0 WATERBUItY EVENING DEMOCRAT. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1908. GRIEVE, BISSET, & HOLLAND J8-40 Bank Street. Tel S83 Waterbury's Busy Corner Store. AGENTS FOR THE It. & It. DYERS AND CLEANERS. 1 LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS FREE1 10- IS .!. rciul throiiirh this lint of ne d way down from tlu'ir regular prl Bargain Iny. Among thorn you no you've boon contemplating buying a substantial savings. 40 in. WHITE APRON LAWNS Regular 21c quality, Bargain Day 12Wc a yard THE "MAISH" LAMINATED COT TON IMWX COMFORTS Covered with good quality silko lin0 in attractive designs, size 72x81. regular price $2.59, Bar- gain Day $2.33 oath OUTING FLANNELS Neat stripped effects, regular 9c quality, Bargain Day 94c a yard FIGURED TWILL PRINTS For draperies, coverings? etc, reg ular price 8c, Bargain Day 64 a yard ALL WOOL TARTAN CHEVIOT. CHECKS Regular price $1.25, Bargain Day 92c a yard OV ERCOAT LINING 64 inches wide, regular price 59c a yard. Bargain Day . . 42c a yard BLACK TAFFETA SILK Our regular 75c grade, Bargain Day 5c a yard HAIR COVERED WIRE HAIR ROLLS Regular price 50c, Bargain Day 25c ELASTIC BELLTS With fancy buckles, regular price 50c Bargain Day 25c ASBESTOS HOLDERS Bargain Day 2 for 5c KOc PILLOW TOPS To embroider, Bargain Day 20c- each WOMEN'S WOOL VESTS AND PANTS Flat goods in white or grey, reg ular price 75c, Bargain Day ' . '. 59c each WOMEN'S BLACK LISLE HOSE Full fashioned embroidery instep, regular price 49c, Bargain Day ' 35c a pair MORROW MECHANICAL DRAWING, LAND SURVEYING, RAILWAY AND COMMERCIAL TELEGRAPHY taught by L. S. Thompson, M. A. Ph D., Lewis McLouth, M. A. Ph D., and Katherine Jf oiey, ONE TUITION PAYS FOR ALL THE COURSES WE TEACH. Attend where you can get the most and best for your money. All Day, Half Day and Evening Sessions. Begin now. BUCKINGHAM BUILDING, U1 Grand Street. TAKE ELEVATOR. IFQJIRS The Cold Days Are Coming ! Be Prepared and Have Your Furs. We are now having our big annual display. Everything in furs for man, woman or child. Every correct style is shown in broad variety. We invite you to come and inspect this great assortment of furs whether you wish to purchase or not. A guarantee goes with every garment. Prices are exceedingly low for such fine furs. Come now and make your selection and get a full season's wear. EVERYTHING IN FURS FOR MAN. WOMAN AND CHILD. "IF IT'S MADE OF FUR WE HAVE IT. L. TRUDELL, THE LEADING FURRIER OF WATERS URY. 150 GRAND ST., Opp. Post Office MWWVMMM11MMMMlMMtMIM1 Are You Going to Buy House Furnishing Goods? If so, it will pay you to visit our store, inspect our goods, get our prices, and then you will know why we are doing the busi ness. Our connection with one of the largest Furniture and Carpet houses in this country makes it possible for us to sell goods at prices that will amaze you. This assertion will be proven with the facts before your own eyes by a visit to our mammoth warerooms. Come in and see the possibilities of saving money in buying from us. Everything guaranteed or money re funded. No trouble to show goods whether you purchase or not. Courteous salesmen to wait upon you when you call. Come in and be made happy. THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES. Benson Furniture Co. Inc. 188-190 South Main, 38-40 Grand Street COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS 4 Two Entrances. ' Waterbury, BARGAIN w seasonable goods which arc mark ce to tempt you here on our weokly doubt will find several things which nd by coming to-morrow you'll make WOMEN'S ELBOW LENGTH KTO GLOVES In black or tan, regular price $2.75, Bargain Day $2.20 a pair 45 in. ALLOY ER FANCY FIGURED NETS In white, cream and ecru, regular price 75c. Bargain Day 35c a yard WOMEN'S ALL LINEN CROSSBAR HANDKERCHIEFS Regular price 12 C Bargain Day 8c each MEN'S PLAIN BLACK TWILL WORK SHIRTS Regular 50c quality, Bargain Day 39c ach MEN'S WOOL MIXED HALF-HOSE In camel hair, natural wool, ox ford grey and black, regular price 12c. Bargain Day 10c a pr. ROMAN STRIPE COUCH COVERS 50 inch wide, 3 yards long, reg ular price $1, Bargain Day 75c each SCOTCH NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS 3 yards long, 54 inches wide, sev eral patterns, regular price $2, Bargain Da? $1.23 a pair WOMEN'S 2 PIECE HOUSE DRESSES Very pretty styles in blue and grey, regular price $1.50, Bar gain Day 98c CHILDREN'S DRESSES In plain and checked worsted, regular price, $3.60 to $5, sizes 6 to 14 years, Bargain Day $1.8 and $2.98 WOMEN'S BLOUSE GOLF VESTS In white, grey and cardinal, regu lar Drice $1. Bareain Day . . . .79c WOMEN'S BLACK HEATHER- BLOOM SKIRTS Odd sizes, regular $2.50, $2.98 and $3.98 grades, Bargain Day $1.98 each an expert, leiegrapuer, at From Street to Street. Connecticut in NAUGATUCK NUGGETS Arrangements have been complet ed for the dance to Be given next Saturday night at Red Men's hall by the Red Men's hall association. A meeting of the Women's Mis sionary society of the Congregation al church will be held In the parish house to-morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. At a meeting of clergymen of the Episcopal church held in New Ha ven Monday an address was deliver ed by the Rev W. H. Garth, rector of St Michael's church of this borough. Mrs Sarah S. Caldwell, widow of the late Perry Cadwell, died at her home in Mlddlebury Monday aged 78 years. The funeral was held this arternoon at 1:3 0 at her late resi dence. The interment was in Hill side cemetery in Naugatuck. WATERT0WN JOTTINGS Mr and Mrs J. L. Marden are the guests of the Rev and Mrs M. War den of Cutler street. The Watertown football team will go to Waterbury Sunday 'j oppose the Brownies of that city. The St John's fair opened last night in the town hall and will con tinue until the evening ot November 24. There will be a large number from here attend the Yale-Harvard footoball game at New Haven Satur day. The members of the Junior league held a meeting in their rooms in the Methodist church yesterday after noon. William G. French continues on the sick list and it, is doubtful if he will be able to take his annual trip to Florida this winter. All arrangements are completed for the fourteenth annual ball of the Watertown fire department which occurs on Thanksgiving eve. A large number of tickets have been disposed of already and a large, crowd is ex pected. The wedding of Frank B. Hiekox and Miss Elizabeth May Atwood took place at the Methodist church yesterday afternoon .the Rev Wil liam Warden officiating. The happy couple were attended by Mr and Mrs James Yard of Rocky Hill, Mrs Yard being a sister of the groom. After a short wedding trip they will re side on Center street in a new house recently erected by the groom. WATERYILLE William Slack is spending a vaca tion in New- York city. H. D. Smith of Boston was in town on a business trip yesterday. F. B. Pratt of Syracuse, N. Y., a salesman for the American Piu Co is in town on business. Miss Sara Barker has returned to Bridgeport after a short visit with relatives on Yale street. Albert Cioccio"s rabbit dog was badly chewed up in a fight with a bull dog owned by W. J. Weymer. Mr and Mrs John Cocker have gone to Lakeville for a two weeks visit with their son Joseph Cocker. Mrs Buker's cookery class will meet on Friday afternoon with Mrs Fred Stevens on Thomaston avenue. LAMPHERE WEEPS AS COURT CROWD JEERS Demonstration In Courtroom at Gunness Murder Trial, I.aporte, Ind.. Nov. 18. Kay Lam phere, the farmhand accused of mur dering Mrs. Belle Gunness and her three children by setting fire to their RAY LAMPHERE. home, wept in court when the spec tators, indignant at the revelations made by witnesses for the prosecu tion, shouted out jeers and threats. Several witnesses testified that I.am pbere made numerous threats against Mrs. Belle Gunness. Through these witnesses Prosecutor Smith tried to prove that a strong motive existed for Lamphere to annoy Mrs. Gunness and that this alleged annoyance terminat ed on the morning of April 28 in lam phere setting fire to the Gunness house and burning the murderess and her children. The love affairs of Mrs. Gunness and Lamphere were told by William Sla ter, and bis testimony tended to veri fy the state's contention that It was because of the falling out between the two that Lamphere sought to harm his former sweetheart and mistress. FLIES IN WRIGHT AEROPLANE Count do Lambert Make. Ascents Without Inventor. i Mans, Nor. 18. Count de I-am-hert made two flights unaccompanied In the Wright aeroplane. Oa each occasion he remained ia Um sir for about fifteen minute. AMERICAN FLAG USED IN UPRISING Outbreak In St Pierre De fies Government FACTION FOR ANNEXATION .Riotous Atsombly Marohos to Ameri can Consulate and Choors United States Question of Roligieus In struotion In Schools Has Exeitod tho Population British Gunboat Sent, Franco Has No Warship Nearsr Than Watt Indies. St. Pierre, N. F., Nov. 18.-The pop ular revolt against the government of this French Colony increases in strength every hour, and many are advocating annexation by the United States. The police force is powerless to restore order. A most significant incident wss the carrying of the American flag at the head of a marching host of more than 1,000 men, who visited the government house and the American consulate and cheered the United States. The manifestation on the part of the populace is due to the school question. The people of St. Pierre demand free schools in which religious instruction is given. Two schoolmasters charged with con ducting free schools were convicted and fined $200 each, aud the schools were closed. This inflamed the population, which assembled on the streets and violently denounced the French government. British Warship Sent to St. Pierre. St. John's, X. F., Nov. 18. Dispatch es from St. Tierre state that the sit uation there Is serious. The British warship Brilliant, now in St. John's harbor, has been direct ed to proceed to the French town. France has no warship nearer St Pierre than the West Indies. St. Pierre dispatches state that a crowd that marched to the govern ment house numbered 1.000 and that it also visited the American consulate and cheered the United States. It is believed here that should the French government refuse to recon sider its action in regard to the schools the annexation party at St. Pierre will endeavor to induce the United States to purchase the colony. Faction Favora Annexation. The action of the St. Pierre popu lace in displaying the American flag may or may not iudicate an organized attempt to bring about the annexation of the colony to the United States; An element in St. Pierre has long favored a transfer of the colony to the United States, but there is no reason to believe that France would part with the islands. The laws which are objectionable to the colonists are those which the French government adopted when re lations with the Roman Catholic church were severed. NEW CABLE FOR CANADA. Messages at Cut Rate. Between Eng land and Dominion. Montreal, Nov. 18.-The Hon. Ro dolpbe Leinie has been empowered to make definite arrangements with the British cabinet to lay a government cable between Great Britain and Can ada at the joint expense of the Brit ish. Canadian, Australian and New Zealand governments. Cablegrams are to cost flvepence a word Instead of a shilling and press messages 2Vs pence instead of five pence. NEW x TREATY WITH JAPAN. Said to Guarantee the Integrity of Chinese Empire. Honolulu, Nov. 18. The Hawaii Shimho publishes the text of a new treaty between Japan and the United States. The treaty, as published, guarantees the integrity of China. The emigra tion of laborers from cither country to the other is prohibited until a further agreement is reached. BALLOONS DRIVEN BACK. Race to Cro.a the Rockiea End. Where It Started. Los Angeles. Cal.. Nov. 18. Tht transcontinental balloon race between the two big balloons Amerk-a and United States is off. It ended where it Started. The last of the big gss bags to re turn to this city was the United States, which was brought In from Corona in an automobile. v $75,000 FOR ACTOR. Bequest From Mrs. O.born, Modi.te to tho Four Hundred. New York, Nov. 18.-By the will of Mrs. Josef a X. Osborn, the famous modiste to the Four Hundred, Ernest Lawford. the actor. Is left $75,000. The will names Miss Audrey Osborn, the fourteen-year-old dsugbter of the testatrix, as the ooly other beneficiary. The value of the estate is about $500,000. OUR CATTLE BARRED. Canada Forbid. Th.ir Importation From Penn.ylvania. Ottawa, Nov. 18. The Canadian gov ernment has made an order prohibit ing for sis months the Importation of cattle or hides from Pennsylvania. The cause alleged is the outbreak of foot and month disease In that state. Taft to Go to Havana. Havana, Nov. 18.-President Elect Taft will visit Havana to attend the inauguration of General Jose Miguel Gomes on Jan. 28 as president of Cuba, Get a new Set of Teeth or have the old one renaired to you can en iov toot Thankserivinr dinner. Prices rieht for all kinds of nlate work. Have that achinsr tooth ont or filled, and stop worrvine Yourself and vour family. No matter how nervous, vou can pet the best of treat ment and practically Painless Den tistrv. Consult us in all cases for sound practical advice. Don't forret the name. Best Dental CoM and the place,: over Manufacturers Bank. 65 Bank St. NUTMEG GRATINGS. Interesting Items Boiled Down for Our Bust Readers. , ' Hartford That tag day -for' the benefit of St Francis's hospital was a great success there can be no ques tion when it is known that $8,240.94 was received during the day. Farmington Representative and Mrs Nicholas Longworth are expect ed to attend the Yale-Harvard game on Saturday, and, either before or after that event, to visit Mrs Wil liam Sheffield Cowles, Mrs Long worth's aunt, at her home, Oldgate, Farmington. Bridgeport Margaret Kelly, 38 years old, inmate of the town farm, was burned to death in the basement of the Masonic temple last night. As she stood in front of the furnace the door blew open and the draught set her clothing on Are. Hartford All proceedings pend ing against Lucius B. Norton and wife in the courts of this country, with the exception of the suit that Noble E. Pierce has against Mr Nor ton to recover for legal services, have been disposed of. Mr Norton yesterday paid $15,000 to John J. McKone, Connecticut receiver for the National Mercantile company, of which Mr Norton was the principal owner. Mr McKone has the money on deposit in a local bank and after he pays his lawyers, the balance will go to creditors. Middletown .While on a vacation in New York last summer Benjamin Whitley and Miss Florence Polilfs, both residents of South Farms, were married at the Little Church Around the Corner. Now a certain Joha Branagan of Brooklyn, N. Y., has turned up and claims Mrs Whitley as his wife. He says he was married to her on December 31, 1907, in Brooklyn and threatened to bring an action for bigamy against her. Mrs Whitley or Mrs Branagan acknowl- edgesHhat she married Branagan but says she did not live with him after their marriage. D0RAND0 SURE HE'LL WIN. Italian Marathon Runner Here For Match With Hayea. New York, Nov. 18. Dorando Pletri, the -Italian runner who crossed the tape in the Marathon race at the Olympic games in London ahead of John J. Hayes, the American contest ant who was afterward declared win ner owing to the disqualification of the Italian, has arrived here from Europe. On Thanksgiving eve he will meet Hayes in a specially arranged race in Madison Square Garden over the same distance as the Marathon, 26 miles 383 yards. "I ought to have three or four weeks In which to get ready for my race with Hayes," said the Italian runner, "but even with the short time at my dis posal in which to get ready for the race I am confident that I shall beat Hayes. NINE CONVICTS BURNED. Died In Fire Set by Themselvee In Plot to Escape. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 18. Fifty state convicts employed In the mines at Pratt City formed a conspiracy to set No. 3 mine afire and escape during the confusion, and as a result nine con victs were burned to death. Forty-one of the convicts were caught as they came from the main entry. Rescue work was then begun, for in addition to the convicts there were free laborers in the mines. All got out safely except the nine con victs near the source of the flames. PREMIER LAURIER COMING. Canadian Statesman Promiaea to Viait - Bo.ton. Ottawa. Nov. 18 A deputation of the Merchants association of Boston waited upon Sir Wilfrid Laurler bear ing a message of good will and asking him to visit Boston as the guest of the association. Sir Wilfrid promised to do so. 1 esMsSaanM' " 4- -a EYE CLASSES Gold Filled Eye Glasses worth $3.50 Sl.OO. including- a free examination, and Convex Lenses, first quality. Money back If not as represented. We make anAM nf rhllriritn'a raM Aft i the aight gone then what? Our 'prices are the lowest for the right . glasses. We are permanently located, In Waterbury. - The Bett 'Optical Co., 18 Abbottye. Waterbury. Com AILY ASHIOU YALKC PY DAY A PRETTY FROCK OF P.tAID, LAID materials aw always pretty uaraiing, (racial ana attractive as well can be yet (s perfectly simple and girlish. The over blouse is dosed at the back but, never the right front is lapped over the left to give something of a surplice fees. material . or ii, zVx yards 44 incbes wide. For the guimpe will be needed 1 V yards of material 36 with yards of net 44 inches wide for the stseyes and facing. A Mar Man ton pattern of the over blouse, No. 5703, or of the ikirt, . No. 6086, or of the guimpe, No. 6(66, aires (4 and 16 years, will be mailed to any address by the Fa.hlon Department of this paper on receipt of ten cents for each. (If m haste send an additional two cent stamp tor letter postage which insures more prompt delivery.) Fill out coupon and mail with stamps or coin to tne Fasniou department Waterbury Democrat Pattern No .Size To ...... Town , .-, .-. ...... V ... Et and No. SIXTEEN , SAVED AT SEA. Owner Dies on Land While Bark Oa berga Sinks. Lewes, Del., Nov. 18. Snatched from the Jaws of death, Captain D. F. Doug las and crew of fifteen men of the bark Osberga were rescued at sea, while their vessel sank, about 700 miles oft the Delaware capes. The men were landed here from the British steamer Bt. Helena, which saved them. , While the Osberera was sinking; as the result of terrible, pounding in a Kale her owner. Captain Thomas Douglas, died in New York city.. He had been In the West Indies and was on his way to meet the bark at Port land. ' '-' BEDOUINS DEFEAT TURKS. Thirty Soldiers Killed and Many Fieldpl.ce. Captured. London, Nov. 18. Telep-ams from Medina, Arabia, give details of sn en gagement between Turkish troops and a large force of Bedouins. Three batjp lions occupying Belt el Bawl were compelled to retire on Me dina with two officers and twenty eight men killed and forty wounded. The Bedouins captured many fieli. pieces, Corrigan Sella Hie Horeee. Lexington. Ky., Nov. lg.-Edward Corrigan, veteran turfman and racs track owner, has made arrangements to sell all of his horses. FOR SATURDAY LENOX, LENOX, LENOX, Soap 3c Cake, 3c Cake, 3c Cake s " 1 ALL SPECIAL FOR GASH. The White-Simmons Co., Phone 710. MANTOn for young girls and this frock is fait as suggestion and also combines with tht skirt to give long con ' tlnuous lines, the opening of the latter being mads a t t h e front. Still mors of the ' princess ' Idea , can be obtained, -however, , by continuing the ' trimming down over the hem of the skirt in place of using buttons 1 only, . although , . the (two gar ; . meats art ouito ... separate. There ' is also a separata , -guimpe which . can be of any ' material, but the point f esprit net Il lustrated is one of the most v fashionable and most girlish that can be used. ' Plaid materia s i are not the only ones that would be . appropriate ; tor the dress foe ' it can be mack - fromthetasblon able cashmere -trom the pongee that la so much worn for indoor gowns, from -voile, from chif fon broadcloth . and from almost any waeonabla . material. Chif fon broadcloth, by the way, la exceedingly amart for winter N wear and the ' ' model would be charming - made . , of that material in the n e w aprlcot c o lo t with bands cither of satia in the same shace or of applique or trimming of soutache. For the S6 year size will fce required, for the over bloooc 2 y yards "'of - ma- ' tertal 24. or 27, , yard's 44 in ches wide whh 3K yards of banding i for the Ladies' and Gents' Reliable Easy Terms, Satisfaction Guaranteed. WALLACE & CO. 25 Abbott Ave., Nesr Jacquts' Opera Houss. Who!! and ReUil. LS' Imml U II