Newspaper Page Text
WATERBURY EVENING ( DEMOCRAT, WEDNESDAY, APRIL L5, 1903. 10 DID YOU GET your bumps yet? The trolley company got theirs, the trolley strikers got theirs, business men who ride oa the cars are getting theirs, the people who won't ride until the strike is over have certainly lhad. theirs, and the city of rwaterbury got theirs (from the outside tewspapers), and now -the "cops' are booked. Well, in all probability, the brass-buttaned, blue-coated, stern looking "cops" are to get theirs. WVn. We can't find fault as to their size, be cause there are Ug, tali fellows as " . ,,. I'll. 1 J-1. TIT i- tlQ well as snorues itne rauer hammered downs). They can't be charged witih not being on hand when "wanted because they are not built so bs to be at the four corners) of their beat at any one particular minute. They can't be charged with not patro'i ' ling the beautiful, shady, well-made sidewalks and the delightful drive ways in '"Hamilton Park." No. and it will be the deuce of a long time be fore they'll be needed in the said park unless some good eitizeii opens his pocketbook and heart. Say, the only charge the "cops" can be convicted on is if one of them should opea-' his mouth and say there are any baseball players on the force, the guilty ones .in such a ease could , he dropped with out a hearing, because tlhey could be proven Insane in ten seconds.- As for baseballs, gloves, mitts and bats we Swive a full line -and this week yon r-hno with ono nonncl of our warranted good Tea at 50 cents per pound. A few of ; our handsome Easter Souvenirs;. left and one to' each purchaser , of Tea cr Coffee at Phelan's T Store. dairdeia - Seeds, - ..Mower Seeds, , rianet Jr, Seed Drills, Extra' Quality Lawn Seed. . The famous Essex Lawn Dress ing. Lawn Mowers -a full line of- Lawn Mowers. 1 - A large and "', varied assortment of up-4x-date Fishing Tackle, Ma cfhinlsts' Tools, Carpenters' Tools, 3uildeijs' Hardware. Garden Tools of all kinds. 'Agricultural Tools of all de scription.. . P.J. BOLAN -': Hardware Store, ; 90-94 Bank Street. The Shop 9? We Haye opened Our new Carpet Department With an up-to-date stock of Ingrain. Tapestry, Vel vet and Brussels Car pefs, Chinese and Japa nese Mattings, Grass Cloths, Linoleums, Rugs, Etc. Prices are' as low as good goods can be bought for. ESYour, inspection - invited. The Lapalme-Hoflman Co Nugent's Beef, Iron And Uii Is the surest remedy In the world for making pure blood, strong nerves and a nealthy stomach. - It drives all the impurities from the system and. keeps them out. There is no excuse!e, half -sock, tired-out men and women. Take this good medicine and get well. We have it at 50c a bottle. , . imccimc DUlDRIinv liUULHI O rnHHIUHUI Cor Scovill and South Main Sts. Standard Fashions. On and after April 10th, at Popular Prices. Sewing Hachines a n d Supplies at reduced Prices. G. SIEBERt & GO, 78 Center St . Office Tel 205-S. House, 323-4. " EASTER GIFTS .' '" Before you - purchase . your .: Easter gifts come in' and look '" ; - over our line of , Sterling Silver V , Novelties, Cut Glass, Rosdry Beads and Chatelaine Bags. THE Gaffney Jewelry Co ; 2 NORTH MAIN SXBBST.' Seeds Fishing i-acko. i 1903 APRIL 1903 m. I0J. TOM. m. TEUtt. FEI. Bit. ,1 2 3, 4 5 6 8 9.ToTT 12 13 TT T5 16 17 T? 19 20 TT 22 23 2425 2627 28 29 30 .... CITY NEWS. The funeral of Mrs Annie Carey will take place to-morrow morning at 8:30 o'clock from the family residence on Dikeman street. Broadway stables, Joseph Mori arty proprietor, is making boarding a &pe icialty. First accommodations $20 a month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Special forecast for Connecticut: Rain to-night; Thursday rain in north, clearing in south portion ; high nortlheast wind, becomiing north to northwest Thursday. There was no city court to-day. Complaints against James. Riley for breach of the peace and intoxication were nolled, the trouble being a family row, and against Daniel Deaney.for intoxication. , . ,J- ' ' Go to Concordia hall to-night and see the remarkable man A. J. Frechette, "hypnotist and the remarkable and as tounding feats performed by people under his spell. An up-todatef,vande-ville show will be an accompanying feature. . J ''' . .. "-'.'... , , ;,; To-morrow will be the first anniver sary of Grieve, Bisset & Holland's opening, and to celebrate the event they are going to have a big sale'. Cus tomers who, have been with '.them the past year as well .' as ' everybody else who attends and gets the,! benefit of sale prices,. will certainly be with them for another year. ....... r The funeral of Asa C, Peck took place yesterday afternon from his late home on Park avenue, with, service by the Rev Dr Anderson and interment in Riverside cemetery. The bearers were C. H. Rockwood, E.'T. Root; IX. W. Ati wood, C. B. Webster, N. W. Green man, A. I. Goodrich, Judge Charles W. Gillette and Lewi Beardsley. , A high wind and heavy rairi made up rather disagreeable weather last night and things were not much better to day. Umbrellas were of but little use about town and many who started out this morning well provided with such protection against rain got them turned into various shapes , before reaching their places of employment. ''..Mrs Mary Daly, wiife of Jeremiah Daly, died last night, at her home, 15 Eflnieraild street. Besides her huiSH iband she leaves five Children. The funeral will take place at 9:30 o'clock to-morrow morning with a mass of requiem at the Immaculate Concep tion church and interment in Calvary 'cemetery.' -A . . ' :-: '". :.;' An. unusually large and select gath ering is already assured for the closing assembly given by the members of Professor Bailey's school of-dancing at Leavenworth hall, Thursday evening, April 23. These semi-annual dancing parties are looked forward to by pupils and their friends with much pleasure for they never miss having a royal time. , V Leavenworth hall will be ' the scene of a merry event to-night, when the promenade of the Merrimac Base Ball association will take place. A large number of. tickets has been sold and there promises to be a large attend-v ance: Fine music will " be furnished for. the dancing. ,The committee in charge consists of Michael Slavin, Jere--mlah Ring, William G'.ient,' James Hayes and Thomas Driscoll. . The police commissioners of New Haven last night voted the sum of $50 to reimburse a police officer who em ployed an attorney to defend a suit for false arrest, .which was lost by the party who "brought it. This Js oflocal interest at this time, as Police Officer Walsh, who last night was declared not guilty of charges brought against him, was defended by an attorney, who undoubtedly will charge somebody for his services. '", v The funeral of Mary Woods took place this morning with a mass of re quiem at the Immaculate " Conception church and .interment in ' S, Joseph's celuetery. The bearers 'were 'Clarence Claffey, Jeremiah Barry, Frank Egan and Francis Kelly. The floral tributes include a large bouquet from Sarah Phillips, Ella Duffy. Mattie Jy, Tellie Hanley, Nellie Tracey; bouquet, Mrs James, Claffey, Loretta Claffey, Mollie Farley, Teresa Martin and Annie Toal. ' Among the cases that will , come be fore the present term of the superior court the following are of local inter est: . Walter L. Frisbie vs Perry C. Morris et al, plaintiff's appeal; Robert K. Brown vs the city of Waterbury, defendant's appeal; James J. Geary vs the city of New Haven, defendant's ap peal; the J. B. Owens Pottery Co vs the Turnbull Co, defendant's appeal; the Dime Savings bank vs Paul Mc Alleney et al, defendant's appeal. One of the most delightful dances of the week will be the annual subscrip tion dance of the Scorcher Athletic club, which will be held in Leaven worth hall to-morrow night. Faul mann's orchestra will furnish music for dancing. Before the dancing a con cert will be Tendered. Nearly all of the tickets, which were limited, have been disposed of. Will anybody protest against the proposed change of grade on Prospect and West Main streets is something which will not be officially known un til the parties have had a hearing on the matter. The cflanges were asked for by the hotel company and the board of public works Is of the opinion that the work ought to be done. If it is not attended to before the new hotel is built the place will have to remain as it Is forever. About the only ob jection anybody can offer is the likeli hood of having a few handsome trees having to come down. This is the season when 'tis said- the "young man's fancy - lightly turns to thoughts of love." Well, how about the young lady, who has occupied, your thoughts, and who Is wondering when you will you know the engagement 'ring, my boy the ring that precedes the ring of the wedding bells. The Upson Jewelry Co has a large assortment from which to select , ; American band promenade at City hall Friday eventing. All members of the First division, A. O. H., holding combination books are requested to attend a meeting at their hall to-morrow evening. Supernumerary Joseph Connor has been granted leave 6f absence from April 14 to October 1 by the board of safety. He goes away to play ball." The Berlin Iron Bridge Co has fled to the supreme court of the country for refuge in the case which has repeated ly been decided against It by the su perior court in favor of William Bren nan. This is supposed to be the court of last resort. The case has been in court about eight years. NORTH MAIN STREET MAN, Complains Because His .... Neighbor Hitches Team Near His Store. A North Main street man .called at the police station this morning and in quired of Chief Egan what he could do to prevent his neighbor from keeping his teams constantly standing before his store instead Of his own in the next block. . He said he went to take the team away, but the owner told him not to put a hand on it or he would break his face. The chief said he would; send an officer there to speak to the man about' it and that if that didn't have the desired effect the ag grieved party would have to see the prosecuting attorney. . There is a great deal of trouble' Cil ' over town about such matters aS (this! Not long ago a collector hitched his horse in front of the door of a prominent family and started off to collect his bils. The lady who owns the house where the horse stood didn't like the Jdea of having the collector's team standing at her door and unhitched the animal and tied it to a fence farther up the street. When the collector returned he kicked up a big fuss about it and learning who 55l it he called upon her" for an explana tion. He didn't stay long on the inside however, the woman giving him the bounce and telling him as he went to hitch his horse in front of some house occupied by people who do business with him. - ' '. " ' PRESENT FOR FATHER SHEEHAN Remembered by His . Friends in East . Hartfprd -Lastiight. - u The Rev John H Slieehahj,, assistant priest, at St Patrick's church, went to East Hartford yesterday, where he was tendered a reception last evening in Comstock hall by the Social Circle Catholic of St Mary's church of which he was formerly assistant pastor. It was the occasion of the third annual assembly of the Social Circle Catholic but a part of the evening was devoted to the reception. In behalf of his f or mer, parishioners the Rev Father Dug gan presented to Father Sheehan a purse of $432,35 as a token of their ap preciation of .the earnest and zealous manner in which he performed his du ties while laboring , in their midst. Father Sheehan responded with a few appropriate remarks, i in the course .of which he-expressed his heartfelt grati tude f or this remembrance of him by his former parishioners and said that he would always cherish fond mem ories of the people of St Mary's parish. ANNUAL VISIT AND INSPECTION Nosahogan Lodge Entertained Out 'of Town Officers Last Night ,; The annual visit and inspection of the officers of the Grand lodge and the grand encampment officers was paid to the Odd Fellows of Waterbury last night. The members of Nosahogan lodge entertained the officers last night. A delegation of the members met the officers at the -depot After they had been escorted to the hall they had the pleasure of witnessing the exemplifica tion, of the first degree upon ten candi dates by the degree team of Nosahogan lodge. The work was well ilone under the direction of Degree Master James Johnston and was tbe subject of much favorable comment from the grand offi cers who were present (-The hall was crowded with members of the order from this city;'' Merfden Southington, Naugatuck-, Torrington and Thomas ton. - During the evening selections were rendered by a chorus of twenty five voices. . , : About 11:30 adjournment was taken to the 'banquet hall, where an appetiz ing feast was served. Many speeches were made and there, was a general jollification. :It was a gala occasion. ' The grand officers of the Grand Iodide who were present were as fol lows: Grand Master James A. Carpen ter of Torrington, Deputy Grand Mas ter? F. R. Upson of Southington, Grand Warden C. S. Davis of Niantic, Grand Secretary Frederick Botsf ord of New Hiven, Grand Treasurer William H. Mfirigold of Bridgeport. Representa tives to Sovereign Grand lodge, Ralph G. Blakeman of Shelton and William S. ' Hutchinson of South Manchester, Grand Chaplain Rev Charles H. Smith of Plymouth, Cr.and . Marshal S. W, Challenger of Bridgeport, Grand Con ductor Philip Pond of New Haven and Grand Guardian 2. G. Hurlburt of New Britain. The grand encampment officers pres ent were as follows: Grand Patriarch Marcus L. Reynolds of Bridgeport, Grand High Priest N. J. Bailey of Der by, Grand Senior Warden Walter Pond of New Haven, Grand Scribe Frederick Bptsford of New Haven, Grand Treas urer and Grand : Representative Wil liam J. Berbes of Stamford, Grand JVmior Warden E. F. Weston of Hart ford and Representative to Sovereign Grand, Lodge D. M. Davis of .Water bury. NO RACE SUICIDE HERE. Irish Couple Arrive With Ten Children One Set of Triplets. New York, April 15. Ellis Island officials received an object lesson against race suicide yesterday in the appearance among the passengers from the steamship Furnessia of James and Susan Boyle with" their family of ten children, aged respectively 3, 4, (, 7, 7. 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 years. In addition the Boyles have buried in Donegal, Ireland,-whence they came, four .other children, two sets of twins. Boyle is 40 years old and his wife is 32. They are .going to Freeland Pa, where they have relatives. 'Although they were sent before the special inquiry board for invetsigatlon, they made such a good showing of their ability to care for themselves and children they were permitted to piweed to their destina tion by an afternoon train. . THE M'I""OY BENEFIT. City Hall Should Be Crowded To-night Jnhn MrTCvrvv U blind and may never be . able to see again; and that is one reason why everybody wno possesses good sight or who can see even the smallest bit should give his or her sympathies to' this former popular me chanic. He never was found wanting when it came to do an act of charity, and that is another reason why the returns to-nignt snouid oe uouDiy large. , If you mnot attend you can send around a subscription, and it will help to swell the fund for his benefit. There is not a Forester in the city who should not contribute something, and no doubt, the majority of them have. There will be a corking good entertain ment, too, and you will be more than satisfied if you attend this evening. All having, tickets can return them or the money to-night at the box officer GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. Genuine Closing Out Sale. 25 Per Cent. 25 Per Cent, REDUCTION SALE OFlFUItNITURE For cash or 30 ' days', credit only Twenty-five 'thousand dollars worth of nice, new, clean, up-to-date Furniture. Every piece in our immense store(o floors) is marked in plain figures. We will positively deduct -25 per cent or ttio vBffnior. .!Q nf each ana every piece of Furniture in our entire stock. The sale will be couu with absolute honesty. Positively no goods reserved. quibbling anywhere. The .25 per cent ...u-uui. win uc lair au - never misrepesent in our ; advertise ment. ; - .. ' SPECIAL CARPET SALE. NEW SPRING GOODS. . t. . i KOn -ner vara; ug.iaius xsest au woui, w - , best -wool, 49c per yard; best ya-wooi, 39c per yard. , Brussels . Carpet Best quality fiva fra nevt goods, just arrived), 98c per yard. ; a gooa quality Brussels uaryet. per yard, Made, laid and lined..' ssee them in our window. WALL PAPERS. , Twenty -five per cent reduction on the entire spring stock of Wall Papers. Big discounts on everything in our IniT mense stock. v A genuine clearing-out sale. . , - THE L. F. HAASE COMPANY, i 27 AND 29 CENTER STREET. HOW'S THE GARDEN getting along this w,eather? Done anything yet? Look over your stock of tools and: see if there isn't some little thing lacking-: perhaps a ';hoe, rake, f ork or spade. You're certainly short of good, fresh; tested garden seeds, while our .stock is brim full of all the best kinds that -money can buy.",- ' It you have a minute to spare run in and let us talk to you about our "Iron Age'' wheel hoes. If you can't come In, drop us a pos tal and we'll mail you all the cata logues you want. , Waterbury Hardware Co., 205 BANK-STREET. PORKmNS ' ', ' ' 't Strips, See Our Prices on Cuts of Bee Castle's Market Because They Are Popular The popularity of our shoes shows no decrease. The new spring and summer styles are arriving daily. They are the shoes above all others for street wear and dress occasions. This line we offer at prices varying trom $1.50 to $5.00 per pair for men, and from $1.00 to $4.00 for women, and from $1.00 to $3.00 for boys and girls; are by far the best that can be found within the limits of this county. The most fastidious dresser will find them right in style. IB. J. IPii-ti-fl 1 7 Exchange Place. WEDNESDAY 1 lb TRIMMED HATS is an old theme, "yet 'tis ever new," for our line (is constantly changing, each day findiing on our counters some new creation in the way of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HAT WEAR. Our aim in this department is and will be to show vetry shape to AVhich fastoion has ; given flier stamp . of ap proval, thus Tiot only making it pop ular to seaect from diirectly, but, too, making it a source from which those wishing an order hat, ideas may be gathered as to combination and ar rahgement of trimmings. I. CHASE 'Phone call 150. The Miller& Peek Co New Spring At Very; Attractive Prlcss For a -Tew Days. At 35c, Line of colored tatfeta lining silks, , all shades and black and white. At 49c, Black Taffeta, guaran teed to wear, extra bright ' finish. At 49c, 25 pieces Satin Foulard, twilled in new patterns. v At 59c, Fine cheefcs and stripes in larreta and Louisine. At 59c, 21, inch Black Taffeta, guaranteed to wear. At 59c, 36 inch Habutai ?iik in white and brack. v ,yy' At 69c, 24 inch Bengal, Pongee in white arid black, full line of colors. - At 75c, Colored Taffeta, guaran teed to wear. ' . At 75c, Changeable Taffeta , all the new combinations. At 75c, 24 inch Crepe de Chine. At 89c; High grade colored Peaii de aoie, ! At 98c, Yard wide Black ...Taf feta."- -. MONEY SAVED by wajiting for tlie GRAND OPEN ING of , A. MaiThiot's new store on the old site. We shall make a specialty of MEN'S FURNISHINGS, having se lected a choice line, and would sug gest to all oTir old : friends that by waiting' a- short time it will repay theon, as wTe will certainly 'offer 'great "biuot . . . , ' l V fl i A. Mailtiiott I53 South Maid Street Opticiai-i. ; -i - it- -'y.-- Prof Coulter, Speciaiisf. ; iiistaDiistieaiS93. ThorougU examination for diseases, refractive errors and muscle weakness. Holdfast for eye glasses. Eye water for weak eyea. .' 43 EAST MAIN STREET. 43. i , (Overoand lOo store) Inis Rooster Says That Warner's Eggs have dropped two cents a dozen and Gostien Creamery Butter has dropped two cents a pound at Kelly's to-day. No New England Bread genuine unless the .words, KELLY, THE BAKER Are printed on trie wrapper, ' iiiiiBiiHiiniBiiBjiniBiiu To, the Man who wants. anore than a mere waterproof garment when buying a Raflncoat we would say, come and see what skilled cutting and good tailoring can do .with. "Craven ette" cloth. Two new lines liave just arrived to be added to our already large collection. One is a black and wibite cheviot, and the other a home spun, both made with belted backs and as tony garments as ever were meant for wear in rain or shine. They retail respectively for $20 and $25. i '-''- Many otlier kinds and style?, but all -of "Cravenette" quality and "Rightly-onade," ' ' , ? ' ; ' ' x . : Vr g i . mm 97 to 103 Bank Street. IIQ!!!!IQ!ll!!S3ii!l!D;!!llB!!!!IIBliia!lll!iai!illB!ll!rai!!ia:i!ilB lB!!ll!B!ll!!B!!l!!ia!lW1l Jones, Morgan & Company. STYLISH FOR APRIL SHOWERS. "Cravenette" rain - or - shine coats that lead a singularly good double life. ' Waterproof for rainy weather; a long stylish Qvercoat for pleasant weather. ''Gfavenettes" $5 lto $30 "Bostonettes" $10 to $15 Jones, Mor1 "MEET ME AT We lead wiMi the largest and'best s-tocked ilioufurnisTiing establi's-li-mentiu hla part of Coiimecticut. Ttbis is a'fa;ct. If you doubt it. make'' coirnparisons. : , y., ' ,V;' ' ." . ' ' '.,' ' ' THE "ODD RELIABLE FIRM" IX ITS NEW MAMMOTH WARE ROOMS, WITH THE ALWAYS-NEW IDEAS IN HOMEFURNISHINGS.' . Eacth siicceediiiig season mere firmly establishes the Boston -'Furniture' Co as a reliable liouse. TJiat our buy ers ;know what the "public want and ;tba we :liaye it is a fact brought fore ibly to the mind of every customer No exaggeration no mdsleading. b ut a positive truth, that wW now Have spring trade theanosfc attract a ve toncful of Homfef urnishlngs arf 'FURNITURE, CARPETS, CROCKS RY, RUGS, DRAPERIES ' LINOLE-" I UMS. OIL OLOTiHS, LAMPS, CLOCKS', ETC, AND THE FAULT-' t LESS "HOUSE HOLD" RANGE. . ' Came and look iand compare.' : ; - BOS TON -FtJRNIJJLlRE CO. Cash or Credit, S lishmln v10-06 aon-Price Home Outfitting Etab "AT THE BA5E BALL SUPPLIES BasT?Ta4! CLUBS should get our PRICE and SAMPLES on SUITS before ordering. We can . SAVE you money, BATS, BALLS, SUITS, STOCKINGS, SHOES, Etc OUR SPECIAL SHIRT, PANTS, BELTS, STOCKINGS, CAP. -;-:v; $,1.75 THEv D.;B- -.WILI l3l5 17 BROA D WAY. Taking Their Dally outing With a good, safe horse to drive would save the ladies many doctors' feei Fresh air is nature's tonic, and you get your ris froii this stable. C D. PINNEY, scost. Horses given tne best of care. M Bergin & Sons UNDERTAKERS. and PRACTICAL EMBALMERS. Tbe best equipped bouse in Connec ticut, .with everything needed for tbe business to be sbown in warerooms. from be plainest line of goods to the most modern. Experienced and gen tlemanly belp to attend to your wants day or night. Modern Hearses in black and white; rubber tired Hacks; rubber tired Ambulance on, call. Night calls answered by Thomas P. Bergin, 75 South Elm street, j or District ofiice, 5 East Main street, or at residence, 102 Walnut street. Telephone at store U03-4, at residence 333-2. 1 y t li II ii 11 ii H II S'J II U : Ii It r il if il 15 to S3 O ii Ii iniiHHUKmiaiimmminniti THE JUNCTION." outh Main, Scovill and Brook S tresis JUNCTION" D eveiy man war a atorburv a "3D" or some other Dodge special- ty? Did every woman don a Nancy or a "Waterbury Girl" on that Bright Easter day? (Sun shone as Dod?e prophe sied). The throngrs w'ho filled our store and 'saiKisbed all Easter records for the Saturday ami week made Dodge think he SHOD THE CITY. Some of you put it off and felt mean with, your new baits and suits and the old shoes. Wednesday rilight (or better tiil, any time in the da v) is YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Have next ' Sunday's attire complete. Bring in the chil dren, too. The r e-9 G re at 84-86 South Main St. ff5) - r 0 Dodec .. . - . 1 j . 1