? DAY.
TELEPHONES 1175 tnd 1175
... , , j
WasDu (Goods
r " Excellent ovDortunitiet vresent themselves now in Washable Fabrici
suitable for Fall and Winter Wear and vou could not take care of vour
Wash Dress Goods wants at a better t ime. Prices are Ten muoh vour wav.
and the assortments are better than thev will be later.
This cloth is suitable for children's dresses and
house wear, light and dark colors, dots, stripes,
checks and plaids, regular price 10c, special
sale price. . . '. . 7 Jc jrft
outing: flannels.
A splendid assortment of warm woolly flannels for
underwear and night dresses,' regular price
124c, special sale price. . . ; v. ........ 7Hc yd
This is a well known make, purchased In Mill
', Lengths, Ions enough for dresses or, waists, ....
. full line of checks, paids and stripes, regular
12 Vic quality, special sale price. ....... 8 l-3c yd
An excellent cloth for waists or dresses, in very
stylish checks and stripes,, regular price 19c,
special sale price ..... 12J4c yd
Plain and fancy, suitable for kimonas, dresses and
house wear, in all the wanted colors, plain, bor-.
. dered, fancy figured designs, the 19c quality,
! special sale price ISc yd
This very desirable cloth Is in great demand at
present for waists, dresses and children's wear.
We have all tbe new shades, Including cadet,
navy, reseda, myrtle, peacock, .taupe, wistaria,
garnet, lavender, pink and light blue, regular
price 39c, special sale price 20c yd
59c QUALITY AT 44c A YARD. ,
This cloth is very strong and has a high lustre
and very much in demand for waists and '
dresses for both street and evening wear, In the
following colors, navy, light blue, pink, reseda,
green, brown, .black, cream and white, 36 inch
es wide, regular price 59c, special sale price 44c yd
Dinner, Tea, Toilet Sets
" We have made plans for the biggest holiday trade this store lias ever had and we will have It. There ,
Is over a carload of Christmas goods in oar storerooms And more arriving every day. We must make room
to display these goods in our basement department, therefore the regular stocks In the departments must be
reducedreduced quickly we need the room and to get the space we will start at once with a one week
sale In the China section. Every set reduced in price, but only for this week.
Magnificent Display of China. .
Cup and Saucers, pair. . , . . 8c
Dinner Plates, each 8c
Breakfast Plates, each 7c
Tea Plates, each .... 6c
Dessert Plates, each ......... ......... ..... St
Cream Fltchers, each ' 8c
Water Jugs, each:...... 30c
Soup Plates, each ........ ... 7c
Berry Saucers,, each. ............. .. ... ..5c
Meat Dishes, each ................... 15c to 50c
Covered Dishes, each 40c
Soup Turneeas, each ...... . . j . . . . . 50c
In buying open stock patterns of dinner, and tea
ware,, you. buy the same as you. would odd pieces. You
get' what pieces you want "and when you want them.
An open' stock pattern of sets can be duplicated, that
is, you can replace a broken cup, plate or dish at any
time from our stock. i.
Chocolate Sets, consisting of pot, six cups and
saucers, a set..., $1.25 to $7.50
Tea Sets, one tea pot, sugar bowl and cream pitch
er, a set 60c to 95.08
Game and Fish Sets The set consists of one large
platter and six plates to match; sets from....
.... .. ... ....... It2.75 to $5.08
In this sale we have included the white porcelain
set of 100 pieces, each piece with gold edges
and tracings on new shapes, and your initial in
gold on each piece; the hundred pieces in the
set Include the new shape soup plates or the
rim style, also two meat dishes and two cov
ered vegetable dishes; the real worth of these
sets Is $12, our price for this one week sale is $0.98
P., S. These sets are practically made to your
order, so we must ask tor t.wn wmW ii. htt. .
- - . 7 . T - " " . .J .u n l
make delivery; You aro.fWrtrsS;
deposit on each set when i'v'v"miSii(.
toilet! Sets. , . ' "'''"".".'
We have a complete showing of popular new sets
that are new in shape, pretty in decoration and mod
est in price. '
White and Gold Sets, full 10 pieces. '. . . $2.08 to $4.75
Floral Decorated Sets, with gold tracings and
stippling .... ... . . . $3.98 to $S .JH
Stippled Sets in blue, pink and green with stip
pled gold effects ; ... ..... $4.39 to $5.75
Plain Print Decorated Sets, blue, brown, green,
priced for" the sale '. .......... $1.89
Right Now is the Time
to Settle the
Piano Question
Perhaps you have decided to buy a piano this Winter
and are thinking of what piano to buy and where you will
buy it
Why Not Make Up Your Mind to Buy a
iShoninger Piano
7 ; It is one of the world's best pianos, made in New
Haven, Conn., and has been used for-years in many of the
best homes in Waterbury. 1 N
Call at our store and hear the tone of this instrument
and try it yourself. Don't wait till the holiday' season if
it is your intention to purchase then. Make your investi
gation now and save yourself the possibility of selecting
something in a hurry that would be less satisfying. If ,
you cannot call, write us and we will send ' you catalogue
and price list. : :V
Sv..-r..v.v V THE
Opp Post Office
ic Co.
Poaitlvely the Lowest Prices In tbe city
FROM $1.00 and. $1.25
This is not exaggerated in
the least.- AVe simply are over
burdened with a heavy stock of
these Children's .Hats in varl-
oils colors, styles . and; trim
mings. . To make,, room Tor
other stock we cut the price to
25c. Don't miss this chance.
Boston Millinery Store,
P. Friedman Prop.
1 84 So. Main St.
This week a $4 all copper Boiler,
16 oz. No S size, at $2.19; No 9 size
$2.98; $3.50 Ringers $1.98. Stove
Pipe, all sizes, IS, 19 and 25 cents
per length; elbows, dampers, etc.
Fire Clay, 10. 15 and 25 centa per
package. Alt yon can carry loose for
25 cents. - Gas Mantles, all our 15
and 20 cent Mantles this week at 7
and 9 cents each. Regular 26c drop
light mantle 10c, gas lights complete
J9c, at . . k. ,.. , . - ..
Magner Hardware Co.; Inc.
- 97 and 81 tut Mint St.
Direct from its lone summer run
at , Wallack's theater In New York
city, where it played to crowded
nouses during the hot weather, "Tbe
(lay Musician" the new comic opera
by Julian Edwards, with book and
lyrics by Edward Sledle and Charles
J. Campbell, which is proving a sen
sation everywhere, will be presented
in mis city oy the Amusement Pro
ducing company under the direction
of John P. Slocum at Poll's theater
this eveuing. Prices ZGc to $1.50,
Seats now on sale. No free list.
What will no doubt prove one of
the most elaborate productions of
tbe season at Poll's theater to be
seen there to-morrow, matinee and
night, is "Shadows of a Great City"
which is to be presented by an excel
lent company. "Shadows of a Great
City" la one of the best melodramas
ever given to the American stage,
and it lg enlivened from beginning
to end by good, wholesome comedy.
Popular prices.
One of the most entertaining mov
ing plcttrre shows of the season will
be seen at Poll's on Sunday evening;
when the Imperial moving picture
company of New York will present
a series of uew views which include
"Saved by Love" and "The Beauty
and the Beast." Baby Eleanor will
sing new Illustrated songs and Poll's
orchestra will furnish music. Prices
15 and 25c. "
Frank Daniels, who has joined the
ranks of Charles Frohman's stars,
began his season at the Harmanus
Bleeker hall in Albauy, playing Mr
Hook, in "Hook of Holland." The
attraction will be seen at Poll's on
Friday evening, November 17. Prices
25c to $1.50.
Henry W. Savage has added a new
surprise to the many he has given
the, theater-going public in the mat
ter of the sensational comedy "The
Devil'' by Frank Molnar, the Hun
garian journalist, who, lu a single
night jumped into fame through his
wonderful play. And now comes
the official announcement that on
Thursday, November 19, Waterbury
will witness this remarkable drariia.
Edwin Stevens will be seen in the
leading role, supported by the orig
inal New York company. Seat sale
Wednesday,, november 18. No free
Something quite out of the ordin
ary characteristic of -the bill arrang
ed for the Jacques next week is the
absence of any act that has played
in the Jacques before, and what is
equally unusual Is the absence from
the artists of any who have played
vaudeville engagements here before.
The acts therefore possess the merit
of genuine novelty, as well as their
Individual excellence. At the head
of the bill is Harry W. Fields and
the Redpath Napanees, who come
heralded as. presenting the best
school room travesty In vaudeville.
The act is a lively melange of sing
ing, comedy and dancing features,
Mr Fields contributing principally to
the comedy element with his enact
ment of the role of the German
schoolmaster. The dancing numbers
are cleverly arranged and well exe
cuted, and the songs are said to be
without exception of the whistleable
variety. A special feature of the
bill next week is the act of the Four
Prevosts, acrobatic comedians, which
they have called, "A Night in a
Turkish Bath." This is an elabor
ately staged performance of daring
and novel feats permeated with an
exuberance of mirth. George Arm
strong, the happy chappie, will dis
course and sing entertainingly, while
Johnson & Hardy, well known vaude"
vllle favorites, will create much
mirth with cleverly turned parodies
and patter. Lizzie Evans & Co, In a
comedy skit, "Turning the Tables"
Carney & Wagner, singers and
dancers; Boutin & Tillson, pioneers
in the realm of instrumental musi
cal novelties and the usual electro
graphic numbers will complete the
programme. Patrons who have not
visited the Jacques this week should
not delay unnecessarily In obtaining
tickets, for the bill is one of the
best, and It Is drawing big audiences
daily and nightly.
,' The Superior Moving Picture Co
of New York has arranged to exhibit
several new motion pictures at its
weekly entertatnment'at. Eagles hall
on Sunday evening. The headliner
will be a picture which Is different
from any which has been seen by
local audiences and Manager Ray
will furnish a score of other sub
jects. New popular songs will be on
the bill and new musical features.
Prices 10 and 15 cents.
New Haven and Xaugatuck Will be
Represented at the Fair To-night.
Up from New Haven and Nauga
tuck to-night are .coming hundreds
of Elks who will try to absorb some
of the fun that Waterbury lodge Is
dispensing this week at their big
fair over In the Buckingham. Thev
usually come prepared for almost
anything and they will keep up the
sport that the local members Inaugu
rated so successfully on Wednesday
evening. They will -be met at the
depot by the local Elks and will be
entertained right royally. - Water
bury certainly will not fall asleep
for the next nine or ten nights at
least. If th. Elks can keep the people
awake. They certainly seem to be
doing so, If one can judge by the
large attendance that has been pres
ent each evening.
On Sunday night the Elks will
give a concert iu the Buckingham
hall that should attract the atten
tion of' every person that Is a lover
of excellent music. Tbe praise that
has been given the Empire Women's
Orchestra has been unstinted and
well deserved. The members real
ize that they are lu a city and lu a
hall where manyv concerts of high
order have taken place. They feel
confldeut that they can duplicate, if
not outshine anything that has yet
been heard In that building. They
are willing to meet tbe criticisms of
the best musicians In the city and at
the concert Sunday evening, they
will demonstrate that they have not
been praised any too highly In the
advance notices. . Mr Bailey, the
well known concert singer of this
city will also be present to assist In
(he programme. Tickets are now on
sale at the Buckingham. The fol
lowing are the numbers on the pro
gramme:: . .
Miss Rita Mario Conductor.
March "Second Connecticut" ...
Overture "William Tell" Rossini
(Cello solo by Mies Katherine
Halllday.) "
Valse "TJif Merry Widow" Lehan
Solo Mr Bailey "Judge Me Oh
Solo for cornet
a "Levy Anthe" ........ Levy
b "Killarney"
Miss Maude Hopkins Brode
Grand selection "Faust" Gounod
March "Rita Mario" Grey
Solo for violin cello "Spanish
dance" Poppeu
Miss Halllday.
Gems from "The Red Mill" Herbert
Solo Violin obligato accompan
iment "Voices of the Past''
Mr Bailey.
Descriptive fantasia "An Am
erican Abroad" Bratton
The departure; arrival of the tally-ho;
salutation and Introductions;
warning; they're off; good-by; at the
station; "How Can I Bear to Leave
Thee"; on the train; aboard the
German liner; a pleasant voyage;
the tour; touching at Southhamp
ton; welcome to England; "God Save
the King"; through ihe North sea
and arrival at Hamburg: hasty trip
down the Rhine; beautifrl Vienna;
oriental express to gay Paree, with
an incidental visit to the "Quartier
Latin": across the border; lu the
Swiss Alps: the return; trip to Scot
land; the Emerald isle: a stormy
voyage: Marconi to Nantucket light
ship; Sandy Hook; in sight of
"Yankee Doodle"; tbe statue of lib
erty; welcome; "Oh Say Can You
jbrHcl), IRochvvcll anb ffoxeQtcxs
"Correct (Dtes" for Women and Minei
129 BANK ST.
Voile Skirts Net Waists
The skirts are fashioned from
Altaian's black voile. As you
know that means the best cloth
for service. Choice of flare
models, modified Sheath effects
or gored models with wide
folds. Folds and trimmings of
satin Duchesse. Usual $12 50
and $15 models,
Tailored waists of net, body
and sleeves tucked. Front fin
ished with ruffled net frill.
Some made with embroidered
dots, others with faggoting.
Many with rich lace yokes
and silk trimm ng, new sleeves,
$5.00 values.
Nov 12, 13 Goodwill hall, Water
vllle, the great drama, "Leah the
Forsaken," for the benefit of St
Michael's church.
Nov. 13. Red Men's Wigwam,
sociable and dance of the Owaneco
Nov. 13. Slmonsvllle school hall,
dance given by the Merry Phenor
tons. Nov 14 Concordia hall, Russian
ball for benefit of Russian church.
Nov. 14. South Waterbury school
hall, private reception and dance
given by the Hopeville base ball
Nov 16 Leavenworth hall, dance
and sociable given by Liberty circle
650, Companion of the Forest.
Nov 17 to 24 Town hall. Water
town, St John's church fair.
Nov 19 Town Plot school build
ing, entertainment for benefit of
Nov 19. Hamilton Hall, Mill
Plain, Coon supper given by the East
Waterbury Game club.
Nov 19 Chicken supper for bene
fit of Grace Baptist church at Mrs
Snead's, 28 Bionson Btreet.
Nov 19 Leavenworth hall, cele
bration in honor of fifteenth anniver
sary of tbe St Joseph T. A. society.
Nov 20 Washington Hill Athletic
club social and dance.
Xov 24 Elks' hall, whist and
dance given by tbe Queen's Daugh
ters. Nov 25 Rick's dancing academy,
East.Main street, Thanksgiving novel
ty dance.
Nov 25 City hall, social and
dance given by Brass City lodge, No
250, L. A. to B. of R. R. T.
Nov 26 Elks' hall, Thanksgiving
social of Court McGivney, No 28, D.
of I.
Nov 2 C City hall, annual sociable
and dance given by the Brooklyn
Athletic club.
Nov 27 City hall, grand concert
in aid of St Patrick's church, given
by the church choir.
Nov 29 Linden Park hall, Union
City, popular concert giveiuby the
Sons of Lithuanian society's band.
Dec 4 I. O. O. F. ball, Cheshire,
social and dance given by the B. B.
N. assembly. ,
Dec. 4 Turn hall, ScovllI street,
dance given by the" active Turners of
the Waterbury Turn Vereln.
Dec 7 Lafayette hall, Bank
street, whist and dance given by
L'Artisant Canadlen Francais.
Dec 18 Leavenworth hall, social
and dance given by the Jolly Fel
lows. Jan. 8. Leavenworth hall, social
and dance for the benefit of Michael
Friday, Nov. 13. The Gay Musi
Saturday, Nov 14 Thomas Jeffer
son in "Shadows of a Great City."
Sunday, Nov 15 Imperial Mov
ing Pictures.
Tuesday, Nov 17 "Hook of Hol
land." Wednesday, Nov 18 Yiddish play.
Thursday, Nov 19 "The Devil."
Friday, Nov 20 Lillian Russell.
Saturday, Nov 21 "The Choir
Singer.' ' - v.,.. . ,
Nov. 21. City hall, concert ' and
social given by "Lalller's. Military
band and St Anne's drum corps;
Sunday,' Nov.; 22 Imperial Mov
ing Pictures.. ' ... ..
Tuesday, Nov 24 "Peck's Bad
Boy." ' v ; .-, . - v ;
Wednesday, Nov. . ' 25 Hilda
Spong in "A Man and his Mate.".'
. Thursday, Nov 26. Hilda Spong
in "A Man and His Mate."-
Ki k's Academy, 43 East Main St.
New beginners class starting
Monday evening, November 23.
1908. Private and class lesson daily.
Regular dancing for pupils and
friends, Friday evenings. ' Phone
177-5. - . ,', , ,, . ,
"wiwaini - aet r hjm tLt nwf,it m
Another Woolen Mills Scoop
Rich Beaver and Meltons Overcoatings at Half Price
or suit made to
order for $15.
Extra Trousers Free
or suit made to -order
for. $17.50 J
Extra Trousers Free
Special-Free Ostrich Plumes
to ladies who bring or send a
customer for our bargains'
We are giving ae extra pair of made to order trousers
free with each suit or overcoat. Only a small deposit re
quired. Where a tailor buys one bolt of woolens on credit we
buy five car-loads for cash. We have just bought the
bargain of our life, and pass it on to you at ground-floor
prices. We challenge anyone to equal our fitting and
tailoring, no matter how high their prices.