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iWATERBURY EVENING DEMOCRAT. TUESDAY. NO VEMBEIt 17, 1008. ty1" wwiiiwi4t '' etAiiiii 14 Years in the Arcade Building 14 Years of Continuous Suc cessful Efforts t V.-' f m. If ' AWT SI If M a. I A I I I F J A ft 9 I Z f f iff IV I ' V ff x "S a b mm m mm ' .mm m mm- m m m m v mrn- mm m m m m mm m mm m m m m mm mm m rut- w .r m m m mm m m m let a- i mm m ft ft- mr am a r mw . - i i 1 1 r a x i a a m w a f t a f f i f ma it?m,v i a a f f i w -i i f i w si ft m ja g f 1 1 i a" a f is a t ' si f f tffi if r if i iztrut I ft Mr i a f I t i tr a a ah i . . - The Crowning Bargain Event of Our Career Enters its Second Week With Multiplied Attractions. We have just passed through the busiest week .we have ever experienced crowded aisles and phenomenal selling have been the record of each day since the Anniversary Sale commenced. The big event enters its second week with reinforced under priced stocks and bargains are as plentiful and as wonderful as when the sale started. THIS SALE IS MAKING NEW VALUE GIVING HISTORY. We have fairly scoured the market in securing choice bar gain lots, and have made liberal inroads into our magnificent regu lar stocks so that values and varieties unparalleled might character ize this important epoch in our career. Here are representative proofs of our Anniversary offerings beyond competition in the freshest, finest and most desirable of cold weather merchandise. JFlk ANNIVEESARY SALE OF LACES AMD LININGS. One loU of Plain and Fancy Braids, all colors and different . widths, prices from 15 to 25c, Sale Price g0 Fancy Embroidered designs in Net, all colors, Sale Price 39c Satin Folds and Piping, regular .price 19c, Sale Price .10c One lot of 45-inch Net for Walsting, figured and spotted, . Sale Price 49c A pretty Spotted Tosca Net, regular price f 1.50, Sale Price 98c ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIALS IN NOTIONS. Common Pins, 360 count, Anni versary Sale, 3 papers for 5C Coats's Parnlng Cotton, alt col ors, Anniversary Sale, three spools for 5c 36 yard rolls White Tape, An niversary Sale 6c roll Stockinet Dress Shields. Nos 3 and 4, Anniversary Sale. . .4c Dair f Linen Tape Measures, Anniver sary Sale ic each Four Hook. Corset Clasps, An niversary Sale. .4c each Anniversay Sale of Silks 73c Silk Plaids, complete assortment of the most subdued fall and , winter colorings, in all pure silk plaids for waists, trimmings and millinery, regular price 75c, Anniversary Sale Price 1 . .59c V(j 75c Satin Messaline Silk, this offering of Dress Silks comprises the most wanted street and evening shades, regular price 75c, Anni versary Sale Price 55,, y(j $1.00 Black Taffeta, 30-inch Dress Taffeta, chiffon finish, suitable for suits and skirts, made to sell for not less than $1 a yard, war ranted to wear, regular price $1, Anniversary Sale Price 7gc vd $1.25 Black Taffeta, 36-inch Costume Taffeta, fine yarn dye, excel lent luster and Jet black, dependaable wearing quality and guar anteed by manufacturer to give satisfaction, regular price $1.25, Anniversary Sale Price .'. 95c yd Underwear From the Anniversary Sale. Women's Extra Heavy Fleece Lined Vests a.d Pants, regular 39c quality, Anniversary Sale .-. .. . . .-. . . . ... . ... ...... . . ,f7, . .. . 25c Women's Extra Size Fleece Lined Vets and Pants, very large and - elastic, value 45c, Anniversary Sale ... ..,,4 . . . r , , 29c Women's All Wool Camel's Hair Vests and Pants, ail sizes, value W' Anniversary Sale . , y ggc Children's Fleece Lined Vests, odd sizes, value 25c, Anniversary Sale Prke jgc From the Anniversary Sale of Dress Goods. 10 Pieces of Panama Suitings, fine crisp finish, in brown, green, navy, garnet and black, strictly all worsted, regular price -50c yard, Anniversary Sale , 3gc Imported Cream Mohair Waistings, 44-lnch Cream Brilliantine in neat stripe effects, for shirt waists and gowns, regular price 95c, Anniversary Sale 49,5 v)j 54-Inch Diagonal Worsted Suitings, very nobby fabric in the new fall shades of navy, brown, green, taupe, garnet and black, regular price $1, Anniversary Sale.. 75,, 54-inch Chiffon Broadcloth, satin face, twilled back, fine light weight quality for tailored gowns, all colors and black, regular price $1.25 Anniversary Sale jgQ Hosiery From the Anniversary Sale. Women's Black Woolen Hose, ribbed top, regular price 25c, Anni versary Sale, 3 pairs for. .-. . ; 50c Women's 25c quality Black Cotton' Hose, double sole, Anniversary ,. . Sale Price 15c Children's Fine Ribbed Hose, triple knee, heel and toe, regular price 19c, Anniversary Sale..... 12Vic Children's Wide Rib School Hose, sizes 6 to 9&, value 12 c Anni versary Sale, .three pairs for 25c ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICES ON RELIABLE GLOVES. Women's 2-clasp Black Suede Gloves, Paris Point stitching, regular price $1.25, Sale Price $1.00 Women's Mousquetalre Glace Gloves, Black only, $2.25 quality, Anniversary Sale... $1.00 Men's Heavy DogBkin GHoves, wool lined, tan and brown, value $1.25. Anniversary Sale Misses' Cape Walking Gloves, 1-clasp, oak and tan shades, Anniversary Sale ...... Children's Black Double Mit tens, 15c kind, Anniversary Sale ......... ... ,. -98c 98c 9c ANNIVERSARY SALE OF SWEAT ER COATS. Men's Coat Sweaters in grey, a small lot of. $3 jrajues. Sale. ,- Price $1,39 Men's Fine Wool and Worsted , Coat Sweaters, regular $3 val ue, Sale Price -S1.98 Men's and Women's Coat Sweaty ers, in white, oxford and fancy trimmed, values up to $3.50, Sale Price -$2 00 Goat, Suit and Fur Bargains in the Anniversary Sale When the choicest garments are offered special low prices at the very commencement of the season purchasers are getting by far the best of it. These values will prove the benefit derived by shop ping at our Birthday Sale. " Tailored Made Suits AT $12.50 TaJlor Mae Suits that sell regularly at $17.78.. AT $15.00 The Tailor Made Suits that sell regularly at $21.50. . AT $17.50 The Tailor Made Suits that sell regularly at $23.50. AT $19.50 The Tailor Made Suits that sell regularly at $25.00. AT $25.00 The Tailor Made Suits that Bell regularly at $32.50 and $35.00. Long Coats and Jackets AT $8.98 The Coats that sell regu larly at $10.00. AT $8.50 The Coats that sell regu larly , at $13.50. AT $10.75 The Coats that sell re ularly at $15.00. AT $12.50 The Coats that sell reg ularly at $17.50. 'v AT $15.00 The Coats that sell reg ularly at $19.50 and $21.00. Fur Lined Coats and Furs AT $22.50 Fur Lined Coats with French coney collar, worth $29.50. AT $25.00 Fur lined Coats, worth $32.50 and $35. OA. AT $1.98 Fur Scarfs of brown French coney, worth $3.50. AT $1.98 PiHow Muffs of brown French coney, worth $3.50. AT $14.50 A large variety of Fox Lynx, Black and Blue Wolf Neck Pieces and Muffs, worth $20.00. The Carpet, Rug and Drapery end of our business is receiving special attention during this -Anniversary-Sale. The work of laying and making is being' done "Free of Charge" and special prices have been put upon everything in this ' line in stock. DINING ROOM RUGS. Body Brussels, very best quality, 5 frame goods, in small aut medium sized oriental designs. size 9x12 feet, value $27.50, Sale Price $24 50 Extra Close Weave Tapestry Brussels Rugs, size 9x12 feet, designs suitable for dining rooms. value $19.50, Sale Price $15 95 Brussels Rugs, size 9x12 feet, large variety of new designs, value $17.50, Sale Price. . .'. . .$13 95 Parlor Rugs, best quality Axminster Rugs in rich oriental and floral designs, size 9x12 feet, value $39.00. Sale Price $24 95 Royal Wilton Rugs, very best quality and the most select patterns obtainable, size 9x12 feet value $40.00, Sale Price $35 00 KITCHEN COVERINGS. Genuine Inlaid Linoleum, perfect goods, neat de signs, value $1.25, Sale Price...., .955 Tj Cork Clnoleum, large variety of small and me - - dlura sized designs, value 60c yd. Sale Price. .42c vd Dress Skirts and Waists. $5.98 Skirts on sale at $4.50 The $6.50 Skirts sold at $5 00 The $9.00 Skirts on sale at $QJ5 The $10.50 Skirts on sale at. . .$7.50 , The $12.50 Skirts on sale at. . $8.75 NET AND LAWN WAISTS. The $1.75 Lawn Waists $1,25 The $2.25 Lawn Waists . $1.50 The $3.50 Net Waists... $2.25 The $4.98 Net Waists $3,50 -98c 35c 75c THANKSGIVING LINENS. 50 dozen Large Size Linen Nap kins, worth $1.39, Anniver sary Sale 10 pieces White Mercerized Da mask, worth 50c, Anniversary saie 5 pieces 70-inch Bleached Da mask, worth $1, Anniver sary Sale 1 dozen Hemstitched Sets. 2 V. yards long, worth $6.50, An niversary Sale $5.00 5 dozen Hemstitched Mercerized Cloths, worth $2.50, Anni versary Sale $1.69 50 dozen Large Size Huck Tow els, worth 12 c, Anniver sary Sale 3 for .25c 20 pieces All Linen Crash Tow eling, worth 11c, Anniversary . Sale go 20 dozen Hemmed Tray Cloths, worth 19c, Anniversary Sa!e.l2V.C ANNIVERSARY SALE OF DOMES " TICS. 1 bale yard wide Unbleached Sheeting, worth 7c, Anniver sary Sale 5C 1 case 9-4 Bleached Sheeting, worth JOc, Anniversary Sale. . .25c 20 dozen Bleached Sheets, worth 45c, Anniversary Sale --32c Thankssivins is But a Week Awav and housekeepers will have a chance to replenish there housekeeping outfits at this opportune Sale. Dinner Sets American Porce lain .choice of 3 pretty deco rations, 100 pieces, including 3 large platters and soup tu reen, regular $10.00, Special ' Anniversary Sale at $8.98 Dinner Sets English porce lain, deep green border with floral spray, 100 pieces, regu lar $17.95, Anniversary Sale t $14.95 Dinner Sets French and Aus trian china, choice of ( dainty decorations, 10 pieces, regular $22, Anniversary Sale at.. $17,95 Tea Sets German china, neatly decorated, 56 pieces, regular $5.96, Anniversary Sale at.. $3.93 Berry and Salad Sets Austrian . china, daintily decorated, set consists of one large bowl, C berry saucers and sugar and , cream, regular $3, Annher- sary Sale at $2.39 Chocolate Sets Imperial Ger- man - china, tinted back ground, with floral decora tions, full gold handle and gold traced, regular special $2, Anniversary Sale at. . . . .$1.39 THE ROYAL ROASTER. Requires no bastings and will make your roasts rich, tender and juicy, in three sizes, Specially Pric ed at.. 79c. 69c and 49c Carvicg Knives and Forks Genuine Stag handle. h:ive 9-inch blade of best quality steel, regular ' $1.69. Anniversary Sale at --$1.25 Tea Spoons William Rogers AA quality, war ranted to wear 10 years, regular $1.65 dozen. Anniversary Sale, a set of for 60c Food Choppers The Universal kind, chops ail kinds of meat and vegetables, regular $2.00, $1.50, $1.25 and 98c, Anniversary Sale $1.50. $1.25. 98 and 75c Family Scale. With scoop, weighs 24 lbs by ounces, regular $1.25, Anniversary Sale at 98c Serving Traya 26 inches long, oval shape, nicely japanned and gold band, regular 49c, Ann! versary Sale 25c Fruit and Potato Ricer The best kind, regular 2c, Anniversary Sale at -21e Salad Bowls In cut glass, bril liant cuttings, regular $6.00, Anniversary Sale at $3.00 Spoon Trays Cut glass, rich deep cuttings, regular $1.75, Anniversary Sale at '.$.135 Mustard Pots Cut gla, rich cuttings, regular $1, An. versary Sale at .....75c Water Sets Cut glass, set con sist of tankard shape jug add 6 glasses, regular $3, Anni versary Sale at.... $2.39 Salad Bowls Austrian china, neat decorations, regular 60c, Anniversary Sale at 29c Cake Plates German china, dainty decorations, regular 25c, Anniversary Sale.. 15c Sugar and Cream Set German , china, and decorated, regular 25c, Anniversary Sale, ,4: . . . .12c Celery Trays Austrian china, tinted and decorated, regular SO and 75c, Anniversary Sale at . Me. ..- miiimniiiimiiHiuiti 1