Newspaper Page Text
'liifeflifi VOL. XXI, NO. 202 12 Paces. WATEHHUHY. CONN.,, FIUDAY, XOVEMUEll 20, 1008. 12 Paces PRICE TWO CENTO. I: CORE JUICY PLUMS Ctaralsiloo on Public Service Recommends Three $7,500 . Places Uoder New Law. Hartford, Nov 20. The report f-f the special commission on the ques tlou of a public service commission, appointed., by the last legislature, U made public this morning. Tie 'members of the commission are Mar cus H.' Holcomb of Southlagton, t Thomas Dudley Bradstreet of Thorn aston, Charles Phelps of Roekvllle, Pi H. Woodward of Hartford and Washington F. Wilcox of Chester. Judge Holcomb Is the attorney-general of the state, Mr Bradstreet la the comptroller, Mr Phelps is a former attorney-general and Is now the state's attorney for Tolland c.iunty, Mr Woodward was long a useful pub lic official at Washington and Mr (Wilcox Is a former congressman tmd former railroad commissioner. - The commission reports primarily In' favdr of establishing for this state a public service commission. It is proposed that this commission rhall 'consist of three members, to be named by the governor and confirmed by the concurrent action of both branches of the general assembly, os is the case with the appointment of the higher Judges. The salaries are to be $7,500 each, which also !j the same as the judges have, in the first Instance the members are to be ap pointed for two, four and six years and after that one member is to be appointed for six years at each ses sion of the legislature. The gov- ' ernor fills vacancies occurring be-, tween sessions, to hold until the ris ing of the next general assembly. Commissioners can be removed by the superior court on written com plaint of the attorney-general and after a hearing. No stockholder, agent or employe of any company subject to the commission shall be eligible for a commlsslonership. . The board is to have an office at the Capitol and to keep records, em ploy a clerk and accountants, etc, a3 seems best to the members, but with in the appropriation made for the purpose. The duties are thus gen erally defined: "The commission shall have the general supervision of all railroad, street railway, gas, electric, water, express, telephone and telegraph companies in so far as they are sub ject to state control, and shall keep, itself fully informed as to the com pliance with law by said companies, and, when deemed necessary, shall report violations of law to proper officials having Jurisdiction of "bush violations." ' j The report provides for the or ganization of any public service cor poration uuder a general law which it presents.' Any three or more per sons are permitted thus to incorpor ate, under prescribed, conditions and at all times under the supervision or this commission. If a company does not apply to . the commission -,. for leae to do business within a year , of its organization or if, having re ceived authorization, it neglects be yond a reasonable time to go to work, then its corporate powers cease. ' ' ' ' , When gas, electric, water and tel ephone companies want to do busi n ess they must apply to the commis sion and various stipulations are laid down for., this-procedure. One im-. portant section says: Such application shall be denied in so far as the same isks author ity to furnish service In any territory in which another company 1b active ly furnishing reasonable service . of ,. like character to that for which ap plication is made." . If company fails to go work within the time specified by the com mission, the authority becomes void and the same company cannot apply again for two years, unless the com mission once, for sufficient reason, grant an extension.-. An important section ays: . "All existing charter rights to erect structures in,' over or under the highways or other public places in this state, or to condemn private property for public uses, shall cease and terminate on July 1, 1909, ex cept as extended by the commission in accordance with the provisions of the preceding sections; provided, however, that any gas," electric, water or telephone company may ex tend ltB construction in, over or un der the highways In any towns in which such company shall, on the first day of July, 1909, be legally supplying service for general use un- iu- charter rights." Provision is made for reportB to and by the commission and it stipu lates that the holders of 25 per cent of the stock or the bonds or. the notes (issued for more than a year) of any corporation subject to the commission may request a special examination of its affairs by tha commission and if they put up secur ity for the cost of the examination, ii shall be made.- The commission may also make examinations on its own motion. - The commission Is given the power when local authorities . bring com plaint to it, to hear the question of rates and, "if it shall find such rates and charges to be unreasonable, de termine and prescribe what will be Jest and reasonable rates or charges to be thereafter maintained by such company :p vJ va the maxi mum to be cha'gtd.' When a company wishes to issue stock, bonds or coupon notes, it must get permission and - state among other things what is to be done with the proceeds. No company can issue bonds, coupon notes of other evi dences of Indebtedness payable more than twelve months away, to an amount, including those already issued,-equal to Us capital r'.rc k tc- tually paid in. .Here is another revision in full: - No stocks, bonds, coupon notes other evidences of indebtedness shall be Issued by any publio service company organised under the laws ct this state ether than for cash or for property found by the commis si in to bs of equivalent value. No stock shall be issued at less than par by such companies. Bonds, coupon notes and other evidences of Indebt edness may be Issued by such com panies at less than par but shall not be issued for less than their fair market value as determined by the commission. Stock and script divi dends by such companies are hereby prohibited." The laws as laid ('.own cover all public, service corporations and go minutely Into details, which the gen eral statutes now cover more or less such as railroads affairs, water and gag company business and so on. THE NATION'S RESOURCES. Second Conference of Governors in Washington to. Consider Subject.' Washington, Nov 19. The much talked-of inventory-of the nation's resources is now practically complet ed.' To consider the material it has brought together the National Con servation commission has Just an nounced its first full meeting for Tuesday, December 1, In Washington. At that meeting the first steps will be taken toward putting Into tang ible shape the results of the six months' hard work on taking stock of the country's waters, forests, lands and minerals. One week later, after the commis sion has gone over the inventory, it will hold a joint meeting in Wash ington with the governors of the states and territories, or their repre sentatives. At this meeting the In ventory will be further discussed and the report which the president has requested the commission to make to him by January 1, will be formu lated. With less than six months in which to make the inventory, the four branches into which the commission Is divided, aided by the cooperation of the . government departments, have brought together what is prob ably the most useful collection of facts about the material things on which national Industry and progress are based that has ever been as sembled at one time. Reports pre senting these facts and pointing out their significance have been prepar ed. These" reports, summarized and Indexed, will be submitted to tne commission at its meetinng. All through the summer general interest in the work and object of the Conservation commission has been growing.. The public Is now well posted on a' subject of which only a few specialists had knowledge at the time of the conference or gov ernors and experts at the white house in May The governors carried ' the spirit of the conference home with them to their own people, and have kept thinnr moving ever sitffte or appornr- lng state commissioners to study lo cal problems, by writing ana speaK ing upon the subject of conservation and by keeping in close, and help ful touch with the national com mission. They are ready to take Dart In the approaching joint meet ing. . The bare announcement that resulted in a numberfnffl;fnfflfflfnfn It hart been set for December resulted in a number of acceptances before the formar invitation of the commission had even got into the mails When the conservation movement was started, specific information about the actual state of our re Rources was partly wanting, partly In accessible. Certain facts were broadly known. , It was at least unquestion able that our resources had - been wastefully used, and that some of them, notably the mines, were sure in time to be completely exhausted, while others, for example the forests, would still be kept perpetually use ful by right management. The first work was to get the facts," to snow exactly what the situation was and how it could be Improved by mas ures that would work. Without an inventory of the resources which would show the present condition of the resources and the way to develop them to the best advantage, conser vation was in danger of staying up in the air. But the work is now practically done. The facts are there, in dollars and cents, tons of coal, board feet of timber, acre-feet and horse-power of water, acres of land. And the possible reform measures have been weighed. The final report to the president will be the necessary supplement to the addresses at the white house con ference. The note of these addresses was a note of warning. The report Is -expected to show that the warn ing must be heeded If the exhaustion of natural resources is not, one day, to Impoverish the nation, and it will also undoubtedly bring out how the country's resources can be developed so as to list the longest possible time and serve the greatest good of the people. Seven Laborers Killed. Chicago, Nov 20. Seven track la borers on a hand car were run down by a Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad passenger train betwen Highland and La Grange, 111, to-day and killed. Savage la Back New York, Nov 20. Henry W. Savage th theatrical manager return ed to-day on the Lusitanla from an extended European trip. - ' WEATHER FOEECAST. Forecast for Connecticut: Fair and colder to-night; Saturday fair; light northwest to west winds. An area of high pressure la cen tral this morning over lower Michi gan and extending southwestward to adlfornla. The area of low pressure which produced the rain la this vicinity last night Is, now central off Nan tucket. Another low are 1 central north of. Edmonton, British worthwest. . Conditions ' favor for this vlc'nit? fair and colder to-night. Saturday fair. v - 20 ARE DEAD Gai Explosion la a Street ol BreoUjo To-day Made a 50 Fool Excavation PEOPLE DIE IN HOLE New York, Nov 20. Twenty per sons are believed to have lost their lives as the result of an explosion of a gas main at Gold and Front streets, Brooklyn, to-day. Practically '.he whole street from stoop to stoop had been tumbled Into a fifty foot excava tion In which fifteen or more men were working and a number of per sons who were walking along the street are believed to have been car ried down in the crash. It h be lieved that every person who went into the excavation was killed in stantly, or smothered or drowned. Fifty tenements in the block are In such danger of falling into the trench that the occupants have been ordered out by the police. The streets in the immediate vicinity are filled with wailing women and children who have been unable to get anj' word from relatives who were to have been iu the vicinity when the explosion occurred. At least one wo man and three little girls are said to have been swallowed up In the cave-in which followed the explosion. Four of the men who were buried are reported to have escaped by crawling through a sewer which emp ties into the East river. So great was the mass of broken timbers and mud in the bottom of the trench that four hours after .the explosion the police and firemen had been able to find only one body, that of the man told of below, who was burned to death trying to rescue a woman. Timbers were hauled to the scene to shore up the walls and the flow of water and gas was shut off. An employe of the gas company who was sent to turn off the gas was ar rested and charged with homicide, although it is not known that ho had anything to do with the accident. Five Italians who had been hanging about the scene before the explosion were also taken into custody on sus picion. . : The explosion tore the street to pieces for rods on either side and the men who were working in an excava tion for a big sewer pipe were burled by the debris which fell in upon them. Fire followed the explosion. Sam uel Trout, who lived near the scene, lost his life in attempting to save a woman -who-was passing through Gold street at the time of the explos ion and fell into the trench. Trout was caught by the flames from the blazing gas main and roasted alive The woman was dragged out of the trench and saved by a boy. The workmen were digging a trench through Gold street for the installa tion of a thirty-six inch sewer pipe. The excavation was to be nearlv forty feet deep and as the laborers removed the earth, the walls had wfil J??? up b-v lare timbers. With Charles Schiffmeyer a city In spector of sewers overseeing the work this forenoon the men were working at the bottom of the trench when an accumulation of gas from a main which had been accidentally broken during the work exploded with tremendous force. The sup porting timbers xwere ripped away and the high dirt walls toppled over on Schiffmeyer and his men A large water main also was broken by the force of the explosion and a torrent of water began to spurt up. through the mass of wreckage. Almost side by side with these spurting geysers roared the names irom tne b-h whui, ., a from the broken main. Firemen nH workmen from the city water depart ment and the gas company worked desperately in an effort to check the flow of gas and water and to relieve the men who had been imprisoned There seemed little hope, however, that any of those who had been at work at the bottom of the trench could have escaped death. Nearly half an hour's work was required to reach the body of trout who had been burned to death on the surface of the street. The bodies of the oth. er men are believed to be hnrlp.i nn. der tons of earth. Every building for blocks was se verely shaken by the explosion and it was at first feared that some had sustained serious damage. Among he buildings which received nearly the full force of the shock are n la. Roman Catholic crurch and a paro- cniai scnooi. in tne immense crowd which flocked to teh scene . were mothers of many children who fear ed that their little ones in the school bulldlne- were in da na-er. It. ronnlr. ed all the efforts of the large force of police to keep the crowd back out of danger and to Keep tern irom inter fering with the workers who were endeavoring to reach the imprisoned men. Fled With Child's Body New Britain. Nor 20. Mrs Joseph Korzon of No 14 Crown street led her relatives an exciting chase early Wednesday morning In the north western part of the town by fleeing with the body of her 14-months-old child in her arms. When she was caught, her friends had to take the child's body away from her by force. The dead child was Bolesla, the wo man's first born, and she was crazed over the little one's death. She was Inconsolable over the child's death. The funeral was arranged for Wed nesday morning, and when the mother brooded over the thought of the separation she was distracted and seized the body out of the cas ket. She ran for a . considerable distance until she stopped ont of sheer weakness. She then made a struggle before she gave the child op. Th mother was reported yes terday aftertrnon to b retaining her senses and to be much better, - TOE 0JL CASE - Alforoey Frank P. Kellogg Gave Ibe Slaodard Mao a Quiz zing To day. New York, Nov 20. Mr Rocke feller, was again on v the witness stand when the hearing was, resum ed to-day. His cross examination was at once begun by Frank D. Kel logg, special assistant 'district attor ney. . - Mr Kellogg said tbe cross examin ation would not be confined to the period between 1862 and 1882 con cerning which Mr Rockefeller gave evidence on his direct examination but would cover also subsequent de velopments which were connected di rectly with, those of the period de scribed by' Mr Rockefeller. In re sponse to questions about the Haz ardous nature of the oil b usiness ow ing to the possibility of failure of supply, Mr Rockefeller said that the production of crude oil in the Penn sylvania field had steadily increased from 1863 to 1900 Mr Kellogg read figures from an official report showing that the Pennsylvania field reached its highest point of produc tion in 1900. Mr Rockefeller denied that the supply of crude oil had al ways been ample and asiierted that it had fluctuated but that the supply is larger now than when he was ac tively engaged In business. , He was asked about the develop ment of oil fields in Ohio and Okla homa, but said that be knew little about them as they had been active ly worked since he retired from business. He described the drilling and production of oil as of the char acter of a mining business. 115 said it was the policy of bis company to pay for its oil at the wells and that the larger part of the oil it refined was purchased from the producer. SHAH IN FURIOUS RAGE. Diamines Merchants Who Ask Him to Restore Constitution. Teheran, Persia, Nov. 20. The cler gy and merchants held separate meet ings to discuss the question of calling a new parliament. The clergy unani mously adopted n statement drawu up by the shah, who received them in audience with exceeding complacency. He also gave au audience -to the merchants, one of whom began to address the shah, saylug, "We re nounce the constitution" . , ' Whereupon auother spokesman,' in terrupting, demanded iu the name of fhe whole .-people' thar theebnstitu- tlbU be rjfjtored. The shah became extremely angry and iustautly dismissed the merchants without answer. . FREE TRADE WITH CANADA. James J. Hill Advocates ' Abolition of '," All Tariff. New York, Nov. 20. At the chamber of commerce bnnquet, held at the Waldorf-Astoria, James J. Hill, the rail road builder of the northwest,' advo cated absolute free trade between Can ada and the 1'ntted States. He said: "I believe fliat the most natural, the most rational, the most highly profit able commercial status between Can ada and the I'nited States is absolute freedom of trade. "Pendiug the arrival of that I be lieve that those who have the inter ests of both countries at heart should work for the establishment of a trade reciprocity In all natural products." HANDING OUT JUSTICE Cases in Chicago Which are Attract ing Much Attention. Chicago, Nov 20. Thirty days in jail for a man charged with murder, who had slashed his victims throat with a razor, stabbed another man in the abdomen and crushed the skull of a third, and' eight years in the penitentiary' for a man who had stolen a pair of boots because be had none, were sentences imposed yes terday by a jury which tried the two defendants in the lake county, Indi ana, superior court sitting at Ham mond. The man charged with mur der was - Joseph , Mahovski. The other defendant was Lawrence Ryan. His sentence was adjudged under the Indeterminate act. SIR HARRY K. JOHNSTON' Sir Harry K. Johnston, governor of British East Africa, who I no visiting this country. He called on President Roosevelt a few days ago and after lunching with him. an nonnced that during their conver sation he found out that Mr Roose velt knows more about the African Jangles than he. mar CATTLE DISEASE Secretary Wilson, and Olber OfJlcials Worklog Willi Ulgbl lo Crush Epidemic KEY ST0NEST ATE BUSY Washington, Nov 20. Vigorous efforts will be made by the depart ment of agriculture to stamp out the dreaded contagious ailment among cuttle known as foot and mouth dis ease which has-been discovered to exist among live slock in Pennsyl vania and New York states, and us a result of which Secretary Wilson yes terday Issued an order kuarantii'ing these two states. The order issued by the secretary yesterdaf which be came effective Immediately makes the quarantine exceedingly rigid. The department hopes to prevent the disease from spreading widely. Dr B. P. Wende of the bureau of ani mal Industry has gone to Michigan to investigate a suspected source of the origin of the present infection. Philadelphia, Nov 20. All the re sources of the state of Pennsylvania will be drawn upon if necesary to stamp out the foot and mouth disease amoug the cattle of the state. Dr Leonard Pearson of the University of Pennsylvania, state veterinarian, Is in charge of the commonwealth forces. Buffalo, N. Y., Nov 20. State Commissioner R. A. Pearson, relative to the quarantining of the East Buf falo stock yards, says: "The practi cal effect of the quarantines orders upon the great packing interests centered at Buffalo is a relatively un important matter. The disease has not been found here. Slaughtering and packing can go on. Thorough precautionary disinfection measures have been in force at the stock yards now for several days and It Is ex pected that thorough shipments of cattle from unsuspected sources may continue as heretorore. "Temporarily during the period of the quarantine the sale of milch cows and stockers will be suspended. Committee at Work ' New York, Nov 20. The read justment committee which has been mi work on a reorganization of the Westinghouse interests, to-day de clared the reorganization plan effec tive from this date. ... CTTY NEWS. The Laurels will meet to practice to-night. They will also play the Colts Sunday at Reidvllle for $100 a side. There was no material change to day in the condition of Mrs Edith French, who 'is still at the Water bury hospital. John Kelly has bought of Joseph Srahan his house at the corner of Galvln and 'Baldwin place, formerly known as the Phelan property. John Reardon, employed by the Buffalo Bill Wild West show, is spending a few weeks at his home in this city. He has Just returned rom Memphis, Tenn. St Joseph's T. A. society gave an .entertainment and dance in Leaven worth ball last evening in honor of their 16th anniversary and also to show to the yourig women who can vassed at their fair some weeks ago that their services were appreciated. About sixty couple were in attend ance. About 300 members of the New England Order of Protection . gath ered at the rooms of Anchor lodge last night to observe the fortieth an niversary of the founding of the or ganization. The out of town guests Included Supreme Warden F. T. Pea body of Melrose, Mass, and Stnte Deputy F. H. Towles of Windsor. Twenty-five candidates were initiated. A laborer named Albert Falano, employed on construction work at the plant of the Waterbury Manufac turing Co, was injured this forenoon. A quantity of building material fell some distance onto his head and shoulders, knocking him senseless. It was reported he died on the way to the hospital, but inquiry there showed he was doing well. His in juries are about the bead. It is ex pected that he will live. The caw of John Cavanauli, r'narged with attempting to murder Mrs Edith French on the Simonsville road last Monnay evening has been adjourned to Monday morning as the condition of the woman will not al low her to appear in court. Cava naugh is vlsted every day Aud even !ng by his y.-rc. He is very moroe an( what he has said to the police leads them ,o believe that he was tantalized c goaded into doing what he .I'd by 'he inj'ired worian. His head is Biil! !n bandages. Because he wore more tags than anyone else on tag day some friends of Food Inspector P, T. Keeley gave him a surprise last evening. When the doctor got home about 7 o'clock he found his office fix-d up in great shape with a table running down the middle already laid for some good things to be placed on it. While the doctor was looking r.round wonder ing what it all meant, various friends entered by one door and another and soon after a nearby caterer followed with the first dishes of the "spread." After the feast John B. Moran sung "When You Were Sweet Sixteen." and everybody began to dance. Thomas Quint recited an original venw or two which he called "When I Was a School Carpenter," and Thomas Hayes of Kingsbury sreet told of the monkey drill in the army. Frank Finnegan told about the to bacco trust, after which Raymond Neal took the stage, so tc rpeak. It was a very pleasant evening winding up with a bpeect from the doctor. CRUISER STRIKES Crew Bescoed Vessel lo Criti cal Position Prrparlog . For long Cruise. AJacclo, Corsica, Nov 20. The French cruiser, Conde, ran on the rocks off the Corslcan coast to-day during a heavy storm. The accident occurred durin gtbe maneuvers .of the fleet. The other warships aided In the rescue of the crew. ' Her posi tion Is critical. There was no loss of life. - Cherbourg, Nov 20. The French cruisers Admiral Aube and Oueydon to-day reeclved orders to take on pro visions for a long cruise. The desti nation. of these warships is believed to be St Pierre, Mlquelon, where there has been more or less trouble and disorder recently among the peo ple on account of the local school sit. uation. MOTHERS CLUB Mothers Listened to Paper at Mul caby School Yesterday. Mrs Charles H. Keyes of Hartford read a paper on "Mothers' clubs" before a large number. of women at the Mulcahy school after school was dismissed yesterday afternoon. The objects of the association are mani fold, but the principal aim is to put mothers In touch with those who have charge of their children in the schools so that they may know whether the pupils are putting for ward their best efforts or not. The intention was to form a branch of the organization yesterday and elect officers, but when they got to that point It was discovered that most of those in attendance had to return home to prepare the evening meal, and it was decided to defer action on these matters until the next meeting which will be held' a week from next Thursday. Miss O'Neill the principal of the school, is taking considerable interest in the forma tion of the society and says she is confident that when they get togeth er she will have a" mothers' club in the district Which will be beneficial in more ways than one. Miss O'Neill wants parents to call and have a talk with her when they see too many D's and too few E's marked on the cards sent home once a month. Big Demand for Buildings. There is big demand for the old buildings, which the city is tearing down on Livery street, but they don't bring much. It costs something to take down a building and move the pieces away and as a result few care to bid high. A Prospect farmer looked oyer the different structures to-day and finally concluded that the Luke Stapleton building was just what he wanted, but when he heard that it was a saloon he scratched his head and declared that Prospect Is a no license town and the building was no use to him. During the past few days hundreds called to se-j the Casey place and nearly all wanted to have a chat with the occupant, but very few of them saw her. American Selected. St Petersburg, Nov 20. William Barry, an American engineer, has been selected by Finance Minister Kokovosoff to be president of the Nevsky Shipbuilding Co. Tha com pany is controlled by the government and It gets a large share of the nava; construction work. Blown to Pieces. Brownsville, Pa, ov 20. One man was blown to pieces and five others were probably fatally injured when a quantity of dynamite exploded in the shaft of the Simpson coal mine near here. Find a tenant for that vacant ten ement by placing a 35-cent adr Is the PMnocrst. , , , quality nor construction can be better. Your Turkey Cooked in a Glenwood Will Be Perfect. The Hampson-Sellcw Furniture: Company, G1ESW00D RANGE AGENCY. 118-120 BAI.2 ST2XXT. H ; LONDON EXCITED Owloo lo Breaking Ool ol Feci and Moolb Disease Adoe? -American Callle. London, Nov 20. The announce-1' ment of the outbreak in New York state and Pennsylvania of the foot and mouth disease among cattle has caused anxiety here, as the prospec tivep rohlbltlon of the Importation of cattle from thep ort of New York opens up the prospect of a serious shortage in the meat supply of Great Britain and a consquent riso la' prices. As soon as the first informa tion of the outbreak of this disease In Pennsylvania reached the British board of agriculture two days ago, the entire staff of Inspectors prepar ed to meet all In-comlng ships, and the importation of hay and straw as well as live stock from Pennsylvania was prohibited. ROBBERS GOT 6,000 Held People at Bay While They Touched the Safe. Attica, Nov 20. Robbers held several citizens at bay early to-day, while they blew open and robbed the? safe of the Rennlnger & Sllcox firm of $6,000 in cash. The robbers were) fired upon but escaped. WARLIKE M0R0S GATHER. Five Companies of Infantry, With! Guns, Sent After Them. ,- Manila, Nov. 20. Several hnndredi warlike Moron have gathered near Ma labang. A column of five companies of lnfan-1 try, with a couple of guns, has bees sent out to make a reconnolsancs. 1 Indian Commissioner Dead. New Yerk, Nov. 20. Darwin R James, chairman of the federal board of Indian commissioners, is dead here. He was a mewber of congress from 1883 to js7. Schools Broken Into Southington, Nov 20. The South ington public schools are being rob bed. Late last night or early this morning the South Center school building was broken Into, entrance being effected by forcing a rear door. Superintendent of Schools Morse said that he could not tell how great the loss is, but he knows that a number of valuable articles were stolen. "'A few days ago: the North Center school house was broken into under the same circumstances and it is believed that both burglaries were committed-. by the same persons. To Develop Trade. St' Petersbur. Nov 20. Tn view of boycott of Austrian goods by Tur key and Servia, an outcome of tha political antipathy, in the near east, the ministry of commerce has decided to send out six special agents to de velop Russian trade in this territory. Called on the King Rome, Nov 20. Foreign Minister Tittoni called upon King George of Greece in this cfty to-day and ex plainde to his majesty the standing' of Italy in the present international situation. . BAKING POWDER 12c lb. ean. . Every can bears this legend: Guar anteed under the Food and Drug act of Congress, June 30, 190S. Best Teas 2&c 1U Best Coffees .... , . ; . . . ... 20c None higher. v . ... . EASTERN TEA IMPORTERS Co 89 South Main St. Up One Flight WE'RE SELLING LOTS . . OF DINING ROOM SUITS for Thanksgiving. The beiit J0.00 Center Post Pedestal Table on the market is here again. No matter how much you may pay neither