OCR Interpretation

Waterbury evening Democrat. [volume] (Waterbury [Connecticut]) 1903-1917, January 30, 1904, Image 10

Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93053726/1904-01-30/ed-1/seq-10/

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I year aso this month our 4cop"
were working OTertinie and, as we un
derstand t, man t get one ceut
ay; yet they went right aiong aom
help duty day and night, and now we
nA thft hftupil frnm which, they take
hei-r orders working overtime day and
tiffht trying to see Home loophole
"whereby they can recompense them
by giving them the grand bounce or
putting them on uneasy street. Un
gad" ti8 a great country where iUts
Tercrowtled with . politicians. M.
there Is a screw loose somewhere ana
w are afraid that some members or
certain boards actually don't -J"0
what a cup of good Tea or Coffee is.
Tf youMrink the quality we sell you u
And it a great brain tonic. It
-acts on the nejves: if yoiv have too
I much nerve our Tea and Coffee m
pet-you down to normal condition,
your, nerves are twisted we guai 'antee
whal we sell will straighten them out
1 in good old fashion O: K: shape. Tvnat
.more could anyone irl m fQymv
WAek we give fonr bars of first quality
' laundry soap with one pound of our
warranted good quality WcTea. JJJ
.'27c Butter is, as usual, the kind Mcg
"-expels you to eat extra mount or
bread and butter, and tor ,wm
of our Ooffae inquire of anyone no
Wvlzyif Nuf sed from ' ; , ' .
helan's T Store.
42 Baat Main street. Telephone.
New England
' Are always stylish and up-to-date.
Ladies" Watches for
4 . shoulder, beltor pocket wear,
t Men's or a boys' watches in
.' unique designs: and attractive
o r n a m e ntatiq ns . j " For sale by
: r all Jewelers.' . . ...
y ' rrne
NewEngiandWatch Co
"The Shop?'
Everything now in the
line of covering, including
Tlclttngs, Velvets, Cordu
roy, Velours, DamasKs, etc.,
is here ready for your in
spection. WorK done now
means a saving to you.
Estimates furnished.
t ; . i '
Lapalme-Hoffman Co
158-162 Grand St
Electric Carpet ' Cleaning.
Jiubar & Co
; It , the - only reliable 4 Pwn '
;. ' Broker oa South ' Main St. v
We carry a Blc LINE of .
. watches, Diamonds, ' Jewelry,-.
' Musical Instruments, . fine
"Wedding Rings. . We have
good bargains 'in unredeemed'
pledges, we do fine Watch
repairing. w"e guarantee
everything we say. '. .-
& CO
llrivltes Special . - , . i
Attention to Its .
Moderate in. h rice, rentals
:N ranging from $5 to $100.00 per"
; I annum, according to size. ;
, Secure," in fire and burglar
proof vaults, guarded day and
night by .watchmen. N
i Location, central and con
venient: .: '
West Main Street, '
. ; -Waterbury,, Connecticut.
We Wish fou a Happy and
: ; Prospereus
i pon't forget us whedi you want any
I Watch, Clock, Jewelry . Repairing' or
Engraving done.
101. TOM. tflft. TIPS, WL SO. j
3 A 5 6 8 9
17 18 19 20 21 23 23,
j-526 2728?93
i a MM
Entertainments. Fnlrs and Sociables of
Local Interest
Jan 29-Feb 8 St Thomas' church
Jan 29-80 "The Waterburiana" at
Poll's theater, or, the benefit, of the
Boys' club; . - f !
Jan SO-Pel 6 -Mammoth camlTal
glren by Speedwell lodge. No 10, K. of
P., at the auditorium.
Feb 4 Concert and ball given by
tli united German Catholic societies
at Concordia hall,. , .
Feb 4 First srand sociable and
entertainment Ijoop the Ioop
Outing club at Hamilton hall. ;
Feb 5 Grand reunion of Miss Nellye
Reed's danclnjr classes at Leavenworth
Feb 5Leap year party by Compan
ion Court Minerva. I. O. F.. at Colum
bus hall, Naujfatuck. ; : r .
Feb 6 Mletwlnter reception Jand
danc of Prof J. S. Sullivan's dancing
dames at Columbus hall, Naugatuck.
Feb 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 Carnival by
Company G. O. N. G.. at City hall.
Feb 10 Leap year dance given by
Ladies Aid society of American Ring
Co at Leavenworth. hall. ,
Feb 11 Hayseed reception given by
the Oakvlllp Hayseed society " at I St
Mary 1 Magdalene's , hall, Oa.kville.
Feb 11 Sociable by the Societe of
Artisans Canadien Francais at
Franco-American hall.
Feb 12--lfith anniversary of the
Brooklyn Athletic club at their hall.
Feb 12 Entertainment and clancei
by W. A. C. at town hall WatertoWn.
Feb 16 Branyah Social club, mas
querade aud balU a Carter's hall, Wa
tervllle. ' " '
. March 17 Dramatic entertainment
and promenade at City hair by A. O.
H. - : ' . '
March 17 T'ashlngton ' Hill eighth
annnal concert' and promenade) at the
Jacques auditorium.
Apr 4-9 Fair given by the united
council of the Knights of Columbus
at City hall.
April 14-15-16-18 First grand fair
by Division No 1, A. O. TI., at Colum
bus hall. Naugatuck. '
, April 25-30 At City hall, A. O, II.
union fair, to raise funds to erect
monument In' St Joseph's cemetery,'
The . Sunday Telegram,' to-morrow.
Be sure you have it. ' !
Tork. loins 8 and 9 cents per pound;
Castle's Market to-night. i
The Rev John G. Davenport, D. D.,
of this city, aottHl as toastmaster at the
fifth annual banquet of the Williams
colVsge aljimnl association, which was
held In the Allyn house, HaTtford, last
David Sheehy, tlie well known sa
loon keeper, will open. a meat market
next, to his place of business - this
evening with a full line of fresh and
cured meats. V Two clerks will be in
vThe charity leap year ball which
was given last , Tuesday evening at
Leavenworth hall by the French ladles
of Waterbury was a great success.
The ladies found after paying all ex
penses that they cleared $95.
A . delightful private dance was
given In Knights of Columbus hall last
night by the Rosebuds. The commit
tee which so successfully arranged the
enjoyable affair consisted of Joseph C,
LaTlalo, Tony Betoli and Ernest Aus
tin. Rev William Keefe, curate at St
Ann's church, was called to Toftville
a few days rago where the young
priest labored for a few months and
presented with a purse of $100. The
altar boys also presented him with a
handsome stole. -"'
The 6J5 train from up the road wa
about ah hour and half late" this
morning. The 7:55 train from .Win
eted was' also about an hour and a
half late. An accident befell the en
gine in Winsted. With these two ex
ceptions the trains wer running.bout
on schedule time to-day.
The seventh annlversarv riana f
the St Mary's T, A. society was held
in , iveavenwortn nail last nlgbt.
Lalller's orchestj-a furnished music for
the dancing, which consisted of six
teen numbers. The committee of ar
rangements consisted of the Misses S.
Byrnes, J. Larkin, M. Cassidy and M.
Thei'e will be another of those
pleasant select receptions given by
Miss Reed's popular duncing academy
in Leavenworth ball' Friday evening,
February 5 3904. A well selected pro
gram of 22 numbers, rendered by Lal
ller's oi-cbestra. will be sure to pjease
all lovers of dancing. Frieiids desir
ing cards can obtain them from pupils
.or at Miss Reed's academy, 110 Bank
street, iuiy evening. i
A delightful leap year dance was
given in Odd Fellows' . hall last njght
by a number of young. ladles, it was
a leap year 'affair in every sense of
the word. The young ladies arranged
th danc an invJtri Yo.
Xo man could, attend without tlie esi
cort ot a young lady. In the hall the
young ladies asked the members of the
stronger sex for dances and the latter
could hot dance until they were asked.
The sixty-five couples enjoyed the affair
very much and the hour of parting
came all too soon. Dillane's orchestra
(furnished the music for the dancing.
The annual meeting of the Connecti
cut library association will be held nt
the public library, Derby. Friday, Feb
ruary 5. E. S. Gordy will give the ad
dress of welcome at 10.30 in the fore
noon. Henry M. Whitney, of Bran
ford, will speak on "Recent Criticisms
of Public Libraries." Miss Josephine
8. Heydrick, of Southport, Miss Anna
Hadley, of Ansouia, and Willis K.
Stetson, of New. Haven, . on . "Open
Shelves." The afternoon session will
open at 2 o'clock. Miss;HeIen Spervy..
of this city city, and Principal Gordy,
of Hartford, will be the speakers.
How about having your eyes exam
ined? It costs nothing and the
chances are you need ; a change of
glasses. All our work guaranteed
anyway, ask your friend what kind of
work we do. The Upson Jewelry Co,
opticians, ; .. - - -J -
A son was born yesterday to Mr
anil Mrs . James Fitzgerald, 174
Bridge street. .'(
Robert Walker, tho Brooklyn drug
gist, and Dr A. A. Crano and son left
for New YoVk to-day, whence they
sailed on the Crty of Memphis for
Palm Beach, Florida, where they wIU
enjoy an extended sojourn." ' '
The horse case of P. K. Finnan vs
Fred Williams, which was heard, yes
terday llefore Judge Pealey, turned
out to be a victory, for the plaintiff.
Judgment for $100 and costs being
awarded. An appeal was taken to the
district court.
Daniel Creem of 663 South Main
street met With an ncrfdent last night
and received painful , injuries , He
started to light a lamp. Underneath
the lamp was a bottle of gasolene, in
which there was no cork.; When he
lighted h match the gasolene became
ignited iand the blaze shot up and
badly burned him about. the face and
hands. Dr Thibault dressed the in
juries. ' i .',.';'. : ..,
Among those present at Si e banquet
of the McKinley Association of Con
necticut, which was given in Har
monic hall, New Haven, last night,
were the following Waterbnriaha: Col
onel ! L. F. Burpee, Town Clerk John
Blair, E. U. Lathrop, ' G. A. 'Ziglatiskl
Postmaster John H. Guernsey, Tax
Colector Edwin S. Hunt, Judge F. M.
Reasley and former. Senator Warren
L, Hall. ;
Sterling commandery has prepared
a fine entertainment for the members
and tbeir friends next Monday evening.
Febuary 1, Mrs Ellen B, Ramsdule
of East Swansea, N- H., Is to give one
of her readings. - The subject is "Jo
sih Allen's Wife." The regular
meeting is to be called at 7. o'clock.
Entertainment is to begin at eight. Let
every member be present at the meet
ing as important business is to be
transacted. . : .;:.X -.;
The injunction proceedings taken
some time ago by the Connecticut Rail
way and Lighting Co against the Trol
leymen's union, the Central Labor
union and others wero withdrawn to
day and the 1 attachments on the de
fendants' mouey In the .banks released.
The papers were, signed by-' Judge" Bur
pee, representing, the trolley company,
and Attorney Kennedy for the defend
ants. This will be welcome hews to
parties who had money tied up in; the
banks, but couldn't get a cent of It. '
At' a bar meeting this mqrning the
case of Margaret Atkins vs Virgil H
Munson was ordered off the docket.
A non suit was granted in thecasc of
Franklin Todd, conservatory vs H. M.
Burrltt, executor, and an answer or
dered before February, 7. ' Non suit
was granted in the case of the L'. F.
Haase Co vs. JI. B. Churchill, et al.,
with the privilege of restoration" to the
docket on or before f; February!? 7, - on
payment of $10 and furnishing a bond
acceptable to the court. AH the oVher
cases went over for. a week.
Monday night at City hall will be
the night of . the season. AH lovers
of good soul-inspiring music and, genu
ine wit ai humor, will miss a. rare
treat if they miss this canUval of sen
timent'' and song. ' . The "Shamrock
Minstrels" will prove that the "Harp
Of Tara" still lives. It will "shed its
soul of music" through City hall and
give abundant ;-, ejidence that that
."Soul has not yet iled,", The manage
ment 'feels secure In saying that no
more enjoyable affair has taken place
in the old hall 'than will be presented
Monday evening.
The board of agents of the Bronson
libraty fund met yesterday afternoon
and took action regarding the death of
General Kellogg, It was voted to at
tend the funeral of General Kellogg in
a body. A ' committee consisting of
John O'Neill, F. J. Kingsbury and L.
A. i Piatt was appointed to prepare
suitable resolutions ; to be spread on
the minutes of the ' meeting, - John'
O'Neill, J. S.. Elton and B. H. FltKpat
rlck were anthorlaied" to procuTe a suit
able floral tribute. The ,Rng at the
building is at half-mast and the library
will , be closed during the funeral ser-
Yice..,. ;.'i ''":,;'-'.;. ',':' ; i
The general cominlttee of the United
German- Catholic societies met last
night- and made further arrangements
for the concert and ball to be given in
Concordia hall February 4. Among
the artists that will assist are William
H. Grab of Nw Haven,' bass ; Miss
Katharine Gloster, soprano Robert : S.
Herr, tenor; Mrs Sadie Hollywood
Reilly and ,F. S. 1 Phelps. St Oecilla-
choir will sing, "The Lost Chord" and
"The. Tournament, of Song," from the
opera "Tannhaufeer," with orchestra
accompaniment. V Music for the con
cert and ball will be furnished by Tal
lier's orchestra, --'.. v : v .
Aldermen Adopt Resolutions on Death
of S.W. Kellogg.
At a special meeting -of the aldermen
last night,; Acting Mayor Biakeslee pre
siding, the following resolutions ,were
adopted:- '- " .,.".'. .'. :
"Resolved. That the mayor, the
board of aldermen aud all other
boards and city officials be. arid are
hereby invited to meet Jin the alder
manic chamber. City hall .building.
Saturday, nt 1:30 p.;,,m.,. tp attend the
funeral of the .'Hon Stephen W. Kel
logg. . ,-;.,y , 'v "v
"Resolved, That a ' committee of two
be appointed by the. president to draft
suitable resolutions on the death of
the late Stephen W.' Kellogg and that
a copy be sent to the family of the
deceased." ;.. ..'-'"' r ''
. The chair appointed 'Aldermen 1111
ing and Murray a committee on reso
lutions. Aldermen 'illewltt" and Hur
ley were appointed a committee to procure-a
suitable floral tribute.
The aldermen a"hd other city officials
met at City hall at' SO o'clock tbisJ
aftemoon and marched; to. the Secoml,
Congregational churehi- where' the fii
neral service was held., .,
A Thoughtful Act and One to be Ap
preciated. Last night, after "thf play at Poll's
theater, and just as the people were
beginning to leave the house, George
Shove, a youngi maii residing on-Maple
street, this city, wo S1 ' passing s from
the theater to thft Acorn club room by
a rear way and discovered the con
tents of a Rtore room to be in flames.
Thinkilng if he rang In an alarm there
would be a great rush, be' Immediate
ly ran to tn Scovill , street ; engine
house and reported. Tho hose com
pany quickly responded, whereby the
flames wero quickly extinguished, the
theater saved and a panic averted.
,.''...'',-. , - ..
- - ' ' I ' -' i I- t - ' . - ' T ' 4
taused by Rear Driver on Engine.
Becoming Loose. '
Winsted, Conn., Jan. 30. Two . ex
press trains on the Naueatuck Divis
ion of the N. Yt, N. H. & Ilortford
railroad were . delayed to-day by the
rear driver on one. of the engines be
coming loosened. While backing onto
a siding In the Winsted yard, the en
gineer noticed a' peculiar clanking of
one of the drivers. Upon dismount
ing, he discovered that his rear driver
was nearly off, and the other side' of
the engine was practically the same.
The train which should have left Win
sted at 5.35, did not leave until 7.25
a. m.. holding up the 7.00 a. m., which
did not leave until 7.30 a. in. , .
One - Dollar
' - BUYS
We cannot";, guarantee this
sale for any length of time', as
we have only a few dozen of
each left. ' ..t v
I Bottle Hennessy's Brandy, $125
I Bottle Hermitage Whiskey, 1.00
One - Dollar
Warehouse, 223 South Main St.
Thone 103-3.' '
Promptly Attended To. ,
Moriarty & Callahan
John Moriarty. 1
Practical Em-
.I..' n ti.!.ii..
JOS. U. raOrianji J Broadway.
Night calls answered over the (tore
No. 163.
For Saturday.
r i ' , i- - - , ,. I ' . ' '
Prime Rib Roasts
13c lb
porK. Loiqs;
-- --' -! . - -
if .-j- 1 -' . , -4- - ' - --;
Fresh Shoulders -
c lb
Legs Lamb
lOc lb
Fatcy i Fowls
13 tOlclb
Castle's Corner.
Have' you an extra pair to give re
lief to the feet by changing off?
Our Prices for Shoes
are so low that you can be the pos
sessor' of many .pairs. ,Not, of shop
worn or out of date footwear, but of
stylish, well made, handsome shoes.
, 17 Exchange Place.
We Ive -'.Green .Trading jStaanjjs.'
Mourning Hat and Bonnet
Although we have not been
saing much about it, we have
by no means been neglecting
our ': '
We have .. all . Jhe correct
styles in Mjourning Millinery,
and as usual the prices are at
tractive. I. CHASE,
, t . . .... .
The Milled Puck Co
Special Prices for . Sat
urday Night. I
At 6Po. Jvadies' Mereerlzwl Petticoats,
value .$1.0). . . . . ' .
i : ;- .)'.,;: .
At 3 c, Cotton Cninas for dress fac-
At 7-lie. ' Fast Black Percallne, was
ingr. value 10c. - ' 4 ' , .
At 81-Sc, White Good at, from 12yac
At 9c, Tray Cloth's, from 12 e. '
At 15c, Grey Skirting -Flannel, from
At 6c, Domet Flannel, from SVfcc.
At 30c, Men's Domet Flannel , Night
Shirts, from' 50c. ' " ' v
... ' ,fl "'v -
At 29e, 'Men's Heavy Undw Shirts,
from' 60c. - '
i - . .
At 13c, 2. for. 25c, Men's Cashmere
Wool Hose, from 25c pair. .
M 17c, Women's and Children's Wool
and Fleece Lined Hose,, from 25c.i
At 17c. Men's All linen Handker
' chiefs, from 25c. ' ' i J ' .
Af 25c, La dies' Girdle Corsetsi Tftlijo
BOc. ' " .1
At 19c, Hemstitched Bureau (Scarfs,
j with Insertion, value 39c.
At 39c liadies' Bxra Hearvy Canton
Flannel Drawers, value 59c.
At 25c, Jjadles' Golf Gloves, were COc.
At 50c,-Ladies' Kid Gloves not, all
. sizes, "were $1.00.
At lc, Black Jet Trimming, was 5c. v
Mailliiot's New Store
Tvo Specials
- " For To-NigM and Mondiy.
All 25c" and- 39c Men's 'wool
'and leather Gloves and ,
z ' Mitts! ,,
All t: :' colors Tom : O'shanters,
from 25c f and 39c.
to look at the bargains offered 1a ;
at this store. -A specialty made ot
Fine; Wedding Rings. V You , can al
ways get your, Watch.' Clock or Jewel
ry Repairing and Engraving, dee here.
With J. H. Devereaux & Co.
it.,- , :
This Rooster Says
,To the city government, -before
you buy. any more parks
please buy seats for the -parls
that ydu have now.
That if you want1 eggs for 25c
a dozen, you will " have to pray
for a; January,. thaw;'
We Kmow.
Of no better way to correct the errors
of an over zealous buyer than by 4 'lMce, -.'
That's why you'll find Black Suits of
which we bought too many that were
formerly $18, 20 and' 22; in thir3 sale for
$15. , , ,
Stouts, short stouts, long stouts , and
regulars are here along with many fancy
suits, all at one price.
Come To-night and bring the Cash.
88 to 96 South Main St.
Jones, Morgan
Most Sensatlottal
a M,
Ever Opened.
A ruthless sacrifice of profits, in the highest
class clothing that comes to tills city only a grim
determination to do something, and do that some- :
thing better than ever done before, a determin
ation to reduce our stocH to the lowest possible r
limit, and to maKe this sale' go down in history
as a triumph in modern merchandising. ; V .
$20.00 OVERCOATS NOW $14.50 .
: $10.00' SUITS HOW $6.85
Jones, , Morgan & Company
' Spring: Styles i p)jf Ready.
Norte Better Made. : ;
The new Spring styles in YOUNG'S HATS are here, , leading in
date as usual, and evidencing the accustomed care , in manfacturirig
VHich has always characterized the YOUNG'S HAT. The stiff ht
(is a medium taper crown curl : one-half ,: round ; gull rofl : and curv,
"twelye-ligne band and ten ligne binding.1 The silk hat has medium
belli cufj one-half round edge D'Orsay and not;so much set? oni sides
as the stiff hat; twelve ligne band, ten ligne binding. V ' ; .- i .
h" $3 and S4: r:J5an(l SB
25 ExchangePlace. Phone 114-2.
We' can fit you out with your. Live Batit, Tip-Ups, Lines
- . Hooks,' Etc.'""" N ' , " g
A full line of ICE TOOS, Skates.l- Sleds, Creepers
13, 15 AND .I 7.BROADWAV. '
EMBALMER. . . . ,. .'. .
Residence, Grove street. ; Tele
phone at store and house. .... ,f t.
The Goal Famine
of last winter lauftltt people v
economy in the matter of fuel.
The use of 's
was so satisfactory that a great .
manv people liare continued : to
' buy it. They like tho kind we
furnish because it runs good
size, la dry and screens dean,
. and our price V :
$6.50 per lonr
makes it an attraction. Try a ton.
City Lumber
& Coal Co.
" : IiOok for Electric Sign. '
t . ,97 to 103 BanK St r
& Company.
in town! ,
Lots of Boys-; Shoes
You have the best Best
We Know e Have
Let's . - . . ' -'
Make a Treaty.
You Pay $1.25 or 1.50
32 to 2 and to and we'Il fit that
boy with ajpalr of f ". ' .
No cut off vampiK no moulded, count
ers, no shoddy iusoles a combination
of wear, lit and ' sytle. - Ijet's' nego
tiate! ,' C
The Only

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