Newspaper Page Text
WATERBURY EVENING DEMOCRAT, FRIDAY,'. OCTOBER 16, 1908. ,'..;..,... . . . I ORDKR NOW. HANDKKR. CHIEFS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. KMUKOIDKRED TO ORDKR. TELEPHONES 1175 and 1173 BRANCH' EXCHANGE CONNECT. ISO ALL DEPARTMENTS. ., , WHITE TAILOR MADE WAISTS FOR FALL WEARf. HANDKERCH for Christmas Gifts IEFS Embroidered to Order. Orders taken now for delivery before Christmas for all kinds of hand embroidered names, monograms and initials on any quality of cloth and every size hem in all linen handkerchiefs, either men's or women's. No . border guaranteed delivery unless placed before October 23. - White Tailor-Made Waists for Fall Wear. UNUSUAL AND ATTRACTIVE TAILORED WAISTS MAY BE SEEN IN THIS LATEST OFFERING. FROM OUR READY TO WEAR SECTION. WAISTS DAINTY IN CONCEPTION AND IN MATERIAL, ' THOSE THAT ANY, WOMAN WOULD LIKE TO WEAR. , ;'; '.. ' .',;' Made of Dimkics, Striped Madras, Cotton, Lawns and Linen with tucks and fancy yokes and sleeves as ; well us the very plain. " "7 ' .'.".'. f. ,, ; ' Qualities are much better and prices are lower than has been the rule for somo time and the excellence, of these Waists In quality, style, fit and workmanship will be found exceptional for the prices quoted. Tailor Made Waists In white dimity, tucked front. yoke in ."buck, link cuffs, linen collars, nicely i . tallorea, price $2.39 each Tailor Made Waists in colored "stripe Madras, tucked front, yoke in back, link cuffs, price . :.: . . . $2.69 each Tailored Waists In linen finished cotton, tucked front, plain backJink cuffs, price.. ..$1.49 each White Lawn Waists, very sheer, newest mous- ; fluctalre shaped sleeve, trimmed with 'ace and tucks front with fancy yoke of 8wiss embrold- , ery and lace Insertion, tucked back, high col lar of lace, price... $2.93 each White Lawn Waists, open backi short 'sleeve, new shape, trimmed with Cluny insertion and Swiss embroidery, tucks and Cluny insertion, in a pretty design, yoke of same In back, price - ... ; ..... . 93.49 each Whlt9 Loco Waists, sleeve, trimmed front and , back with Cluny insertion' and ; embroidery, . sleeves of same, price .... $8.73 each X DRAPERY DEPARTMENT, ' ..'.,. SCOTCH MADRAS. Regular' price 60c a yard, special. . ........ 50c yd Regular price 75c a yard, Bpecial. y . .... . . Oc yd ' Wo have been fortunate to procure about, 20 pieces of Scotch Madras in extra quality at less than it cost to import. The reason is because there were only two or threo pieces of each style. They are all artistic goods lu fine quality and 51 inches .wide. We rcupholster Furniture and make Cushions to order. ." ....... ... - . . CANDY SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY. 250 pounds New Fresh Chocolate' and Vanilla Caramels, nut and plain, regular 40c, Satur day.... 25c a pound The New Gloves For Fall. Every well known make of Ladies' Gloves will be found in this stock of ours. We try and carry the "pick" of all. the best makes and some special numbers of our own. Ccntemcri, Rcynler, Alexandre, Fisk, Clu-k and Flag Dent and Bacmo are some of the best known lines and all are well represented here. Do not buy unknown gloves, Uiey will not be satisfactory. , ' . , ' , Marvel, white, washable, Kid Gloves, In 12, 16 nnd 20 button lengths, pair. . . . $3, $3.75, $4.23 Centemerl Reynier & Alexandre, 12 agd 16 but- ' ' . ton lengthy real Kid Gloves.' In black, white,- gray, brown and new tan shades, 'pair .$3, $3.50 Chateau, 12 and 16 button, length, real Kid : Gloves, black, white and tan,-pair. . $2.50 and ,$3 Neptune, 8 button length, real Kid Gloves, black, ' gray, tan. brown and red, pair. ... ...... $2.00 Reynier, Cheviette, Tannle, 1 and 2 clasp Gloves, tan and black, pair,... : $2.00 Reynier, and 3 clasp glace and suede Gloves, in black, white, tan, mode, brown and gray, pair.... ....... ..$1.50, $1.75, $2 Marvel, 2 clasp washable Kid Gloves, black, . white, tan and gray, pair...... $1.73, $2 Centemerl, 3 clasp real Kid Gloves, glace and stiede, black, white, gray, pearl, mode, pongee, brown, tan, gun metal, blue, red, purple and other leading shades, patr..... $1.50, $2 Fisk, Clark fe.Flagg 1 clasp Dogskin Walking Gloves, in appropriate tan shades, red, white ' and Belf-Btitclied, pair.... .... $2.00 Dent's 1 clasp Dogskin Walking Gloves,,. tan and black,. pair. . . . ....... . ... . ? . , . . . , $1.50 Bacmo 1 clasp . Dogskin. Wd, Mocha. .Gloves, silk ; lined, and unlined, black, gray, brown and tan,1 1 ? -pair;.;. ...... $1-50, $2 Biarritz Gloves, 6 button lengths, black, "tan and brown, pair. .. . ...... ...... , ... . , . $1.00 Richmond Pique Gloves, 1 clasp.' red, brown, ' beaver, white and tan,a pair. , . . , .... . . . $1.00 Diana 2 clasp oversea m Gloves, black, white, gray, mode, tan, brown, red and blue, a pair, $1.00 Bacmo 1 clasp Dogskin Gloves, pique fingers, for boys and girls, from sizes 00 to 7, a pair. . . .$1.00 Misses' Sita Gloves, 2 clasp, overseam, mode, brown and tan, a pair. .... , .'. ...... .v. $1.00 AlMeading makes in Men's Kid Gloves, Dent, Fisk, Adler, Meyer, Perren, Centemerl, Northrop " and several others, prices ranging a pair . ... $1, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.25 Me3Uuj. THDRSDAY ETENING, OCT. 15, S P.M. Wouldn't you like to hear the Democratic candidate himself tell you just what his views arc on the trusts, the tariff, labor and other important public -questions of the day? s He does Just that on the VICTOR Come in and bear him, at ' 146 Grand Street, Opp. Post Oflice I . goldmine r- TTT fit a V 1 pSk Goiiipany's;: : 1 Lehigh Coal : Will bear close inspection, and will look as good as gold to you on a frosty morning. We have a good stock of it Your order will receive prompt and careful attention Citizens ;':.G6aj Company " 11 South Main Street, 2f Et Miia Street.; Positively the Lowest Pricet in the City " " i" - Children's PELT HATS Worth $1.03 and $1.25. Fine felt shapes in favorite designs, in b ack, red, blue, plain colors with sash of w de ribboi and tassels to match See them in our window and in our store. Boston Millinery Store P. Friedman Prop. 184 SOUTH MAIN STREET. ' HEADQUARTERS FOR STOVEPIPE , Elbows, Dampers, Stove Boards, Zincs, Stove Lining, Fire Clay, Oil Heaters. Gas- Heaters, etc. Best 8tove Pipe 19c. Fir Clay 10c, 16c, and 20c pkg. All sizes Stove'Zlnc 39c this week. Coal Sieves 12c, 1 5c and 18c. Success or Hustler Sieve $3.98. Roller Skates 29c and 33c. and 98c pair, worth double. Everybody takes their hat off to our Celebrated Pot Mend. It mends any old thing, or money back, only 15c a can. 8tone Pots, 1 gal to 20 gal, at Cheapest Store on Earth. MaanervHardwareCo..lnc. 79 and 81 East Main St. 7 ALMOST GOT $2,000. Played Dice on Oilcloth Clot Soii'm Advice In Time. Hartford, Oct. 16 Lyman Cogs well, an elderly man who lives with bis son, Henry J., Cogswell, at 7U Ann street, came near being the vie Urn of a bunco came Wednesday at ternoon. Mr Cogswell was down town when a smart looking man came up to him and called him by name. The stranger asked blm If be knew the Grays of Suffleld, saying that he wan a member of that family. ' Mr Cogs well knew the family well, but did not recognize the man who claimed Gray blood. - - After considerable talk the stranger asked Mr Cogswell to visit a house on High street where be said they could muko a little money. This was done and In a room, which con tained little but' a row chairs and a table, they . found a man about 60 years old. He invited them to play a game of "under or . over seven," which was done by means of a large oilcloth containing numbered squares, and some dice. . The young man and Mr Cogswell each put bis fingers on a square and the dice .rolled in their favor. They were informed that they had won $2,000, but that in order to get tho cash - they would have to show as much. Mr Cogswell displayed bis bankbook, which was good for con siderably more and he was told by the men that If he went to the bank and drew the money the $2,000 would be his. i- He started down town In company wfth "Gray," but when he reached Main street he thought he would like to consult his son, who is with H. P. Levy, the. Jeweler. His son saw through the game at once and start ed to look for the clever stranger, but be had departed. , The detective bureau was notified and Detective Sergeants Hart, San toro and Weltner were detailed on the case. The house on High street was visited and there it was learned that the men had taken the room that morning and said they would pay $1 a. day for it as long as they retained It. They had escaped when the detectives arrived and have not been found. I POLI'S J TURNS CATHOLIC TO MARRY. Katherine Barry Weds Julius Schar- mann Rich Brewer. New York, Oct 16. Despite his many denials of rumors contemplat ing his intention, Julius Scharmann, a well known Brooklyn brewer, was married Wednesday at the Church of St John the Baptist to Kathleen Pa tricia Laverty of Manhattan. Miss Laverty, whose stage name is Kath erlne Barry, was the leading lady In the Lyceum theater stock company in Brooklyn. - She and Scharmann had been close friends for a long time. It was due to an automobile ride through West Chester county that reports reached Brooklyn saying the couple had figur ed In a runaway marriage. They were accompanied by Leo Burgmeyer and a girl companion of mist. ;uarry. -xne Drewer ana . tne actress dented the story, and have been evading the subject since. Mr Scharmann is a member of the Arion Singing society, the Bushwick club and many other organizations, and is well known in local democratic cir cles. For some time he has been ab sent at their assemblies and the gos sips were kept busy. The reason of the brewer s seclusion was explained in the wedding last night, for Mr Scharmann had been converted to Catholicism and was receiving the necessary instruction at St John's college. It developed the brewer had long ago pressed his suit with the actress, but the difference In religion prevented an answer. TIMELY TOPICS Try a .household range when you think of getting a good baker as well as heater. - . The Fulton fish and meat market sell salmon at 20c a pound. Oysters 35c a quart. Ehrllch, Rockwell & Forester have ladles' suits that satisfy the mind, body and pocketbook. . ' The Ziglatzkl-Marks Co have gold or aluminum bronze for pipes and ra. dlators. If you are nervous about having dentistry done consult the Best Den tal Co, Bank street. - The Woodruff Grocery C6 has a line of home made jellies at 25c a glass. Duesler Bros are selling fresh poul try farm eggs at 44c a dozen; York state eggs 30c. Scott, 20 East Main street, cleans all length kid gloves at 10c a pair. A. R. Posner has a line of misfit overcoats at bargain prices. Old clothing bought.- The Emerson Shoes are the kind that give perfect satisfaction. Sold by J. G. Jackie & Sons. S. M. Schneer has a list of pledges to be sold after November 1. ' A. F. Cowles has a line of misses' hats that are trimmed up attractively. , "PAID IN FULL" This evening at Poll's the Wagen hals and' t Kemper production of "Paid In Full" will be presented. Tbls play contains four . great acts and was written by Eugene Walter. For his theme Mr Walter has taken a great moral Issue In our American life and his treatment, development and characterization is said -to b stamped with the amazing candor and frankness. Cut and dried rules for play writing have been cast aside and he has proceeded on the belief that red blood, bone and sinew of which we of this world are consti tuted, our thoughts, deeds and emo tions form a pretty fair basis for a play. Seats now on sale. Tele phone 1084. No free list. Prices 25c to $1.60. "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN Manager Martin of AI W. Martins "Uncle Tdm's Cabin" which will be seen at Poll's to-morrow afternoon and evening has hit upon an inno vation that bids fair to revolution ize the current productions of th well known but ever popular drama. In his employment of white actors and actresses exclusively, he has at tempted something that has been scorned by other managers as an at tempt at the impossible. Special prices for this date only. Matinee, children 10, adults 20c. Evening, 10, 20 and 30c. MOVING PICTURES The Imperial moving picture com pany wM present a high class exhi bition at Poll's on Sunday evening with a headline feature, "The Bridge of Sighs." There will be many other subjects and new Illustrated songs. Poll's orchestra will play. ' "MRS TEMPLE'S TELEGRAM" - The coming of the farce comedy, "Mrs Temple's Telegram" at Poll's on Monday takes an added interest In the fact that the leading woman of the piece is Miss Lavinla Shan non, than whom there is no better comedienne on the American stage to-day. The part of "Mrs Jack Temple" permits l display of every one of Miss Shannon's varied talents and according to the most competent newspaper critics . throughout the country, never before has this most difficult character to portray been interpreted In such a clever manner as is being done this season by Miss Shannon. Prices 25c to $1.50. MMtWWWI JACQUES VAUDEVILLE This week's vaudeville show at the Jacques is just the kind that hits the popular fancy. , The bill Is made up of acts of wide variety and each one is excellent of its kind. Next week the headliner will be Mr and Mrs Gardner Crane in Mrs Gardner's new sketch, "Pixley's Prod leal Par ents. Poll g popular prices. jbrHcb, IRochwell arrt oreoter "Correct 'Dress" for Women and Misses. ' 129 BANK ST, Suits That Satisfy the Mind and Body of Critical Women. AMONG the suits nothing desirable is missing Water bury has never seen a collection of garments that so fully satisfies such a multitude of individual ideas, at the same time furnishing an exhaustive review of all that may be termed "strictly stylish." Beside the "style points" that are the points of . "permanent shap liness" at the same time the price may be very moderate, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $45.00 and up. Coats for General Wear. Prices $15.00, $19.50, $25.00 to $50.00 Democraticlally At City Hall MONDAY EVENING Oct 19 Will Be Addressed By JUDGE A. BEATON ROBERTSON ; Candidate For Governor. HON. FRANK S. HERRING of Indiana. THEODORE S. BELL of California. All Are Invited. EAGLE HALL PICTURES An Interesting and amusintr mo tion picture entertainment win oe elvpn at Eaelea' ball on Sunday evening by the Superior moving pic ture company 01 wew xorK. ine hesrilino not will ha a erreat noveltv and there will be a score of other pictures besides. Illustrated songs and a SDecial musical nroKramme are .also on the bill. Prices, 10 and 15 cents. , THEATRICAL BOOmGS. Friday. Oct 16 "Paid In Full." Saturday, Oct 17 "Uncle Tom's Cabin." ' Monday, Oct 19 "Mrs Temple's Telegram." Wednesday, Oct 21 LI'I Mose. Thursday .Oct 22 Republican rally Monday, Oct 26 "From Sing Sing to Liberty." Tuesday and Wednesday. Oct 2 and 28 "Black Beauty." Thursday ,Oct 29 Republican rally i Friday, Oct 30 Frank La lor in "Prince Humbug." Saturday, Oct 31 "Hooligans Troubles." Thursday. Nov 5 "Convict 999." Friday. Nov 6 "The Smart Set." Saturday. Nov 7 "The Smart Set" Sunday, Nov 8 Knapp's Military band at Jacques opera house. Tuesday, Nov 10 "The Black Crook." . Wednesday, Nov 11 Andrew Mack in "Arrah-na-Pogue." Thursday. Nov 12 Robert Edeson in "The Call of the North." Tuesday, Nov 1" "Hook of Hol land." . Wednesday. Nov 18 Tiddlsh play. ' Tbursdav. Nov 19 "The Devil." . Friday., Nov 20 Lillian Russell. , .Saturday,, -Nov-" 21 "Th Choir Singer.' TIME IS ALMOST HERE. Opening of the Eagles' Monarch Fail To-morrow Evening. Everything that man can do has been done to pave the way for the grand opening of the Eagles' mon arch fair to-morrow nlgnt.1 rne committee of arrangements, from the chairman down, has labored night and day for the past few months to have everything in ship shape when the bell rings for the rise of the cur tain. The big parade which will pre cede the regular festivities, will cre ate the first interest in the eyes of the public, for it will be a monster affair, if the members do what they say they will. Every Eagle will be right on to his Job for the next few weeks and in order that the fair may start well, the birds are all going to be in evidence to-morrow night. The nest inside will be a thing of beauty. High priest M. F. Greaney, has consulted the stars and has dis covered a new method of making brilliant tbe interior of any building. It will be one mass of electricity aud shooting stars will be In evidence. Booths -there will be, all tastefully decorated, but no bunting will be In sight. Electric festoons will take the place of the old time decorations. As the time is drawing near, when the bird of fortune, will alight on tbe heads of twenty-one people anil bestow financial blessings, it is well to remind you that this bird - can alight on the beads of those only, who possess the magic key. In other words, the souvenirs. Perhaps you have stocked yourself up well, but if you have not the last chance has ar rived. The Nilsson Aerial Ballet girls are here ready for their work. They will astonish all, who have never witnessed their act. It is a wonderful thing and you will say so yourself, when you have feasted your eyes on it. The piano Is still forging ahead, but the ladies are close on its heels. It will be a great race and fortunate Indeed will be the lucky winner. JAC0.UES 0FEBA HOUSE. ;: vr ALL THIS WEEK. ; - " POLI'S POLITE VAUDEVILLE Dan Burke And His Girl Students. Excellent supporting bill. Includ ing Keough and Francis in "The Ward Heeler," Sam Curtis & Co In "A Session at School," Lew Wells, Reed Bros, Monroe and Mack and the Rag Pictures. ! , ' , v 4 POLI'S P0PULAE PEICES. Eagles Mammoth FAIR OCTOBER 17 to 26 EAGLES' NEST SOUTH MAIN ST. Hippodrome of Local Entertainments. Thirty-five Hundred Dollars, ( $3,500 to be Distributed. Two Thousand Dollars (92,000) : to r One Person. Splendid attractions. Carl Neilson's Aerial Ballet Di rect from New York Hippodrome. Wonder of the century. Grand Electrical Effects. DANCING EVERY" EVENING. LALLTER'S ORCHESTRA. COMING EVESTS. Oct 16 Mnslc hall, harvest danc.. Oct. 231. O. O. F. hall, Cheshire concert and dance given by Dl Vito orchestra. Oct 23 Turn hall, dance given by the Active Turners of the Water bury Turn Verein. Oct 30 At Music hall, reception and dance, by the Merry Trio. Oct 28 Red Men's hall, reception and dance given by the Evermore. - Oct 29 Hamilton, hall. social and dance given' by the Big Seven Social club. ff Oct 30 RuckinAam hall, recep tion by Algonqulniub. Oct 30. Good Will nalL Water vllle. minstrel if I dance .given by Court Weich. il, F. of A. Nov 4 Buckingham hall, dance given by the Hamilton Park Athletic club. Nov E Turn hall, Scovlll street, dance and exhibition given by Wa terbury Turn Verein. Nov 6 Music hall. Citizens' Bank building, reception and dance. Nov 6 St Anne's Church base ment, grand whist and dance' given by young men of St, Anne's parish. Nov 6 Hamilton hall.' Mill Plain, social and dance given by the Nassau Social club. - Nov. 7. Military' hall. Union city, annual ball given , by tbe TJnion City Fife, Drum and Bugle corps. Nov 12 K. of C. hall, whist given by Division S, Ladies' auxiliary, A. O. H. . Nov 12 Old Green street hall, private masquerade ball given by tbl Silver Leaves. Nov II, 13 Good Will -tall, Wa tervtile, the great drama. "Leah, the Forsaken," for the benefit of St Michael's church. Nov 16 Leavenworth ball, dance and sociable given by Liberty circle, 650, Companions of the Forest. Nov 20 Leavenworth hall, social and promenade given by the Oakwood A. C. Nov 25 City hall, social and dance given by Brass City lodgt. No 250, L. A. to B. of R. B, T. P0LTS THEATER. J. FRIDAY, OCT ' The Great American Play, " PAID IN FULL By Eugene Walter. . 10 Months in New York. 6 Months in Chicago. Management Wagenhals & Kemper, Prices, 25 cents to $1.50. POLIS THEATEK. : ' SATURDAY, OCrU7 MATIXEB AND NIGHT. The Colossal of All Al. W. Martin's Newest Edition of the Old Hit 1 II". Grand Scenic and Electrical Effects, Prices reduced for this date only. Matinee, children 10c, adults 20c, all parts of house; evening, 10, 20t and 30 cents. Never before at theia prices. POLI'S THEATER SUNDAY EVENING, OCT. 1. , IMPERIAL KG PICTURES "THE- BRIDGE OF SIGHS. AND 619 OTHERS. New Illustrated Songs. Poll's Orchestra, , ; Prices,. 15 and 25 cents, POLI'S THEATER - MONDAY, OCT. 18. The Society Comedy Success, MRS TEMPS TELEGRAM Presented by Miss Lavinla Shan non and a superior supporting com pany. One year In London, one year In New York. 1 Price. 25 to SUM. t "DANCING." Rick's Academy, 43 East Mala St Private beginners' class now form ing will start Thursday evening, Oct S; also a beginners class starting Monday evening, Oct 12. Dancing Friday evenings. Novelties fur nished for cotillons and dances. Open dally. 'Phone 177-6. EAGLES' HALL SUNDAY ETCmrj. OCT 18. Superior T.lovfc: Picture Cc7-7 Latest Kotion Virws, niuitnted Eostt ml