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X 16 WATERBURY EVEN&ffG DEMOCRAT, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1008. v TEA DRINKING IS BENEFICIAL So says one of the best known expert physicians on beverages iu this world. Ho claims tea drinking in moderation is beneficial In all tho ordinary conditions of life because he says we live In a rush and worry every-day life, and a refreshing stimulant in the form of a properly prepared cup of good tea (the kind we sell) is very refreshing to tha over-worked brain. That speaks pretty good for tea, doesn't it? Ani during the past week we've heard of an incident regarding our met, tasting coffee which proves that ouv coffees are superior to all others. One night it rained very hard and the man of the house was sent to our store for coffee, but he dropped into the first store he came to and purchased the coffee and then skid dooed home. Next morning when his coffee was served ho Aidn't like it, but said nothing and took his medicine bravely; but when his 5 year old son sat to breakfast table there was a "dickens" of a row; ho didn't do a thing but read the rict act to mamma and just told her that the coffee was "bum coffee" and ho was sure it wasn't Phelan's coffee. But when mamma showed her au thority he said no more, but the faces he made while finishing pis breakfast would stop some of our aldermanic debates in short order. Therefore, take our advice and when . you're purchasing tea, coffee, cocoa or buttermilk, buy, it at our store and have peace and good cheer iu your house and you'll save lots of trouble by remembering PHELAN'S T STORE 42 East Main St. Telephone. NOW THAT THE WINTER IS APPROACHING ALL OUR Fail and Winter Canned Goods are In fresh and in good condition Pur line is the finest that can be bought and the prices are the cheap est in the city for the quality of poods we are offering. Give us a call before you buy elsewhere and we will save you money. PENN.riDSE.CO. 118 East Main 5t. PLUMBING Hot Water, Hot Air and Steam Heating. Ma gee Ranges, COOKING UTENSILS. 1 Tin Roofing, Warren's As phalt Roofing. The Barlow Bros Co., C3 GRAND ST. We Move Upstairs Over Our Present Store March 1st. THE F.H. Lewis Co., Always Open. Martin Berp's Sons UNDERTAKERS, C02 SC0VHL ASH SOUTH MAIS ST Telephone No 797-4. Night calls answered by Toomai F. Bergln, No 73 South Elm streeL Telephone. 132-Z. Tatrlck S. Bergln, 102 Walnut Et Telephone, No 571-2. SACS AND COACH STABLES. Flout Hacks and Coaches la tot Citf. Experienced and careful drivers. Telephone, 132-14. ALWAYS OPES. REPAIRIN G E P A I R I N Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Wort 4m pvwpdj ttJ TEE BJFFHEY JEWELRY CO., 3 XS2Z3 gill 8T8XET. ' MEETINGS TO-NIGHT. Boys' club. ... Sons of St George. C. W. A., dressmaking. ' Court McGlvney, D. of I. Court E. R. Crosby, F. of A. Alex Von Humboldt, No 210, .. E. O. P. I Sheet Metal "Workers' Interna ' tional alliance, I Friendly league, school of house keeping, public school cookery a. m. and p. m.; domestic arts, embroidery 7:30, millinery 7:30. CITY Clearing sale, boys' 45c fur band caps, 25c at Upson, Singleton & Co's. To-morrow will be the last day for hooking pickerel for the preseut sea son. The bureau of assessment had an outing this afternoon and made a tour of Beech street. Superintendent Kennedy of the water works and the committee on water main extension had an outing this afternoon. An anniversary mass of requiem will be celebrated to-morrow morn ing at 8 o'clock at St Cecilia's church for the late Mrs John Stadler. A month's mind mass will be cele brated at St Mary Magdalene's church in Oakville to-morrow morn ing at 8:30 o'clock, for the late Tim othy Kelly. A month's mind mass of requiem will be celebrated at St Francis Xavier's church to-morrow morning for the repose of the soul of the late Anna V. Kelly. The Kev F. D. Buckley, rector of Trinity church, delivered an address at the annual banquet of the Business Men's association of Stafford, held iu the Spring house Wednesday even ing. Companion Court Eugenic, Inde pendent Order of Foresters will hold a special session with an entertain ment in Fraternity hall, Bank street, to-morrow night. AH Foresters are invited to attend. Among the floral offerings at the funeral of Miss Annie Duggan yester day was a standing heart from the making room at Roger Brothers, bouquets from Mrs D. B. Hotchkiss and Miss Esther Cooney; basket, Saxe & Floto. The following lectures upon "Poe try and Poets" will be given by Pro fessor J. C. Powys of Oxford univer sity, England, at St Margaret's school on Saturday evenings at 8 o'clock: February 29, "The Study of Poetry," March 7, 'The Poetry of Tennyson," March 14, "The Poetry of Brown ing," March 21, "The Poetry of Kip ling." These lectures are open to the public without charge. All inter ested are cordially Invited to attend. Odd lots $13 and $17 suits and ov ercoats $10 at I'pson, Singleton & Co. The Connecticut Co has abandoned the Bulls Bridge power at New Bri tain, Berlin and Plainville and here after the cars will be heated and propelled by power furnished by the Hartford Electric Light Co. Being much nearer, It is believed that pow er from the Hartford Co's plant at Dutch point on the Connecticut river will be more satisfactory than that at New Mllford, 50 miles distant. The company will continue to use the Bulls Bridge power in AVaterbury. City Engineer Cairns has bn pressed into service as one of the judges in a debate to take plar at the Second church next Monday night and consequently he will not be able to attend the meeting of the board of aidermen and talk on proposed Im provements on Baldwin street. Mr Cairns will be heard on this subject some other time. But the aldermen will bp asked to push the good work along just the same in order that things may be got into shape for ac tual operation as soon as possible. i Femoral Order Will Bo Tested. Vancouver. B. C. Feb 2S. The ; federal order In council issued under j the authority of section 30 of the immigration art. which directs that ! immigrants who do not come to Can ada direct from the land of their I birth or citizenship may he deported. ' will bo tested. Three Hindus who , two weeks ago arrived from Suva. Fiji Islands, and wore ordered de ported under the terms of the order In council, had themselves brought into court yesterday through habeas corpus proceedings and It Is on their account that the inquiry into the efficacy of the law will be under taken. Will Entertain Evan. Honolulu. Ffb IS. The Japanese of the island are preparing to enter tain Rear Admiral Evans's fleet should it rome to this port. Former Qiifn IJHunkalani has marked the spot mi which King Kaniehameka made his final conquests of the islands by an ippropri.ite flag rais ing ceremony. sn in Toronto. New York. Feb. IS. Information has been received here that Henry danger Snow, the missing treasurer of the N'w York and w Jerse) Telephone company, who disappears two weeks ago. was seen in a hotel in Toronto. Canada, Welneslav. Th police hare communicated with th Toronto authorities. IsMreaw la Pay. Washington. Feb 2. The how of representatives to-day adopted a special mle restoring to the army appropriation bill the provision for an Increase ia pay for enlisted raea and noB-commtsfioned ofirers ia the army. Bryaa ia Mrmphi. Memphi. Feb 2s. William Jen nings Brraa spoke here this after aooB before a large gathering r-f citizens. To-night Jie will he tl gaect of boaor aad the principal speaker at a bacqoet. . litis Car Leave Chicago Chicago. Feb 21 Escorted by the (Hot car of tM Cbicago AatoBobi'ta dab. the Anerkaa car vhlrh Is roro prtiag la tfc race from Nr Tork to Fart feft krt at !: todr. FOG HORN ASSURED. Will Not Meet With Much Opposition From Woodmont Residents. New Haven, Feb. 28. Harbormas ter E. S. Dow has received semi-official information that the govern ment has decided to put an adequate fog horn on Sperry lighthouse. It is understood that the horn will be an eight inch signal backed by an en gine of eight horse power or there abouts. This should prove strong enough to protect the shipping along the coast. - Captain Dow was questioned last night as to whether or not this would be as objectionable as the old signal to Woodmont residents and he said that it would not meet with much op position. "Since the agitation started,"- said Mr Dow, "I have talked with several Woodmont people who complained, and they tell me that they never realized the serious conse quences of the removal of the fog signal. - They will not object again." Mr Dow is in favor of asking the government engineers to change the character of the warnings by making the blast of the horn a little longer in duration and then of lengthening the interval between blasts. - This he thinks would not be as irritating to nervous people as the shorter, and more incessant sounding of the sig nal. MEET AT WULIMANTIC. Architects Submit Plans for New $45,000 Building. Willimantic, Feb 2S. The state board of education held' a hearing at the state normal school iu this oily yesterday for the purpose of receiv ing and examining the plans for the new $43,000 school building which is to be built by the state and town through an agreement, the state to furnish two-thirds of the cost aud the towu the remaining third aud the site. Secretary Hiue and Mr Palmer of Norwich were preseut. At their invitation members of the town school committee attended the hearing wheu the plans were examined. Architects submitted plans of the new sheoolhouse together with writ ten statements. Itepresenta fives of only three of the concerns were pres ent at the hearing. The plaus were from Allen & White, New Haven; Brown & Von IScren, New Haven; Cud worth & Woodworth, Norwich; Davis & Brooks. Hartford; James S. Duffy, New London; Foote & Town send, New Haven; Griggs & Hunt. Waterlmry; Gillespie & Carroll. 1123 Broadway. New York: Hurt well, Richardson & Driver, t!3 Devonshire street, Boston; Meloy & Beckwith, Bridgeport; James Sweeney, Xew London. The plans .arc all for a two story brick building with a basement, to be built of brick and containing rooms for eight grades, including a room for the manual training department. The architects present were questioned and a stenographer took down notes on the examination. The matter of selection will be made ;is soon as IHissiblo by the state board of educa tion. TENEMENTS TO RENT 55 Johnson street 6 rooms, im provements $15.00 per month. 372 West Grove street 4 rooms, 1 improvements, $14.00 j per month. ; 98 Fairview street 3 rooms, $8 per month. j APPLY TO i JOHN J. SHEEHAN Warehouse 223 South Main Street Tel. :9 Ring S. Waterbury, - - Conn Pillskry's Best and Washburn's Gold Medal $6.50 Inyou give my man an empty tarrel SATIN; B HATS, all colors, $1.49 and $1 99. New styles in Hat Wear for Mid -Winter we are show ing all the styles in Hat wear as soon as they appear. I. CHASE & SON. TheMiller&PecKGG Women's Hosiery Complete stocks, large assortments and extra values. Women's hose ns low as the popu lar "two for 25c" up to most any price you may wish to pay. Specimen Va.ues Women's full seamless fast black hose, high spliced heels, double soles, heels aud toes, price 13c. Women's full fashioned hoisery of every kind and weight 25c. These include fast black gauze lisle, cotton With nineo sulif feet- e-rti-a size hose, tan cotton hose, whits hose, tan allovers and boot pattern lace hose, tan embroidered hose, etc. Special Values in Women's Silk Lisle Hose AT 35c pair, 3 pairs for $1.00 Value 50c pair. Women's lisle and cotton hose at 40c. Women's silk hose' at 08c, $1.40, $1.!)8 and $2.40. , Ask for our women's silk hose with split reinforced cotton feet. Value guaranteed. Children's Hose AT 10c Children's black seamless ! hose sizes 7, '(., 8. 8 only, value i:5c. AT 25c Children's hose of every weight and kind, qualities "guaran teed or money back. S zecial Values in Skirts - AT 75c Ladies' white skirts with deep tucked ruffle. AT 08e Ladies' skirts with two rows, luce insertion and lace ruftle. were $1.25. AT $1.40 Ladies skirts with inser tion and C rows lace, value $1.G0. Model Important Mark Down Saturday Xight at 9 o'clock on All Cut Meats. Kveryttiiiig lias to go! CO. Our Agency for Kingan Brothers' Independent Enable us to she our customers the highest grude of beef, right from the great mini lielt of Iowa and Indiana. It In selected with enre and Ik uiik-Ii superior to the ordinary Ink of the trust packers. OUR CASH PRICES PN MEATS Are a groat help to the wage earners on short time. .Make do the work of U our motto. Let us work together for fair price. SATURDAY II Xlt'K KKESH SHOULDERS ;. S uml 9c PORK t targe Strips! . (Medium Strips) Kor.NI STEAK (sppcliill SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. We shnll offer on Suturdnjr a lot of MRS. BOOTH'S HOME MADE PIES. Mrs Rooth Is an expert pie maker and we are sure .oop!e will be glnd of a chance for a nice pie Tor uudar. 2.V, large sIm-h. Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread. CREAM I'.KEAIl. It size for sr CKU.I.EKS do THE CASH LEADERS Frederick Building. 68-70-72 Em Mali EXE3S3&3E25aV5SE&3B2SSr3S&XS2SE3BQS3X5E2CE DIAMONDS, Cash or Credit Expert a DUmond, and Jewelry Mamrfactam. DAVE ZASLAVE, Roosas 24 and 25 Mianfactarm Bask Bldf Forced Out! 5ALE MARCUS, Corner Bank and Grand St. SEE LARGE ADV PACE 8 Prof, Hollcy, Teaches arry aapU to riu a la, rapid, bvsiaesa fcaaa. la a coarsa It prrrata tessoaa. aaa a fallmrts. All klads of pea ww latatea tt blbst fr of art. " HT UOe STFJ3T. SPECIAL for To-day. At 15c pair, all our 25c ladies' and children's '. . gloves. At 79c and. $1.13 Gents'. Wool Flannel Shirts, v were $1 25 and $1.50 ,. -w-At 19c a pair, gents' leather . .mittens and gloves, -were 25c and 33c - ' MAILHIOT'S 151 South Main. II C Low Price Watches That Keep Correct Time Just the kind of watches good to give to boys or for a man to ; wear that while he wishes to know the time, does not care to carry an expensive timepiece.. And for girls, or young women., we also' have a dainty- watch ; that also keeps good time. " Watches for men or boys, , .......... $1, $150 and $1.75 Watches for girls or young women $2 HAMILTON HfiRuWGRE MRP. 90-94 Bank St. "The Cutlery House." LJ Schlitz Cafe and Grill Room under new management. Imported Wines and Liquors Imported and Domestic Cisrars. Schlitz Celebrated Beer Delivered to all parts of the city. Telephone 11S9-3. . . LINDENMANN & CEIBIIEIL Props. Watch and Clock Repairing We make a specialty of repairing watches and clocks, also all kinds of Jewelry. Work executed at snort notice.. Prices reasonable, j F. P. BECTON, No 35 EAST MAIN STREET. -With J. H. Dararcaux Ca. Market El.tilX BUTTER 20c lb. 3? Il for $1. LOINS Sc ll UN- l, 13c lb New Hole! Albert Eleventh t and Unirenity TL row yoss cur . vita m k. Seal t taw for Citrated uU tt Srr Teri ctr. tat KkI Vrst at swt't TVt (Mm im'i r re M M . Ln .BlacM Our stock is always, complete, every size and every proportion that can be called for is always found in this stock. Our leading lines are $12, 15, 20, 25, $30 and $35, and better qualities for these prices you cannot find. When you need a black suit, let us show you how well we can fit you. We guaran tee the quality. J. B. Mullings & Son, 97 to 103 Bank Street, 88 to 96 South Main Street, Waterbury, Conn. MEET ME lto-rinil Tl If you need goods in our lines it will pay you to drop in and talk it over with us. - - , " FurnitureCarpets, v CrocKery, Stoves, Ranges, H Lamps, Picturesetc. Everything for housekeeping. Reliable goods always. If you need a Go-cart, the Spring styles are here for you to select from. Boston Furniture Co. South Main, Scovill and Broo!i Street.. t , The Leadine Home Fnrniihers. - Y SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OF The Waterbury Trust Co. NOW OPEN. 4- Per Cent Interest will be paid :ns first day of each month specified tune, special rates AUTHORIZED BY THE STATE . IF YOU WANT TO KNOW all about the poultry raising business, and be up to date on poultry mat ters. COXKEY'S CELEBRATED BOOK OX POULTRY will give you what it takes years of experience to acquire. It lets you avoid experi ment and start even with those who have followed the business, for years. Housing, feeding, breeding and poul try care generally, are all explained. Oct this aluable book FREE at The D. B. WILSON Company, 13,15,17 EAST MAIN ST.. The Fountain Lunch 42 North Main SL Old Post Office Building Under New Management Crane & Stevens, I. W. Stevens, Manager- LOUIS HUSS, Prop. Meat Sale Saturday Itead these quotations ami Tti ran sate axmey f pait-faasinf your aieat brre fur Panday, FreU tibraiiilera. per lb 9S Hmail Pirk txina (KM; llwl per lb Kte tirge Pwk lll per lb Me n-tn! KUlers. per lb -9e i:.ast IWf. per lb I-I3r Home la.le raasage' Meat, per lb w-rry A llaree Kaaaage. er I It Haass, per lb lie Try a pmnl of oar .3 ht'ird tea I ii a pmii nt mvr rreaai llei4 tvf '. ( at iv- aw! m vol I pVsiil , vitb tbe qaatity vt tbese g Ji. Frank Kiely, Mftr. ! Flit Utt Co.! i Smite This is a time when all are ,tryin to save money. - - This is the place to make a littls money go a long ways. on Savings Deposits. Interest bi- On deposits ot large amounts n; will be made. . TO RECEIVE SAVINGS DEPOSITS c5 Msa "S. o. .E 3 O CLm A WALLOP TO PRICES Will sell my entire line of heat ing Stoves at cost. 44 We Need the Money." P. H. GARRITY, . 342 South Main SL Scientific Plombinr and Sanitary ' Work. TELEPHONE IOC 9-4. RESULTS of Spring (Advertising & Hustle of the Dandiest Window of Men s OXFORDS erer sbowa ia a Watertmry rindr February 3a. " 1st. A Juaip a husiei f. the last sreefc. Tbnrsday aad I rWlay Ug geM days auiee Christama. 24. KatanUy A 14c m la lb afteraooa asd a ery fair aigbt. snaking a day KIWKR TIIAX AXX il EBRTABT DAT IX Y.r,. Sr. Testerday n'e4aetay ia Ute af raia laad bat year day ai ,fafr rrraal receips of hij year. ;tIge HA THE iGl&. S. one mi lart a!bt a $4 Watertmry potl t;a Metal Buttea. He'd bexi ta 4 stores. Hell coa lrat aext tin U DODGE, t i-ri fovrzs I'Aix.-rrr'TZ