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.WATERBUItY EVENING DEMOCRAT. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1908. THE ARMY AND NAVY JOURNAL ayi ordinarily one cannot spo how the military power of a nation could depend upon buttcrnilllt, but Investi gallons Into the deterioration In the physical development of the popula tion In certain parts of Germany are expected to how that it la duo to the lessoned consumption of buttermilk. Lately the candidates for the army show an Inexplicable falling off phys ically but which were formerly nuo specimens of manhood. Inquiries show the dairies have been sending the buttermilk far, far away, and the result Is the children and grown peo ple can get only the cheap skim milk or comparatively Innutritions substi tutes. The American Journal of Medical Association says Switzerland is getting into the very same situa tion. Now then If buttermilk will Improve us in our physical develop ment we should drink It by all means, and you get the best nt Phelan's Tea store. But this ad man claims for breakfast nice fresh roasted Coffee is delicious and healthy, and for dinner and supper nice, clean, good quality Tea is very palatable and health bearing. But you must get the good kind, and Phelan's is the "place to get it. We have a few more coal hods and never break clothes dryers which we give with each pound of warrant ed good Baking Powder, 45 cents per, at PHELAN'S T STORE 42 East Main St. Telephone Get Ready For Christmas Make your selections now for your Xmas presents, do not wait until the rush is on. I have some good bargains in diamond rings and brooches It will pay you to look them over. COME TO-DAY! Ralph Jacobs 61 South Main St. Piano Tuning Have your piano tuned. Our tuners are thoroughly reliable, competent men, and wo guar antee satisfaction. We do ac tion repairing, regulating and ase polishing. Prices reason ble. THE F. H. Lewis Co., 26 East Main St. Room 2, Upstairs. Tel 137-2 Washburn's Gold Medal $6.50 If you'll Give My Man An Empty. KELLY. lit Bate PENMANSHIP. PROFESSOR HOLLEY Inches every pupil to write a fine rapid, business hand, in course of 16 private lessons, and no failures. All kinds of tea work executed in the highest de ireeof art. 167 BANK STKEET. Wedding Gifts V have some pretty designs in Cut lilass and Sterling Silver at special prices this month for Wed ding (.lifts. Wedding Rings all styles and sizes. IKE GAFFNEY JEWELRY CO., ' 22 KQ2.IH XAOT S7UE? MEIIU08 TO-HIQSL Boya cl ub. Amity Castle, K. G. E. Toantlck, No 22 Vs. Haymakers Association. CITY NEWS. , Handsome rain coats f 15 at Up son. Singleton & Co's. The board of finance will meet to morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, when the heads of the several departments and others will bo heard on the esti mates. Stop, look, read! We are head quarters for stove and furniture re pairs: also will attend to your plumb ing, tinning and jobbing. Telephone 1259-3 or drop postal to W. T. Cor coran & Son, 302 North Main street. A crowd of men numbering close to 300 was stationed at the gates of tbe Scovill Manufacturing Co Mon day noon and night In the hopes of receiving employment. They had heard a night gang was to go to work that evening. H. M. Warner has been engaged as tenor soloist for the Second Congre gational church, succeeding Walter Hayden, who has been there for sev eral months. Mr Warner is at pres ent a member of the First Baptist church choir. John Ellsworth Owsley, Yale '05, whose home is in Chicago, but who was employed in this city for a cou ple of years after receiving his de gree, was married yesterday after noon to Miss Helen Hall, daughter of Mrs John Hall of New Haven. Th-j ceremony was performed at the Cen ter church. Willis M. Tate, son of F. W. Tate of the Miller & Peck Co, has been chosen chairman of the Washington birthday banquet committee of YVes leyan university. The committee has charge of the annual banquet, which Is attended yearly by about 450 stu dents and alumni. Mr Tate is also a member of the auditing commit tee and a D. K. E. man. Any former student of the Crosby high school would receive a surprise if he should enter the building and visit assembly hall, or rather what was once assembly hall. The sur prise would not be agreeable, to say the least. There is only a small por tion, of the hall itself remaining, tho greater portion of it having been di vided into two class rooms. There are a couple of hundred seats still left in the front part of the hall, but they surely look lonesome. True the big partition could be taken dow.i again when the school Is enlarged and the seats and desks removed, but it is not probable that this will De done. If the attendance continues to increase and no addition is built, the junior and senior classes will have to hold their entertainments in the cellar in a year or two. Rents Large store, 9-11 Grand street; corner South Main and Grand Grand streets, 7 rooms, five of them front rooms; three rooms. 96 Fairyiew street, For Sale One roll top desk and large parlor stove, both In first class condition. JOHN J. SHEEHAN WAREHOUSE 223 South Main St. Telephone 249-3. WATERBURY. Tea 24c lb. Do you use it ? If not try pound. DIRECT IMPORTING CO. 151 Bank St Tp One Flight. Ladies' Tan Shoes Lace, Blucher, Button. $2.50. E. J. FINN, 25 Exchange Place. Next to L Chase's Millinery Store. Thanksgiving Millinery OX OUR OOlTiTERS 1 THK TRIMMED HAT DEPARTMENT WK AIJK SHOWING EVERY 8HAPB LV VARIOUS STYLES OF TRIMMING AXI AT PRICES THAT ARE ALL, RIGHT. CHASE & SON, TneMiller&PeckCo Special Prices for Wednesday Nigni. AT $4.98 Ladies' long cloth coats, yoke lined, were $" AT $6.98 Ladies' cravenette rain coats, were $9. AT $1.98 Ladies skirts, made of Panama, satin trimmed, were $3. AT $1.49 Ladies net waists, silk lined, were $2. AT 98c Ladies waists, made of nuns' veiling, embroidered front value $1.25. AT 59c Ladies house wrappers, were 75c. 1 AT 25c Ladies knit wool gloves, black, white and colors, were 50c. AT 10c Playing cards, were 15c. AT 25c 6 inch warp print ribbons, from 35c. AT 19c Note papers, from 25c. AT 4 -Tic Best calicoes, from 6c. AT 15c 9-4 embroidered sheeting, from 19c. AT 19c Women's ribbed vests and pants, from 25c. AT 17c Boys and children's fleeced lined and white merino underwear from 25c. AT 13c 2 for 25c, Boys heavy weight black hose, from 15c. AT 39c Men's outing flannel night shirts, from 49c. . AT 69c Ladies outing flannel night gowns, were 79c. AT 49c Ladies flannelette kimonas, were 59c. AT $1.98 Children's curley bear skin coats, were $2.69. AT 15c pair Sash curtains, made with ruffle, from 25c. AT $1.59 Smyrna rugs, 30x60 in. from $1.98. AT $1.98 Extra large canvas horse covers, from $2.39. AT 20c Mounted opaque window shades, from 25c. AT 39c Formosa Oolong tea, from 50c. Better than ever, Our 27c Batter, 4 lbs tor $1. Model iailet Co. We Are Prepared New, Fresh THANKSGIVING SUPPLIES At the "Best Cash Prices" for the Consumer. SUGAR OFFER. 20 lbs Granulated Sugar for. $1.00 With your gro cery purchase of 1.30 Total $2.50 Flour and Pota toes excepted. 3V4 lbs Confec tionery or Pow dered Sugar for DRIED FRUITS 2 pkgs Richelieu Seeded Raisins for 2 pkgs Good Seeded Raisins for 2 pkgs Fancy Cleaned Currants for 2 pkgs Good Cleaned Currants for Sultana Seedless Raisins for Imported English Walnuts for Imported French Pecans for Imported Brazils for 2 lbs New Mixed Xuts for New Sugared Citron New Plain Citron When You Buy a Barrel or Bag of "WHITE SWAN FLOUR You have the positive guarantee of a "Firm that you know," the word of a "Salesman that you know," the experience of your "Neighbors that you know," all to prove to you that it la the great est of AMERICAN BREAD FLOURS. The introductory price is 80c per bag, $6.35 bbl (with empty bbl) Why not have the "Queen ot Quality"? It costs no more than ordinary grades, like Gold Medal. Pillsbury's, Washburn's Best. If you are satisfied with these we have them. Good Bread Flour at 734. Wg THE STORE OF QUALITY AND CASH PRICES TELEPHONE 937. Tuii it the Season of the Tear for Canned Pish of all descriptions. Anything la that Una can be found at our place of business. We hav a very One Sardins In Oil at 6c per caa, as good as others ell for 10c; some at 10c and 16c per ean, worth 15c and 20; Mustard Sardines at 10c per can. Smoked Her ring, Boneless Herring, Salmon of any grade, in small or large can; Soused Mackerel, 16c and 18c ; Kfp pered Herring, 10c: Lobster, finest on tbe market at 26c; Cod Fish ot any description. Try a Can of our Bt Charles Evaporated Milk at 9c per can. ft Is sura to pleas you. and you will continue to us it Canned goods of any description, quality tbe finest, pries tbe lowest; also a large Una of Prunes at 8c to lSe per lb. PENN.nDSE.CO. 118 EAST MAIN STREET. FOR GOOD 5HAVINQ A'D BITS CCTTINO GATTER & HODSOlf'S New Shop ii WEST UA1M VXftUT, BUYING A RAZOR is like getting married something of a lottery, and in both cases success or failure depends largely upon tbe temper. Ours are fully guaranteed, Koch's Celebrated Faultless ..Br??. I $1.50 to $3.00 tteneaeis Hest in the World "$1.80 to $4.00 Star Safety Sets. . , . .$1,50 to $20.00 Ever Ready Safety, 12 Blades. .$1,00 Gillette Safety Razor Seta v-. $5.00 to $30.00 Glad to Serve You. Hamilton Hardware Corp. 00-04 Rank St. KMMHMMMHWMMHMMMMMM Manufacturers National Bank General Banking, American Express Orders, Safe Deposit Boxes, Foreign Drafts. IMMHMMMMHMIMtMMM The Child-Heron Law Corporation Credit Ratings, Accounts Collected. 79 North Main Street, Waterbury, 152 Chape!, 136 Fairfield, New Haveo. Bridgeport HARTFORD, 004 MAIN ST. Bonds & Stocks Local investments a specialty. HOLMES & BULL Successors to C. L. HOLMES & CO. Holmes Bnildinz Grand Street THE KINGSBURY 150 Rooms, with Bath, $1.00. 40 Large Rooms, with Bath, $1.50. Central Location Modern Improvements. JAMES F. WILLIAMS, Manager, Center Street, Waterbury, Conn. Are you very particular on Butter? Use our 29c grade, 3 lbs $1. this Week with a Line of y2 LBS. LOAF SUGAR FOR 25c 25c AND NUTS. . . 25c (1908 goods) iHc (1907 goods) 25c (1908 goods) 20c (1907 goods) me lb (1908 goods) 18c lb (1908 goods) 18c lb (1908 goods) 18c lb (1908 goods) 5c c quarter, 25c pound 6c quarter, 20c pound 68. 70. 72 EAST MAIN ST. OSTEOPATHY This modern and druglesa treat ment, administered by Dr Jerome D. Wirt, a graduate of the A. T. Still school of Osteopathy, at Kirksvllle, Mo. If you are a chronic aufferer it win pay you to Investigate this new treatment. Location Suite S3 Buck ingham building. 'Phone 2010. Con sultation free. Office hours 9 to 11, and 1 to 5:30. Evenings 7:30 to 8:30. Licensed by State Board of Health. IMPORTED MUNCHES LAMER BEES, Fine Variety of Delicatessen Lunch at All Hour. D RESCUES ft EMI., 16 and 18 Hirrisoa Are. RECOMMENDED BT PHYSICIANS tor Kidney, Liver aad Stomach Trouble. ' i BDnElMIIX By the Quart, glaae or fatten at J. S. WATTS' CAPE. Sent Kail ft is a good time to buy articles that .you will need this winter, from warm topcoats and winter suits to gloves or shoes. Our stock in every department is complete and we know that we can save you money and make you a regular customer if we sell you our Rightly-made goods. We are very careful to secure the best that can be had for the price we retail the article; for instance, if you need a derby and do not care to pay over $3 for it, we will sell you a Knapp-felt, the best derby in the world for $3. If you wish the finest that can be made we show you the "Knapp-felt De Luxe"; at $6. If you want a "soft hat, we have J. B. Stetson & Go's from $2.50 to $6. Every honest hatter will tell you that there are no better soft hats made than Stetson's. Take it in furnishing goods, if you need collars we carry a full There are no better collars; they make collar that they name the"Red-man, "they are just -as exact in size and keep there shape as well as their 25c quality, are made on the same patterns, and sell for 15 c, two for a quarter1, the best two for a quarter col lar that you can buy. Underwear from nat ural wool 50c and Si to the finest made, Dr Jaeger's at list prices. In gloves, we carry a street . glove, English fitting, outseam, will stand hard service, $1.25 lighter weight and finer stock, spear back, $1.50 Dent, Allcroft & Co's made in England and Fisk, Clark & Flaggs glove made in America, $2, handsewn $2.50. In shoes we sell the "Walk-over" best shoes that. $3.50, $4 or $5 will buy. So you can go through our stock and rely on every article being as good or better than you will find elsewhere. lrv it and be con vinced. J.B. Muilings & Son. Street to Street '.'-.''' ' ' ' line of Earl & Wilson's 25c. 6 for $1.38. WE TRUST YOU ine election is over. Let s loreet sult. Restoration of confidence should now be the dominant thought. Let s a!l pull together. Let each of us show in a practical way that we have confidence in our country's future and confidence in the proverbial honesty of its people. Just Drop in and See Our Lines of FURNITURE, CARPETS. CROCKERY, STOVES, RANGES, LAMPS, PICTURES, ETC. EVERYTHING NEEDED TO FURNISH YOUR HOME COMPLETE. CASH OR CREDIT. BOSTON FURNITURE CO., South Main, Scovill and Brook Streets.. Oldest and Largest House Furnish ing Establishment in Waterbury. Miss Lorelto C. Mahoney Graduate of Notre Dame Convent, TEACHER OF PIANO Certificated Pupil and Assistant of ' PROF. JULIUS B AIER Will Resume Teaching Sept. 10. STUDIO 256 SOUTH MAIN ST. Telephone 671. Clock and Watch Repairing at short notice. All work guaranteed Prices reasonable. F. P. BECTON, 25 East Main St. With J. U Devenux & Co. J E W E L R Y J E W E L R Y t Cl. I Wednesday SSIBiiii Flour per Sack 3 lbs. Ginger Snaps 3 lbs. Fruit Cookies 3 Cans Corn . Mixed Tea, per lb. 4 lbs. Rice 41bs. New Prunes Smoked Shoulders per lb. Fresh Shoulders per lb. Pork Loins (strips) per lb. Round Steak per lb. Loin Steak per lb. ' 75c 25c 25c 25c 20c 25c 25c 9c 9c lie 14c 16c Frank Kidy, Mgr. Pill; ilfi our elation or dejection over the re EVERYTHING FOR THE, HUNTER Guns, Rifles, Ammunition, Coats, Pants, Hits, - Vests and Belts, v Everything in Sporting Goods AT u mrt mm 1 1 uu f A l w 13. 15. 17. EAST MAIN ST. When you need Iron Fencing, let us tell you about the "STEWART." The price is reaonable, get the best HQTCHKISS 4 TEMPLETOSr INC. v 85 Sonth Main St. 34-46 Brook St. KEEP THE YOUNGSTERS FEET WARM and yon will SAVE DOCTORSBILLS Keep their feet In good warm shoe, with Arctics (2 Buckle kind ben orer them when ont doors. For the house don't let them trot about thesa cold mornings in bare feet. Get a pair of . FELT SLIPPERS They don't cost much. 40c and 10c up to II. They may sare $2 (oal one visit from the M. D.) DODGE It-ll 8. MAIN. THONX 1M. II CINCINNATI, O. II Cfr 10) feltn f In, fncf lUm fa mi ut. lofu. UwirktsvUlMifriMiw J J ( c