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( 12 WATERBURY EVENING DEMOCRAT. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1903. IP we only knew who was going to be our next governor couldn't we make a nice year'i salary quick? But we don't know. IF we were only aure that Mr C. V. C. waa going to be elected senator from the old sixteenth, couldn't we win a whole, lot of money? But we don't know. IF we only knew why they neglect making a law which would compel Chief Snagg's driver to go through the streets to a Are as though he was aane, but we don't know. But we do know such a law should be put In force right away quick. IF our Wa terbury "cops" who weni to Hartford last week only knew what a picnic was In Btore for them: but they didn't know. But they will know nest time. IV we only knew 'which automo bile waa the safest we'd get one; but we don't know. But we do think they are ail pretty sure "kill me quicks." IF the lady of the house only knew bow much ho annoys the man of the bouse by buying cheap trashy tea nnd coffee, just because. the price is low; but sometimes she doesn't 5 know. Then again she does know, but 3he doesn't care a "rap" because ho thinks she's a foxy quiller because the saves a few cents. But she doesn't, because the real cheap tea and coffee tastes bad, makes the fam ily feel mean and sometimes causes elckness. But - IF you purchase tea, coffee, but termilk 'and' baking powder at our tore ; there'll be happiness In the bouse as sure as you are born. Re member mELAN'S X STORE 4t East 5ta St, Telephone. BUSINESS going on - same as before while front ' of store is being altered Guarantee Credit Clothing Company 33 AND 35 EAST MAIN ST. Piano Tuning - Have your piano tuned. Our tuners are thoroughly reliable, , competent men, and we guar antee satisfaction. Wo do ac tlon repairing, regulating and case polishing. Prices reason- ,., Rble, v. ........ ... THE f. H. Lewis Co., 26 East Main St Room 2, Cpstairs. Tel 137-2 I This fi Rooster !Says ' NOTICE. The Democrat office Is open every evening until 8 o'clock and on Wed nesday and Saturday evenings until 9. People who desire to pay sun scrlptlon or other bills, or to leavtt job work or advertisements will be attended to evenings if they can not call during the day. MEETINGS TO-NIGHT, . Boys club. . Central labor union. C. W. A. dressmaking. Division No 3, A. O. H. Sheridan, No 2 IS, N. E. O. P. B. P. O. Elks, Waterbury lodge, No 265. that every hen from Eastport to Santiago laying strictly fresh ggs,at Kelly's s3o cts per dozen. CITY SEWS. Don't forget concert and -social at Buckingham hall Saturday, evening. Every new shade in fall neckwear, 25 and450c at Upson. Singleton & Co's Edward L. Jennings, purchasing agent for the American Brass com pany is critically 111 at his home on the Tower road. A month's mind mass will be cel ebrated at the Immaculate Concep tion church at 8 o'clock to-morrow morning for the late John O'Reilly. Cyrus Thompson, baggagemaster at the Union station, has been sum moned to Mercer. Pa,, by the illness of his mother who Is almost eighty years old. Stop, look, read!. We ' are head quarters for stove and furnace re pairs; also will attend to your plumb, ing, tinning and jobbing. . Telephone 1259-3 or drop postal to W. T. Cor coran & Son, 302 North Main street. For Rent, 55 Johnson Street, corner Sperry Streets. . Five rooms, front and back verandas, open fireplace and mantel, finished complete in hard wood. 372 West Grove -Street, four rooms, all improvements. 96 Fairview Street, three rooms $8 per month. Inquire of JOHN J. SHEEHAN 223 South ' Main Street. Telephone 240-3. ; Wedding Gifts We have -some pretty designs in Cut Class anl Sterling Silver at special . ' prices this month for Wcd- ' dine Gifts. f Wedding Rings all stv!es an J sizes. How essential is a cup of J good COFFEE for break fast. Our regular standard 35c blend costs you only 18c a pound. - DIRECT IMPORTING CO. 151 Bank St Up One Flight. Trimmed Hats Elegant Display of Ladies' and chil- ' dren's Trimmed Hats ALL SHAPES, ALL STYLES, ALL PRICES I, CHASE & SON. TheMiller&PeckGo Manufacturers Sample Suits For Women and Misses At $19.98. 1 : The materials are Broadcloths. Fancy Cloths, Twilled Cheviots and Striped Fabrics. They are all new, long coats and handsome skirts; all lined with fancy taffeta silk, values $35 to $40. , DON'T MISS THIS SAIE. UNDERWEAR FOR MEN. WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Large stocks, complete assortments and splendid values. Men's Cotton Ribbed Fleeced Un derwear at 46c. Men's Part Wool and All Wool Un derwear at 75c, 98c, $1.49 and $1.75. Men's Linon Suits, sample lots of several different kinds, all sizes at $1.59, values up to $3. . " Women's Cotton Ribbed Underwear medium and heavy weights, 25c and 40c. Women's Wool Underwear, ribbed and plain, 75c to'$1.49. - Children's Underwear at 25c upward. Boys' Fleeced Underwear 25c. Children's Union Suits 50c upward. TheMiller&PeckGo HE to The F UlC After the 15th of tills month we shall not adver tise any more in newspapers REASON We believe In giving to our customers the benefit of the rose of the advertise ment, by giving to them 1 once a week, FREE, or fell at a loss, a certain amount of foods. It will pay you to watch our window. MA1LHI0T'5 161 South Main. YALE YALE YALE POLISH POLISH POLISH Just the shine that brightens up copper, brass and other metals. H pint can retails. .15c 1 pint can retails ........ 23c 1 quart can retails ....... 40c gallon can retails . . ; . . 65c 1 gallon can retails $1.25 Endorsed by Waterbury Fire De partment. Don't forget the Mosaic Picture Puzzle latest fad. "s- At Waterbury's up to date Hard ware Store, Hton Hardware Corp. 90-04 Bank St . ! i Famous Milwaukee vY 1 i iSchlitz Beer y j ! :Oa draught and Xsm.xS S bottled tor vVi 7 Try our new grill om. The SCHLITZ CAFE Iain Street J w E L R Y Clock and Watch v Repairing at short notice. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. F P. BECTON, .25 East Main St. With J. H Deveraux A Co. J E W E L R Y B This is the Season of the Ysar for Canned FisH of all descriptions. Anything In that line can be found at our place of tmnfnesa. We hav a verv fine Sardine In Oil at 5c per can. as good as others sell for 10c; some at 10c and 15c per can, worth 15c and 20: Mustard Sardines at 10c per can. Smoked Her ring, Boneless Herring, Salmon of anv grade, in small or large cans; Soused Mackerel, 15c and 18c ; Kfp HnrHnr 20c: Lobster, finest on the market at 25c; Cod Fish of any description. Try a can or our St Charles Evaporated Milk at 9c per can. it is sure to please you, and you will continue to use It. Canned goods of any cescripuon, quainy ic nneii, price the lowest; also a large Una of Prunes at 8c to 15e per lb. PENN.nDSE.CO. 118 EAST MAIN STREET. The Ease Stof lor Men. The importance of hav ing a comfortable as well as a serviceable shoe, cannot be over estimated. This shoe for men hot only combines comfort and durability but the best of style. Let Your Next Be a "Case." Our Astor Coffee Is the 4 Right Blend for Sunday Moraine. 25c Found. Every Day You Need Our 27c Butter " 4 lbs for $1.00 "Mr Judson" of Watertown Sends Us 190 FRESH KILLED i HE GAFFSEY JEWELRY CO., .82 K0RIE 21AIN STRUT. E.J.FINN, 25 Exchange Place. Next to I Chase's Millinery .Store. , c For our Saturday Buyers The Quality ad Flavor of this stock is fan superior to the "Western Raised" Try It and see.1 The Legs .............. . .13c to 18c H The Fores .1 8c lb Breast Pieces -7c 9) . Nice Chops .2 lbs for 25c Spinach ! Spinach ! Extra Fresh and Crisp 15c peck ' A FRESH CAR OF Sinclair & Co's Prime Beef. Special on Rounds the Steaks..... He Shoulder Roasts ...,..'........'..... 0c SEE Our Extensive. Display ! You can be Easily Suited and Save Many $$$$ Here. Fresh Shoulders (A larger supply this week) ..................... .9 and 10c lb" SEE OUR DISPLAY OF BAKERY GOODS ' Baked in bur own " "Model Bakery" from the finest of ma terials. . Fresh Goods Every Hour. From 7 o'clock In the morn ing to 4 o'clock afternoons: Boston Baked Beans.' Brown Bread, Rye Bread. Ready at 11 o'clock a. m., -' 800 dozens Crullers 7c dozen. 9. B.: Remember our Hark Sown Sale:' At 9:30 Saturday nieht everrthiwr sold in Fresh Heats. Vegetables and Bakery Goods. Hothine 7ut Away. , THE STATE OF QUALITY AND CASH PRICES TTLEPHOSE 93AI . 68. 70. 72 EAST XALH 81, I ESTABLISHED 1840. Waterbury's Oldest and Most Complete Outfitters to Men and Boys, High Class Tailoring, Rightly-Made Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. HERE are ' so many small articles that go to make a well groomed man in our stock that we seldom mention, taking it for granted that everyone knows that we carry everything for male attire. COLLARS are a smajl item with you but not with us, it takes a great many hundreds of dozens to keep our stock complete and then they must be sold promptly to keep them fresh, for fresh linen is better than linen that has been in stocklor some time. We carry EARL & WILSON'S Collars in the 25c quality,, carry every style that! they make and receive every new style as soon as they , are introduced, we also carry their "RED MAN" Collar made by EARL & WILSON, 15c, two for a quarter in every style. We carry their 25c Collars and two for 25c in quarter sizes as well as regular sizes. We carry the CLUETT Collars in the ..... , and this we carry in quarter sizes, two for a quarter. We keep this,30 innr cn that vrtu ara alivava euro rf froch . linon ' L immense stock mov when you buy from in? so that vou are alwavs sure of fresh linen A us and you have the largest Collar stock in the city to select from, you will find this quite an advantage. We send soiled linen collars and cuffs to Gardner & Vail, New York, every Monday and return them Saturday so that you can have your lnen laundered exactly as Earl & Wilson's new collars are laundered, cost 2Vi c each article. Telephone 1058 and we will send for" your collars , and cuffs and return them. - ; v ;' NECKWEAR. 'T f? is another small article that you want just right, and you will find the just right kind in our stock, 50c, $1, and $1.50 are the-large lines and we certainly "do give big values and an immense i stock for our customers to selects from, the same can De saia oi our glove stock. underwear, halt hose, gar ters, shirts, hats and caps. Sweater ;.v;vvJackei(s.;v Customers say that there is nothing in this city to compare with our stock of sweater jackets, we certainly have every good kind that you can call for, $3.50 to $8. Dr. Jaegers at $6 included in the assortment. We have said so much about our furnishing goods that we have little space to mention 1 our good clothing, you may want a suit, topcoat or pair of trousers to-morrow. ; With" COLLEGE-BRAND" for the extreme dressers and our 4 Rightly-made" for the more quiet dres sers, we cover the whole range of clothing better than it is covered in any other , store, and there is one thing that you czn rely on . every "time, and that is. if it comes from Mullings' it will be right, right in quality, right in style and right in price; go where you may, you will not find better quality for the price you pay than we give, it is true whether the suit is $10, 12, 15, or one of our finer suits at $20, 25, 30 or $35. Overcoats from $10 to $50, trousers $2 to $10. mm A Sure Way to Save Money Is to Spend It CAREFULLY Extravagance means not only buying unnecessary, things and thus . wasting moneys but' In paying unnecessarily high prices for things really needed. No one with the inclination to make comparisons needs to-pay, for an article more than is necessary. It is a simple business prop osition to' find out, by comparisons, where you can buy most advantag eously. " Come In and let us prove to you that this is the place. Every thing for Housekeeping. : FURNITURE, CARPETS, CROCKKRY,' STOVES, RANGES, LAMPS, CLOCKS, PICTURES, etc. etc. ' If you need a Range or Parlor Stove it will pay you to see our line 6f Crawford and Acorn Ranges and Heaters, there are none better and we have a complete line for you to select from. Boston Furniture Co, South Main, fcoviil and Broo"; Street THE OLDEST AND LARGEST COM PLETE HOME FURNISHERS ' . ' . THE C1TV. . The Banner Heater The Banner Oil Heater is the best and therefore the most economical to purchase. We carry them fn three sizes. The No. 3, which is the most popular, retails for about $4. They are smokeless and odorless. Call and see them. HOTCHKISS cS TEMPLETON, Inc. "CUTLERY ; 85 South Main St, 34-46 Brook St. MILL SUPPLIES Q J. B, Mullings & Son. Street to Street Bank St to Sd Main St CANVAS GOODS. ' Hunting Coats, Pants, Vests, Hats, Leggins, . Gun Cases, Etc. : GUNS. Over 200 to Select from. Regular $6.50 Single Barrel SHOT GUN. onlv 1150 l . , J Everything for the hunter at , ine u. wnson u., IV 15, 17. East Main Street. Miss Loretto C. Mahoney Graduate of Notre Dune Convent, ' TEACHER QF PIANO Certificated Pupil and Assistant of PROF. JULIUS BAJER Will Resume Teachiat Septal 0. STUDIO 256 SOUTH MAIN ST. Telephone 671. Complete Jint of fine Enam eled Ware Smooth, bright finish. Hear? double eoated, making them -wear much longer than the ordinary goods. Price very reasonable to Introduce the line In the new stor of P. H. GARRITY, 342 South Mam St Scientiflo Plumbing and SaniUrt Work. ' TELEPHONE 10694. Public Market Co. LOUIS HUSS. Prop. MEAT SALE SATURDAY Fresh Shoulders per lb . . 10c Pork Loins per lb . . . 12c Round Steak per lb ... 12c Loin Steak per lb . . . 12c Pot Roasts . ' . . . 6-12c 3Ibs Hamburg : , . .' . 25c Roast Beef ... 1012c Short Steaks pet lb . . . 16c FraaK Kbly. WHAT A nULIRIE of Women's TANS you are ahowing!" Tea, not onl showing but Belling. $3 WARICY - in 4 Btylea. No 350 Tan Grain, High Cut Skating Boot; No. S51, Brown Vlcl Blucher; No J54, Tan Calf But ton, and No 959. Tan Calf High Cut $3.50 8mart in Tan Calf Button; $4 Smart, High Tan Bluchers. Also wa carry a Woman's Low Heel Tan, ' Hign cut at i.50. All direct tromJ the factories. DODGE HI 8. MAIX. THONB