek
to dictate' what way their help get to
their work are borrowing trouble.
jTobk iHIs ) Daughter By Heels
; White He Choked His Wife
Swung the Little Child About in the
Air and Dashed Her Head on a
Stove When the Man Was Arrested
Later He Feigned Ignorance of the
Whole Affair.
New York, April 14. In consequence
of threats maUe by her husband that
if she was not at home when he re
turned lie would kill her and their 3-year-old
daughter, Mrs Charles Joeger
of Brooklyn sought refuge In the house
of her sister.
When Joeger reached home last night
he found, the rooms deserted. Infuri
ated, he ran from the house and hunt
ed in different places for his wife. Ev
evrybody denied having seen her, but
he waited and watched at his sister-in-law's
door until he hard the voice of
his child at play with other children. .
. -Bursting in the door, he knocked his
wife .against the wall and grabbed his
daughter by the legs as she flew fto
Jier mother's arms. Mrs Joeger fell
upon her knees and begged, him not to
injure the child. Shouting curses at
his wife, and still holding the child by
the legs, he swung -the little body
around his head and brought her head
down with crushing force upon a
stove. He dropped the child then and
shouted at his wife, "It's your turn
next." Then he ran away, and going
to the house of a friend, handed him
$5, and told him to hurry and get i
doctor, as his little girl had been. hurt.
' A doctor who was called In said the
child's skull had been crushed in many
places and she cotild not live.
Joeger was caught shortly before mid
night hiding In the homo of his broth
r. Hp said he did not know anything
about the injury to his child.
1 Half SenUnar Fleet '.Home.
t ST, ' JOHN'S, N. ' F.,, April 14.-The
steamer Neptune, with 24,000 seals,
and the steamer Ranger, with 18,000
seals, arrived here yesterday from the
seal fisheries off Labrador. Half the
fleet is now home, with a total catch
f 230,000 seals.
Fire In Wilmington, Man,
WILMINGTON, Mass., April 14.
Four structures in the business part of
this town were burned, entailing a loss
of $20,000. The quick response of fire
apparatus from the neighboring city of
Woburn prevented a. conflagration
which to all appearances would have
carried away buildings over a large
Otftn to Two' Colleges.
MONTGOMERY, Ala., April 14. Dr.
D. K. Pearsons, a Chicago philanthro
pist, is spending his eighty-third birth
day quietly at a Montgomery hotel., Dr.
Pearsons announced anniversary gifts
to two colleges. He will give to Raw
lings college, Winter Park, Fla., $50,
000 and the Kingfisher college, Okla
homa, $25,000.
Cloalnar Stock Quotations.
Money on call easier at 6 per cent.
Prime mercantile paper, 55 per cent.
Sterling exchange te"ady, with actual
business in bankers' bills at $4.866254.8G875
for demand and at $4.83504.8375 for 60 day
bills. Posted rates, $4,841 anj $4.87.
Commercial bills, $4.824.S3. Bar sil
ver, 49c. Mexican dollars, 38c. Gov
ernment bonds steady. Railroad bonds
heavy. Closing prices:
Atchison 1 Ontario & West. 27
C.,C.,C. & St. X. 89 Pacific Mall .... 324
Ches. & Ohio... 41 People's Gas ...100
Del. & Hudson. 3C2s Reading 51
Erie 32 Rock Island 40
Gen. Klectrlc.,180 St. Paul 158ii
Lackawanna.... 242 Sugar Refinery. 120'
Lead... 2334 Texas Pacific .. 30
Louis. & Nash.. 114 Union Pacific .. 86
Manhattan Con 135 Wabash pref. .. 25
Missouri Pac...104 West. Union ... 85
N.yy. Central .
" . : New, York Markets.
FLOUR-Qulet, but firmly held; Minne
sota patents, $3.904 20; winter straights,
$3.503.60: winter extras, $2.803.10; winter
patents, $3.70t4.
WHKAT-Flrm and higher on small
world's shipments, Chicago manipulation
and cold weather in the southwest; May,
78W78 15-16o.; July, 75iA76c.
RYE Steady; state, (1761c, c. 1. f., New
York; No. 2 western, 69c, t. o. b., afloat.
CORNAlso higher on the rains west
and local covering;; May, 61SjP51 3-18c.
OATS Firmer with corn; track, white,
state! 87W45C.; track, white, western, 37
45cv , .,. ""
PORK Dull; mess, $1818.50; family.
LARD Nominal; prime western steam,
BUTTER Steady; state dairy, 1827c;
extra creamery, 28c.
CHRESE lrm: state, full cream,
small, colored, fall made, fancy, 15c;
small, white, fall made, fancy, 14c;
large, colored, fall made, fancy, 144
Uc. ; large, white, fall made, fancy, 144
EGOS-Firm; state and Pennsylvania, 15
g15MC. ; western, storage packed, 15c.
SUGAR Raw firm; fair refining, 3 1-1 8c. ;
centrifugal. 96 test, 3Vic. ; refined firm;
crushed, 5.v35c. ; powdered, 4.85c.
TURPENTINE-Dull at 6758c.
TALLOW-Steady; city, 5Hc; country,
HAY Firm; shipping, 5E70c; good to
choice. 95c.$1.10.
Live Stock Market,
CATTLE Market active'? choice, $5.30
5.40; prime. $5.155.25; good, $46.10; veal
calves. $tt,S07.25.
HOGS Market lower: prim heavies,
$1 60; mediums, $7.657.60; heavy Yorkers,
$7.407.45; light Yorkers, $7.307.35; pigs,
$7.207.30j rouarhs, $57.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Market lower;
best wethers. $5.606.70; culls and com
mon. $2 50(28.50; choice lambs. $6. 50626.80.
Only One Witness Heard By
Board of Arbitration.
Attorney McVey For The Operatives
is Subjecting Agent Souithworth to
an Exhaustive Examination Strik
ers Are Still Firm And. Say They
.Want Ten Per Cent Increase or
Nothing. , '
Lowell, Mass., April 14 Although
this was the fourth day of the investi
gation of the textile situation here by
the state board of conciliation and ar
bitration, the first witness called on the
opening day was still under examina
tion when the hearing was resumed
tills forenoon The witness, William S.
Southwort'h, agent of the Massachu
setts Cotton mills and the leading mill
authority in Lowell is being subjected
to exhaustive questioning by Attorney
McVey.'aettng for the operatives.
Frown the expressed attitude of repre
sentatives of both sides who have been
present at the hearings, there is- no in
dleation of an end of the trouble. "It
is ten per cent or ; nothing'.' say the
union officials, while the mill mianagota
are equally positive in their assertion
that the mills cannot crd will int pay
th increase desired.
The various unions are to-day send
ing out accredited representatives to
arrange for financial assistance in other
mill centres. The strikers are not in
financial straits, but the leaders consid
er it wise to perfect arrangements for
a long battle. r
Beat the Old Boat Handily To
Day in 16 Mile Run
The Wind Was So Squally, at the
Start That the Yachts Had to Put
Back to Shelter The Old Shamrock
Led at the Start, But yery Soon the
New One Got the Wind and Went
Ahead. ; ' ' , ,
Weymouth, Eng, April 14. A race of
16 miles to leeward from off Wey
mouth, and beat back, was laid out for
the Shamrocks to-day. When the boats
got outslUe the shelter of the break
water the wind came in hard gusts and
the yachts seotued to have all they
could stagger under and ..required an
occasional luff up to ease them. The
strain found a weak spot in the Sham
rock Ill's peak halyard gear. A man
was sent aloft and on his report the
yacht fetched into sheltered water and
anchored. The Shamrock I also an
ed and dropped her head sails.
The wind subsequently softened and
the boats were sent off an a trial spin
to leeward and return. There was no
formal start. The Shamrock I led by
a length, but the new boat in a few
minutes closed up the gap and , ran
clear ahead. Clubtopsails were added
as the yachts went down the wind
and the challenger spun out a constant
ly increasing, lead.
The timings after a ten mile run
were as follows: Shamrock III,
2:24.03; Shamrock I, 2:20.37
At the finish the, time was as follows:
Shamrock III, 3:33.39; Shamrock I,
Five ftftnln'ff BlTls Fasd.
v HARRISBURG, Pa., April 14. In
the senate yesterday five bills relating
to the coal mines were passed finally.
They now go to the governor. The bills
are as follows: Providing for a home,
for old, crippled and helpless mine
workers and their wives, the same to
be maintained Jointly by the employees
and employers; prohibiting the employ
ment at any work of persons under
twenty-one years of age in or about an
thracite coal mines more than eight
hours a day; revising the mine inspec
tion law and providing for an addi
tional inspection district to be created
out of Dauphin county; amending the
mining laws so as to make the ton of
2,240 pounds the basis from which to
calculate the earnings of miners; re
quiring all mine foremen and their as
sistants to make daily examinations of
all working places and traveling roads
in the mines to see that the roof and
sides are properly timbered and safe
for men to work in.
Chinese Kkforiu mocked.
PEKING, April 14. The dowager
empress has issued an edict repealing
the comprehensive stamp taxation
scheme which Yuan Shi Kal, governor
of the province of Chili, was about to
inaugurate throughout this province.
The edict assigns the poverty of the
people as the reason for the repeal of
the scheme, but it is believed Yuan Shi
Kal's enemies procured it for the pur
pose of crippling his proposed reforms.
One of the contemplated effects of the
proposed plan would have been to se
cure i honest returns to taxes collected
and to deprive minor officials of large
Democratic TCdltort BanqnH,
ALBANY, N. Y., April 14.-The Statft
Democratic Editorial association cele
brated the birthday of Thomas Jeffer
son with a banquet at the Ten Eyck.
At least 100 representatives- of the
Democratic press of the state were in
attendance. Hon. Daniel E. Frisble of
Schoharie, former Democratic leader in
the assembly and president of the as
sociation, presided and made, an. ad
dress. Speeches were made by Hon.
Andrew McLean, editor of the Brook
lyn Citizen; Professor vDuncan C. Lee
of Cornell university and Senator
Thomas Fj Grady.
1 1 1 DOES BE
Bryan and Cleveland Sent Let
ters of Regret.
'Twas Too Bad They Did Not Meet at
the Jeffersonlan Dinner Last Night
and Have it Out D. B. Hill Also
Sent a Letter E. M. Shepard Scored
President Roosevelt. r
New York, April 14. Letters from
former President Cleveland, William
Jennings Bryan and ex-Senator David
B. Hill, were read at last night's
Thomas Jefferson dinner of the Tam
many hall general committee of the
thirty-fifth assembly district. -
Mr Cleveland wrote:
"In the crowding incidents and con
stantly changing conditions of our peo
ple's life, new Issues and new subjects
of political thought and action must
frequently present themselves to the
test of democratic judgment. The only
sincere way for our party to deal with
these is, first, to diiicover their charac
ter and their tendencies for good "or
evil, and thereupon to treat them in
such manner .aswill recognize constitu
tional restrictions and the necessity of
safe conservatism, while at the same
time we keep in sight, as our unfailing
guide and the supreme object of our
poliiical endeavor, a conscientious re
gard for the best and highest Interest
of the people of the land."
Mr Bryan in his letter said:
"I trust "that the banquet will in
spire those present to Imitate Jefferson
In a right for the application of demo
ci'atic principle's of government with
out compromise with plutocracy or don
cessions of time-servers and patronage
Ir. his letter from Wolf ert's Roost,
former Senator Hill announced that "A
united democracy can win the great
contest in 1904 and, rout the forces of
Edward M. Shepard referring to the
national administration, spoke of Pres
ident Roosevelt practically as a fire
brand who is teaching the nation to de
sire war. ' '
Royal Blue Train In Peril by an Ac-
''' '"' " ; ' cldent.
BALTIMORE," April 14. With the
dead engineer's body hanging from the
cab window, the throttle wide open
and the Royal Blue express making
fifty-five miles or more an hour, the
passengers of this aristocratic train of
the Baltimore and Ohio toad were In
Somewhere down by the Susquehan
na river bridge Engineer J. Walter
Farley, who had been hauling the fast
trains of the system for more than
twenty years, put his head too far out
of the cab window. It was struck by
the bridge or a signal pole, and after
that it was all otfer with the engineer.
His body fell across the sill of the win
dow, and while his head, shoulders and
arms dangled out of the cab his legs
were held in by being caught in the
reverse lever.
When the careening about the curves
came and the train plunged over a
crossing without stopping, as required
by law, Fireman Howard knew some
thing was wrong and climbed up into
the engineer's cab.
It was but a second when he discov
ered that Farley was dead, and in the
same second he had the steam shut off.
Jefferson BaTn'aiiet WaBhlngrton,
WASHINGTON, April 14. Hon.
William J, Bryan, Senator Hoar, of
Massachusetts and Governor Montague
of Virginia and former Postmaster
General Charles Emory Smith of Phil
adelphia were the prineipal speakers
at a dinner given at the Hotel "Barton
last night under the auspices of the
Thomas Jefferson Memorial associa
tion In celebration of the one hundred
and sixtieth anniversary of the birth
of the author of the Declaration of In
dependence. About 140 guests were
present. A feature of the musical pro
gramme was the rendition of a march
by Leader Santelman of the Marine
band entitled, "The Thomas Jefferson
March." H. B. F. MacFarland, presi
dent of the District commissioners,
presided, and Thomas Nelson Page
acted as toastmaster. The dinner was
not of a political character.
Nw Kent Trial Next Week.
ROCHESTER, N. Y., April 14. On
account of the expression of opinions
regarding the trial of Leland D. Kent,
indicted for aiding Ethel Blanche Din
gle to commit suicide, on the part of
a juror, David W. Conkling, the court
proceedings, under way for a , week,
have been discontinued, a new panel
of seventy-five jurymen having been
ordered, and the trial will recommence
next Monday.
Rain Spoiled Eigg Rolling.
WASHINGTON. April 14. The Eas
ter egg rolling in the White House
grounds was a dismal failure because
of rainy weather. The grounds were
water soaked, and dripping rain from
the trees made the inclosure cheerless.
About 100 children, with their parents,
came down during the afternoon, but
soon departed. The proposed Marine
band concert on the grounds was Jmv
Sell Given Htinnelf Up.
MANCHESTER, N. II., April 14.
Charles W. Sell, who last Friday night
attempted to kill his sweetheart, Miss
Mabel S. French, and two male com
panions by shooting, walked into the
police station last night, handing his
revolver to Captain Steele in the pres
ence of Chief of Police Healey.
InMiirsrentM Capture a Fortreaa.
MADRID, April 14. Dispatches from
Melilla, Morocco, announce that the in
surgent Moors have captured the fort
ress of Frajana. A part of the garrl
on escaDed and took refuse in MelLibu
Father McGiyney the Recipient at Last
Quarterly Meeting.
' Rev P. J. M'cGTrney, formerly of
Waterbury, and wvho Is now pastor at
New Canaan was agreeably surprised
the other day. Father McGivney Is the
National chaplain of the Knigihts of
Coluimbus, whlch. position (he has faith
fully filled for several yearn.. At the
last quarterly meeting of the national
officers Father McGivney was presented
with a handsome and costly gold chal
ice. The board took this means of
showing Father McGivney that they ap
preciate this efforts In behalf of the
order and that they esteem him highly
as a priest and a man, and' feel honored
to be Ms associate in the ranks of the
K. of C.
A daughter was born -this mdrnlng'
to lur ana Mrs George II. Nettleton of
Ridge wood street.
John Bergin of South Main street
ihaiS returned from Hot Springs,
Arkansas, where he was for several
weeks undergoing a course of treat
ment for his health. ;
One of the finest maps ever made of
the city has just been completed by
the Waterbury Guarantee Title com
pany. It is twelve feet square and ev
ery building lot in the city is marked
in it. ' . ,
The forty hours devotion which
vpeuea wc, tine nnraiacmute uoneepuon
ichurcfh last Sunday morning closed at
o'clock to-day.
In the city , court yesterday , Judge
Cowell gave a Judgment for the plaint
iff in the suit of Trepanier against the
city fo recover $14. The city had ten
dered Trepanier this amount but he
refused it. Trepanier was a nurse for
the city durinjr the smallpox epidemic.
Superintendent O'Brien of the water
rworks department complaiins that tei.m-
eters use very mttle care in driving by
hydrants. Several hydrants have been
broken during the nast few weeks bv
teams backing into , them. One was
Droisen tnis morning. . , '
The Abragadasset club expects to oc
cupy its quarters in the Mulling block
on Bank street about May 1.. The
club will have seven room's. Two chefs
have already been secured, the furnish
lngs have been Durohased and every
thing is in rf.dlness for the opening
or tuxe rooms lust as soon as the build
ing is completed. The club has about
iuu caem twrs, ,
Joseph Skelly, one of the men injur
ed in the local railroad wreck, who has
since been at the Waterbury hospital
and whose recovery at times "was al
most despaired of, left to-day for his
home in Bridgeport, convinced that the
Waterbury. hospital is a first class
place for a man who needs constant
attention on the part of physicians and
nurses. Flaherty, another . of the vic
tims, is doing well, too, and will be all
right in a short time.
It does not look as if the strike at
Benedict & Burnham'g would amount
to much. The men who remnlnorl n
their work were given the advance in.
wages askea for and it Is said that all
of them would have arot it h
innamea at rnear 'Dencnes. It is thought
that tnere was some misunderstanding
all around. , Some new omen have ,been
taken on, but whether this will Inter
fere, with he others getting back is
something not generally known. ,
About forty members of the Young
Women's Twentieth Century club sur
prised their president, Miss Sara
Spearo, last evening at her home on
North Elm street. They first present
ed her a handsome Venetian vase after
which they had a jolly good time.
Among the out-of-town members
Abram Spearo, of Columbia college,
juariis narret or i'atterson, N. J., Miss
Rose Tuttle, Miss Mary Burros, the
well known amateur artist,1 and Miss
Sophia Finklesteln. ' '
The funeral. of Marv McHnrtinr wa-
place this morning from her late home
on River street with a mass of re
quiem at St Francis Xavier's church
by the Rev Father Curtln and inter
ment, in St Joseph's cemetery. The
bearers Were Daniel McCarthy, Joseph
McCarthy, John Powers, Patrick Col
lins, Timothy Collins nnd
Stephen Walsh. The floral
tributes included a pillow lettered
"Our Mamie." from John -KTnn.ayh
and family; a piece representing faith,
uope ana cnanry, employes of the Wa
terbury button company; bouquets,
Mary and Nellie Hartnett, Mary and
Nellie Kelly, Mr and Mrs Mullany,
Nellie and Lizzie Flvnn. ClarvlA nrr,
and Lena Donovan.
It is understood that the Uon n,i
public safety will have no time to de
vote to anvthinsr durinsr th hnion
w a - -. j j.
its term but Ifstening to charges
brought against the different officers
Some people claim to have so much
evidence against the officers that they
will have to use the City hall building
In order to make room for the number
of witnesses that will be cited in. If
this be true there will be lots of sport
at the sessions of the board, for it is
said thnt the officers intend to strike
back. One of them Is said to have had
a "go" already with a man who
"sassed" him for standing too long at
a certain point. The officer Is reported
as having told the inquisitive spotter
to go pay his dobts and that he would
bp busy for the bnlance of his life; but
the citizen thought this none of th
other fellow's busbies and threatened
to report him. Tf this b true the po
licemen ar Mn a bad box. If overv
little chronic kicker i permitted to in
sult officer on their beat it Vhard lo
see liftw tli men can do their dnr.
But the policemen should not b dis
couraged over these taunts. Whnt
they want to do Is to perform their
duty fearlesslv and trust to the nubile
to stand by them. This crusnrie
simply. a nolltlenl game and after it
gets an airing and people have a chance
to see through It, many will wonder
why they didn't catch, on before
Newport Was All Ablaze Ovop
( Wedding
The Weather Wa9 Raw, Cold and
'Rainy The Decorations Were White
With Dark Green Background
Father Meenan Officiated at the Cer
emony, Assisted by Two Altar Boys.
Newport. As the marriage took place
ding of Reginald C. Vanderbilt of New,
York, the youngest sdh of the late Cor
nelius Vanderbilt, and Miss Cathleea
G. Neilson, also of New York, wh lei
occurred at "Arleigh" at noon to-day,
was a brilliant as well as an, early
opening of the social season of 1903 at
Newport. As the mariage took place
in a private villa, it. lacked much of
the pomp which usually attends . a
church function. About 150 guests,
nearly all from New York,, were pres
ent at the ceremony. It was a white
wedding. The decorations were white
on a background of green r the brides
maids were gowned in white, with
white picture hats; the bridegroom, hi
best man and the ushers wore white
puff cravats and white boutonnierei,
and the bride, of course, wore nothing
but purest white. The weather sulked
and instead of a sparkling spring day
it was gray and cold, with a misty
northeast wind blowing in from the
sae. '
For,an hour preceding the ceremony
an orchestra played, and just at noon
the measured strains of the Lohengrin
march signaled the approach- of the
bridal party. . ,
Rev Father Meennn nttonrla lw
altar boys,, previously had taken his
place at the floral altar and just as the
procession started down the grand
staircase. - Mr Vanderbilt. accompanied
by his elder brother, Alfred Gwynne
Vanderbilt. took their positions be
side .the priest. 1 "
Miss Neilson advanced on the arm
of her uncle, Frederick Gebhard. Tho
maid of honor was Miss" Gladys Van
derbilt, sister , of the . groom' Her
four bridesmaids were 4flS9 Isabella
May of Washington, Miss Florence
Twombly, a cousin of Mr Vanderbilt,
Miss Evelyn Parsons and Miss Natalia
-' The usbers who led the procession
T?ere Jules 03. Neilson, a brother of the
bride, Ellis Adama of Orange, N. J.,
Arthur S. Burden, of New York, S. N.
Stone of Syracuse, Peter Goelet Gerry
and Albert Gray of New York.
The bride was, gowned to heavy
white silk with , a costly veil of rare
lace flowing .back from tie crown of
her head to , the end of the train
Around (her throat was tlgfhtly elapsed
a serpent necklace of rarest pearl s, the
gift of the bridegroom.
The ceremony was brief. Its cora
Pletlon was indicated by the Mendels
sohn march. A reception followed and
an inspection of the bridal gifts, which
were declared to be probably as costly
an array as ever was bestowed on two
young people at the advent of their
married life. Then came the weddln
breakfast. '.
Mr and Mrs Vanderbilt left for their
new villa at Sandy Point, a few mijes
up the island, during -Hie afternoon
where they will pend n few days pre
vious to a three months' trip to Eu
rope. ,
Senate Votes to Ask Opinion of tn
Attorney General.
Hartford, April 14.In the senate t
day the South Norwalk Incorporation
matter came up, although the matte
is now closed as far a 8 legislative ac
tion is concerned. Senator Walsh of
Greenwich, who has
the division, offered a resolution askinu
iuC nuuiueiv genera; ror ni8 opinion a?
to the validity of the rniTtpn.
B - " . i.i c v flu.
y a vote of thirteen to nine the sen
ate adopted the resolution.
xne nouse this morning received a
favorable report from th -i,n
committee on the proposed bill for the
pruiecuon or me life of the president
of the United States "or fnra(m
sador in this country. The proposed"
"Y iviu xne death penaltv
"for every person who ahoii rin...i,:J
and maliciously attempt to cause thi
death of the, president or any tons a
ambassador." J -VM'r
Sister of Mercy W'as To-day Crowned
With a Golden Coronet
Chicago. April 14.
the high altar in the chapel of St
Xavier's academy, surrounded by black
tfueu sisxers, ana wnite robed novices
Sister M. Vlctolre Bosse tmo
crowned with a golden coronet in token
of her fifty years of service in the
order of the Sisters of Mercy. Half
century ugo on master Monday, Celina
Bosse. a girl of 19. took
of the order and became Sister Vie
toire. io-aay, at uu, she is still an ac
tive worker in the nrrfpr iMm
mass was celebrated in the chanel
.uumoon oraciatmg, assisted by
priests from nearly all the important
Roman Catholic churches of Chicago.
In the afternoon the ceremony of cor"
onation was held.
Sister Victoire was born Februarr
22, 1834. in, Cape St Ignatz, .Province
or yueoec. uommg to Chicago but
four vears after the seven rv? ATI OAT Im
ters from Pittsburg had established the
order here, she entered the convent as
a novice.
' T .. :- :',
New London. Anrll 14. Tn .tft ra
tion into the responsibility for the col
lision between the Fall , River line
steamers Plymouth and City of Taun
ton resulted in a nnainff by the gov
ernment Inspectors that neither of v.a
minsters of the steamers are errtitf of
misbehavior, incompetency or negli
gence. , : j '