Newspaper Page Text
WATERBURY EVENING DEMOCRAT. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1908. a; v ; NEW TOILET SPECIALITIES. SPEOALTOES 'We carry In stock all the staple articles and every Toilet Section of ours and at less price than is asked kolynos Tooth Paste at. , ; . ... . . . . . . . . 25c Kqlynoa Liquid at. .............. . . . . . . . . .' 60c Regal Almond Cream at.' . . . 10c and 25c a bottle Madam Weimar's Peerless Face Lotion at. . . . . . 50c Madam Weimar's Peerless Creme. . . . Royal Pearl at... ....y... ., Florayne Sachet .... ......... Colgate's Heliotrope Toilet Water at 4711 Violet Toilet Water at. . . . . . . Corylopsls Toilet Water, at ..... . The Gut Liquid Dentef rice at. ... The Gul Antiseptic' at . . . . Dorothy Vernon Toilet Water at. . . , Nail Tonlque at. ..... 1 ..v .. ...... ..-45c Colgate's Dental Cream at. 20c Spaulding's Plasters, all sizes, at. .'. .10c to 50c each Spaulding's Corn Plasters at. ...... 1 . . . 25c a box Pond's Extract Cream at.'. . . .... 25c and 50c a box Pond's Extract Vanishing Cream at . . 25c and 50c box Pqnd's Extract "Talcum Powder at.-.. .... ..... 25c W. ft B.'Halr Powders at. . . .45c a box Bocabelle Pure Castile" Soap at. .. ." ..... 8c a cake Best Flexible Nail Files at. . 10c each Face Chamois at.'. .' .... 5c and 10c each Beecham's Alabasterine at. ........ . 65c Lanollne at 12 J4c a tube j Tuesday, SPECIAL JON THESE THREE DAYS WE WILL MAKE A SPECIAL , DISPLAY AND SALE :. ON ALL " KINDS OF FURS, IN SMALL PIECES AND A MOST COMPLETE LINE OF COATS, IN ALL LENGTHS AND STYLES, AND IN ALL THE POPULAR SKINS. : , The fur question is distinctly different from any other inasmuch as it is necessary for the customer to place absolute confidence in the firm she is doing business with, and in turn the dealer must buy in the same man ner, there being so many ways that poor and worthless furs can be doctored up to look well for selling. We deal with only the very best houses in the fur business and they stand back of every piece of fur they sell us we stand back of every article you buy of ns. This showing of fur pieces and coats will be the largest showing ever made in Waterbury and will be well worth a trip to our store to see. If any piece in the ex hibition pleases you it can be delivered immediately.. Display of Small Furs and Sets on Tuesday. Small Furs and Coats on Thursday and Friday. New unusaal models in the popular Caracul and Pony. SPECIAL ( J . " :,i m I - i .V MUSIC ROLLS, MUSIC SATCHELS, MUSIC BAGS. We have the finest 50c, 75c and $1.00 Rolls in the city. New stock just received. 1 FULTON MUSIC CO., 146 Grand Street, Opp. Postoffice. i GOLD MINE Old Will bear close inspection, and will you on a frosty morning. We have a good stock of it Your order will receive prompt and ' careful attention. Citizens Coal 11 South Main Street, TELEPHONES 1175 sod 1179 BRANCH EXCHANGE CONNECT. v IXO ALL DEPARTMENTS. - new specialty that elsewhere, NEW (0)0 LET PLAIN ANDMOUNTEI) SIDE AND BACK COMBS BARETTES. . Black Shell and Amber plain Side and Back Combs at 'a. . 10c, 25c, 85c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 Mounted Back and Side Combs, shell and amber, at 50c, '75c, $1, $1.50 to $5 each Sculptured Side and Back Combs and Barettes in Black Shell and Amber, at . . , 10c, 25c, 50c, $1, $1.25 to $2.50 each New Rhinestone and Gold Inlaid Barette Side and Back Combs. . . . .... $1 to $5 each Ball Top Pins, Rod Pins and heavy Hair Pins, at 5c, 10c, 12 ic 25c and 50c each Jet mounted Side and Back Combs at .... 50c, $1 to $2.50 each Pearl Colored Barettes, Side and Back Combs, plain, mounted and sculptured, at . .25c, 50c, $1 to $2.50 a set Hair Pins in Shell, Amber, Black and Pearl for gray -hair, all sizes, at. . . . . . 10c to 50c a dozen HAIR RATS. In all colors, black -and gray, 10 to 24 inch lengths, at ". 10c, 15c, 25c, 85c to 00c Wire Rolls, hair covered 25c and 50c Wire Rolls with Combs 25c, 50c and 75c each Barettes In gilt, plain and rhinestone set, new "Mary Garden" Barette, at . 25c, 50c, $1 to $1.50 set Real Shell Side Combs 50c to $8.50 a pair Barettes . . , 50c to $1.50 each Plain and Fancy Back Combs 65c to $10 each 25c and 50c ... 50c . .' . . . 50c ot , . 50c bottle . . 50c bottle ,'. 50o bottle 25c and 85c 22c and 68c 25c and 50c Thursday, and FUR SALE. Company Lehigh Coal look as good as gold to Company 21 East Main Street. THANKSGIVING TABLE LIN EN SALE ALL THIS WEEK comes out ran be found at this i, . Friday DAYS. Positively the Lowest Prtcw In the City Most Recent Models in TRIMMED HATS Direct from the bands of our 1 expert trimmers in a profusion of nobby imported fashions. An elegant showing of Fur Turbans, Dress and Tailored Hats In smart effects. Prices very low, of course. Boston Millinery Store. P. Friedman Prop. 184 So. Main St. SALE IS OVER ON MANTLES hsu Gas Goods Now, boys, get busy and tell your ma and pa about the swell line we have In our windows on sale and also Inside of Knives and Porks. Spoons. Carving Sets, Single and Double Roasters from 13c up to $3 each; Knives and Forks 69c per dozen; 18c. 11.49. (1.98 and up to $3.98. all of tbe best steel, Rogers Silver Knives and Forks, t'i.'i set. We are going to open your eyes this season and we trust we don't have to us the knives and forks to do it, at the CHEAPEST STORE ON EASTS. Magner Hardware Co., , Inc. 97 and 81 Eat Main SL Ip6lFs v . FRANK DANIELS. Charles Froh man's big musical play, "Hook of Holland," Introducing Frank Daniels, tbe funniest and most widely known of all tbe American laugh provokers, will be seen at Po ll's this evening. Tbe title of the play' has been changed by dropping the "Miss" and it is now called "Hoolt of Holland." Miss Christie Macdonald, who made such a charm ing Sol lie Hook last season, remains In that role ,and tbe large company contains besides Adele Rowland, Leslie Stiles, Glen White, Arthur Harrold, Will Danforth, William Kent, Tom Collins, Edward Burch, Edith Burch, Fleuretta de Mar, Flos, sle Hope and Emily Lee. Prices 25c to $1.50. Seats now on sale. Tel 1084. . ALL STAR. YIDDISH COMPANY, A permanent season of Yiddish plays will be introduced In this city. In the way of giving about one Yid dish performance every month. The opening performance will take place at Poll s to-morrow evening when the Edwin A, Ralkln's All-Star Yid dish company, direct from New York city, and headed by four of tbe most eminent Yiddish players, Jacob Sil bert, Mme Anna Simon, Noah J. Si mon and Mme uia, silhert and an all-star cast. They will present for the first time In this city the most successful Yiddish operetta "Stiula- mlth." Prices 25 to 75c. "THE DEVIL." For some time, Waterbury theater goers have been willing to go to the devil theatrically speaking and now we are to have the opportunity, for his satanlc majesty, In all his power and glory, will appear at Poll's on Thursday eevning. The modern devil expresses himself and explains his origin In this, manner: "I am he who always comes at the proper moment. I come from nowhere I go nowhereI ara here." Henry W. Savage, who controls the sole rights to this piece In this country, will send here a notable company. Mr Stevens, a finished actor, trained in the school of artistic, accomplish ments, will be supported by Paul Mc Allister, Frances Nordstrom, Louis Rutter, W. Chrystie Miller, O. J. Vanasser. Esther Truax and others. Prices 2 oc to $1.50. Seat sale to morrow. No free list. - LILLIAN RUSSELL! Lillian Russell will be seen at Po it's on Friday evening in the racing comedy, "Wildfire." It Is beautiful ly staged in three acts, the second of which bhows the interior of a racing stable at one of the big tracks. Prices 25c to $1.50. VAUDEVILLE. ... Good -things keep coming -at the Jacques. This week another excel lent bill is holding down the boards at the little theater on Abbott ave nue and there is every reason to be' lieve the attendance wH equal If not exceed the receipts of- last eX Vaudeville in the true sense of .lie word is there, the programme being vaiied and well balanced. All the acts except one are practically new to this town. Red path's Napane';a have a skit called "Fun in a School Room." - Although It Is much the same as many of the numerous school room numbers, it is by far the most enjoyable of any seen here In many months. There are four laddies and four lassies with ti'.e school teacher and they made lots of fun. 'EMPIRE THEATER. The make-up of the new David M. Hartford Stock company, which is to open the Empire theater one week from to-day with the production of "Old Heidelberg," that .famous musi cal comedy drama so successfully pre sented by the Schuberts and the late Richard Mansfield, Is given out to day by Manager Hartford, who has been in New York for several days. While Miss Frances Nordstrom will not play here, owing to her receiving a flattering offer to go with Henry W. Savage's production of "The Devil," the management of the new theater feels that it has In Miss Lil lian Seymour of New York an ar tiste who is far above . the former local star as regards ability and ex perience. Miss Seymour is a talent ed young woman of much grace and personality, with fine conception, clear enunciation and years of stage experience to back up - her work.. Miss Clare Weldon of iew York city will be the new "heavy" woman. Miss Welden has had years of excel lent training. Miss Dollle Davis will be the Ingenue. She played for sev eral years In Chicago and Kansas City In large stock productions. Miss Clara Reynolds Smith, who is re garded by Manager Hartford as the handsomest character woman in American stock company productions. has been engaged for the character work. She has a wardrobe second to none ever brought to this city for stock productions and is quite likely to prove of Interest to the fair sex. Torn Boone, who played for four years with Mr Hartford, the new "heavy" man. Is regarded aa excep tionally clever. Dwlght Allen has created over twenty parts on Broad way in tbe past few years and will be the character man. John Woodet son, who was stage director for Stu art Robson Crane for fifteen years. will take the "old man parts Charles D.; Pitt who come from a famous family of actors, wilt handle the Juvenile roles and is a desirable! acquisition to the new stock com pany. Arthur Ritchie, who has been at tbe Park theater in Brooklyn will be stage manager and general busi ness manager: The same old Tom Shearer of the Poll stork company, which played here all summer, will be the comedian. Charles L. Cadwal I lader. a noted . scenic artist, with Vaughn Glaser at Cleveland. Detroit, t j l oiumous ana nocoesier.. uh geen engaced to paint special scenery foi every production. ORATORIO CONCERT. Several important changes and d d'tiona have been made la the pro JACQUES gramme for tbe afternoon Symphony concert which will be given by Vic tor Herbert and bis Symphony or chestra as the opening feature of the ;sli music festival at tbe Bucking ham next. Tuesday, November 'H. This concert will be followed by the evening production, of "Faust" with chorus, orchestra and well known soloists. Madame Marie Htoddur., who Is to sing the role of Marguerite in "Faust" will be tbe soloist of the orchestral concert and will be beard In tbe "Chere Nult" aria by Haehe let. As an encore Muduuie Stoddart will sing the famous liach-Uounod, "Ave Maria," harp, organ and violin accompanying. This number should be one of the most successful num bers of tbe festival, being especially appropriate s'uee Gounod's great opera will follow in the evening. Mr Herbert will Include a number of bis own compositions In the programme, Including selections from "Algeria"' and a new number, "Tbe Fairies' Revel" from "Victoria" in which Maude Fulton and William Rock are soon to star. Dvorak's . 'Slavic Dance," "The Dance of the Hours" from "La Glaconda," the LUst "Llebestraeume," orchestrated by Mr Herbert and the Herbert "American Fantasy" will be tbe chief numbers of this excellent programme. Mr Her bert last evening closed a most suc cessful season of Sunduy concerts in New York city, lie has expressed a warm desire to visit Waterbury again and assist in the fall festive. rmim ETzara Nov 17 Assembly hall, M. R. H. Gelst In "Julius Caesar." Nov 17 to 24 Town hall, Water town, St John's church fair. Nov j 9 Town Plot school build ing, entertainment for benefit of school. Nov 19. Hamilton Hall, Mill Plain, Coon supper given by the East Waterbury Game club. Nov 19 Chicken supper for bene fit of Grace Baptist church at Mrs Snead's, 28 Bronson street. Nov 19 Leavenworth hall, cele bration in honor of fifteenth anniver sary of the St Joseph T. A. society. Nov 20 Washingtou Hill Athletic club social and dance. Nov 24 Elks' hall, whist and dance given by the Queen's Daugh ters. Nov 25 Rick's dancing academy, East. Main street, Thanksgiving novel ty dance. Nov 25 City hall, social and dance given by Brass City lodge, No 250, L. A. to B. of R. R. T. Nov 26 Music hall, private leap year dance. Nov 26 Elks' hall, Thanksgiving social of Court McGivney, No 28, D. of I. Nov 26 City hall, annual sociable and dance given by the Brooklyn Athletic club. Nov 27 Good Will hall, Water ville, athletic carnival and entertain, ment. Nov 27 City hall, grand concert In aid of St Patrick's church, given by the church choir. Nov 29 Linden Park hall. Union City, popular concert given by the Sons of Lithuanian society's band. Dec 4 Hamilton hall dance given by the Jolly-Five. Dec 4 I. O. O. F. ball, Cheshire, social and dance given by the B. B. K. assembly. Dec 4 Turn hall, Scovill street, dance given by the active Turners of the Waterbury Turn Verein. Dec 7 Lafayette hall. Bank street, whist and dance given by L'Artlsant Canadien Francais. Dec 9 Red Men's hall, social and dance given by the Four of Us. Dec 11 Red Men's hall, first an nual dance of the Ivy Athletic club. Dec 18 Leavenworth hall, social and dance given by the Jolly Fel lows. Dec 21 Town ball, Watertown, social and dance given by tbe Hanky Panky club. Jan. 8. Leavenworth hall, social and daDce for the benefit of Michael Lawlor. THEATRICAL BOOKINGS. Tuesday, Nov 17 "Hook of Hol land." Wednesday. Nov 18 Yiddish play. Thursday. Nov 19 "The Devil." Friday, Nov 20 Lillian Russell. Saturday, Nov 21 "The Choir Sfnger. ' Nov. 21. City hall, concert and social given by Lalller's Military band and St Anne's drum corps. Sunday, Nov. 22 Imperial Mov ing Pictures. Monday, Nov 23 George Ober In "The Bishop." Tuesday, Nov 24 "Peck's Bad Boy." Wednesday, Nov. 25 Hilda Spong in "A Man and his Mate." Thursday, Nov 26. Hilda Spong in "A Man and His Mate." Friday, Nov 27 "The Wolf." Saturday, Nov 28 "Girls." Monday, Nov "SO "The Merry Widow." Sunday, Nov 29 Imperial moving pictures. Monday, Nov 30, Tuesday-Wednesday, Dec 1-2 "The Merry Widow." Tuesday, Dec 1 "The Merry Wid ow." Wednesday, Dec 2. "The Merry Widow." Thursday,, Dec 3 Yiddish Play. Thursday. Dec 3 A Yiddish play. Friday, Dec 4 Joe Weber's ah star stock company. Friday. Dec 4 Joe Weber's All Star Stock Co. Saturday.Dec 6 Human Hearts. Saturday, Dec 5 "Human Hearts" Sunday, Dec 6 Imperial Moving Pictures. Dednesday, Dec t "Polly of the Circus." I Thursday, Dec 10 "Polly of the Circus." Friday. Dec 11 Otis Skinner nl "The Honor of the Family." Saturday. Dec 12 "Lena Rivers." Sunday, Dec 13 Imperial Moving Pictures. Tuesday, Dec 1 5 The Rays. The Mosaic rvzzle Craze. The toy shops and department stores of New York are put to their last straits to supply the demand for the mosaic punles or "cut up" pic ture pussies that everybody is no after. The 'crate Is equal to ping pong, whicb swept tbe country a few years ago. The. New York Sunday World has arranged a nnlque mosaic or "cut up" picture puisie for Its readers. Issue of Sunday, November 22.' See If yon can do It Simple but Interesting. No prizes offered. Jnst for Tub. Also a new and popular song, as usual. EbrHcb, IRochvvell anb forester "Correct Dreu" for Women and Mines. .. . 129 BANK ST. Many Items of Interest Here this Week Tuesday We Mention Two. IT WILL PAY YOU 25 new net waists made in plain tailored, tucked or yoke effects over silk linings one style with frill of net usually they CO sell at $5, Tuesday special CIVIL SBRVICB COURSE We prepare you for the examinations. Our courses of instruction em brace tbe branches which tbe present era demands. Our students are given a thorough business training, hence secure posit id ns In competition with others. Enter at any time. Individual instruction. H. C. Post, Principal. The Right Way Rosengarten's 134 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Women's Coats At Great Saving Prices. Offerings we are now making in women's coats are exceptional and rare. The models are strictly the latest designs, and the cloths of high grade Broadcloth, Kerseys and Thibets. The lengths are of different and suitable variations just pounder at these prices: . $9.50 $12.75, $1 4.98. ; Every Coat is worth from $4.00 to $6.00 more. ,. Our Fur showing will also interest you. High Class Designing and Tailoring. , I Would Like Furnish That My experience In starting young folks housekeeping has been extensive and I have learned a great deal concerning this mat ter that will be of great service to every young couple about to furnish a home. The experience and knowledge Is at your service. Come and let me help you carry out your plans. I certainly can save money for you In your undertaking. Some extra special values here just now. By Quality, Low Prices and Courteon Treatment to Customers I will make my store tbe purchasing point for Cash Buyers. It will pay you to visit . . Arthur E. Benson's (The only Benson in the Furniture Business in Waterbury.) NE W FURNITURE S TORE GRAND STREET Opposite . Stylish Clothing. Now Is the time to get measured for a NOBBY SUIT for 'FALL or WINTER. F. BUCK. 132 North Maia. Tel. ail Fsshioaab!e Tailor. Ladies rGeatsCaraMats . Connecticut Patent. , F. H. Richards. Hartford, eyelet; T. P." Taylor, Bridgeport, combined abdomen compress and hose support er. For copy of above patents send 10 cents In postage stamps with date of this paper to C. A. Snow 4 Co, Washington, D. C. Ftakl temaat tor Quit vaeaat ten ement by plarlBg a 2H-eat adv ts We were fortunate enough to secure 50 MORE SILK PETTI COATS same as you found to your liking before. Black and colors, but the quantity is limi ted $5.00 quality for S&OO. . TO SEE OUR $25 SUITS 7C " 1 0S Bank St The Rosengarten - Way. to Help You New Home. Post Office GRAND STREET "DANCING" Rick's Academy, 43 East Main St. , New beginners class starting . Monday evening, November 2J. . 1 908. Private and class lesson dally. Regular dancing for pupils and , friends, Friday evenings. ' Phone 177-5. THE LET C03STBUCTI0I CO. Inc. . (Breach of Fred T. Ley Co, Inc. of 1 Springfield, Mass.) ' GEXKRAL COXTRACTORS. Controllers of the Bone System of Reinforced Concrete Retaining Walls and the Reinforced Luten Arch la New England. ROOM C, Ml L1JSGS Bl'tLDING, 9H Bank M. 'Phone U. B. HalL Gen Mgr aad Eagiaer.