VOL. XVI, NO. 19 U WATERBURY, CONN, THTOSDAY, JULY 23, 1903. PRICE TWO CENTS. fOLUNG BELLS OF ST PETER'S Announced That the Body of Pope Leo XIII Was v Lying in State A NUMBER OF PEOPLE WERE IN LINE ALL NIGHT la Order to be Able to Get a Look at the Dead Pontiff The Scenes Around the Edifice Were Such as were Never Before Witnessed -Italian Grenadiers, for the First time in Years, Were on Guard Outside the Church Wherein the Remains of Pope Leo Were Be- ing Viewed by Thousands Rome, July 23. To-day the . silent form of Leo XIII lay In state In the basilica of St Peter's, while thousands of persons from the ordinary walks -.1 life fil&d past to pay their last tribute or lore ,ana veneration,, , xne impres sive ceremonies of yesterday; were viewed by only a favored few of the nobility, aristocracy and the highest clergy, but to-day the doors were : opened to the entire public. Many re tnained on the piazza throughout the " hot night in order to gain a place at ; the head of the line. By 5 o'clock this morning .there was a crowd of several .hundred, , which had Increased by; 6 o'clock to several thousands. . Elaborate preparations had been made to guard against accidents In the crush. All converging, streets were cleared of ve hicles, leaving them free for f6ot pas eengers,. while six ambulance stations had been erected, including one at the entrance to the piazza and another be- side the door of St Peter's: Exactly at 6 o'clock the bells of the great cathedral began tolling mourn fully, the cnimes running down tnrougn the scale lintil a deep bass stroke had completed 'the minor chord. At the sound of the first bell two regiments ' of - . Italian grenadiers marched smartly across the piazza to the stone steps and soon the vast porti co, swarmed or the-first time In , years ' with Italian troops. 300 on the portico ' and 1.200 surrounding the colonnades. The grenadiers wore long, blue service coats and peaked caps. They stood in , double column at parade rest, the lines extending from . the threshold of the 'church through a narrow gateway of a tflmnnrflTv wood An SmrtnrA whlfh was . holding back the crowd, 'At five min utes .after. 6. the gate was opened and the human tide began to flow in: The Jam-at-the-narrow entrance soon be- -came : terrific; threatening serious re sult to the struggling mass of hajf- . fainting i .women : and ( children., Air though the crowd, was pot extraordinari'1 ly large, the steady movement, into the funnel-like- end osurp made the pressure terrific. .Many women had their dress es; or veils torn off and: some , were lifted, -exhausted, over the wooden en closure and out of the crush, j For tunately, there were' noserious acci dents and the ambulances Iwere . not summoned. u Within the., church temporary, rail ings had been erected to keep the peo ple In a straight line leading dlrectU to the bier. This was the center to which all eyes turned. The silent form lay on a catafalque' ten feet high, so that all could see it- The body was slightly inclined, with the bead raised and facing the passing throng. "The visage had a chalky whiteness and ap peared to be unnaturally shriveled. It was robed in the full vestments as the Roman public know the pontiff In life. Around the bier burned thirteen high candles, while on each side stood tho miovo mji-tsvnloss "Farther back XIVLIAC guaLUOf . were kneeling priests, and acolyte softly intoning In venerations. - The crowd pushed against the Iron trellis which separates the chapel from the main portion of the church, but those who expected to kiss the slippered feet were disappointed, as the officials had adopted 'precautionary measures so that the lower extremities of the body were naif a yard back of the iron grating. . All ranks and stations of life were represented In the faces which were . pressed against the trellis. Many were working people; there also were groups of convent girls under the care of nuns, and of school boys headed by priests. Crowds continued to pass be- , tore the bier throughout . the morning. At 950 a. m. a solemn pontifical re quiem mass .was. celebrated in St Peter's for the . repose of the soul of Leo XIII. The crowd was kept con stantly moving within the wooden bar riers. Several thousand people were present although in so vast a church, capable of containing 70,000 people, they appeared to be a mere handful, especially as they were all standing. Cardinal Oreglia feels worn out, ow ing to his unaccustomed exertions. His " life as a cardinal was one of uninter rupted serenity and he now bears practically the entire burden of the church, and also the minute details of the preparations for the obsequies and the . conclave. Notwithstanding this he , opened this" morning's meeting of the congregation of cardinals. , The number of those present to-day was augmented by the presence of two hew arrivals. . Cardinal Domenico Svampa. archbishop of Bologna, and Cardinal plnlio Boschhi, archbishop of Ferrera. The former was especially warmly welcomed by his colleagues, as being one of the most prominent mem bers of the sacred college and because he is mentioned as among those most likely to succeed Pope Leo. It is being remarked that Cardinal Oreglla's re sponsibilities have softened his austerity- and that he is directing affairs with firmness, but without harshness, showing the cardinals every consldera lon and giving, constant proof equani mity. At this morning's - meeting of the ' congregation of cardinals a committee, consisting of Cardinals Casali, Maccbi, and Delia Volpe, was appointed to su pervise all the arrangements in connec tion with the conclave. Two doctors, Lappont and Pelagallo, a surgeon. Professor Caglati and a druggist were appointed to attend cardinals while thy are shut up- Finally, the cardinals appointed a committee to receive the case contain ing the papal treasure from the congre gation of briefs, whose ; work is sus pended until a new pope is elected, and to receive the papal seals from the apostolic chancelry. ;A During the hot hours of. the day the nrowd at St Peter's decreased and little difficulty was experienced in viewing the body. An extraordinary , significant element was Introduced later in the morning by Italian soldiers entering the church, for the maintenance of order in full uni form, wearing their caps and side arms. They lined tne aisies or. in basilica. . , ' ' f - CASSIUS M. CLAY DEAD. Recently Declared Insane1 Barricaded Himself Against Examiners. Louisville, Ky, July 23.--A telephone message from Richmond, Ky, says : Cassius M. Clay, the "Sage of White Hall," former minister to Russia and a widely known Kentuekian, died at his home at White Hall at 9:10 o'clock last night. .. . ;'; . . His children were all at his bedside. Some Of them had not been in their father's house or. seen him in years ber cause of his s peculiar hallucination that they were in a vendetta sworn to kUl him. ; v . " ; General Clay was declared insane' on July 8, the action being taken at the in stance of his children to protect his property. , v" y-:" , Barricading his room in-White Hall, his ancestral home, General Clay kept the two doctors sent by ' the ' Madison county court to examine into his men tal condition at bay for; several hours by guarding the house with his shot gun. They had a hard time trying to make their report on the lunacy 'writ obtained by his children, but they suc ceeded, andvtheir evidence resulted In pis being adjudged insane. General Clay -was 93 years old. He took, a prominent part in the agitation Of abolition Views views during slavery days, and after-the war retired to his home to lead a life of a country gentle man. y ' -' i He astonished! tho entire country in 1892 by marrying a girl of 15, Dora CleQl Richardson. He was then 83 years old, 5ut no one dared to comment openly upon .the peculiar match, as the general showed himself ready , on all occasions to resent any remarks about hdmself. v. -.'.,. Taking his child wife to White Hall, he placed' her in , a, veritable prison, guarding her as though she were in a fortress. - He was afraid constantly that he would be attacked by enemies, and was always prepared to resist a siege. -"';. After his marriage to his child wife he 'believed that his enemies were planning to steal her from him. He engaged a band of armed men to guard the place, with instructions to shoot anyone who , acted in any way sus piciously. " ; ' . Will Bryant, a young farmer, was said to be especially jattentive to young Mrs Clay, and the old general threat ened on many occasions to kill him on sight. AC this time the general was paying the house rent of his wife's (brother, ClelJ. Richardson, and be said he would cut off ' further supplies of money unless young Bryant kept away from his house. This trouble was patched up, thought Dora stayed with her brother f or days at a "time, return ing .wheu she was so Inclined to her husband in White Hall. When-"h1s, child wife was taken ill the old general's anxiety was pathetic to witness. When she was well enough she returned to the general's house. Finally, after several domes tic spats, Dora again left his roof and refused to return, and General Clay brought suit against her on tfie ground of abandonment.' , ' y White the suit was pending the gen eral discovered that his wife had fallen in love with Riley Brook, her sweet heart of earlier days, and,, using this evidence," he procured a divorce. The general gave her a farm near his own upon which she lived with her new husband, who was killed by,a train at Long View, 111, on June 21 last. When General Clay heard of the death Of his former wife's husband he sent hls at tendant, Joe" Perkins, to bring her back to him' but she would not consider his offer, though she has a child 3 years old. v- General Clay was a graduate of Yale and a veteran of the Mexican war. He fought more duels than any other man in the ; country. He founded public schools in Kentucky, and as minister to Russia during the civil war- he helped to prevent England from active ly assisting the south. He also was in terested in the purchase of Alaska by the United States. He was also an edi or, lecturer and politician. His first wdfe got a divorce from him and, he divided his property of 2,000 acrei among her and, his children, giv ing her a full half and retaining to: himself only 260 acres and the home stead. In March, 1889, he was believed to be Insane and an attempt' was made put him under restraint. JEFFERSON'S SOX-IX-LAW. London, July 23. B. L. Farjeon. the novelist, died suddenly at his residence at Hampstead this morning. He mar ried Margaret, daughter .of Joseph Jef ferson, the American aetor,' in lSTT nil hi mi RELIEF. Fop the People Who Were Sore ly Stricken By Tornado. Three Persons Lost Their Lives and Fifty Families Were Made Home less The Loss is Estimated at Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. Paterson, N. J., July 23. Mayor Hinchliffe to-day " called together the leading citizens of Paterson to devise ways and means of providing" relief at once for the people most sorely stricken by the tornado which wrought death and devastation in this city yesterday. Two thousand men, including many members of the fire department, were set to work to-day to dear away the wreckage strewn in the streets by the storm. 'y ,1 ; -, , : ; yj-'v- In summing up the tornado's terrible work. Paterson to-day counts three dead, 100 injured, fifty families made homeless and - a property loss esti mated at $200,000. The tornado - fol lowed a line 400 feet wide from the southwest to the northeast of the city. Joseph Vandain, 20 years old, was crushed to death under a falling build ing. Richard Hancock, 8 years old, had the back of his head cut off by a falling roof. ' ' : . ' Mrs Mary Nevin, 75 years old, died from fright. ' About twenty-five persons are under treatment at the hospitals. It is ex pected all will Tecover. John Saunders, a' steel worker in the Passaic rolling mill, is the worst injured, being badly cut about the ' body, and face. ' ; , SENATOR CULLOM'S NEPHEW. Arrested for - Collecting .. Internal Rev enues Wrongfully Imposed. ? Phoenix, Ariz, July 23. Shelby M. Cullom, a' nephew Of the senior sena tor from Illinois has been arrested by United States Marshal McCord, on an Indictment returned by the; tnited States grand 'jury at,Prescott CulIon was allowed his freedom, however, 04 his own recognizance, and Jeft foj" Prescott with the officer to answer the charge- '':Vv'; ''-?.'). :t'r-' ; Cullom Is clerk of the supreme-court of Arizona, having some months ago resigned the deputyjcbllectorship' of the internal' revenue at Santa Fe. It 14 said the trouble arose over the collec-i tion'of internal revenues which 'were later refunded when it. was alleged they . had .been wrongfully imposed, . REVIEWED BY. KING, Twenty Thousand of His -Majesty's Troops on Parade. - Dublin, July 23. King Edward to day reviewed 15,000 troops and 5,000 men of the naval brigade in Phoenix park. The weather was most favor alble, 'bright sunshine permitting the (wearing of summer costumes.: . The consequent color effect when ' the ground was packed by tens , of . thou sands of spectators . made by far the most 'brilliant scene of many witnessed silnce their majesties' arrival in 'Lon don: It was the largest' muster of troops . ever seen at, a review in Ire land. ; The Duke of Oonnaught was in command. 7 V v rj The king, who wore the uniform of a field marshal' was attended by Lord Lieutenant the Earl of Dudley, and a numerous suite. Prior to leaving the vice-regal lodge his majesty presented colors to the Royal Hibernian military school. FRJENOH DEPUTIES. Received in London To-Day By Lord ' Mayor ' Samuel. London, July 23. The French sena tors and , deputies representing the in-J Ternataonai -anDixrauon group, accom panied by a number of British mem bers of parliament, were formally re ceived to-day by Lord Mayor Samuel and the lady mayoress at the Mansion house. The lord mayor and: Baron d'Estournelles de Constant, leader of the visiting delegation, made speeches during which they reiterafted and em phasized the desire for continued inter national friendship and! the conclu sion of a treaty of arbitration. The Frenchmen afterwards visited the stock exchange and the financial district ! ' RELIANCE win Started Without the Constitu tion in To-Day 's Races. The Constitution Is Laid Up For Re pair The--Start Was (Made at About 10:50 dn ,a Ten Knot Breeze. Newport, R. I., July 23. The harbor preparations for the Astor Cup race to-day by the schooners and the sloops of the New York Yacht club fleet were -made this morning under, hazy skies and in light airs from, the southwest. Seven sloops and three schooners were entered last night for .the event, but for the first time since this special race became a fixture, the big cup de fenders were , hot allowed to compete. Tho race originated with Captain Og den, Goelet in 1882, and for i fifteen years it was known as th4 Goelet Cups. Such yachts as the Puritan, . Mayflow er, Volunteer, Vigilant and Columbia, all America's ; Cup defenders, won them. The defender failed to win the cup in 1895, and the 'Columbia beat the Constitution two years a6. . Upon the death of Mr Goelet in 1897 Colonel John Jacob AstOr stepped for ward and" has since kept up the event, offering as did Mr Goelet $1,000 cups for schooners and $500 cups for sloops. The event to-day Is the fifth renewal by Colonel Astor. 1 ! . . Last year the club adopted a new measurement rule limiting the draft of all yachts to 18 feet. . The three cup yachts this year all draw more than 18 feet, so are bavrred from competing, ibut the club offered, a special cup for the cup defender candidates. The Astor Cup day has always ranked as one of the Heading events in the yachting season arid to-day nearly every steam yacht in tho fleet bad a full quota of guests when it left for the starting line off Brenton's Roof lightship. The courses were the same a havo obtained for the last twenty-one years, two' obtuse triangles each 38 miles round. ; As souwest rtvihds-have us ually prevailed, the yacbts in nearly all the ' races have "Been on a. . 12 mile beat to Block. Island), wltn an 18 mile run to West Island, off tSakonnet Point, and a 6 male reach to the finish. In an easterly ibreeze - the yachts have been sent. In the direction of Buzzard's Bay, rounding the Vineyard Sound and the Hen 'and Chicken's lightship. v At 10 o'clock this morning tho wind was Mowing about four knots from the southwest and it looked as if the first named! course would be sailed. ' The regatta committee, as in4 former years, were the guests of .Colonel As tor on the Nourmahal. and they left for the start about half -past ten o'clock, followed by .-a- score, of .'other .steam yachts and those which were to' partic ipate in the race. , . - Only the reliance and Columbia of the big yachts started in to-day's race. The starting' "time was"" Reliance, 11:50.48; Columbia, 11:49.39. There was a ten knot breeze blowing at the time. ' ; SHAMROCKS RUN TO LIGHTSHIP. The Spanker , Sheet of the New Boat ; . . ,Gave( Trouble. , New' York, July 23. The two Sham rocks fleft their moorings to-day for the lightship at 10:35 o'clock. The wind was west by north and nearly calm. The' run was east by south. The unofficial time of the start was Sham rock III, ; 12:51.10; - Shamrock ' I, 12:53.05. The spanker sheet of Sham rock III parted just after crossing the line and the yacht lost much time. At 2:25 Shamrock III was leading by fully two minutes. -' WOMAN SHOOTS AT BURGLAR. DINED BY GRAND DUKE. Vand'erbllts Receiving Much Attention in St Petersburg. . V St' Petersburg, July 23. Mr and Mrs Cornelius Vanderhlli; during their stay here received much attention. . They were dined by Grand Duke .Boris at the imperial palace. Grand Duke Vladimir was among the many notable persons present. Mr and Mrs Vander bilt were also. -entertained at dinner by the Grand Duke Michaelovltch and they gave a -luncheon to Grand Duke Boris and other members .of the im perial family on board their yacht, the Nonth Star.: ARREST OF RAILWAY CLERKS. Niagara Falls, N. Y., July 23. War rants have been Issued for the arrest of twenty New York Central railroad cierks in connection with the robbing of freight cars. Six clerks were arrest ed some time ago on the same charges and five pleaded guilty. They are supposed to have given information leading toythe issue 6f additional war rants. ' ' . MOTHER JONES DENTED. New York, July 23. Acting Police Commissioner Ebstein to-day refused a permit to march through the streets to Mother Jones and her "army" of tex tn irnrkftrst. which has marched from I Philadelnhia with the intention of at- pealing to President Roosevelt for the abolition of child labor to the mills. Wife of Dean Smith of Yale Puts . Night Marauder to Flight. New Haven. July 23. A burglar met his match and almost was captured by Mrs H. E. Smith, wife of . Dean Her bert E. . Smith of the Yale . Medical school, in Wood mont yesterday morn ing. Mrs Smith is proficient in the use of firearms and she iook three or four shots at ' the burglar as he was running from the house. In the absence of Dr, Smith this week Mrs Smith bas been especially alert. - The dull thump of the burglar's ladder against the walls of the cottage aroused her about 2. a. m. She took the pistol from her bureau drawer and began a quiet search. . Through a cor ner window the burglar was taking a survey of the room wnen airs mixn pushed open the door. The burglar slid to the ground, as Mrs Smith sent several shots after him. UNPLEASANT EFFECT. : ' Constantinople July 23. The ' in creasing activity of the revolutionists in ; Macedonia and the difllcultles en countered by the Turkish troops are producing an unpleasant effect in of ficial ; quarters and apprehension in diplomatic circles, where it is believed the existing situation will lead to fresh demands on the part of the powers, In cluding the establishment of efficacious European control. Even the Austrians and Russians now admit that the re form scheme is inadequate. FOUND DEAD IN BED. The Mount Pleasant, Brertoli Woods, N. H., July 23. Jacob Valentine, a prominent New York "man, who was spending his 24th season at the Craw ford house, was found dead in bed to day. Brief funeral services were held in the house, Rev Dr Pullman ofllciat ing, and the body was started for New York, where an invalid wife and two married daughters will receive it. WEATHER FORECAST Forecast for Connecticut;. Fair in south, showers In north portion to night; Friday ' fair and slightly warm er; light variable winds, becoming westerly. ! G0VERNMENT1AUNGH STRUCK Being: Run From Charlestown Navy Yard to Portland The Vessel Is Now on the Rocks and , a Wrecfc-Tne Crew of the Launch Was Brought Ashore By the Bidde f ord Pool Life Saving Station, v Biddeford, Me, July 23. A govern ment launch rwhioh was being run from the Charlestown navy yard to Portland toy Lieutenant George Ste vens and seveni men of the Pprtland na val reserve, struck early to-day on the southerly point of Beach JslandV at the Pool, and is a wreck on the rocks. The vessel's whistle roused Cajtain Hol man' of the Biddeford Pool life saving station who, with three volunteers, brought ashore the crew of, the launch without difficulty. The naval attaches at once -left for. Portland. i ,The launch was formerly attached to the United-States ship, Dolphin. She was about forty , feet ;fong and of, light construction. She went on the rocks in a fog. "She was going ,at only -a five knot speed', but several holes were made In her bottom and she cannot be saved. v ' Lieutenant Stevens had his course laid -to : pass outside Beach Island, . but a strong wester ly ' current sent the boat ' just inside the other end of the island. NEGRESS THRASHED HIM Well Educated But Dissolute Girl Uses Whip for Fancied Grievance. Toledo, July 23. Postmaster C. J. Thompson was assaulted and horse whipped yesterday by Cora. Prater, a colored woman 25 years old.1 ' When Postmaster Thompson, fleft his home in North Defiance lie was met by the negres's at the Wabash ibridge and giv en ten stinging cuts from 'a horsewhip which she bad hidden in the folds of her dress. Mr Thompson made no attempt to ward off the blows, and when the woman had finished he cool ly approached the i eyewitnesses and took' their names for future use. The cause of the, assault Is a sup posed grievance wnich the girl had in regard to her maili She has- been caus ing the postal department some trouble and because one of her letters was confiscated by . the ' flepartment she' 'wen. Into - a- fury; Other develop ments from the government are looked for within a few days. Thte Prater girl is the only colored person who ever graduated from the local schools, and since her. graduation she has be come a po-lice court character and befen arrested many times. . igBe once was offered a, .full .scholarship In Oberlin on account of her exceptional scholarship in Defiance. . , ' . SENATOR THURSTON'S PLUNGE. Tried to Walk Foot Plank and Tumbled ' - Into Creek. , New York,' . July 23. Ex-Senator John M.1 Thurston of Nebraska has taken the temperature of the sea water at Coney Island, but his enjoyment of the experience was curtailed by the fact that he had his clothes on. The Nebraskan and his wife visited the island as the guests of an old ac quaintance who la now proprietor of an amusement resort thsre. They were taken on board an electric launch for a trip down the lagoon. They made a circuit of the grounds and then passed out through " a small lock into Gravesend bay. After a pleasant trip the launch was headed back to the park. Owing to a changed tide the lock had been closed. "" The visitors were confronted with a walk over the dam a foot wide, or climbing the fence. They chose the former and Mrs Thurs ton negotiated the distance without dif ficulty, v Her husband ventured across next and when half way over lost his balance. The creek is only four feet deep, but there was plenty of mud and the former senator was not presenta ble when he finally reached shore. A change of clothing was found for him and the party came back to town de claring they had a good time despite the accident. v WOMEN EDITORS. 4 Printing Paper in New York Excluslve- ly for Women. - v; , New York, July 23. Edited by wo men, the first issue of a one-cent morn ing newspaper, devoted exclusively to stories of, and for women, will, it is announced, appear on the streets of New York November 2. Great secrecy is being maintained as to the promoters of the new oaoer. Not even Its name ! has been given out, but it Is declared the paper will pevan eignt-page.anair, to be issued daily except Sunday, and will contain all the news, .-besides a magazine department devoted to mat ters of feminine interest. . .To avoid being "scooped" the women propose going to press a , couple of hours later than vtheir contemporaries. THE COTTON MARKET. iNew York, July 23. Shorts in the cotton market appeared to be demor alized to-day by the approach of the last July delivery day and the contin ued strength of Liverpool. - The an nouncement that 8,000 bales of the English spot sales were for shipment to this country for delivery ' on July account seemed to add fuel to the fire, as it was taken to mean the existence of a larger July short interest than had been reckoned upon. The first bid for July was at 13.60 or 30 points over the previous high record and the first sale was at 13.70, the next at, 13.75. - The balance of the list opened strong, 6 to 12 points higher,, and was immediate ly rushed still further upward under Ibuying for both accounts, August sold at 12.70, a net advance of 26 points, while September Teached 11.16 and October 10.09 during the first 30 minutes, with the genral list showing (advances of 10 to 55 points. ,BY A FALLING DERRldk. Two . Men , Injured in Ansonia One Perhaps Fatally. Ansonia, July 23. The falling of a derrick in this city to-day caused a se vere and perhaps fatal injury to Fore man .Albert Brown, who was knocked insensible "' and his skull partially crushed. Rlcordao Renzetti was cut in the head, and escaped death , by jumping into the river. Medical as sistance was secured, for the injured men. Brown was later removed to the New Haven hospital, where his death is expected. ' CITY NEWS ' r . ' ' ' A regular shore dinner will bo given at Hodson's to-morrow from 6:30, to 8:80 p. m. for 75 cents, ' ; . Committees representing the board of aldermen and, the Merchants' asso ciation will meet to-night for the. pur pose of talking over the old home week project .:.,"....'::.:.,., :fj;:.. s .''' s. A; carpenter named Patrick Reilly, ehgaged with School Carpenter Q '"n at Washington school, to-day broke his left leg while alighting from Quinn's wagon -. . r The Hibernian rifles will go to Oak ville this evening to ' attend ; Father Traynor's lawn fete. The members are requested to meet at headjuarters promptly at 7 o'clock.; .::; Town Clerk F, P, Brett has a few copies of the public acts passed byjhe geenral assembly of 1903 which he will pass out to people who call for them. If you want a copy don't wait too long. Hereafter no boy under ten years of age can be committed to , the State School for BOy s except Upon, conviction of an offense for which punishment is imprisonment in the state prison or in a county jail. Gladys Hlggins, the 10-months-old daughter of Mr and'Mrs Frederick W. Hlggins of 94 Wall street, died last night. The funeral , took place i at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Interment was in St; Joseph's cemetery. v HUs many friends were , glad to, see. the Rev Father - McGuane so far re covered from hi recent illness as to permit his return to the. cathedral last Sunday. ; By the advice of his. physi cian Father McGuane will take a brief vacation'Tef,ore resuming his duties at the cathedral. CathoQlc Transcripts , The city Icourt has been quite profita ble to the city for. the .quarter ending July 1. .. To-day Clerk McMahon' of the court' drew up a check for $1,500 for the city. This is about $300 above the average -for -this quarter of the year. It is $800 more than was turned over for .the first ; quarter and about; $500 more for the corresponding quarter ,for last year. This shows a great increase of business in the city court notwith standing that for, days at a time there has been no business for the city ; court at several intervals in the .quarter in question. ' The fiherease i is 'accounted for by the gambling cases, which netted tho city about; $350. . ; , r ";v A. M. Young tods been elected pres ident of the Pine Orchard association. incorporated during the recent session of the 'general assembly, with practi cally, all the rights and privileges of a borough, which has been organized and starts in the municipal family : of the state under favorable auspices. In one feature of Its government Pine Orchard has taken a step in advance; or at leat an unusual ; stj, in raising woman to the level of man in clothing her with the franchise.. In all that the associa tion may consider regarding its local government the - woman owning prop erty has as much to say as her brpther alike situated. And at the election of officers of the association just held ev ery woman entitled to vote exercised her privilege. ' Still another important feature of the election , was the fact that the women did not insist upon placing any of the sex in the list of candidates. ; i There was a little commotion at the police station 4 this afternoon. Officer J. McCarthy, after quite a chase, ar rested a colored , man named William Thomas. - Further than orders from bis .superiors the officer had no author ity to make the arrest After being in custody, a few minutes and the mat ter having been explained to Chief Egan, the man was released. A . week ago Thomas and his wife roomed in a house kept by a colored man named Samuel Ferris on Fairview street. There was a falling 'out and Mrs Thomas left Thomas made some ef forts toward a reconciliation, but his wife would not listen to him." He thfen took her clothes from the house, where upon she made complaint to the prose cutor and i orders were given to the police to be on the "lookout ; for him. There being no warrant issued for him Chief Egan let him go. Now Thomas attributes all his troubles to Ferris and wants him arrested. ' So far but few children have fallen victims to cholera infantum this sum mer, but the disease appears to be getr ting around the past few days and peo! pie cannot be too careful about their little ones. Of course, no matter how well they are used, they go ;but even so it pays to be on the alert and call in the family physician as soon as the malady shows up. The doctors - and undertakers say that there Is very little serious . sickness In Waterbury at the present time and the druggists are of the same opinion, so that there can be no doubt regarding the truth of the statement Just why this should be so nobody appears to know, but many are of the opinion that.it is due large ly to the extreme vigilance of ,Water bury's board of health, to whose ef forts must be credited many radical changes in the interest of good sanita tion, and if there, is anything more con ducive, to good health . than cleanliness nobody , knows what it . is. The health ; board has not gone around with a brass band nor , has it bothered the newspapers very much, but it has been vigilant day and night and In consequence many of the foul smelling surface closets and other stench holes have been abolished and everybody appears to be the bet- i ter for it Health Officer, Kilmartin has not been Idle and as for Inspector Moses he rarely sleeps at this season. He is up with the lark every morning and of ten has put in several hours in specting before people who call them selves early risers are out of their beds.' IS IT SETTLED? Another Strike Rumor In Civ u culatlon To-Day . FRIEND OF THE STRIKERS. Is Said' To Be in Consultation WltH Made to Him Which Was Refused- None of the Local Officials Have . Heard Anything Definite. ' rumor came over the wires thl! afternoon that the trolley gtrlke wasset tied. While those interested and 1 who would certainly know1 are not aware of any such happy- occurrence-indeed it 'sounds, too good to be true still it would not 'be surprising if the report turned out to he , correct D uring 'the past few; days a friend 7 of , President Daly of the Central Labor union: has been negotiating, with the board of dfc rectors of the trdlley company for a. settlement . Tuesday ; the ? company maae an offer which indicated that a. settlement was certainly , under way It was not acceptable,' however, to the other party and ' negotiations ceased. The following" day, however, ; the friend of; the'' strikers swastelegraphed for by the directors and word Is hourly expected from 'him. . At noon to-day Mr Daly had not received any such tidings as the telegraph conveys and , he was greatly surprised at the unac countable silence of his friend. ' BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS.. Members Listened to Man Addresses o at . Boston To-Day. Boston, July 23.--Continuing thelt convention to-day, the delegates to the United States , league of local buildinjr and loan; associations - to-day gave at tention to addresses and papers on top les of particular interest to the associa tion and were scheduled to close their meeting with' the -election of officer s late this afternoon.' ' ;. , uiuvus, vi-irr auui crocico . UCUVCICU, LU day. were the. following: " ' , "Illinois and Her Laws," by J. N' C. Shumway- Tayloravllle, 111; 'Supervi sion', of ; Building and Loan Associa tions from the Standpoint of a Super vising Officer," George I. Skinner, first deputy superintendent New York Bank ing department, Albany, N. Y.; "The Co-operative Bank and the Wage Earn er," Frederick A. Currier, Fitehburg, . Mass; "The i. Status, of Building and Loan Associations as Financial Asso ciations," ; J. J. Stoddard, Columbus, O? How Far Can We Safely Drift Away from the Original Conception of the Building Asociatlon," C. F, Bent ley, Grand Island, Neb. , START MADE AT 2 O'CLOCK. President and, Son -Off for a Horseback' " . Ride. c . ; , , ': Oyster Bay, July , 23. Shortly 1 after 2 o'clock this morning President Roose velt, accompanied oy ; nis oldest son, Theodore, started from Sagamore' Hill on a horseback ride to Sayville, I. I.; The president goes to Sayyille to visit nls .uncle, Rob ert Roosevelt r It was expected that Mrs Roosevelt, might 'accompany the president, but' she wa deterred from attempting the1 long ride, about thirty miles, by the very unpropitlous weather. . , . , 'The president and his son were un accompanied. . Two secret service offi- cer8 left Oyster.Bay last night for Say ville by train. 1 The president will spend the day and night with his uncle, leaving for Saga-i more Hill on his return ride early to1' morrow morning.' '; '; BOLIVAR CAPTURED. Scenes of Carnage and Bloodshed a? Soledad. Soledad, Venezuela, July 21. CIndad, Bolivar was captured at 11 o'clock Jastt night, after a .fifty-two hours desper-; ate 'struggle and horrible carnage. No adequate idea of v the scenes in' th city can be given by the cable. .It ap-' epars as though the place had been ' struck by. a cyclone and afterwards devastated by fire. , , ; v TRIP OF FISH COMMISSION , Seattle, Wash, July 23. A dispatch , from Skagway says that :the, United 1 States fish commission" steamer : Al-' batross, having on board Dr Starr Jor-f aan ana ms scienunc associates, is isj port r Members of , the corps . report that the deep sea work has been very interesting and from a scientific stand-, point, very valuable Dr J ordan, ; Dn Everman and several others have left i over : the White Pass road for ? White ! Horse, where the time will be spent in collecting fish from the lakes in thatj region ' Dr Jordan, starts July 25 for1 San Francisco.' ' ' 'S x SAN DIEGO BAY WATERS. San Diego, Cal, July 23. The invest! gatlon of tmarfne life in the; waters of San Diego bay by Prof Ritter and his assistants of the University of Cali fornia, has resulted; in valuable addi tions to the knowledge of marine blolo-1 gy of the Pacific. Probably the most remarkable discovery is - that of the saphyirlnal'V whose lrridescence vies: with the plumage of the peacock, shjow-' ing in turn violet' purple, green, copper and bronze, and at night becoming phosphoresent ' - - .DESIGN FOR MAIN GATEWAY St; Louis, July 23. Chief of design Masqueray is sending on plans for the main, gateway to the Louisiana pur chase exposition, which, will be lo cated jat the north end of ; the grand court. The structure will be massive in proportion, 70 feet high, 800 feet long, and 60 feet wide. :; Its form will be a capital "U" with the open f?ide toward the cascade gardens at the op posite end of the court